HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-05, Page 84 DONT LUO AMGJUI-EuIO MA �AYI BEAM PageB—The Wingham Advance -'limes, June 5. 1985 r1E • �� :,may'• ••`•�£li . .. .. ... zirg• 8om3 412 : 1=44,, 1 tthifG:,; Itatimkg, HELP WANTED TOWNSHIP of Hungerford, Hastings County requires a clerk -treasurer -tax collect- or. The applicant must have a good knowledge off provin- cial legislation and regul- ations which govern munici- pal affairs, be responsible for.. all statuatory duties off the clerk and treasurer's position, including prepar- ation of council agendas and minutes, correspondence, preparation of bylaws, con- ucting municipal elections, le drainage procedures, duties relating to the, Plan- ning Act and Assessment Act, financial management, including preparation of annual budget and be re- sponsible for all accounting functions and tax collections. The position requires exper- ience in municipal adminis- tration and financial proce- dures. Preference will be given to applicants with AMCT Designation or Muni- cipal Accounting Course. Applicants without munici- pal experience will not be considered. Salary will be comensurate with quali- fications and experience in the $26,000 per annum range, excellent benefits. Appli- cants are to apply in writing providing a complete re- sume of experience edu- cational background, and re- ferences. Applicants will be received until July 4th, 1985 at 4:30 p.m._ Reeve, Town- ship of Hungerford, P.O. Box 568, Tweed, Ont. KOK 3J0. EXPANDING Northern On- tario weekly newspaper re- quires experienced reporter - photographer. Car essential. References. Chance for ad- vancement. Send resume to: Box 1629 Espanola. POP 1CO. Closing June 8th. TENDERS HEATING SYSTEM REPLACEMENT at F. E. Madill Secondary School Wingham, Ontario Tender forms and job specifications are avail- able at ;the Huron County 8c -and of Edu- cation Office, 103 Al- bert Street, Clinton. Deadline for tender submission is 12 , o'clock noon, June 17, 1985. E. Frayne Chairman R. B. Allan Director of Education HELP WANTED FULL or part-time Hygienist required for busy family dental Practice. Apply to Dr. Catherine Mowbray, P.O. Box 369,'Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2110. PLUMBER or senior ap- prentice required. Must be self-starter, able to handle service calls and install- ations. Send resume to High- lands Plumbing, Box 424, Minden, Ont. KOM 2K0. MATURE babysitter for summer. Three children, 9- 13 yrs. Must be a good swim- mer. References please. Apply Box 668, Wingham Ont. 5,12 FRAMING crew required immediately for 10 houses in Kitchener. Top prices. Call 1- 894-0949 or 1-884-1481 be- tween 6 and 8 p.m.'W. Ristau Construction Limited. SOMEONE to do housework Thursdays. References. Ap- ply to Box 2385 c -o The Wing - ham Advance -Times, Wing - ham, Ont. NOG 2W0. LIVE-IN housekeeper for one male adult, all modern conveniences. Apply to Box 568, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0. 5,12 ONE FULL -time and one part-time kitchen helper. Apply to Great China House, Wingham. 29,5 I PERSON wanted for modern farrow -to -finish operation in Brussels area, some exper- ience in working with breed- ing stock. Phone 887-6477 at noon or after6p.m. 29,5 USHERS Needed: volun- teers ushers over the age of 12 needed for Blyth Festival Summer season. Ushers see performances free. Phone 523-9300 and leave your name and phone number. 29,5 WORK WANTED ENERGETIC student will do odd jobs for the summer. Cutting lawns, painting, gar- dening, etc. Phone_ 357-3077 after 6 p.m., Steve Thynne. WORK WANTED WILL do babysitting. Phone 335-6212. 5,12 SMALL outside painting jobs done, reasonable. Phone 357- 1655. STUDENT with babysitting certificate wanting a sum- mer job. Please call 357-3005 after 4:30 p. m. 5,12 WILLING to do housework, gardening, baking,. laundry, wallpapering, etc. Phone 357-2737. 29,5 IN MEMORIAM BAIRD—In loving memory of my mother, Jeanne Alexandria Keane, who passed away June 21, 1934. She left quietly, her -thoughts ursknown, But she left me with a me- mory I am proud to own. As wonderful mother laid to rest, For all of us she did her best. Her place on earth no one can fill, I miss;nyou Mother and al- ways will. You never said goodbye to me, But I guess it was • just as well, I never could have said good- bye, To one I loved so well: Oh what I'd give to be able to say, Hello Mother in the same old way. To hear your voice, to see yoursmile, To sit ith you and talk awhile. Instead the leaves of mem- ory fall, And gently I gather to trea- sure them all. !' Some may forget now that you are gone, But I will remember no mat ter how long. So please God, forgive my tears, The constant wish that Mother was here. Others were taken, yes I know, But she was my Mother, and I loved her so. Jim Baird 5,12 Coming Events COUNTRY FAYRE Saturday, June 22 in Bel - grave Community Centre starting at 4 p.m. Free ad- mission to arena. Featuring crafts, baking needlework, etc. Cold meat supper 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $5, public school $2.50 Sponsored by Knox United Church, Belgrave. 5,12,19 ANNIVERSARY The family of Jessie and Harold France request the pleasure of your company at a reception in honor of their parents' 40th wedding anni- versary. It will be held Sat- urday, June 15 at 9 p.m. at Lucknow Community Centre, Lucknow. 5,12 ANNIVERSARY The family of Elmer and Mabel Scott welcome every- one to attendan open recep- tion in honor of their,,,,35th wedding anniversary, to be held at the Teeswater Com- munity Centre, on Saturday, June 15,.at 9 p.m. The honor of your presence wlould be the most cherished gift of all. 5,12 ORIENTATION Meeting for persons interest- ed in becoming foster par- ents; at Family and Child- ren's Services, 46 Gloucester Terrace Goderich, Wednes- day, June 12 at 8 p.m. We are especially in need of people interested in working with teens. Phone 524-7356 for further information. Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 ENERGETIC student will do housecleaning, errands, and odd jobs: Phone 357-3077 after 6 p.m., Tracy Thynne. STUDENT looking for farm work. Phone 357-3539. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDERS HEATING~SYSTEM REPLACEMENT' at F.E. Madill Secondary School Wingham, Ontario Tender forms and job specifications are available at the Huron County Board of tz Education Office, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Deadline for tender submission is 12 o'clock noon, June 17, 1985. E. Frayne R.B. Allan Chairman Director of Education THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER SCHOOL BUSES Sealed, Tenders will be received by R.J. McCALL, Superintendent of Operations for the supply of 5 new school buses. Tender closing effective 12 noon, Friday, June 14th, '1985. Specifications and tender forms are available at the board office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily' accepted. R.L. Cunningham Transportation Manager The Huron County Board of Education 103 ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. NOM 1L0 R.B. ALLAN Director E. FRAYNE Chairman Business and Professional Directory Carol E. Homuth; O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists Harriston, Ontario. 338-2712 i,. Dr. L. A. Cowley. B.Sc.. D.C. Dr. Stewart Anderson, • D.0 Chiropractor 1 97 Josephine St. Wingham By Appointment 357-1224 (14) West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1R0 529- 961, FARMS RESIDENTIAL AUTO AGENTS: Frank Foran 42, L. cknow Lyons & Mulhern 46 West '•t., Goderich Donald MacKay RR 3, Ripley Kenneth 8. MacLean RR 2, Paisley John Nixon RR 5, Brussels Donald R. Simpson RR 3, Goderich Delmar Sproul RR 3, Auburn 528-3824 524.2664 395.5362 368-7537 887-9417 529-7567 529-7273 FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME, COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CONTACT THE AGENT IN YOUR AREA DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley John Bryce Glen Coultes Gerald Kerr • Gordon A Stewart Donald McKenzie Lucknow RR 3. Paisley RR 5, Brussels P 0 Box 62• Blyth RR 2, Ripley 163 Elgin Ave W Goderich 528-2214 353-5631 887-6124 523.9275 395-5235 5,24.7602 CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED PROMPTLY TO THE DIRECTOR IN YOUR AREA. HOMECOMING Weekend at St. 'George's Anglican Church, June 29, 30, July 1. Contact Ruth Ger- rie for details. Box 378, Hali- burton, Ont. KOM 1S0. GUEST RANCH Relaxed program special- izing in horseback riding and waterfront activities for girls: Founded 1958. 50 girls 9-14 years. Brochure, Front- ier Ranch,- RR 2 White Lake, Ont. KOA 3L' 0, Phone (613) 623-3577. I GOOD THINGS 1 HAPPEN ' WHEN YOU HELP.' 1 RED CROSSI VACt1TIONS ONTARIO Waterway. Cruises on Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Waterway. Private cabins and all meals on board; •two to six days; June 1 to Oct 14; brochure. Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7117 (705) 748-3606. ONTARIO Waterway Cruises on Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Waterway; Private cabins and all meals on board, 2-6 days; June 1 to Oct. 14, brochure, Box 1540 Peterborough, K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3606. NOTICE The Wingham Medical Centre will be closed July 1 to July 12 in- clusive. For emergen- cies call the hospital. — Dr. J. Ping CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: - 357-2320 WORKSHOP - YOUR CHILD'S DEVELOPMENT • A full day workshop designed for parents and caregivers will provide information regarding normal child development. Information regard- ing seeking iiltervention and services available will also be provided. This workshop is being offered on Thursday, June 13, 1985, by the -Developmental Stimula- tion Progialn at Wingham and District Hospital. Registration fee is $20.00 per person and $30.00 per couple. For further information please call Mrs. Carol Watson at 357-3210, ext. 268. ervice Directory AUTO BODY, THE NU -LOOK AUTO BODY A division of Tolton Motor Sales Ltd., Bluevale COMPLETE COLLISION, AUTO BODY REPAIRS AND REFINISHING • Free Estimates •+ •1'Gravel Guard Application • Sand Blasting • 24 hr. Towing • Glass Installation •Side Mouldings • Re -Chrome Bumpers • Tape Striping Contact Bruce Campbell 357-3029 WINGHAM BODY SHOP 14 North St. F. Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Phone 357-1102 *Paint &'Collision Centre • Radiator -Cores & Repairs •24 Hr. Towing •Frame Straightening Sid Adams owner 357-1171 Ron Beecroft Shop Foreman 357-2950 WELDING SPIKE'S PORTABLE WELDING In shop repair work General Fabrication, Stabling, Truck & Wagon Racks Ornamental Railings •Free Estimates Spike Bakker RR 5, Lucknow Ph. 528-2520 ELECTRICAL PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales Exhaust Fans and Controls WINGHAM 357-1583 HEATING & PLUMBING LeRoy Jackson — Plumbing — Heating — Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING - STATIONERY 314 ,4OSEPHINE'"STREET WINGHAM 357-3800. • Leon Russell Appliance & Refrigeration Service Warranty Service for Hotpoint, Moffat, General Electric, Inglis Whirlpool and Admiral Also available - Heat Pumps & Central Air Conditioning with Service for 3 well-known makes . Phone Wingham 357-3773 MacGillivray 41 Co. ( I1,Irtt i' Ji \� �r ulill;lnl� LISTOWEL 291-1251 Partners: M. J. Hoyles, C.A. R. N. MacDonald Exel, C.A. Managers: L. M. Gagnon, C.A. R. H. GODERICH 524-2677 E. Takalo, C.A. Kaufman, C.A. CONSTRUCTION ASIDES BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Construction Farm - Home - ,N ommercial.• Bert 357-3053 JACK WALKER Construction Hwy. 4 South of Wingham 357-2481 • Houses • Farm Buildings • Renovations FREE ESTIMATES BRUCE D. MacDONALD Masonry Contractor Brick -Block -Stone Phone 357-1722 Wingham; Ontario GRA -MAR MECHANICAL • Heating •, Air Conditioning • Custom Sheet Metal - Phone after 6 p.m. Mark Graham 343-2445 or Brian Martyn 357-2292 SALES Central, Built-in Vacuum Water Softeners Excellent. prices on new plumbing installations! RON VOISIN Plumbing & Heating 392-6784 Teeswater VIDEO SERVICES ••••••••••• • WINGHAM • • : • SERUICES • • Video Tape" Recorders • • Movie Rentals • • JOHN SCHEDLER • • 160 Park Drive •• • Phone 223.3 • • Hours: -M357.on. to Fri. • 12 Noon - 1 p,m. and • 6:30 - 8 p.m. • • Sat. 11' a.m. - 5 p.m. • ••••••••••• Forever Yours Stationery • INVITATIONS • THANK YOU NOTES • NAPKINS, MATCHES • SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wingham Advance -Times Office 1 ROGER PLUMB 'PAINTING & DECORATING . - Residential - Commercial - Interior - Exterior - Wallpapering Phone 357-1202 WINGHAM Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors Appliance Sales & Service to at makes Refrigeration Service Open 6 days a week. 3 7 fear', Built t)y Qualify n Ser.,r Wingham 357-2450 CUSTOM ENGRAVING Name badges, room numbers, door signs, attractive desk sets. Also engraving of names on our fine line of pens and pencils. Available at: The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 The Listowel Banner` 291-1660 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 The Mount Forest Confederate..... 323-1550