HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-26, Page 15• Service Directory BY SPECIAL REQUEST D.J. Service Phone evenings Terry or Gail 887-6185 Orr Sorensen Music Centre- • Fender, Gibson and Takamine Guitars • Peavey Amplifiers • Music books, records and topes • Hammond organs *,Le Sage Pianos Piano tuning and repairs Phone 291-3341 204 Main Street West Listowel Septic Tanks Pumped For Fast Service Call Nels Pierce 334-3734 BLAKE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Specializing in Septic :Tarik Cleaning Phone (anytime). (519)887-6800 Toll Free 1-800-265-9680 B&G General Contracting • Roofing • Renovating • Framing • • Farm Buildings • Siding • Masonry For FREE Estimates Call: Mike Gibson 335-3362 Stuart Bowen 335-3296 (nuntry '41vrtarlr,e • Prescriptions filled • Cataract prescriptions filled • Repairs on premises • Sunglasses • Safety lenses • Complete Optical Service DROP OUT AND SEE OUR LATEST IN OPTICAL FASHION. No appointment needed! R. R. 1, Listowel, Hwy. 86 West, Phone 291-3089 Mon. to Fri. 9- 5n30, Saturday 9- 12 • BaMawi DIAMOND CENTRE *Watches •Diamond Rings *Wedding Rings •Gemstone and Birthstone Rings •English Bone China •Crystal - 160 Main St. W. Listowel PHONE 291-3280 Maitland Woodworking ' & Refinishing CUSTOM FURNITURE IN HARD & SOFT WOODS DESIGN & REPRODUCTION QUALITY REPAIRS & RESTORATIONS Janis L & Wm. R. Wallace P O Box 163 Fordwich, Ont. NOG 1 VO : (519) 335-6316 • Canadian Crane Rentals Ltd. " • 15, 25 and 40 ton hydraulic mobile cranes reach up to 175 feet. • 11/2 yard backhoe, • 15 years experience. 357-3721 RR 2, WINGHAM s. u.s. the disc jockeys with perfect music PEOPLE SAY NICE THINGS ABOUT OUR PEOPLE Local Area People serving the communities of Midwestern Ontario. To place bookings: Elaine Rhame - Palmerston 343-3007 SOUND UNLIMITED SYSTEMS INC. Radio lhaek Authorized Sales Centre • CAR STEREOS • CAR -RADIOS • HOME STEREO • RECORDS AND CASSETTES • CB RADIOS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel 291-4670 Hanover and Walkerton • GOODYEAR, MICHELIN, SEIBERLING TRUCK TIRE RETREADING TRIANGLE TIRE Distributors Ltd. LISTOWEL On the Farm Service Call 291.2521 STONE'S TV and Appliances Electrohome Zenith Inglis TVs, Stoves Stereos, Freezers, Washers, Dryers Satellite - Dish Antenna "We service all makes" TV Towers Installations and Repairs STONE'S For Dock Bottol n Prices Gorrie 335-6374 CENTRAL VACUUMS • Available in 3 inlet kit • Do•it-yourself installation • costs less than you think • 3 year warranty I. • Money -back guarantee DORKING GENERAL STORE RR 3, Listowel, Hw>y'86 E. • 698-2605 Repairs to all makes of SEWING MACHINES, , FREE I_ ESTIMATES ALL WORK - i__' GUARANTEE __ r SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 1,49 Downie St. (2 doors S. of Hudson's) STRATFORD 271-9660 Closed Monday HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for - MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Hogs by the half and whole Beef by the side and quarter ,CUSTOM KIILING TO YOUR NEEDS Hogs - Tues. Beef - Thurs. 338-3330, DISCQ KEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N' ROLL 10 Years Experience Good recorded music tor weddings. dances. anniversaries, partes Dance Prizes Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 No Mileage Charge LUCILLE'S ELECTROLYSIS featuring "THE BLEND" A modern, efficient form of permanent flair removal. Certified. Electrologist Confidential consultations at no charge Tuesday or Thursdays and other days by chance. 343-2261 DURHAM MOBILE HOMES LTD. MOBILE HOMES NEW & USED 14 h. wide - NO HALLS DRY WALL MODULAR HOUSING Highway 4 at the Big Bend Durham 369-3723 CHINCHILLAS ONE STOP DOES IT! Rig 0111001a illtt ttncl1 RR 2, Rockwood, Ont. NOB 2K0 Telephone (519) 856-9151 • 4 AUTO • MOTORCYCLE • 'HOME & BUSINESS INSURANCE ' WM.tre. HANCOCK INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. - MONTHLY PAYMENTS - PREMIUM SAVINGS BILL ASH RR 3, Ayton (519) 323-4748 1248 Victoria St. N. Kitchener (519) 743-1401 Give Your Cow A Manicure!!! MENSINGA'S HOOF TRIMMING SERVICE 343-5423 357-3539 $8.50 per cow Specializing in the trimming of feet for the past 6 years. CUSTOM ENGRAVING Name badges, room numbers, door signs, attractive desk sets. Also engraving of names on our fine line of pens and pencils. Available at: The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 The Listowel Banner :291=1660 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 The Mount Forest Confederate. 323-1550 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC P. FEIGE, D.T. 129 Main Street North Mount Forest, Ontario 323-2331 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 9:30 a.m, - 5:00 p.m.' By Appointment Only CONESTOGA COMPUTER SERVICES MICROCOMPUTER Full Service Dealer • Sales & Service • Business Software • Agricultural Software • Training & Support IBM•9 , Sperry, Olivetti, Corona, Visual, Olympia, • Hardware Upgrades • Peripherals • Printers e Supplies Epson and more 224 JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM, R. W. PIKE, C.A. 357-1225 Waterloo 886-5493 Guelph 836-1040 Stratford 271 -7696 FOR SALE TRI COUNTY TIRE has moved to Brussels. We are nqw located on John St. be- hind the L.C.B.O. store. We have a large selection of good used passenger car tires. Prices range from $22 to $35 per tire.' We also in- - stall. Tires are guaranteed for 30 days. Phone 887-6932 or `887-9139. 26rrb KENMORE clothes dryer; 4 Pontiac Rally wheels; 3 tires (radials) sizes G 78-15; 4 barrel manifold sant 6 (Chrysler) ; and °one 40 watt car stereo booster and 318 Dodge short block, low mile- age. Phone 638-2538. 26,3,10 BALER TWINE. Langside Sire 392-8240. 1980 ID6 hardtop trailer. Furna e, dual gas tanks and extras. 291-3853. BICYCLES, tricycles; BMX; 3, 5 and 10 speeds, standards, reconditioned, will take trade-in. 323-4766. 19,26,3,10 WEDDING supplies — Pompons, plastic, available in yellow, pink, white and light blue; 4'/2" white, silver or gold doilies and ribbon for wedding cakes, also Guest Books for weddings, anni- versaries, showers and all other occasions. Items all available at The Listowel Banner, 188 -Wallace Ave. N. Listowel. tf TRAILERS and caps, best prices. Prowler, Golden Fal- con, Starcraft, Lionel, new and used. We buy, sell, rent and repair. Morry's Trailer Sales, Highway 4 between Hanover and Walkerton, 364- 3748. Closed Wednesdays and Sundays. rrb LITTLE , Dutch windmills. Phone 357; 1403. rrb CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1979 CHEVY Van, Starcraft conversion, 350 cu. in., 4 cap- tain's chairs plus sofa bed, pw, pb, ps, a -c, new tires., good condition inside and out, certified, asking $11,000 or best offer. Phone 356-2558 evenings: 90 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS, SUBURBANS & VANS 4, 1980-82- Lincoln, Cadil- lac and '98' Oldsmobile. 20, 180-83 Chevs, Fords and Plymouth Caravelles. 22, 1979-82 Aspens, Hori- zons and Fairmont§,,, 4 and 6 -cylinders. 6, 1978-80 Station Wagons. 8, 1978- 80 Vans and Suburbans. 3, 1978-79 Ram Charger and Suburban 4x4's. 1977-80 Yz and 1/4 -ton pick-ups. 5, 1977-78 1 -to - 4. -ton trucks,8 utility bodies and van bodies. Mighton's Car Sales, 4 miles west of Durham on #4, or 6 miles east of Hanover on #4 Hwy. Phone 1-369-3136:- -- FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE OWATONNA 95 mix mill; power -take -off pulley for 465 Nufield; one 10 Massey spreader for parts; auto- matic rebuilt transmission for 350 GMC engine. Phone 291-4646. MORTGAGES WE BUY and arrange first and second mortgages on residential property and farms. Phone Greg Cowan now at 291-3800, 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. TF PERSONAL BELLY GREETING Belly dancing, tasteful en- tertainment for your party. Call Najwa 744-1354. (tf) Aspirin interferes Aspirin seemes to in- terfere with the action. of hormonelike chemicals called prostaglandins, which influence a number of body functions such as blood pres- sure, contraction of involun- tary muscles, clotting 'of blood and transmission of nerve impulses. tl COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m., Thursday of week prior to publication. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED fence building or repair, all types, farm, town or country, or .fence painting. Phone 291- 3167 after 6 p.m. ft HELP WANTED WIDOWEI3�, 70, requires live-in hous keeper age 55-70 for light housekeeping. Ab- stainers only. Phone 335-6176 (Fordwtch) . 26,3 YEAR round work available, full and part-time (shorter hours for students). Call Brian's Paultry Services Ltd. 367-2675 or call free 1- 800-265-3009, between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. tf SERVICES Crossroads—June 26, 1985—Page 3A WANTEDITO BUY WILL BUY' used pianos for cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano Tuning and Repairs. Phone 357-1049 - rrb BUYING FOR CASH Gold and silver coins, jewel- lery, sterling silverware, trays, tea sets, antique clocks, pock- et watches, old post cards,. documents. All scrap gold and dental gold. WM. J. GRANT COINS 1125 King St. E., 1(4. 576-4840 8 Water St. S., Camb 621-0430 MISCELLANEOUS NEW DUNDEE ANTIQUE MARKET SUNDAYS, 10-5 Exclusively antiques, col- lectibles, nostalgia items. South Dr., New Dundee. Vendors wanted: 696-3375 Puslclin birthdate Russian poet Alexander Pushkin was born on`May 26, 1799. SCOTT McLENNANI\ - BUILDING. CONTRACTOR LTD; Wroxeter, Ontario Construction and Renovations SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE Walls - Sidewalks - Barnyards also Framing - Houses - Sheds - Farm Buildings Phone GLEN SCOTT 357-3267 . 335-6261. SICK of spoilage - try the Ag- Bag Sealed Storage System , for your high moisture corn, cob meal, corn silage, barl- age, oa iage, haylage, what- everage! ! Conrad Noble 343- 5872. 26,3 ELECTROLUX CANADA vacuum sales and service. Free pickup and delivery. Phone 824-3541uelph) or 335-6466 (Gorrie) . J19 -A21 TRAIL rides, pony rides, western riding lessons. Cedars Trail Rides 392-6172. 19,26 MAGICIAN for birthdays, banquets, picnics, clubs. Profession- al, humorous. Very reason- able. Hartley: 658-6811 (Cambridge) COMING EVENTS TRACTOR PULL Third annual antique tractor pull sponsored by Listowel Agricultural Society, Satur- day, July 6 at 6:30 p.m.., Lis: towel Fair Grounds. 26,3 ARTS AND CRAFTS DAY Thursday, July 25; part of Listowel Country Fair Days, July 24 to 27. Anyone in- terested in displaying art or crafts should see posters in the Listowel stores or con- tact Sorensen Music Centre, 291-3341 by Saturday, July 6. 26,3 PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST Part of Listowel Country Fair Days, July 24 to 27. Anyone interested in enter- ing the contest should see,, posters in the Listowel stores or contact Listowel Book Shop, 291-2145. Deadline for entries is July 13, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. 26,3 BINGO Durham Kinsmen Bingo - $1,800 in cash prizes. Thurs- day, June 27 at 8 p,m., Dur- ham & District Community f Centre. WE GUARANTEE • FREE Estimate • FREE Map of Completed Drainage System • ALL OUR WORK! -• We ball - Ct.AY - Cement - Plastic • Farm & Municipal Drainage RR 1, Listowel, Ontario Call 291-3587 Anytime S. GRAF'S GLASS SERVICE All Types of Glass Available Business 8 Residential Picture coverings and framing, over 75 dif- ferent types and colours in stock. Glare free glass in stock. FREE ESTIMATES 3 miles east of Mount Forest on Hwy. 89 323-4558 or 323-1584. YODER PAVING Asphalt pavingandsealing. Driveways, farm lanes, parking Tots, tennis courts. - Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. P.O. Box .1 17 Al - 335-6228 Wroxeter, Ont. • Paul - 335.6497 NOG 2X0 Pick Your Own STRAWBERRIES ° R. Faulkner & Family RR 3, Harriston Minto Concession 8 1 km east of Drive -In Theatre Phone 338-2917 Tentative Opening. - June 21 Please no one under 8 years DO YOU NSD OFFICE SUPPLIES OR OFFICE FURNITURE CILLI 1-800-265-1625 Contact Cliff Kinzie your local representative who can call on you regularly. We service this area and have warehouse and showrooms in Guelph. Our full colour catalogue is available on request. '+ter"---• . a g1-