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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-12, Page 22
Page 2B -Crossroads --June 12, 1985 • Q ... CKVR Barrie ® ... WIVB Buffalo © ... CBC Toronto ® ... WDIV Detroit 0 ..: Global �' ... WKBW Buffalo (�7 ... WJBK Detroit ••. CKNX Wingham •.. CFPL London m ••. CHCH Hamilton ® ••. CKCO Kitchener on_ TSN ® City TV Toronto The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are -subject to change. -416,J1 1411 Weekday ' Mornings 5:30 O Jimmy Swaggart 5:50 ® Ontario Report 6:00 Q Frightenstein Oso Seneca Tele - college ®O News ID Camera on Canada um News Q News This Morn- ing Arthur Smith Fish- ing Tournament (Tue) ID Shawn O'Sullivan Boxing Special (Wed) 6:30 ID US College World Series (Tue) ID Soccer News (Fri) Q Feeling Good Q Morning Exercise Q Canada AM ID It Figures 7:00 lID McGowan's World Q CBLT Morning IID® 20 Minute Work- out C) Today Show Q 100 Huntley Street - ® Good Morning America lD Size Small I® The Way It Was (Mon) 7:15 s Fitness Break 7:30 0 Curious George Q What's New (Fri. only) - ID Body Moves ga Toronto Rocks ga FYI First Edition O Hercules ID Top Rank Boxing (R) (Mon) . 7:45E, Friendly Giant 8:00 ID Elegant Appetites s 20 Minute Workout Q Polka Dot Door. Q The Littles IID 1984 World Series Special (Thur) ID US Open Golf (R) (Fri) ID NCAA Lacrosse Champ. (Wed) °. 8:30E0 Harrigan 00 All In The Family ID Celebrity Micro- waves IQ Tile 700 Club so Rocket .Rybinhood Movies on Channel 5 THURSDAY, 8:00 P.M.-"SUZANNE". Stars Jennifer Dale, Winston Rekert and Gabriel Arcand. Set in 1950s Mont- real, Suzanne is the story of the coming of age of a young girl and the two men shag loves. FRIDAY, 1:00 A.M.-°'ONCE MORE WITH FEELING". Stars Yul Brynner, Kay Kendall, Gregory Ratoff. The career of a symphony orchestra conductor takes a dive when he splits up with his wife. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT -°THE FALCON IN MEXICO". Stars Tom Conway, Mona Maris. A manhunt for a danger- ous killer takes the Falcon to Mexico. SUNDAY; 8:30 P.M. :"WALK SOFTLY STRANGER". Stars Joseph Cotten, Valli, Paul Stewart. A petty crook sees the error of his ways through his love for a crippled girl. Ab- sorbing drama. - SUNDAY, 12:30 A.M.-"WATCH YOUR STERN": Stars Sid- ney James, Hattie Jacques. The ,Carry On Gang gets into hot water whenthey lose the plans for a sercret weapon and substitute plans for a refrigeration system. MONDAY MIDNIGHT -"VIRGINIA CITY".. Stars Errol Flynn, Miriam Hopkins, Randolph Scott, Humphrey Bo- gart. A Civil War Western with B$gart cast as Mexican bandido. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT -"BAD MEN OF MISSOURI". Stars with Dennis° Morgan, Jane Wyman. Younger brothers, en- raged by Southern carpetbaggers, turn to lawless life in fictional Western with good cast. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT -"°THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON". Stars Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland. Hol- lywood version of Little Big Horn with Flynn flamboyant as Custer. - Movies on Channel 7 THURSDAY; 8:00 P.M. -"SHOOTING STARS". Stars Billy Dee Williams, Parker Stevenson. Two actors starring as detectives in a popular TV show are fired after their jeal- ous co-star sets up a smear campaign against them. They. then turn to the dangerously exciting world of private in- vestigation to earn money between acting jobs. SATURDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"JOHNNY GUITAR". Stars Joan Crawford, Ernest Borgnine. A proud,gambling house pro- prietress learns too late that the loveof a guitar playing•ex= gunman is worth more than money. •9:09• IDs Anything For • ° Money ® Land and Sea Q On The Road (starts Mon.) ®Romper Room and Friends ID Good Morning Workout Q Ed Allen memo. Phil . Donahue Q Forest Rangers PKA Karate (Thur) 9:30 ID Sportspage ( Thur) Q The New You Q Mr. Dressup Q 100 Huntley Street Q What's Cooking Q Muppet Show O0 Love Connec- tion 10:00 m Time Machine (Thurs... Fri.) CI The Facts of Life (Mon. - Wed.) O Curious George O Trivia Company ID Hour Magazine AM Buffalo Q Friendly Giant O 100 Huntley Street (D The New You • OO ®® New $25,000 Pyramid ID The Way It Was (Fri) ID NCAA Lacrosse Champ (R) (Mon) ID Australian Rules Football (Tue) ID Mark Sosin's Salt Water Journal (Wed) 10:15 Q Fitness Break Q Friendly Giant 10:30 m Sale of the Cen- tury al Be My Guest Q Mr. Dressup Q Good Company m Fitness Break O®ga Press Your Luck Q Celebrity Cooks ID TBA (Thur) ID Sportsworld Inter- national (Fri) ID Winning Golf: Tips from Pros (Wed) 10:45 ID Friendly Giant • 11:00 ga Cityline -- Q Pizzazz 00 Polka Dot Door Q I Love Lucy Q Sesame Street ® One Life To Live Q Guess What mO J The Price Is Right m Wheel of Fortune ID Cherington Q All Star Blitz TBA (Thur) 'ID Australian Skins Golf (Wed) 11:30 ms Scrabble What Will They Think of . Next , Q My Three Son ps Mr. Dressup Q Ryan's Hope ga 20 Minute Workout 0 Definition ID TBA (Thur), ID Soccer News (Fri) ID Baseball Bunch (Tue) Retirement grows -Triple the incomeof 111 years ago. 'That's what inflation has done. We need- three times the incometodav that we needed 16yearsago, just to I-1(1111'1.111. it't not so had for those of use who are working be- , (ttause wages have r_ ten .. dency iii keep up �vith Intln tion. som'eiimcs even exceeding inflation and other times falling behind' inflation. Hasn't kept pace R'ut what about oto• se. niur citizens, those who re- tired several years ago, ort fixed inei,ines, The only thing that hasini-rease'd for thorn is the indexing of the Old Age Pension, In all probability the rest of their retirement income has re- mained the same, with no increase in their company pension payments, etc. The person who retired 17 years ago on a $9.1(1(1) per year income let's say in 1988, needed $29.98,1 in' 19x1 to have the same pur- chasing power. if the only thing that increased was the Old Age i'ension, he might be getting $11,((0) per .year today, whereas that person needs over $11,1100 in 198', 10 pitch what $9,1101) would buy in 1968 Thanks to Bolter health dere, etc, we are living 'longer They Willis theaver age male w 61111% OS to age iii; wall live another 17 years And that age is incroas ing as medical science and better care facilities Delp us live longer lives Rut. who wants to live longer, 1.1 we can't afford to dose:'1Iinflation cominues Iffemsfersamrs ncome that advertisement IT'S YOUR MONEY Paul J. Rockel to (rude our savings, what' are we to do? • - Is th)gre a way to .keep pace with inflation, keep taxes to.a minimum, and leave a sizable estate? ' History says you can. Let's take a look at two amptes and we'll call the first r'omparison Mr. "A" and Mr. "R," and the sec- ond comparison Mr. "C" and Mr. "i1". • Mr. A followed the advice of virtually every advisor and put his $100,000 int() a 1(1 per- cent interest earning 'investment, (Where he found 10 per cent in 1968 is debatable but we'll assume he did(. Mr. 0. invested his $10(1,0(10 intoa mutual fund called ',Industrial Grov th Fund. Roth decided to take an income of $9,000 -a year from their investment re- turns. Thanks to taxes, Mr. A only had $7,000 left to spend. because his interest gain was fully taxable. Mr. R received the same $9,000 income but he had over $71.5111) to spend, because his income was made 'up of re- turn of ptihciplc and divi- dends and capital gains, with virtually no taxation. Ever -Increasing income Each year hoth increased the "income' by the rate of inflation, SO that in 1984 they, needed $29,89,1 just to match ttm ,39.11011 m 19fit1. But poor Mr. A with the safe, sound, interest invest- ment of 11) per Tent was $43,-122 in the hole (if he could he) al the end of 1984. Mr. R was continuing to re- ceive hise'ver-i ncreasing in• come. and had $:1.5:,6:19 "left, Mr. C and Mr. I) did the same, Mr, (' with the 10 per cent investment and Mr. 1) into a fund called Tem- pleton Growth Fund. How- ever, they both began in 1964, each also taking out • $9,000 in year one, and in- creasing the income each year to keep pac•ewith infla- tion. Twenty•one years Tater they needed $ 33.181 to Match that original $9,000. but poor Mr, C (10 percent) wqs now $86,1:36 6 the hdde, whereas Mr. I) (mut- ual fund investor) had over. $1 million left. Who would you rather he? For a FREE table show. ing the above examples, asst .for "indexed with- drawal" and write: Paul ,1 Rocket, 95:1 Union Si. E'., Waterloo. Ontario N2.1 1C4. Paul J. Rockel is President of Regal Capital Planners Ltd. and of the Dependent In- vestment Fund Dealers As- sociation of Canada. 4 Thurs., June 13 AFTERNOON 12:00 000 010 News ® Flintstones Q Beaver so 13Yan's Hope Q Midday sp Shazam ID World Endurance Auto Racing 12:25 al Agri -News 12:30 00 The Young and the Restless O Wheel of Fortune Esso News Q® Loving m Every Second Counts ID Super Pay Cards Q FYI Noon Edition 1:00 ID 1984 World Series Special asYou're Beautiful IlD Soapbox OslQpl© An My Children ® Don Harron Show mQ Days of Our Lives 1:30 ga City Lights OO ®m As the World Turns 2:00 ID The Way It Was Q Let's Make A Deal "` TBA s Midday go 20 Minute Workout O Dallas Q One Life to Live CD Another World 2:30 mO Im Capitol Q Do If For Yourself Im Rituals ga Micro Magic Q Pitfall ID PKA Karate 3:00 ga Laverne & Shirley p Do It For Yourself s The.New You Q Coronation Street Q Fitness Break QIm Santa Barbara QQQ Guiding Light (19O General Hospital • 3:30 s The Jefferson Q All In The Family Q Kids World ga Batman p Barney Miller 4:00 ID U.S. Open Golf Champ. MC) Divorce Court as Hart To Hart IiD Soapbox Q Love Boat Q Beverly Hillbillies Q The Young and The Restless Os Video Hits Q Do It For Yourself go Toronto Rocks ms Jeffersons 4:30 IDs Jeffersons OO J The People's Court s_MASH Q What's New go Eight Is Enough 5:00 m7 J Benson Sale of the Cen- tury O Hogan's Heroes Q Video Hits mQ News peso The Price Is Right Q Three's Company Q Jefferson 5:30 IDQQ Taxi O Jeopardy QO News_ Q Three's Company as WKRP In Cin- , cinnati 6 10 Thursday EVENING 6:00 OOOme©OO News so Citypulse Q Ripley's Believe It or Not .. ,.... ® Scan Newshour p FYI at 6:00 ID Sportsworld Inter- national 6:30 Q© News 7:00 O Jeopardy go Entertainment Tonight act Wheel of For- tune IID Super Password, Q I Love Lucy gasp One Day At A Time O'Inside Baseball p Sportsdesk mO Q News 7:30 Q Littlest Hobo ID Blue Jay Base- ball: Toronto at Boston Q Bob Newhart Q Name That Tune Bs Three's Com- pany Q The Facts of Life ga MASH O Family Feud Q Wheel of Fortune CDC) PM Detroit ® Back Stage Eppel Magnum P.I. O Cosby 8:00 ID Niagara Rep. Co. Q Pizzazz ID Movie "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum" Q Movie "Suzanne" Q Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous 00 The A -Team Q Mbvie "Shooting Stars" 8:30 0 Profiles of Nature map Family Ties 9:00 pm7 (4 IDsi Simon and Simon co Cheers. 0C) Kate and Attie Wintario Q 99 Ways To At- tract The Right Man 9:30 Q TBA O Molson Toronto Supercross Om Night Court 10:00 .,mO Hill Street Blues O® Knots Landing g Citypulse Tonight QQQm National O Hotel Q 20/20 10:20 ammo Journal , 10:30 ID Sportsdesk 11:00 go SCTV O 0BW J J QO News Q CTV National News ID FYI Final Edition ID Soccer News 11:20 © National Update Q Ontario Report 11:30008 Entertain ment Tonight Q Barney Miller ga Movie "The Pink Panther" 0 Tonight Snow O J Taxi Q Sportsline Q U.S. Open 11:45 Q Nightline 12:00 Q Rat Patrol p Dallas Q Movie "Destry" 0 Movie "Midnight Auto Supply" Q Movie "TBA" Mery Griffin I® Movie "Latitude Zero" MC) Charlie's Angels 12:15 Q Mery Griffin 12:30 Q Late Night C) Love Boat ID U.S. Open Golf (R) 1:00 IID Movie "Wheels" (Pt. 1) • O J The Saint 1:15 .Q Eye On Hollywood 1:30 IQ Welcome Back Kotter C) Late Night Q Highlights. 1:45 Q News 1:55 ga Movie "The. Pink Panther Strikes Again" 2:00 mO ® Maude Q Chico and the Man I® Nightwatch 2:30 00 News C) Movie "TBA" ID Sportsworld Inter- national 3:00 mO (3 Eight Is Enough 3:30 ID Blue Jay Base- ball: Toronto at' Boston (R) 4:00 ID Flipper 00 Nightwatch 4:30 m News_ _.._ 5:00 © Telling Secrets 6 Fri..,, June 14 AFTERNOON 12:00Oppm4ms0News � cm Fat Albert Q Beaver so. Ryan_s_Hope. Q Midday ® Flintstones 12:25 Q Agri -News 12:30 ® Wheel of Fortune 00 The Young and the Restless BO News 'ga0 Loving ms Every Second Counts ID Super eBay Cards ID FYI Noon Edition 1:00 ID Blue Jay Base- ball: Toronto at Boston (R) • ga You're Beautiful m Soapbox 00000 All My Children IO Don Harron Show ®Q Days of Our ' Lives 1:30 ECM As the World Turns Citylights 2:00 Bpi Midday Q Dallas O Let's Make A Deal IDTBA e 20 Minute Workout 0 ® Another World One Life To Live 2:30 ga Micro Magic (7)0 Capitol Q Do It For Yourself ® Rituals • 0 Pitfall 3:00 p Do It For Yourself OTheNewYou Q Coronation Street (91, Laverne & Shirley Q Fitness Break O®O Guiding Light I®O General Hospital WC) Santa Barbara 3:30 Q Kids World ga Batman Q All In The Family Q Silver Spoons 4:00 am U.S. Open Golf Q Do It For Yourself 0C) Divorce Court 0 The Young and the Restless ID Soapbox • Q Love Boat Q Beverly Hillbillies sp Video Hits ID Hart To Hart O Jeffersons e Toronto Rocks 4:3000 Jeffersons O® The People's Court s MASH m Eight Is Enough Q Zigzags 5:00 MC) Benson Q Sale of the Cen- tury Q Video Hits I News Q Three's Company sops The Price Is Right as Hogan's Heroes Q Jeffersons 5:30 IDC)® Taxi O Jeopardy QIp News Q Three's Company I® WKRP In Cincin- nati EVENING 6:00 es Citypulse IDOOQOOOO News Q Silver Spoons IID Scan Newshour 0FYI at6:00 ID Inide the PGA 6:30 ID Tennis Magazine Q Jeffersons am News 7:00 m Jeopardy ID Entertainment Tonight ' Qp Wheel of For- tune DO One Day At A • Time ® Super Password MC) News ID Sportsdesk so One Day AtA Time Q Cagney & Lacey © Special: Tory Dynasty 7:30 ID This Is The USFL ga MASH ® Bizarre II Oceans Alive Q Too Close For Comfort Bp Three's Com- pany Q Name That Tune Q Family Feud Q Wheel of Fortune OO® PM Detroit Movies on Channel 11 "THURSDAY, 1-:00 A.101. -"WHEELS". Pt. 1-3. Stars Rock Hudson, Lee Remick. Adam Trenton's ambition is to be- come president of the giant company for which he works, and it is through the intrigues, power plays and his opportu- nistic marriage that WHEELS discloses a dark side of America's auto industry. FRIDAY, 1:00 A.M.-"WHEELS". Pt. 2. Stars Rock Hudson, Lee Remick. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT -"WHEELS". (Final) Stars Rock Hudson. Lee Remick. SUNDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"A MAN CALLED INTREPID". (Part 1-3) Stars David Niven, Michael York. A suspenso-filled story about Allied espionage operations during WW II. TUESDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"A MAN CALLED INTREPID". (Part 2) Stars David Niven, Michael York. WEDNESDAY,9:00 P.M. -"A MAN CALLED INTREPID". r( Conclusion) 8:00 CO Detective in the House Cl The Best of Times 030 Webster ® Murder. She Wrote p T. J. Hooker Q Hardcastle and McCormick ga Movie "The Black Bird" 0 Billy Graham Florida Crusade ® Night Court Q Michael Nesmith's Television Parts • U.S. Open Goft (R) ' 8:30 O Comedy Special Q Snow Job Q The Joke's On Us ID Gimme A Break 9:00 Q Benson m Half Nelson MC) Dallas - pspQ Eye To Eye Streethawk to Q Movie "The Child Stealer" 9:30 Q People Do The Craziest Things 10:000080 National • IIDm Miami Vice 00 Falcon Crest ga Citypulse Tonight 00 Matt Houston ▪ TBA 10:20 0800 Journal 10:30 ID World of Horse Racing. 11:00 ID Sportsdesk 0 FYI Final Edition ID TV National News . ''OO®ms©QO QIID News Q Newsfina'i - ga SCTV 11:20 ® Ontario Report Q National Update 11:30 ID Down the Stretch Q U.S. Open O Sportsline.. _._ .. - IMO Entertaip- ment Tonight MC) Taxi m Tonight Show 12:30 ID Tennis Magazine Q Mery Griffin 6 Q Good Rockin' To- night as Movie "Nunzio" 12:00 p Dallas. MC) Charlie's Angels 0 Movie "Earth- quake" Q Movie "The Hill" go Movie "Baltimore' Bullet" m Mery Griffin Q Rat Patrol Q Nightline This Is The USFL Q Doctor,ln Charge m Love Boat 1:00 Q Movie "Big Car- nival" O® The Saint Q Movie "Once More With Feeling" ID Movie "Wheels" (et. 2) is Movie "Stardust" Q Never the Twain ID Inide the PGA 1:30 ID U.S. Open Golf m Friday Night Videos Q News Q Welcome Back, Kotter 2:00 MC) Maude Q Chico and the Man go Movie "The ., Stranger" 2:30 MC) News fl Perry Mason 0 Highlights 3:00 00 Movies "TBA" O The Cisco Kid ga Movie "Next Stop, Greenwich Village" 3:30 ID Soccer News . ms , Sergeant Preston Q Phil Silvers 4:00 ID Flipper O Fantasy Island © Movie "Loot" m..Mot'e Real People • 4:30 m News 5:00 ms Telling Secrets 0 The Waltons - ® World of •Horse Racing ,• 5:15 ga Here's Lucy, 5:30 ID Down The Stretch 5:40 ga Abbott and Costello if selection p , . fls and Father's Day G atds by Goldon Fra5e' ' l0�7�✓i ll i c't n1 st Pabriers,frort. Next' t'o tJFe.%Ste $4tk-et: y 60r 345-2 02 JOIN THE BULK FOOD REVOLUTION DAIRY Sunrise 4 L. 2°/0 & •Skim Milk - - Millbank - 2.99 Medium Cheddar Millbank Colby Cheese Millbank Marble Cheese Millbank Mozzarella Cheese Millbank Fresh Curds ,b, 3.05 - Ib. 2.79 Ib. 2.85 Ib. 2.79 Ib, 2.95 BULK PRODUCTS Salted & Shelled (EVERYDAY L Sunflower Seeds ` Ib. 1.49 Salted or Unsalted Blanched Peanuts Ib. .99 Beer Nuts.. It, 1.99 FROM ROBIN HOOD Deluxe Bran "Muffin Mix kg. 1.75 Oatmeal Muffin Mix kg, 1.75 Tea Biscuit Mix ? lb, 1.18 Brownie Mix 900 gr .59 Unbleached 2.5 kg. Bread Flour - 1.99 All purpose 5 kg. 3.2 5 Flour Introducing Panzerotti PIZZA each A Delicious Pizza Turnover for Oven or Microwave FROZEN Omstead 5 Ib. 'Bean Salad Chapman's 2 Titre Ice Cream (pre-packaged) OW PRICES) Instant Yeast Stone Ground Whole Flour Stone Ground Whole Pastry Flour 3.75 1.99 50'0 gr. 2.49 Wheat • 2.541..79 Wheat 1 ■99 '2.5 kg. Baking Powder Corn Starch Baking Soda Redpath 2 kg. Brown Sugar CLUBHOUSE Ground. Cinnamon Seasoned Salt 250 gr • 79 Ib .49 500 gr. •65 1.39 * NAME BRAND PRODUCTS AT NO NAME PRICES * 75 gr 140 gr. .78 995 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel 291-4777 Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. till 9 p.m.