HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-16, Page 3Mrs. I. W. Merrick and
Harold Herd called on Mrs.
N. A. Belfry of Walkerton
last Monday.
Mrs. Jean Howes and
Barbara Carbert of Wing -
ham attended the 40th wed-
ding celebration and lunch-
eon for Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Carbert at Milton recently.
Happy Birthday
Best wishes from
Sam, Vernon, Ken,
Gary, Robin
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Westlake of Bayfield and Mr.
and Mrs. John Donaldson
visited on the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snell
and family of Delevan, New
York. On Saturday night
they attended the victory
banquet at Circle C Ranch
followed by the recognition
service in the chapel when
Rev. Wesley Aarum
presented Mr. Snell with the
licence to preach and also a
study Bible from Living
Waters Ministries. The
Torchmen off St. Catharines
presented a musical pro-
gram. Mr. and Mrs. Snell
have attended Bible college
in New York State for the
past three years.
Mrs. Parker Campbell
spent the last two weeks in
Mississauga at the home of
Robert and Jeannette
Campbell looking after the
girls while their mother was
in Victoria, B.C., visiting
Shirley and Steve La -
Fortune. Robert and Tanya
attended the Blue Jay game
compliments of pitcher Dave
The third tax installment for the Town of
Wingham is due on Oct. 31, 1985.
Interest •at 13/4% per month or any part
thereof will be charged as of Nov. 1, 1985.
J. Byron Adams
Clerk Treasurer
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Townships of
West Wawanosh,
East 'Wawanosh,
and Village of Blyth
Nominations will be received at the Clerk's Office,
Township of Ashfield, RR 3, Goderich, Ontario,
commencing on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 and
until 5 p.m. on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 for the
position of School Trustee on the Huron and Perth
Counties Combined Roman Catholic School Zone
Board, Nominees must be a Separate School
Board Supporter and may be from any of the
following municipalities: Ashfield, West Wawa -
nosh, East Wawanosh and the Village of Blyth.
Nomination forms may be obtained from any
Municipal Clerk's Office.
Clerk, Township of Ashfield
RR 3,
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 3)9
Now is the time to SAVE
at these fantastic savings
Wingham — 357-1840 ,
TEA AND BAKE SALE—The Majestic Women's Institute at Brussels held its fall tea
and bazaar last Friday afternoon at the Brussels Library. Ruby Steiss and Dorothy
Sterner, both Institute members and both from Brussels, were busy setting up
displays for the sale.
Morning Star installs
a new slate of offlcers
ning Star Rebekah Lodge,
No. 315, held its regular
meeting recently with Mrs.
Vera Hastings, noble grand,
in charge. Special guests
were the district deputy
president, Mrs. Leonna
Connelly of Huron District
No. 23 and Deputy District
President Phyllis Thompson
and her installing staff from
Stratford District No. 29.
Mrs. Connelly, assisted by
the visiting' installing staff,
very capably installed the
officers of the Morning Star
Lodge for the coming year.
Mrs. Jane Hall read the
Commission, Pat Aldington
was deputy marshall and
Louise Cowan sang two very
appropriate solos.
Mrs. Connelly gave a very
inspiring message entitled
"Smiles and Happiness" and
Mrs. Thompson spoke
briefly, as did the noble
grand of the Perth Star
Lodge, Listowel.
Gifts and corsages were
presented to both district.
deputy presidents and Mrs:
Hastings was presented with
a gift for her years as noble
Business included a
reminder of the variety fair
to be held Oct. 26 at 1:30 p.m. ,
in Lodge rooms. A bus took
the installing staff and any
members wishing to go to
Goderich on Oct. 15 and 16
and those interested were
asked to meet at the Lodge
rooms. Several represen-
tatives volunteered to attend
a Pilgrim for Youth meeting
in Clinton.
A delicious lunch was
served by the committee in
charge." Mrs. Connelly and
her staff also traveled to the
Listowel lodge last Wed-
nesday and the staff,
directed by Deputy Marshall
Mrs. Barbara McCutcheon,
helped to install the officers.
The Morning Star officers
for the 1985-86 term are: past
noble grand, Mrs. Hastings;
noble grand, Mrs. Barbara
Watts; VG, Mrs. Mary
Nichol; RSNG, Mrs. Alice
McArter; LSNG, Mrs. Nelva
Scott; RSVG, Mrs. Joan
Bernard; LSNG, Mrs.
Sharon Freeman; secretary,
Mrs. Mary Lowe; FS, Mrs.
Jean /Bridge; treasurer,
Mrs. «Janef7McCutc,heon;
music, Mrs. Verna Thomas;
chaplain, Mrs. Sarah
Stephenson; warden, Mrs.
Lillian Moses; conductor,
Mrs.. Helen Bray; color
bearer, Mrs. Mary David-
son; inside guard, Mrs.
Barbara Nichol and outside
guard, Mrs. Marie
Karen and Rainer
Wolsnitza of Inuvik, North
West Territories, have
recently returned home after
spending two weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Iona McLean
and other relatives in the
area. They also visted with
Mr. Wosnitza's sister in
Another waste -reduction
drive will be held on Friday
Eastern Star lodge
installs new officers
A large ..crowd of mem-
bers, visitors and relatives
attended at the Wingham
Masonic Hall last Tuesday
evening to witness the
ceremony of installation for
Huron Chapter 89, Order of
the Eastern. Star, officers for
the coming year.
Mrs. Doris Michie and
Leslie' Shaw were installed
as matron and patron,
together with their officers,
by Mrs. Sharon Cowman and
Mrs. Shirley Langridge and
their installing board.
Another busy year has
been planned for the Huron •
Chapter. Mrs. Michie has as
her special project the
Wingham and Area Day
—Centre -
well as the Diabetes
Association and Estari
Mrs. Eileen Johnston and
Mrs. Pat Gaunt and their
committee brought the very
impressive evening to a
close by serving a delicious
Brussels Personals
and Saturday, Nov. 22 and
23. Only newspapers will be
accepted this time and
please, no catalogues or
shiny paper. A newspaper
pick-up for Brussels will be
held on Nov. 23, so have your
papers to the curb by 10 a.m.
September's drive netted $84
for World Wide Relief. The
drive is sponsored by the
Brussels Mennonite Fellow-
ship Ch.urch.
Gladys Wilson of Stratford
and Mr. and Mrs. Wray
Leach of Bright recently
visited with their 'cousin,
Mrs. Ida Evans of Brussels.
Mrs. Margaret Harris and
children of Shelburne and
Paul Nichol of Guelph spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Ross Nichol, along with.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nichol
and family.
N.SGIVIIVG TREAT—Mrs. Glenna Stephens of
Brussels got her traditional pumpkin pie for the
Thanksgiving holiday the easy way last Friday—she
bought it at the bazaar sponsored by the Majestic
Women's Institute and held in the Brussels library. Ber-
niece MacFarlane, also of Brussels, looks over the bake
table in search of a tasty treat.
The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 16, 1985—Page 3
Resort town provides setting
for Anderson -Jean rites
St. John's by the Lak
Church in the Huron resor
town of Grand Bend
provided a lovely setting for
the ceremony uniting in
marriage Are Catherine
Jean off London and Richard
Ross Anderson of Goderich
on Saturday, October 5, at
five o'clock. Arrangements
of bronze and yellow mums
formed the floral setting and
Rev. Cheryl Englert off
Grand Bend performed the
Parents of the bride are
Harvey' and Mary Jean of
London and the groom is a
son of Ross and Barbara
Anderson of Belgrave. The
bride entered the church to
the strains of "Trumpet
Voluntary" played by
organist Alan Carverhill.
She was escorted down the
aisle by her parents who,
along with the groom's
parents, gave their blessing
to the marriage.
The bride wore her
mother's wedding dress,
made of white satin with an
attached train. A twisted
rope of satin trimmed with
pearls held her shoulder -
length veil and she wore a
string of pearls. She carried
a, sheaf bouquet of calla
Mary Susan Sage of
Ottawa was her sister's
matron of honor. She wore a
street -length dress of jade
green taffeta and carried a
shlilies.eaf bouquet of orange tiger
Best man was - Don
Pearson of London and
ushers were the bride's
brother, Jim Jean off Grand
Bend, and the groom's
brother-in-law, Rick Ball of
The wedding party left the
church as "Ode to Joy"
resounded through the
sanctuary and proceeded to
the Oakwood Inn, Grand
Bend, for the reception,
capably conducted by the
bride's brother, Jerry Jean
of Toronto. Out-of-town
guests attended from Lon -
'don, Toronto, Hamilton,
Windsor, Ottawa, Clinton,
Belgrave, Hanover
Receiving the guests was
the bride's mother who chose
a dress of pale blue crepe
with a corsage of pink roses.
She was assisted by the
groom's mother who wore a
dress of rose crepe with pink
Following a honeymoon on
the island of Antigua, the
couple will reside in
Goderich. The bride is a
graduate of McGill Univer-
sity and the University of
Western Ontario. The groom
is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Waterloo.
This community extends
sympathy to friends and
relatives of the Drehman
and Aitcheson families in the
' death last week of Mrs. Ethel
Aitcheson, who passed away
Oct. 6. Mrs. Aitcheson and
her late husband James,
lived for a time in the
Whitechurch community in
their earlier days
Alan Falc,r was a
visitor last Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Last Wednesday evening
Mrs. Russell Chapman, Mrs.
Dave Gibb, Mrs. Elmer
Sleightholm, Mrs. Walter
Moore and Mrs. Agnes
Farrier attended the
regional rally at the Gorrie
United Church.
Those attending the
Lucknow Women's Institute
meeting last Tuesday
evening were ' Mrs. Russell
McGuire, Mrs. Elgin
Johnston, Mrs. Helen Lewis,
Mrs. John Currie, Mrs. Dan
Tiffin, Mrs. Don Ross and
Mrs. Agnes Farrier. Besides
the Whitechurch group,
representatives . were
present from Dungannon, St.
Helens and Kairshea.
Villagers here witnessed a
strange site Sunday at noon.
A half -ton truck coming from
Wingham apparently
crossed over the highway
and crashed into a Cadillac
car parked at the former
Wilken house and pushed it
onto Ivan Laidlaw's neigh-
boring lawn with the motor
still running. The fire
department had to be called
in case of an explosion.
There also were three tow
trucks at the scene and an
ambulance which took the
truck driver to hospital for
observations. The police also
were called. Both the truck
and the car were towed to
.Mrs -loris—W-ilken held a
Thanksgiving dinner for her
family at the home of her
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Steffen, Chrissy and Susie,
on Monday. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ross,
Michael and Sherrylynn of
Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Wilken, Kimberley and
Robbie of Atwood; Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Wilken and
Kendra of Kitchener and
Howard Ludwig.
1 Whitechurch Personais
Mr. and Mrs. Brad
Speiran, Sara and Jill of
Brussels, , spent Thanks-
giving Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Rintoul. They all
celebrated Sarah's birthday.
Celebrating . Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Falconer last Saturday were
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Falconer and Jackie and Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Falconer,
Tony, Tim and Amy.
Those celebrating Thanks-
giving on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Milligan
were Mrs. Mary Lou Glover
of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Falconer, Tony, Tim and
Amy and Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Irwin, Cody and Chance, of
Mr. and' Mrs. Doug Ward
and family and Richard
Moore arrived home from
their hunting trip to the north
last Friday. They failed to
shoot any deer or see any.
Cindy Moore of Winghamn
spent Thanksgiving with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Moore.
Spending Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Crowston, Chatham, were
Mrs. Clara Crowston of
Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Don
Nicholson; Ivan Laidlaw and
Kim; Mr. and Mrs. Orland
Irwin, Faye, Don and Mike
and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Alton, Annie and Lynn of
Ashfield. �
Legion members visit
Westminster hospital
BRUSSELS — A bus load
of approximately 30 Legion
and Legion Auxiliary
members visited West-
minster Hospital, London, on
Sept. 29.
The members took fruit
baskets to their adopted
veterans and then gave out
two bushels of apples and
hornemade'cookies to many
other veterans. The -veterans
really seemed to enjoy the
Eight members of the
Brussels Legion attended the
zone convention at Wingham
on Oct. 7. Everyone present
had the privilege of signing
the Artciles of Faith, the
zone charter.
ThelLegion members held
a turkey supper and dance
on Oct. 12 and there will be a
Hallowe'en costume party on
Oct. 26 at the Legion Hall
with prizes being awarded.
New members always are
welcome and if you , are a
veteran or a veteran's wife,
son or daughter, you are
welcome Co" join in this the
year of the Legion's diamond
1 year G.I.C. 91/2%
3 year G.I.C.. 11%
5year G.I.C. 1/1/4%
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