The Exeter Times, 1924-4-24, Page 477,7,
e their
'Think of the f a r uteri
who will want. timothy,
clover, wheat, rye, oats
seeds, potatoes tor plant-
ing; roofing or paint tor
the ' barns; wire' for , the
hicken runways 'Or Pig
pen — a hundred things:
If Prices are favourable,
get their order for them
• now; by Long Distance,
and hold .the goods, if t
• When the roads, are 'bad
furthers 'd oubly appreciate
your telephoning them. The
first merchant who d o
stands a mighty good chance
of getting their orders. 717
a dozen calls. The result's
ahould average very well.
Every Bell Telepizone is a
Long. Ds,Btaton.
How cloth the gentle laundress
„Search out the weakest joints,
'And ,always,.. tear the buttons Off
.S.''"one-legged min Claims Cue one-
eggedadanning title. He did a one -
stet,' ter 2 4 hdurs.
Well. are y,ou. gOing to have a glr'"
den. this year?
No, You have a garden, it's inY
turn to keep '^chlekensa ;
*aas*** * • 41111
, Two things are eeatain; taxes when
yoilin•get •property" and rherlalatilm
,whent you, get -5 0. •
aa*, 0** ***
There 'is, some,:eo=operation 'among
wild creat -ares: the astork and the
, 64
wolf usually work the same neighbor-
hood. a • • '
*a* *** *** ***
Irony PUAS140 Prop in propagan-
da. •r
h e** *** **a 040
The saying that there is honor..i
along ;thievea a as "misleadinia,--they
are jast•as bad as other People.-
All men cannoie,benthe best, but
every man "caw be his best, .
a** +lyl,45 *
Lives ogreaarnen oft' remind us' •
We "should in our work take care,
,Lest departing, leave behindaua,
Thumbprints on •the silverware.
*a* a** **a
Ever notice how, •when people sit
around and talk, they ,find, so much
to criticise, so ,Iittle to commend.'
*** *** z4** **C
• .
We have a good town. Sure, it has
' • ".
• a Loi )ell
miss Elia wal,es at t Monday ).
in ACIrlillItioTifY •"!..ja:w re' 'ne e ' fi' Pte• 'll: t IlaSt"
1/181‘itier*d. iSlitetPohWe: onl‘ial‘ll'otinilcitqo! I.,4)11(1,°11'
.11lra. W. • Batten, oa' ZiOn spent
Monday with Mrs. A, Camm,
Mr. Harry Lawrence spent Easter
with his paren.ts in Clinton.
• Thos.' Adivicine, of 'Wliidsor, with
,his sou, Mr. G. A. 1-laWkin.S. '' r
The purple ' martin's returned to
town on Thuraday a last week.
. , Mr. T. S.,,, Woods. and 'daughter,
KatherMe spent Easter .in Stratford.
Easter Monday being a bank holi-s
‘Aniong those,who'SPent Good Fri
day aad'eTailter ,hoildaYS'In` • tiallinyere"
, ..
, •, • -
Miss Vigda' L'eatittn'ef Windsor,
with her fathee'''• ''
• Miss Margaret Penrice, of 1401100.11
with her 'mother. ''' ' - ' T.
1,..Miss, Jessie 'Manson, of 'London
with her'parenta. ' ••• ' '
• Mrs. Lloyd, ,of 'Toronto; with her
father, •Mr.; L. Day.. • ' ' , * '
' i to
M s.-Williama, • of Torou , with
r. Nelsod,Kestle:
• Mrs., McLeod, of. London, with Mr.
and 'Mre..Wa D. 'Sanders. ' - ' •
MiSs 'Leila "Gould,^.Of Detroit with
i her sister, Mrs. W. Lamport. a,
1 Mr. Thos. Nelsonaof Detroit; with
1 ori ,
.The•i•Logie Circle,' and Women's
Missionary, Society of, Paver „Persby-'
terian church liold an Easter Thank
Offefing on Tuesday evening', April
the A vorY earnaat and inter-
ing addi:esSiWas ...elven by
lard. MUsical„.111,1m hers :Warp g,iven
the 'Weelcea and'
Pryde„: ',EaSter,,'.aeelta,tions were giv-
en bY tWO arenibera 'the Miasion.
Bnliu viola ,d1nAjiti,n,ncitOay..Pde.'
The th4It' 4,443.1?•°11x4°4'
day, the banks et tOWn'Were
• Mr. C. F. Hooper hag PnrchaSed a
new Ftird truck' for 'Ms egebusiness.
• Miss) FlOral'WeSeisVPitinig friends
in iLoudon during' tire 'EaSter
, . •iaea-
• 11frs. (Rev.) Baker arid daughters
spent the lidlidaY:eaSi$.ii' With', friends
at ThanteStord. '
Mr: Frank.'Rice; Of Brantford, Was
a guest at the heme Of'Dirr. finq 'Mrs.
Thos. Jonek over Easter. •
Mr. Seed, who lias 'sPent the' win-
ter in Detroit," has tturnedad is
'residing with his dee-kilter, Mrs. W.
F. Abbott. ,
'Mrs. Webber who has been viSitin
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Hardy -returned to her hoih� Tues-
day morning.
Mrs. Goodspeed and son, Master
some faults, but itis a much. better Danald, leaves this morning for New
town in all particulars than we real- Liskeard in the vicinity of which
*** *aa w** *** place the former has secured a
, ) ,. school. '
Cheer up!' The biggest oPPortnni- , Mrs. Eli Coultis who has been -ill
tie,s come to those who Make use of for ciome time was taken to Victoria
the small ones. • • I Hospital, London on Monday, for an
**#.*** *t*
i X -Ray examination and mas'bl at
Thursday evening for Easter •
'opera -tion. ' I 1 Y
• If more ot us could see ourselves
as others see us, we would try to ina.1 ' '
Mr and Mrs. Bert. Gillies and
.prove. -
v.* * * 4. *t little son, of Hamilton, arrived on
* ** * *
One idea 'Of, a lazi:Men Is the one • ,•'. Mrs.
Galles and babe will visit' here for a
aiho gets up it five o'clock in the few •weeks
morning so as to have more time to 1 • - • 0; :---
• Mr. Archie, Morgan left' MOndaY for
..., •.** **a a's* ;00 ° Victoria Hospital, Lorabn ' i ''' d?'''
••. ,or,un ,er-
I TRE,N TRY A CORN 111:EAL go an operation for masttoilds. His
father, Mr., J. T. Morgan also went
['One'ef our friends hands us this --
down for examination.
llpping", and says that the letter. ,
c usd.,d considerable merriment in the ' Mr. W. J. O'Brien, chartered ac-
e, co of a corn syrup company countant of Windsor, formerly of the
ce tly. It was evidently Written by 913rien Colleges, London, visited in
atotheone in :need of assistance, in Exeter on Monday, the gurt„of Mr.
and Mrs. S. Sanders.
ways than one: .
"I am writing to tell you that your,,
corn syrup is no good whatever, I -
have already eaten ten cans of Your
.• Mrs. W. S. Howey and son Lorne'
left on Thursday of fast ,week and,
are spending •theaEaster, vaeatioyiari;..
con syrup and it has not helped ray • Windsor with the, fermer'saparentsf
corns one bit. -
_ and M •
• Far.
- his wife and ,fanilly,in town.
Mies RabjrTrble' of Toronto, with
her fa.ther, Ma.•Wm. Treble. ..,••
Messra; AleX,,,Stewart, Cliff Davis
and Walter Dearing, of London.
Ma. E. H. •Howey, . of 'Ilbronton
with his father, Mr. Wm. Howey.,
I-Iarry Burng, of 'Toronto'," with
his wife (nee Miss Cora Sanders.)
Misses",Velma and Mildred Jewell,
of London, with Mrs. R
Mr. and Mrs. Win: Smith and fain-
ily, of Clandeboye, with relatives,
Mr. R. E. Davis, of Strathroy, With
his parents; Mr. and Mrs. S. ,Davis.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and little
daughter, of Merlin, -With refatiies.
Mr. Wilken; Thedforci, With his
Wife at the•homeaof is: Marshall:
:• Mr. and rs. A. J. Perritt, of Lciii-
don, with' Mr.aiid 111.ra,. "W. G. -Davis.
Mr. Har -r• Fake, 'of 'TerOnto,, with.
hie parents, Mr. and lqrs. A: E: Ftilte.
' Mr. Gordon Dais of'Tdronto, with
Ids parents,• Mr.•and"j1faS:;.Jos.
Robt.Swet,ot Sarnia, -With
his parents,"Iki•; and="112as:' j"as. Sweet.
• 'Mr. Arthur Cole,. of QO'derich, with
„hi's parents- Ialra,and Mrs. John Cole.
Mr. andMrs. 1.4oner 'Howard, of.
LOnclon, with Mia• and MirS.1 E. Chris-
/et- PpeCcirt6r,SendiR
VERY one wifo has occasion- to
travel and every one who thinks
all=which is, we submit, another
way of 'saying every one in this
broad Doininion of ours—has mar-
velled, at one time or another, over
exactitude with which the vast
number of trains on our Canadian'
lines are handled safely and punctu-
ally. Express, local, speeial, freight,
construction and other trains are
forever plying to and fie along these
lines, leaving the same statirms." and
utilizing the same switches within
a few minutes of one another, yet
delayand accidents are extremely
!rare. This efficiency, which is
,prirnarily dependent on exact punc-
`ftuality, cannot be achieved unless
i all clocks and watches used by those
!responsible for handling trains agree
,and are all strictly on time.
floi,v is this accuracy maintained?
!,Obvioustly, there must be an elatair-
fate oriaanization to deal with it, for
`a railroad company cannot afford
;to take chances in such an ,Pill-im-
itportant matte!, The Canadian Pa-
t eific Railway, for instance, re-
cognizes this and has perfected
an extensive department clinploying
scores of men who devote all theft
!energies to checking and adjusting
;the Company's official clocks and
watches. Some details of its work
'Ate in tercs Ling,
'ITN., official title of this aggrega.
Lion of experts 1 the time Service,
V4>ion, Color Sense and Hearing be-
Parlment. In this department there
is a Chic( Inspector for 'Eastern
"• lines and one fott Western lines,
, each with a separate Oft'ice. From
these oz weak aset,t Laza
repainng all,1ocks
arTd watehes is rlftecteci andcon-
trolled. z*- ==rr=a •
Vor setting the Company clocks",
the department .employs method
which is illustrative ,of the wonder-
ful • possibilities of modern science.
In certain statioris, round -houses
and yard offices there are clocks
known as comparison clocks, so call-
ed because they have been officially
designated as cloaca at which con-
ductors, engineers and others may
safely set their watches. In the bead
telegraph office of the Canadian Pa-
cific, in ,Montreal, there is an elec-
trical mister clock, oomiected with
a similar clock kept in the observa-
tory of McGill. University, Mont-
real. The latter clock's -accuracy is
maintained by, astronomical 'calcula-
tion and it, in turn, "controls ,the
master clock in the Canadian Pa-
chfie head telegraph Offine. 'Prom
this office, lines radiate to every
Caraidian Pacific telegraph station
in the Dominion. ••
At a certain hour daily, the Mc.
Gill master clock indicates the cor-
rect time by beats on a telegraph
instrument maintained speriatfy. for
the purpose in the aaid telegraph
office. The signals coirimence strict -
ori the stroke of 11.54 , 'From
that instant to ten seconds short or
11.55, one boat is 4nolded urea
every second. A Pause of ten sec-
onds follows until, ori the stroke of
11.55, two beats are sounded This
'performance is once repeated, ending
an the stroke of i1,56. To the Chef
Operator is delegated the great re-
sponsibility of transmitting these
simals to the hunclteds• of telegraph
o a:raters at the comparison stations
taroughout the systen ,5It is his
y to sit at a ,key corinc•cted with
the "instrunients of all these oper-
ators and repeat the sig•nals, as they
are received.
ln the meantime, the operators
Compering PralCbas
at' Main e''
Operalar IR.eceivIng
With Comparison. Clock
hav been standing by, awaiting the
nignbl.' very telegraph jnsru-
inen on' the immense 'transconti-
nental- Canadian Pacifie'System;.as
the time, draws near, is iihsolutely
silent. At this dramatic moment,
the Chief Operator literally holds
the system in the hollow of ,his
hand. The beats begin. The oper-
ators at the comparison stations
watch their clocks • as the signals
flash weaaaw•ard. to Vancouver and
ea,stwarcfrai tfiiiitax. They note the
number of seconds error, slow or
fast • (if any), registered by the
clock, the signals cease and "normal
work is resumed. ••
If the clock is more than ten sec-
onds out, the operator it each Stir -
tion adjusts it to eorrect time. If
it is less than ten seconds out, he
announces the fact by placing be-
side the clock a card which indicates
the amount of error. To prove td
officials that he is Tibt neglecting
the job, he 11111St then make an entry
a the rating of, the clock on a spe-
cial card, which Covers a period of
one month. At the ond ofthe
month, the card which also cont'ains
notes As to when the clo,-IT has been
'wound, set or regulated, it, sent in
to the Time Service office cOnecrn-
cd, thus enabling the Chief Inspector
to maintain a close check upon all
Should a clock need adjustment
by experts, it is at once replaced by
a new clock from headquarters.
Station "Clocks, other than com-
parison clocks' upon which the pub-
lic depend for catching trains, are
similarly checked, as are also the
cloaks In offices which despatch tele.
grams and orders requiring timing,
In the larger offices, such as the,
company's headquarters at Windsor,
St. Stationr-Montreal, the'Clocks are
electrically set and wound bv one
master clock,
• a tenes cal•ri•en;49Yl.ernPleYees re-
sponsible for ,theaaptinetuality and-
-safety of trains ,,,arp telsa •eheekco
regularly and, in ii,dditione are
eriocheally etlY'agtrict regula-
tions govern Min' shall earryavatehes
and also the Makes ancrgracles per-
mitted --no leis. than 12 makes and
'75 grades are approved. Forty -six -
watch inspectors, to whom approxi-
mately 7,000 men` reporit with their
watches at • fortnightly ''.1n,tervals,
are employed lr'Y the 'COmpany on its
Eastern lines alelne,wall responsible
to the Chief Inspector, who keeps
a complete record of,each watch.
AB of wliiehaleade-one to wish
that one's'iencls -would appre-
ciate. the importance a punctiiality
to the same extent and were also
compelled to report regularly to the
railwa1watch inspectors; 07.40,
thongh' their faihlre to arrive' at
rendezvous on ,the dot is not Usually
a Matter Of life and death, as it 4
with the railway Companical
11.1rand Mrs,. John Routiedge, ,of
Dutton, with and ./YfrsaWnr".
ei. ,
,111r. Dickson Maria, of Louden with
Dia and Mrs, Atkinsonon Good Fri••••
1idiSs43etty Brown and 1Vlr, ',Oswald,
Brown, of Loudon, .with friends in'
Mr. Silas Mcli`alls, of Simcoe, with
•'1fis parents, Mr. aId Mrs. jas.•'Mc-
Valise •• ‘+`11,;1,
allit Gillid4 and
family, of 'Sarnia, •witly file former's'
parents. •
Mr. and; grii: ,with
the latter's Parent:Sp gr. Mrs: T..
Bissett. ' " • r•ac,
NIiss 'Pearl ' Saiidgrs, 'of 'Toronto,
wlth her parents, Mr. and grii.'itobt.
°mon" tvr:rroiainvigdt., otr „iitru• aet Bradl 44a: 114;+4;mci4ris;,...',
Jas. Jewell.
1Vliss "Oation" Bi6stitt, Of London,
with her irancljiarents,. 'and
Thos. Bissett. • '.":
Miss Maggie ' Strang, 'of' Western
University,' with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Straag.. A'a, a • ; .a.
0 jrna.tija:njsdepc,ekMne:troeE...4;ier11,1it:. Tt olluo,rmn
„Miss Margaret Gladman, Messrs.
Charles and-DdrialeGladmirin'of Lon-
don, with friends.. ' ••• -
: Mr.' Wm. Lawson, Of Toronto Den
tat College,- with his parents,'" Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. LaWsonie" =
and ..Mrs.. Levetta,;-.oftI..on
'don,'with.Mr. and Mrs". W.‘ T. Ache-
son, Good Good Friday. . • .•
. Mr.. and -,Mrs.. L. J. ,Greive and
children, of Strathroy, with relatives
Sunday and Monday:
Mr. and Mrs. *John Mallett and
son Kenneth, of London, with Mr:
and Mrs, . E. Heywood.
Mrs. Geo. CliPson and children, of
Ingersoll are visiting her parents,'"
Mr. and..:IYIns. D. Davis. ,
Miss Edna Pfaff, of Stratford•Nor;
mak with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Pfaff, near Exeter. . ,..„ •
Mr. and Mrs. .,LutherKesfie'. and.
on, of Toronto, with "the ionner's
ether, Rey. J. D. Kestle.
Mr. -and Mrs. P. W. Hess, of Hen -
all, visited at the home of Mraird
lis. G. S. Howard on Sunday.
Messrs., Reg: Johnston, of Windsor
nd Auttom Johnston, of Essex, vitae
Ir. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner.
Mr. Mervyn •Camm, of ,the Stan,:
ard daugatore, St. Thomas, with'his'
arents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Camm:" •"
Mr.. Reg., Parsansaof ,Eriean,:. with,
is parents; Mr., and - Mas. -S. Parsons;
e lett on Monday for Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Dibble(nee IVIisa Jesa
ie Brickwocid ) of London with Mr.
nd Mrs. Wm: Brickvaood ,of,town.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ifillboln. and two
hildren, Hamilterrn,Witli'Mr.• and:
ra. J: Ford; London'. Road np'rth."
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril,' 'Tuckley,
ncl ,Mra. 'Elmore Tuckey ' and Alias'
aez ,Tuckey, of London,: with rela,
ves. ' •• „
'Mr. and lyfrs..HarrY'Donii.elly and
aught,er, Roma,, StraffordVille,
pent Easter at the James St. Par -
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vincent and,
ttle daughter, Of Loiaden, with the
rmer's parents, Mia and lyIrs. L. D.
Miss Ellen Brown, of the etaff of
e General Hospital, Toronto, spent
few days in town the guest of Miss
M. Jeckell. '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kestle, Miss
earl Kestle and Miss- Lela Kestle,'
near St. ,Thomas, with Mr. and
rs. C. Kestle.
Dr. Mary Johnston, of Hamilton,
ss Etta Jarrott and Mr. Cecil John -
on; of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
. H. Johnston. .„.
Mr. Gordon Davis, of Toronto, and
s. T. Burkhart, of Cleveland, with
sir, parents, 511-.' and Mrs. Jos.
vis, Exeter North.
-•• IN THE .MATTER of the Esta,te .of
grailY•'• JANE GREEN,' late". of tie
llage 'of 'Hensall; in the, CditaY of
ILTurcm, WicloW, 'deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to 'the Statute in that b'elialf,-that all
creditors and others having any
• claims or demands 'against -the Es -
fate of the said Mary Jane' Green,
deceased, who died on or abciut the
third day of' February, A.D., 1924,
at the yillage �t Hensall, are requir-
ed on or before the fifth day 01'May,
1924, to send by post prepaid
or to deliyer to. Eva -Edwards and
Charles Carlisle, of 870 Ossington
Avenue, in the City of ,Toronto, in
Ithe County of York, the Executors oa
the Last Will and, Testament Of the
said 3•\',Illyys Jane at.e.m. .decoSSed,
t.hcr'iitimea, 'addresses and descrip-
tions, the full particulars of their
• claims, the statement of their ac-
• counts, and the natiire of the secur-
ities (if any) heleby them.
AND further take 110tiee Oat after
the said last mentioned date tha
said Executors will proceed to dis-
taibufe the assets of the deceased,
among the peraona entitled thereto,
having regard only to the Claims of
whiclt they shall then have notice and
that tho said 11xecutors will not be
liable for the said assets or shy part•
thereof, to any person or persons of
whose claims, notice shall not have
been received by them at the tine of
such distribution.
Dated the 27th .day Of March, A.D,,
A. E. Dixon;
3971/2 George St., Peterborough, Ont.
,8olicitor for the said Executors. •
uction Sale
hoice Dairy Cows and
• Hogs
, , ,
APhfl 25
The above cows are e;ttra ChoicHol,.•
steins, large, well 'narked; aind, in
Firat Class condition,' - • ^
C. A. SalliTH, ; ;ANK TAYLOR
Proprietor, Alirctiorreer-
• .
4:9 u'',..''.F.FEj7)''TilS9::(3.SE' 'ft):
,••• .; • 1, 0.10, . •
On Witiatai "Street, Exeter, on
. Real. Estate -Will be sold'''by
don if not previously spirt and subject
to a „re.servgd hid, consisting of Lot
23, Eauit Side of Wihjiain Street, con-,
taining 1-5 acre. 'Ort -the fat is situ-
ated ,a comfortaibile 7 roomed frame
hotise'''g dticl'' state lot' repair. Hydro
Installed 1,fttrnace., hard and soft water,
efement walk.
Quarter -cut eak.,dinipg room ,suite,
consi"Sting: of rdilinkr extension table
a,nd . 6 leather ••hicitt.Onr chairs, Tiew ;
quarter -cut ;oakchittia cabinet, cOuchif
large Axininiker rug, fumed oak; Day--
enport, 3 „parlor rockers,' upholstered
chair, -bronze' electroloer, oak hall; rack
!tall carpet, hall.lamp, pictures, wick-
er rocker, large quarter -cut oak dress--
ie'rvasa41,11(sitainvda,13 siatroind,b' e-ddre-8SnAgleallt tre scts esstaallndci
*rings; bed iroom
vaeuuni-•`sw'e,eper; carpet sweep-
er, laundry atove ,tincif oven; ,new
fection oll 'stove and 'oven • - k-itchen
arairs, linoleanly mac:bine, tubi
wringer, cepper ba:uler, .dialhes, crocks
,,' mower, .; step ladder,"
adreen doors, fern stanici, iironingilioard
'4 aina/11: fables, 'Innips, bucksaw, axe,
garden .tools-,' li'glit Wagoni arid' Many
other articles too iininierous to:Mani:am
1'..e.rins-12.eal estate made known on•
,day of sare; Chattels, ca„;.•11.1
M. Eacrett, • Andy( 'Easton,
.• Proprietor. Atie“oneer:
ii0USEX-1014P EPP*/
. „
The und,ersigned hap, ik•:-
struetions to sell by Publie Auctioiii"to
ou 'premises, on
SAr-CURDAY, APRIL 26,, 192
.:, For •
"I't?..ctocit, • '1):,irf- Aire f.0110*Ing•t;
id6, Wes(t.' side' of Andrew St. Ex-,
etei'v1,11Te•'^prOD eitY - of- the late •, Mrs,. .
IVIakinsa „Thls,is a doSiriblo'
residinde 'PrO'perty, beautifully locat-
ed, and ouvezilent. Sold SabieCt to
id. ,C311_04,117118e-Asii
squere4 table, A ,ni1ot•,waliiut
antique; • 1 .3-p1eee' bed-rOo* sulict‘.
1 rocker., '6 LbhairS, 1 iiss,icipboard,•••
1' lounge, 1 Singer seNiing radchhio„,
1 table;',1 cook stove (iidw,) and oth-
er articles.• ,
k,',T111MS' oF %j4
REAL ESTATE -20 per eent. on der
of sale' aid'. balance' in 30 days wit&
out interest; CHATTELS—Cash.
For further particulars and, condi-
tions of -sale,' applYto • ,"
THOS. .,•CAIKERON'a' Auctioneer',
. ,
SoliciOrs :for Executor-
, ,
prepares - young 'men. and
women foilBusineas which is
no Canad'a greatest piaries-
sion. We assist ,graduates to
posittonS and they have sn
‘aoratorial, training which en-
ables them fa -meet with•suceta
• cess. Students.are reghltetedi
alogue and learn Somethingni
•tbout our "different' de:Part=
„, ,. a,„, a •
• ID. A. McLaughlin, 'PHU.
amiamomaxmanr ”"
t I ,
Wiirat oak' your ArtatifirY'L
,Compotiver plate them to your cria4
-In :our ,SaviIngs Bank where they wili
sz per annum.
Capital Paid
Exeter Branch •••
Crediton Branch
• Daghwood Branch
Up $20,000,000
• .14: R. Complici, Maner
G. G. MayRard. Manaayr
G. G. Maynard, Manager
Incorporated in 1855
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branekes
Special Savings Departments
are provided at every one of ourBranches,
and assure to our depositors -prompt and
courteous attention.
•' '
Savings Dela-rtitilirts ieV'tke'r; Brra.ach.
Deposits of $1'.00' and upwarcis
Head Offie.e, Farquhar, Out.
Vice -President, JAS. McKENZIE
THOS. -RYAN simoN pow
-JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
• • ,Usborne and Bidclulph,
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
' Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Box 98 Exeter, Ontario.
Solicitors, Exeter.
Lift. G. /t. KODIASTON. L.I).S., D.D.A
Offloo over 1. ift, Cariing'a 1.4:11,)
of1100._ ' * ,
Clost edt.1....tflm.......„_nOola
t. ,
KINSMAN, li.L.D., D.D.S.
onotj aduate ofV'
, Toronto ziver-
, ,
Ofileeteover Giadeaan &' Stanbur
60104 pdetin Street, Exeter.
•Ii PI
: •
11•••••••••••••••••.10••••••••14.111.10 MIM11•111.1•11.1,
We have a large amount Of ,,iprivatO
fun da to loan on farm. and village
properties; at lowest rates of. lar•
terest. '
Barriaters, Solicltore, .
Main St. Exeter. 'thatailii"'
Sales conducted in any localityFarm Stock sales., it 'specialty. Satis-
faction guaranteed. Charges inOd--
orate, Orders left at this office 'will
be promptly attended to. n.rt. No
Phone Kirkton 541'2.
THE ENETE14 11341Es
'Subscription tate $1.50 a yeP
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