HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-19, Page 20Page 2A—Crossroads—June 19, 1985 5-4 DROP STITCH SLIPOVER; This light slipover, featuring an easy -to -follow drop -stitch pattern, is perfect on its own or under a suit jacket for summer days. Choose from three popular sunshine yarns: Patons Cotton Perle, Patons Cotton Soft or Patons Pearl Twist. To order your free instruction .leaflet send a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request for Pattern 5-4 to Crossroads, Box 390, Winghart, Ontario, NOG 2W0. "We were very lucky" Continued 'NOT -SO -SOLID BRICK At the top of the street, where it climbs the hill to the business section of the village, are the remains of the Orange Lodge and a large church. Nothing is left to identify it, but some- one says it was the United church. A solid brick building, it has been shattered as completely as if hit by a bomb. Virtually nothing is left standing. above the basement. Where one small section of wall remains, a member of. a clean-up crew pushes against it with his hand and the bricks cascade down. At the top of the hill stand the ruins of the public library, another brick building, similarly shattered. Despite their once rock -solid appearance, they have been destroyed more completely than many of the more lightly -built structures around theme It gives me pause, for I_ live in-a'brick house.. NEVER QUITE THE SAME "This street will never be the same," mourns one resident, looking at the gaping craters and huge stumps, all that are left of the tall maple§ which he says once made this the best -shaded street in the village. It is true. Perhaps the houses will be better and newer --but the trees -are from front page gone completely, leaving Amaranth Street stripped as barren as a new subdivision. Yet the next.street.up the hill has all its trees, leaves and branches still intact. Qn the same topic, Mr. Galbraith comments that the tornado "sure fixed the town's new bylaw" requiring that anyone removing a tree must plant a new one. Asked how this ap- plies to a tornado, he says he desn't know. Still virtually everyone I talk with says they were lucky; it comes up again and again. Houses and trees can eventually he replaced. Lives cannot. For the people of Grand Valley and thousands of others between Arthur and Barrie, the afternoon of Friday, May 31, is one they 'will not soon forget. It was the day when some of them lost homes, cars, property. It was also the day when many of them could have lost their lives, but were spared. Now; as they watch the hundreds of volunteers who have come to help them clean up and repair the damage, that thought is uppermost in their minds. "It's a miracle more weren't killed. Wewere very lucky. crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and.. entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Press Council Controlled distribu- tion in Arthur, Drayton, Harriston, Moorefield, Palmerston, Elmira, St. Jacobs and Wallenstein. Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p m Thursday week prior to publication date. Advertising and Production The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave N . P.O. Box 97. Listowel, Ont N4W 3H2 Accounting and Billing The Wingham Advance•Times Josephine St , P.0 Box 390. Wingham, Ont NOG 2W0 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Wingham Advance- limes 357-2320 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED fence building or repair, all types, farm, town or country, or fence painting. Phone 291- 3167 after 6 p.m. tf ,HELP WANTED YOUR OWN business with- out investment! This posi- tion requires an individual who is self -motivated and has good organizational and communication skills. Must have car. Phone collect: 743- 5301 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 12,19 RESPONSIBLE person to work with farrow to finish operation. Self motivation and mechanical ability are preferred. Phone. 887-6181. 12,19 HELP wanted for straw- berry picking and vege- tables. Phone 887-6183. 12,19 YEAR round work available, full and part-tirhe (shorter hours for students). Call Brian's Poultry Services Ltd. 367-2675 or call free 1- 800-265-3009, between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. tf MISCELLANEOUS i NEW DUNDEE ANTIQUE MARKET SUNDAYS, 10-5 Exclusively antiques, col- lectibles, nostalgia items. South Dr., New Dundee. Vendors wanted: 696-3375 Did You Know Fish hear best By PHYLLIS WEAVER Did you know which sense that fish have most ,highly developed? Generally, a fish doesn't see too well, but then neither do we, under water! We know about the well-devel- oped taste and smell senses that sharks have. But the most developed sense of a fish is that of hearing. A fish is able to detect sounds over a wide range of frequencies. And since fish hear very well, it is as- sumed that sound becomes an important function, cer- tainly when communicating. For instance; the parrot fish makes loud crunching sounds when chewing coral, and he is immediately sur- rounded by his fellows as if a dinner bell has rung. Dolphins hear verywell, too. Sailors say that dolphin are so fond of music that they will swim beside a boat in which music is being played. Veterans' Services SERVICES ELECTROLUX CANADA vacuum sales and service. Free pickup and delivery. Phone 824-3541 (Guelph) or 335-6466 (Gorrie) . J19 -A21 TRAIL rides, pony rides, western riding lessons. Cedars Trail Rides 392-6172. 19,26 SANDBLASTING - removes rust, scale, paint to the bare metal. Concrete and , brick cleaning. Portable unit. Free estimates'. White's Sand- blasting & Painting, Wroxe- ter, 335-3452 anytime. MAGICIAN for birthdays, banquets, picnics, clubs. Profession- al, humorous. Very reason- able. Hartley: 658-6811 (Cambridge) PERSONAL BELLY GREETING Belly danoing, tasteful en- tertainment for your party. Call Najwa 744-1354. (tf) WANTED TO BUY WILL BUY used pianos for cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano Tuning and Repairs. Phone 357-1049 - rrb • BUYING FOR CASH Gold and silver coins. jewel- lery, sterling silverware, trays, tea sets, antique clocks. pock- et , watches. old post cards. documents. All scrap gold and dental gold. WM. J. GRANT COINS. 1125 King St. E., Kit. 576-4840 8 Water St. S., Cam0621-0430 BUILDING FOR DEMOLITION All wood, mostly 2x6 spruce and 1" pine. None of the wood has been exposed to wea- ther. This building con- tains serveral thousand. feet of good lumber. Call: Jack O'Mara Listowel 291-26.10 business hours Canada Air Iniernaliunal Youth Velar I4MC., HOMEOWNERS!! Saturday, June 22 The Student Office will be open this Satur- day to help you get the student help you need. Students want to work for you! CaII the Canada Employment B Centre for Students 291-2922 Support HIRE -A -STUDENT WEEK June 22-30 ' Employment arid Immigration Canada Flora MacDonald, Minister YODER PAVING Asphalt paving ancl sealing. Driveways, farm lanes, parking lots, tennis courts, Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. P.O. Box 117 Al - 335-6228 Wroxeter, Ont. Paul - 335-6497 NOG 2X0 FARM FOR SALE SY2 Lot 20, Concession• 12, Township of Arthur, County of Wellington. 100 acres with approxi- mately 75 acres workable, Large attractive brick and frame home with stone fireplace in rec room and attached garage. Good pole implement shed, large timber frame barn and addition used for feeder hogs, liquid.. manure tank, silo and granary. Located on paved county road Wellington No. 6. Approximately 6 miles northeast of Palmerston. Land subject to lease for 1985 crop year. Asking price $131,900. For information contact: Ed Van Hoekelen, Farm Credit Corporation, Box 39, Listowel, Ont., N4W 3H2 Telephone: 519-291-3450 FARM FOR SALE LOCATION: 3 miles south of Millbank in the Poole area. LEGAL DESC.: N3/4 of Lot 17, • Con. 3, Morn- ington Twp., Perth County, containing 150 acres of which approximately 120 acres are workable. Land is believed to be randomly tiled. ,,BUILDINGS: Excellent 2 storey stone house is ful- ,'ly renovated and ready to move in. Very Targe col- ored steel over timber frame barn set up for 75 sow farrow to finish, plus 3 granaries. NOTES: 1. Possession of the crop land is subject to a lease for 1985.. 2. Asking price $144,900. ' For more information contact: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION Reference File No. 38609-5A7 Attn: A.' van, Niekerk Box 39, Listowel, Ont. • Tel:. 519-291-3450 (District office: 519-824-6360) ALL WINDOWS, SLIDING PATIO DOORS & ENTRANCE SYSTEMS GOLDEN WINDOWS LIMITED TIME OFFER- DON'T DELAY! i If you are building or remodelling, this is a great opportunity to buy top quality windows & doors with exceptional savings. 4 �iin�ioows HOWES BUILDING CENTRE Highways 87&89, Arthur St. Harriston 338-2210