The Exeter Times, 1924-5-22, Page 5I. III. �� llllllllll1111111111111111illllllllllllllll1111111111111ilIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�I111111111UIlipllllllllllllllll�illlIll ensal mama Mama r lNIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIiIl11IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIiIIiIIIIIIiiIIIllgelillllulllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIniIIIiIIIIIiiIIIIIIiIIIII►III►IIIIIf HENSALL DOO THE AMBITIOUS YOUNG PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY KNOW ,THAT OF THE SCHOOL C.O FRCS. Clinton,Ontario Arranges classes to accommodate Students wishing to live at hone and ,eommiute daily by train? That, on a 32 week's course, 'one month is given free of fees, to insure student having full time at school? That, this school has the most highly qualified teaching staff of .any Private Commercial School in the . Province? THAT THESE FACTS 1FIEAN' YOUR OPPORTUNITY Spring Term opens, .. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1924 STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME COURSES STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, SECRETARIAL ANI) SPECIAL Write or Phone' 198, ror full information. , 11. A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice Principal B. P. WARD, B.A., Principal PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristors, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St., Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes ' Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall Wrary Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - salon School, Special course taken in Regletered• Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Bales, etc. Rates in : keeping with prevailing pricee. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or Wire 18-93, Zurich. DR. A. MOIR, L. M.''C. C. Physicians and Surgeon r : s Phone 70 • HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, ¥cGi11 University, Montreal; Member i•t College of Physicians and Surgeons Of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical _ Council of Canada;. ;Post ' Graduate ..Member of Resident Medical: staff 'of .""general hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 3 doors east of Post Office. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. Lumber has Advanced But weare still selling White Pine' dressed on both sides at $45.00 per thousand. 1i6 dressed any .snatched white pine $50.00 per M. "t B.C. No. "1 XXX Shingles B. C. No. 1 XXXXX Shingles Bird's Ashphalt Twin Shingles ' Ash halt Roll Roofing $ird a p 18 in wide, the heaviest made. '?hone No. 12 A.J. C ATWORITY GRANTOR Girls! You will be interested in the very latest scandal, attracted our attention in a newspaper article, and then we found out it was sandal. " The Hensall U.F.W.O. will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex. Buchanan on Friday afternoon, May 23rd at half past two,.. • Mr .John Steacey, of the local branch of the Sterling Bank is enjoy- ing a two weeks' vacation. His pos- ition here is being filled by Mr. Sel- lers.. A few night ago. some decidedly nervy person hada the "brass" to vis- it one of the prettiest flower beds be- longing to a citizen living on front st. and rob it of some 30 of its best flowers to be found there. This is the major offence, but several others. of more or less importance, of the same character, have been committed by these would be, smart offenders. The flowers, we believe, were not kept whenstolen, but deliberately destroyed. Now people who go to all the trouble and expense to have an attractive flower bed or. two which' beautifies the town and gives travel- ling motorists and strangers a better impression of our tothz ;do not want their efforts rewaikled in this manner and if the offence • is repeated direct steps will be, taken to ascertain ,the. identity of the offenders who will be severely dealt with. Dr. Graham, of Exeter was in town on Tuesday last IVIr. and Mrs.gloy White of London spent Sunday with relatives in town Mr. Harry Smith, of London, spent Sunday in town with his parents. Mr. Hugh McDonald of Clinton sp ent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Nelson Blatchford has been hired as dray man for Case & Son. Master Max Hudson has ben suf- fering from an attack of. measles. Miss Thelma Hudson spent the week -end with friends in Exeter. We are sorry,to report that Mrs. Hunt is not enjoying the best of health at present. Mrs. Frank Horton has returned from a trip to Flerida, She reports a very enjoyable visit. Mr. Robt: Higgins spec}t Tuesday of this week in Exeter. Mr. Wm. Beaver is visiting with relatives in Kitchener at present. Mrs. Jas. Bonthron was in London on Wednesday of this week. Mr. Russell McKay, of the Medical College, London is visiting his par- ents in town' at present. ` Mrs. Geo. Wacker, of Guelph, vis- ited.her sister, Mrs. Wni. McKay -over tike week -end._ 14rr. Milton •Ortwein and 'Master Lloyd, of London, visited • with.• rela- tives in town on Sunday. - Miss Annie Gilchrist, of ` London, recently visited her aunt, Miss Jean McArthur, of town. Miss Grace Chapman spent a few days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rivers, of Parkhill, last. week. Mr.' and Mrs. Colin Hudson visited the former's father in Seaforth on. Miss Hattie McQueen, of London, spent Sunday visiting friends in town.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan, ` of London, spent a dew days at the for- iner's home in town recently. There will be tno, holiday this after noon (Thursday) Saturday May 24th. is to be, observed as Ca public. holiday. Mr. Ray McArthur has been en- gaged by Messrs. C. and A. McDon hell in their garage. Mr. Sheldon Coleman, of Windsor, spent Sunday visiting, relatives in town. Miss Margaret Meyers is confined THE INVITATION to her home suffering from an at - I am sending out cards for a child la of scarlet fever.., ren's ..party. ; What would_you say? I think R.S.V.P. sounds stilted :for a kid's affair. • ' I'd just say, 'Come, clean.',, *i,* *** *** *a* He—I ana frightfully sorry that I forgot to "come to your little party last night. She—Oh, weren't you 'there? The Hensall Greenhouse WE SOLICIT YOUR SPRING ,OR DER FOR TOMATO, CABBAGE AND CAULIFLOWER PLANTS, AL- SO FOR POTTED AND. BOXED PLANTS. • WE HAVE FOR SALE- A NUM, BER OF ENGLISH WALNUT SEED- LINS, ONE, TWO AND ' THREE. YEARS OLD. WHEN • GARDENING : CALL AND LOOK: OVER OUR STOCK. J. ZUEFLE & SON FLORISTS Hensall, Ont.,,. > Phone -115W ASTHMRA ,•.� USS Smoking --No Spraying—No Sinai Just Swallow a Capsule Restores normal breathing, stops 31f1ticus: gatherings in the bronchial tubes, gives ' long nights of quiet isleep; contains no habit-forming drug. 01.00 at your druggists. Send 4c i3n - stamps for a generous sample.. l'enipletons, 142 King - West, Toronto. GUARANTEED LEEP A. W. E. IHENIPHIJLL 110 3IENSALI ONTARIO WHY.' NOT GET " YOUlt I'IbINT1l'Ndl I)011E 1151 TOWN? WE BELIEVE WE ARE A- r I3LE .CO GIVE YOU Ati, SA:TIS- • FACTORY AND PROMPT A SERVICE AT otal OFFICE, AS ELSEWHERE, AND IN AD- DITIOiY TO THIS THE .PRICE IS HIGH'. Fi. TRIAL WILL. CONVINCE YOU. '.P'I.1t] JtFINSALL OI3SERV, It is Are You Going to Bu'y Storage ra Battery This's" r � . G . :5s Wiz,• t ' WE -WISH TO INFORM THE AU- TOMOBILE OWNERS. OF THIS DIS T lICT THAT WE HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY FOR THE (fad EXIDE and U. S. L. • We are soz•ry to report that Mr. W. C. Davis is ,not enjoying hisusitsal good health but his 'many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The annual meeting of the Exeter District of the Methodist church »will be held in James St. Exeter, ,on Thursday of this week. The Young Peoples' League of -the 'Methodist ,chiurch was withdrawn on Monday night because of the concert under the auspices of the Anglican church. Dr. G. L. ;Smith has disposed of his dental practice here to Dr. Knapp, of Toronto, who will shortly take over the practice. Dr. Smith is re- turning to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McQueen ,and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Follick motored to London on Wednesday to attend the >graduation exercises of the nurses at Victoria Hospital. We are pleased to know- that Miss Hattie- McQueen, a former, Hensall girl, is graduating at Chic Limn On Sunday evening last the Hen salt I.O.O.F. together with a number of visiting brethren :from Exeter, at- -tended divine service in the Method- ist church'. The centre pews of the ,church were reserved for the Order and theremainder' of''' tile' church was well filled. The» Pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, addressed th . e Oxdcr dealing with the three qualities for which their Order stands; Friendship, Love and Truth.. An anthem, and quar- tette by the choir was mch appreci- ated. "MY FRIEND l'ROM INDIA" BIG SUCCESS Tlie large audience which-witnes- sed hich•witnessed "My Friend From. India" in the Town Hall on Monday evening last pronounce the show as one .of the best of its kind ever shown here. It was put on by'.the All Saints Players of St. Marys, under the auspices of STORAGE BATTERIES St. Paul's church, Hensall.' The play AND ARE INA POSITION TO GIVE which„was: a lengthy one; was filled YOU VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES to the brim with humorous sayings, ON EITHER OP THESE WELL- comical retorts and good acting KNOWN AND 1,ELIABLD MAKES Which kepithe capacity audience in OF STORAGE' BATTERY. i continuous outbursts of laughter, Between acts the house was treated 4rL ALSO HANDLE LI 1URGl ia S 10 many selections composed of solos DRY CELL BATTERIES AND ND AL d cct; dac„sdialogues ar violin SIZES OF FLASHLIGHT BAT- selections which kept the crowd y TERMS.' GET O,U.LTw PItI'�175 13E- from experiencing it single dull me - FORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, merit duringthe entire program,. Another concert will be given by a company of minstrels of t. ide s 1 y t tst S Mary8, l;r in the near future and some of the i` male actors of "My Friend from In- / c110” wits tape part. Full particulars later. he di' J. Passmore h THE EXETER TIMES CREDITO The ;Sheardown Bros., of Godez•iclr visited theirother over m Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. H. K. Eilber motored 'to Lucknow the past week -end, re- turning home on Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson; of De- troit, visited in the village o ` Tues- day. n Miss K. Zwicker, of London, spent the week -end w' with Mr C. Z . wrc ke r and Gerald. Mr. Robt. Sweet is quite ill at his home here. Mr. M. England accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Lucas and Mr. John- ston, of Wilton; Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. England on, Sunday. Mrs,,L. Wein has returned home after visiting in Dashwood: the past Week. Mre.' J. Werner has ,removed her household effects to' Stratford where she intends to reside. ' Mrs. 5. Girvin wiio has been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber acconi panied 'then to Lucknow where she r will visit for a few weeks. Mr. and' Mrs. "Lewis Morrison and family accompanied by Mrs. Cawley and. Clarence' Eilber, all of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eilber and friends over the week -end. GREENWAY Miss Edna Belt, of Detroit, is vis- iting Miss' Dorothy' Billing. Miss Ermine McPherson, of _Lon don, and Mr. and' Mrs. Ray Pollock, of Kerwood, visited at Mr. Ed. Mc- Pherson's. Mrs.- Whitlock, of Boston, Mass., renewed acquaintances here last week. Several from here attended the W. M. S. , ` convention in Hensall last Thursday. ' The ladies of the Methodist church have organized a Ladies' Aid, with. Mrs. • J. Browny as president, and Mrs. Maines secretary. Rev. J. W: Maines is giving a ser- ies of talks on "How our church is governed," each Sunday in the Sun- day Schol. Mrs. English spent-' the week -end in London. ELIMVILLE Seven years ago hundreds of peo- ple listened with delight to a Tem- . perance Drama presented at E1im-. ville, Exeter, •Woodham and `Fuliar ton by a number of, young people from Elimville;. and . Winchelsea, en- titled .``Dot The, -Miner's. Daughter's" It; was, the -talk the- the.:. season:, and people drove .miles to hear it two people drove miles 'to hear it two and three times. WELL, a number of the same act- ors, assisted by others, will on the evening ' of THURSDAY, Jr -LINE '5th, 1924 • AT ELIMVIIZLE present another Temperance Drama, entitled "THE TURN OF THE TIDE" A drama in three acts, equal inqual- ity and humor to Dot, the Miner's Daughter. The play will be put on in the church shed with a seating capacity of one thousand, so everybody -may come. Miss May. Clark ts-ill sing A Splendid Orchestra will play Everybody will be happy Proceeds for Repairing Churches Program begins at - (8.15) eight fifteen p.m. Admission 35c and 20c. Newton Clark, Manager. For cast of ` characters see large bills. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones; of Lon- don, were`'visitors in the neighbor- hood on Sunday. Mr. Weston Horne went to London last week where he willwork at his trade. • Mrs. Heywood Sr. had the misfor- tune to fall recently hurting her chest and as a result was laid up for a few days. Wedding bells will be 'ringing in this• neighborhood shortly. Several ladies from .this vicinity attended the W.M.S. convention held in Hensall.last Thursday. Eight more members Irave trans- ferred their ntembership from Main St. church, Exeter to this church. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sieamon visit- edand Mrs. "Joiui Sleamon Mr. a d •clur- ing the week. Some of the young people of the church are intending to give another play here, in the course of a few weeks. Mrs. Scott, Whaley, 'or St. Marys, visited ,her sister Mrs. Charles Johns last week. Mrs. Whaley's friends here are sorry to learn that she has been ordersed to bed for a short rest by her physician. CENTRALIA Mr, and Mrs. M. Sleamoit, who re- cently sold' their general store busi- ness to Mr. 'John .Pollard, are visit- ing the former's parents at liliizn- ille. V Mr, John Smith has moved onto Mr. John. Colwill's farm, recently vacated by Iris soli, Clarence Smith. Mr. 11I. ("x �irltuttn and Mi d Pick- ard ss 1l, Itcl- and wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fletcher ontizzda . S y Several from here attended the WM..S, convention at IIenNall on Wednesday of last week. l:tit:e a amber from- � iii Centralia �t tended the funeral of the ,late Wm. Eraser and the late Patrick Boyle. :•iti�rL1F1 DASHWOOD Dr..} H. oweD �. Cowen n, L.D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGE At McCormick's Block ZE r'ONch rt every Y Thursday and Saturday. MAIN OFFICE Hartleib's Block — 'Dashwood, Ont. Miss Emma Tiernan, of London, is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. H. Elsie who sPent several weeks with her sister in Sarnia has returned. Mrs. Moon and Miss Rose Zimmer, of Detroit; are visiting at the home of 1Vlr, ..Wm. Zimmer. Misses:Elizabeth and Ferrol Hart- Leib„ of London, spent Sunday at their 'home here, • Mr. and Mrs. Silas, Adams, of Lon- don, visited in this -vicinity on Sun-. day. Messrs. Geo. and Fred Gossman, of Port Huron, are visiting friends in. town. Mrs. G. Edighoffer spent Tuesday of last week in Mitchell. Mrs. Baumgarten is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eidt, of Ailsa Craig, :and -Mrs. H. Eidt, of :Ingersoll spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade, ff.- ' We aro glad to report that Mrs. A.:,Tieman who underwent an op- eration ,for appendicitis is able to be out again. Rev.. Mr. Yager spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wein entertained' 1VIr. ,Ezra Bender and his Sunday. Schoolclass to an ice :.cream social Monday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent. The .C.G.LT. groups of the, Ev-' angelical Sunday School entertained their mothers to a delightful Mother and Daughter banquet last Friday. night. The theme was "The Friend- iy Road" and the tables were centred by a county road lit with many cand- les. Daffodils marked the place cards and the color scheme was carried out in the pretty yellow chandeliers and streamers. The guests of honor in-. eluded Miss E. Rankin, of Stratford; Rev.' W. J. and Mrs. Yager, Supt., and Mrs. A. Birk, and the Misses L. and E. Guenther, teachers of the groups. There were in all 41 guests present. The toast list included a toastto the hing, proposed by Verna' Birk; ' our Mothers, by Gladys Weber Viand responded to by Mrs. Yager. The 'Sunday School by Anna. Tiernan and Mr. A. Birk and the C.G.I.T. by Edith Guenther and Miss Rankin. Mrs. Aaron - Oestreicher spoke briefly on "Milestones; Miss Luella Schatz, on "Sigfi Posts;" Mrs. D. Tie - man on "Companions" and Miss Idel- la Bender on "The Forks in the Road." "The Destination— Ideal - Womanhood was ably handled by the speaker of the evening, Miss E. Rankin, prominent C.G.I.T. worker in Western Ontario, as she told of the C.G.LT. program, which if car- ried out, will help the teen-age girls to more fully realize the highest aims of life. The purpose of the banquet was to creat interest in the work. CHISELHURST Mr. Coombes, of St. Thomas, vis- ited with Mr. Allen - Miller' on Sun- day. lttr: Thos. Woodward, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Messrs Percy and Cecil'Harrishere. • Mr. and Mrs. T. Jones, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cole last week. • Mr. T. Harris attended a ,special meeting of the council at Dublin last week. Mrs. G. W. Wrenis on the sick. list at present. Her sisters, Mrs. W. Mooney, of London, and Mrs. Cham- bers are with her. ZURICH Mr. John Schlueter, of Cavalier, N. Dak., is visiting' at the„ -home of Mr. W. H. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Q. McTaggart, of South Bend, Ind., are visiting with relatives here. 1VIrs. Daviel Ellenbaum, of Cavalier N. Dal., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Schweitzer, Mr. Fred Papineau has left for Detroit. : 1VIrs. John- Galster who visited with 'friends at Kitchener has return- ed home. Mr., I»enileth Joy, who is attending Toronto oto , Uiiiviersity is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. 'Joy,' Mrs. Moses Erb. of the Bronson line, and who has been seriously ill, is able to be up and around, again. Messrs. Haberer Bros, have pur- chased a 1 -ton auto truck to use in their bee bulla CSS, There passed away at Iter home in Stanley Ty., on Tuesday, May ' 13tht, Ann Garvin' at the age of 67 years. Miss Ctrvit was bozn oib c Goshen 'Line and spent practi.calljr all her life on the same I?ar'zi1. She was a, daughter oC the late Edward Garvin, who died about 18 years ago. Since then she has lived with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reman.. The funeral was held on Thursday' afternoon to Hay- field cemetery. SUNSHINE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock and Verna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jaques, of Woodham, A number of theladies of the W. M. S. of Snnsliine attended the con- vention in Hensall on Thursday and pronounced it one of the ;best. Miss Vera Gower, who has spent a few ino tli n s near Exeter, rads -re-. turned to her home here, Quite a.'number of people in the; community attended the anniversary services at Woodham Sunday. Don't forget the anniversary serv- ices in the Sunshine church next Sunday the 25th. Services will; be held at 10,30 and 7 p.m, Rev. Mr. Kiteley, ,of Centralia, being , the speaker for the day. Special music by the choir. Teri..Percy E. Hepburn, of St. Marys, has been . ;: appointed to the position of customs excise • examiner, at the St. Marys customsoiiice, as assistant to A. G, Wood, collector. f3 C1l:aOiN A YESR TE;VY. At the. May meetiug.of the t3;uron, Presbytery Izelci in Chilton, on Wed- nesday of last week, the following commissioners Were :appointed to General Assembly: Revs, Dr. Fletch- er Hensall; J. Hamilton God ricl e ;w, 5, Abery, Londesboro and"J, E. NlcCon- nell, Hensall. The call to the Bruce - field charge of 1LI x G. C. Armour, re- cently aqua e n Y gx t d from Knox College was presented by the Rey. J. E. Hogg, interim -moderator, which was accented by Presbytery and forward- ed to Mr. Armour., Arrangements were made for the' ordination and induction' of Mr. Arbour at a special Meeting; 'of the Presbytery at Bruce field, on Tuesday afternoon, May 27, at half past two: The moderator, Rev. A. McFarlane, will be in charge, the Rev. Mr, Grant, of Grand Bend, will preach. The Rev. Mr. McDonald o4 Egznondville, will address the minister and the Rev. J. E. Hogg, will address the people. THE DISTILLED GIL will be. e,d Your r � .. ` bills • �I z sum LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR. Wo- J. BEE EXETER, ONT. Ylf Pood-bye to Car and Worries Too! —forgetting all the rest of the world in the glorious fascination of the sea. To revel in the luxury of beautiful surroundings. to join in the joyous good -fellowship of the ocean --' to be entertained or to remain quiet, ' at• your pleasure -to develop a ravenous appetite and find meals of the most satisfying excellence -- to receive thoughtful, court- eous attention t t'Lt101it al'ld have your desires anticipated a n d gratified -- such is a voyage by Cana- dian., Pacific, Em- press Lmw ess or l iono i? class ti h. • t.. Cabin Shitops, uY5 o!� ep, JnAr'Vptre s any Xq w-, • to