HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-5-1, Page 3KIDNEYS, SO Au t 4 , From Work. who,, thoki yi bgn, 4‘Pae,17 py and ,fail bo filter the blood , hesiegle elieres,,•e3ieee s. xtotb irrle�idand, :other. virulent, Vhieh' win, 'causes Some .of, the , everest lied most: deadly- diseases . kthercen te Mankind: • Oa the -first ispProa.ell's of- kidaleY: troubld, Dean's KidneY Pine should c bo Usedand. seeioue troable eivnided, Johnsen, Brantford, loVritese---‘`,3ifee hushand, suffeeed some- thing , teweel witb his keys, • aud weuld have..te elaY, IIOIXie ethm. Woilc two•he tb,roe times 'a peck. Ile, 'tried • :a11.1ilues1 thinp, but they 'only,re Lieved hirti for a• short -erhile. He saw. 1)oen's- Kidney PHIS advertised and af 501' u•few dosCa ho .eolt flue; after- ' he had used, four boxes he was corns, .pletely relieved. That was two years [LP, aad.:11.C.` has .not Rufferocl sines," Beentsrc. nod get "Doan's", when ),ou ask .Cor them. Price 50e. a box ." at alk dealers, or /nailed dire.et on ieceipt of -price 1;y -the T. Mame/ • Cd.•. Lirelleile'Toroato, Ont. \i'ALUE 'OF' • a MAY e.Assyn Exile c lsraeL2 is;:41 t 17 thi\V ilInt l forgt,t4y, word;—saIi i9 16. . The leingdern •of, Israel, founded by.; 1. Her rulers regarded the people. es • - . Serobeam after t e. esth ef Solo- their pre Y. 1 PaitiOttiarly trele 00 FLIES .AID 1-4.1NEI STOOK.,•A . tila,i'-` (1-rre,ct. is so aher as to recie,t1P-:,e mon. ancl t.Se, reVelt •ageintit his sen,•claring the last two decades Of the na- „The fly is a destroyer of psrotfi;i5se.,s'lll(iybe drnalitylY•seele' Itn.wlaceiaat 11017'‘Ivil1'01.pili3O%.tuietn'a ilInnatn$ ielbulnitdnli,endeclyeinotta"iii.i.0hitatleationuotreB.1.6h.;191134tv‘t'oo ',tile() ji.10'bs01111;1;.itoirly.” ,dieWdhaenpetlieofdaomfoa-ansakriefhg; all/loYallee thiit-l.he' varlet x12to live stock suffer front this cause dur- •‘-vith an auto, spray ,holding tWO gal. 721, and' then fell }ie. -fore the assault raet in. Or the Six'king•sethat succeeded 'ng the sunimer pkriod 'call be detee. 'soils' of liquid Can ,E40. °Vey .a line of Of the AssYriall -"armies- The ptorY• of bin -k, feer' were the -vietints . of the rained wiLh etter.aeetir.acey and eapress_ tivenlY CalArki in five', minutes; A Sue- '1,1?•° king•cinnle:as teid ins the I1)rst alld as•QasAa's.." .1-191r.1 Anibition of the ed ifs loss in Pounds 'or. I r11111C, Poulfdq ess-51111 PrePn'ratien' t1i6-1".• can be` useci fleecundof13.n°9all•te'5e-e°ef.n'Iliilnig:,..' til.se'alceli)euituil,01 a -Cent.' 1,e'st.,-tlMe" °°-Titr°11ed the lgenertis 'Of Perk or -work not• do is Anitoills 'as 'a' sPraY, ls m:I.•de l'IY• nit'''-ing t•ae ten died •viblent` deaths.'" Thdre` were'l-' (1•4r Ib a of.the 't°1 11 anil "s°la ed get110rest irern niokning until reglit. .1;o1lewing. • . 1 repeieted co is i ' I e t "d bldjoelYas r.,O.'1";',98-"an plsli.afiel put her trust in"diPlomaey The worry is, fereafest during, the per's • ' Thi lbs. lallndrY soap 4s citta.,r.tl illlaltyle,.,11..s•o".ar,"11sittyPc.1:1s11:00.rlel.:,o(-Ital_se liib ou-,. 1141 le. s,,ria oh atdc ssalo,ofu, an d i rill fealm,s eoinf s ut23;dPeer• AthS-e- lod of, gteatc.t light aii'd temperature. ,„doll tar dill, --- u ltss il 11.-- I The corinnon stable' flY, also' knoWii quarts CCI'd oil, 3- civatts whale oile1/2 Moreethan..once„the laild, was, tern he, vigorous leadership of Pill, 5-m(1 Israel harder, gitar irtoil 0Dissolve col -in -non. hoelsT:livin size eted sh,e,pe. dry soap in, watei. and .then add the The las*" or • the , king,Se.of, 1erael• died . a pro..gyptian•t•phaerfy°tIlsdeiPte°,ellin% Banudt as Stontoaiy$ ,.C('-tleit7•21s; 'ree'diiiicile the (11-11s"..C. , stho 1 1 -1? -111- riva.l factle1.15' cc/I/tending for epower. Tie; ti abut ary to . 1.rhe.'stable fly` hetes inuelt v. otile/' .ingreaients and 11101:e watcr, to in. sn11.-A)"-Iri,•334•111 Piien11.: •;', . , . I G'ipstilOatdtieidig,, 1).1,3liecik'fiinally .euccipeded in Deis-- ing quite a sharp 'sting„ It, is's also a 1 make -30 gallons of spr,ay. ,,_ ,,,. . * Yet ttlIS' land 01 L5VAPI raiilt -,av sr,,ria.. pekaha ip,atiod ithebeepeangnaltiynsntf Are: blood encicer and 'a *very ,persistent 1 ;Poisons and trape are sometimes been Pres:1E1011s and happy if. it liad been well. and wisely ruled,•There Was bellion , with:, his life. 'Hos:It/ea was c' •"e ii •the Liget' and can be inede very efficient indeed,- one . ibd ,,,. 1 " b tit. fot.ty placed as Israel's puppet on the throne The. thin sl in eve.'per -0 a Kgs, 'flanks and abdoMen,rof cattle and ;agents in stable fly control if used.years,in- the earrey pa -rt of the eighth and for sonde yens he Was a faithful urY, whieh' there was compar-• vassal. But when the opportunity' atvey from Assyria, he yielded•to the hones 'is the area they attack 'when with•' ordintery intelligence and Allot-. cent hunger.. At other thnes they may rest best poisons to use- in fly destruction. hand of the sedond eroboain. (2 Kings 'bent on 'satisfying' their: thirst '''and oughliess. Formaldehyde is one -of the ative peace and prosperity, The strong appeared to be faVorable to brea tr,•TTROSPECTION., quietly. on-thb•-neiineal's back'or on the, teVo ounees formaldehycl_ With ,•kept .peace at -home ^anch'Pro- gYPtian,' party,. and. -.rebelled, , .1 • stable wall. Any...person that his to • 1/' I231 -P0 -sweeten with weearlrs'v i0cftorpieetst: ebro. efel -The'. hundre.d leraet b,reoltrigalitta about the enr1... It., -, . , c• cows d,uring the; summer period, brown sugar,' and place: In - window .Y• • I 'war axe with . Sytioe last the , subdue Saman..e.,.•ent, It gives. one a verY,Q.Nalted Sealing, iS well aceinainted with the annoyance -Where the-fli'es'ecin • I .t b3. carn.e to an end, and for' o.,time,, Syria last the pkoucl eap'ital'was ove'rtlircieyn, - ' ' • ' • • • to formed. a ,billwark against the pres- and the flower of' her popefiton was' • . grcga e. s a es 3. The. people had a divfded mind crowd, telling it 'what to clo,,and ledw And when the stable fly is ably assists., window may be- left'uneoveted to ,Pro- empire .•of Assyria It was at thet, and -heart. This is the burden of the ' to do it, It makes one feel as above ed by the house fly and the 'horn fly, ivide the necessarylight to attract the timethat Arno silealt of Israel the'coninice-eherci.,eui, evhon onelomes'both the cow and the milker ha. -Te any-I.flies to the 'poison -dish.- If the stable as ef the natiOns,"* and describe P-ceu80'40/1:9 the writer of the Kings. had the people, so he reason, to council .with Oneself that ia a dif- •ating• but a- pleasant tittle in their en -1 man will•at the heti/ming of• the, sea- the luxurious living of the people of 'whY, • standen a pedestal, aloof front the that there little" creatui•es can create.; and pig pena-properlyedarkened, one sure of the ambitious • and growing., dragged into exile., a gravitated so steadily and so fatallY Sameida 6.1 8 And Hosea to be t e ater, wro e of srae as P an e thft••fh l'• they coMed, were foul and ferente with' our ''c'on`science makes 'Vs breeds' PrinciPally in decaying: refuse,' oub- of the Way 'and' •Witere thefe „is, 'which putteth foi..th his fluit," saying, .whic.b feel very hiunble: ' • , • • Most of. us dislike this humble feel- .- ' , . . ing,so do' riot often have this quiet • personal ,conference. So, we go along h'elding efe a:.'false pride which per - tits us to keep half-baked notions that We are' "all ' ().K. but that` the ferent' smatter., Then ,eye-- meet Our • deil•vOrs to' be at ereast half efficient eon provide" shelveS- Willeh,to p t e d in the direction of Baalism? Scene a pee -position on the,leyel -and mil! con- milk production. The stable fly poison dishes high enough up in a pleasant place " 1u-cur:ant vine e ea uies o t e natule re igione slideSe etantire; rotting strawL--mater- light; keep the same replenished from. es • urelei 1 ain become rich I have .1) -V * cen le 5 "k . part of worship. Children were thrown la1s 'that are tow frequently , found day to' day with formaldehyde, milk fonnd the wealth."... The lazids of the ing. the summer period when it is-, ture is coVered up, millions of flies tent and :poor, but Israel had the g grn o Judab were imi e in ex- into a fire '-o satisfy111 1 ' N - indignation at such loathsome duite close to the farm buildings dur- ' and sugar, and secethat all other mois- kin' d f J d h ' l' 't d • t _ OAOCA. 0 won - 1 , . der _ the writer of ' Kings , flamed out 'Pbssible to keep -•them at- a" diStanceel, can be destroyed with little effort. A POIfillells a/fa fertile valley of •Jezreel, his and practices. The fact is that life be wellewatered hills 01: Ephraim TO -III:event the itable fly from an -11 general clean up ilailY' to preVent the Galilee, and the rich pasture lands comes unspeakably vile -when' theS-e noying the anhitale; providinedarken•-.1 pest increasing, by bree _ding is verJ 'y' • . v 1, slael ' east of ordan Mdreo e - I • Y " practices are,sanctioned b relielo ' • -drought spoiled the crop,* the worms edstables, pens, sheds or 'other shel- necessary to fly control; ill fact, theie on the great highway of overland W e rnust 1,.00 1 eligIollP01..,,s-e. .,. runic,: our fruit, the pig was a run ters in w lc . e anima s can le lea is -little n trying ,,to poison or trap .travel, and had opportunities' of high- i ethical through and...eth.roughte 'Or we ' 1 'tl * ' • ' ' t ' ' • ' le' h the '.'• I -- t • t' •use i is a goo :practice. Spraying Or brush- flies if we are SO luftless and neglect ly profitable trade denied to Jerusalem1 fall mto setange and irrational cus- . se toms that damn all religion. James ing the aninials dver with liquid fly ful of sanitary conditions as to permi and Judah. •• • ' . • . • , • defined pure and undefiled 'religion as wile Clean u is - - . • r . d9fie . repellents is als6 advised. There is them to breed whole , . . P ., In spite •of periods of P esPelitY, 1 visiting the widow and the orphan in no . 'repellant "rOf very enduring ' efff- the ,first .ande last word, in sta.ble fly,, and golden. 'opportunities of wealth their affliction, and as keeping oneself , • I I' 1 d in spite o the faith -1 de/ley but a number of such now in contro .— e. Stevenson, Ontarie,,Ageis „and powe.r; an ap f . unspotted from the world., Jesus, too,. anyhow, ort in other words, something outside of ourselves has been to blame fox the unaatisfactory results we have attained. „.: If we would but •get into quiet place ab frequent* interYals to have a donfei-enee with ourselves and seek the answers to pprtinent, personal ques- tions,' it would, without doubt, be time, well spent. • - We may aslc such questions as: Am 1 -.unprejudiced in neer .consideration of the late.ist finding in agricultural work; - am .1 doing justice to my land, in till-, age and fertilization; 'am I doing my • best to live a full and useful life; am .. endeavoring to eliminateeprejudices , which hinder my prOgress and "the happiness of 'myself and family? If wewillbut conscientiously ask ful ,teaching of great prophets (Ell- always brought religion -to the tough- eornmOn• Use are worth while even if 'cultural College.. — tiled Amos and Hosen. in the eighth), the truly religi------?' „•1\1ot he who •Pantheon—Crimson pink • su EliSha in the ninth' centilrer, stone of every -day conduht.' •VVho was ' THE, PERENNIAL- 4 - .ae carmine centre. 'f-Te-teed"-Israel-beearfie more and more corrupt. said glibly, "Lord, Lord," -emit he Who His Princes, Amos deClares, "store un with white about centre.. . did the will of the Father. Violence and robbery in their palaces, , Pyraraide or Fiancee—FloeverS they "oppress the poor" and, "crush " Polifo'Sete. pure white. •Both very good. the nehovah,edyl," t.heir ves is a ry worship transgression, and aJned- The average of five years' results in though repeatedly' warned by,. calam- testing potato sets ..of different sizes ities which God hassent upon thc-na, at, the Ontario Agriculiural College the people haVe not 'repented. ' Their show that the size of the piece a pota- SelinaLilac rose with conspieutnes m crison- eye. . . Europe -,-pure white with crimson a lilac priests, Hesea says, :are' robbers? and to planted has a very marked infra- _ The pleloxeiS' .`ene of the most satis- Lingard—White with •• • • >.• •. 4111113111Tffill'irre, ,1•1 at .•••••-••es"--- e t Of if UST by soa the clothes in the suds thiS'nem7 soap,dirt'is gently' leosened "and -'dissolved• . veil the dirt that is ground in at neck- b6ds ahd Cuff -edges yields to a light , , rubbing with dry Not a thread weakened, The rnild Rinso suds 'ykrOrk thor6ughlY 'through and thI*6 t!he, -clothes without injuiY to a single Rinso ,is mad&by the makers of Lux. 'For the family wa,sh-it-is as wOndeifulaS Lux s for fine:things. All-.grocersdnd department stores sett Rinso., _ . LEVER BROTHERS ,LimIT-„ED, TORONTO "...fee' • • -,. 11-4-4 , ••••-0,4". • 01. ountr Are. '`Vou GoIng to Re`create;Yourself? •--Tlee'English--Worrien's -Institutes-bee- nu lit 400044 are like their priests; eece me the yield There angel/ a e something. produced. fiktorY- lia`rdY 'perennialse, as • -.the centre, is on early freeblooming „var.' the 1190,Pie Ian's' Multiply .ra•-eidlv. bit/OM freely . ther0 'ne 'truth, "1-1CIr 11•°r W.as an ill:crease 'in the yield of pcita- prove aclaptaleAle some._ elegre'e " "' • • eete, which should be in every collec-11cnowledo'e of -God in the land." ----------- as'tlie size' of thepotato. Canadian- Institutes,- .1„,, P„ Period Of . civil -war, about or , sets increased in.. 'Weight. Planting' -timirier Tout tweeree' Ugh-, Tapas Blanc—One .. of the best, A , and make a great,•display in' the 33,o1 o , • ourselves such questions we may. in • 1014 LtS the D . sholitly•efter"B.C; 74Q, opened the way two ounce in comparison -with one of courseeethe-timePQ:, er•--osare-_, „ , 11 To get e 3:esu y NA:1-dt6s. evarf. 1 • Ito the entrance of Assyrian influence,' --'-nieces an edditierial, 20.6 bushels' shorter answers which may broaden oar vieevs ' , • of life, materially change our agrichl- should have in • ''-supplyA f I George II. Stronlein—Orange . , 1 siae became .1?. u aly . ,..„E se . 1 glee y an , t b t• • pto. , thadt ,,,an a tural practices, and add"considerahlY si abundanttub.:.ions u 0 ! s I, .:7: • often, .,,,iee9hs inclisture and el-clairipl is not very troublesothe except im!dry 1 ' . • , 'chapter of Second Kings, from which'e" ' , 1 - 1 • 1 b • to . our ' happiness.' Too be 'chosen for there'„. when -pbssible. -Mme. M. Carvalho—Mottled white after futile reerolt and .a- long' .•siege, etfuet our owns roads to a greater and Tifeir ...worst insect i ise. a ,tiny meet andpink.. . — . ,. ., _ . -, .,Sarnaria. „fell, and tee, kingdom , came potat more happy life- , ealled the red %spider, which,- kw:Ye:wok, e--'10ntario Horticultural -Society. to an end in B.0,•-'721.*The seventeenth, , - ,..,„ According to Premier Bracken, 8easons. Whet°. the.redl..spidees* are Nature s Method of Hatching 1 ' • P • ' , . •s' tal-en our rioted lesson contains. 0 YOts S 'ffer ________ . . . . . .:.—___ , Weeds cost` the fat -meta -of le/Ianitbba. abundant the leaves bebeme yellowish!: In hatching eggs by the enatural duct, and reflections upon its doevnfall.. ,Err ra ' —. a long review of its character and con-. .,.r. • -e" " to suit „Meg I'sana-pur se, , -,,telepeareteof, _the eiyeting -Peo-ple,„ hie ..offered far: mstractions.,-, .The .school. girls have a custom. of singing when out on excUrsions. "The , seem _to enjay 'life to ,the very .211E, ,and sing for the very' joy of it," wrote , ....the licrusehol.d coo ;tug utensils, . . ..,,, , ts „...- ..1, ecl potatoes ' were repfuired,..and any place "eosil..J.w.,.- e" ag'reeo- 1.1-1,0-. -'3.' stoVe- errangement.s the cultivation Of ,,.. _ ., - .... ddition.al yield of 25.5, bushels of 1 the Menebersi, ' . , . , ' •-••s. the -land, 'so -different from ,ours",the , „ .,. . -, ' l. -` • 1 • ' ' ' oes were h.akvested, •.•• .1 ThiS tour Was to Switzerlancl am wooden . i e , - , . • ..ealin nip emea-s were close , • tar- failing, kindnessr-thee•swieling •MOMitaine tettenete with . frebet about $50 .eachonclucling every- ,exandned and f,int5 „uad impressicths .1 th'ing.„ •Theparty ciineisfed of twenty- eaie-rly'-'• Stored- e.sp for -.'tf).1,ene t df niemberS with file Institute seere- the WI...members at heat% The cold/. who e dearetl herselfto everY ' - of lakes and :11-nountains.c,'`Ilin4'"•finWrI aonned tthh01,1•olghugtilinilfneerau.;a1.1.,c,o,ii.au,ect,0„ spray, siio more 'than$20 009 000 annually. , , - . e. ...where they are working and their' method, iteis a geed, plan to start sev- : feli. 17:9-12. They built them high,. . Readach _ to be ., . -s Padee. Front v. 7.6nward ,the.ev.riter ''''zilanY'li-e'apeles...saenT Teak' e*lhifaeb.initillaseirwlibitilie • ' ' presence may Be known by hese light- I eral hens al ,the isame ,time., This .; ' -- • • - er' patches, - 'As they -are feeding on: nOt always ",possible with' -the .iiditer dwells upon; the causer of Ieraelldes• for the' 'sufferer in fact/ a raillisen' Porn meal spoils rnoresreaclily titans Which is used -enlist be applied there. elle' needlesl ld not produce ilit-snlfer- , floul- and, for -most families it is -13,w,t the 'under- side 'of"the leaves any, sPra,Y breds, but with, Plymouths, Rocks 'arid 'strefetion, and hie( among these c G211 to buy in small quantities. ' . I other heavy sorts it is generally not places idolatry. The people were not ing:.nd. torture that those affieted WI, Person' diffie.ult-to find, three - or 'feur hens ,loyalsto Jehovah; "they ;feared other dere°, 1 ' t •a To do this. •effectiv.ely,s- one . ' • '' . • ' When you say you a2,4 gbing ,.to get ‚.should hold back the foliage wit h a wanting ;to, sit, On' the seventh or g°ds-" They imitated the -practices of There -is only oe.e way o get ' other nations, and especially :of the of the •headazhes, and that iS to go rid of your chicken lice, say it with stick. or rake _handle and. another do • 4, • • f • • • kerOsene ancl whitewash. - • • - , . , • the English ,'"Home -and •CountrT" : ,.. ail agazine. •, The eheaclquarterS*...eir, the paety was at- SPicz, on Lake *Thun; with. a ,glorioup.:,view ef the . srrowy Mountains: The rneanbers had season , tiekets. fel: the lake. steainers of, which .. . - ' " •••-* '-'• 't' ' 1 "IceS nothing was missed.. , Here in Ontario .we have the most wonderful 'falls in blies world,„eome of - the„grandest lakes and,mest beautiful landsea.pes, withtheMotor cars, which •are stillea, luxury.for millionaires over 6 h • should be tested by liefart.1g- theme -as- Can.aanites.. Baal and Ashtoreth were • • • right *to the seat of, the teouble. - . t ley. nia e , there.. .".-Vv•Irse"'"net organize for Jurfe B.1 'd int Thun Briene' thesstow-n and castle of this:slims/ter .'noelle'"Institute 'tours of . • secictly worshipped, •,a.ncl the. unClean, Burdoe . oo ers via o., „ , , , the spraying Cold water frectsie,ntly .-..............----cs. ' ' and foreilny apPliedewrlisbAa found ef- If yon, do not deck ,the larnbs this fective and any of‘til° contact sprays. spring, the market nian Will dock.thasuch as nicotine siilpha.te, Whale oil — price next fall or whiter. soap, or- kerosene emulsion, will con- . • -• ' ------------ - ' ' ' tetel it if used' frequently. : A' ditel,e It is usuallya'Sniatter of efficiency, flowers of sulphur mixed with these and economy:to ue.e inechanical instead will make theni,ritre effective: Of .human energy wherever 'Possible, The eultivation of, the phlox is a • todowork. Human energy had hettei: lae,-"nsed in brain woric which a ma- chine lacks. . _ s Your Heart Weak? Are Yo . , • be deteepd by „their showing a uni ' ' 'places'•• ' • ' rites of such evership w- ere introduced by remOving the eause.of the troulle . Thun, Interlaken, the F,alls a G/ies- fore ae light. '2-11e.„inferefle eggs can form .lightness,, whereas' the fertile Jeh ah So popular. had tl- ' h ov ...ese ea-, n the w w - gt g bach, an K ndersteg, w eie , he d a . -h - I ' 'how -t' dark 't -' • f through its c ea s ' • 1 n ine' stren henin ' . , . • - at.the high originally sacred to portion.around it. • Il'Onough infertile n.„,.d toni_e act,ion ;o h . hole system. - • . - party was. entertained by two of .the,' pees summering thereto tea; at egg4eks. 4- , silo with a cloudy then orms of religion become that; a disearrone of the sitters and give all .rnotest border village. with its,watch' Mane tower, as well as in the walled eities.1 writes:—' '2 had hes-Aches lefoosehorn, mem, talk by a Swiss -on the Swiss Educa- the conclusions of which there was a eggs:ere" found, it nia.Y. be possible th new high 'places were built in the re -4, . 1 -`a -r. -II' IVEateirnallOr: • d their wooden posts carved or bad iveoci.°11ildci hda8Y3re' taollastatyheyin 7beeld'e :„1°1 daY 1°4', in fact, frem 6 'D'al°ak in Th Members climbed the Grindal- the eggS, to the remaining hens. It.Here they set up their `stone pillars tional and Local Government SysteniS. wald. Glacier and some adventurous Spirits even started at midnight to see the sun rise on the mountain tops one being . lucky enough to' find the much -sought-after p'clelweiss flower. They were especially interested in general condition of well-being was, of thoughtful consideration too, if she i!1e.0y simple matter. Soil -that will requires some practice to do the test-' • t'd with idolatiouS symbols The the morning to ,10 0 clock a nag • pain e _ . . ,. , , suffering, but Produce. good &edam- -crops of any ing prOperly. ,12' one does not Possess Asherim seen to lia:Ve been originally -I could; hardl7, bear the kind is quite suitable for Phlox. The a *regular ------------1111mr riigtester,' sacred trees, but'- Y•there such were da when 2 was in town. I was plant multiplies bY an increase in the size a the -plant, which may be di- 'i•cled into' even smaller portions ..•„yliiell may be .used for star ting new plants. There are Wetainable either /rem a . ' • the testing can done by hold ng an, Iaeking,' wooden. posts or poles were advised' t B d Bk d Bitters egg at a time dat pthieeeeenocfl bly-substittited (see 1 Kings 15: and it sure clid. rdlieve me of all raY o 51•90 OC 0 , fidencl's garden from the. nursery; or No. 2 of the E •" xPelnilen a s arms ob. u es 'ninny against these evils , t 1 IT 1,.f `thf 1 t t' • tl PafaPaer' taulbide•4).•mba • co 1.,imited. 'Toronto, Ont. is manufactured only b,y The T. Mil - the past 45 years and ma.de by rolling' 13 p-Detit. 7:5), • . headaches. Burdbck Blood Bitters has been on Placing the 'egg against the lighted ,Vo 13, 14„; • df• -at:- tl,pe ,Lo•,••(1 testified. . , • lamp after dark. Exhibition Circula'r uaite, Tho propheteehad borne. he markatI 'for Er, trve - .a8 society•preminnis; and tainable frOm the PialcIications 13ranchl.-a't•.1caSt s.uch-of the' prop.nets as were s of the DePt. Of g.gricufture.at 0{..iteesea i tr.U.0 .to their.rnission,, They had been says ,that at as 'a good - plan,: evlien •.. .‹. may be planted in either early spring st gra at lig 7 ,, 0.1' 231 time rilic!lphlfeael-lis evell SI:lited -for 'a iter- learning t(i•tet eggs, to 'eraelz a:11 .egg , % • , . - . ' ' reaChers of 'righteousness and teach- , of the law. It ,is noW. -eery. corn- , cnnial )1p:r dor and ae it g.rOWS ,:exont c'ecasienallY to500Wllat.'i'lligide: The 1.,:ieIldri011Y.om-byeliei;eidt.tplir.ao.;'ltilelti3ic13°n°1-0efdDitieol'It-i- e . _ Dieed,ses and disorder's' Of tile heart elle and ' • a half to two feet tall it loss of '*ea- few egg•I•'1-4/,'•till§ 'Plan 32353'Of theiancient law written for the ir- and nerves Live becerne ,Teightfully should*lfe set fai/'IY we'll 'back. From Ii1:0•`:"e• a gain in the 'encl. ' ' Struction of the people, ancl containing ' ,. , . • , . . , pre, akat ef lateyeare, elle ie -air three to SiN. feet apart in the bordee, .T'ne-loss of little pigs will ,a-'wei the' 'aelese6e:sal'ischtreaNildlitbilotila''Ill°s'ia).sribLdirtts° °Ivbfsee:e.cs1 . - eases -arberc tee heart and 41e4.eee according to the space to be given to ioof m es big pros, . are affected yen y.ill fend that lefil: `he °tiler yai-iet''''s Of C1 01111010, 1S a '" ' If so, it will illustrate to us very . , . . . . burnis Heart anet Nerve :Pills .-vnil ., ' s' ' jr'' - 1°.u -n ,,, „ clearly the kind of teadhing given in this age by J•elievah's tract prophets, . . . suitiible diStaniee T2).. colo-• •,•fti ,-, ' gitreng'hen a 1 ' ',„. '0 iitc, heart va,i'viin,'",.. Lr°,im ,wilitl. /..thr°L1'1' mvlY W8 ' roupy . Co gh and will prove to use the greet mitt action, tone /IP the nerve" Yst.e111, der oarticiularly whcn set, at the wider '• eriat es so re , uo not, ciaeh in the. bor- • • ' euiliteneleicliidatil,taatit, tviecia,ifsftlid:isaglo:eml,iesslald,(01efi:iiptlo):0, Alarms. -the it/lather , troubl,„ which ha's-0 become the cause lhe 1,1110`1 to 1'31/lain ill tha'''' ''• ' t ' It strikes .terthr to the mother's In.).,°.a°11'.017' though 'I • ,' `"' .' enrich. 'Hie bloocl, and thee .a31 your distal:ere.. It is a mistake. to allow • of se nnee, eear Inn./ anxi•eor wiu be a 1.er 31,,,ani, y.ars., ..A.Lont mle';'30.1",/11,1-t.ril),(o).,.8 " heart to have her baby Wake 11P deer- v,e le_Le, Te e - , te.. ne,, thieg of the pat 4. -scars 1.12y f,i10111(.1. Lo divid:',1'.1 and the When thls'lleppells tes'e 1* 11.0 t1,111(1 tag (he '' 0'6111, wi tit 1a 01 0'19Y ditgll'.. ' With.' the '-fathersleis'-O3f91X(Ienhalled'icol, 110 11. the, quality 017. t/10 1)1'0011.1 is kept: ; 'apply 1105 1)01515i.008., 50 the threat and, eh% 15 and 1 7,, enc.] Exoch, eb. 24.. In 'the historians and ,prophees, see Gen. Mrs. -III Kyle,' ArOOk' jaw-, Sesle, cara-ra Por1110n dllIcarcloa, f3Y Ulla" for delay; the flist thing to do is to . .. . , ,wristosesiss; that covenant the athers of Isieeel About tier,/ years ego I 511,- .41) and f.i:1S. iS inaroased.fors.pleeitleg. , Iii.Ter: part of the chest, , end. then bad:bourn' themselves solemnly 12)iteej). :f fered f.170121 palpitation ef; the *heart or "dis.fribtai•en ip 1) 102111 ' ' ' • I *givea fetes- (10512 of 1 tile law of ;their God, The disobedience and el,ierfaicf.ss of breath. ger heart -1,:•here are i3011, goo. e' va-rie,tees ,de br, wood's Norway pine syrup ' 0, riti,Tiir.claioderetlieofcot,helsrittinattel,roangd,e -‘1,,,-,,,,,,.is vey. , - . ''''at ' ' Allt()ilin 'Alert•';ic—BrigIll'• v`Ii°•iet stir- pernu'uent relief' aud•PallUI"Ps tit° life thing's, "they fel/weed 'quality, and h be- E would leave to sit up, isi 'bed to get 1.1 -II" 'we iti°-•'/' find s°1"'"i '). (ho besl t. I that the eliild -will receive prompt and ind sulistiLlited, empty and -worthless 33 that which was of highest value, tTlaielye , weeld .1.:„Ip beats, at 1) (4) and often porennist1 phlox, but in the* following' ,,..by doing t.na thb lothei will. find a )1" saved be, taking this innnediate pre- (urine „vein:, meetee, ereeries. Sused erica swenee, •,arge white centre.' Me -erten -es got so 02121rung I 00.5114 ` Consul 17. • Tees1.--e-Pure' red with. 0/11.1.1031e ' evriter has in mina the inlage8 of jo- sot sloqi, oely for about two hours ' Preruili reueple, eantrO., l'AIrs. VV•csley 'Koch, Con.estog,e, Ont.,t . .. , le , :ie.) colttl t, nighyoutr. mIli;,1vbliteleli. ...iee;-„,:r.1.1.e as or..L refiteleithi s.,, 1 1..110eil:11.14i r ei iii;,-h--tc•Pr.1"„ig(11)11,0 orer Yti ) e, 1.1.01;,Tici1101,:i.a. : .e.hvir,.,10i.tintpci. ,,,,sy,ii: -bc.:0.1(1117g:11-1:,acyldllitIti':1"ile,ile (..itrel-.S1Pet.,,N;1,1e1a1:°:‘• jihm•viikrgYes Illt,r1-11.irvilt.g:::ietlwth21111ivio:51.11-i.g3:51111)::11...::elllotiff.sh.:et:L1.11'11"lhaa-'11"12111:Ict.1-1:41.,e1i187.11;s11:1:1111d)afle:I.:(1;a1e1010(1-fl. , Ne,rve Pills I tried them Find they •;11 ab,A11 C,a. it le I , e 1 , 1) „1,,, ., ,,,,„ ,,,,, }), , , f, 1. 4.ii„, .,,,,,ti .the ,1101 „b.0 e„,stom F 'z' e ' ''ll -2) iel — c..I.1 In 0 i i ' . 0 r ' s - ' • ' 5 ' •ould et iteeln a •• • : ,e i , , „. 1 , , . 'e• given me lyeaderful repea so shading lighber.2, veity pleasing colo.t. t,./Intp. 2 go[,.. Dr. Wood Os "11/4100Amy, ph,p cli:. ,c14,0 8. acrifice 01 0.tildren, Titereftjre, , 11111.11 no thilt 1: 11020 2441(1flieen ever ''i:11-na "'or 1‘1011116; PallY'---13ritlin: P3YruP. Arter 0110 hall takca L 'raw lie conclades, "f•he Lora 12518 'very ' crimson Ted direct. 'l'-b1, 7,,.(•.evith da-. rkecentre;Hi d(.1'30 geebo;, tsa 'lWo0 1o1 'dsvigee.,-e2S1 efr-eet.s 30 71 AII<Pt. 1 rin•eri•u . 1.0 1•5 1 7. 114 ra:, a.n d .ir.,1427(1.011(1427(1.011(/ te.e4I sinceverY!)°d'i 11/1 011'with it and her collo)04. "01ji"61111 Milbiln8 1&1alla Nerve Pills 13,111 R17121110011 lo1'20 MODr ' Nom P ubylup 10 41,111(A,110. ate bee•xat ll dealers, omailed ebottleeeforfbe lage family Our chief pupoSe, in this lessonis on reecipt01 1)21342 by ekTWrzc,iigintriwc- 1 Teq•ight viceet 610 t only b '3110 T 'Milburn '.0 (11,202011 the eauset,, 1 hat bi ought lilbure Co. Ltd..; To:rout°, Ont. with large white centre.• p,1.31.,•1?uairil:3(131, TOryY onto. Get, •I abeut the doelnie :end fall of Israel. • shorter or -longer duratio.ti to suit the 11-e0irinbeersco?Untry• Br.anch to- gether and rented a lakeside' Cettaie for a month -th" which' the :members Went' for a few delightful rest „day's each. according to a Schedule planned -With the secretary during the hottest days. It was kept occupied! • Better to. spend sonie of bur time arid a little,money. on, the reereation which will leeep us from taking that over -needed rest in bed -with a docte'r in attendance next winter. What the the people and their home life. The! home -maker owes to herself is worthy noticeable, and the happiness and 'con-, is to be really efficient. • E3 ANDS or xt9s Goldeza Equal to the beat Cane. "Crown Brand" Tho StantiArd Corn Syrup. "Lily White" A White Syrup like lione.Y. "Lassies" TiataI to the hest Molasses. Manufactuted THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED MONTREAL. _...,:Erniarq=int:riaufffi4pzuTari .„ (10