HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-29, Page 30pI5EoUP1TS Page 813—Crossroads—May 29, 1985 H. GORDON GREEN Back in 1968 when the United Church selected Er. Bob McClure as its mod- erator, it must have antici- • pated, reverberations, be- cause McClure wa$n't ,a clergyman but a doctor who had spent much, of his life in China. He was, I think, the first layman ever appointed to lead this church. Nor ,was McClure a par- ticularly pious kind off lay- man. He admitted without apology that • he had doubts about the° resurrection and that he certainly didn't be- lieve in Hell. Such skepticism isn't, of course, unique. Even some of the 'devout 'people have _..,grave doubts about the reality of Heaven and Hell, but the tendency of the devout is to kelp such doubts secret. And for a high church official to openly adnlit them WE BUY — WE SELL. New & Used 'al i MOBILE HOMES MOBILIFE r • RV CENTRE No. 8 Hwy. between Kitchener & Cambridge. (519) 653-5788 was a bit of a shock, to say the least. Strangely enough how - vier, the most scathing criti- °-eism about McCluee's ap- pointment as Moderator didn't come from within the United Church, but from the more evangelically minded churches who, of course, were absolutely horrjfied, and who asked, "Well, if there is no Heaven and no Hell, why have a church at all?" Inferringthereby, it seems to me, that the only good rea- son for religion is to give us a chance at a harp in the Gold- en City City instead of 'land- ing us in hellfire and ever- lasting darkness. And if you care to wander back inth the history of the early church, you will find that this was ac- cepted as its one true mis- sion. Never mind about the suf- fering of the, here and now, the poor man's hunger, or the slave's chains. The -church was interested solely in the life beyond, pie in the sky as the unpious called it. This earth was after all, but a fleeting thing, and its only real importance was that it was sort of testing ground to see what soUls would be willing to strive for a crown in Glory and what: souls would let themselves be sucked into the tar -sands of sin. Just why such a testing ground would be required however by a God who knows the end from the beginning anyhow, has. never been too clear to any but the most scholarly of theologians but for millions of fundamen- talists the belief still per- sists. To some of ol-r more courageous thinkers how- • ever, such a doctrine is merely a convenient way to scare the poor and the ignor- ant and the superstitious into obedience and resignation. And come to think of it soberly, if one is good just for the sake of reaping a reward, of what value is that good- ness? Well, •a reply was given over two hundred years ago by a certain gentleman named Anthony Ashley Cooper, the third Earl of Shaftsbury,, who shocked' the God people of his day be de- claring that a person who re- frains 'from evil merely be- cause he dreads punishment • has no more true piety than a tigettrongly chained or a monkey under the disipline of the whip. Perhaps we should give that idea a quiet thought or 'two before we begin joining those who are raising their hands in holy horror because we now tolerate churchmen who admit that they do not believe in immortality. Personally I am delighted to know that Dr. Bob McClure, who at 85, is still one of 'the giants of his church, is a man who likes to do good simply for goodness' sake and not for the sake of laying' up gold bullion in Heaven. I find that wonder- fully refreshing somehow. And Christian. Aqua Fresh 100 ml. Toothpaste Scope 1 Titre Mouthwash Clairol 450 mi. Condition Shampoo or ,. Conditioner -flight Guard 200 ml. 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