HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-23, Page 18T..
Page 2A—crossroads—Oct. 23, 1965
Ont. govrnrne.t
provides money for
AIDS education
The Ontario government is
providing up to $300,000 to
establish a ,public education
advisory a nel on Acquired
Immun Deficiency Syn-
drome — AIDS — and to
support and counsel people
with' the disease, Health
Minister Murray Elston
afinounced recently.
We are setting aside
x$200,000 for the panel to
promote information and
education by developing
communications programs
for the public and high-risk
groups," Mr. Elston said.
"Through the panel and
counseling projects, we will
work towards helping the
Ontario public become
knowledgeable about the
disease, strengthen the
community-based volunteer
sector and create, a •com-
munity environment that is
humane, compassionate and
Mr. Elston said $100,000
will be directed by the
Ontario government to the
AIDS Committee of Toronto
(ACT) for support and
counseling of people with
AIDS. The money will go
toward the cost of .main-
taining a community
education officer and two
volunteer program coor-
The public education
advisory panel will be
headed by Jaye Brown,,
associate professor of social
work at McMaster Univer-
sity, as chairman. Panel
members will include repre-
sentatives of the City of
Toronto, ACT, the Canadian
Hemophilia Society, St.
Elizabeth Visiting Nurses
Association, the Ontario
Public Health Association, •
Ryerson School of Jour-
nalism, the media and the
The panel will produce
information materials, in-
cluding pamphlets and
videotapes, for distribution
to health professionals and
public groups and will make
speakers, knowledgeable
about the disease, available
to groups such as school
boards and parent -teacher
The Ontario government
and the health ministry
already have undertaken
several initiatives related to
AIDS. The government is
providing approximately $1
million to the Canadian Red
Cross Society as Ontario's
contribution to a national
blood screening and testing
program to start this fall.
Also this fall, the ministry's
central laboratory in
Etobicoke will begin diag-
nostic specimen testing,
a service currently available
only at the Laboratory
Centre for Disease Control in
The ministry so far has
made more than $700,000
available for AIDS research.
A comprehensive epide-
mioligical study now s is
underway at. the University
of Toronto and smaller
research projects have been
funded at the Hospital for
Sick Children in Toronto and
the University of Western
Ontario in London.
AIDS was made a
reportable disease in Ontario
in August of 1983, when the
ministry established a
provincial advisory com-
mittee on AIDS to monitor
patients, provide advice to
health professionals and
advise the ministry on
research priorities.
Reportable diseases are
designated as such under the
Public Health Act. Physi-
cians, other health profes-
sionals and laboratories are
obliged under the act to
report incidences of the dis-;
ease to their local medical
officers of health
COPY for Croiskoads Classi-
fieds must be received by 5
p.m., Thursday of week prior
to publication.
1979 MUSTANG Ghia, four
speed; ,two door, four cylin-
der, certified, $3300. Phone
1977 CHRYSLER Newport,
good shape, $500. Phone 291-
PERSON of neat appear-
ance, no investment, aver-
age earnings $300 to $50Q
weekly to start. Large na-
tional company, manage-
ment opportunity available.
Must have car. Phone 519-
743-5301. •
See lingerie, fireplace acces-
sories, pyjamas and a vest
made special for Christmas
giving at the Sewer's Hutch,
198 Main St. W., Listowel.
Call 291-1512 and sign up for
either the morning or eve-
ning session on November's
Five weeks of Christmas
crafts at the Sewer's Hutch,
198 Main St. W. begins on
Tuesday, October 29th.
Phone 291-1512 and sign up
for either the morning or
evening session on five con-
secutive Tuesdays.
& Distributor
Home Systems
is offering a distribution op-
portunity in your County, to
one selected individual.
Sales or technical type per-
son preferred. Complete
assistance offered. No fee
or license.
Call or Write:
Retail Division
Flltex of Canada
100 Signet Drive
Weston, Ont.
M9L 1T2
G. Davis
(418) 745-1700
50 gr.
$1 29
Chunky $ 1 49
Include us in
yi''ur plans
If you're planning a
wedding, plan to visit
us first for wedding
stationery and accessories.
Mount Forest
• 130 Moore S., WATERLOO
45 Cross, GUELPH
215 Queen, HESPELER
86�L:1IlV Il L5D
(For Waiting -Local and European Immigrant
EXPERIENCED siding in-
stallers required. Year
round work. Contact Gerry
Haack Siding and Supplies,
207 Madison Ave. S., Kit-
chener, 742-8394.
wanted, part-time, full-time
for a new fast growing
lingerie company. Phone
519-821-2574 anytime.
Belly dancing, tasteful en-
tertainment for your party.
CaII Najwa 744=1354. (tf)
American author Louisa
May Alciott was born on
Nov. 29, 1832, in Philadel-
phia. Penn.
YEAR round work available,
full and part-time (shorter
hours for students). Call
Brian's Poultry Services
Ltd. 367-2675 or call free 1-
800-265-3009, between 8 a.m.
to 5p.m. Monday to Friday.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 6 at 7
p.m. of approximately 20
crossbred beef cows and
calves for Wray Wilhelm
plus consignments of local
stocker cattle. Ross Roth
Livestock Exchange, Tavi-
stock 655-3323 or residence
662-3724. Auctioneer Bob Gil-
more. -
The young man, Jim
Alden,' has been found lying
dead on the shore of the lake
near his boathouse, his skull
brutally crushed in, and with
a blood -spattered rock lying
on the ground ten feet from
the body telling you what the
death weapon was.
You are now talking with a
husky young man, Dick
Norris, who was seen onthe
lakeshore with the victim
earlier this afternoon. "Jim
was burned up at me," says
Norris. "I've been dating his
ex -girl friend, Shirley Miller,
and he claimed I was the
cause:._ of_-their---spirit-up: • Re-
called me some bad names, I
got kinda mad, and one word
led to another ... then he
threw a couple of punches at
me, and when I jumped back
to avoid them I tripped over
a rock and fell smack into
the lakeL He stood there for a
few minutes glaring at me as
I floundered around: in the
water, then finally he walked
away. I got out of the water
and sat for about 15 minutes
on the edge of the dock trying
to wring mostof the water
out of my clothes. By that
time it was pretty dark .. .
close to 7:30, I think."
my hand on it ... it was a
body! Then I lit a match, and
almost passedout when I
discovered it was Jim Alden
. dead! Oh, I'll admit I was
plenty angry with him
earlier ...abut now, I sure do
hope you catch up with the
one who did this to poor old
"Where did you phone me
from? you ask.
"From Jim's boathouse
there: There's a phone in
there ... and the door was
"And you didn't stop at the
boathouse after you climbed
out of the water, and before
you discovered the body
------- .
"No ... it all happened just
like I already told you."
"Well," you say, "I'm
sorry you couldn't think of a
better story than the one you
did tell me. You're coming
with me, and I hope this time
you'll tell me the truth, and
all the truth, about what
What has made you suspi-
cious of Dick Norris' " story?
) affil
l,uop asnf sagawui pa:Ieos
-.alert pun — paileos-aaaem
uaaq aneq Blains wont
os tad-stq--ea-81nita--tea•-uaaq---
aneq nr2tur aq saga;t:'tu Bt1V
pep am ut Bpoq am B;quapl
01 aapao 111 galeal a pamiln
aq no& Piot aq lei 1an3 aUJ,
yob ----u
were wearing?" you ask as
your eyes take in the wrinkl-
ed sport shirt and slacks.
"Yes ... I guess you can
see I got a good soaking."
Norris pauses meditatively,
then Continues: "I was mak-
ing my way through the dark
along the shoreline when I
suddenly stumbled over
something kind of soft and
yielding ... I stooped and put,
On,,pct. 1, 1977, Pakitan's
military leader canceled na-
tional elections scheduled
for 18 October and extended
martial law for an indefinite
Order your
from us.
Visit one of our
offices today and
choose from a wide
selection of styles.
The Listowel Banner
The Wingham
• Advance -Times
.The Mount Forest
The Milverton Sun
Huron Tract
Spinners and Weavers Guild
invites you to a
at The River Mill, Benmiller
5 miles east. of Goderich
Saturday, Nov. 2 - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 3 - 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Christmas Gifts Demonstrations
of car, trailer, household effects, good selection
of antiques, tools for
The Estate of
Mr. David Honeyford'
formerly of 405 Main St., Palmerston, with addi-
tions from another Palmerston household at
Listowel Livestock Ltd.
1 mile north of Listowel & '/2 mile east on
Sat., October 26
at 12:30 p.m.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Kelvinator refrigerator,
good working condition; 24" Moffat electric
stove; dinette set & 4 chairs; table; assorted
dishes; glassware; cups and saucers; pots &
pans; silverware; hand mixer; iron; garbage can;
coffee table; platform rocker; tri -lite floor lamp &
matching table lamp; chesterfield & chair; black &
white TV; humidifier; assorted tables & chairs;
radio; china cabinet; electric razor; carpet
sweeper; rugs & carpets; ironing board; fan.
BEDDING: Good clean assortment of wool
blankets (some new); quilts; sheets; pillow cases;
towels; doillies; pillows.
TOOLS: 8"xt 4'. conveyor belt; electric chain saw
(like new); good 2 wheel trailer; table saw; roto-
tiller; good cement mixer with motor; trussels;
step ladder; electric motor with reducer; garden
hose; plastic roof -lite panels; reel -type lawn
mower; gas lawn mower; shovels; axe; saws; gas
cans; brace & bit; wooden tool bo`pliers; ham-
mer; etc.
CAR: 1971 Plymouth duster, selling as is.
ANTIQUES: Small double pedestal table; 2 round
tables with lower shelves; small dresser & mirror;
very unique; candle holders; buffet, requires
refinishing; table & 4 wooden chairs; drop leaf
table & 6 chairs; antique wooden bed & dresser
(2); wooden chest of drawers; lamp; wash stand;
rocker; antique carpenter tools; Crown sealers;
trunk; wooden chairs.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. Sales tax in ef,
Lunch available. Not responsible for accidents day
of sale.
Mr. Ron Coghlin — 291-3740
Mr. Bruce Turnbull — 291-4078
DON REA — 291-2600
"For Service That Sells"
Whether - DAIRY - Parlor & Tie Stall
- HOGS - All Types
- and CROPS
With good buildings & soil,
- BEEF- and' open land
-POULTRY - Caged layers, broilers, pullets
If you are considering putting your farm on the
market in the next months or even the next year or
two ... maybe now is the time!
Culligan have an excellent farm marketing pro-
gram — Put it to work for you.
Don't Hesitate — Call Today
BRIAN POTTER — 357-3622
Gorrie Community Halle
Sunday, October 27
9:30 a. m . - The Lord's Supper
11:00 a.m. - Family Bible Hour/Sunday School
Speaker: Ken Getty, Director of W.E.0:, Hamilton
7:30 p.m. Praise & Prayer Meeting
Speaker: Ken Getty
Friday,October 25 and Friday, November 1
Young People's, Wingham Bible Chapel
Tuesday, October21 - B_st.5,p:m _.,---
' -want—Boys' and Girls' Club, Wingham Bible Chapel
of appliances, lawn tractor, furniture, piano, anti=
ques, dishes & misc. for
(Bruce Peninsula)
Yes, here is a well established business, selling
groceries, fruit & vegetables, souvenirs, novels,
hunting and fishing clothing, equipment & licenses
(and located within' minutes of the best hunting
and fishing in the north country), also hardware,
busy gas pumps and a new many flavour ice
cream counter, future plans for a smaleating
area. If it's business you want, SEE THIS ONE.
--Your ► P Y -c a e Trade.
By calling
GEO. W. PRUE — 1-357-3689
If busy 1-357-3484
Wingham, Ontario '
-Published..every-•WSAnesdsy-by- . .as the. hrestyle .and,.
'enterTa,rirrienf sermon in The Listowel Banner, The Winghem Advance -
Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun Members of
the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community
Newspaper Association and the Ontario Press Council Controlled distribu-
tion in Arthur, Drayton, Harnston, Moorefield, Palmerston, Elmira, St
Jacobs and Waltenstem
Display and Classified advertising deadhne — 5 00 p m Thursday week
prior to publication date
Advertising and Production Accounting and Billing
The Listowel Banner The Wingham Advance•Timee
188 Wallace Ave N Josephine St ,
P 0 Box 97, P 0 Box 390,
Listowel Onl Wingham, Ont
N4W 3H2 N06 2W0
The Listowel Ban* 291.1880 The Wingharn Advance -Ti les 357.2320
The Mount Forest Confederate 323.1550 The Milverton 5 in 595-8921
291-4450 - 291.4528
Every. Tuesday 1 p.m.
Wegner buyers don't buy a pig in the dark _
-and—drive 'l -5.O mlfl t peck them up. Come to
Listowel Livestock where 800 to 1000
farmer's hogs are available every week to see
what you buy.
Consigners bring your weaners to Listowel
Livestock where strong prices are received ler
good pigs.
Dairy Buyers: Heifers are now eligible for
some export as regulations have changed.
Local stocker calves weekly with 300 on
November 12.
Listen to CKNX Radio for weekly reports on
Wilma Johnson
RR 1, Wallenstein and
Lynn & Ralph Haveman
150 Elora St., Harriston.
Sale willbe held in the Kurtzville Community
Centre on
Wed. Evening, Oct. 3U
Sale Time: 6 p.m.
APPLIANCES: Admiral H.D. auto. white, washer,
like new; GE white, auto washer; GE 30" green,
electric stove; Hardwick 30" gas stove with
smoked glass oven door, white like new; Westing-
house older style refrigerator; Gilson 23 cu. ft.
chest freezer; GE side by side fridge freezer,
harvest gold, good; Simplicity cook & clean centre
with dishwasher, stove, oven all in one unit, good;
Westinghouse electric clothes dryer, white; small
electrical appliances; humidifier; dehumidifier.
FURNITURE: Rust chesterfield & matching love
seat; large hex. coffee table; hex. corner table;
marble top ped. Tamp table; pair of matching curio
cabinets, with bottom door & open top shelves;
end tables; plant stand; magazine rack; China cabi-
net with sliding glass 'doors; srnalliamps;_utility_..
fabTe; chrome kitchen stool; cedar blanket box; 2
chests of drawers; double dresser; nite tables;
double size cont. bed; wall mirrors; macrame wall
hangings; swag lamp; Smith Corona portable elec-
tric typewriter; wicker deC. string art; maple bunk
beds; beige floral chesterfield & 2 chairs & otto-
man; king size comforter & matching pillow shams;
Cindy doll house, doll clothes; toy box & toys; pic-
tures; bedding & linens.
PIANO: Heintzman upright piano, piano bench.
ANTIQUES: Two cast iron horse teams (no
wagon); 2 wash tables; ped. parlor table; drop leaf
table; child's wooden rocker (needs repair); '/
round end table; dresser with mirror; high chest of
drawers; steamer trunks; copper boiler; old tins.
DISHES: Harmony House (sterling), partial dinn-
ner set for 8, missing some cups (good); Delft
Blue pottery pieces; glass; variety of eve /day
,fishes, somet�rlieCes pofs $pans.
LAWN TRACTOR: Case 444 hyd. drive, 14 h.p,
electric start, complete with 48" lawn mower &
54" snow blower, this is a good unit with winter
cab to fit same tractor.
MISC;: Gas push lawn mower; -.GE _electric_lawn -..
mower; whipper snipper; charcoal barbecue; 2
steel shelf units; pair of fibreglass rinse tubs com-
plete; tub stand; TV aerial head & rotor; electric
heaters; mail box; plus alis
Auctlo a rs:
Phone 291-3489 and 291-3421
of household effects, piano, some antiques,
good appliances, dishes, bedding, garden tools,
etc. for
Mrs. Freddie DeVore
Elgin Street, Mount Forest. To be held in Mount
Forest Arena, King Street East on
Mon. October 28
10:30 a.m. sharp
harvest gold fridge, top cond.; Kelvinator 30"
electric stove, harvest gold, top cond.; GE auto
washer, harvest gold & GE clothes dryer, harvest
gold, both in top cond.; Coronado 12 cubic ft.
deep freezer, real good cond.; older model
Westinghouse fridge, working order; NewCombe
• piano & bench, good cond.; colonial type bed
chesterfield, likenew cond.; plaid 2 cushion bed
Chesterfield, real good cond.; Panasonic 26"
cabinet model. TV set, top cond.; 2 real good
swivel platform rockers; modern Grandfather's
clock, working, in real good cond.; 5' modern pine
dining room table, very good cond.; 6 matching
maple ladder back chairs, like new; House of
Brougham drop leaf pine table with 4 matching
gun stock chairs, all excellent cond.; House of
Brougham pine washstand like new; pine 4 door •
modern buffet, real good; 2 modern handmade
pine type dressers; 2 sets of single 36" con-
tinental beds, . box springs & mattress, all good
with wooden headboards; 8 drawer dresser,
good; good 5 drawer chest -of drawers; double
continental bed, good; :modern wooden rocker;
good upholstered chairs; 'vinyl covered rocker;
wicker table & stools; pine 36" round coffee table;
2 pc. sectionalcouch, good; 2 metal wall units; 2
painted antique cellar cupboards; mirrored pine
window sash;_pine end_ tables;_3__Hrooden book- _-
cases; single wooden bed; 2 metal cabinets; 2 .
wooden desks with chairs; 2 pane flat back cup-
board, top only; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner,
complete, like new; dehumidifier, good; 24" elec-
tric fan; electric heater; foot stools; small trampo-
line; wicker basket; exercise bike; ping pong
table; good copper boiler; Concordia stereo & 8
track, good cond.; hall tree; typing stand; pine,
plant stands; tile top table; table & floor lamps;
manual typewriter; metal plant stand; odd mirrors;
child's table, 2 chairs, good; other items not
DISHES, BEDDING, MISC., ETC.: Royal Doulton 8
pc. stoneware dinner set, like new; 2 Royal Doul-
ton plates (Admiral & Mayor); setting of 12 stain-
less cutlery, like new, gold finish; approx. 50 wine
stemmed glasses; old silver pcs., good plates,
etc.; No. of good wood carving, birds_ducks__
etc.; No. of old dolls, not china; mustache cup;
good water glasses; water pitcher; candy dishes;
everyday dishes; cups & saucers; salad bowls;
Sunbeam blender; platters; partial set of dishes;
cake plates; mixmaster; brandy, wine shot
glasses; glass sandwich plates; 4 slice toaster;
trays, warming tray; brass pcs.; ornaments; 78
records; Blue Mountain pcs.; oil lamp; lots of
candles, etc.; souvenir pcs.; boxes of hard cover
books, pocket books; slide projector; picture
frames; Christmas tree, decorations, etc.; 2
cameras; bedding, linen, blankets, towels, etc.; a
lot of small items not listed.
bench saw, 3�4 h.p. motor, good cond., used very
little; Lawn Boy 21" mower, top cond.; alum. step
ladder; 1 2' alum. ladder; gas jugs; fertilizer
spreader; small water fountain; f_orks,_shovelsr.-_.
rakes, etc. rrrr ofitawrs clialrs C.; 3/. size spool
bed, good; open oak buffet & mirror, good; anti-
que combination writing desk and bookcase;
other small items not listed.
TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D. only.
House is SOLD. Lunch Booth. Mrs DeVore ls-j
A real good clean offering. Owner or auctioneer or
arena not responsible for accidents, injury, dele-
tions or loss of property sale day.
Mount F.=;rest — 323-4058