HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-06-05, Page 64 r Page 6—The Wingham Advance -Times, June 5, A,985 BUY, SELL,TMAIDE T1IAOUC,ii TIIE SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Birthday Pictures $5.0'0 Engagement Notices(with picture) $5.00 plus '1 .70 for 10 words; 8' a word thereafter Engagement Notices(without picture) ... $4.00 Graduation Pictures $4.00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and,ever . No Charge Wedding Write,Ups No charge.if copy is received within 'three weeks after the ceremony. Charge ter accompany- ing.picture is .. .. $5.00 After Third Week Write Up$5.00 Detailprj wedding write ups wjll not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture 'nd a brief caption will be published at acharge of . $5.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format . . No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is 61.70 first 10 words; 8' a word. thereafter. FOR SALE 35 MM camera, Capon AE -1, excellent, $200; auto flash with bounce, swivel and twin flash, $75; 8000 BTU Electro - home air conditioner, $250. Phone 357-3745 evenings. CHESTERFIELD and chair; recliner, dishwasher, two years old; electric lawn mower; air conditioner. Phone 357-3780. LADIES' cowboy boots $24.95; ladies' sandals $2.98; dresses $9.95; pant suits $4.95; fortrel slacks $2.95; men's short sleeve shirts $1.98; dress shoes $14.95; safety boots $39.95; cowboy boots $34.95; Cougars $14.95; boys' Cougars $12.95; a table of assorted items, shorts,. etc. at -$1 specials at Let- teau's Discount, Teeswater, Ont'. 5,12,19 MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20"; $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 20-rrb E. E. CATHERS, riverbank topsoil, no stones, Wingham district.. Phone 335-3167 evenings. 15,26 HARDWOOD slabs pick Up' or will deliver. . hone McGlynn Sawmill 357-3777. 13,26..._._. READY TO LAY pullets, white and brown egg varie- ties, also laying cages. Fish- er Poultry Farm Inc., Ayton, 665-7711. 24rrb COB corn. Phone Israel Al- brecht, 357-3495. 15,22,29,5 ADDRESS labels; gummed \200 for $3.25; press -on 200 for $3.95; transparent 200 for $5.75; iron -on labels for clothing, 50 for $3.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. Phone 357-2320, The Wing - ham Advance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont, 24-rrb WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb SCHUETT'S of Mildmay offer 30% OFF the price of ALL lamps in stock. Also 30% OFF the price of a variety of certain other merchandise. during "Lamplighter Days" in Mildmay June 4 - 8, 1985 FOR SALE BOY'S navy 3 pc. pinstripe suit, size 20, excellent condi- tion. Phone 887-9345. STEEL Buildings — Inven- tory clearance. Example 32 x 50 complete with door $4,929. Sizes available up to 120' wide. Limited quant- ities. Act now. Calltoll free 1- 800-387-8130 (Area code 807 call 416-828-6262. POCL SALES — leading man, tfacturer with a limited number of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, filter, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regular, $2,095 reduced to $1,295. Call anytime 1-800-265-8142. PIANOS WANTED — Give name, height, number found under top lid, Have your piano refinished, . restored. New low rate! Special: two student's pianos, $695 each. Village Piano Shop, Elmira (519)669-2280;669-2311: SAVE BIG - "1984 Prices" on Arch Type steel buildings. 25 x 32, 32 x 36, 40 x 44, 46 x 76, 50 x 108. Limited time offer while supplies last. Act now. Call Miracle Span tollfree 1- 800-387-4910. AIRTIGHT Cookstove Targe firebox holds fire 24 „hours. -Efficient downdraft burn is easy to control. We have stoves in every pro- vince in Canada. Selling dir- ect from the manufacturer to - you. Cook your meals, bake your bread, and heat your home. Information kit: $1 Suppertime Stoves, RR 4, Aylmer, Ont. N5H 2R3. WATER _PROBLEMS? — New technology to Canada. CSA aproved. Eliminates chemical contamination, nuisance and coliform bac- teria, iron bacteria, staining; smell, iron, bad taste and more. No messy chemicals. Maintenance free. Tested and proven in over 10,000 ru- ral installations. Eliminates the need for liquid chlorin- , ators and water distillers: Free 30 -day trial offer. Try it out. See the results for your- self. Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by a 20 -year written war- ranty. If you want Better Water for Better Country living, call toll free 1-800-268- 2656 or (416) 624-4344 or write Water Purification Systems, 203 — 1030 Kamato Rd., Mis- sissauga L4W 4B6. OAK BUFFET, needs refin- ishing; boy's size 18, 3 pc. suit; Trail 70 Honda mini bike. Phone 887-9489. REBUILT Filter Queen va- cuum cleaners., like new, 2 year warranty, half.. price_ Phone 524-4112. 5,12,19,26 FOUR foot roll top desk,. solid oak, not stained or var- nished. Reasonable. Phone 357-2391 after" 4 p.m. 5,12 HARD maple and beech - wood split, 4' x 8' x 12", $38 a , cord delivered. Phone 395- 3585after5p.m. 1ST BIRTHDAY SALE June 10th 15th CALLIGRAPHY PLUS New & Used Books - Gorrie SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on most in-store books, crafts, etc. Closed Wednesdays. FOR SALE 11 DO YOU have a favorite recipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you to pass along to your friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. / 31rrb TWO side-by-side plots in section L of Wingham Ceme- tery. $165 each or $300 fort both. Phone 357-2248. 29,5 FIBREGLASS canoe, 14', $300. Phone 357-1435. 29,5 STANDING Hay. Phone Perry Strong, Gorrie, 335- 3927. 29,5 ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, wash- able, stainproof. The Wing - ham Advance -Times, '357- 2320. 7rrb LITTLE Dutch Phone 357-1403. windmills. lOrrb LEATHER motorcycle jac- ket (size 38) and pants (size 30), brown, $50 each. Phone 357-2010. 29,5 DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call ,us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas. of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 1,6rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LARGE selection of bred gilts with due dates, vaccin- atedb and pregnancy tested: Phone 357-3495, Israel Albrecht, RR 1, Wingham. 15,22,29,51 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MASSEY Ferguson No. 10 baler, good working condi- tion; Fordson Super Major tractor, new tires and bat- teries. Phone 357-1734. LYNN Lowry Para' Systems Ltd., RR 1, Kincardine, Ont. For all your manure, feed and grain handling require- ments call 395-5286 or see us in Amberley. We handle everything — Almost. 8tf RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1976 HONDA Civic, four cy- linder, four speed, good con- dition throughout, $850 as is, $950 certified. Phone 335- 6146. 29,5,12 1979 YAMAHA motorcycle 650 special, 'excellent condi- tion, 13000 km. Phone 335- 6321 after 6p.m. 29,5 CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1960 JAGUAR sedan, good for restoration project, $650. Phone 357-1069. POLICE CARS, trucks, station wagons, suburbans and vans; four 1980-82 Lin- colns, Cadillac and 98 Olds- mobile. 20 1980-83 Chevs, Fords and Plymouths; 22 1979-82 Aspens, Horizons and Fairmonts, 4 and 6 cylind- ers; six 1978-80 station wagons; eight 1978-80 vans and surburbans; three 1977- 79 Ram Charger 4 xt4'S; 14 1977-80 half and % ton pick- ups. Five 1977-78 one to four ton trucks; eight van bodies and utility bodies. Mightons Car Sales, four miles west of Durham on Hwy. 4, or six miles east of Hanover on Hwy. 4. Phone 1-369-3136. 1979 FORD Mustang, Ghia model, low mileage,, power steering, power brakes, 4 cy- linder, automatic. Phone 382- 6616. 1978 CORDOBA remarkable condition, no rust, interior, exterior perfect, certified $2850. Phone 1-665-7547. 1976 NEWPORT, two door, beautiful condition inside and out, no rust, runs like new, certified, $1650. Phone 1-665-7573. PETS TO GIVE AWAY IRISR Wolfhounds — Regis- tered CKC, vaccinated, wormed, various ages. Color Wheaton and Grey Brindley Champion bloodlines. Phone (705) 382-6115. CAREERS FREE Career Guide de- scribes ,200 learn -at-home' correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Art; Bookkeeping, Btlsinesa'Man- agement, Clerk Typist,' cretary, Journalism, Tele- vision Servicing; Travel. Grant . (5A) 263 Adelaide West oronto. Phone 1-800- 268-1121. AUCTION School — 14th year, 1,200 graduates, courses April, August and December. Write Western Canada School of Auction- eering, Box 687, Lacombe, AB TOC 1S0. Phone (403) 782- 6215. CAREER in trucking -- Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" license. For pre-screening and job place- ment information contact/ Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training. London (519)432= 1726. Cambridge (519) 623- 2430. BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly. HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information, Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 . SUMMER. SCHOOL PROGRAM The Dickson Foundation for Special Learning isoffering an academic, music and drama summer school program for learning disabled students from July 3 to July 29. Day students or residential set- ting offered. Registration, deadline June 17. For furtherinformation phone (519) 744-4464. Metal Coating For Badly Rusted Agricultural Buildings • STOPS RUST • NEUTRALIZES RUST Adds 10 years to life of steel buildings Paint can be applied over this product at a later date with no further priming Your buildings can look like new by airless spray painting! W. ADAMSON & SON s CONTRACTING LTD. 6)1iM4' Lucknow - 528-2113 FS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "BUSINESS MAN" — Open steel building dealership. High potential profits avail- able, part-time or ful-time in your area. Some areas taken. Call (303) 759-3200. WANTED TO BUY WE BUY LA'I`E model tract- ors for wrecking burned, damaged or just tired. Faw- cett Tractor Supply Ltd. RR 2, St.' Marys, Ont. NOM 2V0 (519) 284-2879. BROWN EGGS — 7 cents premium over board price for 500 flocks and under. Picked up weekly at farm, no pick up charge. (519) 822- 0447. 5,12,19,26 GOOD cedar rails, 50 cents per, cash at time of loading. For private use. Phone 1-293- 3354. 5,12 WANTED NEW Lawn Bowlers. Come to the Lawn Bowling Club House any Tuesday night, 7 ' p.m., flat shoes. Bowls for beginners supplied. 5,12 NOTICE Wedding notices, en- gagements, in memoriarhs and obituaries are accepted in written -form-ONLY. We cannot, accept such notices by telephone. Please remember that no classified advertising is ac- cepted after noon Monday. TRAILERS DMP�DU1 Sales • Rentals Parts • Service Your Headquarters For: • Hardtop tent trailers • Travel trailers - from Lightweights right up to Park Models • Truck campers and caps Dealer for: Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel Hwy. 8 W. 5tratford 393-5938 ' Murray MacFarlane Carpentry Bluevale Renovations and repairs 357-1548 Electrolux Canada needs a sales & service representative for Wingham and area. Must have car, be self -motivated and anxious for advancement. Salary negotiable. Phone: 743-8278 (collect) j between 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUIRES A PROGRAM SUPERVISOR''. FOR A DEVELOPMENTALLY HANDICAPPED CLASS AT QUEEN ELIZABETH PUBLIC SCHOOL. - This position is a supervisory position and the successful applicant will be required to supervise teacher aides in a developmentally handicapped class. Experience with developmentally handicapped children is a definite requirement. The supervisor will also be responsible for assisting with and developing programs for students in consultation with the teaching staff and principals. Preference will be given to -applicants 'who possess educational training and experience in this area. - Applications will be received by . the undersigned prier to noon on June 13, 1985. interested &pplicants are requested to send a letter of appliebtion and resume complete with references to: Mr. Peter Gryseels Superintendent of Personnel 103 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO R.B. ALLAN NOM 1L0. E. FRAYNE Director Chairman THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION _REQUIRES TEACHER AIDES For the following schools: Brookside Public School Wingham Public Schaal. - Queen Elisabeth Public School Huron Hope T.M.R. These positions will become effective on September 1. 1985. The successful applicants will become members of CUPE, Local 1428. Individuals applying for these positions will be required to work with handicapped children. Individuals interested in these positions should have training in the area of child development. Normally this type of training is received at the Community College or University level. Past experience in working with children would be a definite asset. Intorasted applicants are requested to send a letter of application which indicates the position they are interested in, a resume, and references. Applications will be received .by the undersigned prior to noon on June 13, 1985. Mr. Peter Gryseels Superintendent of Personnel 103 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1L0 R.B. ALLAN ' E FRAYNE Director Chairman WINGHAM LIONS CLUB ELIMINATION DRAW ,& DANCE June 15th, 1985 WINGHAM ARENA 63 Cash Prizes - Totalling $2,000. Tickets $10.00 per person Available From: All Lions Members and — Hill's Shoes Wingham Cleaners Vance's Drug Store Elliott-Tweddle Ins. Net Proceeds for Wingham & District Hospital Building Fund 4,0 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUIRES OCCASIONAL TEACHERS to do supply work in the elementary and secondary schools during the 1985/86 school year. Appropriate applications may be ob- tained at any elementary or secondary school within Huron County or at the Board of Education office in Clinton, On- tario. Individuals presently serving as occasional teachers are required to re- apply. Individuals who are interested and qualified to be an occasional teacher are requested to submit their names prior to June 28, 1985. Licensed teachers are requested to/attach a copy of their Ontario Teacher Qualification Records Card to this application. From the information indicated on the application form, lists will be prepared and circulated to the appropriate prin- cipal. Individuals having inquiries with respect to supply teaching may contact Mr. Peter Gryseels Superintendent of Personnel Huron County Board of;Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO (519) 482-3496 R.B. Allan Director E. Frayne Chairman N °A. W$".4 gi IMC IIC01tA [D J Town of Witighan Deputy.. Clerk/Treasurer Applications are currently being accepted for the position of Deputy Clerk/Treasurer for the Town of Wingham: Interested applicants should be currently enrolled in a professional accounting course or ha3'e equivalent experience and training.6 ' - Municipal experience would be an asset. A job description and other pertinent inform& tion will be provided by contacting the.Clerk's Office at 357-3550 during normaloffice-hours. ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM & DISTRICT. HOSPITAL CORPORATION_ Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Wingham & District Hospital Corporation will be held in the Auditorium of the Wingham Public School, 131 John St. E., Wingham, Ohtario, on Thursday, June 20, 1985 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the reception and consideration of Annual Reports, for the consideration and con- firmation of changes to Bylaws 1 (i)(j); 2 (a)(d); 3 (b),; 4 (a)(b)(c)(d)(e); 10 (m)(vi)(vii), , (q)(i)(ii) (iii); 12 (f); 13 (a)(b); 15 (d); 22 (e)(f)(g); 38 (c)(e); for the election of Governors, for the appointment of Auditors, and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come before the meeting. Copies of the proposed Bylaw changes may be examined in ti -re office of .the Executive Director of the Wingham & District Hospital prior to three o'clock (p.m., Thursday, June 20, 1985. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased, at the front desk of the hospital for one dollar ($1 .00) prior to five o'clock p.m. Wednes- day, June 5,y 198'5. No membership sold after that time, on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this fifteenth day of May, 1985. By order of the Board of Governors. N. M. Hayes, Secretary