HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-4-3, Page 8ta, s7rE. wA: :!;:S o o . s . Suits ' lda . Sat da Cone to this store on Thursday, Friday or Saturday and sea this unusual display of Ladies' New Spring' Coats find` Suits, Shipped direct to •us frons one of Canada's largest manufacturers. N SALE FOR °THREE DAYS QNLY AT $14.95 016.95 19 85 24.00 $29 50 Do not miss this opportunity to save money on your New Coat or Suit. This inan- ufacturer has given us the privilege of re- turning all Coats and Suits not sold by Mon- day, this accounts for our low prices and al- so gives you the advantage of a big selec- tion to choose from., Redpath or Dominion Pure Cane Granulated sugar 10.55 er Inuidreh .3 Fact. "-Jm r+s2:..w'V'ndA.L,�.,.e alnnk,fir`kd This s the Right '�i' . e to Come for Furniture We don't believe that you, can find a better place to buy your Furniture, than right at this store. Our whole stock from end to end is ready to be handed over to our Customers as examples of utost style, most real worth for the least money. LARGEST STOCK , LATEST DESIGNS FAIR PRICES BETTER SERVICE TBE HOME FURNISHER Ea Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director" Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743: Night call 74W ;'r5555' ,: 1 1 01, �a This is rsalino They Have G'Class'' Written all Over Them. See our display of Borsalino and king Hats this week. AMAN PliONE 8a THE EXETER TIME Market 'report ---The, following is the report of the Exeter Market' corrected every Wedloway. Wheat $1.00 Oats 48c Barley •55c Manitoba Flour $3.45 Pastry Flour $3.05 'Family Flour $3.30 Feed Flour $1.75 Bran $1,50. Shorts: $1,50 Dairy 'Butter, 35c Creamery Butter, 43c 'New Laid Eggs 24c Held 'Eggs 20c Lard 17 to 20c I=logs $7,25 tee* LOCAL ®O'a abio a as; iV.V.41,ffi Special Display *.1.4,804 9.0,04,Ttit,'0d+4.0.44Pr80 There will be a..Special Display of Ladies' Spring Coats. and Suits:at J. A, STEWART'S store on Thursday,, Friday and Saturday Of this• week, These Garments which are on , can signment from 'a large manufacturer will all be sold at Special Prices. See advertisement for details. . • A three -act play, entitled "The Dream that Came True," will be pre- sented at the Opera House, on Wed- nesday, April 16t1t, under the at-spi (AVE i; PRIISIIKTERAN OtUltatEl MT. Jftnles !Nieto, B.AI u sten. 10 a,an.--Sunday• Sehogl and Bible Class. • 11 a.m.----"The Redemptive Principle ira Love and Forgiveness." • The Minister 7 p.aiL—'"The path of the Spirit.". Thea, Minis tea Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES STREET METHODIST CWJRCE Rev. W. L YDonifiAly, B. A., Pastor' 11, a:pa. -Morning Worship Sub .---"Ther'Valdictory• of a Clii'i5 tiara„ 3 :p.m,—Stiuday School and Bible Glass. . 7 p.m.—"Making the most. of Life; A friendly welcome extended to all. FOR SA 30 1 -gal. bottles, for Maple Syrup. Vacuum 'Cleaner, Lawnmower, Good 5 • -LP. Gas Engine. Power Cutting` Box, Bargain. Cncubators, very cheap. Electrical hall fixture. First class ` couch. Rug top Good range, very cheap. Good 3 -way Iron Pump. Collapsible Baby Buggy.; Barn, Timber frame, 24x30. Heavy copper boiler. Bargain. ces of James St. League. An even- $35 -buys areal good typewriter. ing of mirth and laughter. -Reserved '.•Range, nearly new, 4 -hole, With seats 55c. admission 37e. \Vill the party who borrowed the. quilting frames from Mrs. E. Jory, some time ago, kindly return the same. New ilIapie syrup is on the market. Mr. F. M. Boyle spent Monday in in London. Marbles and skippin'g ropes are in full swing. Miss Olive Tdylor spent the week- end in London. .;,. Mrs, Win. Abbott is confined to her home with illness. Dr. H. K. and Mrs. Hyndman were in London on Friday.' Mr. Samuel Popiestone, of Blyth, spent Tuesday in town. Blyth are planning to .;pave the two principle streets of the town. Mr. Wm. Passmore, of town, spent' Monday of this 'week in ,Ingersoll. Miss Annetta McTaggart spent a few 'days in London" during the week. Miss Verne Walker, of Clandeboye, spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. C. Birney and Mrs. E. Short spent 'a few days in London last week. , Mr. Walter Dearing has "returned to. London after an extended visit in Exeter. 'Mrs. A. Glazier, of Clinton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. rollick. Mrs: J: W. Powell has been'con- fiined to her bed for the past couple of weeks Mr. Ernest Pearson, of Hamiota, Man., is visitingat the home of Mr. Win. Andrew.' - Messrs. R. Witwer and Czar Har- ness spent a couple of days in Lon- don last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden attended the funeral of Joseph Hodgson on Tuesday at Clandeboye. "And has your little boy learned to talk yet?" "My yes! we're teach ing him to keep quiet now." Mr. S. R. Prebble, of"iiderton, vis- ited with his wife and infant daugh- ter, on Friday of last'week iMr. and Mrs. Arthur Nash, of Sar iia,spent a few days last week visit - hag their daughter, lt-Irs. J. W. Pow- ell. Mr. Wm?a., Davis. returned home on Friday last a€ter..ta.king a two weeks' militarycourse`at:„ Tecumseh barracks London: Parson:. "Well,Fwhat don you think ,of the new little sister at your house?" Johnnie: "Oh, she's a scream." The James St. League will be en tertained by the Young People's Guild of Caven church this (Wednes- day) evening. 11\2r. Walter Batten has moved from 'Exeter North into the ,residence on Huron St. recently vacated by Mr. John Jacobs. The W.M.S. of James St. church held a sucqessful bazaar and sale of home-made cooking in the Town Hall Saturday afternoon last. Miss A, Beverley has resigned her position with the Canadian Bank of Commerce and her place will be ta- ken by i\giss Ella Wares. Mrs. 'S. Fitton undertivent an oper- ation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, and at present is progres- sing as favorably as possible. been G. S. .A titilison; LaS,',D'D'S away. Yes, he said with a note of Reservoir, Bargain for quick sale. Washing Machine and wringer 2 fear -panel doors complete with jams and casings. Eatery:wheel, counter shaft, 17 -in. pulley and belts, complete. Bargain. $1'6.00 buys a White- Oak Writing Desk and Boohhcase MILOSall 7.'HIT,ft S1?AY,, APR]t14 :3i�c1, ,024 4_ Illlllllllllllllllllllilllllliillllllllolllllllllllll mulllllllillllllllllillllllllllll11111111Illilllllllnillllllllilll u I I• NIL I I I .l �_ Ill Ulll ...,. Imams 10.14441 warteme USSPonel lamPIPOS Joamiza alianglet Cockshutt Tractor Plow complete, Bargain. - Quarter cut oak "Wali Case, 20 ft tong by 18 - inches deep, complete with -shelves Targe' mirror and 13 drawers in base, bargain. 1923Ford Touring, run less than ' 100 miles, Bargain. (��111111111111l1111111111l1111111!11111111I1I1111111111I1111111111IIII111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111I111111r WANTED NEW PATTERNS., IN. Con l , Rugs n , . ole n Let us show; you the new patterns in these sanitary , floor cover- ings. The new patterns Will please you and the prices are reasonable. lien's: and Young lea's Clothing This season' our range is bigger and -better than ever. The cloths are good weight, fine worsteds, made in smart, good fitting models'. The prices are within your leach. -A good assortment at $18,50, $25:00, $30.0-0 & $35,00 Newest Style in Ladies' Sprieg `Coals Every week we add new styles to our-• racks. The new stripes. and cheeks that we are showing will'be very popular this season. -Goats at $16.00, $1S,50,420.00 to:$40,00 Ne* Wall Paper It is' a pleasure to show'you' our New Wall 'Paper. Every day . we haze satisfactory customers.' coins in acid tell us how pleased they are with the New Papers bought front us. 'Come, in and see them - School Shoes .for Boys Greb's Box Kip, Solid Leather Shoes, for Boys is what you should buy year boy for school wear. They'stand the rough wear. Sizzes 1: to 5. Price per rough wear, Sizes 1 to 5, Price per woof room Old Fashioned 'Walnut Rocker. Information re. above' articles at POWELL'S BAZAAR, Exeter, Ont. "Money' 'doesn't grow on trees," said the Big: Business Man of Amer- ica. "No," said the young recruit, "but. I've heard that - much, can be done by =grafting. - . Having taken over the business of Bagshaw € Easton, I will continue the Livery and Cartage business. H. BAGSHAW: $2,000 .to, }pan on Mortgage on land. Apply ,at ;Times' "office. BABY CHICKS—Barred Reeks, White Leghorn, Buff Leghorn, R. C. Rhode 'Island -Reds and "White Wyandotte. • I am now ' booking orders. Get your order :in and make sure of getting your 'chicks when you want them. Garnet Hey- wood, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE — Brick dwelling in Exeter North, 2 storey, electric light also good barn, good well and cis- tern; is-tern; 5 lots of land. Apply on prem- ises. to Mrs. F. Witwer. .ALFALFA SEED.—We specialize in, growing. Alfalfa Seed of a hardy strain that does ` not winter kill: 'Write for price and sample: R. F. Hicks,& Son Newton Brook 3-20-7t. York County SEED OATS FOR SALE—Shef- field Standard, 55c. bushel' and feed oats, barley 'mixed in 50c. bushel. Apply John H. Hyde, Lot,8, Con. 2 Stanley, phone 11 on 86,, Hensall. Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete $16.00 , Every make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground withPistonsComplete to fit, also Tractors. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII B ; � �.�:�'1 S in FUANItUrliE Everything. clow i in Price It costs more than double to live a double life. SCOTCH LABORERS 'COMING 11Ir. - Mooney, 'who was_ in Exeter Monday and Tuesday arranging': to place a number of Scotch laborers on tfie'fai'iiis'in ,this community expects to return` again in a few days. Any- one requiring help might leave their names at the Times office. FARM FOR SALE .Being lot 25, Concession 1, Us - borne,. 100 acres; 45 acres ploughed, s' 35 `acres invhay. On the premises are. a bank barn„70x70, well stabled, drive sbed, hen house and frame house.• This farm is :well fenced and underdrained. Good reasons for sel- ling. For: particulars apply to; Ben S Case, Exeter. IVI_HOLM FARM FOR SALE—Choice Seed Potatoes Cobblers and Dooley. Baldwin Ap- ples and Bred -to -lay Barred Rock eggs for hatching. L. V. Hogarth, Phone Crediton 18r31. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office- McDonnell's &ales Tables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w ANDY EA_ ASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- cty of Huron. Correspondence arrange- ments for sales can be made by call- ing up the Central Hotel, . Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. JAMES. W..•WAThOI� LICENSED ,AUCTIONEER. Sales, conducted in any locality. Farm `Stock sales a specialty.` Satis- faction guaranteed. Charges mod- erate. Orders left at this office `will be promptly attended to. R.R. No. 1, ,Kirkton. Phone Kirkton 54r2. FARMS' EOR SALE—A few choice farms in the - Townships of UJsborne, Tuckersmith - • and Hibbert. Good buildings and, well located as to mar- kets. Priced right.'Apply to. -Thos. Cameron; Aunt,. Box 154. Exeter. NEW BUNGALOW FOIL Well built, attractive, modern bungalow,` centrally located. '.Apply„ 'Gladnian & Stapbury, It was remarked that he had gentle resignation in his voice, "my DENTAL SURGEON”. wife took me on her hOneynioon," Graduate of the Royal 'College. of Mrs. Thos. Dinney and daughter Dental Surgeons Of Ontario Barbara, were in London Monday versity of Toronto, visiting Mr. R. N. ROWS, who is pro- Late District Dental ' Officer, Mili- g'.essing favorably at Victoria I3os- tary, District Number One, London', pital. ®rat;, Word, has been received here of' �� Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont. the death of Mrs. Ernest Gudinore, . Phone 84, Exeter: Hours 9.00.a.na. which took place at "Crystal City; to 5.30, p.m. dA Man, The deceased was a towner ; phone Bis. 30W 1{ouso 20Ofiico hours at. ZURICH.ONT. Tues; resident of Exeter, leaving here J , qnlat 10:0 0 o'cIock ' a;m. to 5.00 many years ago : for the `West. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 o ciock� p:�.. Phone 79. THOMAS DTIV LICENSED EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL AL DIRECTORS E ELIVE { FREE t.i' 01 NE CLEAN SAVING ®` Spring housecleaning time is here and special prices to help F.E' you do it at a saving are listed below,Look thele over and buy what you need quickly. S.... Z.,.. paa?� d .lea vfce'aelaca a at :��.eeras? er'rfices 1 Pkt, LUX - - ak-•: mea _ 1 Pkt. RINSO - - ® 1 Bar SUNLIGHT SOAP. - 1 Bar LIFEBUOY SOAP Regular Price, 33c= -Customer's Saving, 8c. ® Only one packet to each customer—Make sure of yours to -day. - Other Suggestions for your Spring. Cleaning OPMVP Issiommo _ ALL LAUNDRY //�� EXTRA SPECIAL �1 SOAPS, 10 bars - `l:L. QUALITY BROOMS 8 JC _ FELS NAPTHA - CLOTHES LINES, _23c 9 "" SOAP, 10 bars -30 ft., Cotton - OLD DUTCH "�� CLOTHES LINES,:. 50 ft Manilla -29c MOP STICKS- `22c WASH BOARDS �g HAWES FLOOR _� WAX - - CLEANSER, 2 tins - C BABBITT'S -97C CLEANSER, 3 tins La STAR or HANDY, AMMONIA • POWDER, 3 pins. • -CAUL CHLORIDE of ^1 C LIME, pkt. !C O' BORAX, _ 25c POLISH CEDAR 45c 23c., 2 pkts. - - GOOD, STRONG - .0�C L VQUIDER 45c & 23c CORN BROOMS We have a fine stock of Nail, Scrub and Stove Brushes. See this stock and prices before: buying elsewhere. r— - PURE QUEBEC MAPLE SYRUP 09 No: 10, tin . s 7:C, 39c Quat'ts Pints = CHOICE DRIED .�oC APRICOTS, lb. - -!a • CHOICE:PRUNES -10i;40/50, Ib. - CHOICE PRUNES q a; 5.0/70, 2 lbs, ' COOKING FIGS - _25c4 lbs. PRACTICALLY ▪ PEELED r13C - PEACE}ES, ib, - RICHMELLO TEA, lb: BREAKFAST COCOA,,, 1/2 113r.'' BREAKFAST COCOA, A/4 Ib. •10c BAYSI-DE PEARS- IGc (in Light Syrup) MAYFIELD BRAND BACON, Machined Sliced, ib. - 31c NEW. CHEESE- 23_ lb. - - 3 HONEY ry MARSHMALLOW - G C BISCUITS, lb. - 15 s. • A "GOOD 'REPUTATION Gained by -handling reliable and guarant'ed goods at REASONABLE PRICES We endeavor to carry out this policy OF SERVICE AND REALIBILITY Spring goods Sale now• in full 'swing, 'ELLIOTT AND jOUWS Ilx err Tailors HOUS10 I"OR SALE—Two storey„ worbrickks, , electrfirsticClass lighttiy; bllathroom' and €; , wattaier' . F ood , ,' lar. First class stable and garage. Evarytlting . complete huanti barn, 4 pIy ,to Box 195in, Exoeterse. 0 R. DARLING Bre Barrister, Solicitor, &c , Loans, Iuv`estnients, , In6urance, o 'se, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter