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The Exeter Times, 1924-6-5, Page 8
0 J TEWAR Unusual 'Values WE ARE OFFERING TO YOU Summer Corsets 98c. Ali sizes in this light weight Corset, Just what you want for the warmer weather...,98c a pr Lisle Stockings '65c. pr. Bilk Lisle Stockings -wide ribbed and plain with elastic ribbed tops -Black and pope. --- lar light shades. 65c or 2 pair for $1.25 Cotton Stockings. 25c. Plain or ribbed Black Cotton Stockings, all sizes 5--10. You Will find these real values at 25C a pair Ladies' Slippers .'3.29 Slippers eod:.Oxfords-Popu- lar styles in both Patent and Kid leathers. Theseare broke • en. lines ° from our regular stock but we will find a pair to fit you -$3.29'a •pair. The Balance of Our Stock of Ladies' Spring Coats and Suits are to be Cleared at very attractive Prices Wedding Gifts Visit this store when in search of an attractive' Wedding Gift, Our Stock includes Dinner Sets -Toilet Sets -Hanging Lamps -Lemonade Sets- Brass Jardeniers-Hand made Wicker Trays -China Cups &Saucers China Novelties -Art Pottery -Cut Glass Ware Men's Suits $14.95 $19.85 $23.95 $29.85 You don't need to wear that old Suit, when you can buy well styled, servicable Suits at the above low prices. Work Shirts 98c. It is very doubtful if we will be able to continue this bargain as, we are finding it impossible to replace these values. Get your summer supply now. All sizes up to 17 only 98c. Work Shoes $3.90 Good solid Shoes in Black or Tan your size $3.90 Cotton Socks 25c Good Cotton Sox for every- day wear only 25c a pair. Grocery All Laundry Soaps ._..3 for 20c Special Guaranteed Tea 65c ib. Seedless Raisins 2 Ibc - for 25c Christie's Soda Biscuits 15c pk. Granulated Oatmeal for Values _lIixed Sweet Cookies 2 lbs 35c Large Can Pink Salmon ....15c 4 Tins Brunswick Sardines 25c Royal Yeast Cakes 05c Young Chicks 5c lb. %oaf' Nvk�-kiwP'c%.re;,.ri.:'ks"c".i•".."�2`.iy"*,.`11"t�'`+�z�nCfi�`.it".,nn"}tiw.'!i t wart Furnish . - • o. e Complete and Save You Money For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or how much you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunityof showingyou how reasonably you can purchase furniture at this 'store. WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES ON EVERYTHENG IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY FOR JUNE BRIDES TO SAVE i6YI r,._ ��M + r�. 4 { V+INER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743; Night call 74W b. ,Ksa;ti x. :w , A Second afr of Trousers z it . Tailored �ver � To meas ore Suit During - This IS THE FEATURE THAT W, W. TAMAN._. IS OFFERING Tuesdaylarid Wednesday JUNE ,'11th loth.:and� . h IN INTRODUCING THE NEW SPRING AND SUMMER SUIT- INGS AND OVERCOATINGS TAILORED BY THE BERGER TAIL- ORING COMPANY, CANADA'S LARGEST TAILORING HOUSE, SPECIAL PRICES HAVE BEEN ARRANGED FOR THE TWO DAYS' SALE, AS LOW AS $22.00 YOU CAN SECURE A GUARANTEED TAILORED SUIT TO YOUR MEASURE WITH AN Extra Pair of Trousers WITHOUT ADD$TIONAL COST, OF MATERIALS THAT GIVE SATISFACTION IN WEAR, WILL We have a large assortment that we feel sure will interestou and if you are looking for 1912 values in Serges and StaPilesp y , , Wk{' H,;AVE THEM, Clothes that will wear and -retain tarn their shape and give unusual service. Every known varietyof in British # patterns select and colors imported p ted' Woollens and Worsteds ads to from, and REMEMBER THAT EXTRA PAIR Our representative from Toronto, will be with W. W. TAMAN' the during the Two Days' Sale, and will frankly advise you as to , CIoths and Styles that will suit your figure hest. Give us a call and see for yourself the values we are offering. You will not be talked into buying, but you will see values and find service that cannot,be duplicated elsewhere, i THE EXL T"ER . "TIMES Market report -The following is the report of, the Exeter Market corrected; ereri Wednesdaer. Wheat $1.03. Qats, 45c Barley 55c Manitoba Flour $3.30 Pastry Flour .$3.00 Family Flour $3.15 Peed Flour $1,85 Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Dairy Butter 30c. Creamery butter 35 and 36c. New Laid Eggs 24 to 26 Lard 17 to 20c Hogs $7.50 �+►� �!DAB®41�M°®�Pf���i��'���i►O�i► LOCAL This Week is Gingham Week at Mrs. W. D. Yeo's. All 35c and 40c Ginghams for 29e. The Ladies' Aid of Main St. church will hold a garden party the latter part of the anonth, - Particulars later. Mr. F. A. Kahjers bakeshop will remain open each Wednesday after- noon during the summer. The town of Goderich is planning to erect a new Town Hall. Mrs. J. Hubert Jones spent a few. days in London last week. Mr. Wm. Kay, who has been work- ing in Detroiterhas returned home. Mr. Thos. Jeckell, of Saginaw, Mich., visited in Exeter. on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Collingwood and family, of Port Huron, are visit- ing in Exeter. Mrs. Eli Lawson, of Crediton, vis ited' during the week with her sister. and brothers. Mr. Thos. Nelson and daughter Mamie, motored over from Detroit for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, of Mitchell, are visiting at• the home of Mr. Walter Keddy, Mr. Jas. Handford and Miss Annie Handford have returned home after visiting en Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fowell, of Wind- sor, have moved to their summer home at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie, London, motored up and spent Su day with Mrs. J. Beverly. Mr. Roy Perkins, of Detroit, is vis- iting for a week with his parents, Mr. andMrs. J. N. Perkins. Mrs, F. Coates and Mrs. S. John- ston are making satisfactory pro- gress in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Meade, of Bindloss, Alta., and Mrs: W. F. Sande, of Crystal City, Man., are visiting with Mrs. Mollard and Mrs. Baines. Mr. John Taylor's new house on Carling St, is progressing rapidly and will present a very attractive ap- pearance when completed. Mr. Walter Lenehan and Miss Vera Sweet, of London, visited for a few days this week with the tatter's grandmother, Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Mr. H. Brown, of Kingsville, sang a well rendered solo in' James St. church on Sunday morning. Mr. Brown has a very fine tenor voice. of n - Mrs. Moutray, off Richmond, Mic is visiting her brother, Mr. 112. Fle cher and sister, Mrs. Thos. Clare and other relatives in this comma ity. Mr. and . Mrs. J. ` C. Horton an three children, of Calgary, are nisi ing for a few weeks with Mr. Ho ton's mother, Mrs:-" Margaret Horto of town. Mr. I'. W. Abbott' is enlarging li flower gardens, on Station stree The profusion of bloom in his pans beds have attracted the attention o many flower lovers. Confirmation service was held i the Trivitt Memorial church on Mon day evening, conducted by . Bisho Williams, of London, A class o eleven were- confirmed. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Way and Son ny Ross, accompanied by Mrs. Jac Routledge, who has been visiting he parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers motored to Dutton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kestle return ed Monday to their home in Exeter Mr. Kestle, who. recently underwen an operation . in Victoria Hospital London, is steadily improving. M'r. R. N. Rowe had an oddity in the form of "a ;: tulip that bore six blooms on a sii ,gle stem. The flow ers were perfectly developed an most of them were of fair size. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton, of De troit, motored over and spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos..Clark, Mrs. Clarke, who has been ill with slight touch of pneumonia is inprov ing. Word has been received in Exete that Mr. Geo. Southcott, of Californ- ia, h , as been in very poor health. Mr. and Mrs. . Southcott intend coming to Grand Bend as soon as conditions are favorable. h. t- ie n - d t- r - n, is t. y f n f k r d• a r Rev, F, E. Clysdale and Rov. W. I✓, 'Donnelly left to on Tuesday lav •ta at- tend the London Conference at Windsor. The, lay representatives, Messrs B. Williams, 3. S. IIarvey and W. G. 141edd' left on Wednesday. The report from the Ontario Den- tal College, Toronto, show that Mr. Jas. Wacker,; son of Mr. Wire Walk- er, of Exeter Notth, and Mr. Land- ridge Sweet, Who is well known in Exeter) have both been successful seetrn ' in , . g their D.D.S.DDSdegree. QAVEN I'RESBYTERAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible. Class. Services as usual. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES STREET IIIETHOD1IiiiT. CHURCH. Rev, W. E. Donnelly, B. A., ,Pastore i10.15 -Morning Fellowship: 11 a.m,-Seryice as usual, 3 p.m. -Sunday School and, Bible. Classes, 7 -p.m.-Rev. G. M. Chidley, ef, Thames Road. Your Stock Wants SALT IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR BEST RESULTS. WE HAVE THE BEST CATTLE SALT ALSO FOR HOUSEHOLD, -BUTTER, ;. AND COOKING PURPOSES. EXETER. SALT WORKS Before you begin that P. - Roof T'FIVRSD.AY, JUNE' lith, 1924. 01111111111111111111111111111111111111NN1111111111 1111111111111 ! 1 1 1 L IllIIIIII1IIIIIh;IIIIIIIIIIIN11lIIIIII1MIII11111111NII111MMIIIIIIIIIIIiNi11W MOWN 0110100 01000011 WOMIN MINIM MOM Milan MONO COME' TN AND SEE US For the next two weeks we !are offering Specials Prices- eitheron Asphalt Roofing or B. C. 'Shingles In the Lumber line our stook''is complete. Call and we will estimate your requirements. The Ross -Taylor. $19.00 uits for Men. ''$25.C)0 25. We say they are good values. The Cloths are en Tv, ds and are W New'Stripe Broadcloth One of the very newest Cloths` for this season' comes in a variety of shades. Only one Dress Length in a color,..at•per, yard $1.50. $29.50' You willeyeeerself when you see them. ool Worsteds, made in smart models. D .;.nd A. Corsets , A ney assortment just arrived inial tdine sortie of the newest' models for summer -the new Cor- seliette and elastic..wrap-around.. See our Special at $1.59. 60 New Ingham House Dresses Made from good washing Ginghams in very neat styles. They are well made and we are sure you Will appreciate the values, Priced at , $1,95, $2.25, $2.75 and $3.50 Ladies' Cotton Vests 10 Dozen Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Vests with or without sleevesina good wearing material. Specially priced at 40c or 2„ifor 75c. Linoleum & Congoleum Rugs' Congoleum- Rugs in all sizes in the newest patterns also several excellent patterns in Linoleums at per yard $3.9;0. Smart Sailors for Men Don't fail to see the new Straws we are showing before you decide' on your New Hat. We will leave the rest to, you. $2.00, $3.00 $3.50' Hatchway No -Button Underwear We have the agency for Exeter, for this popular Summer Under- wear for Men. In Combination Suits. only. Try Hatchway for the -hot weather per Suit $1.50.' Your Choice of 3 Patterns in Bedroom Papers at per Roll 10c. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE AT 12.30 DURING JUNE, JULY &°AUGUST outhcott Bros. Co Ltd. IiIl1I1�Ef1',� FOR SALE -Auto Trailer, capac- ity 1400 lbs.; practically new; with new tires and good rack. Apply at Times office or M. C. Sleamon, Cen- tralia. Pigs for Sale -20 pure bred Yorke pigs ready to wean June .10th.` Phone '571'2. J. Van Camp. e. FOUND -A: chain with three keys was found in. Jones & May's store. .Owners' may • have the same' by prey- ing property and paying for advt. App`yy at,.Jones & May's. Gadiolus Huihs for Sale. To clear at 50e a doz.' Now is the time to plant. 3. G. Stanbury, Sec. Treas. Hort. Soe. FOR SALE -Frame building,. suit- able for hen coop. Apply at Times office. Mr. W. J. Heaman was in London Tuesday owing •.to thedeath of ' his uncle, Mr. George Heaman. Mrs. L. V'. Trebleeand little daugh- ter returned to Toronto the first part of the week after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Treble. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Schwartz, Mr. Fred Breck, and IVfiss May Welsh, motored up from' Toronto, and spent a few days with relatives in town. Quite a number from town were at Seaforth Tuesday evening attend- ing the street carnival, the occasion being the opening of the new street. Tuesday-, the third of June, was the King's birthday. The school and the banks were closed for the day and the flag on the Trivitt :Memor- ial church was hoisted. Mr. and Mrs, J. H., Crocker and, son, of Buffalo, Mrs. Liddicott,and Miss Crocker, of London, called on friends in Exeter on Monday, ;the guests of Mrs, Wm. G. Bissett. Miss Stella Gregory, who was ill in Brantford Hospital and ..has been recuperating at the home, of her brother, Mr. W. 1=I. Gregory of Strat- ford, returned Monday to her house in Exeter. Mr. W. Ponifreit, C,- N. R. eyP res's agent in Exeter, was in Toronto for a few days last eek attending ; a general meeting of agents. Mr., Craig, of London, was relieving dur- ing his absence. The first of the Wednesday 'half - holidays for the' summer months was, held this week and the town, 'was. Particularly quiet as the business. men and clerks enjoyed the `te mpoi:- ary respite from their' labors.: The Exeter Times this summer will be printed onThursday sday instead of: Wed- nesday morning as formerly.. A schedu1e of games was arranged on the of plan each T church The uz cls ,� or a.:. enteric) nnz Plants for Sale Geraniums Stocks Dusty Miller Petunia Ferns Vince Drecena Zinnia Cabbage Tomatoo All kinds of Plants or Hanging Baskets, Window Boxes and Hanging Baskets filled to order. e L Day & Son FLORISTS Union St., Exeter. Asters Salvia Heliotrope Foliage Silver Leaf Ageratum Canna Gladioli Bulbs Cauliflower INSURANCE COMPANY THE METROPOL'TIAN LITE The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York, insures more peopleand is growing`faster than any other life insurance company. Obviously, the reason for Metropol- itan supremacy in its field, is that people believe its policies most'' des- irable, its service best, and its costs most economical. This Company is ready to serve you. Tell your insur- ance wants to CHARLES F. WAY, Metropolitan Agent, Exeter, int., Canada. Mr. and Mrs. N. 3, Westlake, of Wyoming, . spent Sunday with., the former's mother who is ill here. LEAVING FOR EUROPE Miss Edna Follick and Miss May Jones, of town, are leaving this week for a pleasant visit to Great Britain and the continent. They sail Satur- day from Montreal on the S.S. "Mar - lock" for Glasgow, Scotland, to at- tend the World's Sunday School Con- vention. They will visit London and the British ''"Empire Exhibition at Wembly. After leaving` Great Brit- ain` they will visit The Hague in Hol- land, Brussels in,Belguim, will tour the, Battlefield's and will spend some tin ie ,in Paris and. Versailles. Miss Follick left Wednesday to spend a short visit with her brother in Ham- ilton and Miss Jones left Thursday to epend a. day in Toronto' enroute. Their many 'friendswill join with the Times in wishing them bon voy- age. GIRLS' SOFT BALL LEAGUE" ORGANIZED IN EXETER An Exeter Girls', Soft Bali League Was organized Friday evening, May: 30th, With the following officers; President, Miss Amy Shapton; Vice - Pres., Miss Rose Lamport; See'y Treas. Miss Kathleen Beaman. Agricultural college ' in " club andg an The lf1al Farm k a, entering the League. at ` Guelph, The series. ©t' r: its - g'a:nies is will holdas follows: i t9 s einz C e t. n en nidi c e , le . June .- ., e 1 0, James n es bration the week of June 9 to <-i'3th.S,t Trivitt Memorial Thursday and Friday. are designated dune 17 rivi St. -James St as farmer's days and it is hoped that rte 20 Trivitt Mem,-Main S ,P lute 24 Cavan Pres:' -Main `St. as many as possible will attend. Tim . Jprovince has been divided into two July 2 James St. .Cavan Pres, districts and is lireferrecl that, • the July 8. Trivitt Mem,-CavSn' Pres. farmers from tele district will visit July 11 Javan Pres.-Trivitt St: the college .on Friday. • A ,free len- July 15 Caine St.-Trivitt Mem, 'cheon has been provided for"July 21: Main S res. -e vitt McSt, the ' itors and an elaborate vis'- July 22 Cavan Pres.-Jaines St, Program has July 25 Trivitt Mem,-James St, been prepared. , July 29 Main. St.-Cae on Pres. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church.' Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. NOTICE Theseare' the Prices you can have your work done by - ELLIOTT & JOHNS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed and 'Pressed :,.ti $4.00 Ladies' Suits 'Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed 50c We also Make and Trim Suits with First Class Trimmings for $20.00. If you want a new Suit of Clothes, Come=in and get our prices. We can give you a Blue Suit guaranteed All Wool, Indigo Dye. Never Fade For • $35.00 WORE AND -FIT GUARANTEED When you want your. Suit Clean- ed and Pressed, let us know. We will call for them and deliver them. Always at Your Service NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, .nattractive, modern bungalow, centrally located. Apply Gladman & Stanbury. PAPER. HANGING DONE AT REASONABLE PRICES 40 YEARS' EXPERIENCE HARRY LODDER 57-r-2 5-14-4t Phone GREGG'S S Clothing Hospital ital • We are pleased to announce that we are able to return to our work and are again able to you, ou, � prompt and satisfactory service,. Cleaning; , Pressing, Dyeing, Re- pairing, g, e pairing, Remodelling: Turning of all kind Of. .lothin LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Gent's Suits to Order. A trial is solicited W,H.G GREGG TAILOR Ajto for Hire CLOSED CAR DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CIIAR S REASONABLE A. T, HARNESS Phone 1412, Exeter, VINIMEMINMENINIIIMMIONEINIR ANDY. EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange meets for sales can be made by evil ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed: I, R, CARLING B A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exete ry G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Hale versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Nuisiber One, London, Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, '. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.ffia. to 5.30, p.m. Office hours. at ZURICH ONT., Tneee only, at 10.00 o'clock ' a.m. to 5.60 o'clock p.m.' Phone 79. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's bales -ter -Wes oat Johia St. Phone calla receive prompt attention. Phone 26w Local Cartage I AM NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE OUR LOCAL. TRADE AN AL- MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE. H. Bagshaw TRY US Phone 58W ,. Cochrane Machine ` Wor ks Ford motors reground,` fitted with. Pistons, Complete $16.00 , Every, " make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground with Pistons Complete to fit, also Tractors. FARMS FOR -SALE -A few choice fames in the Townships of Usborne,, Tuckersmith and - Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar kete. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron," .Aucte Box 154. Exeter. III " .1111 111111 11 lige II Illi 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII a a1n� m UE R Everything ything dowti in Price • L. N.. ROWE E THOMAS DINNEV LICENSED. EM'BALIVIERS ANIS TUNER AL :DIRECTORS , Phone pis, 20W Mime 20J> 1I1I 111111111011111111111111l1111111111i11111111I 1'