HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-5-8, Page 1ZAtt-FTMAMAT.NRAAVT'FmtA • ;((t 'FIFTY,FIRST, YEAR No. 256 EXETER, o NT. THURSDAY 1Y161ININO,,N1AY 8th., 1924 , • „ ClearingSale of. Ladies'and • 1i$BORNE, COUNCIL , The Manicipal Coutteil of the. Township ,of Usborne beld its month- ly on Saturday May 3rd. I All members were present with the kileeve in the cair. • • Mom. Misses Spring n Suits 'aCoats, hof the meeting ot 4441•4 Bargains Bargains Bargains a 4141214 ' ApriI 5th, were read and approved on motion ot As per notice the lioard' resolved themselves into a Court of 'Revision _ of the 1921, Asseaststent Roll • All the members subscribecl to the nee-, 'essary ;:deelaratioa. The clerk re- ported that no appeals had been. Mari •••••ta ... . :111i1 1 li fitile # . , Mammy • . .4.4411 . , .,... ( lki 00. . E.: t(t = WAVM = ''."1004,44 444.4 ='.'" 1!/411% .. M.41. Eli ...... ' ..." • 14,/ = = t , r= L;'" t 1 ris ......„.... - 11 del troll N.. GARMENTS .4.mme Every Spring Coat and Suit for Ladies and Misses must go at one. So we offer the entire balance of our stock* of these lines at greatly re- duced prices. Come early and see these bargains. , A. BARGAIN IN TAPESTRY RUGS 21 Fine quality Tapestry Rugs. good patterns, sizes 21•A yds x 3 yds and 2% yds x 3 yds, worth up to $25. This is a splendid opportunity to get a good bed -room or small living -room Rug cheap. All at one price only $14.75 for early May selling. • , • • Sizes 3 yds x 31/2 yds and 3 yds x 4 yds in above also at reduced • ' • ongoleum Rug Week •F:From May 8th to May 17th All Sizes New Patterns ,Reduced Prices for this 10 day sale Potatoes We are buying Potatoes at $1.00 a bag trade, after going through our grader PHONE 32 Jones '014%, • • - • ,•• • • BY USING LOWE BROS. • , LOWE BROS. MELLOTONE Flat Colors for Interior Decoration. • 80c pt,, $1.45 qt. For Varnishing Your HIGH STANDARD. PAINT Alabastine the superior Avail coating, so economical and so easy to'' ap- ply. The soft velvety tones of Ala.bastine give 'added charm to any interior. 'CHURCH'S HOT of COLD WATER ALABAS,TINE and MURESCO WALL FINISHES ALL COLORS 70c per keg. Lawn Mowers 9.50 and up Linoleums AGATE FLOOR VARNISH 850 pt., $1.50 qt. SUN FLOOR VARNISH 85c pt., $1.60 qt. • NEPTUNITE VARNISH $1.10 pt., and $1.95 FOR HOUSECLEANING O'Cedar Oil 25c and 50e. Liquid Veneer 25c and 50c O'Cedar Mops $1.25 • Carpet Whips 20c Wall, Cleaners 20c Kalsomine Brushes 350 Hardware swipioNilaislimmiimiernimommimmuainownismosimmomagniminif PHONE 32 =11. made. The only change of owner- ship made being Lot 9, Con. 2, from Samuel 0, Noble to .joslin Harding. The -court closed. • Jno. Prance interviewed the Coun- cil re drain on. Con, 8, Reeve Coates and Jno. Prance to interview thd en- gineer of the Ontario Drainage Co. Geo. Coward and others being Ipresent re Drain Petition held over from April meeting, for the upper ' area of the Eliniville( Drain, Ballan- tyne -:-Stewart: That the petition be forwarded to John 'Roger O.L.S. with, instructions to -reporb on 'same.* Car- ried. The McDougall Drain Report for- warded from Hibbert Tp. Council was read, considered and proarisional- • ly adopted on motion of Skinner— Hanna; That the clerk prepare BY - Laws for same. That a Court of Re- vision be held to consider the report at the Township Hall, on Saturday, May 31st, at 2 o'clock p.m. Ballantyne—Hanna: that the clerk be instructed to write to the Reeve of Hibbert re surplus on Scott Drain. Carried. Skinner---Iianna: that the follow- ing bills be passed and orders issued for payment of same viz: Board of Health Bill for 1922-23, $160.85; Thos. Rankin, salary Assessor, $100; The Reeve, expenses taking A. Sut- ton to County Home, $5; D. O'Mara and others snow work Con. 2, $2.50; Advocate Printing Co., IVInn. World FrZi Supplies, 31.51* Tp Ratepayers, 4 = plows broken at snow work, 834; = Maurice ;Coates, • dragging Con. 2, [AMMO = 7.50 Wm. IVIoodie, grading Tp. Rds 28.80; • Garnet Meralls,c4 engineer grading, 23.45; Harry Ford, gray. Rd 7, $3; S. N. Shier gray. Rd 7, $2.50; M. Routley, refund. dog tax, $2.00. Carried . •• • Council adjourned to .meet clay, May 31st, atil...o'cloek Hen:1'5r 'Strang, Clerk. BOARD OF EDUCATION. The Board met in the office of the secretary - treasurer, on Monday ev- ening iVlay 5th. All ,present but Mr, Dearing and Mr. Rowe. 'The, pre- vious nimutes were approved. The Chairman n for the firtaCe com- mittee ,reported the interview with 'the council re. securing tbe necessary funds for the propoaed addition, stat- ing that the council would, submit the matter to the people. The building and grounds committee reported a letter from the depart- rricnt of education .suggestiin.g -ante cbNiges and •asking for plan of whole building. Mr. Puke had answered the letter and was awaiting a reply The scholarship comrnittee was auth- orized to announce the usual scholar - The ,secretary was instructed to have the teachers advise her by the •.s,econd of June if they will consicle,r 're-engagement. Th, ir.u.rance committee was in- structed to secure renewal, or hew in- surance to the same amount as before. The H, S. and P. S. principals' re - Mr. R. H. Horn, of Watrous, Sask. is visiting for a few days with Mrs. Horn and their little daughter. Mr. Russell Frayne, of Brantford, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne. BORN FLYNN—In Sarnia, on Thursday, May lst, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Flynn, 235 Bright, St.,'a, daugh- ter, (Janet Isabel.) - WOODALL—At Crediton, on May 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall, a son. HARVEY—At Dr. Hyndman's Hos- pital, on May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey, a daughter, (still born.) 7 DIED DEAVITT—In 'Toronto, on May 4th, 1924 Mary Ann Deavitt, widow of the late A. S. Deavitt, aged 88 Years. BISSETT—In Exeter, • on May 5th, at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett, Muriel • Eilean, daughter of the late Isaac R. and Charlotte BiSsett, in her 19th year. • KNIGHT—In Jansen, • Sask., Mary Brown, beloved wife of Mr. Fred • R. Knight. 4" IN MEMORIAM MELICK—In loving Memory of our dear mother, Mrs. justns Melick, who died a year ago, May 9th 1923 in Hensall, Ont. Peaceful be thy sleep, dear mother; It 'is sweet to breathe thy name, In Life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. Oft we think of you, dear mother; And our hearts are sad with pain, Oh! this world would be a heaven, Could we hear your voice again. You are gone, but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade, Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger, Rround the grave where you are • Her lonely children, sel CollingwoOd, 74; charii, udder; 73; Dorothy Dinney, 73; Clifford Lamport, 66; Nelson Wells, 65; Lor- etta Little, ,63; Geo. Andrew, 62; •Roy Sanders 62; Jean Walper, 60; Harold Macdonald, 57; Lillian Payne 41 Jr. •Ill—IlonOrs Raymond i'ryde, 82; Grace Christie 78; Rosie Jen- nings,' 78; Gerald Skinner, 78; Jen nie Buchanan, 77; Madeline Stewart, 76; Gladys. Hutchinson, 75, Pass, Margaret Martin, 73; Jean Sheere, 72; Melville Simmons, 69; Gladys Smith, 69; Lois Statham, 69; liens, TOE LATE MRS A. ,S. D.EAVITT The remains of the late Mrs, A. S. 1)eavitt, who died in Toronto on 1VIay. 4th, were brought to Exeter and the funeral on Tueeday was held • from the underta.kmg pailora of Mr. R. N. Rowe. The late Mrs. Deavitt was 88 years of age. Her maiden name was Maly Ann Smith. She was a resident of Exeter for many years until the, death of her haaband a- bout seven years ago. Antoag those Wm. Johnston., of Meaford and Mrs. Evelyn Campbell, of Toronto, Nestle 66; Cecil Laing 66; Ruth who attende the funeral were Mr. Collingwood, 62; Verne Brimacomb, 61; Helen Vale, 49; Hazel :Bloom- field 47; Claire Smith 47. Lloyd Freckleton, 36. No. enrolled, 41; aver att,eii. J. S. Murray, teacher.' ROOM 111 Jr. III—Honors, Jos. Creech, 93; Ruth Balkwill, 92; Justin Kuhn, 89; 1 -Tarry Gole, 87; Grafton Cochrane, 86; Trumpet:, .86; Dorothy Cox, 86; 'Wallace Seldon, 84; Mar- garet Ellerington, ,83; Kenneth Ward 82; Jos. Jackson, 81; Mary Cann 79; Clayton, Batten, 77; Hugh Walper, 77. Pa,ss, Muriel Kaye, 74; Helen Staubury, 74; Kenneth Vale, 70; Wm. Nelson, 68; Jack 1-ledd.en, 6S; Helen HeYWood, 63; Marguerite 13loonifield, 61. Sr. II—Honors, Ruby Stone, 92; Burton Donnelly, 89; Florence Cor- nish, 88; Marion Davis, 86; Jean Penhale, 85; Dorothy Davis, 83; T.Tt- ah Clarice, 79; Edmund Wethey, 79; Allen Fraser, 77; Edith Kestle, 77; Helen Salter, 76; Stella Little, 76. Pass, Wm. Burke, 75; Constance Jennings, 74; Chester Cornish, 71; Allan Quance, 67; Viola Hodgson, 66; Wm. Chambers, 53; Elmer Hun - kin, 50; Harold Beavers, 46. No. enrolled, 41; Aver. Attest, 39. H. M. Kinaman, teacher. ROOM ' Sr, A., honors, M*arguerite Cann 92, Marjorie Complin 84, Loki, McDon ald 78. Tom Elleringtom 77, Mervyn Sim. 75; Pass, Jianany Sanders 72, Eddie Ward 66, 'Eldon Kaditaig,^ 62; Sr. if, B., honors, Florence Stewart 88, Jaaia Stanbury 85, Lucy Pomfret 85, 1:uth. Fraser 84, Jean Ross ;82,-„Dorotilv Luker 79, Kenneth Hockey 78, Howard Kerslake 78; Pass, Vera Kestle 72, Jean Pilon 68. - Jr 22. A., honors, Edith ClysdaleOl Adeline Stone 86, Allen. Nelson 80, Eileen Snell 79, Mavis, Spenpe,r 77, Stan icy Ward 77, Teddy Batten,- 75; Pass, Billy Walters 64. Promoted to Jr. 11 B.. lionor.s, Helen Trumper 95, Hein Wainer 92, Margaret faina,n, 87, Ray Hutchirisen 84, Ray Creech 83, Reba Simmons 81, Rowe Dinney 79, Seldon Buchanan 76, Pass, Irene Mooney 73, May Quance 72. ° Jr. I., Eilean Cornish 69, Cha,rire Cornplin. 67, Jack Pryde, 63; Raymond Freckieton. 61. Note -The following were sent .on to Room III -All ;of Sr. II. A., and Poi- ence Stewart, Lucy Piion, Jack Stan - bury from Sr. II, B. Average attendance 41.5. Neal le J.Nleddl„ teacher. ROOM I EASTEJi', PROMOTIONS DIED IN SASKATCHEWAN • Mrs. Fred R. Knight, a former res- • iclent of Exeter, died at her home in Jansen, Sask. and the remains are being brought here for burial, Mra Knight's maiden name .was Mary' Brown. Both,Mr. and Mrs. Knight were former residents of Exeter, the former being at one time proprietor of a store in Exeter North. The de- ceased has been ailing for some time. Besides her ' bereaved husband she is survived by one daughter,and two sisters: Mrs. Chas. Harris, of Ottawa and Miss M. Ea Drown, of Toronto. The remains are expected to arrive here to -day Tlx Mr. Knight is aecompanying them. Fuke.e INSURANClE BROKER LIFE— ACCIDENT— SICKNESS AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY - FIRE INSURANCE A share of your business would be appreciated. lants fir Sale Geraniums • • Asters Stocks • Salvia Dusty Miller Heliotrope • Foliage • VFPetuniaei cnag • Silver Leaf , Ageratum Drecena Zinnia G' la dioli Canna Ca,bbage Cauliflower Tomatoo All kinds of Plants or Hanging Baskets, Window Boxes and Hanging Baskets filled to order, Names arranged in order of merit. To Class II—Grace Baker and May -Sims, equal; Clifford ,Oeywood, Edith Cann, Hazel Clark,„ktsy Mar- tin and Fred Elleringtonual; Gor- don Appleton, Warren Sanders, Harz old Ross, Gordon IVIayrHarry Pen-, hale. To. Class IT -L. -Elizabeth Foote, Phyllis Bierling, Vivian -Elliott, Jean- tte Taman. To Class IV—Gladys Stone and eau Stanbury, Equal; Vera Donnel- y, Bernice Delbridge, • Jessie Jen- nings, Norval Jones, Betty Complin. To Class III—Mary Van Can1P, Charlie Snell, ,Ray Smith, Annie Cox, Jack Kernick, Ivan -,raehber. To Class HA—alildred Quance, Lloyd Stanlake, Billy Penhale, Harry Kestle, affarjorie Kernick. To Class IIB--Robena Hunkin, Walter Davis, Florence Snell, Cecil Smith, Lloyd Guenther.' Admitted. --Marjorie Foote, Wafter Hooper, Gertrude Complin, Lorne Howey, Fred Simmons, Harvey Hooper, Eileen Sims, Violet' Luker, Irene Van Camp, Orville Webber), Gerald Cornish, Gordon Sanders Dav,_ id Kestle, Ola Reid. Number enrolled for April, 44; average attendance, 43. 0. M. Taylor, teacher. ports were received, accepted^,and e ed. 1 The securing of necessary .fuel was J left with the -fuel committee, 1' K. ,MacFaul., Secretary. EXETER SCI71001, REPORT The following is the Entrance test. Part 1 includes Art, Hygiene and Agnriocnstoltrusr,em.. Howaid, 78; G. Blpom- field, 77; D. Salter, 76; V. Mooney, 76; L. Baker, 76. Pass, S. North- cott, 72; S. West, 70; A. Simmons, 69; L. Dinney, 68; Jennings, 67; C. Woods, 64; I. Ford, 63; H. Skin- ner, 63. Below, W. Nelson, 56; E. Walter, 52. Part II, Entrance Subjects—Hon- ors, V. Mooney, 77; L. Baker, 76. Pass,• M. Howald, 73; S. Northcott, 1 70; li. Jennings, 69; 1. Ford, 68; L. Dinney, 66; D. Salter, 66; G. 13loom- field, 65;-C. Woods, 65; H. Skinner 64; A. Simmons, 6,4; S. West, 61 Below, E. Walter, 57; W. Nelson 57. Ir. IV—Honors, G. Chambers, 77 Pas8, I. lBierling, 74; Alda McDonald, 72; Baden Powell, 7,1; Roy 13atten, 71; W. Sanders, 70; 'IC. Reid, 70; J. Passmore, 69; A. Passmore, 68; W. Kay, 67; T. Kay, 67; M. Deering,' 66; G. Nelson, 64; C. I-Iutchinson, 647 HiltOn Laing, 63; S. -Walter, 54; J. Taylor, 50. • N. on roll, 32; Aver. Atten. 31.5. G., S. I-Raward, Teacher•. R Sr, iii_Hon0010147V01eraidine Burke, 82; Willie BalicWill, 81; Helen Pen - 81; GladYS 1-1unlcin, 80: Mary Wells, 79; Clarence Boyle, 79; Rus- sel Snell, 78; Mabel 73; Willie Eller- ingtOn, 77; Vielei, 76; Ras - Let Us Help You To See Better A LARGE PERCENTAGE 0B, HEADACHES ARE CAUSED iiy; A. GREAT MANY PEOPLE HAVE COME TO 17S WITH COMPLAINTS OF SEVERE HEADACHES WF1101-.1 WE HAVE OOMPLETEbY RLJE- ED WITR StITABILEAND PROP.. ERLY FITTED SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES. . • WE CAN HELP YOU, SATISF'AC- • TION GUARANTEED. • Registered Optomet Last. S . Fitton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Piper, of Kitch- ener, accompanied by the. former' mother and two sister's, Ethel oZ. Chicago, and Mabel' of Detroit, mo- tored here -and called on friends on. Thursday of last week. Auto for Hire — 4 CLOSED CAR DAY AMD NIGHT SERVICE CHARG-ES REASONABLE A. T. HARNESS Phone 142, Exeter. Farmers and li)ealrs Get our prices for • OBlatchford's Calf IVIeal Thoroughly , Steam Cooked. The hest known Milk Substitiste f.o'r Calv- es, and at our prices, the best value in. Calf Meals, 'Begin feeding now L. Day & and get results. We supply both. farmers and dealers. FLORITS Exeter (-1.eaniel•y Coi Limited Union St., Exeter. C 110LICEivil .2,17Zz/2-A G.A Ro E0 SOWik AT -"TPligau, --rE:Rs-ry metk, DIED IN THE FLOWER OF YOUTH, A sad death took place in Exeter on Monday, May 5th when Miss Mur- iel Eilean Bissett pasSed away at the home Of her grandparents, Mr. and , Thomas Bissett. The deceased, who was in her 19th year, was a daughter of the late Isaac R. and Charlotte Bissett. She was an at- tractive young lady of a quiet and retiring disposition and was beloved by all who luiew her. For some time she resided with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mts. E. Erwin, of Lon- don, She was taken ill while visit- ing here at Easter time. Besides her grandparents she is survived by one sister, Marion, younger than site. The funeral was held Wednesday after- noon at the Trivitt Mentorial church cOndacted bY the Rector, Rev, A. A. Trutnper. The bet eA:creet will have the sympathy of many friencha. If at the age of thirty or forty you, say that you can "see almost as good as ever,” it is tune you Should sub- mit to an eye -examination. When vision mechanism begins to weaken and perform its functions in an im- perfect manner, your condttion calls for an immediate remedy. We will specify the lenses that you need, make and mount them for you at a• Satisfactory price. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Phone 70 Main St. Exeter, Ont. Exeter and Winchelsea. P1113 a'EETROPOLTTAN LIME INSURANCE COMPANY The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York, insures more people and is growing faster than any other life insurance company. Obviously, the reason for Metrop61- itan supremacy iisaits field, is' that people believe its policies most des- irable, its service best, and its costs most economical. This Company id ready to serve‘you. Tell. your insur- ance wants to CHARLES F. WAY, Metropolitan Agent, Exeter. Ont., Canada. GREGG'S • Clothing Hospitai We do all kinds of Cleaning, Press - nag, Dyeing, Repairing, Re -modeling Turning of all kinds of Clothing. LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Genta Suits to Order. A trial is solicited. W. GREGG TAILOR, North'of Kehler's bakeshop; DOME THEATRE 'Saturday and Monday May the 10th and i2th HAROLD LLOYD in "Doctor Jack The TradeMa- tk of Latig'ilteri A. 1320 PICTUTZE FOR THE Tj8.23AL: Pft10E OF A.L)AIISSI01\1. OWING TO A SHIP MENT,' THE WRONG WAS SENT LAST WEEN...