The Exeter Times, 1924-6-5, Page 1• om ... r arm MMINIO r, MINIM . amen • EXETER, (JNT I,.T ItJiRSD. "Y .S :ORNI ((, .�LTNE 5th., 1924 '}j{d1i:11;lljjiiiliFtfi(9(1[ItFtt1IM111111H111HItn1111ItY�Yt p �� 11(IIU((f(((f(illff((Ilfll(f�flfffllf(Il�iflllllfflflll lffffff�lffllf(flfllflffflfff f CH° iOOM V Sr. IV—Honors, , Lillian ' Baker,' E 82; Muriel Flowald, 82; Vera Moon- ey, 81; Harry Jennings, 77; SteIla Northcott, 75. Pass, Lyle Dinney,, = 73; Doris Salter, 73; Sydney West, 69; Harold Skinner, 69; Wanetta Nelson, 68; Edith Walter, 67; Cath- erine atherine Woods, 46*; Annie Simmons, Newest patterns and styles. .411 the newest shades, both light and dark and the Cloths are all Wool, Boys' Bloomer Suits. $5 00. 7.5(1 1®.00 up to A Window of Slippers at $2.75 New 1 Strap p Patent tSliPper Slippers, all sizes, values up to $5.00 .perp air.: Don't hiss these if you want a good pair of Slippers cheap @ $2.75• New Shades Ladies' Silk Hosiery We are ready Por the summer weather with the new shades of Silk Hosiery, such as Sunset, Peach, Nude, Beige, Sand, Dove Grey,' Log -Cab- in, Beaver, etc, ' Ask to see our special lines'' at $1.00 a pair, many with ribbed garter tops. Club Bags Suit Cases � Trunks We have' just received our summer shipment of Club Bags, Trunks, and Suit Cases. Prices are much lower on these lines. Call and look „ them over. Good Suit Cases as low as $1.75 each. Men's Straw Hats The Straw' Hat Season is at hand. We have many new styles and weaves to choose from at very moderate prices. Monarch Knitting Yarns The new Summer. Yarns are now' in" stock. We .handle the celebrated Monarch Brand in the new fancy lines and colors, also staple lines in : Wool.and Silk and Wool. AGENTS FOR { PHONE 32 • woos PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS rTottes- & May �mmuiunnmiilum�mmumnnnnnmme�ii��Hn�ouugnn�nh Lowe Bros. HIGH STANDARD .PAINTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE • CHI-NAMEL. FOR INTERIOR DECORA TION AND SELF GRAINING IN TINS AT 30c, 55c' $1.00 and $1.85 Lowe Bros. , MELLOTONE, THE FLAT WALL FINISH. LOWE BROS'. VARNISHES UNIVERSAL VARNISHES SUN VARNISH AGATE- VARNISH FROM 45c UP Gloves from 50e. - Spec- ial Prices to Clubs SOFT BALLS BASEBALLS 158 to $2.00. REG, SOFT BALL BATS $1.45 BATS FR,OM25c UP ]Baseball Mitts from $1 Big stock to select from HEEL PLATE and TOE PLATE Everything for the Fisherman. Rods, Lines Baits, Spoons, Sinkers. Etc. Tennis, Racquets, -Balls and Presses 7.1OOii OVER THIS LIST Liquid Veneer 25c and 50c ICalsomine l3rushes . 35c O'Cedar Polish. 25e andh 50c Perfection Wicks 40c ,. Paint Brushes 10C up Johnson's Floor Wax 75c Ib. 011 Stoves froln $13.00 'up Ovens from $3.90 hp'•. PHONE 32 Immot WNW 41* Jr.IV—honors, Irene Bierling, Pass, Aida MacDonald, 73; Roy ten, 70. Jennie Passmore 68; Mad eline Dearxng; , 6 8 ; . Georgena Nelson, r = 68; Wilma Kay,. 66; Tom Kay, 66; "Kathleen Reid, 65; Grace Chambers, =; 64*; ,Alvin Passmore > 64; Stanley Walter, 62; Hilton Laing, 584; Ba- den Powell, 58*; Willie Sandel•s, 45*; Clifford Hutchinson, 40*; Jas. SE Taylor, 334. Sr .:III—honors, o1Lo 1 �s , Gladys T-Iunlrn, 80; Mary Wells, 79; Helen Penhale, = 79; Willie Ballydll, 76, Pass, Clar- ,,ence Boyle, 72; Russell Snell, 70; E Geraldine Burke, 65*. `';' * means missed, tests. ,; = No. on roll, 39, aver atten. 36.5. G. S. Howard, teacher, ,ROOM IV An asterisk denotes that pupil = raised one. or more exams, Sr. zTI— xonorsDorothYDanneY = 83; 'Russel Collingwood, 79; Violet11Gambrill, 78; Willie Ellerington 78. Pass, Lillian; ^'Payne, 73; Clifford Lamport, 74; Nelson Wells, 69; Roy Sanders, 69; Jean Walper, 67; Geo. Andrew, 66; Loretta Little, 60*; Harold MacDonald, 56:x; Mabel rosteM = Sneil, 48*; Charlie Lodder, 33*. Jr. III—Honors, Raymond, Pryde,. Cl. I." --,Arranged in order of merit. Marjorie Foote, Lorne Howey, Wal- ter Hooper, Violet Luker, Orville Webber, Eileen Sines, Gerald Corn- ish, David Kestle. Number enrolled 44, Aver.Atten 34, Olive M, .Taylor, teacher. BOARD OF 'EDUCATION, The Board xnet in, ±the1 office of th secretary osz Tuesday evening, wit 76• all members aeresent !except lMre Dear- Bat- Lag. The previous minutes were ap proved, The chairman reported se curing sniff iciveunt `money through th council to carry oihain'til middle fo. 'Nile-. !.Ms. Stanbury reported that ii was impos.;iblefor him to see the de partnvent area-ateen as he. was out the, city. It was therefore decide to write the department re, di,ffes•enc oa Dpiniou with department ;re propos ed extension. ,ns'on. to z The principals' L al report p p were received, considered and filed To Mr. Tramper was. given the care of nrovidung proper accomm,oda;t.i;at and to the secretary the netcessary supplies for the 'exaan.unation,s. Mz-. Fake agreed 'to see that window ap- proaches to .fire escapes twere4 .in pao- 'per order. The 'building and grounds cwnnittee was requested to look iin;to the, matter .o.f ceilings' land report. A few accounts were passed,. Per J. G, Stan,bin•y 'land Rev, A. A. Trun e-- a 1 That e th teachers hers o f bot; h High and Public Schools, ,except Mr. \icOuarri:e, whose certificate expires, be .offered re-engademen,t at :the same', salaries, and that •contracts be signed as' soon, as possible, but' before the end o1 June.—Carrried. It. Mac.Faul, Sec. h e f o laralna Imeervo 15.0.161 women ala llfl(Ilf IIIIIIIfIhIIJIIHJJHJJUr Have you heard that the the Silver Band, of London, will visit Exeter and vicinity on June 14th and 15th, holding services (D.V.) in Centralia, Crediton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Exeter on Saturday. Watch for bilis. Sunday a full day,of Service in Exeter; 11 a.m., Town Hall; 3 pan., Victoria Park; 7 to 8.15, :Skating Rink, followed by Gospel Service. Meet me there. CHURCH FAVORS TEMPERANCE. The'attitucJe of the Evangelical Church toward the liquor traffic has ever been of a pronounced ,antagon; isxn F_,ram the beginning her iprinclp- leu have been total labstinencel for the individual and ,entire prohibition, for the state. She has been (aggressiivej .irh her endeavors for the overthrow and destruction of the desptatic demon{ of drink. At a 'recent conferenfeheld in New Hamburg a strong resoluaM was' passed in favor of the present p,rohilestoty laws' an Ontario, aired their enforcement, also against another vote mons.) at this tarn; and Ian,'fasese Laf a Daman,- Promoted to Sr. I -Honors, Grace ion wide prohibition 1a;ev. Baker, 95; Eileen Cornish, 89; Edith Cann, 83; •Raymond Freckleton, 84; Fled Ellerington, 7a; Jack Pryde, 77; May Sims, 73; Harry Penhale 85; Gerald Skinner, 82; Jennie B chanan, 80; ',Madeline Stewart, 7 Joe. Creech, 77; Grace Christie, 7 Jean Sheere, 75. Pass, Rosie Je pings, 74; Hazel BloomfieId, 6 Gladys Hutchinson, 67* Lois Sta ham, 67; Ilona Kestle, 67; Cec Laing 66; Ruth Balkwill, 65; Harr Cole, 64 Jos. -Jackson, 64; Vern Brimaconib, 63; Ruth Collingwoo 60; Gladys' Smith,' 59; Graf ton Coch rane, 55'"; Lloyd Freckieton, 52*; Justin Kuhn '5l*; Kenneth Ward, 49*; Helen Vale, 47; Wallace Sel- don, 39*; Margaret Martin, 32*: Richard • Trumpet, 32"•; Melville Simmons, 18*; Claire Snaith, 15 t*. No. enrolled. 43, aver attest. 39.5. J. -S, Murray, teacher. ROOM III • Form III'Jr*=-honors, Mary `Cann Kaye,87; Muriel '79; Helen Stan .bu=y; 79; Dorothy Cox, 79; Helen Heywood, 78; Marguerite Bloom- field, 77. Pass, Hugh Walper, 74; Wm. Nelson, 73; Jack Redden, 72; Kenneth Vale, 71; Margaret Eller- ington, 68; Clayton Batten, 59. Form II Sr.—honors, Ruby Stone, 95; Dorothy Davis, 89; Stella Little, 88; Jean Penhale, 88; Marion Davis, 87;• FLorence Cornish, 84; Allan Fraser, 82; Constance Jennings, 82. Pass, Edith Kestle, 76; Helen Salter, 73; Wm. Burke, 64. Form II .Tr.—honors, Chester Cor- nish, 90; Marguerite Cann 86; Thos. Ellerington, 85; Jack Staabury, 84; Florence Stewart, 81; Viola Hodg- son, 79; Lois Macdonald, 77. Pass, Allan Quance, 69; Eddie Ward, 61; Elmer Hankin, 57; ' Harold; Beavers, 56. No, enrolled 43, aver atten. 39. H. Kinsman, teacher.. ROOM -11 Owing to illness a number of pu- pils were absent and missed tests. -Sr. II. Honors, Kenneth Hockey, 84; Howard Kerslake, 83; Jean Ross 83a'Ruth Fraser,'82;' Dorothy Luker 81; Vera Kestle, 76. Pass, Jean Pilon, 67.. Jr. IIA-'-IIonors; Edith ,Clysdale, 89; Aledi,ne Stone,' 8,1:. Pass, Allen Nelson, 74; Stanley; Ward, 74; Eil- een Snell; 68; Teddy Batten, 66; Mavis Spencer, 65; Billy Walter, 62. Jr. IIB—Honors, Helen Walper, 90; Rowe Dinney, 32.; Ray Creech; 81; Roy Hutchinson, 77; May Quance, 76; Seidon Buchanan, 75; (absent, Helen'.Helen'.Trumper, Irene Mooney, Margaret Taman, Reba Sim- 11 - 8;;5; d' e i ATTENDED FUNERAL IN GALT The funeral of the Iate rev. W. G. H. McAlister, who died last week at his home in Galt, was held' Friday afternoon, interment in the Galt cemetery. Among those from town who attended the funeral were Rev, 9; W. E. Donnelly, Thos. Harvey, C. F. t_: Hooper and .las. Hern. The funeral it service was under the direction i e ton of v Rev. Mr. Harpen, of Galt. The ad- e d, dress was given by Rev. G. N. Hazen, of London, a life-long friend of the deceased. The following ministers also assisted: Rev. Robt, Hicks, of St. Thomas; Rev. Dr. Dobson, Prin- cipal of Alma College, Rev, Dr. Mc- , Donald, of Galt and Rev. W. E. Don- ' nelly. SOFT BALL LEAGUE IS CREATING GREAT INTEREST The Standing Won Lost .Per Cent' 2 0 .1000 1 0..... ... 1000 Main St. 1 1........,500 Caven Presbyterian 0 1.....,• 000 Trivitt M'enorial 0 1 000 James St. B. 0 1 000 James St: A. i Thames Rd. BORN,: SMITH—In Centralia, on May. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.' W. Smith, a son. SIMPSON—In McGillivary, on May 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Simp- son, a son. COULTIS—In Usborn.e, on May 31st, to Mr. and; Mrs. N. Coultis, a daughter. MARRIED 1'+'oste,r--Heywood—In Usborn,e, at the borne of lair. and ,Mrs. Wellington Skinner on June 4th, Zi11i,e 11,1ae, Youngest daughter of Mr. anal Mrs. jamas Heywood .of •El znvi,lJ;e,,t,o Erns ,est J Foster; 5011 lof Mir, and Mrs. John .Foster of Granton. CARD OE THAikT1cS ' Mr„ and Mrs. Richard 11111 desire 'j to express their sincere thanks to the e s� c mai,„ 1Y freiids a;ncl neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during their iiiiispovimmiampimmommiommommammossingemningrignmarsar recent bereavement. 71. Pass, Gerald. Bagshaw, AbsentrI Patsy 'Martin, ,Hazel Clark, .Verne Smith, Clifford Heywood, Charlie Complin. Jr. I --Honors, Harold Ross, 85; Warren Sanders, 81; absent, Gordon May, Gordon. Appleton, 1. No: enrolled 44, Av. attend 37.43. N,- Medd, teacher. Main St. 15—Tc•ivitt 5 On Tuesday evening of last we Mainn St. and Trivitt tt IS'Iemorial So ball teams came together in t church league and the former tea proved too much for the Anglia team, .although the latter gave good account of themselves. TI game was interesting and there w a good crowd of spectators. T score was .15 to 5. The lineup w as follows: Main St.—W. Spence H. Dignan, G. Beavers, E. Russel L. Statham, J. Jones, M. Ford, Witwer, C- Ford. Trivitt Mertz:. M. R. Conplin, W. Davis, L. Well E. Wella, B: Cunningham, W. Lut man, L. Harness, H. Gower, J. Pen' rice, I. Dimling. Thames Road 19 --James St. B 43 A close and interesting game wa: played Friday night when Thanze: Rd. and James St. B carne to-gether The teams were well matched an the score was close all the wa through, James St corning' out o top with one run. Score 10 to 9 Both teams had a good bunch o rooters that kept things lively. Har vey Pollen turned in a great game He got a pretty catch with one hand making a double play. The 11 Q ,, elf,0, IS BELIEVING 00114' I C1 V—Honors, Hairy Beaver, 39; In proof of the axiom that `see{ Vivian Elliott, Elizabeth Foote, 81; Phyllis .Bierling, 77; Charlie Cox 76; Verdun Wells, ,75. Cl. IV --Honors, Gladys Stone 91 Jean Stanbury, 89; Norval Jones, 85; Jessie Jennings, 32. Cl. III----xlonora, Charlie Snell 80; Ray Smith, 77,' Annie Cox, 76, Pass; Yvan Webber, 69. CI„ II ---Honors, Mildred Quance, 91, Billy Penhale, 84; ,Roben i Hun. - kin, Harry Kestle, 82;. Lloyd etan- lake, 80; Florence Snell, 69; Walter Davis, 63; Cecil Smith; 60, ing is believing" we call, attention to the piaudits of our, patrons. They will tell you that while your eye glass service is ,perfectly satisfactory in every respect from the examina- tion to the ,glasses themselves, that they Were surprised at the smallness of the amount they were' asked to pay. You should' ,investigate. Dr John • .ard CIIIRor14.ACrfOrI ,tr, OPTOMETRIST" Phone 70 4» n st P. et.er, Ont. lineup: Thames: ltd. ----J5, 'Thompson E. _Alexander, R. Ratcliffe, Rev. G. Chidley, I% .';Pollen, G. McDonald, W. Allen, C. Donne, l3 Campbell. James St. B. ---7'r Boyle, J. McInnis, W Shapton, W. S,: -Cale, H. Nord, C ,Kestle, R. Goulding, B. Clarke, 0 Southcott. Score, 10-9. Jaarn.es St. A 10—Main St. 8 Perhaps the snappiest gauze of the series so far, was played Mopday, when Main St. and James St. A; bat- tled for victory, James St, started oft with a score of five runs in the first innings, Bili Lawson batting a bonier, and bringing a runner in a- head of hint. At the end of the sec- ond innings, the score was five to four in favor of James St. and in the sixth innings the score was tied. It was tight ball all the way through the breaks probably savoring James St. who emerged on top of a 10-8 score. Ulric Snell got the surprise of his life when he pulled down a fly in right field with his right hand. The only change in the Main St. line up was that C. Ford took T. Elliott's place. James St, A line up: S. Reid, G. Hind, W. Lawson, W. Harness, S. Chambers, C. Salter, H. Southcott, 13 Snell, C. Chambers. On Thursday evening Caven team will play at Thanes Road; on Fri- day evening James St. B, plays Triv- itt Memorial; on Monday June 9th, Trivitt Memorial plays James S. A. A GOOD, WOR: C. !VI'rs. ,Annie Snell of Sarnia, former- ly pf Exeter, writing to Mr. C. F. Hope of the Relief Cjomma'tte,e, which committee .some years ago sent her little daughter, Helen, away for treatment, says, in part,—"Helen i; getting aloing filne;' You would not know her now. She is smart and grow Lag, so 'much.I will sendyou a photo of her goon ,sto you will seek what she looks like. I am thankful foie what you have done for, her, and I think.;of if every time Mook at her." • • Let s o See Better Little Eye troubles neglected to- day become the big Eye troubles of tomorrow:, Temporary use of glasses NOW, ma Save PERMANENT y I7RIVYAN.I;NT use LATPR: Our examination, willtell whether; or not yon neel Glasses. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED S. Fitton, Registered Optometrist, The annual l meeting of the oss men's Institute, of South Huron,' ivilit be held in. Senior's. Hall, Exeter, os Thursday, June 12th at 2.30 pint A full representation is requested, Mrs H. K. Silber, Sec. Pro <Tema Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peart and two children,, of Rockwood, n}otoreq up Saturday and spent the week -end with. Mrs. Peart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Herta were also visited by Mr.; and Mrs. II Stevenson and two children, of De- vises; Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Jaques and' daughter, of Winchelsea; Mr. Mel- ville Rene, e n wife and two children and Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Her and five children, of Zion. In all, twelvd grandchildren were present. GOMIIBY' IN TfiREIE ACTS. A.Y. 9 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE , A. of the Trivia Memorial Church ft Cast of Characters Ile ADMIRAL GRICE Wm. POMFREIT re WILLIAM FARADAY ZVn. C. DAVIS an COLONEL SMITH B. CUNNING .'E1 .111,' a ROBERT TARVER CLIFF. )SIcAVOY 1e HENRY STEELE .. J.A.S. MORLEY as JAMES :RALEIGfI D. DAVIS he MARTIN H. WEST as , CELIA FARADAY MRS. N. J. DORC r, MADGE (Mrs, Rockingham) MISS A. ACHESON 1, EVELYN (Lady Trenchard ....MISS WAi\DA -,ON SVA-SCINSET R. L, PHYLLIS FARADAY' MISS HELEN WETIIEY MRS. CHISHOL1M1 FARADAY.... MISS FLORENCE DINNE r ACT 1.—Room in Mr. Faraday's Houhe, Feb. 1.1th, Evening ACT 2. -Same as Act 1, Eight Moats Later, About 6 o'clock. ACT 3.---Same—Evening Same Day This Comedy embraces many remarkable fascinations and carries with it an interest from the rise of the curtain till the going clown of the slue. To miss it will be to miss the Concert of the Season. Come out a.ltl have a good laugh. ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE PLAN AT HOWEY'S CURTAIN RISES RESERVED SEATS 55c RUSH 37c . „8.15 SHARP ,�'e '�N ' ii. e,' 4r V• T qt t .fix rr341, .. Aii ii . S 15 .! ries Folio mo is the Programme 2:15 Trot or Pace, best. 3 1:: 5, mile heats, divided $50, $25, $15 and $10+ :Furse $400,00 2:17 Trot,best 3 in . rile >, azile- heats, divided .$50, $25, 15 and 10 Purse $400.00 2:30 Trot or Pace, best 3 in 5, mile heats,c divided $" lzvtdecl $50, $25,,,. $1 and 0.0 Purse $300,00 The above prizes will ensure a big field of trotters :a (3 pacers anti some of the best race horses in Ontario will compete. ',Chose fond t'" good races should attend this meet,' as : rare treat is in Stare. 1RANK 'I' 9, lalt Ol a, lC eeeitlent,