HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-5-22, Page 8'EW ART' or the ][ol day :"this Store Will Save You •Money Slippers and Sandals $3,29 and $4:90 Silk Lisle Stockings 65c•. a pair Take: advantage, of this spec - You will find it easy to bay ial value. Black and colors in new footwear for the holiday at plain and fancy Ribbed -'-you this store. The new Sandals save 25c a pair. We also have in Patent Leather and Grey Girl's, Stockings in the wide Buck and Slippers in all the Ribs and light shades at money popular styles at $3.29 to $4.90 saving prices H:oieproof Pure Silk Stockings $1.60 a pair This is an annual value -ail first quality and in the popular new shades, including Airedale end 'Peach or .Nude. Ladies' Coats and Suits All Greatly Reduced in Price 16.95 At this low price you will find the newest Check and Stripe Coats which have been valued up to $25.00. A few trimmed. Vel- our Coats at bargain prices. See us before you, buy. Men and Boys Dress Up For The Holiday Oxfords $5.00 Good Solid Oxfords in the popular new lasts $5.00•a pair. Clothing for Men. and Prices Come here for your next Suit and wily not have it for the' holi- day -We. can save you money. CAPS -SHIRTS -SOX -NECK TIES- ATHLETIC• UNDERWEAR Groceries! Groceries! Priced to Save You Money Royal Yeast Cakes 05c Seedless Raisins 2 lbs 25e Special Guaranteed Tea 65c ib Grape Nuts 17c Puffed Rice Straw Sailors You'll need a new Straw Hat for the' 24th. See our display. Boys All at Much Lower Red Salmon 25c. All Laundy Laundry Soap ....3 for 20c Pure Leaf Lard 2 Ibs 35e Mixed Sweet Cookies 2 for 35c. 17e Puffed Wheat feat 14c k Shredded Wheat 12c 7 Bars Castile Soap 25c This store will be open Friday night on account of Saturday being a holiday. J. A. Steart �. .th'.d1�r'�So�• C. n This _ is the ight . lace Come for Furniture We don't believe that you can find a better place to buy your Furniture, niture; .than right at this store. Our whole stock from end to end is ready to be handed over to our Customers as examples of most style, most real worth for tI e least money. LARGEST STOCK , IATEST DESIGNS FAIR PRICES BETTER SERVICE M. THE HOME FURNISHER E. GARDINER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA, HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74.7; Night Ball 74W THE EXETER TIMES THURSDAY, IVrxr- 22nd, 1924 Market report--Tie following in the report of We ;Exeter. ',Marital corrected •area* Wednesday, Wheat $L09 oats, 45c barley "66c Manitoba Flour $3.30 Pastry Flour $3.00 Family Flour $3,15' Feed' Flour $1:85 Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Dairy Butter 30c Creamery Butter 35c New Laid Eggs 22e Lard 17 to 20c Hogs $ 7.25 LOCAL,' • $ 60»000e 004)..e. Mr.' Thos. Coates, of London, was home for the week -end. Miss C. Vosper has returned after an extended visit in Toronto. Mrs. John Drew, of Toronto, * vis- iting her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton. Mrs. F. Downie is suffering from an attack of muscular rheumatism. Miss Flory Disney is visiting fel- a week with Mrs. Alex. Lloyd, of Tor- onto. Mr. N. J. Dore has traded in his McLaughlin gor' the, latest touring' model. Saturday, May 24th will be a pub - lie holiday when all stores will be closed. "Well, I'll -be bobbed" is what most of the young ladies 'are saying these days. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pfaff motored to London on Saturday and spent the week -end there. Miss Helen Wethey sang a very 1!¢ pleasing solo in Trivitt Memorial church Sunday evening., Mr. Borden Cunningham, who has been attending Ilurbh College, Lon- don, is home for the holidays. We can't help wondering why the devil didn't think to drive the neigh- bor's chickens into Job's. garden., MYlr. and Mrs. Thos. Newell and son David motored over from Strat- ford on Sunday and visited with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Southcott mo- tored to Brantford where they visit- ed the latter's sister, Mrs, H. Hutton Sunday and Monday. The merchants of. Exeter will ob- serve the Wednesday half holiday during .June, July and August. See advt.' in another column. Prolong the ` flowering season of the gladioli by planting bulbs at an interval of a -week or more. Bulbs may be planted up until the middle of June. Rev. W. E. Donnelly, was at Woodham on Tuesday where he de- livered three addresses : at the St. e d Marys and Blanshard Sunday School convention. Men! We believe we .,can • T offer al in Men's YOU MAY BE OFFERED LOWER PRICED CLOTHING, BUT WE DO NOT THINK YOU CAN PAY LESS AND GET IN GOOD HONEST SERVICE OR GOOD APPEARANCE SUCH VALUES AS WE OFFER YOU. IT'S WHAT YOU GET IN SERVICE AND SAT- ISFACTION TEiAT COUNTS. WE CAN MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN ; X17 la ,Made -to Measure and Ready -to -Wear Suits tf " PRICES RANGE FROM $18.00. UPWARDS OUR SPRING STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS, AND SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, SOCKS,, ETC., Ol1/4IE pYi THE BEST WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. PHONE 8,„,I i CAVEAT 1'J ESII,YTERAN CHURCH Rev. .Lams Foote,. B,A., Minister, 10 a.m, • Siunday School and I3ible Class. 11 a.m.---"The Knowledge of God 7 p.m. -"A Reign Celebrated. to• Prosperity" Sunday, ;Juno 1st every Presbyter ian "Go to Church Sunday." Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Winterbottom, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Teale and two daughters Ruth and Lille, motored up on Sunday and visited with Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Mrs. Eli Coultis, who recently un- derwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, has sufficiently re- covered as to. be able . to return to her home on Saturday. Mr. Archie Morgan who has,' been in Victoria Hospital, -London, for sev- eral weeks where he underwent two operations, returned to his home in Usborne on. Saturday last. Federal park has been levelled and seeded to grass. A number"' of shrubs and several trees have been planted. The park gi''es promise of becoming, a real beauty spot. Dr. Roulston desires to announce that he will be absent from his office from Monday to Thursday of next week, while attending the annual Dental Convention at Toronto. The soft -ball league is creating a great deal of enthusiasm and some interesting ga'ines may be expected this summer. • The - first .game =•will be played next Monday evening. Mr. W. E. Val Velzor, of Wroxeter with his two daughters and Mr. A. V. Van Velzor, • of Aylmer, were week- end visitors with Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Donnelly at the James St. par- sonage. If the cold weather continues the merchants will do wise to advertise their heavy two piece or combina- tions for some of the old ones have been doing duty a few weeks longer than they were expected to. Mrs. Marshall, who has been vis-. iting in St. Thomas with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Lloyd Wilken for a couple of weeks -returned. home Monday evening • Mr. Wilken, who has been laid up with blood poisoning in his lip, is recovering nicely:' On Monday" morning`Mr.''CampireiI Wares left for Deer Lake, Newfound- land; where lie -has accepted a good position with a construction company on 'a large power plant. Mr. John Pryde, his partner, is remaining at Grand Bend for a few weeks to finish up a fine summer home they have erected' for Mr, H. J'. Jones, of Lon- don. ° Hewill then join Mr. Wares., Messrs. Pryde and Wares are rejoin- ing the firm they worked for before coming to Exeter and while with them they worked on some of the largest' power plantsin the United States and Canada. While here they have tirade many:friends who, while regretting their departure, will wish for them every prosperity in the fu- ture. Their families will remain in town for the present. JAMES STREET p�METHODIST 4 VRURVit Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A, Pastor' 10,15 -Morning Fellowship. 11 am, -"The Structural Threads of Lite' 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes`. 7 pan. ---"The Greatest Crisis in. Life" Strangers Specially Invited.: FOR SALE. Electrical hall fixture Barn, Timber frame, 24x30. Range, nearly new, 4 -hole, with Reservoir, Bargain for quick sale. 3 -piece Oak bedroom suite. A: number of framed pictures. Good, 5 H.P. Gas Engine. Information re above articles. at POWELL'S BAZAAR, Exeter, Ont. armers and Dealers Get our prices for Blatchford's Calf Meal Thorotighly Steam Cooked. The best known Milk Substitute for Calv- es, and at our prices, the best value in Calf Meals. Begin feeding now and get results. We supply both farmers and dealers. Exeter Creamery Co. Limited Exeier and Winchelsea. Before you begin 1 n that t Roof COME IN AND SEE US For the next two weeks we are offering Specials Prices either on Asphalt Roofing or B. C. Shingles. in the .Lumberline our:stock is timate Call and we will es complete. 1 your requirements, The Ross -Taylor Co., Ltd. EXETER, ONT. J IIiHfllllllllllllllllllll�IIII`IIII[Ililllli(Ili llll oulllllllllll�ilmnim llfllornillllll�lllllrl1111111fIII.IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIiIIIN1,111omp r :art Bloomer Sults FOUND -A halter, in James St. pcan have same.church shed. Owner a by paying for advt. Apply. to Rufus Kestie; R.R. No. •1, Hensall. GIRL WANTED for general house- work. Apply to Mrs. F. A. May, Ex- eter, Ont. Mr. Wellington Westeott, of Ham- ilton, called on friends in Exeter on Monday. A cablegram was received Tues- day morning from Mr. -Alonzo Hod- gins, of Crediton,to the.effect that the S.S. Gracia, on board of which were Messrs. W: H: Dearing, Harry Sweet and himself, had landed safely in Liverpool on Monday evening: If anyone would care to have°any suggestions as to the planting of trees, shrubs or flowers for the pur- pose of beau if rig their premises, we haden'b any doubt but that the officers of; the Horticultural Society would cheerfully assist them. • WEDNESDAY HALF ROM -DAY We, theiindersigned business men of the Village of Exeter, hereby agree to close our respective places' of busi- ness every Wednesday afternoon, be-• ginning at 12.30 o'clock during the months of'. -<June, Jul.',,and A"ugust, except in those weeks where a PUB- LIC HOLIDAY occurs.: JONES & MAY J. A. STEWART SOUTHCOTT 'EROS. W. W. TAMAN W. J. HEAMAN B. W. F. BEAVERS • A. YELLAND G. M. ARMSTRONG H. S. WALTER 730MINION STORES LTD. W. J. BEER M.E. GARDINER R. N. ROWE e RIVERS'' MEAT MARKET' D. KIR 'S: FITTON F. M. BOYLE. N. HOCKEY A. M. HODGERT F. A. KAHLER, ELLIOT'T & JOHNS W. i -I. GREGG S. MARTIN & SON . GRIGG STATIONERY CO. ADVOCATE PRINTING OFFICE TIMES PRINTING OFFICE 10110101 10011111 IMMO With two pairs of pants These New, Spring Models are'made in a very snappy Norfolk Style, of good materials, with two pair of Bloomer Trousers, Priced at :$.12.50 and $14.00. Lower priced Suits at $7.5'0 and $8.00. Greb Shoes for Boys Stand the hard strenuous wear the boys give their footwear. Try a pair the next time your boy needs Shoes. PRICE PER PAIR $5.75 Cotton and Woollen Jerseys ' Splendid for .Boys going to , school. They come in Blue and Khaki in cotton; Brown, Blue and Heather mixtures, -- in Wool; Blue and Khaki 50c; Wool $1.60 to $2.25." Linoleum and Cori oleurn Rugs. We carry a splendid rangeof these Sanitary floor coverings in the `new patterns. /We deliver -and lay free of charge. Ask for folder show- ing the new patterns. 5'dozen Blinds each $1.00 ,5 Doz. Blinds each $1.00. These are seconds- and come in green only. At the above price they are, excellent value. Special in Curtain Net 35c. This is a splendid White Scrim and make a god curtain for bed- : rooms and kitchen. Ask to see them. Wall Papers` . Wall Papers We want to clear all Wall Paper and have a number of room lots in this season's good selling lines, that we offer at big reductions. Save your money by buying these room lots. Southcott Br arum 51111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII1111111111111l111111111111NIIfl11 IllfllllllllllllllllllllllllfiNlfNr' Plants for Sale .Geraniums Asters Stocks Salvia: e Dusty Miller Heliotrope Petunia Foliage Ferns. Silver Leaf: Vince, Ageratum Drecena Canna Zinnia - Gladioli Bulbs Cabbage Cauliflower Tomatoo All kinds of Plants or Hanging Baskets, -Window Boxes and Hanging Baskets filled to order. • L. Day & Son FLORISTS Union St., Exeter. Auto, for'' Hire CLOSED CAR .` V DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CHARGES REASONABLE A.- T. HARNESS 'Phone 142, Exeter. PAPER HANGING DONE AT' REASONABLE PRICES 40 YEARS' EXPERIENCE HARRY LODDER Phone 57-r-2 5-14-4t THE"METROPOL'TIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York, insures more people and is growing faster than any other lifeinsurance company. Obviously, the •reasd'n for Metropol- itan su 'remac in its ` field,is that y ,people believe its policies most 'des- irable, its service best; and its costs mdst economical. : This Company is ready to serve you. Tell your insur- ance wants to CHARLES F. WAY, Metropolitan Agent, Exeter, Ont., Canada. Clothin ` Hos it1 We are d to -announce that we are able to .return.to our work and are again able to give' you Pr Il anYpi� and' sa;tis£2.etay service. ,Cleaning,• • Pressing,^ Dyeing, Re- pairing, ;Remodelling. Turning of all •kinds of ;clothing. LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Gent's Suits' to Order. A trial la solicited,; W. H. CsREGG , TAILOR •VIOLIN . INSTRUCTION MRS. GAMBRILL CERTIFYED VIOLIN TEACHER Has vacancies' for, a few students only. 'Mrs. Gambrill is represented by her pupils in many Churches, Sunday Schools, and Theatres, several being professionally paid performers. W. R; Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of _Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. NOTICE These are the Prices you can have your work done by ELLIOTT & JOHNS Cleaning, pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Dry Cleaned and` Pressed $2.00 Dyed .,and Pressed - $4.00 Ladies' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed 50c We also Make and Trim Suits with First Class ;;Trinmiings for $20.00. If you want a Suit of Clothes, Come in and get our prices. We can give you a Blue Suit guaranteed All Wool, Indigo Dye. Never Fade For '' $35.00 WORK AND FIT GUARANTEED When you want your Suit Clean- ed and Pressed, let us know. We will call for them and deliver them. Always at Your Service NEW BUNGALOW FOIA SALE Well built, attractive, modern, bungalow, centrally located. Apply Gladman & Stanbury. NOTICE COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision to hear and . determine the appeals filed against the Assess- ment Roll of the Municipality of Ex- eter for the. year 1924,, will hold its first sitting at the Town. Hall, Ex- eter, on Monday, May 28th, at 7.30 o'clock p.m. Dated thtih,14th day of May, 1924. ,, Jos. Senior, Clerk, of the Municipality f the Village of Exeter, LOST ---On Saturday evening last, in Exeter, North, the sum of $1'5.00; a fiveand a ten dollar bill. Finder rewarded by retuning same to the Times office:` BABY CHICKS -Barred. Rocks, White' Leghorn, Buff Leghorn, R. 0, Rhode Island Reds and White Wyandotte, I am now booking orders. Get your order in and make sure of getting your chick When you want them. Garnet Hoy - wood, Exeter,: Ont. FARMS FOR. SALE -A Yew choice fauns in the Townships) of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as: to Mar- kets.: Priced "right. Apply to Thos, Cameron, Auer;,. Box 154. Exeter. ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Cour., ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange ments for sales can be made by clam ing.-up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. I, R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main. St. Exeteig G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.DD.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental. :Surgeons -of Ontario and Uni- versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mill. -t tary District Number One; Lon Ont. 1C . Main. Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.m. to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT.,,Tues. only, at 10.00 o'clock 'a.m. to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's bales ti/tables on John ' St. Phone calls receive proapt attention. ,Phone 26w Local Cartage I AM NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN At MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE. H. Ba shave TRY US Phone 58.R1; Cochrane Machine Worlis Ford motors reground, fitted with. Pistons; Complete ,$1600 Every, make of Car Motor • and Engines re °'round with Pistet s,Colte ni ato it e p-•- also Praetors HE IS COMING, Dr, E.'.Alman,d :,time, noted, e: Ua ed Ye.spec-• ia]itt "of' TtoroutO-wdttl,hu•6at the •Centra Hotel, Exeter, on: Friday, May 23rt1. UIIIIIII II I IIIIIIIIIII 111111 llllllllll1111lIIIIIlLL: . � � Bargains �.n -1115 Everything down in Price R • N. R O •:-r'!,. E THOMAS DINNEY LICENSED EMBALMERS AND* FUNERAL DXRhi oTOHous 1 Phone Bls. 20W ,,Rse 20J, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIII111111111111111111lIII