HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-09, Page 41Page 6, Energy Conservation Guide
Is condensation a
problem in your home?
Does moisture or ice form
on the inside of windows
or does moisture accumu-
late on mirrors and Light
The solutions may be
simple. Repair any leaks in
basement walls, keep lids
on your pots when cook-
ing, reduce the number of
plants kept indoors, and
keep firewood outside
instead of in the basement.
If these steps don't
eliminate the condensa-
tion, ventilation will be
necessary. This may just
mean opening the appro-
priate window or win-
dows, or it may involve
installing bathroom
exhaust fans, a range fan
or even a central ventila-
tion system.
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ntr'...JIing h
a + condensati
Humidity and con- more serious problem
densation are common that cannot be seen. Whe
problems in many homes house air, leaking int
— but the causes and exterior walls or the roof
available solutions are condenses as water or is
often complicated and on cold surfaces, the resul
confusing. can be water -sodden insu
Infiltration is the dation or even structura
movement of cold, dry , deterioration.
outdoor air into your If you are having
home through cracks and problems with condo
gaps. Cold air cannot hold tion in your home, it i
as much moisture as warm important to remember
air, so when infiltrating 'that there are three ele
air mixes with warm ments to control.
indoor air, humidity levels First, you have to try
in the home tend to drop. to stop moisture from get -
So, except in humid ting into your home.
regions, infiltration Repair any leaks in base -
shouldn't cause condensa- ment walls, keep eaves -
tion problems. troughing in good repair
Exfiltration is an- and make sure the grade
other matter. This is the slopes away from the base -
flow of warm, moist room ment walls. If the problem
air outwards through gaps persists, try controlling the
and cracks in a building. production of moisture
As this warm air comes inside. Keep lids on your
into contact with cold sur- pots when cooking, reduce
faces it cools, can hold less the number of plants you
moisture and gives up the -keep indoors, keep fire -
excess in the form of water wood outside instead of in
or frost. It is probable that the basement, and try to
in most homes some exfil- take shorter showers.
tration does occur. Curbing activities that
During the winter produce moisture may be
months, condensation is the only change you need
usually a visible problem to make.
only when water or ice But if surface con-
forms on the inside of win- densation persists — mois-
dows,. but it can cause ture On walls or ice on win-
s dows — it probably means
n that you need insulation or
o additional glazing on the
windows. If i'hese steps
e fail, the only solution is to
t ventilate the house. Some-
- times this just means open-
! ing the appropriate win=
dow or windows, but
exhaust fans, a
nom- range hood fan or a cep-
s tral mechanical ventilation
system may be necessary.
The most compli-
cated problems are a result
of hidden condensation —
when humidity gets into a
building cavity, such as the
attic. This is when struc-
tural damage, staining and
ruined insulation are likely
to occur. The easiest way
to prevent this situation is
to control humidity inside
the house. Gaps and
tracks in the interic5r fin-
ish of the house, which
allow moist household air
to leak into cavities,
should be sealed. If prob-
lems persist, then ventild-
tion of cold spaces, su;,•h as
attics, should be im-
proved. If the steps men-
tioned above are not effec-
tive, you should seek the
advice if a professional,
as your home may re-
quite more complicated
ch' :Ages.
Wood Stove Stack
A stack thermometer
on the flue pipe is the eas-
iest way to keep track of
how the fire is burning in
your wood stove. Look
for the type with a metal
probe rather than the mag-
netic type, and insert it in
the flue pipe between
30 cm and 60 cm above
the flue collar. For the best
performance the flue tem-
perature should not exceed
330°C or fall below 110°C
during normal operation.
CHIP Grants end
March 31/86 or when funds
run out - whichever comes first.
HOWEVER - If you have registered early, funds will be
reserved for you. You are under no obligation. If your attic
insulation is not up to today's standard, 1134 or 91/2" NOW is the time to
install more insulation. The (CHIP) Canadian Home Insulation Program will pay
or up to $500.00 toward the insulation being installed.
W. Adaflison & ion
Contracting Ltd. ,A-
Lucknow 528-2113
Basement Moistil,re
Damp spots, crum-
bling and cracked mortar,
or a white powdery deposit
on foundation walls
(called efflorescence) are
signs of moisture and
water seepage. If you have
these problems in your
basement, the following
steps should be taken to
stop moisture penetration.
The best solution is to
install a system of drainage
pipe or "tile" outside
the foundation footings.
Backfilling with coarse
gravel allows easy water
Hybrid or Two -Fuel
Just about any heat-
ing system has strengths
and weaknesses. If you
want the most from your
heating dollar, consider
the use of two fuels with
complementary charac-
teristics. A good combina-
tion is fuel oil and electric-
ity. Many householders
use electric plenum heaters
or electric baseboard sys-
tems with an existing oil-
fired furnace. During the
fall, early winter and
Basement windows
should be well sealed and
any cracks in the walls
should be repaired. Win-
dow wells should contain
crushed stone to allow
effective drainage.
The . ground should
slope away from the house
and eavestroughs should
be installed to collect water
from the roof and direct it
away from the house.
If you plan to insulate
your basement, deal with
moisture problems first.
Sodden insulation is of no
Heating Systems
spring, heat requirements
are modest and are met by
electricity. An oil furnace
firing for short cycles dur-
ing these periods is very
inefficient. In the dead of
winter, the oil furnace can
operate in long cycles,
which makes for more
efficient use of fuel. Even
though the season's total
heat demand is- the same,
the combined sources cost
Tess than either one alone.