HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-16, Page 29Page 2B—Crossroads—Oct. 16, 1985 ®- CKVR Barrie ® •.. WIVE Buffalo ® .-. CBC Toronto ® ••- WDIV Detroit O ._. Global ••• WKBW Buffalo O •• WJBK Detroit Weekday Mornings 5:00 O Faith 20 5:30 O Jimmy Swaggart 5:50 ® Ontario Report 6:00 ID Oceans Alive O® Seneca Tele - college ®®O® News F.I.T. ® News This Morn- ing 6:308 Morning Exercise IID Canada AM ID It Figures O Hercules IID Harrigan O RCMP ® News 7:00 is Canadian College Magazine (Wed) (9 Top Rank Boxing) (Fri) O CBLT Morning ID® 20 Minute Work- out ® Today Show . ® 100 Huntley Street es Good Morning America O M.A.S.K. ID McGowan's World O 20 Minute Workout 7:30 ID Body Moves Is Rocket Robinhood m FYI First Edition O Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors O Fred Penner's Place IID Rugby Special (Mon) gig World Motocross Champ. (Tue) In Davis Cup Tennis (Wed) 7:45 O Friendly Giant 8:00 ID Elegant Appetites O Woody Wood- pecker e) Toronto Rocks O Inspector Gadget O Harrigan • Outdoor Life With William Conrad (Thur) IID Wheelchair Games (Mon) 8:30' ID US College Foot- ball (Wed) m TSN Wrestling (Tue) m Horseshow Jump- ing (Thur) O The New You - Sesame Street m The Muppets ID Celebrity Micro- waves O Astro Boy ® Rocket Robinhood 9:00 ®O Anything For Money O Romper Room and Friends ID Good Morning Workout O The 700 Club c JID00 Phil Dona- hue O AM Buffalo O Skipper & Co. O Dialogue (starts Mon),___._ im Racquetball Champ. (Mon) ! 9:30 IY Powerboat Racing (T.ue) PBA Senior Champ. (Fri) O The New Ed Allen Show ID The New You Mr. Dressup I® What's Cooking O. Muppet Show O® Let's Make A Deal 10:00 ® Trivia Company ID Hour Magazine ® Archie Bunker's Place O Friendly Giant (91:10 09) 0 The $25,000 Pyramid_ Fred Penner's Place O Brian Gazzard ms Santa Barbara ® The Way It Was ( Thur) as World Cricket Champ. (Mon) ® World Figure Eight Racing Champ. (Tue) 10:15 ® Fitness Break .p O Friendly Giant 10:30 $ Be My Guest O Mr. Dressup Es The New You 000 Press Your Luck WKRP In Cin- cinnati OO 100 Huntley Street ® Kidsworld ® Cart Phoenix 150 (Thur) 10:45 I0Friendly Giant 11:00 a Cityline ® I Love Lucy O Sesame Street I® One Life To Live 0 Guess What 7 Q The Price Is Right - IDIS Wheel of For- tune Fred Penner's Place ® Three's A Crowd ® Fishing The West (Mon) ID Jr. Quarter Horse Champ (Tue) 11:15 ID Friendly Giant 11:30 ® Scrabble O What Will They Think of Next IDO Mr. Dressup O Ryan's Hope ID Definition ® Cherington © Andy of Mayberry W Tennis Magazine (Fri) ID Speedweek (Mon) IID Yes You Can (Wed) Thurso, Oct. 17 AFTERNOON 12:00 OC)®®® News ® Flintstones es Beaver I® Ryan's Hope O Midday IID Bodies In Motiion. Om Charlie Brown & Snoopy 12:25 in Agri -News 12:30 O® The Young and the, Restless 00 News Q® Loving 0 FYI Noon Edition I® Super Password ID Spiderrnan Oe Headline Chasers ID Fishing Tourna- ment 1:00 m Auto Racing ® Intermezzo ® Lifetime ID Soapbox 00000 All My Children TO Days of Our Lives 1:30 ®City Lights O®ID As the World Turns 2:00 fig Outdoor Life With William Conrad © Parenting O Dallas 0 Let's Make A Deal 00 Midday • ® 20 Minute Workout O One Life to Live ®O Another World 2:30 pi ® Capitol © Wok With Yan O Pitfall m It's Your Move ID Soapbox Sportsworld Inter- national 3:00 O Jeffersons 0O Parenting I® Laverne & Shirley O Coronation Street 0 Fitness Break ID Santa Barbara 008 Guiding Light 00 General Hosataa___.. - . 3: ® Batman Olin Barney Miller O The Edison Twins ® Sale Of The Cen- tury ® PBA Sr. Champ. 4:00 0 America O Parenting O Bob Newhart 0 The Brady Bunch ID Super Pay Cards O He -Man tO Video Hits O® Divorce Court el Love Boat 0 Toronto Rocks 9:30 O® The People's Court O Jeffersons 00 One Day At A Time 11:20 9) O orrr anti -Jerry 11.:30 ) Tonigh O The $100,000 Pyra- mg) Tax mid O Sports O The Young and The Restless O What's New 5:00 el Catch Phrase D WKRP In Cin- cinnatti ® Diff'rent Strokes ID Pink Panther CDOO Love Connec- tion O Video Hits ® News - iDOIID The Price Is Right 5:3080 News O Three's Company OO ® Benson Gobots IID Too Close For Comfort O Headline Chasers ID Tennis Magazine EVENING outawamo ® News ® Citypulse ID Scan Newshour IID FYI at 6:00 O The Master ® The Old Ball Garne 6:30' ®® News 7:00 ® Jeopardy ® Entertainment Tonight ®Q Wheel of For- tune ® Sportsdesk O® News ID MASH ' O The Facts of Life OID Diff'rent Strokes 0 Ted Knight Show 0 Gimme A Break 7:30 ID Soccer News 0 Thrill Of A Life- time ID Webster . 0 Movie "From' Russia With Love" O Jackpot' ® MASH Om Three's Com= pany - O The Way We Are O Jeopardy ® Wheel of Fortune OO ® PM'Detroit' 8:00 O® Magnum P.I. O Cosby • O Profiles of Nature Q Fall Guy IN Movie "The Soldier" Olin Cagney& Lacey . •© Magnificat .. se Backstage ® Cosby Show ID National League Baseball Playoffs (game 7 if necessary) 8:30 ID; World of Horse Racing • ® Family Ties • ID Mr. Belvedere ;Os Family Ties O Wintari.o 9:00 ( OO® Simon and Simon O Cheers 8 Lady Blue • O The Adventures of Sherlock .Ililnes VW The qualizer ID Lady Blue 0 Special: Terror (Pt. 1) ' (13 Top Rank Boxing 9:30 0 Night Court 10:00 Oc Hill Street Blues 00 Knots Landing 0000 National I®'Citypulse Tonight GM 20/20 a} -Miami Vice 10:20 0000 Journal 11:00 0 CTV National News © Newsfinal ID®mOOO ®O News ID FYI Final Edition ® SCTV ntari ID P 6:00 o Report t Snow line Bluewater Aberdeen ,Angus Club 31ST ANNUAL SALE 48 LOTS Durham Sales Arena Sat. Oct. 19 at 1:00 p.m. 1 - 3 -Year -Old Proven Herdsire INI14T I.y r° n W®- -F LO -T _.----.. and BRED YEARLING HEIFERS Lunch Will Be Available For information, catalogues,etc______ Contact Mowbray Cattle Co. Box 70, Rockwood, Ont. NOB 2K0 519-856-9249 CKNX Wingham CFPL London CHCH Hamilton CKC4.Kitchener TSN City TV Toronto/ The, following programs. listed Sas supplied by ' The TV stations are sublect to change O N'ightline IIDQ Entertainment. Tonight ® •Three's Company O. Barney Miller 3 Movie "Dawn ji Riders" m Sportsdesk 12:00 O Jeffersons O Benny Hill OO Donahue O Movie "Task Force" In Movie "White Commanche" ID Mery Griffin 0C) Charlie's Angels I® Soccer News IID Carson Comedy Classics 12:30 ® Barney Miller I® Movie "Desert Trail" O Late Night IIIA Lou Grant el Mery Griffin 1:00 ®® The Saint ID Movie "Katie Bliss and The Tickertape Kid" ® Letterman m World of Horse Racing 1:30 m Top Rank Boxing ID Movie "Paradise Canyon" Kung Fu ® News ® Soap 2:00 0 Movie "TBA" O Highlights OO ® Maude ® Nightwatch 2:30 (1 30 News O Rat Patrol ® Movie "The Care- taker" 3:00 ID One Step Beyond O® Eight Is Enough 4:00 ® US College Foot- ball C) The Lone Ranger ®O Nightwatch 4:30 0 News 4:35 ® Movie "The Soldier" 5:00 (] Telling Secrets Help keep Red Cross ready. + Time for funds has come (NC) - Mutual Funds are finally being noticed Atter all, they ha ve performed ad mirably over the past 50 years; and their results are punted regularly in the fi nano aJ media. Last November un u ('H( radio program Brian Cos tello, a financial' analyst was a guest: Here's pare*/ the conversation. Announcer "Well, Cana dians are cautious inves tors. That makes the banks happy, and the tax people happier, however, Brian Costello says people who keep their money in the bank are losing out " Sale money • Brian Costello: "Canadi- ans are really quitec•croser- vative when it comes to in• vesting our savings. We're quite happy, generally speaking, with Canada Savings Bonds, Term De- posits. Guaranteed Invest ment Certificates and other similar investments be cause we feel our money is safe. But you know some- thing, history tells us that isn't the case. in fact, when you look, back over the past decade, it's pretty obvious that almost everybody who invested' in term deposit• type investments lost money. "Consider these num. bers. In the past •10 years, term deposits averaged lU.A5 per cent per year. That's not a bad average gain. However, at the same time inflation was averag- ing 9.96 per cent per year. That means that •onsu- mers who purchased 5.year term deposits earned less than 1 per cent after taking away inflation., What's worse, that's before we con. sider taxes. Dont forget that once we earn more than $1,00( of interest (or dividends, or capital gains) that we have to share the rest with Revenue Canada. If we made Tess than 1 per ADVERTISEM IT'S YOUR .MON 1 Paul J. Rocket • cent in real terms through investing */'stands to rea f sun that we lost after taxes if we paid only 10 per cen tax. Yet the average Cana. dian pays more like 35 per cent tax. Sp the average in- dividual, like it or nut, LOST MONEY during the last decade when they pur- chased term deposits ur guaranteed investment certlficate•type invest- ments. In fact, if you are in the 35 per cent tax bracket you get to keep only a little more than 7 percent, which • puts you almost 3 per cent per year in the hole, afterin- nation and taxation. • ,S*/ . what else could you have done? "Well, what about stocks and or mutual funds?}'res• ently there are 11(1 mutual funds that have been around for 10 years or more. Thirtv•seven of them earned between 5 and 9.9 per cent per year, on aver- age. over the past 10 years. Fifty•tw0 averaged be• tween lOand 15 per cent, 16 averaged between 15 per cent and 20 per cent per year, aritio4 averaged over 20 per cent, Only one aver- aged under five per cent. "Most then did better than a 5 -year term deposit over the past 10 years... and. . let's not forget that .dividends and rape al gains, which you e int through mutual fund , are t taxed at a much bet r rate than straight tete est In fact, with divide ds, you can earn as loch as $42.WUayear t allN/recuf lax, whereasou can 'oily earn $1,000 year in tax free interest 'Grantef'' booth the mut ual fund Investor and the term deposit buyer faced the same 9:86 percent in f1a tion average over the past decade, but if the average yield was a little higher with mutual funds and the tax hill was lower, it stands to reason that you won with mutual funds. while you lost with interest "The so-called security that cotes with tern depos. itsisafallac_y- yousehic win. As to the future. who knows what will happen, but we du know that we've gone through/some of the toughest tines in decades recently, At our expense "Surely, things look het. ter, and past performance says we should own a piece of Canada rather. than simply lending our money to financial institution,so it gets rich, at ourexpcnse Thanks Brian, 1 couldn't have said it better. For a FREE brochure on "21 Reasons Why you should buy Mutual Funds" write: Paul J. Roc•kel, Union St. F,., Waterloo, On. tario, N2J 1C4. Ask for "21 Reasons". Paul J. Rocketis President of Regal Capital Planners Ltd. and of the Independent In- vestment Fund t9ealers As- sociation of Canada. AISTOEL.5.liar BEFORE SAFETY SPECIALS 20 to choose from RECENT TRADE-INS OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC HURRY IN WHILE THEY LAST! rn w -J CC 0 U. CI) -J J UJ CC (1) w -J N CC 0 -J w 0 1- J '235000 x345000 THANKS TO LISTOWEL & AREA FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT OUR 1986 CAR SHOW! 1N30N .. _ :.CLIFF. HAl.PEN� N� Y • FLOY BINKLEY TOM ANDERSON' LARRY McRAE JEFF JOHNSON SALES/SERVICEi 754 Main Ste Em, Listowel 291-4350 OPEN DAILY TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 5 P.M. CHRYSLER: SELLS FOia...L S.S,...._ SAI F S''EF