HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-16, Page 13Page 12 --The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 16, 1985 Treat your lawn this fall tions contact (Ontario Hord - with Betasan or Dacthaj to cultural Association) of the eliminate crabgrass and an- Ontario Ministry of Agrjcul- nual bluegrass from your ture and Food's rural or - lawn next spring, says Tony ganizations and services Hogervorst, rural organiza- branch - Estate • AUCTION L Of Household Effects, Antiques, Real Estate arid a Car will be held for the Estate of the late MRS. ANNIE CRAIG Plan 1 72, Lot 2, Dinsley Street, in the Village of Blyth on SAT., OCTO; ER 19 AT 11:00 A.M. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Round table with 3 leaves and square pedestal; square table with arm chair and 5 chairs; W. Doherty & Co. piano/organ combination and organ stool with claw. feet; plat- form rockers; Lazy Boy chair; parlor table with bookshelf; bookcase; antique parlor tables; china, cabinet; sideboard with side shelves at top and mirror at the back; buffet with. mirror at the back; antique kitchen cupboard; antique bureau; butter- nut chest of drawers; antique washstands and dressers; washstand pitcher and basin; press - back chairs, Whatnot; antique spool bed; mattress and boxspring; wood beds; shelf clocks; Ginger- bread clocks; mantle clock; eight-day clock; Hamilton Clock Co.; brass kettle; Westinghouse refrigerator; G.E. stove; Enterprise cookstove; ar- borite tables and chairs; quantity of dishes and cooking utensils; silver tea service; silverware; partial set of dishes; blanket boxes; steamer trunk; picture frames and oil painting; mirrors; anti- que `vanity mirror; Electrohome air conditioner, window unit; quilting frames; clock shelf; antique stereoscope; 21" B&W TV; ,antique doll carriage. CAR: 1980 Chev Malibu, safety checked. Other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE: consisting of a lot measuring 66' x 1 32' Home has 4 bedrooms upstairs with a clos- ed in sun porch; downstairs has kitchen, living room, sitting room an'd 4 pc. bathroom. Home has aluminum siding with a front verandah. Real estate will be offered for sale, selling subject to a reason- able reserve bid, at approximately 2:00 p.m. Terms on Real -Estate: 1 O% dpwn day of sale, bal- ance in 45 days. Preview of property by appointment only. CaII 523-9218 or 523-9318. Lunch booth. Terms: cash day of sale on house- - hold effects. Executors 'and auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or injuries connect- ed with sale. - J Auctioneers GRANT McDONALD Ripley, 395-5353 WALLACE BALLAGH Teeswater, 392-6170 Coming events notices advertised in this column will also appear on Channel 12, Country Cable TV without charge if placed seven days in advance. LAMB SMORGASBORD Belmore Community Centre, Friday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m., $8 each. Advance tickets only, by Oct. 21. Phone Walter Renwick 367-2504. GARAGE SALE There will be a garage sale at the East Wawanosh Pub- lic School, Belgrave, on Sat- urday, Oct. 19 from 9 a. rn. to 2 p.m. Something for every- one. 9,16 COUNTRY CURLERS Annual euchre and election of officers for the '85-'86 sea- son will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. at Wingham Golf and Curling Club. Ladies please bring sand- wiches, Everyone welcome. 9,16 123RD ANNIVERSARY St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham will cele- brate its 123rd anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 20 with serv- ices at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. • Speaker for both services will 130 the Rev. Robert Little, Maple, Ont. Special music by The Singspirations and The New Life Singers (morging) and the "Glad Tidings" Quartet, Elmira (evening) . 9,16 RUMMAGE SALE Hospital Auxiliary rummage sale, Fiday, Oct. 18, 10 a.m. to 3- )�. n. in the Wingham Armouries. Donations much appreciated. Useful unsold items will go to Goodwill In- dustries. No waste. Received Thursday, Oct. 17, until 8 p.m. For Wingham pickup phone 357-3151. 9,16 ESTATE ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Many, many antiques, plus household effects, car, forYthe Estate of James A. Nellans of Londesboro SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 AT 12:30 P.M. SHARP CSN VIEW: 11 A.M. ON NEW .LOCATION: Londesboro Public School Auditorium, Londesboro CAR: 1974 Chevrolet Nova 6 cylin- der, only 77,000 miles, selling as Is at 2:30 p.m. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 1910.Pietro Vareni Neapoll Violin made in France - in case, in mint con- dition, bench hall tree with bevelled oval mirror, many old pictures with good older frames, Bridal Rose set (incomplete) with vegetable dish and cover, antique drop front writing desk, 2 antique reading lamps, oval antique parlour table, shamrock shaped parlour table, an- tique 'mantle clock, matching oak bedroom suite with dresser/bevel mirror -washstand with towel bar, maple blanket bolt with dove -tail corners, antique flower pot holders, antique rocker and ladies' chair, older velvet chesterfield, wicker hall tree, Eureka apartment -size freezer, exercise bicycle, old Twilight Lamp, large oil painting w. oak frame, exercise equipment, several crocks, oak arm chair, birdseye maple arm chair, large man's antique rocker, antique chest -type suit case, railway switcher's lantern, porcelain bed pan, depression glass, white pitcher with wheat pattern, coloured glass, old colony serving spoons, older silver antique straight razors, glass wash board, chrome kitchen table w. 4 chairs, rolled front mahogany record storage table, older Admiral record--P1-Pys or' �r recordiGuy Lombardo - Lawrence Welk), wooden reading lamp, radios, older couch, oval mirror, swan face mirror, old frame mirror, brown chesterfield with ' chair, cherry wood antique ladles' chair, antique organ stool, 2 antique parlour arm chairs, small oak parlour table, older electric radio in wood cabinet, black ebony vase, RCA 19" colour TV w. remote control, brass candle hol:.e s, smokestan'd ash tray, Admire refrigerator, Hardwick 20" gas stove, complete set stainless steel pots & pans, Dutch oven, maple pan- try cabinet with porcelain top, wooden utility table, mahogany organ stool, kitchen appliances, 2 - blanket boxes, steam 'ship trunk, 3 cane bottom bedroom chairs, Filter Queen vacuum, antique rolled-frais-- dresser with bevelled mirror and tiger paw feet, steel tubular bed, maple chest of drawers, washstand, down comforters, log cabin quilt, towels and bedding, hooked rugs, electric heaters, scales, shop vacuum -cleaner, misc—el7aneous- and tools. 9,16 START PLANNING For health in Huron County. An opportunity to discussthe planning and co-ordination of health services in Huron County. Sponsored by Huron County Community Services Council Wednesday, Oct. 23 ' at 8 p.m. Clinton Town Hall. Everyone welcome. 9,16,23 DANCE To The Entertainers Satur- day, Oct. 19 at Howick Com- munity Centre from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 9,16 STRESS CONTROL Workshop Thursday, Nov. 28 at the MacKay Centre for Seniors, North Street, God- erich, with guest speaker Dr. Richard Earle of The Cana- dian Stress Institute. Regis- tration limited to first 100 participants. Fee $25 in' eludes workshop materials and lunch. Preregistration required by Nov. 8. Contact Sheryl Gilbert, Huron County Health Unit, Court House, Goderich N7A 1M2. 9,16 FAMILY DANCE Saturday, Oct. 19 at White- church Hall, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music Tiffin's Orchestra, $4 per person. Children under 12 free. Lunch provided. Sponsored by Hall Board. 9,16 WALTON SALE ARENA HOT TURKEY SUPPER The Lucknow United Church Worsen invites you to attend their hot turkey supper Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adults $6.50, chil- dren 12 and under $3.00. CRAFT CARAVAN Saturday, October 26 at Har- riston Arena auditorium, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., sponsored by the Harriston Kinettes. Bake table, penny auction, draws. Come to do some early Christmas shopping! SHOOT PARTY Thursday, Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. at Farm Information Centre, Wingham. Sponsored by Re- bekah's. Everyone welcome. NOTICE OF MEETING The Board of Governors will meet in the Board Room of the Wingham and District Hospital on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. ROAST BEEF Noon luncheon at St. Stephen's Anglican Church Gorrie, Thursday, Oct. 24, 11:45 a.m. - GARAGE SALE Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 120 James St., Wingham. Household ar- ticles. 9,16 IJCTION MALL (BROTHERS LIMITED & OTHERS — Kingston Branch — to be held at L3RESLAU AIRPORT RD. AUCTION COMPLEX Waterloo Regional Road 17, Breslau, (Kitchener) Saturday, Oct. 19/85, 10 a.m. LINKBELT 30 -ton crane c/w 100' boors ATLAS & ECONOMICAL FORK LIFTS CONSTRUCTION: 14" radial arm saw; transits & levels; pumps, heaters; winch; power saws; pressure washer; chain saw; breakers; 2 -way radios; Joy compressor; 3.5 to 20 KVA generators; etc. etc. MASONRY & CEMENT; 50 sets of scaffold, sold in lots to suit; power trowels; mortar mixer; Re -Rod bender, Conc vibrators; buggy; 50 adj. steel shores; etc. etc. Pallet PLUMBING: Ridgid 300 power vise; threader; Adj. die head; etc FULL RANGE OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT '73 FORD L800 Stake Dump c/w SKB 9-t crane (excellent cond.) VEHICLES: '82 Mercury LN7; '81 Skylark Limited '131 Plymouth TC3; '80 Belair; '80 Omni; 79 Impala & ISrpioinat; '77 to '79 Ford pickups & van; '77 Dodge 8200; '76 IHC 1600 c/2 20' vari; '79 Datsun; etc. etc. PARTIAL UST ONLY. Viewing Friday, Oct. 18/86, 1 - 4 p.m. Terms: $200 cash deposit required on major items. M.R. JUTZI & CO, INC. Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers & Auctioneers Professionals in the orderly liquidation of Construction, Industrial and Commercial Enterprises (519)743-5286 69 Sydney St. S., Kitchener (519)648-2111 APPLE DAY Saturday, Oct. 19 at 9 a.m. to 12 noon; paper drive, Satur- day, Oct. 19, papers out at curb at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Star DANCE Huron Chapter No. 89, Wingham EUCHRE At Wingham Legion Mon- day, Oct. 21, 8p.m. Everyone welcome. $1.50 per person. BOOKFARE The fall bookfare, Sunday, Oct. 20, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Con- cert Hall, 88 Yonge Street, Toronto. Rare and second- hand books, maps, prints and related items $2.50 entrance.' Phone (416) 598- 2024. Saturday, October 19, 1985 Business and Professional Directory Teeswater Culross Community Centre Music by THE TEMT 4 TIONS $7.00 per -person Prizes Lunch included Dancing 9 Tp: m. , until 1 a.m. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists Harriston, Ontario. 338-2712 Dr L A Cowley B Sc DC Dr Stewart Anderson. DC Chiropractor 1 97 Josephine St Wingham By Appointment 357-1224 2 Miles West of Durham on Hwy. 4 Th u rs., Oct. 24, 12 noon Complete Tokin dispersal owned by Larry Kraemer, Kincardine, Ont. 60 reg. and NIP grades. 34 milking cows with good quality udders and sired by Regal -Red, Langview Astronaut, Stylist, Ultimate, Pure Gold, • and others; DHIA records to 189 M -164F of BCA; ,six selling fresh and milking to 65 pounds, balance in various stages of lactation; 12 bred heifers; 16 yearlings and calves that are well grown and all sired by UBI sires. Herd not classi- fied. Several prospects for good plus and very good. • Followed by Walton's 152nd consignment sale. Open for consignments. Plan to attend. Sale Manager & Auctioneer DONALD E. WALTON (519) 369-3804 ervice Directory . THE NU -LOOK AUTO BODY A division of Tolton Motor. Sales Ltd., Bluevale COMPLETE COLLISION, AUTO BODY REPAIRS AND REFINISHING • Free Estimates • Gravel Guard Application • Sand Blasting • 24 hr. Towing • Glass Installation • Side Mouldings • Re -Chrome Bumpers • Tape Striping Contact Bruce Campbell 3573029 ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION SALES PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD, Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales Exhaust Fans and Controls WINGHAM 357-1583 ASKES BROS, CONSTRUCTION HEATING & PLUMBING LeRoy' Jackson — Plumbing — Heating — Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 General Construction • Farm•- Home - Commercial Bert 357-3053 BEAM DON'T WO A tMGIUM-PWO IN A BEAM! Central, Built-in Vacuum ....... Water Softeners ....... Excellent prices on new plumbing installations! RON VOISiN Plumbing & Heating 392-6784 Teeswater JACK WALKER` Construction Hwy. 4 South of Wingham' 357-2481 11� of 50 Tractors 10 Combines - 150 Pieces of Equipment EARN A BARREL. FULL Sell in the Classifieds Call & place an ad today. .The .Wingham Adva-rtce=Times 357-2320 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service • Houses • Farm Buildings • Renovations FREE ESTIMATES TOWN & COUNTRY BUSINESS MACHINES LTD. IBM, Olivetti and Smith -Corona typewriter service" calculators & photocopiers Harold Jardin 673-4930 357-2139 Hwy. 86 east of Wingham _.-_Phone 5.1.9. 357-•3435 -- WELDING Saturday, October 19 9:30 a.m. Brindley Auction Service 13 mi. north east of Goderich Dungannon - 519-529-7625 Auctioneer: Gordon H. Brindley v_ TERMS:CASH Auctioneer: Russ Archer CLINTON 482.3733 ARCHER UCTIONS Large Interesting Auction Sale of Modern & Anti- ____eets-to-be herd of-- WINGHAM AUCTION` CENTRE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19TH AT 11 A.M. for the Estate of the late Ralph M. Noble, Cran- brook, with consignments from Toronto, Wingham and Brussels. • PARTIAL LIST OF- ANTIQUES: Excellent 12 pane pine flat -to - wall cupboard; 3 drawer cherry chest; pine 4 drawer ehest w. 2 mini drawers on top; kitchen cupboard; pine cupboard, 2 door w. 2 drawers; secretary desk; 2 wash stands; buffet; dresser; Captain chair"; 2 press back arm chairs; 2 press back chairs and several odd ones; 4 oak dining.roon-r chairs; organ stool; 2 blanket boxes; 3 iron rod beds w. some brass; press back arm chair rocker; 1 Granny rocker; 2 period dining roots round tables with leaves; modern buffet; chesterbed; 4 oak dining room chairs; 2 double beds; chest drawers; 2 board shelf cupboards; Samsonite luggage; second fridge; stove; nearly new Brentwood rocker; 2 boilers; rope clock frame; Kenmore upright vacuum; quantity bedding - some new; quan- tity pyrex dishes • some new; 2 B&W TV's=_gooda1enual tyuewrtterifiner set of Mikasa-Renes; 63 pc Noritake dinner set in box; sev, pieces pink Depression glass; Vaseline fruit bowl; milk glass shaker; sev other items of interest; Ses- sion clock; several antique planes for making trim, quantity hand tools; 6 hand saws, several jugs and crocks; pictures; mirror; Iron frying pans; flat irons; - e " rope winder; peddler'sscales. 2 powder pouches; 2 quoits rings. r i akets, kitchen aC• some new, tray lots glass, dishes, etc.; 2 ant coal oil lamps; sleep- ing bag, sev boxes interesting books; snow shoes; 3'speed lady's. bike - like new, garden tools; much, much more PREVIEW: Friday, October 18th, 7-9 p m Lunch Wagon JACK ALEXANDER - AUCTIONEER Tel: 357-1011 and 357-1442 SPIKE'S PORTABLE WELDING In shop repair work' General Fabrication, Stabling. Truck & Wagon'Racks ; Ornamental Railings '•Free Estimates Spike Bakker. RR 5, Lucknow Ph. 528-2-520 . WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS, • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY Murray MacFarlane Carpentry Bluevale Renovations and repairs 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3800 357-1548 - Forever Yours Stationery * INVITATIONS • THANK YOU NOTES - * NAPKINS, MATCHES • SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wingham Advance -Times Office WINGHAM BODY SHOP 14 North St. E., Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Phonle`357-1102 • Paint & Collision Service • Radiator Cores & Repairs • 24 Hour Towing • Frame Straightening SID ADAMS RON BEECROFT Owner 357-1171 Shop Foreman 357-2950 Leon Russell Appliance & Refrigeration Service -ca' URKE. ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors 1! Appliance & Refrigeration Sales & Service ,.�.,/ld SALES & WARRANTY SERVICE Open 6+ days week WINGHAM 357-2450 39 Years Built by Quality & Service • Warranty Service for Hotpoint, Moffat, General Electric, Inglis. Whirlpool and Admiral Also available - Heat Pumps & Central..Air Conditioning with Service for 3 well-known makes Phone Winghani 3573773 To place your action ad in Crossroads classifieds, CaII: The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320 Chartered t'd Accountants LISTOWEL GODERICH 291-1251 Partners.524-2677 M, J. "Hoyles, C.A, R. E. Takalo, C.A. N. MacDonald Exel, C.A. Managers: L M. Gagnon, C.A.. R. H. Kaufman, C.A. 'NELSON MONUMENTS" Established Since 1.909 Quality Craftsmanship At Reasonable- Prices: -141-- Your personal counsellor— BRIAN WALDEN 523-9210 Q