HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-19, Page 37SSI • • 0•0.0001 Q ... CKV Barrie ... WIVBBuffalo Q ... CBC Toronto ® ... WDIV Detroit Q .-. Global Q -.. WKBW Buffalo C ... WJBK Detroit Q ... CKNX Winghaoin ® ... CFPL London m ..: CHCH Hamilton ® ... CKCO Kitchener TSN ' ett... City TV Toronto The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change. 4 •••••••••••••••••••0104111000000-111110040001. Mon., June 24 AFTERNOON 12:00 0®®00 News 0 Beaver 80 The Lone Ranger 0 Flintstones 0 Ryan's Hope 0 Midday 12:25 0 Agri -News 12:30 M00 The Young and Restless 80 News 00 Loving Q Every Second Counts O Super Pay -Cards 0 FYI Noon Edition ID Wheel of Fortune 1:00 O Don Harron Show O You're Beautiful O Soapbox 00000 All My Children Q0 Days of Our Lives 1:30 07 OQ Q As the World Turns ® City Lights 19 July Scoreboard 2:00 0 USFL Football (R) 8 Show Biz 0O Midday 0 Let's Make A -Deal Q Dallas 0 20 Minute Workout ®0 Another World 0 One Life to Live 2:30 004 Capitol ® Do It For Yourself 0 Mieromagic ®Rituals O Pitfall 3:00 0 Do It For Yourself ® Laverne and Shirley s The New You ® Coronation Street OQ Santa Barbara 000 Guiding Light 0® General Hospital Q Fitness Break 3:30 0 The Facts Of Life 0 All In The Family 0 Too Close For Comfort ® Batman Q Kids World 4:00 0 Hart To Hart 000 Divorce Court 0 The Young and the Rkstless Soapbox 8 Beverly Hillbillies Q Do It For Yourself O0 Video Hits ® Toronto Rocks 0 Jeffersons Q Love Boat 4:30 0 Jeffersons (DM The People's Court 8 MASH O Eight Is Enough ©,Spread Your Wings io One Day At A Time 5:00 m Wimbledon Tennis Champ. Special 0 Hogan's Heroes QQ Benson 0 Sale of the Cen- tury Q Three's Company O Video Hits Q News Q Jeffersons 000 The Price Is Right 5:30 08 News c7 ®O Taxi O Jeopardy 0 Three's Company j I® WKRP In Cincin- nati EVENING 6:00 00100000 'News O Citypulse Q Webster 0 Scan Newshour 10FYI at6:00 6:30 0 Family Ties QM News 7:00 O Entertainment Tonight ® Jeopardy O0 Wheel of For- tune Q Murder She Wrote ® One Day At A Time ED Super Password 000 News DAIRY JOIN THE BULK FOOD REVOLUTION Millbank Medium Cheddar Ib Millbank Colby Cheese Ib Millbank Marble Cheese Ib Millbank Mozzarella Cheese Ib. Millbank Fresh Curds Ib. BULK 3.05 2.79 2.85 2.79 2.95 PRODUCTS (pre-packaged) (EVERYDAY LOW PRICES) FROZEN Panzerotti Pizza Individually Frozen Ocean Perch Schneider's Chicken Patties Omstead 5 Ib. Fancy Corn Chapman's Regular 2 L; Ice Cream Robin Hood Deluxe Bran Muffin Mix Salted & Unsalted Sunflower Seeds Salted & Unsalted Blanched Peanuts .I, * NAME BRAND PRODUCTS AT NO NAME PRICES * 995 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel 291-4777 Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. till 9 p.m. ® Futurescan 00 Diff'rent Strokes 7:300 MASH ® Littles Hobo ® Wheel Of Fortune 8O Three's Com- pany 0 Pierre Berton Show Revisited 0 Venture 0 Family Feud 0® PM Magazine Detroit 0 Name That Tune 8:00 0© TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes OO Scarecrow and Mrs. King W Movie "Look Back To Yesterday" 00 Monday •Night Baseball 0008 Hangiii' In O USFL Football: Oakland at Houston ®Live It Up 8:30 ^O Bizarre 0088 Me & My Girl 9:00 0001000 Kate and Allie 0 Movie "Reach For The Stars" 0 Movie "Banjo Hackett" " OS Movie "TBA" 9:30 888800 New- hart 10:00 0700 Cagney and Lacey 0000 National ® Citypulse 10:20 00810 Journal utopia Sportsdesk 1110131001112) C) News 0 Newsfinal 10 FYI Final Edition ID CTV National News ' 113 °SCTV 11:20 0 Ontario Report 0 National Update 11:30 Q is Entertain- ment Tonight Q Barney Miller 105 Tonight Show 7000 Taxi 0 Sportsline Q Nightline ® Movie "I'll Never Forget What's `Isname" m Sportspage 12:00 m Wimbledon Tennis Champ. Special (R) 0 Dallas 00 Charlie's Angels 00 Mery Griffin Q Movie "TBA" 0 Movie "Change of Habit" Q Movie "Killing At. Hell's Gate" - ® Movie "The Big Wheel" 0 Rat Patrol 12:30 0 Late Night 05 Love Boat 1:00 O Medical Centre 0C) The Saint 0 Eye On Hollywood 1:3050 Late Night Q News 8 0' Welcome Back, Kotter 1:35 i® Movie "Bad Man —River" 2:00 0 Chico and the Man Highlights Flipper ®Q Maude ID Nightwatch 2:30 QQ News ® Movie "TBA" O Flipper 3:00 Q® Eight Is Enough m USFL Football (R) ea Movie "Pieces of Dreams" QC Nightwatch Q News ® Telling Secrets O Here's Lucy ® Abbott and Costello 3:25 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:25 5:55 Tues:; June 25 AFTERNOON 12:00 mamma News 0 Ryan's Hope 0 Midday 10 Blackstar O Beaver 0 Flintstones O Hero High 0 Wimbledon Tennis Champ. Special (R) 12:25 0 Agri -News 12:30 O Super Pay Cards 0100 The Young and. Restless 00 Loving Q Every Second Counts Q O.News 10 FYI Noon Edition ID Wheel of Fortune 1:00 l® The Don Harron Show ®;You're Beautiful O Soapbox 00000 All My Children QC Days of Our Lives 7000 As the World Turn 0 City Lights 0 Show Biz 010 Midday 0 Dallas 0 Let's Make A Deal I® 20 Minute Workout Os 0 Another World 0 One Life to Live,, 00 Capitol 0 Pitfall' 0 Do It For Yourself O Rituals (3 Micromagic m USFL Football (R) Laverne and ShirleySh 0 Do It For Yourself Q Fitness Break Q The New You Q Coronation Street 00 General Hospital ©m Santa Barbara QQ0 The Guiding Light 3:30 l® Batman Q All In The Family Jeffersons 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 8 0 Barney Miller O Kids World 4:00 ® Hart To Hart CUM Divorce Court 0 Soapbox ®Beverly Hillbillies ®¢g Video Hits Do It For Yourself 0 The Young And The Restless O Love --oat 0 Toronto Rocks Q Jeffersons ® Toronto Rocks CDC) People's Court Q The Edison Twins 0 MASH Q Jeffersons O Eight Is Enough 0 One Day At A Time 0 Hogan's Heroes 000 Benson 8 Three's Company 0 Video Hits 0 Sale of the Cen- tury O Jeffersons ® News. 0010 The Price Is ght News O�eopardy 0 Th'ree's Company 07 00 Taxi K 0 WRP In Cincin- nati EVENING 0000m®U News ® Citypulse 0 Scan Newshour 0T. J. Hooker 0 FYI at 6:00 ID Winning Golf: Tips From Pros IID Bobby Cox and the Blue Jays 0Q News Os Jeopardy Q Entertainment Tonight O0 Wheel of For- tune 0 One Day At A Time 0 Facts Of Life 0 Super Password ED Sportsdesk 07 ® News Q Telefest Mini Series 100 Diff'rent Strokes m Expo Baseball: Montreal at Pitts- burgh O Smith and Smith IIS MASH 0 New Wilderness 0s Wheel Of Fortune 0 Too Close For Comfort 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8':00 10 Three's Com- pany i0 Three's A Crowd Q Family Feud 00 PM Magazine Detroit 0 Name That Tune (DC) The A Team O Three's A Crowd 00 The Lucie Ar- naz Show 8 COMING TO DORCHESTER • ONE DAY ONLY PORT STANLEY MEMORY LANERRODUCTIONS PRESENTS THE GREAT WELCOME HOME ibmmy &iow Hunter • Monday July 1st • lla.rri.- llp.m.at • Dorchester Fairgrounds PLUS STAGE & TELEVISION STARS: • MARIE BOTTRELL and her band • TERRY SUMSION and his • PAUL FRENCH and his Country band Stagecoach Music • THE JIM PARISH FAMILY BAND! • GLEN BOTTRELL and Whltestone Just returned from a triumphant tour • JULIE LYNNE, CBC songstress and in the Canadian west! former Country Hoedown star • DAVE HOAG, C&W tenor and Mohawk Countdown Program • PLUS 4 other first class artists and entertainers to be announced in June 27's full page ad in the Signpost. Tickets available at WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES OFFICE or DOUG WAITE SHELL SERVICE, Blyth ADVANCE 813 JULY 1st 815 Trailers, Vans & Campin4 may be parked 400 ft. across from the bandstand on the property of Mr. Bert Langford. Water only will be supplied. This operation is under the sole direction of Mr Langford and his staff and is open to the public from Friday, June 28 until Tuesday, July 2. Bring folding chairs & seats Crossroads—June 19, 1985—Page 7B 1:00 0 Bobby Cox .and the Blue Jays 0 Medical Centre 0 Eye On. Hollywood ©@3 The Saint 1:30 0 Late Night 0 Welcome Back,- - Kotter 0 News I D Winning Golf: Tips From Pros 2:00 0 Expo Baseball (R) 0 Highlights 0 Nightwatch QQ Maude O Flipper 0 Chico and the Man 2:10 ® Movie "Duel At Diablo" 2:30 O00 News 05 Movie "TBA" ID Flipper 3:00 07 ® Eight Is Enough 4:00 Q® Nightwatch 4:15 ® Movie "Visit To A Chief's Son" 4:30 0 Wimbledon Tennis Champ. Special (R) 50 News 110 Highway To Heaven ® MacGruder & Loud ED Movie "America- thon" 0000 Agri- - culture and Resources Documentary 8:30 le Foul Ups, Bleeps and Blunders OQ Jeffersons 9:00 Q(3] Movie "TBA" ® Riptide 00 Who's The Boss O Movie "Joe Dancer No. 3" 0 Riptide 0000 Remington Steele 9:30 OQ Hail To The Chief 10:00 © Remington Steele 0000 National 0 Crazy Like A -Fox 0 TBA O Citypulse 0 MacGrouder and Loud ID Wimbledon Tennis Champ. Special 10:20 0000 Journal 11:00 co SCTV ® CTV National News 000©0000®0 News 0 Newsfinal 10 FYI Final Edition 11:20 0 National Update 0 Ontario Report 11:30 l® Movie "In Cold Blood" 0 Barney Miller 100 Entertain- ment Tonight 0 Sportsline O Tonight Show QOQ Taxi 0 Nightline 12:00 0 Dallas 8 Movie "Getting Wasted" Q Movie "TBA" 8 Movie "The Green Man" 00 Charlie's Angels 0 Movie "Back From Eternity" 00 Mery Griffin 0 Rat Patrol 12:30 Q Love Boat 0 Late Night 8 5:00 Q Telling Secrets 5:50 0 Abbott and Costello DRY CLEAN Perchlorethylene is a grease solvent, used by dry cleaners, that can be ; pur- chased in drug stores, says Clothing and Textile Special- ist Margaret Loewen of the Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food's rural or- ganizations and services. branch. Test solvent in an in- conspicuous place on gar- ment and use in a well -venti- lated room. 0 0 0 END STATIC Before vacuuming uphol- stery and draperies, spray with a can of anti -static pro- duct to loosen pet hairs and lint, says Clothing and Tex- tile Specialist Margaret Loe- wen of ,the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's rural organizations and services branch. Spray light- ly and evenly, holding can 15 centimetres to 25 centi- metres away. Movies on Channel 11 THURSDAY, 1:00 A.M.—"A TREE GROWS IN BROOK- LYN". Stars Diane Baker, Cliff Robertson. A family of four struggles against hard times in a tenement in Brooklyn prior to World War 1, the mother scrubbing floors to put food on the table, the father fighting his failures with drink- ing and dreams. FRIDAY, 1:00 A.M.—"GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED WOMAN". Stars Cybill Shepherd, Barbara Feldon. A whimsical comedy about a pretty young housewife and mother who becomes bored with her daily routine and im- patient with her seemingly disinterested husband, and asks her best friend for advice about how to spice up her life and marriage. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT—"LIFE GOES TO THE MOVIES".Hosted by Liza Minnelli, Shirley MacLaine and Henry Fonda. Spans 36 years of Hollywood history from the inception of Life Magazine in 1936 until its final publication in 1972. SATURDAY, 3:00 A.M.—"LAST. BRIDE OF SALEM". Stars Lois Nettleton, Bradford Dillman. A mother's high hopes for the future turn to chilling terror when her family finds itself in the midst of a fearful nightmare brought about by supernatural ghosts. TUESDAY, 9:00 P.M.—"JOE DANCER NO. 3: MURDER ONE, DANCER 0". Stars Robert Blake. A movie studio uses its money and muscle to shield a young star from a murder rap, and Joe goes after revenge when he accident- ally becomes their death weapon against a prime witness. Movies on Channel 13 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT—"LAND OF THE MINOTAUR". Stars Donald Pleasance, Peter Cushing. A small village is the setting for murder and dev, it worship in this tale of witchcraft. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE FISH THAT SAVED PITTS- BURGH". Stars Jonathan Winters, Stockard Channing. A basketball team, the. Pittsburgh Pythons, are on the bottom heading down until the teams' 12 year old water boy decid- es that their help must come from the heavens. An astrol- oger offers a solution: fill the team with players who have the same astrological sign — Pisces, the fish. FRIDAY, 2:00 A.M.—"THE THIEF". Stars Ray Milland, Martin Gabel. Communist spy steals atomic secrets; "then suffers tortures of conscience. SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M.—"MOTHERLODE". Stars Charlton Heston, Kim Basinger and Nick Mancuso. Thestory of five people who share an obsession — a burning ambition to find the fabled hidden source of gold that lured thousands of men north during the great Cassiar, Gold Rush of 1875. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE ALAMO". Stars John, Wayne, Richard Widmark. Historical drama depicting the gallant men who came to the aid of Texas in its fight for freedom. SATURDAY, 3:00 A.M.-1- 'THE ONLY WAY OUT IS DEAD". Stars Stuart Whitman, Sandy Dennis. A young surgeon is dismissed from a hospital because of the strange circumstances under which one of his patients has died. He is approached by a man who offers him an opportunity to •continue his experimentation with the best equipment and complete freedom. He accepts and after his arrival he no- tices many strange things happening. MONDAY, 9:00 P.M.—"REACH FOR THE STARS". Stars Cindy James -Reese, Candy Milo, Debra Rogers. A musi- cal -reality special in film form that follows the develop- ment of a new female vocal group; girls' club; from audi- tions to a series of live concerts. MONDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE BIG WHEEL". Stars Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell, Son follows auto -racing career of father; love, hate and tragedy on the track. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT—"BACK FROM ETERNITY". Stars Rod Steiger, Rod Tyan. Eleven plane -crash survivors. are marooned in a headhunter region of South America's jungle; reactions as each hope for escape fades. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT—"DAY OF THE WOLVES". Stars Richard Egan, Rick Jason. Seven bearded men, strangers and known to each other only by number, gather under the leadership of the "Brain", Number One, and - plan the perfect crime: to isolate a small town — cut it off from the outside world for three hours and sack it. Their perfect crime almost succeeds, but for the honesty of a former police chief.