HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-4-24, Page 8EMCACIMSENCEINC ` is is the Co e for ight Place to NJ urniture We don't believe that you can find a better place to buy your. Furniture, than right at this store. Our whole stock- from end to end- is ready to be handed over to our Customers as examples of most style, most real worth for the least money. LARGEST STOCK LATEST DESIGNS FAIR PRICES BETTER, SERVICE THE HOME FURNISI30ER Al 8 8 ARDINER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY .AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE,'.74J; Night call 74W areae. wsxsa.;r s ...el a;ie7 '0 jThis is orsalino y..,.yr rot, ...c,,e.r�s..., 7 't"r+.:r �,• 16„ n.a-w.., sa ;i",.A Have G6Cla S9� a �.11ey I .^4 spa , bpi Mitten, Tl e Wrx>at 9 ,44,S, ,°2:?<- r , �Y"ah:+'�€�r...,�•,,.r.�w f' Y� /�r i Jr^ h z �'...P'�.1'ntX.t �'rottcJ,:�t,�.•,.'• �iMs.::✓'"cw�i:�w!?fs?p..�h";�[;9:.r..:cM1`y�Yw:9',.�y%��+�.�ayp�.,�,y[,�'.nfwT -+'/y+T iMF to Sd " �'K, vh�.5i•v'T '!:fJ`:DY'LLSCp:1l'fL. Y1� t7aRyt�,N„•ri-aq�r �w^*.?y"aM v rn,6;y:7�".trtT.gnNw'fq.=, wFry ;.r ..�•1.,, See=our display of Borsalino axxc King Hats this week. ee iter W. TAMAN Pi-iO:..fidE Sia: THEE,X T' R TIMES Market report -The tollowhng ill the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1.00 Oats: 48e Barley 550 Manitoba Flour $3.45 Pastry Flour $3,00 Family= Flour $3.80 Feed Flour $1.75 Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Dairy Butter 33c Creamery Butter 36e Eggs, Extras 22c Held Eggs 200 Eggs, seconds 17e. Lard 17 to 20c I -logs $7.50 LOCAL .; Hear the Lecture on "Canada, TheLand We Love," by Rev. F. E: WY's - dale; in Main Street Church, Wednes- day evening, April 30th, at 3 o'clock.. Admission 25c. Splendid Program. (. 0 THURRS1)AY, A CAVEN x?xz> s xa RAN CIWRCII(�' {IIIIIIIIIII{Il.lflltl.III{IIIIIMIIIfI{Illrllll�lll{Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllll III VIII Ilifll �"` Bev. ,Tames Fpote, I3.A., Minister -:~; I 1 f Ilgll{II111f{flllii{IIIfIfllllllll�l... 10 a.m.-Sunday School and' Bible' ,Class. 11a,m,-"The Invisible, who Seek" 'Communicant Class at 2 o'clock. 7 p.m. ---"Tho Influences of John Wickliffe" • t Boy Scouts meet Friday evening, JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor' 1.0 'a.m.-Morning Fellowship. 11 a.m.-"The Church 'Union Crisis" 3 p,ni.---Sunday School and Bible`. Class. 7 p.m. -``The IDighth Wonder" ... FOR SALE Miss 0. Vos.per is visiting in Tor- onto. • Miss Mary Day visited in 'London over Easter. Mr, G. A. Abraham spent Easter •in Hamilton. Miss Josephine.Oavis week -end in London. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jones visited. in London Goocl ' Friday.' Mr. Kenneth Stanbury, is spending the holidays in Toronto. Mise-Lovey spent the holiday with her parents at Grand Bend. Mr. J. H. Wood spent the holiday with his parents in Hurondale. spent the iVirs. R. N. Creech has been visit- ing for a few clays in Brantford. Miss 'Marguerite Kuntz, of London. Normal, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. I'Iy. Horton spent Good Friday and Easter 'in Toronto. Mr. T. C. McLeod, of Kitchener, called on friends in Exeter on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon, spent Good Friday ein Mit- chell. Mrs. Baines and Mrs. Niollard are visiting with Rev. Percy Banes at Auburn. Mrs. (Rev.) Trumper and children are spending the Easter holidays in London. Miss _Alma Mack; of Mbntreal, is' visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack. Mrs. Jas. Beverley spent Easter in London with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. McKenzie: Washing Machine and wringer Laundry Stove, nearly new. Electrical hall fixture Good 3 -way Iron Pump. Barn, Timber frame, 24x30. Range, nearly new, 4 -hole, with Reservoir, Bargain for quick sale. 2 four -panel doorscomplete with jams: and casings.$16.00 buys a White Oak Writing Desk.and Bookcase. Cocksilutt Tractor Plow complete, Bargain. $35 buys, a real good typewriter. Good 5 H.P. Gas Engine. Information re above articles at POWELL'S ;BAZAAR, Exeter, Ont. Mr. Bruce Medd, has completed his. year at the O.A.C., Guelph, and is home for the holidays. Mr. Borden Cunningham, of Huron College, London, is spending the holi- days at his home here. Miss Dorothy Balkwill, of Strat- ford. Normal, is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. ' ' Mrs. Sam'l Holman, of Snowflake. Man., is visiting her sister, .Mrs. Hy. Coultis and other relatives. Mrs. Eli Coultisw as removed to v Victoria Hospital, London, on Mon- day for X -Ray and operation. Mr. G. S. Howard is in Toronto this week attending the convention of the Ontario Educational'Ass'n.. The Misses Elizabeth and Louise. Mills, of Huliet Tp., visited- over the week -end at the Main St. Parsonage. Mrs. R. G. Seldon and son Wallace spent Easter with the former's, dau- ghter, Mrs. F. Newman, of Kingtton. Mrs. Hy. Coultis ` has returned home after spending the winter with her brother, Dr. J. W. Harrison, of Detroit. Mrs. W. E. Donnelly and children -are spending a few clays of the Easter week at Mrs. Donnelly's home near St. Thomas. Dr, and Mrs. John Ward and sons, Edward and' Stanley spent the holi- days in London; Mrs. Ward and sons remaining all week. Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Clysdale were 'called to Morris on Monday, owing to the death of the latter's cousin, Mrs. Wesley Searle. The British Empire Exposition, at Wembley, England, held its formal opening on St. George's Day, Wed- nesday, April 23rd. Mr. R. N. Rowe's many friends are pleased to see him home and able to he out after his recent operations at Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. Frank Price and his bride, (nee Miss Lillian Kay) of Detroit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kay, of town, visited in Exeter on their wedding trip over Easter. Good Friday passed off quietly in Exeter. Quite a number of visitors were in town. A number spent the day beside the streams in search of the finny tribe. A light rain fell at night. Mr, Thos. Hatter and his sister, Fannie, of Detroit, visited their fa- ther, in Exeter North, for over Eas- ter, It is 21 years since Mr. Hatter left Exeter, much of that time being opentt in the state of Washington. A number of school teachers are spending the Easter holidays -et their honies in ¶xeter, Among them are:. 1 Piss Amy Johns, of near Hamilton Miss Dorothy Ittntz, of Essex; Miss Gladys Harvey of near J'ara; Miss 'V;. Walker, of Clandeboye; Miss Vera ,lodes, of Delhi and Miss Irno Sxr✓eet of Putnam. ,FIELD CROP COMPETITION IN OATS, The Secretary of the 'Exet'er Agri- cultural Society will recei,'re entries for the Competition ia2 I+held of Oats ap to the 15th of May. Entrance flee $1,00 and - membership in.the Society. There must be at Least 25entries. I .:G. SELDOiv, Sec'y. LOST -A crank for a Ruggles Truck, between. Exeter and Hensall. 4 • at Times office. r a i'il>dei .please leave � �11i��llSil�l91af19�flR9llf�l�1611`IIIIIiIiI�IIIIIII�llllllllll@ILII&011lllll9llllll9iliilll111till{IIII{IIIIIIIIIIillfflllllllll11111111ffllflllll�lflllf Immoo Mania aroma 011/1•111., MOW mammy GOLD SEAL itIGGUAOLRANTEEEUM r,/ MYW NONCY INtT Floor Coerinj in many new Patterns Congoleuni''' e ; Rugs We are showing several new pat- terns in Congoleuin Rugs this Spring. They are made in larger sizes than formerly. Let us show you these numbers. LINOLETJMS, Let us cover your floors with this Salitary floor covering. We offer you the newest patterns and lay them Free' of Charge. Blinds and. Curtain Poles We carry a full range of Blinds and Poles, and can order any shade that we do not carry in stock. 10 doz Blinds, Special each $1.00. Curtain Nets In Scrim, ''Spotted Muslins and Marquisette. Pretty Scrim Curtains for bedrooms at per yard 35c. • Oilcloth Rugs for. Bedrooms They come in neat patterns, but are made only, in the smaller sizes for bedrooms. Priced at $4.50, $6.50 and $5.50 Wall Papers We are showing - by far the best assortment we have ever offered, ' See our bedroom papers that we have reduced to per single roll 10c. Rubber- Pads for Stair Steps D. Comes • in three different sizes. These will save your steps. Priced at 1 c, 25c and 30c. ` woman Ta;y Bone Meal for your Gardens; Onions, Potatoes, etc. We have ano- ther Fertilizer especially adapted for the same purpose. HARVEY BR:OS. The Oddfellows, of Exeter and ciis- ttric"t are .requested to meet in the Lodge. Room at 6.30 p:m..oai - Sunday, Al>i•il 2iih, for the purpose at- tending divine worship iu, I'rivitt Mem- orial. Church., LOST- Auto marker 133-081. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times Office. LOST -A Swan Fountain pen, on Wednesday of last week. Gold band and filler. Finder rewarded, by, leav- ing at Tiniest Office. COURT OF REVISION Oli'Usborne Assessment Roll for 1.921 r , Take notice that a Court ofRevis- ion sit on the 1924 Assessment -'Roll of the. Township of Usborne,' at the Township Hall, on May 3rd, at 1 o'clock, p.m. All agrieved parties guide themselves accordingly. Henry Strang, Clerk. Auto Draying I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE. YOU A II'EAL CARTAGE SERVICE. OUR EXPRESS +SERVICE FROM LONDON TO EXETER IS NOW OP- ERATING. LIVERY. -IN CONNEC- TION. LIs `Bagshaw BABY" CHICKS -Barred Rocks, White Leghorn, Buff Leghorn, R. C.' Rhode Island Reds and White - Wyandotte. I am now booking orders. Get your order in and make sure of getting ; your chicks when you want them. Garnet. Hey- wood. Exeter, Ont. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon - Office ---McDonnell's vtitableeoA John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- cy of Huron. Correspondence arrange- ments for sales can be made by call- ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron, Auct.. Box 154. Exeter, NEW BUNGA]JOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, modern bungalow, centrally located. - Apply Gladman & Stanbury. ALFALFA SEED. -We specialize in growing Alfalfa Seed of, a hardy strain .that does not winter kill. Write for price and sample. R.• F. Hicks"& Son Newton Brook work County 3-20-7t: NOTICE These are the Prices you can have - your work done •by - ELLIOTT & JOHNS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring Cochrane Machine Works Ford maters reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete $16.00 Every make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground withPistons Complete to fit, also Tractors. ' R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist :and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory,, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. - TERMS MODERATE' Box 57, Exeter. 111111{111I11I11II111111111111111fi111li1111111111i6 Bargainsrl FURNI 1 UR Everything down. in Price .e• Ne THOMAS DINNEY Rkovv____E. S AND r'tr�ll �, t'rIl �. tone• Bis. 20W House 20.i'. LICEN S76D EMBALMEr A i ..) A.L .i; aiICTO 5 PI 11 HI 111111111II11111I111111f111111111111I11iilll it Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 Ladies' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed e'' '^ ^ 50c We also Make and Trim Sluts with First Class Trimmings for $20.00. If you 'want a new Suit of Clothes, Come in and get our prices. - We can give you a Blue Suit guaranteed All Wool, Indigo Dye. Never Fade For $35.00 WORN AND FIT `GUARANTEED When you want your Suit Clean- ed and Pressed, let tis know. We will call for them and deliver them. Always at Your Service G.S. Atkinson, L,D.S.?D.D!S ]DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of'Ontario and Uni versity of Toronto. Late 4 District Dental Officer, Mill t .ry District Nuimber One, London, N On;t., . Main 01licc?, Main 'St. .lE7xeter, Ont. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.m, to 5.30, p.tn. Ofllee' hours at 2lUIIICII ONT.a Tues. only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to- 5.00 o'clock p.in. ' Pnone 79. E 2 : tL,IVER FREE. P- Joh the Thrifty Throng This Week We sell "for Iess because we buy for less. And we buy for less because we buy for over •a Million people a week -passing the big savings along with every purchase we make to you. join the thrifty throng this week. Shop at the DOMINION STORE near you. Articles only to be obtained: at the Dominion Stores and noted for their high quality. , RICHMELLO COFFEE 1/2 -lb. tin (Will make'your breakfast better) RICHMELLO PURE BREAK- 1/2-lb. REAK 1/ -lb. tin - - 33c D.S.H. WRAPPED BREAD (Full -1 c 24 -oz. loaf), 2 for D.S.L. CORN 21c FLAKES, 3 Pkts. 29c AYLMER BRAND AYLMER SWEET 29 AYLMER STANDARD PEAS -on No. 4, 2 tins WHITE BEANS, (Hand Picked), 4 lbs. CORN, 2 tins . c AYLMER GOLDEN -4)4' BANTAM CORN ga MAYFIELD BRAND BACON, Machine Sliced, lb.- - FIG JAM BISCUITS 23C lb. MAPLE SUGAR, _l®C Cake -- CLARK'S PORK and Sint; BEANS, No. 2 tins - MAPLE SYRUP, Pure Quebec,- $1,99 No. 10 tin 5-1b. Pail CROWN BEEHIVE 41c CORN SYRUP - - MacLAREN'S JELLY 25c POWDERS; 3 pkts. - MAPLE LEAF _ 1 l C MATCHES, ' box CLARK'S PORK and .24c BEANS, No. 3 tins CLARK'S POTTED 25c MEATS, 3 tins �+ SOAP FLAKES .25c DOMESTIC. SHORTENING No. 3 tin KRAFT or ROYAL CROWN 39c LOAF CHEESE, ib. PICNIC HAMS (Small and meaty) lb. 19c There are numerous-.. blends o quality, the Dominion Stores economical,' too. Buy a SPECIAL BLEND (Red - -63c bag) GOLDEN TIP - TEA( Y ver.a choice blend) 9c f Tea for sale to -day, but for Tea stands out in front. It is pound today andp rove it. SELECT BLEND Blue bag) -73C m RICZ3MEO BLEND ('Ye110 bag) -77c IS HOi1•S'711 lE''OI% SALE -` w6 1,344 brick, electrify iig1i , bathroom, water- works, first class Well and good cel hr, Firt't class stable and • garage. Everything complete iii , house and barn. Apply to Box 195, Exeter, I. ® CA LNG. iA, Barrister, Solicitor, &e., Loans, O ostments, Instiranco, Office, Carling Block, Main 8t. Exeter, A Record Sale of Ladies , Coats We have established a record for our Sale of Ladles' " Coats so Car this season,, An unusually large selection of cloths andstyles at popular prices has enabled us to sell more coats than ever be- fore. ,We are putting,inore new oat into stook. this week and we will have plenty of large; sizes., Our Special_. Prices 1195 •$16a95 $19.85 $23.95 s c Sidle Lisle Stockings 65c. a pair Fancy Ribbed and Clocked .. Stockings for Ladies and Girls r4C, n ,tqC e 'fk f I '"',t, ' •Q1,' �p an Black, Beige and Bamboa shades. These are wonderful value at 65c or 2 pair for $.1.25. . G a. e5 1�• ',; .,.: .,,srs`•s , New SIippers and Oxfords The New Flapper Slippers are hero in the popular light bade also a big Fran e of'Pat- leather Black Kicl :Slip- ent and Pers and Oxfords. See our spec- cal -your size table of Slippers oI r � o.Sje for $ 3.29. 11 i` k e .'s i 4.95 $19x 85 S23.95 Come here for your next Suit. We grade clothing and have deoided to prices. If you wish to save around the place to buy. Suits $29.85 have alarge stock of high- sell our Suits at the above low $5.00 on your New Suit, this is 0 Our < Grocery rices Kellogg's Corn Flakes 10c pkg Christie's Soda Biscuits 15c pk Shredded Wheat .,....,. 12c pkg All Laundry Soaps 3 for 20c Seeded Raisins, large pkg 15c 7 'Bars Castile Soap for 25c Brunswick Sardines 4 tins 25c Ammonia Powder 3 pkgs 25c Royal Yeast Cakes 5c pkg 6 Rolls Toilet Paper for 25c .. . t EMCACIMSENCEINC ` is is the Co e for ight Place to NJ urniture We don't believe that you can find a better place to buy your. Furniture, than right at this store. Our whole stock- from end to end- is ready to be handed over to our Customers as examples of most style, most real worth for the least money. LARGEST STOCK LATEST DESIGNS FAIR PRICES BETTER, SERVICE THE HOME FURNISI30ER Al 8 8 ARDINER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY .AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE,'.74J; Night call 74W areae. wsxsa.;r s ...el a;ie7 '0 jThis is orsalino y..,.yr rot, ...c,,e.r�s..., 7 't"r+.:r �,• 16„ n.a-w.., sa ;i",.A Have G6Cla S9� a �.11ey I .^4 spa , bpi Mitten, Tl e Wrx>at 9 ,44,S, ,°2:?<- r , �Y"ah:+'�€�r...,�•,,.r.�w f' Y� /�r i Jr^ h z �'...P'�.1'ntX.t �'rottcJ,:�t,�.•,.'• �iMs.::✓'"cw�i:�w!?fs?p..�h";�[;9:.r..:cM1`y�Yw:9',.�y%��+�.�ayp�.,�,y[,�'.nfwT -+'/y+T iMF to Sd " �'K, vh�.5i•v'T '!:fJ`:DY'LLSCp:1l'fL. Y1� t7aRyt�,N„•ri-aq�r �w^*.?y"aM v rn,6;y:7�".trtT.gnNw'fq.=, wFry ;.r ..�•1.,, See=our display of Borsalino axxc King Hats this week. ee iter W. TAMAN Pi-iO:..fidE Sia: THEE,X T' R TIMES Market report -The tollowhng ill the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1.00 Oats: 48e Barley 550 Manitoba Flour $3.45 Pastry Flour $3,00 Family= Flour $3.80 Feed Flour $1.75 Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Dairy Butter 33c Creamery Butter 36e Eggs, Extras 22c Held Eggs 200 Eggs, seconds 17e. Lard 17 to 20c I -logs $7.50 LOCAL .; Hear the Lecture on "Canada, TheLand We Love," by Rev. F. E: WY's - dale; in Main Street Church, Wednes- day evening, April 30th, at 3 o'clock.. Admission 25c. Splendid Program. (. 0 THURRS1)AY, A CAVEN x?xz> s xa RAN CIWRCII(�' {IIIIIIIIIII{Il.lflltl.III{IIIIIMIIIfI{Illrllll�lll{Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllll III VIII Ilifll �"` Bev. ,Tames Fpote, I3.A., Minister -:~; I 1 f Ilgll{II111f{flllii{IIIfIfllllllll�l... 10 a.m.-Sunday School and' Bible' ,Class. 11a,m,-"The Invisible, who Seek" 'Communicant Class at 2 o'clock. 7 p.m. ---"Tho Influences of John Wickliffe" • t Boy Scouts meet Friday evening, JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor' 1.0 'a.m.-Morning Fellowship. 11 a.m.-"The Church 'Union Crisis" 3 p,ni.---Sunday School and Bible`. Class. 7 p.m. -``The IDighth Wonder" ... FOR SALE Miss 0. Vos.per is visiting in Tor- onto. • Miss Mary Day visited in 'London over Easter. Mr, G. A. Abraham spent Easter •in Hamilton. Miss Josephine.Oavis week -end in London. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jones visited. in London Goocl ' Friday.' Mr. Kenneth Stanbury, is spending the holidays in Toronto. Mise-Lovey spent the holiday with her parents at Grand Bend. Mr. J. H. Wood spent the holiday with his parents in Hurondale. spent the iVirs. R. N. Creech has been visit- ing for a few clays in Brantford. Miss 'Marguerite Kuntz, of London. Normal, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. I'Iy. Horton spent Good Friday and Easter 'in Toronto. Mr. T. C. McLeod, of Kitchener, called on friends in Exeter on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon, spent Good Friday ein Mit- chell. Mrs. Baines and Mrs. Niollard are visiting with Rev. Percy Banes at Auburn. Mrs. (Rev.) Trumper and children are spending the Easter holidays in London. Miss _Alma Mack; of Mbntreal, is' visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack. Mrs. Jas. Beverley spent Easter in London with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. McKenzie: Washing Machine and wringer Laundry Stove, nearly new. Electrical hall fixture Good 3 -way Iron Pump. Barn, Timber frame, 24x30. Range, nearly new, 4 -hole, with Reservoir, Bargain for quick sale. 2 four -panel doorscomplete with jams: and casings.$16.00 buys a White Oak Writing Desk.and Bookcase. Cocksilutt Tractor Plow complete, Bargain. $35 buys, a real good typewriter. Good 5 H.P. Gas Engine. Information re above articles at POWELL'S ;BAZAAR, Exeter, Ont. Mr. Bruce Medd, has completed his. year at the O.A.C., Guelph, and is home for the holidays. Mr. Borden Cunningham, of Huron College, London, is spending the holi- days at his home here. Miss Dorothy Balkwill, of Strat- ford. Normal, is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. ' ' Mrs. Sam'l Holman, of Snowflake. Man., is visiting her sister, .Mrs. Hy. Coultis and other relatives. Mrs. Eli Coultisw as removed to v Victoria Hospital, London, on Mon- day for X -Ray and operation. Mr. G. S. Howard is in Toronto this week attending the convention of the Ontario Educational'Ass'n.. The Misses Elizabeth and Louise. Mills, of Huliet Tp., visited- over the week -end at the Main St. Parsonage. Mrs. R. G. Seldon and son Wallace spent Easter with the former's, dau- ghter, Mrs. F. Newman, of Kingtton. Mrs. Hy. Coultis ` has returned home after spending the winter with her brother, Dr. J. W. Harrison, of Detroit. Mrs. W. E. Donnelly and children -are spending a few clays of the Easter week at Mrs. Donnelly's home near St. Thomas. Dr, and Mrs. John Ward and sons, Edward and' Stanley spent the holi- days in London; Mrs. Ward and sons remaining all week. Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Clysdale were 'called to Morris on Monday, owing to the death of the latter's cousin, Mrs. Wesley Searle. The British Empire Exposition, at Wembley, England, held its formal opening on St. George's Day, Wed- nesday, April 23rd. Mr. R. N. Rowe's many friends are pleased to see him home and able to he out after his recent operations at Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. Frank Price and his bride, (nee Miss Lillian Kay) of Detroit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kay, of town, visited in Exeter on their wedding trip over Easter. Good Friday passed off quietly in Exeter. Quite a number of visitors were in town. A number spent the day beside the streams in search of the finny tribe. A light rain fell at night. Mr, Thos. Hatter and his sister, Fannie, of Detroit, visited their fa- ther, in Exeter North, for over Eas- ter, It is 21 years since Mr. Hatter left Exeter, much of that time being opentt in the state of Washington. A number of school teachers are spending the Easter holidays -et their honies in ¶xeter, Among them are:. 1 Piss Amy Johns, of near Hamilton Miss Dorothy Ittntz, of Essex; Miss Gladys Harvey of near J'ara; Miss 'V;. Walker, of Clandeboye; Miss Vera ,lodes, of Delhi and Miss Irno Sxr✓eet of Putnam. ,FIELD CROP COMPETITION IN OATS, The Secretary of the 'Exet'er Agri- cultural Society will recei,'re entries for the Competition ia2 I+held of Oats ap to the 15th of May. Entrance flee $1,00 and - membership in.the Society. There must be at Least 25entries. I .:G. SELDOiv, Sec'y. LOST -A crank for a Ruggles Truck, between. Exeter and Hensall. 4 • at Times office. r a i'il>dei .please leave � �11i��llSil�l91af19�flR9llf�l�1611`IIIIIiIiI�IIIIIII�llllllllll@ILII&011lllll9llllll9iliilll111till{IIII{IIIIIIIIIIillfflllllllll11111111ffllflllll�lflllf Immoo Mania aroma 011/1•111., MOW mammy GOLD SEAL itIGGUAOLRANTEEEUM r,/ MYW NONCY INtT Floor Coerinj in many new Patterns Congoleuni''' e ; Rugs We are showing several new pat- terns in Congoleuin Rugs this Spring. They are made in larger sizes than formerly. Let us show you these numbers. LINOLETJMS, Let us cover your floors with this Salitary floor covering. We offer you the newest patterns and lay them Free' of Charge. Blinds and. Curtain Poles We carry a full range of Blinds and Poles, and can order any shade that we do not carry in stock. 10 doz Blinds, Special each $1.00. Curtain Nets In Scrim, ''Spotted Muslins and Marquisette. Pretty Scrim Curtains for bedrooms at per yard 35c. • Oilcloth Rugs for. Bedrooms They come in neat patterns, but are made only, in the smaller sizes for bedrooms. Priced at $4.50, $6.50 and $5.50 Wall Papers We are showing - by far the best assortment we have ever offered, ' See our bedroom papers that we have reduced to per single roll 10c. Rubber- Pads for Stair Steps D. Comes • in three different sizes. These will save your steps. Priced at 1 c, 25c and 30c. ` woman Ta;y Bone Meal for your Gardens; Onions, Potatoes, etc. We have ano- ther Fertilizer especially adapted for the same purpose. HARVEY BR:OS. The Oddfellows, of Exeter and ciis- ttric"t are .requested to meet in the Lodge. Room at 6.30 p:m..oai - Sunday, Al>i•il 2iih, for the purpose at- tending divine worship iu, I'rivitt Mem- orial. Church., LOST- Auto marker 133-081. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times Office. LOST -A Swan Fountain pen, on Wednesday of last week. Gold band and filler. Finder rewarded, by, leav- ing at Tiniest Office. COURT OF REVISION Oli'Usborne Assessment Roll for 1.921 r , Take notice that a Court ofRevis- ion sit on the 1924 Assessment -'Roll of the. Township of Usborne,' at the Township Hall, on May 3rd, at 1 o'clock, p.m. All agrieved parties guide themselves accordingly. Henry Strang, Clerk. Auto Draying I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE. YOU A II'EAL CARTAGE SERVICE. OUR EXPRESS +SERVICE FROM LONDON TO EXETER IS NOW OP- ERATING. LIVERY. -IN CONNEC- TION. LIs `Bagshaw BABY" CHICKS -Barred Rocks, White Leghorn, Buff Leghorn, R. C.' Rhode Island Reds and White - Wyandotte. I am now booking orders. Get your order in and make sure of getting ; your chicks when you want them. Garnet. Hey- wood. Exeter, Ont. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon - Office ---McDonnell's vtitableeoA John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- cy of Huron. Correspondence arrange- ments for sales can be made by call- ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron, Auct.. Box 154. Exeter, NEW BUNGA]JOW FOR SALE Well built, attractive, modern bungalow, centrally located. - Apply Gladman & Stanbury. ALFALFA SEED. -We specialize in growing Alfalfa Seed of, a hardy strain .that does not winter kill. Write for price and sample. R.• F. Hicks"& Son Newton Brook work County 3-20-7t: NOTICE These are the Prices you can have - your work done •by - ELLIOTT & JOHNS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring Cochrane Machine Works Ford maters reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete $16.00 Every make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground withPistons Complete to fit, also Tractors. ' R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist :and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory,, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. - TERMS MODERATE' Box 57, Exeter. 111111{111I11I11II111111111111111fi111li1111111111i6 Bargainsrl FURNI 1 UR Everything down. in Price .e• Ne THOMAS DINNEY Rkovv____E. S AND r'tr�ll �, t'rIl �. tone• Bis. 20W House 20.i'. LICEN S76D EMBALMEr A i ..) A.L .i; aiICTO 5 PI 11 HI 111111111II11111I111111f111111111111I11iilll it Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 Ladies' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed e'' '^ ^ 50c We also Make and Trim Sluts with First Class Trimmings for $20.00. If you 'want a new Suit of Clothes, Come in and get our prices. - We can give you a Blue Suit guaranteed All Wool, Indigo Dye. Never Fade For $35.00 WORN AND FIT `GUARANTEED When you want your Suit Clean- ed and Pressed, let tis know. We will call for them and deliver them. Always at Your Service G.S. Atkinson, L,D.S.?D.D!S ]DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of'Ontario and Uni versity of Toronto. Late 4 District Dental Officer, Mill t .ry District Nuimber One, London, N On;t., . Main 01licc?, Main 'St. .lE7xeter, Ont. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.m, to 5.30, p.tn. Ofllee' hours at 2lUIIICII ONT.a Tues. only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to- 5.00 o'clock p.in. ' Pnone 79. E 2 : tL,IVER FREE. P- Joh the Thrifty Throng This Week We sell "for Iess because we buy for less. And we buy for less because we buy for over •a Million people a week -passing the big savings along with every purchase we make to you. join the thrifty throng this week. Shop at the DOMINION STORE near you. Articles only to be obtained: at the Dominion Stores and noted for their high quality. , RICHMELLO COFFEE 1/2 -lb. tin (Will make'your breakfast better) RICHMELLO PURE BREAK- 1/2-lb. REAK 1/ -lb. tin - - 33c D.S.H. WRAPPED BREAD (Full -1 c 24 -oz. loaf), 2 for D.S.L. CORN 21c FLAKES, 3 Pkts. 29c AYLMER BRAND AYLMER SWEET 29 AYLMER STANDARD PEAS -on No. 4, 2 tins WHITE BEANS, (Hand Picked), 4 lbs. CORN, 2 tins . c AYLMER GOLDEN -4)4' BANTAM CORN ga MAYFIELD BRAND BACON, Machine Sliced, lb.- - FIG JAM BISCUITS 23C lb. MAPLE SUGAR, _l®C Cake -- CLARK'S PORK and Sint; BEANS, No. 2 tins - MAPLE SYRUP, Pure Quebec,- $1,99 No. 10 tin 5-1b. Pail CROWN BEEHIVE 41c CORN SYRUP - - MacLAREN'S JELLY 25c POWDERS; 3 pkts. - MAPLE LEAF _ 1 l C MATCHES, ' box CLARK'S PORK and .24c BEANS, No. 3 tins CLARK'S POTTED 25c MEATS, 3 tins �+ SOAP FLAKES .25c DOMESTIC. SHORTENING No. 3 tin KRAFT or ROYAL CROWN 39c LOAF CHEESE, ib. PICNIC HAMS (Small and meaty) lb. 19c There are numerous-.. blends o quality, the Dominion Stores economical,' too. Buy a SPECIAL BLEND (Red - -63c bag) GOLDEN TIP - TEA( Y ver.a choice blend) 9c f Tea for sale to -day, but for Tea stands out in front. It is pound today andp rove it. SELECT BLEND Blue bag) -73C m RICZ3MEO BLEND ('Ye110 bag) -77c IS HOi1•S'711 lE''OI% SALE -` w6 1,344 brick, electrify iig1i , bathroom, water- works, first class Well and good cel hr, Firt't class stable and • garage. Everything complete iii , house and barn. Apply to Box 195, Exeter, I. ® CA LNG. iA, Barrister, Solicitor, &e., Loans, O ostments, Instiranco, Office, Carling Block, Main 8t. Exeter,