HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-29, Page 8Coming Events Coming events notices advertised in Ibis column will also appear on Channel 12, Country Cable TV without charge if placed seven days in advance. GARAGE SALE And lawn sale, Saturday, June 1, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vic 20 computer; games; 12" TV; Ii copy machine; assorted ' tires, mags and wheels; car parts, jacks, etc; woodstove; toaster -oven; ski wiz snow- mobile; motorcycle hel- mets; assorted boxes, $3 each; hockey equipment; car stereos and speakers; household items. Mr. Car- man opposite Canadian Tire, Wingham. No phone calls please. 1 "r. 4„Page 8—The Wingham Advance-TimeM , ay 29, 1985 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Anyone found dumping litter, stories or other debris on Township Property'0.e. ,roadsides) will be liable to Fine under authority of By-law No. 29 of 1980. Ross Nicholson, Rd. Supt. NOTICE In order to improve the local availability of information on geology and mineral resources, the following publications are now available for purchase at the Wingham District office of the Ministry of I�latural ,Resources, on Hwy. No. 4, south of Wingham: The Physiography of southern Ontario $20.00 and accompanying maps $10.00 Geological Highway Map of Southern Ontario $ 1.00 Rocks & Minerals of Ontario $ 2.00 A geologist is also available to provide technical information and advice - inquiries should be directed to Terry Carter. Telephone: 357-3131 Hon. Michael Harris Minister Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Mary Mogford Deputy Minister PUBLIC AUCTION 535 W heeler Street, Lucknow FRIDAY, JUNE 7, at 7:30 P.M. Lot size 66' F x 165' D. House consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 up, 1 down, kitchen, livingroom, diningroom, den, basement. Septic Tank Town Water. 2 blocks from Post Office. Viewing at 6':30 with auction to be held at 7:30 p.m., subject' to low reserve bid. Terms 10 per cent down, balance in 30 days. AUCTIONEER Gordon H. Brindley For further information call 519-528-3322 CONSIGNMENT,_ AUCTION SALE of household goods Monday, June 10/85 6:00 P.M.. BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE DUNGANNON° Auctioneer: Gordon H. Brindley Watch next week's paper for listing EVENING AUCTION SALE Of Consignments of Home Furnishings & Antiques will be held in Teeswater Arena on: Monday, June 3/85 Starting at 6:00 p.m. Consignments Include: Living room, kitchen and bedroom furnishings; small appliances; quantity of dishes, glass, kitchenware; power tools; pressure system; and many more useful and, • interesting items. Terms cash. Snack bar. Auctioneers: WALLACE BALLAGH Teeswater 392-6170 GRANT McDONALD. Ripley 395-5353 WALTON SALE ARENA 2 Miles West of Durham on Hwy. 4 Thursday, June 6, 1985 11:3.0- a.m. a ton's Tifl-i -Anniversary Special 20 Roybrook Tempo daughters selling. A (VG) 3 yr. (1 70M -217F) 'her dam (VG) (172M-184F),2nd Dam (VG) 7392M kg. - 4.04%, 3rd dam (GP) 7961M-4.26%. Due November to Starbuck; A (GP Tempo 3 Yr (152M -154F), her dam (EX) 10,372M-4.32%, 2nd Dam (EX -2E) 9264M-4.6%, 3rd dam (VG) 9593M-4.6%, sell- ing fresh; A July 8, 1982 (GP) daughter of Triple Threat, her dam (GP) (144M -175F) selling fresh; A (VG) daughter by Sheik, (138M -174F), her dam (VG) (158M -170F), due sale time to Thunder; A show heifer born Sept. 2, 1983 by Warden, her dam (VG) over 200 BCA. 13th at Ontario Spring Show '85; 30 head from Beslea Farms Ltd., Shel- burne, Ont. Featuring a group of young cows, and first calf heifers. A (GP) Dominion selling with 3 Lact. Avg.; (139M -140F), her dam (VG) 6 yr, 134M -154F and Reserve Grand Champion Fe- male - Tri County '82, 3rd dam (GP) 7713M-3,9%. Fresh since March; A (VG) North- croft (127M -132F) of BCA and bred March 20. Her yearling daughter sells by Stylist; A (GP) Moch Four (141M -151F), her dam (GP) (1381v1 -155F), 3rd Dam (VG) 7911-4,2%, selling fresh. A prospect for higher classificaion. Semen selling at 11:30. - Tempo, 1:30'Tempo, Triple Threat, Starbuck, Banker, Mant- tor, Senatdr. Plan now to attend. Sale Manager & Auctioneer DONALD E. WALTON (519) 369-3804 • GARAGE SALE At Coulter's Corner, Gorrie Friday, May 31, 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 1 all day. Yarns and craft supplies, clothing. FLOWER SERVICE Gorrie United Church, Sun- day, June 2, 11 a.m. Guest speaker Mrs. Lynne Bullock; Harriston. Everyone wel- come. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS At Brussels Legion, Satur- day, June 1, 8 p.m. Music by D.J. Everyone welcome. YARD SALE June 1, 9 to 4 p.m. Main Street, Walton. r OPEN RECEPTION For Thelma Stacey (Pur - don) and- Sam Dougherty, Saturday, June 1, 8:30 p.m. Blyth. Everyone welcome. 22,29 FLEA MARKET In Wroxeter Park, Saturday, June 1 from 9 a,m, to 4 p.m. Vendors wanted. Phone 335- 3396 or 335-3302. 22,29 TEA AND BAKE SALE The Salvation Army. Horne League Ladies are having a tea and bake sale on Thurs- day, May 30 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Salvation Army, Ed- ward St., Wingham. 22,29 STEPDANCE RECITAL Featuring Janice Ballagh's daneepupils in Howick Cent- ral School on Friday, May 31, 8 p.m. Guests include "Here Comes Treble","Just Plain Folk" and the McMichael Sisters. , 22,29 DRAMA CLUB F. E. Madill Drama Club presents the Spirit of Broad- way, at F. E. Madill Secon- dary School, Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday, May 30, 31 and June 1 at 8 p.m. Admis- sion adults $2, children 12 and under $1. 15,22,29 YARD SALE Neil and Leta Stirling's yard sale, household goods and --personal--items.-'- Saturday; June 1, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. One block west of Gorrie Post Of- fice. Refreshments avail- able. 22,29 AUCTION SALES AUCTION sale of farm machinery,- livestock and real estate will be held for Sam Pletch, at'Belgrave, on Tuesday, June 18) at 10:30 a.m. Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353 and Wallace Ballagh, Tees - water 392-6170. VARIETY CONCERT Blyth Memorial Hall, featur- ing local performers_ Satur- day June 1 at 7:30 p.m. Tick- ets $6 per family of $3 each at the door.`Phone 523-9300 for information. GRAB BAGE SALE At the Salvation Army, Orange Hall, Edward St., Wingham, Saturday, June 1, lto4p.m. RIDE FOR CANCER Due . to inclement weather the Great Ride for Cancer sponsored by the Opti -Mrs. Club of Wingham and Dis- trict will now be held'on Sun- day, Sunday, June 2 at 1 p.m. at Zehr's parking lot. 15 kilo- meter bike ride for Canadian Cancer Society. All partic- ipants must be high school age or accompanied by a parent. Sponsor sheets can be picked up at Belle's Var- iety and Gifts. • BUS TRIPS $1.44 day, Monday, June 3: Mystery tour! We will try to makeyour. day an interest- ing one. Places I have not been before, Tuesday, June 25. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357- 3424. SUPPER •A cold •plate supper at McIntosh United Church Wednesday, June 5, 4:30 to 8 p.m. Adults $5, children 12 and under $2. ., PRE -REGISTRATION . Wingham Nursery School pre -registration for the 1985- 86 school term will be held on June 4, 5, 6 and 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children must be 21/2 years old and toilet train- ed. Come in and see us on Josephine Street across from the town hall or phone 357- 2362 for more information. RECEPTION There will be an open wed- ding reception following the marriage of Karen Coultes and Paul Cook in the Brus- sels, Morris and Grey Com- munity Centre, on Saturday, June ] 9 p.m. YARD SALE Saturday, June 1, Gorrie United Church, 9 a.m. Lunch booth and bake table avail- able., MULTI -FAMILY Garage sale, Saturday, June 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 28 George St., Wingham. Rain or shine. USED BOOK SALE Huron County's Largest Used Book Sale on Saturday, June 1, 10-7:30, and Sunday, June 2, 12-4 in Memorial Hall, Blyth. Books and mag- azines, tours of the theatre; bake table and refresh- ments. Art exhibit featuring Morris Darling. Readings at 2 p.m. by storyteller Mickie McClear (Saturday) and author Gisele Ireland (Sun- day) . Admission free. Pro- ceeds to Blyth Festival. ON.ATI ONS_ Of baking will be greatly appreciated and received prior to sale time if possible, Saturday, June 1 and Sun- day, June 2 at Blyth Memor- ial Hall. PHYSIC AWARENESS Saturday workshops start Jun -e-1-5: Take par -tin actual. experiments in ESP, Clairvoyance, etc. Learn se- crets of astrology, biorhyth- m, hypnosis, etc. Phone Dr. J.P. Rae, 327-8382 or write ,clinic of Parapsychology, Box 220, Clifford, Ont. NOG IMO. 29,5,12 WINGHAM LIONS CLUB ELIMINATION DRAW '& DANCE. June 15th, 1985 WINGHAM ARENA 63 Cash Prizes - Totalling $2,000. Tickets $10.00 per person Available From: All Lions Members and — Hill's Shoes Wingham Cleaners Vance's Drug Store Elliott-Tweddle Ins. Net Proceeds for Wingham & District Hospitfal Building Fund HORSESHOES The 1985 horseshoe season at the. Wingham Sportsmen's Club is set to begin this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. New members are welcome. 29,5 DANCE To Tiffin's Orchestra at Bluevale Hall, Friday, June 7 at 9 p.m. $5 per couple,' Ladies please bring lunch. 29,5 FLEA MARKET Maitland Valley Region Flea Market, Clifford, Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9. Antique cars and parts, antique fashion show, an- tique car show. Barbershop quartet. Beef barbecue on Saturday, 5 to 8 p.m. Ven- dors welcome. Phone 924- 3480. IDENTA-K1D Howick Lions Club will host ,an IDENTA-Kid (finger- printing) program„ Satur- day, June 1, at the Howick Community Centre f r all children 10 and under.'Id- ren must be accompanied by an adult. All Howick-Turn- berry-Wallace Minto child- ren welcome. We will be doing older children, teens and adults in the fall. Let's make our children safe! FIDDLERS JAMBOREE And Step Dancers, June 9, at Mitchell Community Centre at 1:30 pati. to 9:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. 29,5 MEN'S GROUP PROGRAM To end family violence call the Huron County Task 29,5 Force on Family Violence 482-3933. 24,12 BIRTHS MORRISON—Lloyd and Glenda Morrison, RR 1, "Lucknow, joyfully an- nounce the birth of their' daughter, Lesley Kim, six pounds, 10 ounces, on May 12 at Wingham and District Hospital. A sister for Lee. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morrison, RR 1, Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ballagh, W0lkerton. SAHLI—Jean and Marc are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son, Brian Jason, six pounds,a14 ounces, on Friday, May 17, at Windsor Metropolitan Hospital. Proud first-time grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ' Simpson, Whitechurch, and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sahli, Windsor. DOLSON--Steve and Karen (Galbraith) Dolson of Atwood are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Scott Steven Bradley, eight pounds, 10 ounces, on Saturday, May 18, at Guelph General Hospital. A brother for Jordan. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Georgina Dolson, Brampton, Brad and 1✓velyn Galbraith, Wingham. BROPHY—Joseph and Adrienne Brophy of Wingham welcome a son, Sean William, seven pounds, one ounce, born May 24 at Wingham and District Hospital. YARD SALE South of Wroxeter, June 1, 9 to 1 p.m. Watch for the signs. BUCK AND DQE For Peggy Keil and Dave Shaw Saturday, June 8 at Howick Community Centre. Peter Bauer D.J. $4 per per- son. Lunch included. Dan- cing 9 to 1. Tickets available from Bryan Shaw or Tim Keil. 29,5 BUDGET WISE Your child's allowance should be large enough to cover such things as bus fare and school lunches, says Home and Family Manage- ment Specialist, Jean Rid- dell of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's rural organizations and ser- vices branch. But the allow- ance should also.. be small enough .. to encourage your. child to learn to budget. BLUEVALE BARES. (ladies softball team) CAR WASH is now Sunday, June 2 at the Riverboat Parking Lot 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Business and Professional Directory Carol E. Homuth, Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists Harriston, Ontario. — — -338-271=2------- Dr. L A. Cowley, B.Sc., D C Dr, Stewart Anderson, DC' Chiropractor 197 Josephine St. Wingham ____By_Appointment -- 357-1224 ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM & .DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Wingham .& District Hospital Corporation will be held in the Auditorium of the Wingham Public School, 131 John St. E., Wingham, Ontario, on Thursday, June 20, 1985 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the reception and consideration of Annual Reports, for the consideration and con- firmation of changes to Bylaws 1 (i)(j); 2 (a)(d); 3 (b) 4 (a)(b)(c)(d)(e); 10 (m)(vi)(vii), (q)(i)(ii) "(iii); 12 (f); 13 (a)(bj; 15 (d); 22 (e)(f)(g); 38 (c)(e); for the election of Governors, for the appointment of Auditors, and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come befpre the meeting. Copies of the proposed Bylaw changes may be examined in the office of the Executive Director of the Wingham & District Hospital prior to three o'clock p.m., Thursday, June 20, 1985. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for one dollar ($1.00) prior to five o'clock p.m., Wednes- day, June 5, 1985. No membership sold after that time, on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this fifteenth day of May, 1985. By order of the Board of Governors. N. M. Hayes, Secretary $" T BINGO CONTINUES! at KNECHTEL'S until June 15th or until ticket supplies run out! Congratulations! to the luckywinners to date. -WINNER OF $1,000.00- Winnifred Carter —WINNERS OF 000.00—_ - Jon Bateson - Jean Tiffin Linda Hess - Rick Rathburn - Jannette Rodger - Brenda Deyell - Barb Nicholson - Jean. Renwick Larry Lane - Dianne Cameron - Carol Johnstone Many More Winners have collected Grocery Vouchers of $25.00,110,00, $5_00 & $1.00 PICK UP YOUR TICKETS WHEN YOU SHOP KNECHTEL'S AND MAYBE YOU'LL BE OUR NEXT jib WINNER!