The Exeter Times, 1924-5-29, Page 8Unusual Values WE ARE OFFERING TO YOU Summer Corsets 98c. AU sizes in this light weight Corset: Just what you want for the warmer weather....9Se a pr Lisle Stockings 65c. pr. Silk Lisle,. Stockings -wide ribbed and " plain with elastic ribbed tops -Black and popu- lar' light shades. 65e or' 2 pair for $1,25. Cotton Stockings 25c, Plain or ribbed Black Cotton Stockings, all sizes 5-10. You will find these real values, at 25e a pair Ladies' Slippers $3.29 Slippers and Oxfords--Popu lar styles in both Patent and. Kid leathers. These are brok- en lines from our regular stock but we will fined a pair to fit you -$3.29 a; pair. The'I3alance of Our Stock of Ladies' Spring Coats and Suits are toe Cleared at very attractive Prices Wedding Gifts Visit this store when in. search of an attractive Wedding Gift, Our Stock includes Dinner Sets -Toilet Sets -Hanging Lamps -Lemonade Sets --- Brass Jardeniers-Hand made Wicker Trays -China Cups & Saucers China Novelties -Art Pottery-Cut'Glass Ware Men's Suits $14.95 $19.85 $23.95 $29.85 you don't need to wear that ole} Suit, when you can btiy styled, servioable Suits at the above low prices. }vel Work Shirts 98c. It is very doubtful if we will be able to continue this bargain as we are finding it impossible to replace these values. Get your 'summer supply now. All sizes up to 17 only 98c. Work Shoes $3.90 Good solid Shoes in 131ack or Tan your size $3.90 Cotton Socks 25c Good Cotton Sox for every- day wear only 25c a pair. Grocery Values All Laundry SoaP s ....3 for 20c Special Guaranteed Tea 65e Ib. Seedless Raisins 2 lbc for 25e Christie's Soda Biscuits 15c pk. Granulated Oatmeal Mixed Sweet Cookies S esllb 35c Large Can Pink Salmon ....15c' 4 Tins Brunswick. Sardines 25c Royal. Yeast Cakes 05c for Young Chicks 5c ib. .0K ',M.,: "i'd4Kg?...1*V4tWYAt iti.RW"Vale.V3LATROsi,itittal*Milrxt”SaMersti 1; }4®�y� i 1. is 1+'� Right ��,� � g(����j�,''D'+� This s h } ac to Co e for Furniture We don't believe that you can find a better place to buy your Furniture, than right at this store. :'.;figoORt Our whale stock from end to end is ready to be handed over to our Customers as examples of most style, most real worth for the least money. LARGEST STOCK LATEST DESIGNS FAIR PRICES • BETTER SERVICE TEE HOME FURNISHER E. 1 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment hong distance calls given prompt attention.' DAY AND 1IGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 1 PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W mhtfAMAWo, a5' s ra *.rz+ ta4, wit AgSeeond .Pair rf Trousers Ithi a ver adored T. Meas re Suit uri arhis IS THE FEATURE THAT W. W. TAMAN IS OFFERING es JuNEtioth"°a lith t IN' INTRODUCING THE NEW SPRING AND SUMMER SUIT- INGS AND OVERCOATINGS TAILORED BY THE' 13ERGER' TAIL- ORING COMPANY, CANADA'S LARGEST TAILORING HOUSE, SPECIAL PRICES HAVE BEEN ARRANGED FOR THE TWO DAYS' SALE, AS LOW AS $22.00 YOU CAN SECURE A GUARANTEED TAILORED SUIT TO YOUR MEASURE WITH AN Extra Pair of Trnu seri WITHOI.JT ADDITIONAL COST, OF MATERIALS .THAT WILL GIVE:. SATISFACTION IN WEAR. We have a large assortment that we feel sure will interest yo you, and if you are looking for 1912 values in Serges and Staples, WE HAVE THEkI, Clothes that will wear and retain their shape and give unusual service.. . Llvcry known variety of patterns andcolors in British imported orted Woollens and Worsteds to select from, and REMEMBER TITAT EXTRA PAIL Our representative from Toronto, will be with W. W. TAMAN, during the TwoDays' Sale, and will frankly adviseo y u as to the Cloths andt e S yl s that will suit your figure best. Give us a'call and see for yourself the values we are offering. You will not be talked into buying, but you will see values and find service that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. THE EXETER TIMES Mtirket report -704e following 1 the report of the Exeter Market rtorreeted e' ery Wednesday. Wleat11.00 Oats, 45c_; Barley '55e Manitoba Flour $3,30 Pastry Flour $3.00 Family Plour $3,15 Feed Flour; $1,85 Bran 31.50 Shorts $1.60 Dairy Butter 30e Creamery Butter 35c New Laid Eggs 23c Lard 17 to goo Hogs $7.50 e,e-0-00 04-041#1,..0e1eY0****4141411 TRUE15DA MAT 29111, 10i 4. CAVEN P:fasnxrlelilIsArt OIiUJri0I1, 141i11111III111IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIiIIIiIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI110111111111 III11111111111' 1111111 I Rey. James Foote, 114., Minister i IL IIIIIIIIIILIIIIII11IaIiiIIIIRIIIl11I EVERY, R I PRJPSi3YTI R.XAN„ S s r ` l0 To. CHURCH 'SUNDAY''IM ' Ul. S . I 10 a.ni,--Sunday School 'and Bible Class, 11, a m, --.-"The Kindness of the Sum-. 7 P.111. ---"'A Great, Silent Dying" l oy Scouts meet Friday, evening JAMES' STREET METHODIST CHURCH' Rev. W. E. l')oniudly, B. A., Pastore 10.15 --Morning Feliowekip.. 11 a.m.-"The World's Finest Gar-' den" 3 p.rn.--Sunday School and Bible ® Classes. �1.!ia� ! 7 p.m.---"W.hat is that in thy " I I y Hand? Om�C dle'� Strangers S eciall .Invited. Mr. Harold. Kuntz, of Windsor was hone for the 24th. Mr. Win. Edmunds, of St. Thomas,' spent the 24th in town. Mr. F. 111.'Boyle and son Clarence spent Sunday in London, Miss Mabel Johns, of London, was home for the week -end. Harry Parsons, of Chatham spent 24th with relatives in town. Mrs. Wm, Burke and children spent the holidays in London._ Miss Fern Short, of Loudon, spent the holidays at her home here. Mr. Alex. Stewart, of London, was. in town for Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward motored to Listowel for Saturday and Suiiday. 1VIiss Mildred Norry, ofLo London, spent the 24th, with her parents here. Mrs. Fissette, of Brantford, visited for several ,days with friends in' town. Miss Ella Link, of ` \Valkerton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. (I ev.) Truro er and children a s ent'the holidays with relatives p dy in Loudon_ Miss Marguerite Kuntz, of London spent the holidays under the parent- al roof. Mr. Bruce -Rivers left Monday for St. Thomas, where he has secured a position. Mr. John Welsh, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with his .sou, William. Mrs. H. Hoskin, who spent th winter in Port Huron, has: returne to Exeter. Mrs. Taylor, of Detroit, visited her brother-in-law, Mr. Howard Taylor, this week. Mr. Chas. Pilon returned to De- troit Monday after visiting at his home here. Mrs. (Rev.) E. A. Fear, of Walk- erville, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey. Miss Alma Dearing, of London, spent the 24th at the home of Mr. Wes. Dearing. Miss Ida Wambold, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Robt. Dinney. Mr. and Mrs. J. Routledge, of Dut- ton, motored up and spent Saturday and Sunday in town. e d Mr. Ronald- Witwer sang a very pleasing solo at the James St. church last Sabbath evening. Miss Theda Guyiner, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday the guest of Miss Edna Foliick. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Doerr and son spent the 24th in 'Mitchell; Mrs. Doerr remaining on a visit. Mrs. Thornton, of Windsor return- ed to her home Wednesday after vis- iting her mother, Mrs. S. Handford. Rev. Linden Harvey, of Coats-, worth, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Har- vey. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stone and son Whitney, and Miss Wigle, of Essex, motored up and visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner ' on Thursday last. Mr, and Mrs. L. Grieve and child- ren, of Strathroy, motored up and spent a few, days with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Buswell and fam- ily spent the holiday ,with Mrs. Bus- well's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey. Mrs. W. Goodison and daughter Marjorie and Mrs. Beresford, of Sar- nia, visited for a few days with Miss L. Johns. Mr and Mrs. John Welsh, of Med ina, and MiSs Bessie Welsh, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.• Wm. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Slade, and two children and Miss Gladys Ward, of London, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. J. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey; Mr.> and Mrs.piff:'Davis and:daughter, of London, spent Saturday and Sun- clay with relatives. Messr s`I,ou'andWin,Heideman, , of Toronto, motored up and spent 24th 'with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. . lleide znan. Mrs, W. J. Jones and M'tis s' Craig, of H ezisK1 �, 1 and Miss Alair, of Varna, visited' with Mrs. W. lI. Johnston one day last week, Mrs. E. Keohler•, of -Kitchener who 'has been ill in the hospital, is rye enperating at the home of her moth- er, Mrs. s F. Witwer. Mrs. S. Johnston, wlio underwent an operation in Victoria. Hospital, London, on Wednesday of last week is progressing satisfactorily, Your Stock Wants SALT IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR BEST RESULTS. WE HAVE THE BEST CATTLE SALT ALSO FOR HOUSEHOLD, BUTTER; AND COOKING PURPOSES. EXETER SALT WORKS' Before you. begin that Roof COME IN AND SEE US For the next two weeks we are offering Specials Prices either;'.'; on Asphalt Roofing` or B. C. Shingles. In the Lumber line our stock is complete. Call and we will estimate your requirements. The Ross -Taylor Co., Ltd. FOR SALE -Auto Trailer, , capac- ity 1400 lbs.; practically new; with new tires and good rack. Apply.atf Times office or M. C. Sleamon, Cen- tralia. Miss Reta Rowe has been visiting for a few' days with Miss Edna Max- well, at Birr. MVIiss Doreen Taman, of Toronto, a was seriously injured in an automo- neice`or Mr. W :'W. Taman, of town, Miss Florry Dinuey returned home Saturday last from Toronto, where she had been visiting for a week. The Salvation Army Band will vis- it Exeter and this community on' Sat- urday and Sunday, June 14th and 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe, Miss Orr and Miss Whittle, of London, visited at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powe Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. G. Stanbury and Son Ken- neth motored to Toronto on Saturday last and returned with Stuart, who has been attending Varsity, Mr. Wm. 'Manson, of Toronto, Miss Jessie Manson and Miss Graham, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and 1VIi's. Geo. Manson. Dr. Roulston left Monday to at- tend the dental convention in Toron- to. His office will be closed in con- sequence' See advt. in another col- umn. Mr. John McLa.u.ghlin; of Brant- ford, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy. Mr. 'McLaughlin's many friends are glad t� welcome him back to Exeter. The Elamiota Echo says that 111`41. Win. Ilern had a •setting hen and all the eggs stolen one night. Mr., ITern is the eldest brother of Messrs. Jas. and P. Bern, of town. Mr. and Mrs. W. ,B. Rydall and son Jack,, and Mr. and Mrs. Young and two sons of Shallow Lake, mot- ored down and spent Saturday and Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Itobt, Kydd. The weekly half holidays for the summer months will coinn�ence with, Wednesday of next week. The Times staff will observe the holiday :and, the paper will he issued',on Th'iirsclay one day later than at present. Mr. Chas. ` Stodgill, - of Toronto, 'was the guest of 'Mr. J. M. Harvey over the week -end. On Monday Mes- srs; Plarvey and Stodgill left for Kin carcline where tiiey will have charge of a`bee farm for the sunibier. May.21th opened with a drizzling rain, but cleared lip nicely towards the end of the day: Motor traffic. was ` curtailed somewhat in conse- quence, e, 1 The usual su 1 list of V7SitOi s was not as large as in some years. Kr. S. M. Sanders was in Chicago cast week attending the Intern•ation- a,�. Convention of. Gan -dent Manufact- urers,: While there ' he purchased three high-speed, two needle mach Ines that will cut some operations in Mr, and 'V x a xI'xs L. V. tle daughter, and Mr. Beningand little Dong tored ' up 'and spent with Mr, and Mrs. E Treble and darighter. for a visit. r Teblearid lit-. alid Mrs .Clea of Toronto nio- th e week -end . Treble, Mrs. are remaining IMMO MINNOW ammr ammo mewl roumg Me_ $19.00 $25.0 We say they are good values. The Cloths are in Tweeds and are New Stripe Broadcloth One of the very newest Cloths. for this season conies' in a variety of shades. Only one Dress Length in a color, at per yard $1.40. $29.50 You will yourself when yo}t see them, Wool Worsteds, made in smart models. D. and A. Corsets A new assortment just arrived including some of the newest models` for summer -the new Cor- sellette and elastic wrap-around. See our Special at 31..59. 60 New Gingham House Dresses Made from good washing Ginghams in very neat styles. They are well Made and we are Sure you will appreciate the values, Priced at $1.95, $2.25; $2.75 and $3.50 Ladies' Cotton Vests 10 Dozen Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Vests with or without sleeves in.a good wearing material. Specially priced at 40c or 2 for 75c. Linoleum & Congoleuan Rugs Congoleum. Rugs in all sizes in the newest patterns, -also several excellent patterns in Linoleums at per yard 33.90. Smart. Sailors for Men Don't fail to see the new Straws we e are showing before you decide. on your New Hat. ' We will leave the rest to you. 32.00, 33.00 $3,50 • Hatchway No -Button Underwear We have the agency for Exeter,' for this popular Sumner Under- wear for Men. In Conibinatioii Suits only. Try Hatchway for the hot weather per Suit $1.50. Your Choice of 3 Patterns in Bedroom Papers at per Roll 10c. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE AT 12.30 DURING JUNE, JULY & AUGUST South cott ros. --,„„llllillll111111IIIIIIIIIi}IIIiII11II11i1I11118111IIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111II11I11iIIIIIiIIII IIIIIIIiIIIIIiIIii18111IIIilII111iiIlillllllNll�lltir =• Plants for Sa le' Geraniums Stocks Dusty Miller Petunia Ferns Vinca Drecena Zinnia Cabbage Tomato() All kinds of Plants or Baskets, Window Boxes and Baskets filled to order. Asters Salvia Heliotrope' Foliage Silver Leaf Ageratum Canna 'Gladioli Bulbs Cauliflower Hanging Hanging L. Day:.. & Son �. FLORISTS Union St., Exeter. Auto for Hire CLOSED CAR DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CHARGES REASONABLE A. T. HARNESS Phone 142, Exeter. INSURANCE COIVIPANY TTT5 'METROPOLITAN 'LIFE The Metropolitan Life, Insurance 'Company of New York, insures more People and is, growing faster than any other life insurance company. Obvibusly,; the reason for Metropol- itan supremacy in its field, • is that people believe its policies most des- irable, its es-irable,'its service best, and its costs most economical. This Company is ready to serve you. Tell your insur- ance wants to CHARLES, F. WAY, Metropolitan Agent, Exeter, Ont., Canada. MILLINERY Our first showing of Summer Mil- linery, featuring Hats of Milan Straw, Leghorn, Silk, ' Lace and Mohair. irRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 30-31 A. YELL AND GREGG'S Clothing Hospital W R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of 'Music in the Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. NOTICE These are the Prices you can have your' work done by ELLIOTT JOHNS Clea4,iing, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed .750 Pressed only 50c• Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 Ladies' Suits Pressed and Cleaned 31.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed 50c We also Make and Trim Suits with First Class Trimmings for $20.00. If you want a new Suit of Clothes, Come an and get our prices. 'We can give you a Blue Suit "guaranteed All Wool, Indigo Dye: Never Fade For $35.00 WORK AND " FI`.i' GUARANTEED When you want your Suit Clean- ed and Pressed, let us know. We will call for them and deliver them. Always at Your Service NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, modern bungalow, centrally located. Apply Gladman 3; Stanbury. BABY CHICKS -Barred Rocks, White Leghorn, Buff Leghorn, R. C. Rhode Island Reds and White Wyandotte.- .,I am now booking orders. Get your order in and make sure., of., getting your, chicks when yoit want them. Garnet Hey- wood. Exeter, Ont., We aro •.pleased to aim unce' that we are able to return':, to our work and .are ;again -;able to .giveyou prompt and satisfactoryservice. Cleaning, Pressing,Dyeing, Re- pairing Remodelling. Turning of 1 MI ki • ads of clothing. LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Gent's, Suits to. Order. A trial' is solicited, W.. H. GREGGG TAILOR VIOLIN INSTRUCTION MRS. GA,MBRILL CERTIFIED VIOLIN TEACHER --Hasvacancies for a few .student0 only. Mrs. •,Gambrill is represented by her pupils in many Churches, Sunday Schools, and Theatres, several being professionally paid performers', PAPER LUNGING DOAT REASONABLENE PRICES 40 YEARS' EXPERIENCE HARRY LODDER Phone 57-r-2' 5-14-41 Farmers and Dealers Get oiu' prices for Meal tC llfOr41. .S Calf Thoroughly Steal' g Y n Cooked. 'The best known Milk Stibstituto for Calv- es, and at our prices, the best value inCalf Meals. s. 3e rn, feeding g now and get results. We supply both farmers and dealers, :Exeter Ci.earer.. Limited; Exeter and Winchelsea Co, ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Count- cy of Huron. Correspondence arrange- ments for sales can be made by calfs. Ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. li• R; CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments; Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St: Exetez G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Uni- versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number One, Londes r, Ont., :. Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.m. to 5.30,.p,nt. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tues. only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's tales eftableo on John St. Phone .calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w Local Cartage I AM NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN AL- MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE. TRY -US' agshaw Phone 58W, Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, fitted with, Pistons, Complete` $16.0.0 Every, - make of Car ,M actors.otor, and Engines re- ground with Pistons Complete, to fit,: also Tr Rio.,,.. FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships of Usborne, T.uckersmith and Ilibbert. Goad buildings and well located as tomar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos.. Cameron, ;"lsu,Dox 154. Exeter.' 1111 ,III I iIII 111111 111111111 1111111 II 111111111I Bga i F 1 g� r dJ R. , L' .R Everything ykala g down in Price R. N. N. R` THOMAS DINNEY LICENSED EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone Bis, 20W Hotise poi,' 111111111111111111(1111111111(IIiII1111111111i1h11tf