HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-5-1, Page 5f I 1 i IliiNl Ilii Ifllll IIIA 1 Illi IINi 011! 111.1111110 111111 illi 111.01111111111. F ill i ! L i 1 1 1 1 Ill L SII III iI101 li N �f f Ifl f I I Iii iii fOAN� _ _ __ _ 1 _ _ 1i l f i 1 1 iii I` IUI Iii i III 11 Il11 I ill I i II � IIIIII I � � II 11111 01 !I l II i 11 II Ill Ili. i Ii IIIIIfilIlfU i 111 11011111�11111111111� 11111111111111111111111f1 IIIIIUI iI 11 ! Ii ` 1 1. ..w, ,. .. ,. 1 NSALBEL DO TICEAMBITIOUS "i)OUNGI PEO ' ,I k ' OF THIS COMIWUNITY KNOW THAT THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario Arranges' cls se' classes to accommodateoda to Students wishing to i:ive at, xonie and ��? g ,,; 1, . commute daily by. train? ` That, on a 32 week's course, one month is given free of fees, to insure student having full time at' school? ' That, this .school hag.,.. the most highly qualified feachingstaff of any Private Commercial, School in the Province? . THAT THESE FACTS MEAN YOUR, OP OI2UNIT, Y., SPrilag Terim ®P' n s TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1924 •, STUD E'%?TS MAY ENTER T AANY TIME; - _ CO1�Ii B STENOGRAPHIC COMMERCIAL, Sli, ti T' I OJ;E ARIAL' AND SPECIAL r,. Write orr`Phone :198 "ror .full 'information: , r.. l . A. STONE, ,COM. SPECIALIST; Vice Principal B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal DR. ,GG. I. SMITH DENTIST Two doors east of the Molsons Bank, 'Heasall Ont. Away Wednesday afternoons. 1'ROUDFOOT, , KILLORAN & HOLIVIES Barristors, dc. Office on the Square, 2nd door Room HaMlltoa St., Goderich. "%bate funds to loan 'at lowest"rates. Proudtoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, In E. Holmes Mr. Holmes will be in Mansell dreary Friday troll ' 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - Salon School, Special course taken in 'Registered Live,, Stock (all Breeds,) Xerchandise, Real Estate, Farm Doles, eft. Iates. in kee ing with `. kerssiling pri , , Satisfaction ; as- rl.a Kia Zurich,or .' ed write O r PP, 18-93, Zuix%h. • �e DR.. A.:MOI•R Physician' and' Surgeon g Tholte 70 ' ;BENS ALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty oY Medicine, fiCGi-'i` University, Montreal;.)Y'►ien ber LoiSege of Physicians'andy Surgeon; R1 Ontario; . Licentiate ., o! Medical council o! Canada; .Post. Graduate DIenber of Resident Medical staff of Jjeneral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; (pace, 3 doors east . of Post Office. rime 56, Hensall, Ontario. Lumber has Advanced But we aro stili selling White Pine dressed on both sides at $45.00 per thousand. 1x6.-< dressed -and :Hatched white gine '$50.0 Osper,M 1 . P.C.No. `:• 1 ,XXX Shingles { - B. C. No. '1 XXXXX Shingles 1 Bird's Ashphalt Twin Shingle: pird'u Ashphalt Roll Roofing 18 in. wide, the heaviest made. Phone No.' 18 WORTHY G � RAP Tt. N i . A 0°�+Ydr Tern.e P leton's Rheumatic Capsules , a�i PintimATism SCIATICA • ',NEURITIS ,. LUMBAGO TEMPLETONS TORONTO A. i ` E. H.E IPHI.LL VIENSALI as ONTARIO "Papa, why is the ocean salt?" ''To keep the Dalt fresh. Run a- long to mamma, now." .i lhiISSIOiY CYRCLE. ELECT • , OFFICERS The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle of the Methodist church was held in the basement ori Friday evening last and after the us- ual business, the election of officers for the coining year were as follows: Supt., Miss A. Consitt;. President,• Miss E. Shaddock;a Vice Pres., Miss Alma- Scruton; Rec. Sec,, Miss Zetta Passmore; Cor. Sec., Miss Francis Pearce; _Treas:, Bliss .Nora ..,rollick; Piaikiet, Miss N: Boyle. -The Mission Circle have_ had a very - • successful year and are looking forward to be- ing the recipients of the Mission Cir- cle Banner for the Exeter District, which will • be given at the W.M.S. convention on May 15th - A WNTED —Life Company with Head Office at'Waterloo, contem- plates opening an.Ageiicy`at.Hensall. One representative wanted for this locality. Good opportunities for the right ni,an, with District' Office super- vision ,and assistance: Write, P.O. Box .175, Waterl-ao,°+,Ont. BIG REDUCTIONT. [N. PRICE OF M IITAL- ROOk ING'C 4ME AT.:LAST:" . ALL GRADES.LOWER SE D.:IN Y UR R ;•. O• , O D RS AND INQUIRIES AT ,NICE TO.. ; : I •JOJJ•N.ELDER, ....,; 1 4=24e4i "`I'hone_.l `�nsall•' T• "l'h•e eisall Greenhouse WE SOLICIT YOUR SPRING OR- DER FOR TOMATO, CABBAGE AND CAULIFLOWER PLANTS, AL- SO FOR, POTTED AND `BOXED PLANTS. WE HAVE • FOR • SALE- A: NUM, BER OF ENGLISH WALNUT SEED- LINS, .ONE, TWO AND THREE YEARS OLD. WHEN GARDENING CALL AND LOOI( OVER. OUR STOCK., J. ZUEFLE &' SON FLORISTS Hensall, Ont., Miss Kate IVreE*en is at present, i with relatives 1 neoe visiting inGl o S ll• r Dr. Campbell, of Toronto, visited relatives in town this week, Mr. Wm, Wilson, of Goderich, fore merly;,of I3ensall, spent. Tuesday in town. Miss Bieati•ice Urquhart is this week visiting. with friends in St. Catharines. ; Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Coxworth.; of, London, visited in town. on Monday last. Miss,Jaunita Nelson, of Exeter vis- ited with ,friends in town over.the. week -end, 'Hr. and -Mrs. c tir h. >acl s e n have recent- ly moved into theliouse formerly oc- cupied by Mr. Wni, ;Webber. r Be inning the lath. of May the places of business will close on Thursday afternoon. Miss Evelyn Hefferman returned home on Monday last,after •spending the Easter; holidays. in .Clandebo'ye. Tlie` managers of the onion Ware- houses in this vicinity are busy `just. now contracting for and planting; seed onions, quite an " acreage has been contracted for in this district. , • Mr. Maurice Farquhar speirt the Easter holidays- at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane west of Iiippen. Next. Sunday morning the. Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be commemorated in connection with the service` in the Methodist church. Mr. and.MVlrs. T. Appleton and fam- ily have moved into the house recent- ly purchased by M. Ortwein, formerly belonging :to the Busch estate. • The roads in this ,Vicinity are now in first cl tss';eonditiou•� and several have made trip's to London and other more distant .paints and report the roads `in fine shape. • Messrs. J. McDonnell, R. E. Cook and 1 rr. A, :•Murdock, left on Monday for Oshawa. They went. by train but returned by'motor`, driving new Cheverolet cars from the- factory at Oshawa. Dont forget the play#"Juliette" to begiven in tie' n Hallon F Town Friday evenin n''ic _ e t. .Thisplayhighly r h1 g Y g recomth nded and i` put On, by the P . famous't.Murless. players of•Seaforth, Don't fail to, see it. , `;Thea death occurred' iii `Zuricli of =J. A.- Williams • on -April 2 6th- well ;,: :known o:" a .•, SO urn of our`ci � y , t� ens; .in hie - 73 ed is'73rd' year". Th'e'T,fltneral which was largely,, attended was ,held oh ;April, 3Q'tIi rntermeiit.l exng'1ii de in:I3rou- son Line ''Cenietery.., • _ The annual Exeter District conven,= tion of the W.M.S. of the Methodist clturcli will be held in the 'Methodist church, Hensall, on May 15th. ,About 300 delegates are expected to attend and a big time is looked forward to by the ladies of the.W.M.S. ,A goodly number, attended the eu- chre and, dance in the•Towii'Hall on Friday evening last.. After the eye dire party., lunch was served and the' remainder' of the evening spent', in dancing, the music -being furnished by the Broadfoot—Bolton orchestra. Phone 115W, There was a large attendance- at the Young People's League on Mon- day evening to listen to a very attrac- tive program. A very interesting, in- structive and nxueh appreciated ^.•ad- dress was delivered by Dr. Moir, ori the -subject 'Tedium." Tlxe doctor You_ r ' had some i adiunx,in the meeting and. fleeG*I ing explained -its discovery and its value r` lU. a -,Storage attery This s Spring? WE WISH TO INFORM THE AU•• TO.MOBILE OWNERS OF THIS DIS- TRICT THAT WE HAVE- SECURED THE AGENCY FOR THE EXIDE and U. $. L. STORAGE BATTERIES ,,1 AND' ARE IN'A .POSITION TO. GIVE YOU VERY ATTRACTIVE` PRICES ON EITHER OT THESE WELL- KNOWN AND RELIABLE' MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERY. WE ALSO :HANDLE.- BURGESS DRY CELL BATTERIES AND 'ALL SIZES OF FLASHLIGHT I3AT- TERIES. GET' OUR PRICES BE- FORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. The Hydro Shop J..L asi$'rnort'i EVERY SORT OI' J013 PRINTING • W1 PRINT -Posters, Dodgers, 'En- 'elopes, Letterheads, Visiting Cards, Shipping Tage, and anything at 'all, at rhe Observer Printing Office, Hensel]. Orders taken for 'Daily and Weekly Papers. Toronto and London papers $4.75. In club with the Exeter Tinieta $6.25, Leave your order at the Ob- server Office. in science and - the medical profession. Other features of. the program were a solo by Miss Nellie 8 z e ze oyle,, `a;'pxano solo by iel,iss Greta Lainmie and a ection from the Kazoo;Bancl. • The death occirred,:in Hensall, •on Saturday''lasE of a well known resi- dent in the person of Mr. John Mur- dock in his 70th year. tThe deceased has lived in town for several years, corning' from a farm in the neigh- borhood of Brucefield.> Mr: Murdock had not been in good health for some, time and the end •camenot. unexpec- tedly. The funeral wliicli ,e5 as'Tar ly att'encied„-was .held from his'honre on. Richmond. St: on Tuesday after neon,- Rey. J. A. McConnell "offielat- iYig; -after vlrich the remains were ta- ken to the Exeter ceiuetery'for inter-, m:ent. Mr. 'and Mrs, Tlios: Dickson,•of this village received hurried message that theft''" daughter Maud, M'rs, Geo;, Glenn, a ,couple of miles north of our v'illags ,o the London Road,•1*las Sufi feiing'frain what threateniic`l to be acute attack of appendicitis and to- gether with their daughter, Miss EM - ma, .Dickson, assistant in the Ilensall eo t Chios, at once motored to the home of Mrs. Glenn with Dr. J. W. Peek, of r; title `village: hirs. Glenn washarried t6 the hospital at Sea- forth, where ad operation was per-• formed that evening by Dr. Peck, as- sisted by _local Seaforth' doctors. _Tho operation was a very successful one and we ate pleased to learn that Mrs. Glenn is doing nicoly and her many mends lupe tosoon see her ai'ouncl` in her usual good heeltli. THE EXETER TIMES 1)4r, Roy Rycicrnaii returned toy 1amiIcon orTuesday evening, g, alter spending a "week With relatives i,tt town. 1Vlieses Mildred and Ethel Johnston were the guests ..of their sister, Mrs. Mrs; Gordon "Parker, during the East-. er holidays. If you ha1e, any doubts in your mind about getting service when g g w en you order it Hydro strive from, our le - cal hydro shop, read :this: A certain party in town ordered anelectric stave, which vas, shi ped front the faotery in London, in the morning, and the same stove was installed and he z r Se cooked their supper t 1 u ca rtp coo p p x ori it that evening. We are at a 1 en n�. oss to say ikliete ono'` would go to get service wh litc'sui,passee' this,' Eh? What? CREDITON Mr. Alonzo Hodgins returned home front the Old Country last week looking hale and hearty.:' Mrs. Conrad Kuhn is •able to be about ;the village again after her re- cent illness.. Hiss Trellis Hodgins has returned to Louden to resume her studies. Mrs. 1Vferton_Morley is staying With Mrs. Morley who is quite 'ill at leer home: near Brinsley. Mr. "and 'Mrs. Wm. H. Gaiser left for New Yoi•lc on, Saturday' where they,expectto stay for a year. Mr.- Maynard, manager of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce has moved into the house of Mr. Wnx. H. Gaiser. • Miss Almecla Finkbeiher has • re- turned to her duties at St. Jabo'bs, after spending the ,holidays with her parents, '1VIr. and Mrs. Jacob . kiink,- beiner. The Misses Oestreicher have re- turned to their respective schools, after spending the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oestreich er. - Dr. J. W. Orine ie sporting a new ,Ford coach.' Miss Orme.: and Miss Tenney and Mrs. Tenny returned to their home in .Buffalo after spending the holiday with Dr. and Mrs. Orme. The funeral of the late Mr. Homey. was held from the hoirie of Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Mott' on Sunday afternoon to the Exeter cemetery,a nuniber from here attending.; We extend to the bereaved our sympathy. ' Mr. C. Trick is able to be around again after being confined to his bed, for a few days. Mr. J. Y. Young' was able to get out to the shop to -day ,for the first 1/4 time in many months. SUNSHINE 1VIiss Elaine Carnm spent her Eas- ,ter vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Win. Ur t uhar.t of Blare h "r . q s a d r ,•..:•' Miss ,-Audrey .Prance, va 'te with d, friends in Greenway during the Y g. -pas t .week. • Mr. and 'Airs. Fred Davis. and He- ber, of Saintsbury, spent Su day witle1 'i �. r :aiid.:Mrs.: Fletcher, ww C r, Y, ads- 41:e vis-itewith 1VIi aszd Mrs, I ou I•letcher ons=Sunday Mr. Geo. Miller, of Mt Ierilel ts,;: called on a few of his old .friends on Wednesday. Mr. Frank Scott, of Toronto, and Ernest and Mary Allen, of Hibbert, spent Tuesday at M. Routley's. sMrs. Jas. Knox, of St. Marys, and ilfrs, J. Jaques, of Woodham, spent Saturday with Mrs. F. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stevenson, of De- vizes, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. G. Jaques. Miss Agnes Creery spent her 'vasa- tionwith friends in Mitchell. • CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. II. Skinner and Mrs.'. Hodgson of Exeter, visited with- Mr. -and Mrs. D. Hodgson on Sunday.. Mrs. Boslaugh sold her household effects'hionday evening and left ori' Tuesday for Alma, Mich, 'wliere•.she. will make her"home with lrer'''br other- Mr. Wm._ Hooper. Mr. '5J1olplins Hooper, of- Loncl`on,-' visited in Centralia on Monday served : u• per The. Mission Circle se e d epi in the 'school room of 'the church on Wednesday, evening and put on an interesting ,program. Afterwards a program was rendered and a •nice sum of money realized. THAMES ROAD ''Messrs. Geo. Miller of Mt. Clemens Dave"' Miller, of Niagara "•Falls, and Oliver Miller visited with l'vfrs. 'L. B., Hazelwood on Wednesday, af,ter•noen, Mrs. Jas. Walks and Miss Zelia, spent Wednesday with Mrs. F. 'Gol' lings. • The Thames Road W.M.S. -will hold their regular monthly 'meeting at the church on.Thursday'afternoon The response to the Roll Call will be "Bible; Promises." Miss M. Gollings and friend, Miss E. Walters spent Sunday at the for S`ier's home. Irs. Jas. Goodison of Sarnia, spent' Siniday with Sidon tie in Farquhar. There is said to be one editor in heaven. How lie got there is not positively known, but it is conjectur- ed that he passed off as a minister and stepped in tuzexpectedly. When the dodge was discovered, ,they ;searched the realms of felicity all their length and breadth for a la -iv yer to draw up the necessary paper for ejectment; but they couldn't find one, and of course, the editor held the fort: , ai T)r. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S: D.D.S. DENTAL :SURGEON At icC rm, is k s L urich F every ry 4 'Thursday andSaturday. MAIN OFFICE Martleib'a Block = Dashwood, Outi Mrs. -T. Burkhart, of. Cleveland, Visited in town last week." Mr. and. M rsSe n1 he credfamily a Visited its Stratford over Sunday. 1Ylr, and Mrs. G. Oestreicher atten-' ded confer rice in New Hamburg � b l last week. Mr 'Jacob . ` ehro oder is -attending S the (funeral of his sister at ,Fisher- viller. Mrs.' Miller ' li as returned after spending the winter with•her daugh- ter, Mrs: Shore S oro at: Woodbridge, Miss Binlay is visiting at the home of J. C. Reid. Mr. and';Mrs. Stadlebauer, of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs, V. Heywood, Y , of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,. P. Kraft. Miss Rose Guenther, of London, visited her -parents on Thursday. Mrs. I,opkins, of St, Thomas, spent Baster, holidays with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Stade. Miss Marjorie Jennison, of Grand Bend, spent the week -end with Miss Laura M. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker, of Thedfofd, visited in town on Sunday. Miss E. Richmond spent Sunday at her hoine in Blyth. Mr. Gordon Callfas, of Sarnia vis- ited•in 'this vicinity on Sunday - Miss Olivia. Welton has returned after spendng the winter in Port Hu- ron. Mr. and Mrs. L. Moreuz are visit- ing in Galt. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Hurdle, of London,' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Kraft, Mr. B. Gossman, of Detroit, is vis- iting friends in town.. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Harris left last week for their home in Sarnia. blessrs..Otto and Rhinehart Willert and Wilfred :Verner left Monday for Detroit. Mother's Day and Go -to -Sunday School bay will be held on ,May the 11th• in the Evangelical' church. A very appropriate program is being prepared. What, might have been a' serious' fire occurred on Sunday about noon. when a "spark frons the chimney of Mr. C. Steinha:gen's house cattglit fire with the n. the shin les o roof: -It was g noti d in time and` immediately `"es=: tin xt ished. t g Vr.."and Mrs. 1 leu ot'Detroi t sent the week -end w-itli th •"1• t tee-P„'s spent t e a r s. parents. Mra and iVlrs. Hy. Rader Miss Thelma Eleae spent last -Week e =, visiting friends in Zurich. • Mr. Levi Hamacher amacher left for De- troit on Monday. •Miss Rose Redeye of Detroit, is vis- itzrig with lier ,parent$";' CHISELHURST Mr. and Mrs. W. Vennor• and fam- ily were in Parkhill attending the fa-. neral' of Mrs. Vennor's ` father, l\Tr. McLeod,'• who took pneumonia arrd passed away tvhile;on a "visit to his daughter -,in :Detroit. The remains were brought to his home in Parkhill and interned there. < -`ZURICH Miss Elizabeth Rennie is spending a • few weeks in New Hamburg with, -lien sister, Mrs,, (Rev.) S. R. Inech tela•. - „ Mr. Chris. B. Has ,whin;: spent the� winter,,,.; mouths at' ; '„Elkliardt and South. Bend; Ind., gide”' returned to hie hoilre in Bayfield. ,A •uniq:iie.eeent tatelpaelace, in 'St.• :Boniface R, 'd :Churcli 'on Tuesday” ,of last week,-i,he°eo'chien being'the- cel`bbnatronl.of the f ftieth,; annxvere kry' oe'the' leedd'ed-'Iife .o'f. Mr. and Mrs.''Jolnil'Foster : of the :Babylon . Line,' Hay Tie Rev.' Fr. A.• M. Stroe-` der perforined the cerenxony, wifnes sed by a large nuniber of Teeple. . LATE GOTTLEII3 MERN)ifR Gottleib Merner, son :of the ,late Jacob and Susanna. Merner, died in Zurich, on Monday, April. 2ret, aged 93 years, 9 months and 9 days. He was born in Berne, Switzerland;" and migrated with his parents to New Hamburg, Ont., at the age of 7 yrs:, where he made his home until 1856, when lie -moved , to Huron County. He' founded the village of 'Berne now called Blake. Here he carried on a •rnerchantile business, also a tannery besides other lines of trade. In 1867 he Moved to his farm on 'tile Bronson Line Hay Tp., now owned by Mr. T. McAdams, where he carried on ex- tensive farming until 1899 when he retired to the village of Zurich where his death occurred.'. I the year ` 5 h married r•ri Tit Yc 185> e ra eclMary Ann Bl eam, daughter of Christian and Mary Bloaiu. To this union ten children were born: ,W. H. and J. W. i'I'ferner, of Winnipeg; S. G. Mernor, of Hensall; J. ,I, Merner, of Seafo•th; J, 1). Merner, of Detroit; G. A. Mer - tier, of Dashwood; E. P. .Merner, at Bayfield; ,also Mrs-. C. Silber, of Crediton and Mrs. W. C. Callfas, of Zurich, all or whom with ' his aged partner, survive. One daughter died. in infancy. Besides his family he had three adopted children: Mrs. Will Otto, who died many years ago; Mrs. 'erred Witmer, of Exeter and Mrs, J. Webber, of Michigan. othis^:'", asked the 1 wyer ou've nai+ued °six bankers in your will, to be. pallbearers, Of course Itis all right, but wouldeet.yotr rather choose sonxe trioxide with whom you are on better terms?" "No, judge, that's ail 'right, ' 'Those fellows have carried zne so long,, .they Haight as Well finish the job. • 'OAS r 'X 7. Z Iz ` O P1UG14.1`Y,[i. Here's to laughter,the`sunshine shin e of the soul, • the happiness of the heart, the leavenofouth c ` y the a oho• ol[ .Sniicency, the' treasure of the humble, the wealth of the poor, the bear in the c -up of pleasure!asu e, Vx th- out it humor would be dumb, wit would wither, dimples 'would , disau- pea and smiles` would shrivel. It. dispels dejection,; banishes the "buses and mangles melancholy, for. "It is the foe of woe, the destroyer of de- pression, the birth cry of •mirth and the swan ''song of sadness. TWO WHOOPING LIAR S. An Irish soldier in an American regiment,'went to his colonel and as- ked leave to go home and help his wife with her spring cleaning. "1 don't like to refuse you, Murphy," said the :.Commanding Ofllcer, but. as a matter of fact, I've just had a letter from your wife :'saying that you are no help to her with the spring 'cleaning, and asking me not to give you leave."' The man salut- ed.' and turned, to go. At the door he stopped, turned, and remarked Colonel, there are two whooping liars in this regiment and I'm one of them, I'ni not married. : ' S GREY v ` ��� EXCURSION to DETROIT 'rite White Star fine aline big annual iotiv fare exeursion. Str, Glreyhou d, from Godez'iciR Detroit and return, .The Greyhounti, w111 leave Goderich Tues.dpiy; Jane. l.Oth, 9:3Q anti,. (k7. T,) arriving at :. Detroit 5 � u . 0 s i� A,t,xn.� A fell day„an;l a half will be given all ' exeur s ovists in Detroit, v. the e ej turn, departure being,as Ri6r a t , Thnx ursday at 1;00 ,p.,1 The trip to Detroit is a :host de-- lightful one, .acros,s Lake.! Huron, down the beautiful br St C 1 r_i Riven,. throught St. Clair F1Rits tllc?"Venice• of America,'" to Lake. S. tiClair.,:and. the 'great petroit Rives 'Te fare is so lown,n d lig �.' cc li r the a o �, nzodations of the Greyhound sog good''` and conxfor table that overyone who r can arrange to do so, should enjoy this annual opportunity to visit ..De- troit, the , fourth city of the United. States, and one of the world's,g i•eat-” est industrial centres. A moonlight will be ru T . out or Goderich at 8.30 Monday evening, with good music for g s dancin'g ori tlier., upper deck, and there,' will 'he. other 'entertainment ft in the ship's, main. cabin:' It will be good news for baseball. fans to learn that the New York Yanks will be playing' the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field, Detroit, ..on Wednesday, June llth, and this will be a great chance to see Babe Ruth,. of the New York team and Ty Cobb, of the Tigers, besides other - fanxoue• players on both clubs: UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO: An excellent opportunity to all teachers to advance their academic standing. General B.A. and Honor B.A. courses offered. Astronomy, English, Mathematics, History, Languages, Political Economy and Natural Sciences -24 courses. Social and athletic program throughout the entire six weeks: makes the Summer Session as delightful as itis profitable. Splendid new Uni- versity Buildings occu- pied this summer_ For information write the'' Director, or Dr. K. P. R. Neville, Registrar. Summer School London, Ontario. Attie 30 to August 9. IIIIII111111IIIlllllllllllllll111111lllll111111111111111111IIIIflll111111111IIIIII1111Ulllllll 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111Ii11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIQII1111I 1 ggsend'P® It J We are in 'a position to take all your eggs no matter how 'large Ior how small a quantity you have for sale.,In wire regularly ,for•. q e ,g Y prices; • - •3000 Hens. s':: and Broiler's 4or'del% r. y_in Pa y and June.e �eare' loo bi g -,fo , . rg 4pxr es !long through. these months: Now is • the time to.layi yourP lans for producing broilers. Information :gladly given. Write, . phone -- or i callersonall`: P y, Egggraded according, to Government :San s - g Standard. Poultry- bought .according to weight and. quality. 'Reid fid and Co. T H. -Johns,:, Mgrs. f' Dashwood, Ont. 1111(11111(IIilillllilll[11111111111111111111111(I111111111112illlliffiHiIIIIl11111111111(01111111111111101iiIIllIlliinillilll 1111111111111Uilllllllliill(illulli!(HIIlfillifi11111111if1a fa'ar That Tackles Even.. Job When a man' needs •a car for many jobs • he turns instinctively to the Ford touring ';car,' Primarily, the Ford tour- ing is a" family car and.as such has estab= fished a splendid reputation for service and d'e-:. pendability But its useful- ness does not end there. You will find the Ford touring doing every job that cars have ever been used for—mak- ing or-making thequick run to town on urgent errands --taking produce to market and supplies back home— doing everything,'. in fact; that a :util- ity car is galled upon to do.. 7$2 0. Pont Peedomiaaaes No matter where you live or drive your car, the nearest service stag tion is always a Ford Service station And it them" all quickly, eco- nomically and satisfactorily. A real car for work. and recreation.' F.O. B. Ford, Ontario 8445. Taxes extra. Electric starting and ligliffng eulpnrnt`;$85 extra, See Any Authorizes Ford Dealer 4 1 4 1 4 4 4