HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-16, Page 11Page 10—The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 16, 1985 SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Birthday Pictures $5 00 Engagement Notices(with picture) $5.00 plus x1.70 for 10 words; 8' a word thereafter Eng_agemnrltNYotices(without picture) • - $4.00 Graduation Pictures $4,00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and oyer No Charge Wedding Write Ups No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is $5.00 After Third Week Write Up$5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of .$5.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is s1.70 first 10 words: 8' a word thereafter. FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 150 bales of straw, 50 cents each; approximately 12 cord of wood, $15 per 'cord picked up; washer and dryer $100; refrigerator $75. Phone 357- 3528. 16,23 USED cast iron box stove, like new condition. Phone 357-1908 evenings. 16,23 INVENTORYreduction sale. Some items half price. Bo - lander Shoe and Harness Shop, John St. W., Gorrie, Friday, Oct. 25, '9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26, 9 a.rn. to 5p.m. 16,23 ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, wash- able, stainproof. The Wing - ham Advance -Times, 357- 2320. 7rrb USED store wall and island shelving, counters, card racks, show cases, wall cases, security mirrors, glass shelving, shelving brackets, peg board hooks, cash registers, wire racks; etc. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. South, Lon- don (519) 681-2254 Monday - Friday 9-5, Saturday' 9-12. FRANKLIN fireplace 2 - 2' sections of chimney; 1 '- 3' section of chimney and com- plete accessories. All items new. Value $700, asking price $250. Phone 335-6254. REMINGTON Wingmaster shot gun, 12 gauge, model 870. FAC required. Phone 357-3012. FIREWOOD, $32 .a cord. Phone 392-6665. COLT for sale, about four months old. Phone 357-1085. AM -FM stereo in cabinet, like new condition, $175. Phone 357-2211. CHESTERFIELD and chair, beige nylon flowered velvet, diamond tufted. Phone 357- 3221. GIBSON fridge, excellent condition, $100. Phone 357- 3410. DO YOU have a favorite recipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone -357-2320. FOR SALE READY TO LAY pullets, white and brown egg varie- ties, also laying cages. Fish- er Poultry Farm Inc., Ayton, 665-7711_ 24rrb .. ADDRESS labels; gummed 200 for $3.25; press -on 200 for $3.95; transparent 200 for $5.75; iron -on labels for clothing, 50 for $3.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. Phone 357-2320, The Wing - ham Advance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. 24-rrb STEEL Buildings, 3 new Quonset buildings left over from International Plowing Match; 25 x 38, 42 x 60, 55 x 180 complete with industrial doors; Act now and save. Miracle Span Steel Build- ings. Toll free 1-800-387-4910. 9,16,23 "PENNY -ROLLER" Trade- mark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid (please add 63 cents tax). Christmas Special 2 for $16 (please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.O. 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. 9,16,23,30 WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb WATER problems? New technology eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hardness, chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic. Test-, ed and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine. Free 6 month trial offer. See the results for__ -yourself. If you want better water for better country living call toll free 1-800-268- 2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203- 1030 'Kamato Rd., Miss- issauga, Ont. L4W 4B6. The "Lowest" cost system` that "really" works. 2rrb BUILDINGS priced below wholesale. Final inventory —clearance. Various sizes available. All steel. 10-20 year warranty. Limited stock available. Act now and save. No reserves held. Call 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828- 6262. 9rrb 3lrrb LITTLE Dutch Phone 357-1403. KITCHEN cupboard. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up to 60 per cent. Leading a manu- facturer is having a cleara nce sale of certain styles. Package includes doors, drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick-knack shelves. Regularly $1,995 clearing at $995. (519) 653- 0176, 9a.m. to 7p.m. 2rrb DRY firewood, hard maple —�_y-_and- ash—Carl—Me lenaghan 357-1988. 25-16 LATE model, 27' Prowler in A-1 condition. Sleeps eight people. Phone -357-1-403_-_.._ llrrb NOW taking orders for dressed chickens and ducks. Phone 392-$240 or 395-3157. rrb windmills. lOrrb HARDWOOD slabs. Phone McGlynn's Sawmill 357-3777. 9-Dec24 POTATOES, Red Chiefton, Red Star. 10 cents a pound. Phone 357-3215 anytime. 9,16 FIREPLACE insert with glass door, automatic fan, standard size. Phone 357- 3118. 9,16 PICKER -SHELLER and wood. Phone 357-3366 after 5 p.m. 9,16 SPECIAL ! _King Alfred daf- fodil bulbs, 5 doz. or more, $2 per doz. Less than 5 doz, $2.50 per doz. Lewis Flowers, 135 Francis St., 1' blocks south of Wingham Public - School. Phone 357-3880. 9,16 FOR SALE DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb NUT, stove, stoker and fire- place coal for sale, bagged or bulk. Phone Dobson Fuels, Palmerston, 343-3521. 25-30 MOBILE home, best reason- able offer. Phone 357-1652. 9,16 MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 20-rrb FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE USED Gehl corn hog, in good condition. Phone 357-2487. WHITE 7600 combine base unit. Hydrostatic corn -soy- bean special. Automatic header height controls. Good condition. Phone 392-6723 or 392-6171. 9,16 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1979 HONDA Civic, body and motor in excellent condition, five speed, mags, asking $2200. Phone 357-1750 or 335- 6376, ask for Rick. 16,23 EIGHTY-FIVE police cars, trucks, vans, station wagons and 4X4s; four 1980-82 Lin- coln and Cadillac; 18 1981-83 Fords, Chevs, and Ply- mouths; 18 1980-82 Fair- monts and Volares, four and six cylinders; seven 1979-81 Fairmonts and Volares, sta- tion wagons; six 1978-81 vans and suburbans; seven 1978- 80 4X4's Ram Charger, Jeeps and GM pick-ups; 10 1977-80 1/2 and 3/4 ton pick-ups, Fords, Chev and Dodge; six 1980-81 Dodge, club and crew cabs; four 1974-78 one and two ton dumps; five van bodies and utilities bodies. Mightons Car Sales, 4 miles west of Durham on Highway 4 or 6 miles east " of Hanover on Highway 4. Phone 369-3136. 1978 OLDSMOBILE Delta Royale 88, best offer; 1977 GMC Sprint, best offer. Phone. 392-6665 1979 MUSTANG Ghia, four speed, two door, four - cylinder, certified, $3300. Phone 887-9493. 1978 AMC Concord, green, four door, 6 cylinder, excel- lent condition, new brakes and exhaust. Asking. $2000. Phone 357-1295. SERVICES CRAIG (Home) Heating, new furnace installations, repair, service; chimney cleaning. Phone 357-3641. 26rrb PHIL'S Refrigeration and A—ppTtance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb COMBINING soybeans and corn. Wagon and auger sup- plied: Reasonable rates. Phone 523-4260. 25-16 NOTICE CaII George's Industrial and Farm Supply Wingham (formerly Da•Lee) Plow points, bsarl»s, yrs, drive shafts, welding sprockets, roller chains Phone 357-1995 SERVICES CUSTOM combining wide or narrow rows. Phone 357-1027. PIANO tuning and repairs. Used pianos bought and sold. Phone 357-1049, Michael Lip- nicki. 18rrb UPHOLSTERING of furni- ture, automobile and tractor seats. Free pick up and de- livery, free estimates. Qual- ity workmanship. Montgom- ery's Custom Upholstery, Blyth. Phone 523-4272. 27,rrb NOW available Photocopy- ing. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31,rrb REPAIR service, sewing machines and vacuums. Phone 887-9023. Free esti- mate. sti- mate. 9,16 WE make and repair fur- niture. Phone 357-1850. 5,11 MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al- Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb BOOK for Expo now! Bed and breakfast from $25. RV sights, private cottages. Van West Bed and Breakfast Registry, 200B - 115 School- house Ave. Coquitlam, B. C. V3K 4X8. Phone (604) 526- 8164. HOW to play popular piano. New home study course. Fast easy method. Guaran- teed! For free information, write: Popular Music Systems, Studio 18, 3284 Boucherie Rd., Kelowna; B. C. V1Z 2H2. OPPORTUNITY. Earn good money, win trips, diamonds, furs, part-time, full-time, own time with exclusive hand crafted glassware party plan. No experience. No inventory. Also ex- perienced sales leaders. Call collect anytime (416) 294- 0943. NOMINATIONS are being received now for Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year awards. Contact this news- paper to nominate an out- standing young person aged 6-18, who -deserves more thane" a pat on the back. MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 30rrb PERSONAL PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. rrb BETTY McTAGUE Chiropodist FOOT CARE SPECIALIST is -pleased to announce the opening of her practice Forest Court Medical Centre 382 Main St. North Mount Forest, Ont. NOG 2L0 323-1951 A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers 'needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For prescreening inter- view and job place- ment _information,,. contact Mery Orr Transport Driver Training Cambridge - 1-800-265-1260 CAREERS FREE . career guide describes 200 learn -at-home Correspondence diploma courses: Accounting, art, bookkeeping, business man- agement, clerk typist, secre- tary, journalism, television servicing, travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, To- ronto. Phone 1-800-268-1121. 21rrb BECOME an auctioneer, 85 hours of instruction. Next class November 16-23. South- western Ontario School of Auctioneering, Box 145, In- nerkip, Ont., NOJ IMO. Phone (519) 469-3936 or (519) 537- 2115. 11-30 EARN extra income! Learn to prepare income tax re- turns by correspondence. Local franchise available. Write: Tax Time Services Ltd., 1304 Speers Rd., Oak- ville, Ont. L6L 2X4. 25-23 PETS TO GIVE AWAY KITTENS free to a good home. Phone 335-6254. RE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly. HAIRDRESSING • BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N, Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc, Phone Brussels evenings • 887-6159 PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS for Township of Morris, 1985 Clerk's Notice of First Posting of the Preliminary List for 1985 of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 24 of the Municipal Elections Act, and that I will be posting in the Municipal Office on Oc- tober 11, 1985 the list of all persons entitled to be electors for the Municipal Election, and that such list remains there for inspection. And- I hereby call upon all electors to examine the list for the purpose of making inclusions, addi- tions, corrections or deletions from the list. Applications for inclusions, additions or correc- tions to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector completing and filing a form obtained at the office of the clerk after October 15, 1985 at 9:00 a.m. The last day for filing applications is 23rd day of October, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. Nancy Michie, Clerk -Treasurer NOMINATIONS NOTICE TO THE MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Morris in the County, of Huron, that Nomination Papers may be filed in the office of the undersigned commencing Thursday, Oc- tober 17, 1985 until 5 p.m. (E.S.T.) on Monday October 21, 1985 for the purpose of nominating persons for the following offices: Reeve Deputy Reeve Three Councillors for the Township 'of Morris One representative for the Huron County Board of Education for the electoral districts of Township of Morris, Township of East Wawanosh and the Village of Blyth. Each member so nominated, if elected, is to serve a three year term commencing December 1, 1.985, 1986, 1987 and 1988. ELECTORS ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice that the manner in which the said nominations shall be filed is set forth 'in the Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms Bind full particulars of proceduresto be followed may be obtained from the undersigned. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the offices are nominated and make the re- quired declarations, notice of the time for the holding of the poll, including the advance poll and notice of ,the last day for making applications for -certificate-to vote by proxyis'shown belodv. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE 1. A nominee may 'withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5 p.m. in the afternoon of Tues- day, October 22nd, 1985. 2. Nominations must be signed by at feast ten electors and the nominee must make a declaration of consent and qualifications. 3. Where the number of candidates for an office is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which candidates may be elected, on the Wednesday following nomination day, October 23, 1985, the clerk may between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. received and certify additional nominations for the office in respect to which there was an insufficient number of candidates. SHOULD AN ELECTION BE REQUIRED, THE ELECTION WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, -1985 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. ADVANCE POLL on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 198 betweerr-th'e ho -urs of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. at the Township of Morris Municipal Office. Deadline for obtaining certificates to vote by proxy is November 12, 1985 at 5 p.m. NANCY MICHIE Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Morris KEN MATHERS CONSTRUCTION • Building • Remodelling_ • Roofing • Free Estimates Phone 357®1758 HURON CUSTOM SERVICES Custom Combining Corn - Soybeans Ready to serve you Grain Buggy - Trucks available 4 -wheel drive Will quote any job — competitive rates DONALD GEIGER or HOWATT BROS. 236-4865 523-4500 PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY The preliminary list of all electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act, will be publicly posted in the office of the Municipal Clerk on the 7th day of October, 1985. Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. Applications for inclusions,, additions or correc- tions to or deletions from the list may be made by ' an elector completing and filing a form obtained at the office of the Clerk during normal office hours. Revision of the preliminary list of electors will commence at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 15, 1985 and the last day for filing applications concerning inclusions, additions, corrections or deletions is Thursday, October 24, 1985 at 5:00 P.m. WM. H. KING Returning Officer, Township of Grey Township of Grey NO1VIINATIONS NOMINATION OF SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS FOR REPRESENTATION TO THE HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD __kir_ _the._ electoral districts of- the Township of 'Hullett, Morris, Howick, Turnberry, Kinloss, Culross and Grey, Village of Brussels and Town of Wingham will be received by the undersigned commencing Thursday, October 1 7th, 1985 until Monday, October 21, 1985 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ONE REPRESENTATIVE TO BE' ELECTED FOR A THREE YEAR TERM ELECTORS ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further -take notice that the manner in which the said nominations shall be filed is set forth in the Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures to be followed may be obtained -from the Municipal Offices. d If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the offices are nominated and make the re- quired declarations, notice of the time for holding the polls_includirlg_the-advance-pall--and-notice of the last day for making applications for a cer- tificate to vote by proxy is shown below. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE 1. A nominee may withdraw from a nomination at any time before 5 p.m. in the afternoon of. Tues- day, October 22nd, 1985. 2. Nominations must be signed by at least ten electors and the nominee must make a declaration of consent and qualification. 3. Where the number of candidates for an office is not sufficient on the Wednesday following nomina- tion day, October 23, 1985, the Clerk may be- tween the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect to which there was an insufficient number of candidates. 'SHOULD AN ELECTION BE REQUIRED the same will be 12, 1985 betw p.m. held' on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER een the hours of 11 a,m. and 8 ADVANCE POLL On _SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1985 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. DEADLINE FOR OBTAINING CERTIFICATE TO VOTE BY PROXY IS NOVEMBER 12, 1985 AT 5 P.M. WM. H. KING, Returning• Officer, Township of Grey