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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-12, Page 23
T.V.O. ONTARIO Collt'd, SATURDAY, JUNE 15 1:30 The Middle East: Sects and Violence 2:00 Faces of Culture 2:30 Faces of Culture 3:00 Understanding Human Behavior: Sexual Motivation 3:30 Understanding Human Behavior: Stress 4:00 Sociology: Ethnic and Minority Relations 4:30 KidsBeat 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Wild World: The Green Quarry 7:00 Doctor Who: War- '` rior's Gate, Part 1 of 4 7:30 Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way: The Right. Start 8:00 Movie, "Saturday' Night and Sunday ' Morning" (1960) This is one off the first of the British films that emerged in the early sixties to display a more mature attitude to sex and a startlingly realistic picture of the working class. Albert 'Finney convincingly portrays a Nottingham factory worker who is dissatisfied with his lot in life. The superb supporting cast in- cludes Rachel Roberts and Shirley Ann Field. 9:35 Conversations 10:00 Movie, "A Hatful of Rain" (1957) Michael Gazzo's hard-hitting Broadway play is ef- fectively brought to the screen underFred Zinnemann's skillful direction. Don Murray stars as a Korean war veteran turned junkie who is trying to kick the habit. Eva Marie Saint as his wife, An- thony Franciosa as his brother, and Lloyd Nolan as his father are all outstanding. 11:45 Conversations, Part 2 12:10 The Movie Show Sun., June 16 8:00 Polka. Dot Door 8:30 Cucumber: Food 9:00 Fables of the Green Forest: Longlegs the Heron 9:30 Sesame Street 10:30 Jeremy 10:45 Readalong 1: Word: question 10:55 The Bubblies 11:00 Read All About It!' 2: Trapped! 11:15 Harriet's Magic Hats: Florist 11:30 KidsBeat 12:00 La Premiere Annee de' la vie 12:30 Peche sportive 1:00 Les Dimensions de la science: Question 1:30 Grandeur nature 2:00 En scene 3:00 Villages et Visages 3:30 Vue globale 4:00 L'Atelier des Pis- senlits 4:30 Entre deux nuages 4:45 Colargol 5:00 Passe-Partout • 5:30 Skippy le kangourou 6:00 Heidi 6:30 Mosaique 7:30 A votre service 8:00 Le Moyen-Orient 8:30 Cinema d'hier et de demain 9:00 Cinema et Cinemas 11:00 A votre service 11:30 Vue globale Mon., June 17 7:00 Le Tourisme, c'est votre affaire 7:30 Peche sportive 8:00 Polka Dot Door GERICARE'S New Residential NOW RENTING..... • Bright sunny bedrooms, cozy living room and dining area with fireplace • Whirlpool spa • Sky lit -greenhouse • Delicious home cooked meals • 24 hour supervision • Variety of accommodations to suit you PLEASE CALL: GERI-CARE NURSING HOME. 24 Louise Street Harriston, Ontario (519) 338-3700 "Comfort and Care in the Country" 8:30 Hattytown Tales: Too Much of a Good thing .8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Barbapapa: New House 2 9:20 Readalong 2 9:30 Finding Out: Radio 9:45 Math Patrol 3: Area 10:00 In Their Shoes; Emily Murphy 10:15, The Short Story: Mrs, Ripley's Trip 10:3,Q, The Book Bird: The `hV Kid 10:45 Harriet's Magic Hats: Park Interpreter 11:00 Passe-Partout 11:30 Les Aventures de - Babar 11:35 Readalong 2 11:45 Its Your World 12:00 Money$worth 12:30 Pins and Needles: Finishing trousers. Angelina di Bello's son models them. 1:00 Landscape�of Geom- etry: Cracking Up 1:15 Money and 11tanking in Canada 1:30 Barbapapa: Boat Race 1:35 All about You; No Strings on You 1:50 Readalong. 2:00 Let's All Sing: Who Built the Ark? 2:15 Jeremy 2:30 Vision On: Waves 3:00 Fitness: Fit to last 3:30 The World in Your Kitchen: Hungarian Cooking Le Moyen-Orient 4:30 Kidsworld: A cham- pion diver and gym- nast in Columbus, Ohio; a prize-winning fiddler in Orillia, 'Ont. ; • and the star who plays Katie in the television series Benson. 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Cucumber: Weather . 7:00 Wild World: The Green Quarry 7:30 Magic Shadows: Yel- low Sky (1948) - `Part 1 of 4. Director Tues., June 18, 7:30 Visions: Artists and the Creative Process 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Hattytown Tales: Hic- cup Buns Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Barbapapa: Desert . Trip,. 9:20 Readalong 2 9:30 Ballet Shoes: Epi- sode 5 10:00 Breakthrough: The K - Cycle Engine 10:20 Basic Sports Skills: Tennis: Volley 10:30 Storybound: T�tie Witch of Blackbird. Pond 10:45 Dragons, Wagons, and Wax: All Change Passe-Partout es Aventures de abar . eadalong 2 is Your World The Movie Show ins and Needles: The asic pattern for a hirtwaist dress: how o adjust it of suit your - elf; tracing a pattern rom the,master, mak- g a centre line, and Noosing ,the right aterial. igh Notes arbapapa: Wine arty 's Your World: span 4 eadalong 2 et's All Sing: Angel and eremy Today's Special: ames itness to Yesterday: dolf Hitler itness to Yesterday: rd +Durham nema d'hier et de main dsworld: A gym - sties trio rehearse eir routine, students dition at the Brook - n Boys' Chorus hool, and we learn y flamingos are nk. Others inter- wedeinclude a 7:00 Sociology: The Family 7:30 Sociology: Religion 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Harriet's Magic Hats; 8:45 Vegetable Processor 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Barbapapa: New House 3 9:20 Readalong 2 9:30 It's -Your World: Mexico 1 9:45 Readit: Twenty and Ten 10:00 That..0ther World: Yemen 10:30 Jeremy 10:45 Inside -Out: Must I - May I 11:00 L'Atelier des Pis- senlits 11:30 Les Aventures de Babar 11.35 Readalong 2 11:00 11:30' L B 11:35 R 11:45 I 11:45 It's Your Move: In the 12:00 Driver's Seat 12:30 P 12:00 People Patterns: The _ b Hatching of Squatch- s berries t 12:30 The Half -a -Handy s Hour f 1:00 Writers and Writing: in Ken Mitchell c 1:20 Landmarks: Middle- m sex County Courthouse 1:00 H 1:30 Barbapapa: Beau's 1:30 B Friends P 1:35 The -Book Bird: Little 1:35 It House in the Big J Woods 1:50 R 1:50 Readalong.2 2:00 L 2:00 Music Box: Music B through the Ages 2:15 J 2:15 Dragons, Wagons, and 2:30 Wax: This Is the' Life G 2:30 That Other World: �3:00 W Uganda A 3:00 Grandeur nature' 3:30 W 3:30 Grandeur natureLo 4:00 A votre, service 4:00 Ci 4:30 Kidsworld: Interview de with Jeff Conway of 4:30 Ki Taxi, and two Toronto na boys who have a large th moth and butterfly col- au lection. Also, a young ly rodeo star in Cali- Sc d;. fornia; Siberian tigers wh at the Calgary Zoo, pi and the' Glass Orches- vi tra William Wellman's Se graphic western, shot 5:00 Se in Death Valley, is 6:00 Po 6:30 Ha in Toronto. same Street lka Dot Door rriet's Magic Hats: Dentist 6:45 Readalong 1 6:55 Barbapapa: Acquaint- ance 2 7:00 The Prince and the Pauper: i (Final) 7:30 Magic Shadows: Yel- low Sky — Part 2 of 4 8:00 National Geographic: Monkeys, Apes, and Man 9:00 Marie Curie: Epi- sode 2 of 5 about a gang of bank. robbers who hide out in a, ghost town, and begin to plot against each other. Gregory Peck, Richard Wid- mark, and Anne Bax- ter star. 8:00 Vista: Hunt for the Legion Killer 9:00 All You Need Is Love Vaudeville and Music Hall, 10:00 The Computer 10:00 The Academy: Computer 10:30 The Languages Voi 10:30 The Academy on Com- 11:00 Per puters with Jack Inv Livesley: Computer 11:30 Que Languages 11:00 Talking Film: The Making of a Motion Picture 11:30 Question Period (S) Movie Show Planet of Man: ces of Time spectives: The isible Team stion Period (S) Wed., June 19 7:00 Tourism Is Your Busi- ness: The Business Plan Choose from our selection of • power tools • .hand, tools • drill presses • wood • turning tools lathes With every purchase of $100.00 or more we will include a six piece VACO Screw Driver Set - free of charge comic -book collector, a modern rhythmic gymnast, and Mead- owlark Lemon, form- erly of the Harlem Globetrotters basket- ball team. 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Fables of the Green Forest: -'Johnny's Adventure 7:00 The Stationary Ark: The Zoo Staff 7:30 Magic Shadows: Yel- low Sky — Part 3 of 4 8:00 Realities: Genetic Engineering: A Threat to Who We Are 8:30 What a Picture! 9:00 Explorations in Shaw: The Worst of Crimes 9:30 Playing Shakespeare: Exploring Character 10:30 Talking Film: Tragic Stars, Marilyn Mon- roe, Montgomery Clift 11:00 Realities: Genetic Engineering: A Threat to Who We Are 11:30 'Question Period (S) IIIE NEED EVER CHANGES. St Johns Ambulance has been" teaching and serving In Canada since 1883. You're invited to be a part of their next hundred years. Give them a call. Learn how to help, Crossroads—June 12, 1985—Page 313 tele The tollovw,n(J programs fisted as supphed by the TV stattoris are subject to change ® ... CKVR Barrie ... Wive Buffalo a... CBC Toronto ... WDIV Detroat et ... Global ‘11.... W KEW Buttalp 0 ... WJBK Detroit Sat., June 15 MORNING 6:00 ID Harrigan O Godsounds - ® Oceans Alive ® University of th Air , o® Seneca Telecollege O A Better Way IID World Endurant Auto Racing 6:25 m Newsworthy 6:30 W Circle Square Os Ask a Silly Ques tion ® In View ® Agriculture USA J Edison Twins 7:00 ID Sportsworld Inte national © Going Great Di McGowan's Wor ® Rocket Robinho 5Q Kidsbits W. Zig Zag O Woody Woodpecker a Secret Railroad n 100 Huntley Stree 7:30 mm Kidsworld © Little Rascals I® Willy and Floyd a Kangazoo Club ID Lynsky and Co. O Circle Square 8:00 ID Tennis Magazine O Festival Italiano n Sign of the Times Size Small ® Snorks O Treehouse O Kids Inc. ( m Shirt Tales ID Monty's Travellin Reptile Show a What's New 8:30 IJQ m Get Along Gan © Sport Billy 0 Storytime ID Counterpoint ( The Pink Panthe & Sons O Jackson Five n Circle Square ® Canadian Carib- bean Showcase a The World Tomor roW ID Inside The PGA 9:00 ID U:S. Open Golf (R) O "Hugga Bunch" Spread Your Wings © Waterville Gang a What's New Audubon Wildlife Om The Smurfs OLet'sGo W Greek Panorama QQ m Jim Henson's •''Muppet Babies ID Sound Of Asia 9:30 mm Dungeons and. Dragons J You Can't Do That On TV © Paddington Bear n The Edison Twins O Nugget O Sport Billy 10:00 a Reach For The Top m ZigZag ID Atlantida Magazine © Harrigan n Going Great (Jim Bugs Bun- ny/Road Runner Show Rubik:'The Amaz- ing Cube O Oopsy Daisy 10:30 O New Scooby Doo Mysteries ® Kid's World m Italian Panorama p Alvin and the Chipmunks .. Forest Rangers n Curious George. ® The Third Testa- oment Going Great a This Week in On- tario e e r - Id od t g g r 8 to A gift for Father's Day ,Sheaffer® ...in the best- dressed hands Attractively gift boxed, singly or in sets. 1 100 Wallace Ave. �fN.Listowel <n (519) 291-2280 - an . ?Ir#� j company — s9 ■ 95• and up Stunning matte black finish with gold accents grace this exquisite pen from the Targa by Sheaffer collection Available as a fountain pen, rolling ball pen, ballpoint or pencil,. The Listovvel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel 291-1660 The Mount Forest Confederate 154 Main St., Mount Forest 323-1550 �...CKNX Wingham ... CFPL London ®..; CHCH Hamilton ® ... CKCO Kitchener ® ... TSN al.. City TV Toronto 10:45 D Friendly Giant 11:00 ID Down the Stretch n Harrigan O 100 Huntley Street ® Kidd Video O Scary Scooby Fun- nies O Kids World O History Canada OO Storybreak Edison Twins ® Celebrity Tennis• 11:30 O Mr. T O The Littles m® Pryor's Place ID Ready, Set, Grow ®, Real Fishing 0 -Inside Track 0 Big Top Talent ID Galloping Gourmet ID World of Horse Racing ® Star Trek m Spread Your Wings AFTERNOON 12:00 O ABC Weekend Special O America's Top 10 OO m Sports - n Sesame Street © This Week in On- tario 0 What's New O Greek Paradise Sporksdesk ID The Camping Show ID Creative Hands ® Africa: Cry Of A Continent 12:30 a This Week in Parliament O Challenge ID Adventures Out, doors o© Reach For the Top ID Baseball Bunch O Real Fishing O Rainbow Brite 1:00 O Sports/TBA ® Portraits of Power ID Maple, Leaf Wrestling 0 Blue Jay Banter 000 Sportsweek- end © Reach For The Top O Real To Reel ID Major League Baseball Game of the Week (game 1 of doubleh ader) 1:30 I© All Star Wrestling ® Superchargers O Kidsbeat O Good Fishin' ® The War Years 2:00 © All Star Wrestling 0 Hercules ® Open Roads ID Kennedy Invita- tional Basketball oa Sportsweekend D Smith and Smith , a U.S. Open Golf Tournament 2:30 ©n Sportsweekend ® Red Fisher O Wizard of Oz IID Laurier's People 3:00 50 Sports O Pinocchio ® 20 Minute Workout O All Star Wrestling 3:30 ID Outdoors Un- limited Q Hammy Hamster m Hot Cuts Magazine 4:00 ea Toronto Rocks O He -Man 0 Wide World of Sports ID Destination ID Major League Baseball Game 2 of the Week _ 4:30 _ID The. Original Six a The Littles 5:00 ID The Chum 30 0 Kidd Video 5:30 W Taxi 0 Wolf Rock TV 10 EVENING .O X i 50- 0 News ® Citypulse ® Scan Weekend 6:30 ID FYI Weekend Edi- tion 0Foul Ups, Bleeps & Blunders 00 News ® Bowling For Dollars ®This Week in Parliament o Three's A Crowd OIJQ News Om J.P. a Everybody's Business is The New Music ID The Dick Beddoes Show 7:00 O5 Dance Fever OO O Entertainment This Week ® Fame W.W.F. Wrestling • W Sportsdesk Q That's My Boy " O Buffalo Tonite -a Wayne & Shuster International Series MB Murder She W rote 0 The Cosby Show- 7:30 O Urban Focus O Just Kidding Speedweek a Pizzazz © Front Page Challenge I® SCTV 0 Saturday Night Music Videos 8:00 (Js Different Strokes OOID T. J. Hooker ® Movie "Blood Brothers" mm Cover Up © Movie "The Misfits" 0 Evening -At the Improv O Titans ID USFL Football (New Jersey at Oak- land) um Disneyland 30th Anniversary 8:30 mm E/R ID Hot Cuts O Double Trouble 9:00 Os Gimme A Break is City Lights Oa Love Boat gem Airwolf 0 One Too Many 9:30 -0 Smith and Smith O Under One Roof ID Twilight Zone 10:00, ID Citypulse Tonight mm Mike Hammer O Hunter Kissin' Country as Finder of Lost Loves oa Second City's 25th Anniversary Show , Billy Graham Florida Crusade O Hunter 10:30 ID Movie "Tora! ! Tora! Tora!" 11:00 mmOIDO News ' a Lottario aeon National ® CTV National News ID Sportsdesk 11:05 a News 11:15 a Newsfinal an News 11:20 IN FYI Weekend Edi- tion ® Ontario Report 11:30 m Saturday Night Live m® Movie "TBA" O Movie "Johnny Guitar" Travellin' Music a Late Night Fishin' Hole 11:40 © Movie "The Rail - maker" . 11:45 nm Good Rockin' Tonight 12:00 0 Major League Baseball (R) ID Movie "Wheels" (Pt. 3) 8 6 Movies on Channel 8 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT—"MIDNIGHT AUTO SUPPLY". Stars Michael Parks, Linda Cristal, Scott Jacoby. A group of young car thieves donate their proceeds to California's impoverished farm workers in the Robin Hood type myth with a mask of today. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT ---"EARTHQUAKE". Stars Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, George Kennedy. Effects of a major earthquake in Los Angeles on the lives of an Engineer and his spoiled wife, his mistress, his father-in-law and a sus- pended policeman. MONDAY MIDNIGHT—"FLATFOOT". Stars Bud Spencer. Ali international drug ring is trying to take over the city. They are a new breed of gangsters, ruthless, cold-blooded, mercenary, pushing their wares among the city's schools. Flatfoot suspects a leak in the police department with this new underworld and takes action on his own. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT—"A COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG". Stars Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren, Patrick Car- gill. An American diplomat enroute to a new post finds himself compromised when a beautiful young woman be- comes a stowaway in his stateroom. and refuses to leave. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT—"POM POM GIRLS". Stars Robert Carradine, Jennifer Ashley, Michael Millins.-A pair of pom pom girls and their boy friends mix mischievous pranks with carefree romancing during their senior year.