HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-5-1, Page 8New Dress Materials Exclusive Dress LengthS and by the yard We specialize in materials for Dresses in Dress Lengths and by the yard. You will find, here a complete and, attractive showing of all this season's newest materials. Use Standard patterns with the Belrobe system and have your dresses for less than halt the price of "-readf-46-1wOur -garments. The. Belrobe eXPlains every step and makes dress making easy. We carry these popular patterns right in stock. BROCADED CAPIPES - PRINTED CREPES CANTON CREPES Gli\TGI-1A,MS -- VOILES -- RArTINES Ladies' and Girls Slippers and Oxfords Over a dozen new styles now in stock from the best makers. We have grouped all our new Slippers at an attractive price. Come in and find out the val- ues we are offering. A special table of Ladies iSlippers. Your size for $3.29. Silk Lisle Stockings 65c. a pair These new fancy ribbed and clock4d Stockings for Ladies and Girls in Black and Light shades. Special large ribbed top Lisle Hose in 131ack and - colors. You save money on these Stockings at 65c or 2 pair for $1.25. Ladies' Coats and Suits Our Special Prices $11.95 $16.95 $19.85 $23.95 Our stock still offers a big selection with plenty of plain tailor- ed Coats in both large and small sizes Conte here for your Coat, we can save you money. • •- Men's Suits OUR PRICES $14.95 $19.85 $23.95 $29.85 Our Men's Suits are priced to sell and the quality and work- manship are guaranteed. You'll find a Suit here at the price you want to pay and a selection of cloths which is certain to please you. • Our madeeto-measure department offers you -a real service at pop- ular prices. . Lower Grocery Prices All Laundry Soap ....3 for 20c Kellogg's Corn Flakes,10e pkg 7 Bars Castile Soap for -.256_ ••Royal Yeast Cake* 5c pkg.- Seedless Raisins ........121A c lb Christie's Soda Biscuits 15c pk Guaranteed Salmon . ; 35c r• Large Package Lux 1•1c Brunswick Sardines 4 tins 25e Large Bottle of Olives 3 Sc , ,ec J. A. S_tewari 1•301101.12•111=1111111181139.1•1.1 „.„„kv • , This is .the Right Place to Come for Furriitu'ike awamg, We don't belie-ve that you can find a better place to buoul Furniture, than right at this store. Our Whole stock from end to end is ready to be handed "mei- to our Customers as examples of most style, most real worth for the least money. • '' LARGEST STOCK LATEST DESIGNS FAIR' PRICES • BETTER SERVICE • ;' THE HO KE FURNISHER Its • E. GARDINER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director • Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distauco calls given prompt attention. PAY AND NIGHTiRVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE, 74,I; Night call 74W 4111110111 Men! be„ cat). -.;;;;;;.L.Z.,^477 offer yowthe es 't -a 1 - • • 1z4; ues in"Men'sClothin .f rti gi.7.470;1":441,40(14 T"-- .YOU MAY BE 01TE11pp LOWER. PRICED • ° CLOTHING, BUT WE DO NOT THINK YOU OAN PAY LESS AND GET -IN GOOD HONEST- SERVICE OR GOOD„..APPEARA.NOE SVOH VALUES AS WE OFFER YOU. IT'S' WHAT YOU GET IN SERVICE AND SAT- ISFACTION THAT COUNTS. WE CAN MEETOUR REQUIREMENTS IN •fr---1Made• to -Measure ZIOVZE1 arior) Ready -to -Wear Suits!' imegs RANGE' 1E11014 $18'.00 UPWARDS . OUR SPRING STOCK,OF I-IATS AND CAPS, AND • SHIRTS, COLL/MS, TIES, SOCKS, ETc., IS ONE OF ., , .., THE BEST WE ItAvE'llarvER SHOWN. W0 W. T A PliONE 8ia THE EXETEF1 TIMES 7 'TILUARKY; VA)!is, '1924 Market repot -The t°11°wIng li CAVEN PRESBIIT.E114141 "I1Y4111111111111111111111111111111(11111101111111111101111111101111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111000465 'i the repprt opt 'the Exeter Market ...itey„ James 4 Foote, .A., Ministe corrected everWedueeday. r , 1, ; ° ‘.0 • • 10 441.1.,....-S.11,pday 41001 and Biblemn 11 am -Services as Vusal • . Communicant- Glass at 2 o'clock: 7 p.m. -Services as Usttal E. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. =, J4.11.111S STREET SIET1:10DIST :•=t• • CHURCH Rev. W. 'E. Donnelly, )3. A., Pastor' a.in.-Morning Fellowship. ' OINOM 11 a.m.-"The Inner Real Self" 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m. --"Forgive and Forget" COMMUNION DAY Everybody Welcome Wheat $1.00 Oats 48e Barley 66c Manitoba Flour $3.46* Pastry Flour $3.00 Family Flour $3.30 Feed Flour $1,75 Bran $1,50 Shorts •$1.60 Dairy Butter 33c Creamery Butter 36c New Laid Eggs 21c • Held Eggs 20c Seconds 17c Lard -17 to 20c Hogs $7.50 4.....4.40.4404.404,43410.004#4<te LOCAL The Exeter papers are delayed this week owing to eur ehipments from Toronto not having arrived on time. FOR SALE Eleetrical hall fixture Barn, Timber frame, 24x30. Trout fishing opens -May 1.st. • Range, nearly new, 4 -hole, with Mrs. E. A. Follick visited for afew Reservoir, 13a,rgain for quick sale. = days in London. • -2 four -panel doors complete with Mr. Bert Gardiner is spending a jams and casings. few days in Leedee, • encltallutt Tractor Plow complete, Good 5 HP. Gas Engine. Miss Ferns' Francis is visiting for Information. re above articles at = E a few days in London. , POWELL'S BAZAAR; Exeter, Ont. Misses Thelma and'Mae Ford visit- •, = ed in Toronto last Week. • Onion seeding has been in Dill le • , = ivtottiers i)ay swing during the past week. - c ••••••r of.r4.1ji '"•&.'rk - Att 61 -z 9 - " 1101/0.11‘..81141. "bib - a • """ 2„4 ••MINO . 111111P011 =ONO Mrs. Wm. Gardiner is visiting for a couple of weeks in London. Mrs. Clifton Ddyis is moving her SUNDAY effects to London to join_ her dins- 1V,Irs. E. Irwin, of London, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett. The song of the lawn mower will soon be heard. The grass is begin- ning to grow. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nash, of Wingham visited with -Mr. and Mrs. J. W".• Pow- ell on Sunday. Mrs. G: A. K. L McCleod left this week. for Seaforth, where she will reside in. future. May the llth WE EXPECT TO HAVE FLOW ERS IN QUANTITY. A: GOOD PLAN IS TO LEAVE YOUR OR - ./•••14,0 .111.11•M Floor Coverin in many new Patterns Congoleum Rugs We are showing several new pat- terns in Coaoreum, Rugs this Spring. They are made in larger sizes than ,, • . formerly. Let its' show you these • numbers. • LINOLEUMS • • Let us cover your floors with this , .sanitary floor covering. We offer• you the newest patterns ancl lay them Free of Charge. • Blinds and Curtain P6les We carry, a full range," -of Blinds • and Poles and can order any' shade • that we do not carry in stock. 10 doz..- Blinds, Special each $1.00. • Curtain Nets - • .• In• Scrim, Spotted Muslins and arjuisette. Pretty Scrirn Curtains f r bedrooms at per yard 35c. ' ••..e„ • Oilcloth Rugs for • Bedrooms , They come in neat •patterns, but are made only in the smaller sizes for, bedrooms. Priced at • •$1.50, $6.50 and $8,50 • Wall Papers We are showing by far the best assortment we have ever offered. See our bedroom papers that we have reduced to per single roll loc. Rubber Pads for Stair • Steps . •• • .Gomes in three different sizes. These will save your steps. Priced • at 15c, 25c and 30c. DER EARLY. • OUR TELEGRAPI:IIC COMMUN-, 'CATION OTHER FLOR- = outhoott ros ISTS ALLOW US TO DELIVER :7-='." FLOWERS ANYWHERE ON TI -IE • 'CONTINENT. " CM111111111111111M111111111iifilillIMMUMPHIJOIMMIIMINIMMIMIIMIIIIMIMMIIMMIIMIlliffilliffin Mrs. Jonah Sims had the misfort- ^ = . MIONMI 1..11•111. ra.mr 01101•10 une recently to fall and. break her - "SAY 1T, WITH FLOWERS" left arm at the. wrist • - • Mr. Wm. ILAestle went to London •„ „Tuesday for examination and treat "OUR pRicrs WILL BE RIGHT" ment in Victoria Hospital. • Tlie town clock is being repaired • this week. Citizens need.,-inSt 'get' . alarmed should it go on strike. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie of London, spent Sunday with the'lat- ter's -mother, Mrs. J. Beverley. Miss..Verda Leavitt, R.N.,- 'hag re-- , turned to Walkerviile after spending the holidays ,at; her home here. Miss Dorothy 33alkwill has return- ed to Stratford .Normal and Miss 1Viarguerite.„Kmitz to London Normal. Mr. Ed. Willis' many friends are pleased to see him around after. -be- ing confined tolis hinne for over two months. ',Mr. J. Bell, Sr., Miss Bell and Mrs. A..P. Ketchen, of Exeter attended.the Anderson ---Bell 'wedding hi Sea,forth „ recently:• ' The property of the\late Mrs. Ma- . kins, on Andrew street, waCPurenaLs- ed on Saturday by . r.tEdllardess for $1,00 Mrs!1-* who as- spent the winter in An , Nith.hdangliter Mrs. Jones, has -,tii)nedtcrfier heine in Hay Tpe Mr. J. G. D ,shipped another carload of hor to Montreal on Saturday. Mr. • •Easton.' accom- prttied them. A second load was shipped on Wednesday. Mrs. R. Singleton and son Clair, of Glencoe, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. Beavers. The Horticultural Society is hav- ing the Federal Park cultivated, lev- elled and reseeded. Some shrubbery will also be planted. Mr. E. J. Homey, inanager of the Dominion Store, at Mitchell, has been transferred to Stratford to manage one of the•stores in that city. Rev. Dr. Pretcner, ReV.-Jas"." Isoche, Rev. enM. -• ,Chidley and Mr. Hy. •gleearfg motOrede,to Woodstock Mon- day to attend the Presbyterian Sy- nod. Mrs..W. H. Gregg, of Brantford, arrived in Exeter on Monday to ,join b,er husband, Mr. Gregg recently hav- ing opened up a tailoring business in town. The residence of Mr. M. E. Eacrett was sold by public auction on Satur- day to Mr, Walter Harness for $1605. The household effectswere also disposed of. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. May and son Warren, visited in Mitchell on Saturday. Mrs. May and. Warren left Mitchell for Toronto where they will visit for a naonth. • FOR, SALE- All Steel Range, (Universal) suitable for large kit- chen, in Perfect order. • White Leghorn Hens, good winter Layers. C. Wares, Ann St., Exeter. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION MRS. GAMPPtILL CERTIFIED VIOLIN TtIAOREli Has vaeafteles for a few students °111y r. Ms. Gernbrill is repre,sented by ler pupils in many Churches, Sunday • WATCH OUR 'WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS IN VARIETY GOODS. -NEXT WEEK: -DISHES Powell's Bazaar 'FIELD CROP COMPETITION IN OATS, -11-eSeertay of the Exeter Ari - cultural Society will receive ,entries for the Comptition ijm Field l.pats Jip to the 15th x)...f May, Entrance fee 11.00.and membership in the Society There must lie at 1es, 25 entries. "SELDON, Secy. • BABY CHICKS --Barred Rocks, White LeOloili, Buff Leghorn, R. C. Rhode Island.Reds and White Wya.n.dotte., I am now booking orders. Get your order in and Plants for Sale -Sweet Williams, make sure Of -getting your chicks Forget-me-nots; Pansies and Candy when you want "•thm.. Garnet Hey - ruff. ' Apply to W. F. Abbott wood: Exeter, Ont. ' FOR BALE ---A Ford- car, in good running order and i good shape. Apply at Times Office. • COURT OF REVISION On Usborne Assessment Roll for 1924 Take notice that a Court of Revis- ion will sit on the 1924 Assessinent- Roll of the Township of Usborne, at the Township Hall; on May 3rd, at, 1 o'clock, p.m. All agrieved parties guide themselves accordingly. • Henry Strang, Clerk. • strain f that does not winter kill. „ . FARMS- FORSALE-A few choice faOns In the Townships Of „Usborne, TuckersnAth and Hibbert. Good buildingsund-iiell located as to Mar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. ,Camoi-bri,.Auct.. Box 154. Exetef, NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, modern bungalOW, centrally located. Apply •• Gladman & 'Stanbury. • ALItALFA SEED. -We specialize in growing Alfalfa Seed of a hardy Auto' Draying - I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL OABTAGE SERVICE.' OUP. EXPRESS SERVICE FROM LONDON TO -EXETER IS NOW OP- ERATING. LIVERY IN CONNEC- TION. • • 11..Bagshaw' Writ for price and sample ' F. Hicks & Son Newton Brook 3407ti •York County NOTICE. , 7.1fese , are the Prices you can have • . your work done by . , -ELLIOTT & JOHNS Ibleanini; Pressing and Repairing • Also Tailoring Men's Suits Cleaned arid Pi-essed '''' .. ........ 75c Cochrane Machine I Pressed only . --------------------------50c - -Works Ford motors reground, fitted` with P-'istons, Complete _$.14:00 Every DrY Cleaned and Pressed, LL $2.00 Dyed and.Pressed' L $4.00 "."7'-"I'L-'' • Ladies' ' Snita Preased and Cleaned $1.00 ;DrlYOlaied P sed $2 00 andr s . . . „ . ,make of Car metoi.---and Engines re SknL Pressed' . . . . 50c ground with Pistons Complete to fit, We alsoMako and Trin Snits Avith, also Tractors: W. R. _Goulding Organist and Choirmaster ,Tathes St. Methodist Chizrch. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Ititructor of Music in the Public Schools, „ TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. ununnuniummmummumniullini. Bargains in FURNITURE Evetythitig down in Price - R. N. ROWE THOMAS DININE LICENSED EmD.A.timErts AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone Bis. 20W ' House 20J. First ClasS Trimmings for $20.00. If you want a new Suit of Clothes, .....,.... .. . . . . Come in and get our prices.. We can give you \a, Blue Suit -guaranteed All Wool, , Iadigo 1)ye. Never Fade For..... ... . .. . . . . . . . `..'SuftClea.n.- ;ed and Pressed, let us know. We will 'call for theni -and deliver them. ' Always, at Your, Serviee WE DELIVER FREE PHON-E 8 WORK ND •FIT GUARANTEED "Wben you, want your 11 The owing items are particularly aPPropriate for Spend 1.7otir,Money -here It Will ,f.Go'The-Farthest We sell the fat of the land at mighty lean prices. The shelves and counters of, 'our 300 stores are filled with quality food, stuffs -but our prices are light. Shop at your nearest DOMINION STORE and prove it. - - Our Own Bakery is equipped to produce the finest bakery products in Canada, Our Cake being • , particularly delightful. , WRAPPED BREAD CHERRY CAKE (worth 50c Ib.), Pb..29c (full 1.1h-lb. ..loaf) .15c VALENCIA CAKE 91 ,,,, JELLY ROLLS -25 lb. - - - - -Li.1.‘ 2 for - - C SOVEREIGN BRAND • °'. WALRUS BRAND , SOCKEYE 36c COHOE SALMON, 9C„ SALMON, 1 -Ib. tin - . %-lb.-tin, 2 for -Litn; .L. CROSSED FISH " SO VEREI GN BEAND . „ - .SARDINES • ' SOCKEYE - 0c '• (in olive oil or 17_ SALMON, 1/2 -lb. tin -, , tomato sauce),? for el I V SHIRRIFF'S • PURE 'ORANGE MARMALADE 7A„ 4-1b. tin - - SHIRRIFF'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE 9F7„ 1 -Ib. .jar - I t". . • . SHIRRIFF'S, JELLY POWDERS 29 (All flavors), 3 Pkts. C RASPBER-RY or STRAWBERRY ink JAM, 4-1b., Glass Jar I aC r• 15-6z: SEEDED and SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 pkts. FRESH MILLED ROLLED OATS 9r_; 6 lbs. - -JC TOY PAIL • ' 74qt PEANU'T BUTTER 41JC EVAPORATED • APRICOTS, (small, 25 but xneaty), 2 lbs. - c~ WATER GLASS • - _14c 2 c I PURE QUEBEC MAPLE UP. $1.99 MAPLEaISUGAR -0C MACHINE -SLICED 90i,„ BACON, lb. •• -grids.m RICHME:LO --..79c foil ' ' ,your Spring Housecleaning. §OAI3 CHIPS 9e •GRIP -RITE • 'for - -440C CLOTHES PINS 10 MOP sticKq • each - - - • C ALL i‘A-tydrAzii • GOOD, STRONG SOAPS 7 A BROOMS, 4 -string 10 bars in3C4.• cLOTHE4,.X4INES 90,„ LUX (For fine 1 1, .$0 ft. Iv • • ••,•, 4./ 1. laundering) Lt.' G. S. Atkiti§on, L.D.S.,D.D:S DENTAL SURGEON raduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontarioand T_Tni.• veraity "of Toronto. • . ,: rate District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District- Number One London „ , /, • . 'Ma2111, Oifice, Main St: Ex,eter, Ont., • Phone 84 xet,EA•; HoUrs 9.00 a.m ,i1FE SELL TO SATISFYi 19 Office hours at ,ZTJRICEI ON Tues •-• onlyzi, at •10.00 o'clock a.m. to 6,00 Pboge 79. .• 0 E. "TENDIA.NT •° , VeterinaryStirgeon • (31flee-Mellonnell's °salee,ritables e 'eels, and Theatres. several being • !,rshn St. Phone balls, receive prompt professionally paid performers. /111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ttention, Phone 260 • ct.NDY EASTON R CARLING B A AnotiaMer for the 4700" Barrister, Solicitor; &c., 07 01 lEfuroxi. gor,reepptadence ariallge^ ' - ments for salea can be thade,by call- ; • , Ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Loan, InVeStnients, InpUranCO, • Charges moderate, satlefaction • gatitanteecl. Oillee„ cooing ;Mock, Math St. 11xep;#4,