HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-5-1, Page 1Y •FIRST, Y EAR No, 2556 EXETER, ONT, T}ItT1 SDAY ORNIN , q� L '�� ig�r i, t Ilt {I ill!{itllllt{IIIA till{I IIltINltQlt{ Ilt{It! Il.., . �li.l��,..�ioii��i,i�lllllIII{tillIlliliVllltll8111{{{I{II{Ill�ltl{till{II�IIIIII�IrIIHItI�I i � _ � L _, � • 1�. .isles' Springy Suits an Bargains argains MONEY am▪ ine COUNCIL 1.vonday, April 28th, 1924 The anniversary of the Indepen lows, was obser-. MAY 1st., 1924' 1.a.i7I : ATTEND SERVICE .A regular meeting" of the Muiiici,t dent Order of Oddfel pill Couite'1 absCouncillor ll ent ouncor Coul- ved on Sunday when members of the = tis. The minutes of ,the meeting local erdel ,together:: with a number i held April 15th, "were' read and ape of members tom Hensall and Bruce_ 1zloved. field liaraded to the'Tiivitt lrlen}o'rial �� t� Correspondence was read as fol- a: church. Sunday evening. Nearly one lowS: Letter from J. A. rfoin, God- hundred were in the.. line' of proces- a ga ns Catch, re, Calcium Chloride as a dust lion, marshalled by Bro. W. "\;r. Tam- preventative'.,on the 'roads• ' Action an. ' They occupied the Centre front deferred; letter from the Secretary Dews. Special music of a eery high :of the Ontario Municipal Electric As order was provided by the choir, 1Viiss sociation re annual meeting, May 1st Helen Wethey singing a solo in the and 2nd at Kitchener, Ontario,. Fi1- anthem and Mrs. N. J. Dore and Mr. ecl; letter front the Chairman of the A. 11Aiddlemisssinging a duet: The Board of Health,' Mr.' ' C. Ii. Sanders, 'Rector, Rev...A. A. Trumper preached stating that the Board approves of,rlevery forceful and eloquent sermon. the action , of the Cemetery Commit -- Rev. Mr, Trumpet took .hi,s text tee in procuring additional lands for ,from St. John. 18,35, "Pilate Sahli nal- Cemetery Ground .,pii> posest .Messrs: *S. M. Sanders and W. T -I. Dearing, members of` the Horticul- tural Society, addressed the -Council = with a • view to plaeii g Welcome Signs at either., end,o'f the Municipal- = ity and also aSked for 'the use of the town team for certain Park labor. • Per Southcott=l-Iooper: that the use of -team and. labor ..he granted the Society. They wer e',`given the priv- ilege to fence a portion, of the .River, -1 \T'ew Park, as suggested and also'to er ct the signs. " Mr. Walter Keddy addressed the Council regarding a large tree on the property of Mr. Manson, as being a detriment to his' house:,, No action. The • Auditor's report for March was read and _accepted on motion of "Southcott and ;Davis. Carried. The Court•of'Revision to hear com- plaints as filed, regarding Municipal Assessments for 1924, was fixed for Monday, May 26th, at 7.30 p.m. in the Town Hall. The following accounts were read and passed: W. J. Bissett, meals for tramps, $2.80 C. L. Wilson, auto hire, $2; A. T.Harness, Auto hire, $2; The ,Dominion 'Road Machinery Co. Ltd., $7; �Clyde'FIeywood, team ) labor, 18,70 Win. \Veber, team 1a-, bor, 18.70, JohnNorry, labor, $21; Nelson Vale labor, 2.50; John _Par- sons, labor, $5; .Joseph. Stacey, labor 3.25; Wm. Blayney, labor•. 8.75; Geo. Has Every Spring Coat and Suit for ,Ladies and Misses must go at once. So we offer the entire balance of our stock of these: lines at greatly re- duced prices. Come early and see these bargains. A BARGAIN IN 'TAI'ESTRY RUGS J 21 Fine quality Tapestry Rugs. good "patterns, sizes 21/1 yds x 3 yds and 21/2 yds x 3 yds, worth up to $25. This is a splendid opportunity' to get a good bed -room or small living -room Rug cheap. All at one price only $14.75'for early •May' selling. \ Sizes 3 yds x 3% yds and 3 yds x 4 ydsein . above also at reduced prices. LADIES' WOOL:: CREPE' SKIRTS $4.75 Lathes' and Misses' all Wool Crepe Skirtsl. colors Sand, Navy and Grey the new Pleated -St les very special valie..at' $ 4.75 each, Y yp HOUSEURMMSI-HINGS New Rugs Window Blinds, Linoleums, Congole.um Rugs, Curtain, Nets,,, Curtain Poles, Wall-pepers'etc. at money -saving prices. CLEARING~ OF SILK .and WOOL°DRESS 'CREPE' Good quality Silk and Wool Dress Crepe,, colors Navy, Black, Brown and Toast, regularly $2.75. C -.fearing at $1.95 yd. .0 GENTS'. FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS WINDOW BLINDS—See our .Special,, Window -Blinds: at 85e and $1.00,.ea. PHONE 32. Moolom 401.04 Immo tilmmos to Hint What is Truth'' "? 'fie' preacher zaid .; fan part,—"What its i ru.tlu " said jesting Pilate, and a oulcl not .stay far an. answer." So opens Ba- con's' faipous essay ort "Truth." But t gtei,te fair to say jesting? Per- haps we do an injustice` `itn`; Pilate in That•we did not 'see, his face and hear the tone of his voice where he asked; `,What is Truth"? Had Our Lord been able' to answer the question in a few sentences would He have- s;pe•nt thirty- three years inbearing witness: to the truth? We recall those words spoken in. the .tender and iratilmate. fedlowship of the Upper Room. `I ism Vhe 'Truth" surely the most remarkable utter- ance that ever Bell from Mortal lips, sad an answer 'to,!ther,deep�est question that haunts the human mind. Jesus does not sa,yHe, is a teacher of the'. truth, but that He. is' the truth, not all the truth, but the, highest truth' the truth that-makesl all other truth, true: Christianity • unites what: ll ,othea religions imperfectly Combine` —the appeal of a living Berson; and the claims of Truth, keeping the two )sited. The seeker after Truth feed. not bandage his eyes, and the hungry e1 heart a]e,ed not go empty away. Truth must ; be continually : regained; fighting the good flight of faith, follow- ing Him who of `old( "made as though He wouldhavegone further," His truth is living, growing, prophetic, revolu- ttionary: It bas been truly said that the greatest thing in Christianity is that you can never'tlell;swhat it will'rio next Any day it may initiate 1 new era, and never does it shine, with• great- e,r lustre than when, we follow it into. Hackney, labor, $2,; Chas. Kading, dark, continents, to face there the best labor, 2.50 Peter Coleman, team la whichother religions have accomplish- ed First of all Christ is the. Truth about God, as His ,follower in. GaIiie,e liea,rned to know. God became living, real, near, too wonderful for words,, ever ready to welcome thel erring, not a great , Posstessor but the Supreme Giver, .a Father whose love may b•e known in the simple joys of the lowly. no less thain in ithci vision of the seer.' What wail true, in: 'Ga$ lelef of old -,may he true in Exeter to -day by thesame meth'ocl of "faith and :friendship; land :no other truth can satisfy us." If Christ »s the Truth about God, .Fie is alsol)y' tl•.at fact the truth about man.'- All great tragedy ` ,from Sophocles ro Shakespeare is a revelation of malt, showing us as if h,isi• bosom was made of glass what strange things: ;ie in, his heart, But nowhere ie- there such a revelaition of man; 'as in the 'life of Jesus, and when Pilate exclaimed, `Be- ho)d. the Macon', he spoke more things of our Juumanity than he. ever dreamed, Christ reveals the truth about ,life, that it must be full 'of high -hearted ad-- s'enture, a challenge to all that a man has of forti'tucie and heroic faith, and further that all those failures, and de- feats of e-feats„of' whichwe arlel, all aware can. have His Divine forgiveness The truth`' of the life beyond is revealed be Jesus not' speculation -Quit con- scious, definite knowliedge; '`I go to -prepare a place tor you, that where area these you maybe also,” Ch i,st is' Claistionity, and His Gospelreads- the ritual meaning of life uinj terms of per - /sons -Oita and spiritual character. A threefold ideal of life sl set forth, a life that in. the 'midsit; of the day -find the work of the clary liven in God the Fiutlier, a life that reaches north •sra frfstennal effort with all anent of good will for the • conunonz: gsopd ;r ai-life that' icoks down the: long future; and sees mmi:ng Figure ,ever on ,before, a life that will ,ells from .tim,cf into :eternity when faith has melted into eight; w_ e_c. ,every hsope will be abundantly ful}itted, and where we shall 'realize the frill and '.perfect meaning of the ward charity in the. paes,ence of, soil Hun aelf. On their return to the lodge rooms a. vote of thanks was tendered to the Rector, the choir and the wardens of the church. bor, 5.50; Wm,. Taylor, labor 8.75; Thos. Sanders,•, labor, $5; Harry Lauder, labor, 5.60, Sani'l Dirk, ta- bor, $9; Robt,s'Iiedden, labor, 4.80; Alvin Baynhani .': labor,': 3.75; Bert Batten, labor 4:80e Bert ,Gardiner, labor, $2; Ed. Coonibes, labor, 2,25; Ed. Heideman,' labor, $1; Frank Mallett, labor, $18, 'Library, $10, $28. 'Passed on motion of Southcott —Hooper. Carried. Adj. by Southcott. Jos. Senior, Clerk. • The Many friends of Mr. Archie .�' = Morgan, -of Usborne, who underwent an operation for mastoids at Victoria , - Hospital, London, last week, will re= t gret to know that het 'underwent a second operation for.double mastoids PHONE, 32 n on Tuesday. Mrs. Morgan. was down QIIIIIiIIIB{II tM to see him on Sunday.: ' ' gIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIiIIIQlllill{III1IIIiIIIIIQ I IiiNl{VIII{iIIIII{Ill{Iliilll{II{illi - .. .. Mrs... S. Futon's many ,friends, will be pleased . to know .::that: she has made a marked irnpzovement during the past week. Mrs. Fitton has been ill in Victoria Ilospitai, London. Following her 'operation, she suffer- ed the nature /of a stroke which left her speechless. She is»`now able to talk a little. It is expected that she will be brought home the latter part of the week. The many friends in Exeter will be rr glad to know that "Miss, Stella Greg- ory has been able to leave Brantford General ITospital, 'whereshe has, for the Iast two months been very ill, and has undergone two ,very serious operations. She is visiting amongst friends in Brantford for :a shorttime, before' leaving to visit:atthe home of her brother, W. H. Gregory, in Strat- ford. She will not resume teaching in the Brantford Collegiate; until Sep- tember. LOWE BROS. HIGH. STANDARD AND, MELLOTONE PAINTSVOR • INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR USE, ARE UNEXCELLED. ASK. FOR COLOR CARD. iib. iNamei. VARNISH STAINS and GRAIN- ING OUTFITS ; 30c, 55e, $1.00 and $1:85 Carrcte VARNISH STAINS, ALL COLORS s ; , 30c, 55c and $1.00 C0?0RITE COLORS -OLD AND NEW STRAW HATS, ALL COLORS 30c. PAINT and, VARNISH BRUSI ES 10c and u WHITE WASH BRUSHES 35c '' porttG0 Goods Sport Goods HAVE JUST OPENED. UP OUR BIG STOCK OF BASEBALL GOODS, SPECIAL PRICES TO CLUBS. ALSO A FULL LINE OF FISHING TACKLE AND TENNIS SUPPLIES, USE POLARINE AND GARGOYLE MOBILOILS. T -IE GOOD` CAR OILS SOLD 73Y TEE GAL: OR BBL. _mob lit .mss i seaman's I ar ware GREGG'S Clothing Hospital We do all kinds of Cleaning, Press- ing, Dyeing, Rep%icing, Re -modeling. Turning of all kinds of Clothing. LADIES' -WORK A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Gent's Suits to Order. A trial is • solicited. W. H. GREGG TAILOR North of Kahler's bakeshop GET YOUR PREMIUMS Members of the ETorticultitrat So- ciety who have not received their premiums are requested to call at the office of the Secretary and secure the! same. J. G. Seanbury, Secretary., BORN ' I E u Efil JORY—In` Stephen, on Monday, Ap- sy'(jg , (U 9"E/ cLe-�G�/k ril 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jory, a son. PARSONS—In Usborne, on April 20 to Mt:. and Mrs. Earl Parsons, a daughter,(Norma a Ilene. i. JOIINSTON—Tn Windsor, on April 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin John- ston,ae. store, a daughter, (Dorothy M ) I:TOINN—At Dr, Hyndman's hospital, on Thursday, April ' 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. • H. Horn,, of WatrouS, Sask., (Nee Miss Olive Wood,) a daughter, Gwendolyn Margaret,, HAIST— )n Stephen,' on Sunday, April 27t1i, to Mr. and Mrs, Wel- lington Haist, .a son, DIED , on .TI RNEY—In Crecliton 'April O p 24th, Charles I -I. Iior•ney, aged 73 years, 4 months and 5 days. MURDOCK---In Ilensall,; on Saturday April 26th, John Murdock, aged .69 years, 1, month and 24 days. WILLIAMS---At Zurich, on April 22,, John A, Williams, aged 72 years, 3 niontllS and 26 days. THE BARRIER1 Detective vision is• a most effective barrier to a man's progress unless he seeks the advice of an optometrist who can examine into his eye struc 1 ture and see with bear: vision, the weaknesses of :abnormalities than must be corrected. We can render yeti that kind of service and assure ' yell complete eye comfort and`: price satisfaction. Dr. John Ward CIiIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Main Exeter, On ,. Phone 70 St, Ia BANQUET WILL POLLOW CONTEST , The A.Y.P,A, of Trivitt Memorial churchhave couc}uded an enthusias- tic and the Membership a n contesttor z�iem. 1 losing side will provide a banquet'in the Town Hall on Friday evening of hasbeen 1r this week, The contest running for several weeks, the cap- tains being Mr. Pomlreit: and Miss Flory Dinney, the former, ',winning out by 52 points, Interesting pro- grams have been put on each week. The membership has been incr•easc d i to over ;one hundred. At the Meet- ' g eet-ing on Wednesday evenrriglast, Fred Ileaman, assisted by Chas: Gladman, entertained the, members for over an ltottr with slight ofiritnd tricks that amused and battled the audience. The A.Y.P. A.• have recently- instal- led several additional: electric lights in the church and have had the them,, orial tablets'repolr•shed and, re -letter- ed, Runaway from diffiaudties and r, r, u „r iA,rW au Won't go armers a.a d De lei"S Get our prices' for latchford's Calf deal Thoroughly Steam Cooked. 'the best known Milk, Substitute for Calv- es, and a.t our prices, the best value' in Calf Meals, Begin feeding now and get results. We supply both farmers and dealers. Exeter Creamery.,. Co. Limited Exeter and ;'Winchelsea. R. W. Fuke INSURANCE BROKER - LIFE— ACCIDENT— SICKNESS AUTOMOBILE LLABILITY FIRE INSURANCE A share of your business would, he appreciated. THE METTiOPOLTIAN LIRE INSURANCE COMPANY The Metropolitan .Life Insurance Company of New York, insures more people and is• growing faster than any other life insurance company: Obviously, the reason for Metropoi- itan 'supremacy in its field, is that people believe its policies most des- irable, its service best, and its costs most economical. This Company is ready to serve you. Tell your insur- ance wants to CHARLES F. WAY, Metropolitan Agent, Exeter, Ont., ,Canada. Nothing should be dreaded that can happenbut once. Let Us Help i()1 To See Better' A LAARGE :PERCENTAGE 0l+" HEADACHES "ARE CAUSER 13Y EYE STRAIN. A GREAT 1VIANY PEOPLE HAvE COME TO US WITH COMPLAINTS OF SEVERE HEADACI-IES WHICH WE HAVE COMPLETELY REL:1E's- ED WITH SUITABLE AND PROP- ERLY FITTED SPECTACLES Olt EYE GLASSES. WE CAN -HELP YOU; SATISFAC., TION 'GUARANTEED, S. Ei.ttorl, Registered Optometrist. Mrs. E. Kaufman, of 'i3raizi.forc3 and Miss Alice Eacrett, of Toronto have returned to their•' homes : after attending the funeral of their' moth- , er, the late Mrs. M. acrett. Auto for Hire CLOSED CAR DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE'. CHARGES REASONABLE A. T HARNESS Phone 142, Exeter. DOME THEATRE SATURDAY and MONDAY May 3rd and 5th "Strangers 94, ofthe Night". Captain Applejack A ROLLICKING STORY OF P.IRATE, GOLD AND MODERN AD- VENTURE, WHEREIN HEARTS ARE YOUNG AND PIRATES BOLD; LIFE'S DANCE OF LOVE AND GOLD. LAUGHTER AND TERROR IN •,'r•, A WILD RACE OVER THE SPANISH MAIN. USUAL COaLEDY USUAL PLAY DAYS HAVE CHANGED FROM FRIDAY AND SAT URDAY, TO SATURDAY AND MONDAY. NEXT WEEK, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, MAY 10th AND 1211u, . HAROLD LLOYD, TN DR. ,Y ACTT rless Pia Well and fa,vora:bly known in Exeter, will.present, ' .p eserit, under :the atiSPi- ces of the Exeter Bowling CIMS that pleasing Comedy*;drama,. in 3 Acts. 4‘JULIETT pera in the, 94 use Exeter on • at 8:15 sharp An excellent- war -time play, the scene: being min the ess-roam of a British Brigade; resting out of theline somewhere in France, 193. Reserved Seats 55c. General Admission35c Tickets on Sale at. gstar Howey'sb Dru; Phone Delli7ery' fY d. N \y { Service Grocery Ferry and Rennie Seeds 3 pkgs 25c BS rd.ine Brunswick 1 s 4 tins ,.,:25c Jelly Powders 3 ) S kg •' .. 25c 1 0 Pure Lard 3 lb. Pail 55e 200 New Cocoanuts 3 ,for -... 25c Bulk Peanut Bitter Per lir 25e Choice Sockeye Salmon 1 lb. tin 350 Lbluid Amazonia 2 Mottles ,,,. 35c Matches, - 3 Boxes . 350 Castile Soap 6 Cakes .,•.,. 25c 4„ I erre deli d zeros vere Pers al. 27c Cooking Apples A) les 8 lbs..... 25c Pure Cocoa Per lb Bon -Ami (powclei) Per pkg. Lemon Biscuits Per lb. 014 Cheese Per lb. ,. .30c liteberrios 2 Tins 20e 150 2 8 450 Choice- Cherries 2 Tins 45e Junket Tablets 15e New Cheese Per Ib. s:... ....,,,,, 22c HARVEY HARVEY TWO STORES „,1�.4�15 iTtrrf 1 �3