HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-05, Page 26The title of Grand Sales - master is bestowed only upon those professionat automotive salesmen who have accomplished . per- sonal sales achievements of the highest possible standard. Gary McClement Bob Hurst Page 2B—Crossroads—June 5, 1985 111 11 ...1 nts Q ... CKVR Barrie ® ... WIVB Buffalo Q ...,CBC Toronto ® ... WDIV Detroit a... Global ... WKBW Buffalo • ... WJBK Detroit ... CKNX Wingham ... CFPL London Q ... CHCH Hamilton ® ... CKCO Kitchener 67 TSN City`TV Toronto Weekday Mornings 5:30 O Jimmy Swaggart 5:50 '; ` Ontario Report 6:00 ® Frightenstein O® Seneca Tele - college Q® News Camerar'on Canada ism News ® News This Morn- ing 0 French Open Ten- nis Champ. (R) (Wed) 0 The Way It Was (Mon) 0 Sportspage (Tue) 6:30 0 Shawn O'Sullivan Special (Wed) O, Up To Par (Tue) ® Top Rank Boxing (R) (Mon) © Feeling Good ® Morning Exercise ° in Canada AM O It Figures 7:00 O McGowan's World 0 CBLT Morning ®O 20 Minute Work- out © Today Show 100 Huntley Street p Good Morning America Q Size Small NASCAR Auto Racing (Tue) ID Shawn O'Sullivan Boxing Special (Wed) 7:15 O Fitness Break 7:30 Q Curious George What's New (Fri. ,only) O Body Moves- = oves® Toronto Rocks 0 FYI First Edition O Hercules ® PKA Karate (Thur) 7:45 0 Friendly Giant 8:00 O Elegant Appetites 0 20 Minute Workout 0 Polka Dot Door O The Littles 8:30 ® Harrigan Om All In The Family O Celebrity Micro- waves O The 700 Club Q Rocket Robinhood 9:00 Mg) Anything For Money Es Land and Sea ® Romper Room and Friends O Good Morning Workout O Ed Allen 001138)1130 Phil Donahue Q Forest Rangers O Yes You Can (Thur) 0 Soccer News (Fri) 0 TSN Wrestling (Mon) O Winning Golf: Tips From Pros (Wed) 9:30 0 Baseball Bunch (Thur) 0 Bobby Cox and the Blue Jays (Wed) O The New You Q Mr. Dressup O 100 Huntley Street O What's Cooking O Muppet Show Q(T) Love Connec- tion 10:00 ® Time Machine (Thurs.... Fri.) Q The Facts of Life (Mon. - Wed.) 0 Curious George o Trivia Company IID Hour Magazine O AM Buffalo D i 0 Friendly Giant Q 100 Huntley Street 0 The New You MOQ New $28,000 Pyramid m Expo Baseball: Montreal at San Fran- cisco (R) (Thur) 0 Julius Erving's Sports Focus (Mon) 0 Mark Sosin's Salt Water Journal ( Wed) 8 10:15 Q Fitness Break 0 Friendly Giant 10:30 d Sale of the Cen- tury ID Be My Guest O Mr. Dressup O Good Company ®Fitness Break MO® Press Your Luck O Celebrity Cooks m PKA Karate (Fri) m International Darts Special ,(Mon) O CIAU Year In Re- view (Wed) 10:45 m Friendly Giant 11:00 o Cityline ® Pizzazz 00 Polka Dot Door 0 I Love Lucy ® Sesame Street 0 One Life To Live I® Guess What MQ The Price Is Right J Wheel of Fortune O Cherington 0 All Star Blitz) 11:30 ®Scrabble 0 What Will They Think of Next _ 0 My Three Sons 00 Mr. Dressup 0 Ryan's Hope 0 20 Minute Workout 0 Definition 0 Baseball Bunch (Tue) 0 Powerboat Racing (Wed) ,Thurs., June 6 AFTERNOON 12:00 'O©©00 News IID Flintstones al Beaver Q Ryan's Hope 0 Midday 00 Shazam 12:25 0 Agri -News 12:30 ©O The Young and the Restless 0 Wheel of Fortune 00 News - 0® Loving Q Every. Second Counts O Super Pay Cards m FYI Noon Edition m TBA 1:00 0 You're Beautiful O Soapbox 00000 All MY Children ® Don Harron Show MO Days of O�ui Lives 1:30 ® City Lights (Z)C)01As the World Turns 2:00 0 Let's Make A Deal 0 TBA Om Midday I0 20 ,Minute Workout 0 Dallas ' 0 One Life to Live Qi® Another World 2:30 OC) Capitol 0 Do It For Yourself O Rituals 0 Micro Magic O Pitfall - 0 French Open Ten- nis Champ. (R) 3:00 0 Laverne & Shirley 0 Do It For Yourse:1 Q The New You -0 Coronation Street O Fitness Break OW Santa Barbara M(JO Guiding Light DO General Hospital 3:30 0 The Jeffersons 0 All In The Family O Kids World Q Batman 0 Barney Miller 4:00 [ J( Divorce Court o Hart To Hart O Soapbox 0 Love Boat 0 Beverly Hillbillies Q The Young and The Restless 00 Video Hits 0 Do It For Yourself 0 Toronto Rocks • CD Jeffersons 4:30 00 Jeffersons Ea) The People's Court MASH 0 What's New IID Eight Is Enough 5:00 Q(4. Benson O Sale of the Cen- tury ® Hogan's Heroes Q Video Hits Q News 000 The Price Is Right O Three's Company- ▪ Jeffersons 5:30 WOO Taxi 0 Jeopardy 00 News 0 Three's Company 0 WKRP Fn Cin- cinnati 0 Soccer News 8 EVENING- 6:00 VENING6:00 00000M© News Q Citypulse 0 Ripley's Believe It or Not ® Scan Newshour 0 FYI at 6:00 6:30 Om News 7:00 Q Jeopardy O Entertainment Tonight 00 Wheel of For- tune 0 Super Password O I Love Lucy 000 One Day At A Time 0 Inside Baseball O Sportsdesk M® News 7:30 0 Blue Jay Base- ball: Detroit at Tor- onto eg The Cosby Show 0 The Day That W Never Be Forgotte 0 Bob Newhart O Name That Tun Three's Compa 0 The Facts of Lif O MASH 0 Family Feud Q Wheel of Fortun MO PM Detroit O Back Stage 8:00 MQ® Magnum P ® Cosby O Niagara Rep. Co o Pizzazz 0 Movie "Shootout In A One Dog Town 0 Movie "Heart- -aches" O TBA O Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous 0 The A -Team ® ABC News Closeup: "The Fire Unleashed" 8:30 O Profiles of Natur (I® Family. Ties 9:00 [§(7)(10 Simon an Simon ®I® Cheers MQ Kate and A. lie O Wintario 0 Life's Most Em- barassing Moments 9:30 O Wild World O Molson Toronto Supercross® ® Night Court 10:00 ©O Hill Street Blues MQ Knots Landing Q Citypulse Tonight 0000 National O Special: They Played Ragtime 0 Hotel 10:20 000° Journal WIT11:00 O TV 000OM©� ® 00 News ® CTV National ' News O FYI Final Edition 11:20 0 National Update 0 Ontario Report 11:30 000 Entertain- ment Tonight Q Barney Miller Q Movie "Sweet Smell of Success" Q Totlight Snow M 40 Taxi Q Sportsline 0 Nightline 12:00 0 Rat Patrol m Dallas 0 Movie "Cotter" 0 Movie "The Beguiled" 0 Movie "The Ad- ventures of Robin Hood" OO Mery Griffin O Movie "Captive" M© Charlie's Angels 12:30 O Late Night Q Love Boat 1:00 0 Movie "Harvest Home" (Pt. 1) pc) The Saint O Eye On Hollywood. 1:30 0 Movie "Duel of the Iron Fist" O Welcome Back Kotter ® Late Night 0 News n e ny e e I. e d 0 Highlights O Soccer News 2:00 MD Maude 0 Chico and the Man ® Nightwatch 2:30 DT News CE Movie l`TBA 3:00 0 Blue Jay Base- ball: Detroit at Toron- to (R) OO Q Eight Is Enough O Flipper 3^25 Q Movie "The Sav- - age Five" 4:00 OO © Nightwatch 4:30 © News_...._ _ 5:00 © Telling Secrets 0 gere's Lucy,' 5:50 O Abbott and Costello Fri., June 7 AFTERNOON 12:00 OOO 000 News Q to Fat Albert Q Beaver Q Ryan's Hope 0 Midday O Flintstones 0 Blue Jay Base- ball: Detroit at Toron- to (R) 12:25 0 Agri -News 12:30 0 Wheel of Fortune MCa The Young and the Restless. OQ News M0 Loving Q Every Second Counts IID Super Pay Cards 0 FYI Noon Edition 1:00 0 You're Beautiful O Soapbox 00000 All My Children 0 Don Harron Show cr ®O Days of Our Lives 1:30 Q®O As the World Turns O Citylights 2:00 OI•Midday 0 Dallas O Let's Make A Deal Q TBA Q 20 Minute Workout el Another World 0 One Life To Live 2:30 0 Micro Magic CD(I) Capitol 0 Do It For Yourself O Rituals O ll 3:00 0 French Open Ten- nis Champ. (R) ID Do It For Yourself 0 The New You 0 Coronation Street ® Laverne & Shirley Q Fitness Break M©O Guiding Light ®0 General Hospital WE Santa Barbara 3:30 0 Kids World 0 Batman 0 All In The Family m0 Silver Spoons 4:00 0 Do It For Yourself ®Q Divorce Court © The Youngand the Restless O Soapbox 0 Love Boat 0 Beverly Hillbillies 00 Video Hits O,Hart To•Hart ® Jeffersons 0 Toronto Rocks 4:30 00 Jefferson DO The People's Court Q MASH O Eight Is Enough 0 Spirit Bay 5:00 MQ Benson O Sale of the Cen- tury 0 Video Hits J News 0 Three's Company 000 The Price Is Right ® Hogan's Heroes Q Jefferson 5:30 IDQO Taxi Q Jeopardy Oa News 0 Three's Company 0 WKRP In Cincin- nati EVENTING 6:00 O Citypulse m©000M0 News 0 Silver Spoons ® Scan Newshour The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change. OFYI at 6:00 O Inside the PGA 6:30 0 Tennis Magazine 0 Jeffersons o® News 7:00 ® Jeopardy O Entertainment Tonight OO Wheel of For- tune 00 One Day At A Time 0 Super Password 0 This Week in On- tario ,OOONews O Sportsdesk Q One Day At A Time Q Cagney & Lacey 7:30 0 Roland Michener Special - O MASH 0 Bizarre 0 Oceans Alive 0 Too Close For Comfort 00 Three's Com- pany O Name That Tune 0 Family Feud Q Wheel of Fortune MQ PM Detroit 8:00 CIO Detective in' the House Os The Best of Times m0 Webster Q Murder She Wrote 00 T. J. Hooker _ © Hardcastle and McCormick 0 Movie "Imagine The Sound" 0 Pizzazz 0 Cheers O Expo Baseball: Montreal at Phila- delphia 8:30 0 TBA ® Snow Job Q The Joke's On Us la Gimme A Break 9:00 0 Benson © Half Nelson OM Dallas m0'Eye To Eye A O Love Boat O Streethawk 0 Movie "Inside the Third Reich" (Pt: 1) 9:30 0 People Do The Craziest Things 10:00 0©m0 National W O Miami Vice Cf)(D Falcon Crest 0 Citypulse Tonight O Evening At The Improv el Matt Houston 10:20 000 8 Journal 10:30 0 World of Horse Racing Movies on Channel 8 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE BEGUILED". Stars Clint Eastwood, Geraldine Page, Elizabeth Hartman. Wounded Union Corporal finds refuge in a southern girls.' school and makes -love to all the inmates. When he tries to escape, the headmistress amputates his leg. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT—"JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR". Stars Ted Neeley, Carl Anderson, Yvonne Elliman. The last week in Jesus Christ's life. The last supper and his crucifixion are the events which impel this mystical -musi- cal translation of the famous Broadway play. MONDAY MIDNIGHT—"JOURNEY. TO THE FAR SIDE OF THE SUN". Stars Roy Thinnes, Lynn Loring, Herbert Lom. Space exploration drama set in the last decade of this century, concerning the discovery and exploration of an unknown planet behind the sun. . TUESDAY MIDNIGHT—"GRAD NIGHT". Stars Joe John- son, Barry_ Stolze,..S.uzanne_Eagan� The - e --accent is -on -laughs. rather than "pomp and circumstance" to the rowdy high school graduating class. Features a huge student -teacher free for all at the grad night dance. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE .THRILL OF IT ALL". Stars. Doris Day, James Garner, Arlene Francis. When a doctor's wife becomes a TV "pitch" girl, it disrupts their home life. Movies on Channel 11 THURSDAY, 1:00 A.M.—"HARVEST HOME". (Pt. 1) Stars Bette Davis, David Ackroyd. Bette Davis plays the key role of the mysterious widow, Mary Fortune. "Harvest Home" tells of the terrifying experiences =of a young couple who settle there, seeking a haven from city life and find instead a place of nameless dread that completely change their lives. FRIDAY, 1:00 A.M.—"HARVEST HOME". (Conclusion) Stars Bette Davis, David Ackroyd. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT—"JOURNEY „ TO THE UN- KNOWN". Stars Joan Crawford, Vera Miles. The tale of terror opens when the doors of a library close, and a young woman is taken back in time to the scene of a brutal mur- der. Defenseless, she waits with the knowledge that she is pledged to the Devil. SATURDAY, 2:00 A.M.—"THE MARK OF ZORRO". Stars Ricardo Montalban, Frank Langella r8,�t in the early days of California, this is the story of Don Diego Vega, a cabal- lero who pretends to be a foolish and carefree young man during the day, but at night -rides as Zorro, the masked champion of the oppressed poor people. SUNDAY, 9:00 P.M.—"MALIBU". (Pt.) Stars Anne Jillian, Valerie Perrine. Based on a 1980 novel by William Murray. Investigates the often tragic lives of the chosen few who work and play on that celebrated stretch of sand. TUESDAY; 9:00 P.M.—"MALIBU". (Conclusion) Stars Anne Jillian, Valerie Perrine. 11:00 0 Sportsdesk ru FYI Final Edition ® CTV National News MM®0 00 00 News ® Newsfinal O. SCTV 11;20 ® Ontario Report O National Update 11:30 0 Down the Stretch 0 Sportsline OOm Entertain- - ment Tonight MO Taxi (I) Tonight Show Q Good Rockin' To- t 0 Nightlirie 0 Movie "The Tamarind Seed" 12:00 m Dallas QQ Charlie's Angels 0 Movie "Jesus Christ Superstar" O Movie "The Buc- caneer" 0 Movie "The Proud & The Damned" 0l0 Mery Griffin O World Vision 0 French Open Ten- nis Champ. 12:30 ® Love Boat 1:00 0 ABC Rocks 0 Movie "Pony Ex- press" QQ The Saint O Doctor In Charge 0 Movie "Devil At 4 O'Clock" 0 Movie "Harvest Home" (Pt. 2) 1:30 p Friday Night Videos 0 News 0 Welcome Back, Kotter 2:00 0 Movie "Atomic Cafe" * MOQ Maude O Chico and the Man ° Movie "Evel Knievel" 2:30MONews 0 Perry Mason 0 Highlights 3:00 0 Inside the PGA OO Q Movies "TBA" Q The Cisco Kid 3:30 ® Sergeant Preston 0 Phil Silvers 0 Tennis Magazine 3:50 co Movie "The She- Beast" 4:00 i® Fantasy Island Q Movie "Little Boy Lost" Q More Real People 0 IHRA Drag Rac- ing 4:30 d News 5:00 © Telling Secrets ®.The Walton. 0 World of Horse Racing 5:25 0 Here's Lucy 5:30 0 Expo Baseball: Montreal at Philadel- phia (R) 5:50 O Abbott and Costello -Movies on Channel 10 FRIDAY, 1:00 A.M.--"PONY EXPRESS". Stars Charlton Heston, Rhonda Flemming. Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok ,join forces to atablish a fast, direct mail route from Missouri to the Pacific. SATURDAY, 1:45 A.M.—°°CARRIE". Starring Laurence ` Olivier, Jennifer Jones. A girl runs off witha married Irian, who by the tune she is successful as an actress has become a failure. SUNDAY, 12:20 A.M.—°°BEAU JAMES". Starring Bob Hope, Paul Douglas. The life and times of New York's con- troversial mayor Gentleman Jimmy Walker, and his romance with an entertainer. Movies on Channel 5 THURSDAY, 8:00 P.M.—`°HEARTACHES". Starring Annie Potts, Margot Kidder, Robert Carradine and Winston Rekert. When four totally different lives come together, you end up with ... heartaches. Rita (Margot Kidder) is raunchy, aggressive and soft-hearted. Bonnie (Annie Potts) is a shy, runaway mother -to -be who becomes Rita's best friend. Stanley (Robert Carradine) is Bonnie's likable but immature husband who has no idea the baby isn't his. Marcello (Winston Rekert) the boss' handsome nephew, is obviously attracted to Rita but reluctant to become in- volved with her. THURSDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE ADVENTURES OF ROB- IN HOOD". Stars Errol Flynn„ Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone, Claude Rains. Dashing Flynn in the definitive swashbuckler, winning the hand of de Havilland, foiling the evil prince Rains, and duelling the wicked Rathbone. Beau- tiful color production, with Oscar -winning music score by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. FRIDAY, 1:00 A.M.—"DEVIL AT O'CLOCK". Stars Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra. Aided by three convicts, a priest saves the lives of the children on a South Sea island leper hospital. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE FALCON OUT WEST". Stars Torn Conway, Barbara Hale. The Falcon goes West to solve a murder committed in an Eastern night club. SUNDAY, 8:00 P.M.—"MARIA CHAPDELAINE". Parts one and two of the four-hour mini-series based on. director Gilles Carle's Genie Award-winning feature film Maria Chapdelaine. Based on the world-wide best-selling novel by Louis Hemon about life in rural Quebec at the turn of the century. Carole Laure stars as Maria, a young woman who struggles to escape the stifling environment of a .19th cen- tury Quebec farm. Nick Mancuso stars as Francois Para- dis, one of three men who vie for Maria's hand. SUNDAY, 12:30 A.M.—"PANAMA FLO". Stars Charles Bickford, Helen Twelvetrees. A woman suffers a curious relapse while on a Safari in South America., MONDAY, 8:00 P.M.—"MARIA CHAPDELAINE". (Final) Stars Carole Laure, Nick Mancuso. MONDAY MIDNIGHT—"'LVE MALTESE FALCON".Stars Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet. Outstanding detective drama with Bogart as Dashiell Hammett's Sam Spade and Astor his client. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT—"ACROSS THE PACIFIC". Stars Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor. A World War II adven- ture with Bogart trailing spies in Panama. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT—"TREASURE OF THE SIER- RA MADRE". Stars Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston and Tim Holt. Excellent story of gold -prospecting greed, and human nature at its worst, with Bogart, Huston and Holt as unlikely trio of prospectors. A CORRECTION NOTICE In today's Shoppers Drug Mart flyer our advertised price for cigarettes is $14.39. Due to the increase in Federal Tax in the May 23rd Budget, our selling price must be increased, to. $16.39. We regret any inconvenience caused to our customers, however, this flyer was printed prior to introduction of the Federal Budget. SHOPPERS DRIJ MART gl4a4 elf& President of Mark Cullen Pontiac Buick cwourd EL to announez tizE o Salesmaster Designation to. Gary McClement and Bob Hurst Ralph Canale, General Motors London Zone representative designated Gary with Senior Salesmaster & Bob with Grand Salesmaster. PONTIAC -BUICK o Hwy. 23 N. Wallace Ave. Listowel Phone 291-3791 Sales Hours: 9 - 9 Mon. - Fri. Saturday 9 - 5. Service Hours: 8 - 5 Mon. - Fri.