HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-16, Page 26Systematic house cleaning cuts down on pest problems. Wipe and sweep up food from corners and cracks, behind drawers, along baseboards and around water pipes (especially under the kitchen sink). Scrub surfaces before treating with pesticides. Newly -treated surfaces should not be scrubbed :> MAGNETIC SIGNS For Cars, Trucks, Offices, M®ilb xes Eliminates costly lettering Removable when tracing or painting LISTO101L BANNER MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES r ay Louisa Rush Dear Louisa: I would very much like to know how to work popcorn stitch. Do you think you could include this in your column in the near future? I would very much appreciate it. Mrs. W. S., Galt, Ontario As I have had two or three requests for the same stitch, I decided to write about it this week. Of course, the needles for any stitch depend upon the yarn being used,. plus the article being knit- ted. The following is a good basic popcorn pattern stitch. The number of stitches should be divisible by four, plus°two. 1st row: Wrong side of work, -knit one (star) puri three together. Knit into front of next stitch as usual t but leave it on left hand needle, bring wool to front of work and purl into the front of the same stitch, but still leave it on left hand needle. Take wool to back of work and knit into the front of tit same stitch again. Slip stitcli off left hand needle. This in- creases two stitches in one stitch, to make up for the two stitches decreased by the purl three together. The working of a stitch in this manner will be referred to as "popcorn in next stitch". Re- peat from (star) to Last stitch, knit one. 2nd row: Knit one, puri to last stitch, knit one. 3rd row: Knit one, (star) popcorn in next stitch, purl three together. Repeat from (star) to last stitch, knit one. 4th row: As 2nd row. These four rows complete one pat- tern. One little word of ad- vice, when working the sec- ond and fourth rows, purl the stitches so they will move easily on the right hand needle. This will keep the popcorns soft and fluffy. • For practice in working the popcorn pattern, there is a lovely baby set on Leaflet 1 No. 6725. The dainty jacket has raglan armholes, with little borders of popcorn stitch at the fronts. The bon- net has a band of popcorn stitch framing the face and an unusual stand-up frill just behind the border. Popcorn stitch is also featured on the tops of the bootees. 000 This week's pattern is a charming star-shaped doiley which would make a lovely gift for the up -coming festive season. Quickly and easily crocheted, it would be an at- tractive addition to any room in the house. To order pattern No: 8251, send 75 cents plus a stamped self-addressed return envel- ope. If you do not have a stamp or envelope, please enclose an extra 50 cents to cover the cost of handling and print your name and address. Send to Louisa Rush, "Craft Talk", 486 Montford Drive, Dollard des Ormeaux, P. Q. Please be sure to state pattern num- bers correctly when ordering and to enclose your stamped return envelope for faster service. Vick's 150 ml. Cough Syrup Dristan 15 ml. or 24 Tablets Long Lasting Nasal Spray 130's or 72 Capsules Anacin Tablets --so- mt. Antiphlogistine Rub A 535 Listermint 1000 mI. 44" Mouthwash Efferdent 48's Denture Cleaning Tablets Arrid 200 ml. Spray Deodorant 40'S' Tampax Tampons 2.69 2.29 2.89 2.19 3.29 2.29 2.39 4.29 n DISCTRIANGLE.OI p .JNT PArf"r,rfv/(/#fs • COSNF/Cs • r06Ac(os Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to SIz TOOL SAL. 3 DAYS ONLY THURS., FRI. & SAT. OCTOBER 24th, 25th & 26th SHOP NOW & SAYE OH DOZENS OF CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK, WE ARE DISCOUNTING EVERY TOOL AND PIECE OF EQUIPMENT IN OUR SHOWROOM SOME AS MUCH AS ��~ 60% OFF! - EXAMPLESQF-SAVFNG&.—_ 3/8", 1/2" or 3/4" Socket Arrangers Makita 12" Cut -Off Saw Makita 3/8" Cordless Drill Makita 1/2" Reversible Drill All Grinding & Cut Off Wheels Men's Work Gloves - Makita 1 1/4 h.p. Router Sandvik Professional Saw 8 pt. or 12 Reg. Price 3.95 369.00 96.00 198.00 2 Pairs for the 248.00 pt. 28.00 SALE PRICE 2.35 5247.95 x69.95 422.95 LESS 15% Price of 1 Pair '179.95 ' 19.95 LOOK FOR RED TAG SPECIALS WITH SAVINGS UP TO 60% THROUGHOUT THE STORE Prices in effect while stock lasts so SHOP, EARLY FOR THE BEST SAVINGS' Visit For the TOOLS OP THE TRADE 1i 00 Wallace Ave. N. 291-2280 LIsto�wpel an e .° company Cooking Corner Big on broccoli By Verne Palmer 3/4 tsp. minced fresh ginger It's neither trendy nor tra- 1'2 lb. mushrooms, thinly ditional, not -overly versatile sliced or overly assertive. Many of one-third cup regular the dishes that feature it strength chicken broth don't even bother to recog- 1 tbsp. soy sauce \nine it by name. 2' tsp. sugar tut broccoli, that bashful 1 tbsp. oyster sauce • umbrella -shaped member of 1 (41/2 oz.) can small shrimp, the cabbage family, is quiet- drained ly making itself indispen- 1 (2 oz.) jar sliced pimientos, sable to the way of eating. drained Although it's been around 1/2 cup mayonnaise (option - since Roman times, this first al) cousin to kale and kohlrabi. Crisp lettuce leaves didn't become popular in '/q cup sS1ted cashews or America until the 1920s. slivered almonds Then it was served almost Cut flowerets off broccoli solely as a vegetable side stalks; then cut flowerets dish — steamed and au na- into 1/4 -inch -thick slices. tural, smothered in cheese Trim and discard base of sauce or hollandaise or rest- stalks; peel stalks and cut ing under a crown of butter- crosswise into '/s -inch -thick ed bread crumbs or grated slices. Remove and discard cheese. strings from peas. Set broc- The introduction of stir -fry coli and peas aside. catapulted broccoli out of its Heat oil in wok or wide fry - side -show slot and into ing pan over high heat; add center stage in a variety of garlic and ginger and cook, colorful, and crisp -tender stirring for 1 minute. Add vegetable combinations. In broccoli, peas and mush - the last few years, it's been rooms; cook, stirring, until turning up in appetizers, vegetables are just tender - soups and salads as well. crisp to bite (3 to 4 minutes) . What makes broccoli so Pour into bowl. wonderful is its companion- In measuring cup, stir to - able flavor (mild for a mem- gether broth, soy sauce, ber of the cabbage family), sugar and, if desired, oyster versatility (everything from sauce. Pour over the flowerets to the stalk — vegetables; then stir in leaves included — can be shrimp and pimientos. Cool, eaten) and, most of all, its cover and refrigerate for at hefty contribution. • to good least 4 hours. nutrition. Broccbli is rich in Drain vegetables, discard - vitamins. A and C, thiamine, ing liquid_ If desired, stir in riboflavin, niacin and in mayonnaise. Spoon over let- s minerals such as calcium tuce leaves and sprinkle with and phosphorus. cashews. When buying broccoli, look (Taken from the "Sunt s for deep green bunches with Vegetable Cookbook.") tightly closed heads. If yel- BROCCOLI CASSEROLE• low appears, the bloom is • WITH ALMONDS coming up and the broccoli is . 1 lb. broccoli, cut into 1 -inch liable to be tough. pieces• Store unwashed• broccoli in 6 tbsps. butter or margarine a loosely closed plastic bag 2 tbsps. all-purpose flour in. the vegetable crisper and 1/2 tsp. basil leaves, crushed use within three to four days 1 cup milk for best flavor: • 1/4 cup mayonnaise To prepare, wash thor= 1 (8 oz.) can sliced water oughly and removethe large . chestnuts, drained leaves and tough parts of the 1/4 cup chopped pimientos stalks. The leaves can be set -. '/d tsp. salt aside and prepared as 1/s tsp. pepper greens. .. • 1/4 cup dry bread crumbs hen 1/4 cup sliced almonds To Butter 142 -quart casserole. t In 3-qurt saucepan over r med.. heat, in 1 inch boil - salted water, heat broc Crossroads—Oct. 16, 1985—Page 9A broccoli mixture. Pass pan juices at the table. Soy -Ginger Sauce: Mix ':2 cup soy sauce, 2 tablespoons apple juice, 2 teaspoons each brown sugar and sliced green onion (including top), and 2 teaspoon ground ginger. (Taken from the "Sunset r Vegetable Book." ) r in bread crumb mixture ove broccoli. Bake at 350F 30 minutes o until hot. Makes 6 servings. (Taken from Campbell's "Great American Cook- book.") SPAGHETTI SQUASH SUPPER 1 (3',2 to 4 lb.) spaghetti squash Soy -Ginger Sauce (recipe follows) 2 tbsps. salad oil 1'/2-2 cups bite -size pieces of broccoli flowerets and peeled stalks 1 lb. kielbasa (Polish sausage), thinly slices 4 tbsps. butter or margarine, softened, Garlic salt and pepper Rinse spaghetti -squash and pierce in several places. Place on rimmed baking sheet and bake at 350 F for 1'/2 hours, turning after 45 minutes. Prepare Soy - Ginger Sauce, set aside. Heat oil in wok or wide fry- ing pay over high heat; add broccoli and cook, stirring constantly, until tender -crisp to bite (3 to 4 minutes). Lift out and set aside. Add sausage and cook, stirring until browned. Discard drip- pings; return broccoli to pan along with Soy -Ginger Sauce and keep warm over low heat. Cut aquash in half length- wise; scrape out and discard seeds. Loosen squash trands; mound in shell halves. Stir in butter and eason to taste. with garlic alt and pepper. Top with Broccoli is at its bes steamed or stir -fried steam whole, stand up - in a large pot of boiling.wa about an inch deep;'cov . and • reduce heat to a gently` _, oh to boiling. .Reduce heat boil, cooking 12 to 15 min- to low. Cover, simmer 10 utes. Or broccoli may be cut minutes. or until broccoli is into individual stalks or • tender -crisp. Drain in separated into floweret and colander. stem portions. Cut stems into In same saucepan over 1/4 -inch diagonal slices and • medium heat, melt 4 table - cut large flowerets in half. spoons butter; stir in flour Cook stem slices for 5 and basil until smooth. minutes, then add flowerets Gradually stir in milk. Cook and cook another 5 minutes until mixture boils, stirring or until tender -crisp. . • constantly. Stir in mayon- STIR-FRY naise, water chestnuts, pi 'VEGETABLE SALAD mientos, salt, pepper and 1'2 Ib. broccoli drained broccoli. Spoon into • 1/2 lb. edible pod peas prepared casserole. 2 tbsps. salad oil In small saucepan over 4 cloy —garlic;mincert rtr thedium heat, melt remain - pressed ` • ing 2 tablespoons butter; stir New Zealand wonderland By PHYLLIS WEAVER Did you know that New Zealand is a living museum of natural history? New Zealand's three main islands have high mountains and several active vol- canoes. Two -third of New Zealand is covered with dense forests they call "bush." Since New Zealand is iso- lated from the Australian continent, it evolved a unique assortment of plant and animal forms. Most of thesespecimens are un- known anywhere else in the world. A reptile older than the dinosaur, the tuatara, is found here. And flightless birds are a very common sight in New Zealand, in- cluding a parrot which lives in underground burrows like a rabbit. Until man's arrival, no predators existed here, then the Maoris arrived in open canoes, about 600 years ago. Four hundred years later,. Capt. James Cook, a British explorer, brought settlers in to colonize the lush land• if you hate to pay tax, read this: Panasonic together with M. C. Smith Ltd. will give you an immediate cash rebate equal to the applicable Provincial Sales Tax when you choose a new Panasonic TV from now until November 16, 1985., HURRY LIMITED OFFER! M. C. SMITH LTD. RR 2, Listowel 291-3810 Highway 86 - 9/4 mile west of Listowel DASHWOOD WINDOW Ari0 FALL CLEARANCE SALE •iSH -a INDUSTRIES LIMITED 30°% - 50%OFF --AOL DASMWOOD WINDOWS & DOORS IN TOCK! 1 OVER 230 UNITS IN STOCK TO PICK FROM: Wood Gliders, Wood Single Hung, Wood Awning & Wood Casement Vinyl Clad, Casements, Awnings & Horizontal Sliders. Regular SALE 55500 515°0 69500 649°° 6' Vinyl Glide Patio Doors 5' -Vinyl Glide Patio Doors 6' � Millinium Patio Doors 5° Millinium Patio Doors 100000 92500 115000 1075°° Come and see our complete Dashwood display on the second floor at: Lumber and 447 Hardware 140 Main St. E. Listowel 291-2610 Sale Ends November 1