The Exeter Times, 1924-6-5, Page 5'Ii11111111111 1111.1.4 1111111101111I11Ul1lllillllll11101111111 101111111111IIIIII111111IIIiIUU111111IIi 111111iII111101 0111llllllllllll111111lllll !News From HensalL , Ii! i III 1111111 I II Alllllllllllli11111 l i II IiIlltlllllill I III I i iIllllllillllllillllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIILII 1 11.11 L,II � I I II I ENSALL DO THE AMi3ITIOUS, YOUNG PEOPLE OFar ITIS' COMMUNITY KNOW THAT TSE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario Arranges classes to accommodate Students wishing to liveat home and commute daily by train? That, on a 32 week's course, one month' is given free of fees, to insure student having full time at school? That,' this school has the most highly qualified teaching staff of any Private Commercial School in the Province? THAT THESE FACTS MEAN YOUR OPPORTUNITY to Spring- Term opens, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1924 STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME COURSES. STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL AND SPECIAL Write or Phone 198, ror full inZormation. M. A. STONE; COM. SPECIALIST, 13. F. WARD, B.A., Principal Vice Principal PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN '& HOLMES Barristors, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St., Goderich. Private funds to loan atlowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. 'Holmes Mr. Hines will be in • -Hensel' *very Friday from .9 until6. AUCTIONEER P 1 OSCAR ' S Aft KLOP Honor 'Graduate Carey Jones' Au- stion School, Special course taken in :Registers$ Live Stock •(all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm ,Bales, ete. • , Rates in . keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or wire 18-93, Zurich. DR. A,: MOIR, L. M. C. C. ,t Physician and• Surgeon It Phone 70 ` HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate' •of Faculty Of Medicine, ;;McGill University, Montreal; 'Member Of College of Physicians and Surgeons 1i1f ' Ontario;, Licentiate of Medical /Donnell of 'Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident 1VIedieal staff of I/general Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;, 1pffice, 3 doors east of Post. -Office. ,Ph?i'e 56, Hensall, Ontario. '• umber has Advanced But we are still selling White Pine greased on both sides at $45.00, per #housand. 1x6 dressed and matched white spine $50.00 per M. B.C. No. 1 XXX Shingles B. C. No. 1 XXXXX, Shingles 'Bird'"A Ashphalt Twin Shingles ilird'a Ashphalt Roll Roofing 18 in. wide, the heaviest made. Phone No. 12 A. 1 J. CLATWO T Y GRA TOt'!treed0111 -. fi'om t'1 MR Per% IFS I, Templeton's Rheumatic Caps f fo RHEUMATISM SCIATICA 14EURITIS LUMBAGO fiiB/ppyy�1"� TEM'F'LETONS TORONTO.11.4 IEEN7tPf1IL7 III7NSALI ONTARIO WHY NOT .GET- YOUR - 1 r 1 , r TOWN? I"1ilile.!lll�aQi, DONE IN .6.(D�iS Pv :7 WE BELIEVE: WE ARE A- BLE Lia TO GIVE, YOU AS. ' SATIS- FACTORY' AND PROMPT A SERVICE AT, OUR OFFICE, AS ELS i'WHERE, AND IN AD- DITION TO THIS Trig PRICE IS RIGI T A. TI'R:LA:L WILL CONVINCE YOU. THE . HENS.t).L' OBSERVER A well attended meeting of the Hensall U.F.W.O., was held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Buchanan recent- ly, ecent-ly: The President, Mrs. Glenn took the chair. The Sec'y, Mrs. Pepper, Called the roll by asking each mem- ber a question relating to Municipal matters. The replies to these quest- ions brought a most interesting and instructive•discussion on this subject and will be continued at the next meeting. A good program was giv- -en Mrs. Munn re -read her report of the Provincial Convention at Toron- to by request. Mrs, G. Bolton gave •a fine paper on music. The vocal duets by Miss Buchanan and Mrs. M. McLaren and the violin and piano duets by Mrs. Glenn and Mrs: ' &tc . fowl, of, Belfast, Ir,eland, was much enjoyed as was also the violin solos by little Miss . Mona Bolton, after which the hostess served a dainty lunch. The next meeting will be •held at Mrs. R. Stewart's and will be addressed by Mrs: Mitchell, U.F:W. 0. director for Middlesex. th It is greatly regretted that some of the.; egg • buyers ;and merchants are 'showing such a• hostile spirit:,to the farmer's co-operative egg mark- eting organization. Cooperative marketing- has been in operation in -sortie district's for many yeai;t and as 'a result,.` prosperity has come ,to the framers and consequently their •towns, and ,Villageee Iii Oxford Coun- ty .co-operative ,;marketing of eggs and poultry has been very successful. The dairymen of that county , have been,; so encouraged„by the poultry men's success that they hove -recent ly organized and will, in future sell their 'milk in that way. It is to be hoped that those'in opposition to the egg pool may see the error of their ways, or retaliation may follow. A large order for groceries was sent to • the U.F.W.O. co-operative, Toronto, and eleven hundred pounds of cheese. ordered from a local cheese factory. Come in and look over our Electric Curling Irons We carry a'good reliable make at ,the very reasonable price of • only $2,00 We have for sale a large assortment Mr. W. R. Hodgins is in London this week visiting with friends, We are sorryto report that Miss Rands ie in poor health at present. Mr. Win: Stone, Jr., of Detroit, is visiting for a time at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clark, of Lon.- don,`visited friends in town on Sun- day. , Mr. Wes: Nichols, of rLondon spent a few days :withrelatives near town last week. Dr. Jas. W. "Bell, .of Harrisburg, Pa. is at present visiting in this com- munity. Mrs. Abraham, of Portland, Ore- gon, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Thos: McKay. Mr. R. Donaldson has had a new cement entrance to his store put in this week.” Mrs. J. Zuetle and. Master Clare, visited with friends in Exeter a few days last week. Mr. E. Berry, of Windsor, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. T. Berry in town recently. Mr. Wm. McLean, Jr., of Kippen, has taken a position as junior in the Molsons Bank here. Miss Helen Swan left recently for Por Huron, Mich., where she intends to visit for some time. Mrs. S. Sparks and daughter, Mrs. McIntyre left on Tuesday for Brant - _ford, Mrs.-McIntyre's home. Dr. F,• H. Larkin, Seaforth and Rev. J. • 1. McConnell Hensall, will exchange pulpits next- Sunday" Mrs. \Vm. McKay and Mrs. - W. Chapman visited with relatives in Hamilton over the week=end. 1trs. L. Ronnie, Miss E. Rannie and Mrs. Geiger, of Zurich, visited, Mr. E. Ronnie in ;town on Tuesday. The Communion •Service in Car- mel Eresbyterian church, Hensall, was largely attended last Sunday. • Mrs. J. Reid and Miss Minnie 'are this week paying a visit to relatives - in London and Chatham. Mr. Neal Sparks and Wallace Dick. of Detroit, recently motored- here, and :spent a, few days with relatives, in town.: ,,,.,.• •111r. and Mrs. H.: White, of Detroit; motored to town: on. Saturday last and -visited the former's parents, Mr; and Mrs. W. White Rev. and Mrs: A. Sinclair and Master Norman, are this week in Windsor where Mr. Sinclair is at- tending Conference. The Commercial Hotel has added to its appearance by a new neat sign on the front entrance announcing the name of the hotel. Mr. Wm. and Miss 'Ada Graim, of Lansing, Mich., are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.' Graim, of town this week. Mr. and Mrs.; Russel Keys of Flint Mich., are visiting the fornier's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Parker, east of the village. Mrs. A. Whiteside, Jr. and little child, of Hamilton, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Whiteside and fam- ily this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alpine McEwen have taken rooms in the Sterling Bank building and moved their effects; there the forepart of the week. Mr. A. Murdock, Miss E. Murdock, and Miss K. Scott visited with rela- tives in. Toronto and; Brantford this', of week. A number from -town attended the street ' ca'`nival field • in Seafor,th on FiS .ln Tackle . x ,, .: Tuesday_ afternoon •to.�'tcerelieate, •the„ completion of their new Main St. A meeting of the Liberals of S. Huron. was held, ill the Town Hall,:. Hensall, on Wednesday June 4th. Mr. Duncan Marshall 'addressed the large audience present. The services in the Methodist Church on Sunday next have been withdrawn as Rev. Mr. Sinclair is. attending Conference at Windsor • including r,; RODS, LINES, REELS, ELIES, HOOKS, SPOONS, ETC. YOUR INSPECTION INVITED. The Hydro Shop J. Passmore, Sunday School will be held as usual House for.Sale at 9.4,a.rn. Plans are being drawn up for the or Rent re -modelling of the old ,school and Rouse for Sale or Rent—Good Frame Dwelling on north Richmond St. 2 lots. Will ' sell or rent on easy terms. Posseseion given immediate- ly. Apply at Observer : Office or 4Veditesda; afternoon Z� Disjardine, ,Zurich R.R. No. 2. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION The �.. .t 1 o fi,,rn os after your ua;ne on tlii:, paper 'will show to what : date Your paper Is paid. If in arrears pletten remit by money Order, regist- ered letter or cheque at par. It will relieve, us of the ne essity and; coot Of sending out notices, if you will act on this suggestion at once. Don't 'orget that tire rate is $1.00 a year •n advance. American subeeriptions 2.00, owing to extra hostage. • iEIIE TIM.l S the addition of a new room. The work on this will commence as soon as the children commence their rnid- summer vacation. A verysuccessful shoot was heid ..oii the Hen- ! y by Sall Gun Club. A large number of ' sportsmen from other points" attend- ed andmade the shoot one ot the best ever "'held. Scores next , week. Tlie Verdun Minstrels of St. Mary's entertained a good audience in the Town Hall oir 'Friday' evening last. .. 1 Y :� Their songs, choruses, jokes, etc.,. Were well received and kept the au- dience in u-dience'ih •contitiuousboals of laugh- ter, EDUCATION IdTt'1TI.ON Pa,reut: Jest think of it, your first day at school. that did you learn. to -day, dear? Dear: '1'o c:rccse my cites incl stick on t my tongue at the same 'tflzt0 Tenders Wanted Sealed Tenders will be received up to Tune 10th6 p"rn,, for the erection of •a new room to Hensall Public School. Plans and' Specifications, can he had, on application to Sec'y Tress. • A. L. Case, Secy Treas. House For Sale House for Sale—Good two-storey Brick, residence furl ,sale,uts,east=..end' of S. Richmond St. Hensall. Good cellar, furnace, and other convenien- `ces, for particulars or terms apply to A. Coxworth, Dumas, Sask or to Gladnau & Stanbury, Exeter. CREDITON Mr. Garnet Sims, our telephone operator, left for a week's vacation, spending the 3rd of June in Port Huron, he also will visit in Mitchell, Hamilton, .Kitchener, Toronto and New I3amburg and several other places during the visit. The funeral of the late Robert Sweet took place from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Richard Hill, to the . Exeter cemetery on Sunday, the funeral being largely attended. We extend our sympathy to . the bereav- Mr. Harrison Holtzman,' of Detroit visited! Mrs. H. Holtzman and Mr. and Mrs. -Jos. Hoist and his mother for a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs Dyer, of .Detroit, vis- ited in the village over the week- end. • We are pleased to report that Mrs. Chas. Eilber is well enough to re- turn to her home on Saturday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Rev D. McTavish is attending Conference in Windsor, this week, leaving, Tuesday morning. Mrs. Raymond English, of Kitch- ener, is visiting at the home of Mr. J..English for a few days. Mr: Chris Rau who .has been laid up for some time is able to be a- round again with the aid of crutch - Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber are at- tetnding the funeral of Mrs. Eilber's aunt in Lucknow. •eMr. H. Eilber, is at present con- fined to his bed with.,_ rheumatism. We hope he will soon be around a- gain The tool shed on the township lot has been completed and Mr. G. Eil- ber is painting it,, Which will add much to the improvement. ' Mrs. O. Brown accompanied by her -son and daughter areyAvisiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eil- ber for a- few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber were in London. Saturday on business. Ford cars still uphold their tradi- tion. A. well and favorably known citizen left his car on the street one evening ashort time ago, while he Went into.a business place, and when he returned hiscar was well down the road for lionre, after being stop- ped by a nimble -footed young man, who was able to overtake it. Our advice to rnotoristsis tie 'em up. EI.IMVILLE Don't miss the play in the church shed entitled "The Turn of tire Tide" this- Thursday evening, June 5th. On Friday evening . of last week the choir and members of the Mis- Sion Circle net in the basement of the church and surprised Miss Mae Heywood, bride -elect of this week, With a kitchen shower. Miss Hey wood was , led to -a chair decorated with bows and streamers. Little kiss Florence and Lloyd Bell .dress- ed as bride and groom; carried the presents in huge pies, while Mrs. Newton: Clark played Mendehlsoa's dding Wedding 'march. Miss Heywood 'ape eiied" the' pies, after which -She made a very suitable reply thanking her friends for their •kindness.= Games acrd `singing; .followed by ice cream, ended a very enjoyable` evening. Foster—Heywood—A very pretty event took place at -thehome lot. Mr, and Vlr.*. Wellington Slainn.er, when L_1L e•Mae, youngest daughter. of M:, and :11,esi Janina Heywood ro$ Elimeinte, was united in mareiage to Mr: Ernest J Fester second son of Mr. and Mrs, (ot,r I rater • of Grarutier , which vas o1er7,riaed at high noon un ' edues•- tday• J?thlie 4tb, in Eh,e rpr eisenee of about 75';.uiests, Res,, E. Livingstone, pato of nn-tat/.le •:iviiethodat church, of.tic-1 la.teci fie brbde, who was given :;n marriage by her father, entered the drawing, realm ta the (strains Cel Lohen.- grin bridal c:hor us, played ,by Mrs, "Wellin;gtoq.'Skinin'r, who was gowned rn bluc bre cad canon ,crepe. The L,rcide looked chartering in Kti gown ivory brocade canton, crepe, ,trimmed with >• pearls and satin, Her ,only >r name.nt sVals the groom's -gilt, a rape of pearls., She were the custamiiry hride.l 19ci,r caul flit with Orange 1J'.oss- soms and !pearl.; oma her:prettily clef -ting- ed hair She carried a shower 1:e.i- eitet •ot 661i'eiit roses and ie en iecl with white .stitch streamers. 'Ino t.e t- mo.ny took place benest h • an 7. ch •'+t• whits ;strcamexs and large white bell Hrs. 1feywoix.l and 'Mese Fos tet, ,c rve'd the guests Atte.- sen e- ti7 rt ,i;�eeli r r:ai ell to the; itlinni' rc,-iii where 'a .dainty wedding d;cline; 'vac served.by fraends off the .brid, end ntoosrl, Thegra:ands gilt to ti ae'en,. W L tt l 11";rQ loll bar p t,. Me, Percy Ihn'Iter acted at usher. 1tr, and hire. ' r'; lift •ski alio 'evc i ng 'trahi to, ietainto, Nraga:•:t and pi •au ,, ,-art, Alis :1: 'a et.t'i:er ';n a ,navy :i;"'iitc.d'.aa an 'with l at to iu tc.lr Guenit wetc f7 , scent .,t. afar},,, .11 de re iu, tee Lett, kJ.kten, IVooctbarn and C,irant e DASHWOOD Dr, H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S. `. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. MAIN OFFICE ' Hartleib s Block --- Dashwood, Ont, Dr. and Mrs. G. Snider, of .Gard- ington, .Ohio, are visiting with friends in town. Miss Cathern Fipkbeiner is Visit- ing in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. E. Otterbeiu have returned home after spending sever- al weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Walsh, of Saskatoon, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Wm. .Snider is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recov- ery. Dr. H. H. Cowen spent the week- end with his parents in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert, of. De- troit, visited in town last week. Miss Hazel Snell left on Tuesday for Toronto:. FARQUHAR THE HALL, FARQUHAR ON JUNE 10th, AT 8 O'CLOCK P.M. A PLAY IN THREE ACTS Will be given by the Munroe Young People Entitled x , AARON SLICK FROM PUMPKIN CRICK An Orchestra will be in attendance and will •• furnish music a . between Acts At the close of the program a piano in good condition will be sold by auction, the property of the W.I. ADMISSION 25c and 15c Under the Auspices of the W.L Miss G. Morgan Sec'y Treas. Mr. and. Mrs.,Arthur Campbell vis- ited in Hensall Sunday. Miss Reta Pollen was home for over Sunday. The. W.M.S. meet this Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pot- len. Friends from Staffa called on Mr. and Mrs. Anson Smale on Sunday. Come and see "Aaron. Slick" from Pumpkin Crick, at the Hall, 'on June 10th. See notice elsewhere. Anniversary services in Thanes Road church on June 22nd. Fur- ther announcements later. ZURICH Mr. Sam Deitz and son and Mr. Milton Deitz were. on a business trip to' Stratford, Kitchener and Preston last week: Mr..Win. Howard, of near Drys- dale has moved his household effects to Dashwood, where will reside in future. Mrs. Wm. Daerr, who visited her sister, Mrs. S. McBride, of this vile age, has returned to her hone at Au- burn. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Braun have moved to Forest where they intend to reside in future. Dr. and Mrs. McKinnon are moving into the home vacated : by Mr. Braun, for the sum- mer or until their new home will be built. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston left for Yale, Mich., on Wednesday morn- ing to visit the fornier's brother, who was seriously injured in an automo- bile accident. Mr. Ivan • Kaibfliesch spent last week in Detroit. Miss Maida Routledge is spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr. Kenneth Routledge, of Detroit is spending a few weeks at his home here. Miss J. Denomme, of the Sauble Line, was in London last week visit- ing with her sister who is ill there. Mr. and Mrs. Wetlaufer, of \Vater- Too, , visited at the home of ,ars, J. Preeter on Saturday. Mr. and -Mrs. W. C. Callfas, Miss Edna' Callfas and Miss Marguerite Prang were in London last week. Messrs. Clarence and Clayton Hof- fman, of Galt, were visitors with their parents, Mr. anci Mrs. W. H. Hoffman over the week -end. Mr. Harry Gallnian has resold the property he purchased from the es- tate of Fred Schrader, to Mr. J. K. Ehlers, of Dashwood. • u and Mr. M. r. Nancy Gingerich Gr er Wm. m. Gingerich, of Wilmot Centre, spent the week -end with relatives in this s vicinity, The Misses Erma Brown and Petty Bean, of Kitchener, visited with Miss Mabel Preeter recently. Mr. E Iiable, of Toledo, Ohio, was' a week -end visitor at the homes of Js l, , eeter and W. L. Siebert recently. Mr, and Mrs. David Gingerich, of the 'Goshen Line, South, are spend- ing a few weeks with friends at Kit-. chencr and other points. Hz'. l:l. Bosssn ferry, of Ilayficld, was in the 'village on Monday', he has recently, boon on a two weeks' visit. with Mends in Michigan. Ilir. and Mrs C.: L. Smith, Mrs. ,fol n 'Brenner and Miss Mina Bren- ner visited .recently in Mi verton, ;Mss Mina remaining there for a few weeks. CENTRA AIA The Mission :Circle field a quilting bee at the home, of Miss Elieia Bayne ham, on Tuesday afternoon. The hosts e hostese s rlred a dainty luncheon and everyone had a splendid time. The Ladies' '.. id will rneet at the hone, of Mrs. Jas. Oke Thursday af- ternoon at 2.30. Rev. Mr. ' Kiteley" and Mr. 'John Essery are this week, attending the London.: Conference' ai Windsor. Sunday being Conference Sunday, the morning preaching service will be.'w,ithdrawn, SundaWBchool at 10.- 30. Mr. Geo. Stanley will preach in the evening.' Mr. M. Sleamon visited in 'Central- la Monday morning: A garden party will be held on the parsonage lawn on the evening of June 26th. Further particulars lat- er, ater LONDON-GRANTON STAGE TO BE DISCONTIN'tJED The London -Granton stage route, which has been in operation for a- bout half a century, was discontinued on Monday last and the residents be- tween the two points are greatly dis- appointed. The decision to discon- tinue the service was_made when the post office notified the stage owner that the mails which were being car- ried, would be dispatched another way. Without income from carry- ing arryi ig the mails,, the service would not be sufficiently profitable. • HURONDALE The, Hurondale. W. I. ;held -their an- nual meeting on Wednesday thley 2S at the home of Mrs' j. Bloltcntit with Hrs. W. Kerslake as tassisting,hostess'. Th: secretary reported ,a 'very zac- eas ful year with a,tnemberslii3pi of 52 and a average attendance of: about Total receipts $219.58; expend . tare, .$153.18 - Goods were purchased and dresses made awed Sent to,the children's Shelter God•erich, a barrel of fruit was ;hip- ped to the Sick 1Chitldren's, Hospital, and $10.00 to the American. fund, Paper towels were bought for the school. It was' planned that a ,piicniic ,;will, take the place. of the lJunet mee.ting The following officers were ;elected: Hon. P.res. '.mors. A. Care; pres,., Ars. A J Ford; isit Nice pres.., Hrs. A. Cudmore ; '.2nd vice piles, Mrs, C. Artie kon; secy.-treas., Miss N. Kcddy: assist` secy, Mies . J. Strang; d stric'c. director, 1vtiss H. Reddy; brand-in/er- ectors, brand- Iter-.ectors, Mrs. F. Downy Airs. R. ,.Kydd, Hr,.- S ;McQueen; distrrtct re.preserut a- tives, Mrs, Ford, Mrs. Gudrnore Mhz. Mitchell, Mrs, J. Bolton, Mrs. Welsh; piztnist, ,Mins. M. ?yin. The Easiest Ridin tar is a Ford H ti Equipped With HS D's the body of your Ford is still while the wheels and axles follow the contour of the road. Sudden jars are turned +; into undulations. 30% more, tire mileage due to absence of hard road shocks. ;Rack- ing body blows are absorbed— not passed to the chassis. H & D's make the car ride sa remarkably easy that after you haveused them a week you will. not „ride without them at ten times their cost. 'PRICES INSTALLED Passenger Cars $2�' $35, Ford Truck Exeter J Beer Ont. 1'IlIHlll i 0IUI11d 11Ui1?fi(fl?t�I 11111100.111m II 111 511111 - t "Mono -class Cabin' Ships" means that h -ships, i. 1. on tesethere s neither first_ v as s second nor sec oclass—butONECLASS— Mono-class. �: LA s Mono -class. In other words, when you travel Can- adian Pacific CabinYoa• enjoy all the pleasures and conveniences h r Of the entire 11� ship, and at moderate rates. ligent y 7., ask u. N4 4 411