HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-16, Page 7Page 6—The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 16, 1985
GRADE 8 STUDENTS from the Wingham Public School got some insight into how
things were done by the pioneers during their trip to the Lambton County Museum
near Grand Bend last week. (What's News Photo)*
PIONEER METHODS—Students from the Grade 8 class at • Wingham Public School
recently traveled to the Lambton Museum near Grand Bend. While there they had op-
portunities to - explore some early methods of doing things used by the pioneers.
(What's News Photo)
(519) 2913040
(51 9) 291-3040
R. W. Bei!
The Square 524-7661
t,, • _ . at the Wingham:
Public. School
Editors: Andrea Grant
Peter Poulin
If anyone is alive this year
in French, it's Grade 5. They
have been listening to tapes
all along, have learned one
song, talked about "les
animaux", their adjectives
and reviewd their colors.
Even with all this, they have
time for games of "Simon
dit" and French hockey. So
far in hockey, the score is 3-2
for the girls and it is the third
period. Let's hope they can
keep going at this rate.
—Kirsten Keil
Grade 6 students have
started off with a great year.
Last Friday we had Sports
Day. It was a great success.
On Nov. 1 we will be having
Teddy Bear Day and we will
be having more special days
throughout the year. Last
Monday we went to the
museumobile and we really
enjoyed it. We also learned
about the Inuit. Our class
was in .the Thanksgiving
assembly doing a play. We
are hoping to get reading
buddies soon.
Our two new stuile ts in
the_class, Tracey and Steve,
are very welcome.
—Shannon Simpson and
Kendra Machan
Mrs. Szarek's class put on
a Thanksgiving play and
recited poems at Friday's
assembly. For this Thanks-
giving assembly, they have
been •• writing stories and
Last week Mrs. Szareks
class has been selling
cookies. We think our class
won the pizza lunch, but the
final results are not in yet.
Thegerbil in our room is
called Snowball.
—Sean Whiteley
Mrs. Robertson's Kin-
dergarten class has been
working on Thanksgiving
activities. They have been
painting things that they are
thankful for and tasting
different fruits' and veget-
ables. All the children are
thankful that they live in
Wingham where they can
walk to school safely.
—Marcy McKee
This week has been very
busy in the school office.
They are busy with the
annual government report
and school newsletter. They
also are busy planning
school field trips and a new
school bell system has been
installed with the master
clock in Mr. Robertson's
office. Mr. McCall, who is
the superintendent of
operations, visited Mr.
Robertson last week.
Here is a reminder: if you
have an odd job you can't do,
hire a student from our
school. We will rake leaves,
shovel snow, clean windows
or anything. Call the school
office at 357-3270 to arrange
for your helper. The
proceeds will go toward our
class trip to the Olympics in
Calgary in 1988.
—Rhonda Leachman
Mr. Lisle's Grade 7 class
just has finished its short
stories last Thursday. Some
people will study as many as,
five new novels and will be
answering questions about
them ad'cording to Bloom's
Taxonomy. In part of
physical education, they are
going to the golf course to
take lessons from Mr.
Knight, the golf \ instructor.
This should be a very ex-
citing event.
—Scott Gillespie
The president, Brenda
Dickson, opened the recent
meeting of the Belmore 4-H
club, the Material Girls, with
the 4-H Pledge. Following
that, Tami Eckenswiller
took Treena Jeffray's place
in reading the minutes of the
last meeting.
Then the girls answered
the roll call by naming the
material for their outfits
they chose in Walkerton last
Sandy Klose began
reading Meeting No. 3 in the
exercise books. After that
the leader explained to the
girls how to shorten or
lengthen the pattern. Un-
fortunately Wilma Jeffray,
another leader, was not able
to be there, but Evelyn
Dickson volunteered to take
her place.
The members ironed their -
patterns and pinned them on
their material. Lunch was
served following the
The fifth meeting opened
with the 4-H Pledge. The
topic for the meeting was
cake decorating with Mrs.
Kathy Bridge demon-
strating. All the girls
practised decorating a cake.
Two members were absent.
The meeting closed with the
motto, "Learn to do by
The fourth meeting was
held Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. at. the
home of Barb Graber and
started in the usual manner.
.The members chose who
would make the chocolate
cake and icing and while
they baked, the others read
the rest of the meeting.
The Oct. 26 bake sale was
discussed. The meeting
closed with the girls sam-
pling the .cake and repeating
the motto. .
The ! third meeting was
held Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. at the
home of Kathy Bridge and
started with the pledge. The
members chose who would
make the chicken. corn pie
and coconut banana cream
pie. While they were baking
the others continued with the
meeting.. Then the baked
products were sampled and
the meeting closed with the
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Butit By
Happy Gang
The Wingham seniors'
• Happy Gang met lastFriday
afternoon at the Wingham
Armouries. President
Gordon Wall opened the
meeting with Thanksgiving
thoughts and "0 Canada"
was sung with Mrs. Johnston
Conn at. the paino.
Mrs. Russell McGuire
read the minutes of the last
meeting and Dorothy
Stevens reported a balance
of $855.37. The roll call was
answered by 31.
Correspondence included
invitations to Clinton
Seniors' dances on the
second Thursday of each
month and to the Wingham
homebound centre's Hal-
lowe'en Dance on the after-
noon of October 31 as well
.as non-competitive seniors'
games at the Armouries 1:00
to 4:00 p.r . on Nov. 6
sponsored by the homebound
centre and•seniors. •
• A later Aso ca lila (torn
the Huron -Perth separate
school board regarding the
planning of a community
resource guide listing adults
in the area interested and
willing to devote time in
and interests with students.
The Happy Gang decided
to continue sl`ionsoring
dances on the third Thursday
of each month with music by
"Gordor*s Olde Tyme
Plans were made for a
Christmas dinner to be held
at the December meeting. It
will be served at 12:30 p.m.
Dec. 13 at the Presbyterian
The program followed with
Mrs. George Fisher
presiding. Alex Robertson
gave a reading, "What Is a
Farmer?" and the orchestra
played three selections.
Humorous readings were
given by Lonora Wilson and
Gordon Leggatt sang two
solos. The sipg-along was led
by Rena Fisher. Kathleen
_Lockridge__gave a reading,
"Welfare Can Be Fun", and
a solo was sung by Irene
Bosrnan. -
After another selection by
the orchestra, the meeting
closed with "God Save the
Queen" and a social time
was enjoyed.
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