HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-22, Page 16Page 2A—Crossroads—May 22, 1985
Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and
entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -
Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun Members of
the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community
Newspaper Association and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled, distribu-
tion in Arthur, Drayton, Harriston, Moorefield, Palmerston, Elmira, St
Jacobs and Wallenstein
Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5 00 p m Thursday week
prior to publication date
Advertising and Production Accounting and Billing
The Listowel Banner " The Wingham Advance -Times
188 Wallace Ave N., Josephine St ,
PO Box97, P0,Box 390.
Listowel, Ont Wingham, Ont
N4W 3H2. NOG 2W0
The Listowel Banner 291.1660 The Wrngham Advance -Times 357.2320
The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Milverton Sun 595-8921
RCA 20" colour TV, $379.95,
new in boxes, in limited
quantity. Call Modern Appli-
ance Centre, 291-4670.
ed number of new Thomson
lightweight trailers, 17 ft.,
fully equipped. Full price,
$5,500. See them now at
Thomson Leisureway (1979),
Williamsford, just off Hwy.
6, phone 794-3474.
DON'T MISS the incredible
rebate sale still on until May
31, 1985. Modern Appliance
Centre, 102 Main Street East,
Listowel. 291-4670.
large selection of good used
passenger car tires. Prices
range from $22 to $35 per
tire. We also install. Tires
are guaranteed for 30 days.
Phone 887-6932 or 887-6968.
BICYCLES, tricycles, 3, 5
and 10 speeds, standard.
used, reconditioned, will
take trade-ins. 3234766.
TRAILERS and caps, best
prices. Prowler, Golden Fal-
con, new and used. We buy,
sell, rent and repair. Morry's
Trailer Sales, Highway 4 be-
tween Hanover and Walker-
ton 364-3748. Closed Wednes-
days and Sundays.
WEDDING supplies — Pom-
pons, plastic, available in
yellow, pink, white and light
blue; 41/2" white, silver or
gold doilies and ribbon for
wedding cakes, also Guest
Books for weddings,• anni-
versaries, showers and all,
other occasions. Items all
available at The Listowel
Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N.
CAN YOUR audience find.
you? Have a speech; demon-
stration or performance to
sell? We'llhelp you reach the
audience that's searching for
you. Register before Apal 5
for the Spring '85 issue and
receive a 20 per cent ($15)
discount off the $75 Registra-
tion Fee for IN TOUCH - the
Who's Who Directory of On-
tario's speakers and demon-
strators. IN TOUCH, Water-
loo, 885-4409.
LITTLE Dutch windmills.
Phone 357-1403.
WE HAVE Progressive
Euchre score cards; Court
Whist tally cards; and
Bridge score pads at The
Listowel Banner, 188
Wallace Ave. N. Listowel,
FINANCIAL assistance may
b available for your handi-
c pped children. Parents
and guardians are invited to
a meeting to .learn about
funding available for (a)
Special support needs for
programs and equipment at
home;;. (b) or Handicapped
children's benefits. Speaker:
Joy Bourget, Special Agree-
ments Officer, Ministry of,
Community and Social Serv-
ices. The meeting is Monday,
May 27th at 8_: 00 p.m. at,.
Town and Country Enter-
prises, 820 Main St. E.
(Highway 86) Listowel, On-
tario (beside Agricultural
WE BUY and arrange first
and second mortgages on
residential property and
farms. Phone Greg Cowan
now at 291-3800, 8:30 to 5:00
p.m., Monday to Friday.
Asphalt paving and sealing.
Driveways, farm lanes, parking lots,
tennis courts.
Workmanship guaranteed.
Free estimates.
P.O. Box 11/ Al - 335-6228
Wroxeter, Ont. Paul - 335-6497
Ball Park
Use non -burning _bright stripe marking
compound for your ball diamond. For
pickup or delivery contact
Chambers Dominion Hardware
Wroxeter 335-3265
Selling complete line of
hog & cow stabling, some plumbing
supplies, ventilation' products.
Feeders and feed carts, (new & used)
Small tools & electrical tools,
nuts & bolts, cultivator teeth.
Electric Fence Posts - ea. 85t
Also buy used hog & cow stabling
LOT for lease in Fordwich
Mobile Home Park. Phone
COMMERCIAL building -
5,200 square feet situated on
corner of two highways (Lis-
towel). Will rent all or part.
Phone 291-3274 or 291-3617
evenings. '
USED, clean nylon or burlap
feed bags. Phone 699-4481
(St. Clements) before 8:00
a.m., or write Box '269, St.
Jacobs, NOB 2N0.
MOBILE HOME, 60'x12', in
good condition, Phone (416)
CARS, trucks, tractors, etc.
for wrecking. Top prices
paid. Carl Zenger (Strat-
ford) 271-7800 or (Kitchener)
WILL BUY used pianos for
cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano
Tuning and Repairs. Phone
Gold and silver coins, jewel-
lery, sterling. silverware, trays,
tea sets, antique clocks, pock-
et watches, old post cards.
documents. All scrap gold and
dental gold.
1125 King St. E , Kit 576-4840
8 Water St. S , Camb 621-0430
NINE -year-old three-quar-
ter thoroughbred brood
mare, 15.2 h.h. Contract to
Canadian hunter stallion
"Cozy's Commander" in-
cluded. 371-3453.
PREVIOUS Bluevale store
20' x 50' plus living quarters -
upstairs 20' x 50', 4 bed-
rooms, living room and 3
piece bath; downstairs 22' x
15', kitchen and 3 piecebath;
large size barn on lot, paved
driveway, asking $59,000.
Phone 357-3409.
COPY for Crossroads Classi-
fieds must be received by 5
p.m., Thursday of week prior
to publication.
Farm Credit Corporation via Power of Sale offers
by Public Tender -
LOCATION: 3 miles south of Millbank just off
County Road No. 7.
'LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N3/4 of Lot 17, Con-
cession 3, Mornington Township, Perth County.
LAND: 150 acres with 120 workable.
BUILDINGS: 11/2 storey stone house in excellent
repair. Large barn set up for 75 sow -finish opera-
tion and 3 3600 -bushel granaries.
NOTES: Possession of crop land may be subject
to lease for 1985 crop year.
The purchaser of this property must rely on his or her own in-
spection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or
any other particulars or representation made verbally or in
writing by or on behalf of the Farm Credit Corporation.
An offer to purchase must be made on a form obtainable
from the Farm Credit Corporation on request to the address
below or from any office of the Corporation.
A certified deposit of $10,000 must accompany the offer:
Offers to purchase must be received at the Field Office
listed below by May 31st, 1985. Closing is normally 30 days
after acceptance unless other arrangements approved by ven-
dor, '
Before 'making an offer, those interested should ascertain
that the property can be used and occupied for the purposes
intended in accordance with Provincial Legislation and
Municipal Regulations.
Cash offers are preferred. If F.C.C. financing is required,
this must be. discussed prior to tendering with the -
Corporation's local representative listed below.
The highest or any tender will not ,necessarily be accepted.
The Corporation could request new offers to purchase after
the above mentioned date, if deemed necessary.
Purchaser will be responsible for all taxes and all assess-
ments whether local improvements, tile loans, or otherwise
charged or assessed against the said property from date of
closing subject to the usual adjustments.
All offers to purchase and inquiries should be addressed to:
Attn: A. van Niekerk
Box 39, LISTOWEL, Ontario
N4W 3H2
Telephone: (519) 291-3450
Please refer to file number: 36963-585
Clearing auction sale of livestock, cream quota,
machinery, feed and misc. items to be held. at
the West 1/2 Lot 4, Con, 3, Mornington Town-
ship, 1'/2 miles west of Milverton on
Fri. May 24 - 1:00 -
MACHINERY: MF No. 135 tractor with No. 300
Allied loader, 1475 hours, sharp; MF 6 bar side
rake; MF No. 12 baler; MF No. 110 manure
spreader; JD one way; MF 9' 3 p.h. double disc;
New Idea 7' hay mower; Triple K 91/2' cultivator
with levellers; Fidelity 120/240 alternator; MF 33
15 run seed drill with 'fertilizer and grass seed;
Spraymotor 100 gallon weed sprayer; 4 section
harrows and `pole; flat rack .arid wagon; 32' Eber-
sol elevator with 3/4 h.p. motor; 27' - 5" grain
auger, 1 h.p. motor; Martin gravity bin on Joe's
'wagon; hammermill; oat roller.
MILK EQUIPMENT & QUOTA: Approx. 1250 kg.
of used cream quota; Star 5 can cooler; Viking
600 Ib. cream separator, good; 3 Surge milking
pails; Surge vacuum 'milk pump with 11/2 h.p,
LIVESTOCK: 10 dual purpose Shorthorn cows,
bred Limousine; 4 Shorthorn heifers, approx. 400
lbs.; 3 yearling steers, approx. 700 lbs.; - 7 yearl-
ing heifers approxi 600 lbs.; 8 calves 200-300
lbs. Cows will be blood tested and pregnancy
Checked prior to sale.
FEED: 5 tonne .mixed grain; 1-000 bales of hay;
800 bales of straw.
MISC. ITEMS: 50' - 7" endless belt; 6x8 chicken
shelter; pig feeders; pig panelling; cattle clippers;
electric fencer; utility 8' trailer, etc.
NOTE: This is a very clean auction with good
clean machinery. Be on time as there are not
many small items. Lunch booth on grounds.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Auc-
tioneer or proprietor not responsible for accidents
on sale day. -
Howard Schade - 595-4076
Milverton, Ont., 595-8596
of appliances, furniture, dishes, baby equipment
& misd. from the home of
N. H. Weber
835 Richmond St. N., Listowel. Sale will be held
in the Kurtzville Community Centre on
Wed. Evening, May 29
at 6:00 p.m.
APPLIANCES: Westinghouse frost-fre.e refrigera-
tor textured front, white & good; Frigidaire 30"
electric stove; Woods chest 15 cu. ft. freezer;
Speed Queen auto. washer & electric clothes
dryer, white & good; Electrohome dehumidifier;
GE vacuum & acces.; Shop Vac; 30" Magic Chef
built-in counter stbve, stainless steel top & glass
Mack oven door, in excellent condition.
FURNTIURE: Matching love seat, 'chesterfield,
chair & foot stool, beige stripe, like new; wall unit;
Candle 20" color TV, like new; York comp. radio,
turntable & speakers; Sklar chesterfield- & chair,
beige floral; Electrohome stereo console i'nodel;
Zenith color TV console model, like new; coffee &
end tables; matching table lamps; floor, swag
lamps; blue swivel rocker; easy chair; Admiral TV
& stand; dinette table with leaves, 4 side chairs &
arm chair (elm, good); Mag. table; marble top plant.
-table; square parlor table; Bentwood rocking
chair; Brothers portable sewing machine; library
desk & chair; smoker stand; small tables; bridge
table & 4 chairs; fireplace acces. & ornaments;
pictures, clocks; laundry cupboard; wash table;
foot stools; luggage; kitchen stools; bedroom
suite with double bed, chest of drawers, nite
table; bedroom chair; single spool bed with good
mattress; chest of drawers;. daybed; wicker
pieces; linens.
DISHES: Toaster oven; variety of dishes including
Coalport dinner set for 6; 2 breakfast sets, glass,
good pieces, everyday dishes, pots & pans.
PIANO: Amherst upright piano.
BABY EQUIPMENT: Crib complete with mattress
& bumper pads; change table with bathing tub &
shelves; Baby-Tenda; car seats; toys, etc.
MISC.: Golf bag & clubs, 4 irons, 2 woods;
wooden step ladder; steel tool cabinet; bicycles;
garden tools; lawn furniture; copper boiler; garden.
tiller; plus much more.
NOTE: This sale consists of good quality clean fur-
niture, so plan to attend.
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents
or loss of property sale day.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day.
. Auctioneers:
BOB GILMORE - phone 291-3489
DOUG GILMORE - phone 291-3421
of 14' boat, hardtop camper, household effects,
garden 'tools, misc., etc., gun for
Jack & Betty Carter
in Village of Holstein, approx. 7 miles north of
Mount Forest on
Sat. May 25 - 11 a.m.
BOAT, CAMPER: Cutter 14' fiberglass boat with
40 h.p. Johnston motor, trailer, life jackets, 2
5 -gal. gas tanks, set of water skis: The above unit,
real good clean cond.; 1979 Starcraft hardtop
camper, sleeps 6, complete with propane stove,
icebox, sink, 110/12 volt convertor, with 8x9 din-
ing' room add-on, 1 yr. old. Above trailer in good
cond.; 71/2 h.p. older model Evinrude motor, runn-
ing order.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Chesterfield & chair; 3
pc. bedroom suite, double bed, dresser, vanity;
GSW clothes dryer, good cond.; Gibzon older
model deep freeze, working order; 4 drawer
chest of drawers; Brant annex woodstove, good
cond.; set of bunk ,beds; rollaway bed, good
coni..;..antique-parlour--table; 9x12 Indian -rug; 1
yr. old; card table & chairs, good; coffee table;
odd end tables; old rocking chair; GE 6000 BTU
window air conditioner, good cond.; BW portable
TV, good; dishwasher lift top, old model; odd
chairs; good table lamps; odd lamps; floor lamp;
boxes of books; some bedding; large crock; fruit.
sealers; electronic & board games; 2 coffee
makers; pots & pans; some appliances; partial set-
ting of '12 pc. bridal pattern everyday dishes; odd
Tupperware; odd glasses; ornaments; 5 Avon
collector Christmas plates from 1978-83; 2 old
radios, 1 working old gramophone records; pole
lamp; humidifier; double & single bedspreads; odd
material; magazine racks; other small household
items not listed, -
GUN: _Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun with choke,
good cond.; FAC required.
Ariens 5 h.p. garden tiller, real good cond.;
Mastercraft 5 h.p. snow blower, good cond.;
power lawn mower, good; 3'/2.h.p. riding tractor,
running order; umbrella table & 2 chairs; gas Bar -
B -Q; 2 kerosene heaters; snowmobile for parts;
garden wheelbarrow; elbar gas cans;
lawn chairs; 2
wooden stepladders; alum. stepladder; 2 chim-
ney brushes, 7 8" with handle; sink & taps; -
small hand & garden tools; other small items not
TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D. only.
House is SOLD. The Carters are moving to apt. in
Mount Forest. Lunch booth. Sale order: 11 a.m.
household effects, tools, misc.; camper & boat
sell at 1 p.m. Owner or auctioneer not responsible
for accidents, injury, deletions or loss of property
sale day.
Jack & Betty Carter - 334-3766
Mount Forest - 323-4058
Of machinery and household items will be held
Jim Johnston
and Ross Peacock
Lot 46, Con. 1, 'Morris Twp., 1 corner south of
Bluevale then 2 miles east or 11/2 miles west of
Jamestown on
Sat. June 1 - 12 noon
David Brown 990 tractor; MH 44 tractor; Allis WC
tractor; MH No. 10 baler has NH thrower; MF 5
bar rake; Int. 7' mower; 32' bale elevator; Hydrien
3x14 plow; Int. 510, 16 run drill; 20' weed
sprayer; 10' disc; 10' Kongskilde cultivator; NI
p.t.o. 170 bu. spreader; 5 section harrow; grain
box on wagon; 2 ten -ton wagons; 40 ft. p.t.o,
grain auger; trailer; Fairbanks 9" hammermill and
6" belt; Clark gas motor; 2 electric '/2 h.p. motors;
% h.p. air compressor; 3 h.p. Briggs & Stratton
roto tiller; electric fencer wire & stakes; 10 ton
hydraulic jack; 50 ft. snow fence; cedar post,
rails, lumber; 90' of 3/4" plastic pipe; Int. 163
swather, 12' has water cool motor; New Idea 165
bu. spreader; NH mower; Case 3 x 14 plow;
Kongskilde 8' cultivator; approx. 15 ton grain and
8 ton corn; Choremaster tiller; circular saw; clip-
pers; water' tanks; chains; forks; oil stove; fur-
niture; household items.
For information phone 887-9470.
TERMS: Cash.
Owners or auctioneer not responsible for acci-
Of Registered Belgian horses, Holstein cattle,
pigs, tractors, machinery, feed, guns & misc
items for
Edmund Cassel
• Lot 27, Con. 1Q, Ellice Twp., located 5 miles
east of Monkton on Perth, County Rd. 9 or 5
miles south and west of Milverton on
Sat. June 1 - 10:30 a.m.
MACHINERY: Int. 986 diesel tractor, tri -strip cab,
double remotes, 10.,z h.p. only 800 hours, like
new, new duals to fit some tractor; MF 135 diesel
tractor, 3 cyl. complete with Allied all hyd. 350
loader with 2- buckets, good condi, chains to fit
same tractor; MF 300 S.P. 10' combine, gas,
bean cyl., straw shredder '& spreader, pick-up; MF
-36 S.P. 10', swather with pick-up reels; New
Holland 718, 1 row forage harvester & pick up;
New Holland 25 forage blower; Turnco self un-
loading forage box on H.D. wagon; Fiskars semi -
mount 5 furrow plow, auto. reset, adjustable
14"-18" bottoms; Hydrien 3 pt.h. 2 furrow plow
16" bottoms; Int. 181/2' wheel cultivator with fold
up wings; Belarus 12' wheel chisel plow; MF 160
power spreader with top beater; Allis C. 140
power spreader, single beater; Farm Hand mixmill
16" mill; MF 10 hay baler; New Idea 7' hay
mower; New' Holland hay crimper; New Idea -4 bar
side rake; Int. 3 bar side rake on steel; Int. 56, 2
row corn' planter with cyl. lift; Weberlane -2 row, 2
pt.h. corn scuffler; Int. 15 disc seed drill on steel;
9' land packer; 9' chain harrows; 6 section ,dia-
mond harrows with 5 & 6 section stretchers;2
wheel trailer with hyd.' cylinder dump box; 2 wheel
rake swath turner; Ebersol 24' bale elevator;
Allied 36' 6" grain auger, p.t.o. drive; 20' 4" grain
auger with motor; 10', 2'/2" auger with motor;
Snowco screen rotary seed cleaner; plywood
gravity grain box to fit '/2 ton truck; 2 gravity 150
bu. grain bins on wagons; wagon & hay rack; Zero
grazing feeder on wagon; Joe's wagon gear; Int.
horse drawn 1 row corn scuffler; 3 drum steel
land roller long tongue; 2 sets of heavy sloop -
sleighs;, rubber tire jogging cart; bale stooker &
fork; Danuser post hole digger 3 .pt.h.
HORSES: Belgian 7 year old stallion, Nesbitt
Misty -River Captain, reg. with papers (Red
Sorrel); Belgian mare, 13 years old due to -foal end
of May, reg. with papers (dark chestnut); Belgian
mare 8 years old due end of May, reg. with papers
(dark chestnut); Belgian mare 6 years old., due
end of May, reg. with papers, (light sorrel); 2
Belgian mares 2 & 3 years old, matched Tight.
blondes, reg. „with papers, broke to drive; 3
Belgian filly yearlings reg. with papers, 2 blondes,
1 red sorrel with white markings; 4 Belgian 2 year
old geldings, 2 light sorrel & 2 dark sorrel.
NOTE: Horses will be sold at approx. 2:30. Vern
Bast will be on pedigrees.
HARNESS: Set of breeching harness, horse, col-
lars; single horse trailer.
HOLSTEIN CATTLE: Holstein cow due sale time;
3 Holstein 1st calf heifer due soon; Holstein cow
.fresh, -open; Holsteinheiferbred March 1st; 11
Holstein open heifers approx. 750-850 lbs.; Hol-
stein breeder bull 2 years old; Holstein breeder
bull yearling.
PIGS: 26 York x Landrace sows, some with lit-
ters, some due soon, some short bred; Hemp x
Duroc breeder boar; 54 feeder pigs cast. & tail
docked; approx. 75 chunks cast. & tail docked.
EQUIPMENT: 5 w,eaner'decks 4' x 8'; 7- farrowing
crates; castdrating pig holder.
FEED: Approx. 10 tonne good mixed grain; 500
bales of straw (square bales); large pile of manure.
MISC: Round bale hay feeder; 3 pt.h. cement mix-
er; fanning mill with motor; high beam platform
scales; Lan-o-matic single cyl. air compressor;
plus wagon load of farm tools & misc. items.
BUTCHER: 2 butcher kettles, scolding trough,
sausage stuffer, meat grinder with pully.
GUNS: Exel 12 gauge single shot, shot gun;
Mossberg semi auto. 22 cal. rifle; Cooey 22 cal.
single shot rifle; F.A.C. required.
OTHER: Gibson Snow -bird double door refriger-
ator, older used for cooling cream; 2 oil space
heaters; Ashbyy wood burning heater; annex wood
stove; 1,0 alum. storm windows;._plus misc. items.
NOTE:" This sale consists of well known horses,
good pigs & cattle, well kept farm machinery, plan
to attend. Owner is retiring, the land is rented, No
reserve, Lunch booth.
SALE ORDER: 10:30 sharp with household
items, wagon load, guns, misc. machinery at 1
p.m., feed, horses at approx. 2:30 p,m., followed
by cattle .& pigs.
Owner or auctioneers not responsible for acci-
dents or Toss of property sale day. Terms cash or
cheque with proper I.D. sale day.
Edmund Cassel, phone 595-4454 ,
BOB GILMORE - phone 291-3489
DOUG GILIVIORE - phone 291-3421