The Exeter Times, 1924-5-29, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES 1111110 1 II,1IIIlIIIII1IIIIIiI IIIIIIII 111111 II I , u ��, � I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIII(IIIIIIIIIIII IlllillllllllllNIIIIIIII11w111111111111111 Ill1lllillllll VIII �xnm�lomotiiiouuiieuoimi�iuiiiieoquuoimuHiii�ptuulmo►umu�iuiuutiummugiiuiioii�imumitiiimlismamo�i HENSALL. Verdun .I T f.19 2� Street Parade 7.30 SONGS, : "JOKES, CLOGS, SNAPPY CHORUSES, BRILLIANT ' COSTUMES A SCREAM ALL THE TIME ALL ST. MARYS PLAYERS THE BLACK FACE FUN MAKERS Town Hall Hensall Ontario 7 FRIDAY�..Y -1924 1VI30. Adults 50c. Children 25c.• CURTAIN 'RISES AT 8:15 DO TEE AMBITIOUS YOUNG PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY KNOW THAT THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario .Arranges •classes to accommodate Students wishing to live at home and £ommute daily by. train? That, on 'a 32 week's course, one month is given free of fees, to insure student having full time at school? 'That, this school has the most highly qualified teaching staff of any Private Commercial School in the Province? t'4 THAT THESE FACTS 101IEAN YOUR OPPORTUNITY Spring Term opens, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1924 STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME COURSES STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL AND SPECIAL Write"or Phone 198, ror full information. )S. A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST,• E. F. WARD, -B.A., Vice Principal Principal PR. A. ;MOIR, L. M. C. C. Physician ;'hole 70'' and Surgeon c.:. HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, llev'ill University, Montreal; Member ')l College of Physicians and Surgeons -)of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical pound' of Canada; Post Graduate Ildel fiber of Resident Medical staff, of gleneral•.Hospital, Montreal; 1914-15 ; filice, 3 , doors . east of Post Office. i3'irQ if 56, Hensall, Ontario. Lumber Advanced c as d a� e But we are still selling White Pine ;dressed of both sides at $45.00 per ,thousand. 1x6 dressed and matched white Iplue $50.00 per M. B.C. No. 1 XXX Shingles B. C. No. 1 XXXXX Shingles Bird's; Ashphalt Twin Shingles lyd'e Ashphalt Roll Roofing 18 ing Wide, the heaviest made. 3rone Nb. 12 A. J. .ggggg,,.}}},,,�y���^, CLATWO TFP( GBAI TON Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules f�1{a,/p1y C® ® I A SCIS RHEUMATISM, URITTS;. LUM AG TEMPLETONS TORONTO A. W.,E. 1LE1V PHILL BENSALI ONTARIO WHY NOT GET YOUR PRINTING DON,N IN TOWN? WE BELIEVE WE ARE .A- 3BLiO TO GIVI7 YOU AS' SATIS- 'FACTORY' l iGP� A AND II 0 SERVICE' AT OUR OFFICE, 'AS ELSEWHI+3RID; AND IN AD- DITION TO' TATS» THE PitICE IS RIGi'IT i A TRIAL WILL:CONVINCE YOU. THE HENSALL OBSiJ V1 t z,. PROUDFOOT, KI t ,•aRAN & HOLMES Barristors, &c. '''; • Offirce on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St., Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes Mr. Holmeswill be in Hensall Query Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- ction School, Special course 'taken, in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc.: Rates in: keeping with prevailing ' prices. Satisfaction as- tured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or wire 18-93, 'Zurich. - The Hensall Greenhouse WE. SOLICIT YOUR SPRING OR- DER FOR TOMATO, CABBAGE AND CAULIFLOWER PLANTS, AL- SO FOR POTTED ,AND BOXED YlY A TYln[V WE HAVE FOR SALE- A NUM, BER OF ENGLISH WALNUT SEED- LINS, ONE, TWO. AND THREE YEARS OLD. , IhN`GARDENING CALL ARD LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. J. ZUEFLE & SON FLORISTS` Hensall, Ont;, Phone 115W Are Yrati Going to uy a St rage Battery . ��� � This Spring? WE WISH TO INFORM' THE AU- TOMOBILE OWNERS OF THIS DIS- TRICT THAT WE HAVE, SECURED THE AGENCY FOR THE EXIDE, and U, S. L. STORAGE 13ATTIERrJDS AND ARE IN A POSITION 'TO GIVE YOU VERY, ATTRACTIVE PRICES 6N EITHER OF ` THESE WELL- KNOWN AND RELIABLE MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERY. WE ALSO HANDLE BURGESS DRY CELL BATTERIES AND ALL SIZES OF FLASHLIGHT BAT- T.la TERMS, GET OUR PRICES BE- FORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, t The J. Passmore j Mr. John Steacey spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. S. Bt e 1 laS � OIlt the Sp t e weep -end at his home in Hamilton. Miss Flossie Foss recently with relatives in Toronto. He is very fond of fruit because he has a large Adam's apple. Mr. Roy Parlmer•, of Brantford, visited in town on Saturday last. Mr. J. Passmore attended a trap shoot at Ingersoll on May 24th. Mr. G. E. Cantelou of Clinton, was in town on Tuesday of this week. Mr. 'Russell Busch, of London, spent May 24th with friends in town. See • the ° Verdun Minstrels' Street Parade, Friday, May 30th, at 7.30., Miss Beryl 'Ashton 'visited at her home in Gerrie over:the holiday. Mrs. F. Smallacombe,•• of Guelph, visited with relatives in town on Tuesday. Mr. Almond (Lad) McEwen, of Toronto, spent a few days in town last week. visited Misses Flora and Viola Higgins spent the week -end with relatives in Clinton. Miss A. Consitt is attending a,Mis sionary convention in St. Thomas the forepart of this week. Miss Francis'Pearce was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Rivers, of Parkhill, over 'Sunday..". This and next week is the time to plant your cucumbers if you would insure the best results. M'r., Stanley Green, of St. Marys was a guest of. Mr. .and- Mrs. J. Yorrn at the Commercial Hotel. Mr. ., and Mrs. Geo. Troyer, of Courtland, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hudson. A mortgage sale of the- property formerly' occupied by Dr. Hardie, King St. will, be held in June: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyers, of London, spent the holiday with rela- tives in and around Hensall. Miss M. Hobkirk, of London,» was the• guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hobkirk over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Joynt, of Taranto, spent the week -end the guests of the farmer's brother, Mr. T. C. Joynt. Don't forget the big Shoot to be' held ' at the Hensall Gun Club grounds, on Wednesday June 4th. Verdun Minstrels of 1924,,in Hen sall Town ovn 3 I all this Friday night, g 30th of May. All St. Marys Players. Messrs. G. Hudson, N. Reichert, Writ. Beaver and Mr. Truemner were in- London on` business on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. G. Volland, of God- erich, spent the 24th 'with, the for- mer's father, Mr.' H. Volland, Sr., of town. We are pleased to report that Mr. Thos. Murdock; who has been on the sick list for some time is now able to be about again. The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. ' of Carmel Presbyterian church, will be held on Thursday, June 5th. Ladies please remember the date. 'May 24th passed off very quietly in the village, the rain preventing many from going anywhere to at- tend the attractions scheduled for Saturday. iVir. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family'and 'Mr.. F. Spears, of Toron- to, were "the:guests of the former's mother, `Mrs. Win. Buchanan over the week -end. The Verdun Minstrels of St. Marys, will give an entertainment' nr the' town Hall, Hensall, on . Friday even- ing, May 30th. A good evening's program is assured all who attend. Thedeath occured in Stanley -,on Sunday, May. 25th of Mrs. R. Scotch - mer, in her 51st year. The funeral was held on Tuesday, interment be- ing made in Bayfield cemetery. Misses Vera and Leila and Messrs. Bert" and Clifford Welsh, formerly of Hensall, now of'Toronto, motored to town and spent the week -end visit- ing friends and relatives here. Laugh and the. world laughs with you at Nigger Night, 30th of May, (Friday.) Bring the Kiddies to Ver- dun Minstrels of. 1924, at Hensall, Town Hall. We like to haye all our readers Band in any news they have but it :necessary that 'it be at the `office by TUESDAY EVENING, if intended for the current weerc's issue of the paper. A most interesting meeting of the league. was held on Monday evening last. The, topic was very ably dealt with by the president, Geo. Follicle, Other interesting features of the pro- gram were a 'saxophone phortesolo by Mr. Ferris Cantelori accompanied on the piano' by '111r. Laird Joynt. A guar-< ette by Mr, and .Mrs, I!l,- Liirdenfielil /'. J. Passmore and Mrs. Joynt; a nano drret 1 Mrs: l y 'Vl . s. Iloggarth and Mr. L. Joynt, and several other numbers wiped to make the 'meeting an en- oyable one HENSALL • The Horisail Gontinixation School baseball team went down to defeat at Zurich on,Tuesday evening last by a score' of 8-2. The local 'lads put up a good, game," however, and Dui; for ,a little hard luck the score would, have been different. There don't seem to be any other. ball team in town this year so $t looks as if we will have to look to these youthful players for our sport this season. DEATH OF Ii. I. M:i " cl)ONAI;DJ! The death occurred in Seaforth Hospital, on Friday morning May 23, of Mr. Hugh MacDonald,' well known Iden sail resident in his r 66 h t year. About a week previous to Inc death Mr. McDonald was suddenly seized with a serious attack of stoniacli trouble while working at 'his Lanni some distance east of the village, He managed to reach a neighbor's house from where medical help was im- mediately summoned. .,On the ar- rival of the doctor it was found that Mr. MacDonald's condition was, s, quite serious and he was immediately rushed to Seaforth Hospital, where he underwent an operation. For some tirne' after the operation, trope was held for his recovery, but he passed away on Friday"morning and was brought home for burial. Mr. MacDonald was well and favorably known as a cattle buyer^and;shipper. in ' this conrrnunity for quite a num- ber of years and 'will be greatly mis- sed by - a host of sorrowing friends and relatives. The funeral, which was private, was held from his late residence ,on Ring St., interment be- ing made in Hensall Union cemetery. Tenders` Wanted Sealed Tenders will be received ,up' to June 10th :6 p.m.,: for the erection of a new room to !Hensall Public School. Plans and specifications,. can be had on application to Sec'y Treas. A. L. Case, S'eo'y Treas. CREDITON The village trustees, co-operating with the business'nien have declared Thursday afternoon a Holiday during June, July and August Take :notice and govern yourself, accordingly. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. :Holtzman and Miss Clara Fahner attended the graduation exercise :at, Victoria Hos- pital, London, Wednesday last. Miss Vera` E. • I:ioltzman who has been iii nurses' training at Victoria Hospital for the past three - years, graduated- from that tristituion ;: on. Wednesday of last week. The -garage owned, by Mr. , Roy -Finkbeiner, of town :was broken into on the morning of the 24th, and a number of tires stolen. Mr. H.Trick,' of Exeter, visited his, parents, one day this week. . A nuns er from here motored to London Sunday to visit Mrs. Chris. Either, tviro is convalescent. at St. Joseph's Hospital.: Mis's . Eva Oestreiclier, • and Mr. Harold Young of London,' visited at their homes here over Sunday. Miss Trellis Hodgins visited her mother over the week -end, returning to London on Tuesday morning. Mr. I-Ier•b 'Beaver, of Detroit, is visiting his father and Mr. and. Mrs. Everett Feltner for a few days. Miss Ethel McKay, of the teachers' staff, of our public schoolvisited her home near Seaforth over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hutchinson, of Parkhill, visited Mr, and Mrs. Mer ton Morley overthe holiday. Mr. Robt. Sweet, an old and est- eemed resident of Crediton passed- away on Tuesday- evening, funeral; arrangments will be. made later. Mr. Wagg, of Clarinont, delivered a fine Clydesdale to' Mr. Eli King the past .week. " Word has been received from. L W. Brown of New York that he and three chums are leaving- this week Via• Montreal for England, `working, their ,passage on a cattle transport. They intend to tour Europe, . taking In the world's S. S. convention at Gl- asgow, the Imperial' Fair at: London, ;and seve.ril student ;conferences in England and Germany: We Ilene lie lias a pleasant and educative' trip. THAMES ROAD Mr. and 1Virs. Young and little sons, of Owen Sound, accompanied Mr: and Mrs. Walter Rydall.; and son Jack; of Shallow Lake, and were the guests of Mrs. Robt. Kydd. Mr. Charles Fenwick, of Toronto, spent, the holiday •with his brother, David, Fenwick, of Farquhar. A very pleasing concert was ar- ranged for the evening of May 23rd, but owing to, a 'heavy downpour of rain the attendance was Small. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Will Ill.therington has' had to undergo' a further operation. A dance was held in Mr. L. Ful - ton's house on the boundary on the evening of May 23rd, which was largely attended. Quite ;a number fr'oin Thames Rd. attended Sunshine anniversary serv- ices. Rev. Mr:: Kiteley, of Centralia was. the preacher for the day. T lost Mary my heart to Ma: Grace y ,, One night Evlien darkness garbed the rlaCe i , But changed my mind about the case W»lien morning dahued on Mary's face. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Black Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. MAIN OFFICE I-Iartleil's Block --- Dashwood, Ont. Mrs. A. Musser spent a few days in London last , week. Mr. E. Weltin, of Clifford, is visit- ing in town. Mr. Horner Guenther, of the Can- adian Bank of Cornmerce, ''of St. Thomas, spent the week -end at his. home here, Mr, and 'Mr's. S. Ireland, of Strat- ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan, Mrs. F. Baker and 1VIrs. •Godkin are visiting friends in`Bridgeburg. Dr. H. H. Cowan spent the holiday at his home in Fergus. Mr. E. Morgan, of London, renew- ed acquaintances in town on. Thurs- day. Miss .Gladys ' Guenther spent the week -end in New Hamburg. Mrs. J. C. Reid . and Miss Elva Richmond spent Wednesday of last week in" London. `'Mr. Wm. Howald, of Blake, has moved to town. Miss Pearl Kraft and Miss E. Richmond spent Sunday with the Tat- ter's parents in Blyth. Mr. C. Fritz, of Zurich, has pur- chased. the hardware business from Restemeyer& Kleinstiver. A very exciting ball game was played between. Zurich and Dash- wood on Thursday evening on Gais- er's diamond, resulting in a victory for Zurich 10-9. , GREENWAY Mrs. Lawrence Pollock is ill, We hope for a speedy recovery. We congratulate Mr. W. T. Ulens, who has been promoted to the rank of Lt. Col., of the 135th Batt. of Middlesex Co. The Methodist church will have a lawn social on rune 24th. BRINSLEY The supper following the anniver- sary services held by the St. Mary's church, at Brinsley, was a great suc- cess. Over $73 was taken at the door, and well on to $125 was receiv- ed in the collections at -the services, while a .sale of cooking held at the close 0f,:the entertainment realized a satisfactory amount. The program given\by eight male singers of Park- hill: Miss Kennedy, dramatic reader, and several other artists„ was much enjoyed. Interesting addresses were given by Rev. T. F. Whealan "and Mr. Whealau, Jr., of Ailsa Craig and Rev. D. McTavish, ih vs of Crediton. `: SUNSHINE Mrs. Patrick and daughter Helen, of Windsor, are spending the week with Mrs. Patrick's mother, Mrs. M. Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawrence, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. »H. Fran- cis, of -'Thames Road, visited with Mr. and Mrsl J. Fletcher on Sunday. Mr. G. Godbolt and Harvey, of Centralia, took in the anniversary services on Sunday! and spent the flay with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fletcher. Miss Vera Hicks, of Centralia, spent the week -end with her sister•, Mrs. N. Jaques. The Sunshine Sunday School an niversary services which were held on Sunday were considered • a decid- ed success in every way. Rev. Mr. Kiteley, of Centralia, delivered two inspiring addresses which were inter- esting to all Sunday School workers. The collections ,exceeded . all expecta- tions. Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis;' of Exeter, and S. Routley, of Woodham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skin- ner. WOODHAM The annual 'convention of the St. Marys and Blansliard Sunday Schools Association, was held in the Method- ist church, Woodham, on Tuesday of last week. Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. D. D. Thompson. The secretary -Treasurer's report showed all 1 the schools active. '.Rev. W. E. Donnelly, of Exeter, gave a splendid address on "The Develop- ing Child." A helpful round -table conference was conducted by Rev. R. 0, Copeland, of Rirkton. At the evening session the dove- tional exercises were led by Rev, 14. C. Copeland, of I4irkton; an excellent address was given by Rev, W. Kite ley, of Centralia; Rev. W. E. Donnel- ly dealt with matter's pertaining to the Sundayschool work. The elec- tion Of ofiiceys .for the coming year resulted as fellows: President, Rola. Hazelwood, IZirkton; vice-president, B. F. Lancaster, St. Marys; Secy- Treas., ,Alvin Crago Supt. Children's� division, Miss F,,l3ut:citer, St. Marys; Supt. Boys' division, Dr. P. T. Coup- land, St. Marys; Supt. Ginis'' division'' Mrs. P. Buicher, St. Marys; Supt:, Adult division, Mr. Edgar Hooper; Supt. I4ome Dept., Mrs. S. Switzer, Kirktoo ; Supt. Teacher's 'Training, Rev. W. F. i7riggan, St. Marys; Supt. of Missions, Geo, :Eldon, St. Marys; Supt. Temperance Dept., Mrs, W.' Somers. CI'rNTR.A,LIA ltD.. 'Albert P rspns epent the 24th avitlz his brotlze,r ter, R. Parsons. Mr. Earl Hodgson visited: his par- eu,ts over the week end. Miss Marie Hodgens of London, is visiting at her aunts, Mrs, T. Willis,' Miss Richards of London spent the h li o dad with her piarents. Miss Pickard' of Woodbani was the guest of Mrs, Roy Fletcher over the 'week end Rev, Livingston. of: Elimville prea- ched two practical and instru„tive sermons and also addressed the Sun- day school here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Kiteley Y was conducting anniver- sary- »services at Sunshine. Mr. Byron Hicks was in Toronto Monday and d T uesday having shipped five loads of cattle there on Satur-. day. Mrs: Jones and child, of London, are visiting at the home of Mr, Chris. Baskerville. The ball enthusiasts nret in W. J. Parsons' office Tuseday evening and organized a soft ball club with the following officers; Bruce Mitchell and Nelson Baker, managers; Jno. Dempsey, captain of the senior team and Trueman, Mills captain of the Junior team; W. J, Parsons, Sec'y Treas., ;and will endeavor to join the league with' surrounding teams. Mr. Fred Penwarden has sold his Gray Dort car to Mr. Frank O'Brien and has bought a coupe. • ELIMVILLE 1VIr. and. Mrs. Walter, Hern and daughter, of Goderich, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Bosnell and little daughter, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. Wesley Johns over the week -end. Mrs: (Rev.) Livingstone - attended the London Branch Convention of the W.M.S. held in St. Thomas this week. Quite a number attended the an- niversary services at Sunshine ap- pointment, on Sunday last. Mr. Charles Stephens has purchas- ed a truck and has taken over the cream routes formerly run by Mr. John Johns. Mrs. Jas. iVicFalis and 'daughter, Miss Leila of Exeter, were visitors at Mr. W. Horne's over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miners and family, of Sarnia, visited ivith rela- tives in our neighborhood over the week -end. ''Mr. Silas Johns and grand -daugh- ter Gladys, spent Friday and Satur- day with Mrs. Will Johns at Chisel- hurst. Mr. Will Skelton has secured a sit nation in Centralia Creamery and commenced his duties on Monday. Aunt: Dear, dear, what are you two quarreling about? Hubb y Y Why, I'd made up my Mind to stay in to -night and now Flo has made up Iter face to go out. ' *** *** *** An air of offended dignity, is al- Ways .the first defense of somebody who has been found out: s �Yr iat S3 c rs. {id baclGoielotod, a "(1005 your baby tlwa that war?" "Oh, dear no! " ed his host• "He lias twit() ail enc terrsive r•eportoire. This is only erre of his, lighter pel•fornidllces. He re- serves his heavy work for 2 a.rr," h cxy CLUBBING CxA E s Exeter Times $:1..50 a tnir; $2.00.. to the United States. ii Y,. m s e ando L n d tr o Advertiser„ $6,25 Times and London Free Press $ 6.25. Times and Toronto Globe ..,. $6.25 Times and. Mail and Empire ..,• $,6.25 Tunes and The Toronto ;Star ....$6.25 6.25 4 Times & Family Herald & Star $3.25 Times 'and Farmers' Advocate $3.00 Times and The Fariner•'srSun....$2.90 Times and Christian Guardian $3.4p Times & Presbyterian Witness $3.40 Times & Canadian Countryman $2.40 Times and, World Wide ..,...,., $$3,76. Times and BIontreai Witness $3.40 Times and Saturday Night • •••...$5.25 Times and McLean's Magazine $ 4.25 The a above publications '- may ; 'be obtained by Times subsc`ibers i r n any combination, the pirce for any,„pub- lication being the figure given; less $1.50, representing therice' P of The YOU have the free- ' the shi P- bright artistically furn- ished drawing rooms and lounge, card rooms, smoking rooms and dining rooms -spacious decks -comfortable, restful state rooms with. cuisine and service always up to the Cana- dian Pacific standard” For full particulars ask Local Agent.. reel b�t��}!,�� f+nn 1`.A7'y .T_fil.:" UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ` .R An excellent opportunity to all teachers to advance their academic standing. General B.A. and Honor B.A. courses offered. Astronomy, English, Mathematics, History, Languages, Political Economy and Natural Sciences -24 courses. Social and athletic program throughout the entire six weeks makes' the Summer Session as delightful as it is profitable. Splendid' new Uni it tt versity Buildings occu- pied this summer. �, l Summer .School London, Ontario, June 30 to August 9. For information write the Director, or Dr. K,.;_ P. R. Neville, Registrar. VIE] �a�^a cic;G .ii .13 Fi X97 'J Y.:z ®`aw a powerf.1,0.- Siff ,�:. 4in iu Aw. - eroke F. w • iaOosr:, 1 nil