HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-12, Page 10Page 10—The Wingham Advance -Times, June 12, 1985 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION }ENDERS HEATING SYSTEM REPLACEMENT at F.E. Madill Secondary School Wingham; Ontario Tender forms and job specifications are available at the Huron County Board of Education Office, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Deadline for tender submission is 12 o'clock noon. June 17, 1985. E. Frayne Chairman O.B. Allan Director of Education Township 'of Morris GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed, clearly marked tenders are now be- ing received for the purposes of supplying, crushing, hauling and spreading of approxi- mately 8000 cu. yds. of 5/8- Grandular "A"' Gravel for various locations on f to roads in the south half, of the Township of Morris. Work to be completed to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. The con- tractor to be responsible for any rules or regula- tions which may be applicable under the Pifs and Quarries Act. Apply io the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be accompanied .by a certified cheque for 10°%o of the enclosed bid and will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 14, 1985. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted and all tenders are subject to the ap- proval of M.T.C. Lloyd Michie Road Superintendent Township of. Morris VILLAGE OF TEESWATER Tender for Street Reconstruction Contract No. 8507C SEALED TENDERS will be received by Mr. Ronald Stevenson, Clerk -Treasurer, Village of Tees - water, Box 369, Teeswater, Ontario, NOG 2S0 for the reconstruction of John Street and Brown- lee Street and the resurfacing of Marcy Street up to 5:00 p.m. local time TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1985 The estimated major quantities are as follows: Earth Excavation - 1375 C.Y. Granulars - 1560 C.Y. H.L. 3 - 525 Tons • Sewers (P.V.C.) - 690 L.F. Plans, specifications and other contra t docu- ments may be obtained from the offic of the.- undersigned he-undersigned Consulting Engineer for th sum of $20.00 which will not be refunded. ,Lowest or any tender not necessar ccepted. HENDERSON, PADDON & SOCIATES LIMITED Civil Engineering Consultants Owen Sound Professional Centre 945 -3rd Avenue East Suite 201 Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 2K8 Maple Square Centre Suite 201 Box 1599, 550 Goderich Street Port Elgin, Ontario NOH 2C0 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. t John L. McCutcheon wish to an- nounce . the engagement 113f their daughter Lori Jac- .quelyn to Michael William Malhiot, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Malhoi.t, Wood- stock, Ont. The wedding will take place June 22, 1985. John and Marie McInnes off Wingham are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter Corey Fay to Roger Keith Wormington, youngest son of Roy and Catherine Wormington of RR 1, Bluevale. The wedding will be Saturday, June 29 at the bride's home. Reception to follow at Teeswater. Dancing starting at 9 p.m. Everyone welcome! TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF WES'Il WAWANOSH TENDERS, in sealed, plainly marked envelope will be received be the under- signed until 5:00 p.m., Tues- day, June 18, 1985 for a bull- dozer and operator to work. regularly, every two weeks, at the Waste Disposal Site. Tenderers should submit a contract price for covering and compacting the garbage at the Dump, on a specific day biweekly. Successful contractor will be required to sign an Agreement to per- form the required services. Lowest or any tendor, not necessarily accepted. For more information contact the Clerk. Joan Armstrong, Clerk, RR 2, Lucknow. NOG 2H0 528-2903 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH SEALED 'FENDERS, plainly marked, will be re- ceived by either of the un- dersigned until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, 1985 for loading and hauling approxi- mately 30,000 cubic yards pit run gravel to Sideroad 15-16, Concessions 1-2, Township of West Wawanosh. Tenders must be submitted on Town- ship tender forms, available at the Municipal Office, and be accompanied by certified cheque for $2,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: George Humphrey, Road Superintendent, Joan Armstrong, Clerk -Treasurer. RR 2, Lucknow. NOG 2IH0 Cards of Thanks We wish to extend sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for food, flow- ers and memorial donations and kind visits received dur- ing our loss of a dear hus- band, father and grandfath- er. Special thanks to The McBurney Funeral Home, Captain and Mrs. Linkletter, Major Ann Copple and Home League Ladies. Your acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy were deeply appreciated and will 'always be remembered. Isabel Bannerman and family AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, June 22, auction sale of household ef- fects and antiques for the es- tate of the late Mrs. Marie I. Lowry, McGill St., Ripley, at 10:30 a.m. 12,19 WALTON SALE arena, two miles west of Durham, on Hwy. 4, Thursday, June 20. Please note time change 7:30 p.m. Complete Jersey Dis- persal owned ' by Gorden Mead, Holstein, 56 head. 40 cows selling sired by Mea- dow Lawn Bright Spot, Jody's Imperial Surville, Stardust Judy's Triumph, JFD Title and others. This herd has never been on test., but has records on dams to 179M -188F of BCA and (EX) classification. 10 cows sell- ing fresh and milking to 60 lbs. per day, balance in var- ious stages of lactation. Three due June and July, six bred heifers, 1.0 yearlings and calves. Herd is selling in First Stage Towards Listing. Three Surge Jersey units, and two stainless steel strainers. Followed by' Walton's 148th Consignment Sale registered and grade fresh ' and close springing cows, first calf heifers, bred heifers, yearlings and calves. Open for • consign- ments. Sales manager and auctioneer, Donald E. Walt- on. Phone 519-396-3804. THURSDAY, "June 13, auction sale of real estate, for the Estate of the, late Mrs. Margaret Jackson, Queen St., Ripley, at 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, June 17, sale of farm machinery, horses, cattle and real estate for( Sam Pletch, Con. 5, Morris Twp., at Belgrave, at 10:30 a.m. The Budget explained in plain talk 1-800-267-0470 ACt )a in t i„t4,)<ti>' ktMCwat Controtling the National Relit �I:Ca(itlj.` P1'>a4at41' RCNCY.a) Managing Cci,,erninent More Effective!) ' cucitq; E4 M4attlr Renc»ytt Budget in Brief •r. Improving Tax Fairness Minimum 'I'ux S',.otring 341;44,1111k 12,4)...1 Improved Pensions for Canadians ' WKS ti►:fici's and 1i)ebt Quesioes Lind tetter+ lx4,li,{r RCaewst Encouraging Canadian Entrepreneurs i or in black and white. If you have any questions about the May 23rd budget you can call weekdays Sam -bpm EDT: Or you can pick up a copy of any one of our pocket-size booklets "Securing Economic Renewal;' at your local Supermarket Information Centre or your neighbourhood Post Office. Canada 1* Department of Finance Ministere des Finances Canada Canada I would like to. thank friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their cards, gifts and treats while. in the hos- pital. Especially I would like to thank thoses who were able to travel to Kitchener to visit and those who brought my family down. Spence Scott We sincerely thank every- one who helped make our 40th wedding anniversary such a joyous occasion. Thank you for the beautiful gifts, the many, many cards and best wishes, and to all who came to our.open house.. Special thanks to Marlene for the beautiful cakes, to Margaret and Jean for all their help and to Kathleen, Michael and Jeanne. We are truly grateful. Many, many thanks. Ruth and John King I would like to say a very big thank you to Dr. MacLaren and his assist- ants, the nurses and staff on eighth floor west, of Victoria Hospital, London and to Dr. Ping and the wonderful nur- ses on first floor of Wingham and District Hospital and for cards, and visits of friends and any who assisted in any- way to brighten the days during my stay in hospital. Myra Pennington I would like to take this opportunity to convey sin- cere thanks , to those who planned and attended the Appreciation Day held for me at the Howick Central School on June 2, 1985. This day will be an important chapter in my book of happy memories of Howick Central students, staff and parents. Bruce Robertson' The Wroxeter Mite Girls' and Pre -Mite Boys' ball teams would like to express a sincere thank you to GDK Enterprises and B & G Con- struction for sponsoring our uniforms. Many thanks to friends in the Wingham area for re- membering me with cards, gifts and visits during my stay in Wingham and Uni- versity hospitals since my accident. Donalda Moffat I would like to thank Dr. Hanlon, and the nursing staff on second floor' off Wingham and District Hospital for the wonderful care I was given there, then the kindness of the ambulance drivers tak- ing me to Victoria Hospital, London. There I was trans- ferred to the care of Dr. Holi- day and his marvellous med- ical team. I'm not sure how many very capable doctors I had, but I know I was hospit- alized for three weeks and cared for by the most won- derful people, nurses, doc- tors and interns. These people aren't on eight hour shifts, they are dedicated. I would also like to thank all those who were. so good to Alma, , travelling with her and helping. Last a special thanks to. Harvey Bradshaw and his daughter Vicki for bringing me home on June 6. Geo. Hetherington People do read small ads. You are' Phone 357-2320 Services PAVING and power sealing of driveways and parking lots. Robert Symes Con- struction Limited, Lucknow 528-3047. dj 17rrb PIANO tuning and repairs. Used pianos bought and sold. Phone 357-1049, Michael Lip- nicki. 18rrb CRAIG (Home) Heating, new furnace installations, repair, service,; chimney cleaning. Phone 357-3641. 26rrb PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb FOR ALL your interior, ex- terior painting and decor needs, free estimates, 10 years experience. Phone 887- 9601 after 7 p.m. or 887-6115 daytime. 12,19,26,3 TED'S Appliance Servicing and Refrigeration. Phone 357-1252.- ROUND 57-1252. ROUND baling of hay or haylage; also hauling of bales, can apply preserv- atives. Phone 392-6487. 12,19,26 HANDYMAN, experienced in repairs and decoration in and around the house. Please phone Adrian Keet 357-2288. 12rrb UPHOLSTERING of furni- ture, automobile and"tractor seats. Free pick up -and de- livery, free estimates. Qual- ity workmanship: Montgom- ery's Custom Upholstery, Blyth. Phone 523-4272. 27,rrb NOW available 'Photocopy- ing. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. 31,rrb WE make and repair fur- niture. Phone 357-1850. 5,11 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDA YS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the . exception of a Monday statutory holiday. • To plate one of Clicse actton.ads, juut-drop-i.n-aat-The-Adv*nee-Times-Offire' or Phone: 357-2320 AUCTION SALE of household furniture and effects from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred H. French Wingham, and some small additions to be held Saturday, June 15, 1985 at 11 a.m. Wingham Auction Centre French Provincial style 9 pc. dining room suite with matching china cabinets; 6 pc. twin bedroom suite; Victorian button back arm chair: 2 ant. settees; ant. cane back rocker; book- case cabinet with glass doors: card table with 4 lyre back fold - up chairs; nest French Provincial tables: upholstered bedroom chairs; cedar chest; Boston rocker; kitchen table & 4 chairs; floor lamp; 2 chesterfields; quantity excellent silverware, incl. large tea service with 26" tray, set candelabra, covered meat and vegetable dishes, trays, cream and sugar, salt and pepper - sterling and plated; Limoges Haviland coffee set; Limoges c • coa server; 7 place dinner setting with several more pieces o Limoges Haviland (violet pattern); lead crystal bowls: glass- ware; 3 sets crystal stem glasses ' Buckingham pattern; several bone china cups & saucers, chaise lounge; patio table & umbrella; organ stool; blanket box; several line.ntable cloths & nappies; elec. blankets; quantity of sheets, blankets, bath and dish towels, etc ; pictures; mirrors, clocks; wood box & fireplace tools; good wringer washer, pyrex: corningware: pots and pans; coffee maker. ironing board, crocks; garden tools. lawn edger;- self propelled lawn mower;' much, much more PREVIEW Friday. June 14, 7 - 9 p m JACK ALEXANDER - AUCTIONEER Telephone: 357-1011 and 357-1442 I am a person with limited sight and it is necessary for me to wear very thick powerful glasses in order to move freely or read. I know I ,may -Look odd .to you but please give it your best and try and understand that I am doing my best to hold my job and conduct .rny life in the best way I know how. ANTIQUE AUTO AUCTION & other vehicles to be held ,at BRESLAU AIRPORT RD. AUCTION & COMPLEX Waterloo Regional Road 17, Breslau, (Kitchener). Saturday, June 15 .10:00 am. '30 Ford Model A Coupe; '29 Ford truck c/w camper; '34 Ford, V8, cab & chassis; '29 Fgrd Model A Sport coupe; '53 Amer.ican..Lagrance fire truck; '48 Studebaker Champion Conv.; '54 Triumph TR2 Roadster; '58 Studebaker. Silver Hawk; "58 Pontiac Bonneville; '56 Mercedes-Benz 180; '65 Meteor Conv.; '67 Barracuda; '55 Desota; '71 Cadillac Limo.; etc. etc. etc. '83 Malibu; '83 Ford F150-Flareside P/U; '81 Ford Escort; '79 Caprice; '77 Pacer Wagon;, '78 Fairmont Wagon; '79 Monarch; '78 Cordoba; '78 -IHC Scout; '77 New Yorker; '77 Celica; ittc. etc. etc. Vehicles Will be sold starting at 10 a.m. Partial•list only. Lunch on premises. m. Viewing Friday, June 14/85 (11 - 6 p.m.).' TERMS: $200 cash deposit required per vehicle. M.R. JUTZI & CO. INC. Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers & Auctioneers Professionals in the orderly liquidation of Construction, Industrial and Commercial Enterprises 69 Sydney St. ,S., Kitchener (519)743-5286 (519)648-2111 WALTON'S EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT SALE - at Walton Sales Arena, 2 miles west of Durham on Highway 4 Sat: June 15 - 10 a.m. TRACTORS: 1370 Case with cab, air, 2800 hours; 3130 John Deere, 80 h.p.; 285 Massey Ferguson, 85 h.p.; 886 International; 656 Inter- national; 434 International with .loader; 786 Inter- national with loader, 9'40 hours (like new); 1010 John Deere; 135 Massey Ferguson with loader; 530 Case; 384 Leyland, 65 h.p.; 610 Belarus model B; -Allis with mower; Ford .Super County 6, 4 'w.d. HAY • EQUIPMENT: New Idea round baler; 510 John Deere round baler; 851 New Holland round -baler; 124 Massey Ferguson baler and thrower; New Holland baler and thrower; 37 International baler; John - Deere 1209 haybine;l 479 New Holland haybine; 501 Ford 7' mower; ' Inter- national 7'. mower; 618 Ford .crop blower (new); Nd. 9 Massey Ferguson baler'and thrower; Gehl. Flail harvester; 2000-1.00 Hesston forage . harvester (two row corn, head); Dion blower high thrower; John Deere hay rack; 200 gal. Calsa 'sprayer, 30' boom;. 539 New Holland mixmill; 4 ton loading auger and bale conveyor (like new); 16' culti-mulcher; 121/2' international vibra shank cultivator; ” S676 New Holland spreader; 275 bushel; 679 New Holland spreader, 287 bushel; two wagons with thrower racks; 2 New Holland forage boxes with running gear. Sale subject to' additions and deletions. Open for consignment of good quality machinery. Sale Manager and Auctioneer: DONALD E. WALTON 519-369-3804 AUCTION SALE of farm machinery, horses, cattle & real estate will be held for Sam 'Pletch North • Y2 'Lot 2, 'Con.. 5, Morris Twp. , • at the Village of Belgrave Mon. June 17 10:30 'a.m. MACHINERY: 1630 J.D. tractor with No. 145 loader; J.D. A row crop tractor; J.D. M tractor; 3 pt.h. J.D. 3 furrow plow with 14" bottoms; Two No. 27 Massey 2 & 3 furrow trail plows; .10' Kongskilde cult.; 3 plate Fleury Bissel disc; dia-: mond harrows; No. 28 M.H1. 1.5 run seed drill with fertilizer boxes; 7'.Int, trail mower on rubber with p.t.o. & hydraulic lift; 24T J.D. baler; 4 bar Cock-, shutt side delivery rake; S, bar Int. side delivery • rake; 27' Kingwise bale elevator; bale stooker; ,No. 325 N.H. manure spreader;. Co-op wagon and rack; land roller; sleigh and flat rack; horse drawn corn scuffler; 8' horse cult.; Letz grinder; circular saw; 4" 1 2' auger & electric motor; cream & milk cans; electric welder; approx. 230 cedar rails & 25 fence posts; cutter & buggy shafts; two cutters; neck yokes; whipple trees; horse collars; hames; cutter rbpe; sleigh and chime bells; two sets of brass mounted harness; .anvil; broadaxe; cobblers bench; •antique cobblers apron; hand sprayer; jack all jack; hay knives; aluminum step ladder; 28' aluminum extension ladder; drive belts; threshing belts;.,..uantity of scrap; Cham- pion snowblower. CROPS AND FEED: Approx. 8 or 9 ton mixed grain; approx. 18 acres mixed grain; approx.'26 acres hay. CATTLE: 34 beef heifers approx. 6001bs. -IfORSES 2^ registered- 3 yr otd-$elgian horses, blonde sorrel, light legs, white manes & tails; registered Belgian stallion• light sorrel. white mane and tail; blonde . Belgian mare, 3 yr. old, not registered; blonde Belgian stallion, 3 yr. old, not reg.; 7'2 Clyde & 1:2 Belgian dark bay mare, well • broke; Belgian mare, blonde sorrel; chestnut yearling filley; 1 & 2 yr. old' roan Clydes, full brothers, white legs, faces and tails: 3 & 4 yr. 'old full brother and sister hitching team, sorrel, white faces, silver manes & tails, 4 white legs, well broke. TERMS: Cash on machinery, livestock and crops day of sale. REAL ESTATE: Farm with approx. 90 acres. Home with basement, kitchen, sitting_ room, living. room, bedroom and 3 pc. bath on main level, 3 bedroom upstairs. Beef barn, pit silo and small sh- ed. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 1'O% down day of sale, balance in 30 days. Selling subject to a rea- sonable reserve bed at approx. 3 p.m. For further particulars on real estate contact Crawford, Mill & Davies, 357-3630. Attention - Mr. Mill. Lunch Booth on grounds. Owner and auctioneers .not responsible for acci- dents or injuries connected with the sale Auctioneers: GRANT McDONALD Ripley - 395-5,353 WALLACE BALLAGH Teeswater - 392-6170