HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-5-8, Page 8S Reduced Prices On All Ladies Coats and Suits You need not wait any longer to buy that new Coat or Suit you have had in mind, as we have decided to reduce the prices on every ,garment left in stock. Right ,in the midst of the season and from a well assortedstgek we 'offer You the opportunity to buy'Cleats and • Suits at real Money saving prices, Every Coat to Sell at from $9.95 to $2295 Our best Coats valued up to .$32.50 to sell for $22.95, with the • biggest selection priced at $16.95, Slippers. and. Oxfords $3.29 A special table of Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords, several goocl styles to choose from - your size fel.' $3,29. Now in stock -New Sandals, Slippers and Oxfords, in patent leather, Suede, Kid and Grey Buck leather A dozen styles to choose from at a popular low price, Silk Lisle Stockings 65c, a pair We are offering exceptional values in fancy Wide Ribbed Silk Lisle Hose at f$5c a pair or 2 pair for $1.25, Slik Lisle Stockings with large Ribbed tops, all at one price 65c a pair. Black Cotton Stoc kings, sizes 5a/ to 10 for 25c a pair -4 pair for 98c. Dinner Sets Bu thatDinner -�e rbetween 15 new St here and have a choice. and attractive patterns. Our Dinner Sets sell 'because our prices are lower, Complete stocks of Overland and Bridal Rose patterns. We Sell you anything from a cupand saucer to a 97' piece dinner set. Men's Suits $14.95 $19.55 $23.95 $29.85. 'Don't pay a big price fora Suit of clothes until you see the val- ues we are offering. Our prices are lower and we Sell only Suits which we can guarantee as to material and workmanship. See our spec- ial Navy Blue Suits at $28.50. Guaranteed Grocery Bargains You Can't Beat These Prices 6 Rolls Toilet Paper 25e Shredded Wheat 12e pk Royal Yeast Cakes 05c pk All Laundry Soaps 3 for 20c 7 Bars Castile Soap for 25c Christie's Soda Biscuits 15e pk Large Package Lux 11c Guaranteed Salmon 15c 'his is the !':. fight. Place to Co y r e for Furniture We don't believe that you can find a better place to buy your Furniture,than right at this store. :,t; Our whole stock from end to end is ready to be handed over to our Customers as examples of most style, most real worth for. the least money. LARGEST`; STOCK • LATEST DESIGNS FAIR PRICES BETTER SERVICE THE HOME FURNISHER E. IN Licensed Embalmer and Funeral - Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W art Men! We believe we can offer - It bestiVal- ues in Men's Clothing YOU MAY BE OFFERED LOWER PRICED CLOTHING, BUT WE DO NOT THINK YOU CAN PAY LESS AND GET IN GOOD HONEST SERVICE OR GOOD APPEARANCE SUCH VALUES AS WE OFFER YOU. IT'S WHAT YOU GET IN SERVICE AND SAT- ISFACTION THAT COUNTS. WE CAN MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN Made -to -Measure and Ready -to -Wear Suits PRICES RAGE MOM $18.00" :UPWARDS OUR SPRING STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS, AND SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, SOCKS, ETC., IS ONE OF THE BEST WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. We 11AMAN P H O N L 8! a THE, EX Tf R Market report -The following the report of the Exeter Market • corrected eery Wednesday: Wheat $1,00 Oath 45c Barley 55c 1)Ianitoba Flour $3,35 Pastry Flour $3.00 Family Flour $3.30 Feed Flour $1,85 Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Dairy .Butter 30c Creamery Butter 35c, New Laid Eggs 21e Pulletts 17c Lard 17 to 200 Hogs $7.50 0 LOCAL z The meeting of the Women's Insti- tute is postponed until May 20th and will be held at Miss Connor's. Miss Lena Frayne, daughter of M and Mrs. Peter Frayne contint quite i11. - Mrs. Richardson, of Kingston, rived Tuesday to care for her siste Mrs. S. Fitton. Mr. J. G. Dow shipped another to of Horses to 1\fontreal on Wednesd of this week. Mr; Czar Harness, of Granton, w in Mown on Friday last attending ti banquet of the A.Y.P.A. Mrs. T. M. White, of Windsor, visiting with Miss White and Mr. a 11Ir•s._Wickwire.,, Miss Gladys Ward; of Londo spent Tuesday at the hoarse of h brother, Dr. John Ward, of. town.' Mr. and`-. Mrs. R. J. Howard an family, of ., Goderich, called ; on M and Mrs. G. S. Howard on Sunda Mr. M.Senior,`of Toronto, who h completed his `year' at Osgoode Hal has returned home for the holiday Mrs. Simon Campbell has returne home after spending the winter wit her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Lannin, Hamilton. Mr. W. H. Kestle who was take to Victoria Hospital, Londoii for e amination and treatment; is still u der the doctor's care. Mrs. Kenneth Clarke and litt daughter June, of Windsor, are nisi for a few days with her father, NI A. Bowey and two sisters here. Miss Lila Johns, of Sarnia, is visi ing with. Mr. and Mrs. Taman. Mis Johns intends to spend the summe at her home in town. Mr. Jos. Amy of Exeter North while shipping a carload of steers o Monday morning was. kicked by steer and his left arm was broken the elbow. Buster, the little bull terrier b longing 'to Miss Gladys Ward, London,` was run over by an autom bile in ;Exeter and killed,. on Sunda morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Sani'l Sweet and M and Mrs. Rich'd Davis _motored t Wingham : (to -day)' Wednesday, t attend the funeral of an old frien IVtr. James Powell, a' former residen of Exeter. Messrs. Wm. H. Dearing and Harr Sweet left Saturday'for Liverpoo England in charge of a shipment o cattle for M. Wm. Colwili, of Cent ralia.' Rev. Charles W. Brown, B.A., D.D of Saskatoon, a former pastor o James - St. Church, was honored a the annual convocation of Victori University, when the degree of D.D was conferred upon him. Mr. Walter Johns of Elimville, ha received word from the Methodis Book Room that he has been award ed the prize for his story "The La. of Kindness" which will be publishe in the Onward June 21st. We ex tend our congratulations. St. Marys Conned have granted the request of the Collegiate Board for $18,000 for the erection of two ad. ditional classrooms and an assembly hall in connection. The present building is inadquate for the increas- ed attendance. The remains of the late Mrs: Thos. Gregory, who died in Stratford on March 2nd and whose remains have been resting in the Avondale Mauso- leum, were brought to' Exeter on Monday and interred in the Exeter cemetery beside those of her deceas- ed husband. ' The South Huron' Ministerial Al- liance held their regular monthly. meeting in Caven Presbyterian church on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. A. A. "rrumper gave a splendid address on the "Anglo -Catholic move- ment in -England" followed by an in- • teresting discussion. The "Do Your Bit Class" of Caven Presbyterian Sunday School, spent a social evening at the home of Miss Evelyn Howard, where eighteen girls assembled. The evening was pleas- antly spent in games and song after which refreshments were served. The occasion marked the birthday of. two of the members of the claps: Miss 3, S. Murray is the teacher. i•, es ar- s, ad ay as lle is lid n, er a r. y. as. 1, S. d h of u x-. n - le t - r. t- s , 11 a at e - of o- r. 0 0 d, t y 1, f f t a s t Law d VIOLIN INSTRUCTION MRS. GAMBRILL CERTIFIED" VIOLIN TEACHER Has vacancies for a few Students only. ;Mrs. Gambrill i$ represented by her pupils in manly Churches", Sunday! Schools, and Theatres, several being. professionally paid performers'. I TIMES C:tVEN RESI3Yy RAN , O'FIITJRCII" Xtcv, �Tataiaes Foote, X3.A., 11ftraister 1110 ';h1fI IVS DAY SERVICE 1Q a,131.,: --,-Sunday School and ,Bible Class; 11 a.m,="The Hearts and Hands -which Weare the Future." 7 p.n1.-- "Tile Germination. and Growth of >a Church Basis." BoY Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES STREET METHODIST CIIUIICH Ilev. W. E. Donnelly, 13, A., Pastor' _MOTHER'S .DAY 10.15 -Morning ..Fellowship. 11 a.m.---"Our Debt to 3 p,m.-Mother's. Day Sunday School. 7 p.m. -"His Mither's Adopted from "The Bush." Motherhood" Rally in the. Sermon Bonnie Brier R SALE Electrical hall fixture Barn, Timber frame, 24x30. Range, nearly new, 4 -hole, with Reservoir,. Bargain for quick Sale.. 2 four -panel doors complete with jams and casings. • Cockshttt Tractor Plow complete Good 5 1I.P. ,Gas Engine. Information re abd-ve articles at POWELL'S 'BAZAAR, Exeter, Ont. May 11 MOTHER'S DAY ROSES AND CARNATIONS WILL BE FOUND HERE IN NUMBERS SEE OUR SALE OF DISHES, AS ANNOUNCED LAST WEEK REAL BARGAINS. ' MANY ODD LINES AT CLEARING PRICES. BUSINESS IS GOOD AND GETTING BETTER. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. BIG VA] IETY STORE Po -well's azaar Phone 55 The maintenance department of the Ontario Hydro Commission visit- ed Exeter this week and have trim- med the trees adjoining the trunk lines. There is some complaint from. citizens of the town.as-to the planner in which the trees' have been trim- med, some going'so faras to call • it butchery. We are informed that au bout two-thirds of, the cost of main- tenance of the lines is caused by the. trees and that the men in charge of this work have very definate instruc- tions as to the manner in which the trees should be trimmed. • Plants for Sale -Sweet Williams, Forget-me-nots, Pansies and Candy Tuff. Apply to- W. F. Abbott. FOR SALE --A Ford car, in good running order and in good shape. Apply at Times Office.- Auto raying I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL CARTAGE SERVICE. OUR EXPRESS SERVICE FROM LONDON TO EXETER IS NOW OP- ERATING. ' LIVERY IN CONNEC- TION. Ho Bagshaw Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete $16.00 Every make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground with Pistons Complete to fit, also Tractors. W R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Bargains in FURNTITUR E Everything down lin Price R •' N: ROWS THOMAS DINNEY LICENSED EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTOIt.S Phone Bis. 20W House 20J. I I I I II V I I I II I I IIfI IIIIIIIIIIIIiijjj II I IIIIIIIIII 11 ,c>lIT7z3SnAX , 11,, 1924 IlulliilllllllilnNllIIIIIIIigiilliinglllllllllllillllllllAlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIoIIIl11Illlilll111 iniillllllllilllllllilllllll m I ilNl o mono WIMPS moor 111161.01 MIMEO mcmons owave cam woof armee miaoh art Bloonier Suits for s These New ,Spring Models are macre in a very Snappy Norfolk Style, .of good material's, with two pair of Bloomer Trousers, Priced at '$12'.50 and $14.00. Lower priced Suits at $7.50 and $3,00. Greb Shoes for `Boys Stand the hard strenuous wear • the boys give their footwear. Try 0 pairthe next time yoar boy needs Shoes. PRICE PER PAM $3.75 Cotton and Woollen Jerseys Splendid for Boys going to school, They come in Blue and Khaki in cotton; Brown, Blue and .Heather mixtures, in Wool; Blue and Khaki 5Oc; Wool $1.60 to Linoleum and Con �-:: ®:1 cum Rus Me carry, a splendid range of these Sanitary 'floor coverings in new patterns. `1 We deliver and laythe Y freeg of charge. Ask for folder show- ing the new patterns. 5 dozen Blinds each $1.00 5 Doz. Blinds each .$1.0,0. These are seconds and come in : green only. At the above price they are' excellent value. Special in Curtain Net 35c. This is a splendid White Scrim and make a god curtain: for bed- rooms and kitchen. Ask to see then. Wa ll . Pa ers Wall a ens 1 We want to clear all Wall Paper and have a number of room lots in tires season's good selling lines, that we offer at big reductions. Save .your money by buying these room lots. out FIELD -CROP COMPETITION 'The Se6Tetary of the. Exeter Agri- cultural Society will receive ,entries for the Competition, in Fleld of Oats up to, the 15th of' May. Entrance fee $.1.00 and membership in the Society There must be at.least 25 entries. BABY CHICKS -Barred Rocks, White Leghorn, Buff Leghorn, R. C. Rhode Island Reds and White Wyandotte. I am now booking orders. Get your order in and make sure of getting your chicks when you want them. Garnet Hey- wood. Exeter, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE -A few choke farms in the Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and wall located as to mar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron, Auet... Box 154. Exetef, NEW 'BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, modern bungalow, centrally' located. Apply Gladman & Stanbury. AI]FALFA SEED. -We specialize in growing Alfalfa Seed of a hardy strain that does no't winter kill. Write for price° and sample. Newton Brook 3-20-7 t. york County NOTICE These are the Prices you can have - your work done bY ELLIOTT & JOHNS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only , 50c Dyed and Pressed $4.00 Ladies Suits Pressed arid Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed 2.00 Skirts Pressed 50c We also Make and Trim Suits with Pirsl, Class Trimmings for $20.00. If you want a new Suit of Clothes, Come in and get our prices. We can give you a Blue Suit guaranteed All Wool, Indigo Dye. Never Fade For $35 00 worm AND FIT a!ilikR.A.N _WED ed and Pressed, let us know. ,We will call for them and deliver them. Always at Your Service DENTAL SURGEON Gradnate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and TJni- versity of Toronto. ' Late _District Dental Officer, Mill- tary District Number One, London, Ont., Pliene 34. Exeter; Hours 9,00 a.m. / Office hours at ZURICH 6ke., Tues. o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A. L. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon 'Offloe--MeDonnell's Osaies "'tables el Joh* St, Phone, ealin receive proinnt MOrallr ros. WE ELIVE FREE EVERYBODY LIKES TO. SHOP AT DOMINION STORES Men usually don't like shopping with. 'their wives. But you see 'ern at DOMINION STORES -and not a grouchy 'one in a Million. Why? Easier on the pay envelope and better meals; that's why. DUMOULIN BRAND PURE QUEBEC MAPLE SYRUP $1 90 DUMOULIN BRAND PURE QUEBEC MAPLE SYRUP Quart Bottle - - 74e_ DUMOULIN BRAND PURE QUEBEC MAPLE SYRUP Pint Bottle - - 39c MAPLE SUGA.R SOAP (10 P. & a, Gold, Comfort, Sun- light, Surprise, 10 el AA Castile), 20 Bars YliPUV CRABAPPLE JELLY 15c BRIGGER'S' ORANGE MARMALADE, 67c BRIGGER'S ORANGE MARMALADE, 27c ST. CHARLES or CARNATION 19c ST. CHARLES or CARNATION qa, EAGLE BRAND iCa12,EtlignS ED ..21c SPECIALLY- -PREPARED 23C COCOA, 2 lbs. - MOTHER'S DAY, MAY llth-GIVE HER. CANDY! A Beautiful Box of Assorted Chocolates 49c DESSICATED or FEATHERSTRIP COCOANUT, lb. -25c ,,25c PURE LARD.' 20 -lb. Pail BRUNSWICK PURE LARD DOMINION STORES' SPECIAL BLEND TEA, Beg. 65c D.S.L. BAKING 1-1b. tin WHITE SATIN FLOUR 24-1b. bag IIIII • it c mebo Brand Products are the )3 est. The Increased LACRreGamEs,ACShSoOcRolTa.,:es) ,5„ IVIENT of CANDY emandl fo.r Them is Proof Positive. of Their Quality. LARGE ASSORT- ' SHIRRIFF'S JELLY 29,.. 11 SUMMER HOME SUPPLIES* - If you are going to your summer hoirte, let us ship your groceries each week. We will pay ireight on all orders of = $20.00 or over (except sugar). 20 WE SELL TO SATISF'r • 4410.t ANDY EA.STON Licenqed Auctioneer for the Cowl. ty of Huron. Correepondence arrange,. ment,s for sales can be made by can. hag no the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisiaegon SAO Barrister, Solicitor, 4kc., Loans, InvestMents, Insurance; 1