HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-23, Page 26Page 28—Crossroads—Oct. 23, 1 ' 15 JUH:iI'11EJ19 Picture is a transfer print By James G. McCollam Q. The mark on this plate is "Empire" above a wreath and "Trenton, N.J." below. What can you tell me about its history and value? Was this portrait hand painted? A. In 1863, the Empire Pottery Co. was founded and in 1892 it becarii'e part of the Trenton Potteries Co. Your plate was made be- tween 1892 and 1904. The value would be in the $60 to $70 range. The picture of the fashion- able lady was a transfer print - something like the decals you stick on automo- bile windows. A final glaze followed and protected the transfer from wearing off. Q. I am confused by all the different marks used on Haviland china. Mine has the enclosed mark. I don't know the name of the pattern, but I have an 82 -piece service for 12. Can you tell me when it was made and its value? A. The name of a Haviland pattern is less important than its vintage. Yours was made in the late 1930s, just before Theodore Haviland started production in the United States. An 82 -piece service for 12 probably would sell in the $500 to $600 range. Q. I know that Coca-Cola trays (lithographed tin) bring fantastic prices. What EMPIRE POTTERY... Made between 1892 - 1904. INSULATING??? NOW :71-P d.tidor IS THE TIME Homes built prior to Sept. 1, 1977 are now eligible for a C.H.I.P. Grant up to a maximum of `500.00 off your insulating costs. C.H.I.P. GRANTS END MARCH 31,1986, FREE ESTIMATES CG§B cert. No. Ont. 250 • Urethane Foam • Blown Cellulose - Fibreglass -----e Air Seal Testing "Satisfaction Guaranteed" Hunter Insulation Ltd. 214 - 10th St., Hanover CaII Collect or Evenings 364-4494 369-6888 Calligraphy No Nonsense Pen Set by Sheaffer. Complete with everything you need to make ,all your writing more distinctive. Available at: 188 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel. 291-1660 Canadian Foundation for Ileitis & Colitis Waterloo -Wellington Chapter announces a General Education Meeting Monday, November 4/85 at 7:30 --pen— --.... ,.... at K -W Hospital Nurses° Auditorium (off Green St.), Kitchener, Ont. ---•-GUEST-_SP_EAK.ERS:.__ .._..._.. Dr. P. K. Kutty, Gastroenterologist and Dr. D. J. Cameron, Surgeon TOPIC: "New Happenings & Findings and Surgical Procedures for I.B.D. Sufferers" Everyone Welcome To Attend ackyard Gardener �t.IrmtOGES THEODORE HAVI LAND .94p40� about trays advertising other products? A. Old tin trays are all col- lectible. Thos.e that are dated or can be dated by the art work bring the best prices. Here are some typical listings: Beamer shoes, 1900, $55; Collins' Ice Cream, 1906, $80; Cunningham Ice Cream, 1915, $115; Harvard Brewing Co., 1907, $75; Health Bever- age Co., 1886, $75; Ruppert Beer and Ale, 1938, $32; Thompson Funeral Directdr, 1926, $25; Muriel Cigars, 1910, $40; Old Cornelius Whiskey, 1906, $115; Pepsi- Cola, 1950, $30; Rheingold Beer, 1933, $40; Staley's Flour, $35. Q. The enclosed mark is on c the bottom of my vase. It is 6 inches tall and made of hand- i painted china. c I have been told that is s over 100 years old and quite valuable. Can you confirm t that? fl A. First, let us clear up the ,t vintage. Czchoslovakia was S founded in 1918, so this fl couldn't possibly. be more g than 67 years old. Amphora p pottery has been made in T Turn, Austria (now fo Trnovany, Czechoslo-vakia) th since 1982. be Your vase probably would th sell for $125 to $135 and was bl made between 1918 and 1938. bl It's time to plant springfIow�rjng bulbs By Patrick Denton Most home gardeners joy, and greatly look forw to., the colorful sights pleasant scents of spr flowering bulbs. Aire most off us will have be prowling about the gard looking for pockets of f space that could accomm ate a planting of some off bulb flowers. To bring us their delig spring -flowering bulbs m be planted in the fall, for side each bulb is an e bryonic flower that requi a prolonged period of cold trigger its complete devel ment into a fully develop flower. And because t bulbs come complete w their flowers in embryo ready tucked inside the they are among the easiest plants to grow. There is a flower type a chlor to suit everybody predilections in taste. And hoosing from among earl mid-season and late bloo ng types, the home garden an enjoy a long season pring bulb flowers. There are many areas i he garden where sprin owgring bulbs can yiel heir individual pleasure mall pockets. of bul owers can be used to fi aps between foundation atio and border shrubbery his is an excellent metho r brightening dark gaps i e spring garden. They. ca given a display bed al eir own, massed with soli ocks of complementar ooms arranged in gently rved lines. Some can be planted in ound covers; others can be rayed in casual drifts ong pathways and around wns. Low growers are al for rock gardens. Early bloomers like erian squill, early tulips e the Kaufmanniana or terlily and the Greigii iris, along with early daf- ils, crocus and snowdrops ere they are hardy, are al for planting under iduous trees and shrubs t will leaf out after the b flowers fade. The size of the area you planting will determine many bulbs of each iety to purchase. In small ket'plants, six to 10 bulbs ke a nice grouping. In ger • display beds, eties _sbituld__really --he- ed in groups of at least a en- ard and ing- ady gun en, ree od- the ht, ust in- m - res to op- ed he i th. aa - m, of nd 's by y, m- er of n g - d s. , b 11 Madetn AMPHORA A017 -out Send your questions about antiques with picture(s), a detailed description, self-ad- dressed envelope and $2 per item to James G. McCollam,, - P.O. Box 720, Clifton Park, NY 12065. All questions will be answered but published pictures cannot be returned. (McCollam is a member of, the Antique Appraisers As- sociation of America.) .1 German in 3 overweight Half the deaths in West Germany result from _dietary _.disor_ders;-aeeording to a government -commis - I sioned survey, which says also that every third Ger- man is overweight. In most cases they becamwe fat be- tween ages 14 and 20, not earlier. 7 billion greeting cards Greeting cards have be- come a way of life around the world. In the Unted' States alone, more than 7 billion of them are sent each year, the National Associa- tion of Greeting Cards esti- mates. a n n 1 d y cu gr ar al la ide Sib lik wa tul fod wh ide dec tha bul are how var poc ma lar vari plac dozen for best effect. In such larger plantings, aim for cutved lines between colors and flower types, to avoid a rigid military look to your flowerbed. Whether they are to be planted in one open area, in pockets between shrubs, in ground covers or on the rock garden, the soil must be well drained and the area' must receive some sun. If you are planting in be- tween shrubs or rockery plants, the soil will need to be loosened first with a hand RETORN WITH US m 11 Owe THIS IS YOUR F61 THIS ABC RADIO SERIES IS SOMETIMES CONFUSED WITH AN EARLIER CBS SERIES CALLED 7 -He A51 ACTORDACE AMC WAR. ACTOR STACY HARRIS THEAGENTDJIM TAYRLOR.HE WAS SUPPORTED BY SUCH SEASONED PERFORMERS AS KARL SWENSON, SANTOS ORTEGA, ELSPETH ERIC AND MANDEL KRAMER. 1 FRANK LOVEJOY NARRATED THESE DRAMATIZED CASES TAKEN FROM THE FILES OF THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. HUSKY- VOICED LOVEJOY DIED IN L962 AT AGE $O. 61 DIRECTOR J. EDGAR HOOVER AE'�PPEARED ON THE PREMTEr7L BROAD- -. ) - r. CAST OF_TH'/s1s. ug, ,F250 ON APRIL 6 1945. N...9...w trowel to a depth of 12 inches. Don't plant in such a` con- fined space that you will be damaging the roots of neigh- boring plants. As the soil is loosened, peat moss dam- pened with a fertilizer solu- tion or compost can be added to the area. Large bulbs like tulips, and hyacinths and daffodils where they are hardy, are planted 8 irbches deep, that is with their bottoms resting at the 8 -inch level, and 4 inches apart, while the smaller bulbs like crocus, snow- drops, grape hyacinth and squills are placed 5 inches deep and an inch apart. With a bulb planter or hand trowel, dig a hole to ac- commodate each bulb, and mix about a tablespoonful of bone meal into the soil at the bottom of the hole before placing the bulb, pointed end up, at the bottom. Replace the soil and firm it down. Plant bulbs in soil that is moderately damp — not dry and not soggy. When planting an open dis- play bed with bulbs, some gardeners prefer to remove the soil from the area to the planting depth of the bulbs. I find this very hard on the back, and elect to dig a hole for each bulb. But first, I place a layer of compost or fertilized peat on the bed, as well as a dusting of bone meal, about a handful to each square foot. Then I dig the bed over before planting it. HEY 101181 LEARN TO DRAW WITH DANNY COWMAN 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. 2. Finish what Danny started. LABOR OF LOVE—All spring -flowering Dutch bulbs must be planted in the fall, preferably when the soil 'temperature falls below 60.F. In the north, plant from late September to early November. In the Sun Belt states the bulbs can be planted through December. BILL BRAMAFC ONTARIO It's surprising what you herbs. They can be traced can do with herbs. I'd never back to 2000 B. C. when there thought much about herbs were thousands of herb doc- one way or another until I tors in ancierit Egypt. metRachel and Ian McLeod. They passed on their They have what's called Kiln knowledge to the Greeks, Farm, near Puslinch, north who in turn taught the Ro- of Burlington. mans. Along the line herbs Off a country road only a were used in cooking. few miles from a noisy,. .herbs -were --also _used. -ex- - nervous highway, the Mc- tensively be early Canadian Leod's farm is 75 acres ofsettlers. And it's been said tranquility. that early colonists placed And in a sheltered corner almost as much faith in them surrounded by a cedar snake as in the Almighty, using fence and 150 year old barn, • them 'for teas and insect re - is the farm's herb garden. pellants as well as food. It's the only herb garden in Rachel says that along the province open to the pub- with , a renewed interest ,in lic for lunch, lectures, infor- other /traditions of our fore- mation, or just a place to fathers, the growing of herbs wonder as you wander is making a comeback in Ca - through its paths. nadian gardens. Over 200 varieties of herbs I suppose it's due to what for use in everything from seems to be an• increasing cooking to medicines are desire by so many, especial - grown. ly young adults, to return to They're planted in groups a more natural life. Getting of annuals and perennials in hooked on herbs may be just the sandy soil. There's also a part of it. collection of culinary herbs _,_planted_,in_ted_ clay .til' to- — discourage rabbits who en- joy the odd nibble of garlic chives, French tarragon.and lovage. Then there are herbs with names that would throw even 'a Latin teacher into a tizzy! The McLeods bought the old farm in 1953. They start- ed from scratch. There were weeds everywhere, and they say the buildings, including the -rambling tArmhouse, were in a real mess! Now things are well order- ed; and the old barn has been converted into a workshop and demonstration room. The originalbarnyard be- came thegartien Ian is a retired accountant and handles the business end of the set-up. Rachel is the herb expert. She's a natural science graduate -_..:of __Can1t bridge University, and be- came "hooked on herbs" as she puts it, while a nature in- terpreter at Hamiltorf's Royal Botanical Gardens. Spend a few hours talking to Rachel and her en- thusiasm begins to rub off. She spins fascinating tales as she unfolds the history of 3. Now try it yourself! 22 Church St. W., Elmira - 669-1281 Mbn.-Tues. Wed. -Sat. - 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. - 8:30 a.m- - 9 00 -p.m Why on earth should I change my Will? Because thugs change Not that your love or caring for your family has changed one bit, but circumstances change In the light of mese changes, it may be to your family's adv.lntage for you to review and update yrriir Will For instance. your children may have reached adulthood There have been major changes in the law, recently Your financial picture may have changed, and you could find some tax advantages Any of these possibilities makes it worthwhile 10 revievv your Will When you do, think of us A simple sentence, "1 give to the Canaclia. Cancer Society the srrn of _ "• dollars" will help its rc+nt nue the promising new research made possible by the Marathon of Hope 1 ' ,tignitonniAra . The fight against cancer will take years of determined effort, Your caring could make the difference between fighting and winning AI illi II1411IIIIIIIIIIh(II/!IIII/1!ll4a.