The Exeter Times, 1924-4-3, Page 7Why tee Baby Bellowed, Wolf Oub nMan, I think the baby sw411 owed •that little boil, Shall I shake her and see?", lot 1-familton Has Ctood Game. A game in map reading and drawing topped the programme • at' a recent meeting' of the crack let Hamilton Troop, arid was followed by a game in which discs were arranged on squared paper. In the latter game the beset were given twb;seconde to look et the arran;eemeet et the dis.ceeafter which each patrol went back to its own corner and tried to place eimillir discs in the ,same order on other. squares. Iu this the Ravens and the Owls tied. A Strenuous Task. Oustomet`"Sixty cents seems very high for eggs. Haven't you any ,chean- er ones ?" Scout Poultry Farmer—"No, ma'am, I'm sorry I haven't. You see it's very expees!ive: producing thefts. One egg IS a whole day's work fon a hen." Scouts in Safety Work. The Ifey Scouts "are. co-operating with the • Ontario Safety League in ac- cident preveation ccident.prevention work, A recent in- stance is their, activity. in braadcast- ing a Safety League 'warning .about the danger people, and particularly children, were exposing themselves to in climbing out on the great ice huiu- mocks farmed along the shores -of,tb•e- ''' Great Lakes this winter. At some points'Soouts with lariat ropes patrol- led the shores where these formations were particularly attractive to the venturesome. As He Understood, Patrol Leader—"Heat expands and cold 'contracts,.- Give me an example." Tenderfoot—"ln summer the days are very long; wbile in winter they are short,"gip What Scouting Is. Baden-Powell says: "Scouting is a game in which elder brothers east give their younger brathere healthy en- vironment and encourage theta to healthy activities such as will help to develop citizenship. "Its strongest appeal is through Nature Study and Woodcraft. It deals with the individual. and not with the company. It raises intellectuaii as well as purely phrrsical or purely moral qualities. At first it used to aim for these ends -now by experience ,it Is known that where properly handled, it gains theme. Service. Recruit—"Tho Scoutmaster says I, am to get rrly„uniform from you.” Quartermaster -"Sure, Buddy. How will you have it -toxo large or too small?" Two Cradle Songs, ,.Some of the greatest poets have not disdained to write lullabies. Here are two cradle -songs, the first by Sir Wal- ter Scott, the second by Lord5Tenny• son: °ss,Oh, hush ,thee, my babie, thy •sire was .. a knight, Thy mother a lady, both lovely and bright; The woods _and _the glens, from the toners which -we see, They all are -belonging, dean babie, to thee. Oh, fear not the bugle, though loudly it blows, It calls•but the warders that guard thy repose; Their bows would be bended, their blades would be red, Ere the step of a foeman drew near to thy 'bed.' Oh, hush thee, my babie, the time soon will conte When thy sleep shall be broken by trumpet and drum; Then bush thee, my daeling, take rest while +'iu ma.y, Lk'or strife comes with Manhood, and waking with day. Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of the western sea, Law, low, breathe and blow, .Wind of the western sea! Over the rolling waters go, Come from the dying moon, and blow, Blew him again to me; While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps. Sleep and r.e5't, sleep and rest, Father will oonre,to thee soon; Rest, rest, on mother's breast, Father will cone to thee soon; Father will come to his babe in the nest, Silver sails all out of the west Under the silver moon; Sleep, nay little one, sleep my pretty one, sleep. Obliging. '1""!30y, is title the field on which the great battle -was fought?" asked the tourist. "No, sir; that be gat; the top of the Inn," replied the native boy. - . , Demi', dear!" exclaimed the .tourist;. "that must be a mile away. Why didn't theyfl i In this fres117 ," d ht 4 !; "I suppose because this 'ere goadbe- longs to Farmer Johnson. Ho never would lend his field:, for' anything, not ,vee re.a the vik'estge Sports." The ORANGE PEKOE QUALITYmakes:.:. finer tea and more of it HEALTH EDU,CATIOi 13Y DR. 3. 3. MIDDL.E'TON . Peov:incial Hoard of Health, tenure" Or. isliddleton will be glad to answer questions an, Public Health miete tare: through title column. Address hien at'opadin>a Hoose, Elea/Hue Crescent, Torouto. While the Canadian National Exhi- bition was in full swing last Fail, a very interesting •stranger had a talk with me in the Provincial Board of Health's exhibit in the Government building. He was an Englishman, well.,edticated and well read, who was in Toronto paying a visit to his son. This inan asked me if we had any pamphlets on cancer, and although, he was not a doctor said he was much interested in finding out all the lat- est ideas about the cause, treatment, ,etc.,' of this great scourge of mankind. I told him that the origin of cancer was still unknown, but: there were' ninny scientists to -day who were be - !ginning to' feel that our � g' g;::presentcus- tom of eating foods not in their na- tural states had something to do with the cause of stomachand' intestinal cancers. Prolonged irritation of the bowels due to constipation or to gastro-intestinal stasis may have a tendency to cause malignancy, while 'some thinker hold to the opinion that cancer may be brought about to some extent at least by the toxins resulting hem the gastro-intestinal stasis being absorbed into the blood. • Of course there is much difference of ;opinion on these -points, but consideration of then will not do any harm, from whatever angle they are viewed. This visitor to the Fair had a sug- gestion and • an inquiry of his own to offer. He' wondered if ,the increased use of serums and vaccines hypoderm- ically had anything to do with the supposed increase of cancer in late years. On this point I was unable to give any definite information, because there are no available statistics on the subject, and besides, it would be diffi- cult to associate the one with the other as cause and effect. • However I ob- tained the opinion of a prominent phy- sician who was especially interested in the subject of cancer, and he gave his opinion as follows:—First: There is considerable :difference of opinion that cancer has in reality increased, but -even if it were so it would be im- possible to attribute this to' any one factor since the cause of cancer is unknown,, Second: It has been sug- gested that the alleged' increase of cancer has coincided with intensive production by machinery, commonly associated,' as it is, with a compara- tively sedentary life of the operators. Third: One might hazard such an- other suggestionas the poisoning of the air of cities by carbon monoxide fumes from the exhaust of motors with its deterioration or lowering of health. Fourth: The "wearing out" of our body cells due .to the greater intensity of modern life inducing a much earlier pre -servile state which we know is conducive to malignant disease. Fifth: Notwithstanding that serums and vaccines have been used for more than thirty years, no single case has been •reported associating their use with cancer. Sixth: Coley's Fluid, as you know, has been used for at least thirty years for the treatment of sarcoma: So it would seem as far as our present knowledge goes that serum inoculation is not associated in any way with the cause of cancer. TE THING OUBLES Baby's teething ; time is a time of worry and anxiety to most mothers: The little ones become cross; peevish; their littleatoneach becomes deranged and constipation and colic sets` in. To make the teething period easy on baby tke .stomach and bowels :must be kept sweet and regular. This can, be done by the use of Baby's Own Tablets the ideal, laxative far little ones. The Tablets are: a sure relief for all the Minor ailments oe childhood such as constipation, colic, indigestion, colds and simple .fevers. They always do good -never harm. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25Mcents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont: "There's Something :.etter in Me." A year ago an employee in an ordin- ary' position in a large concern said to himself, "There's something better in me than this,and fill' going to get it to 'mark ,for me!' 0•He didn't wait for his resolve- to weaken or• his enthusiasm to:grow cool; and although a wife and two children were dependent upon him threw -up his job then and there and started out -•for himself. To -day, this -manis doing splendidly in a business of his own, -all because he • had the faith to act on the' belief that 'there was something better in him than he liad"°been called upon to use, ' in his de- pendent position as an ordinary em- ployee. Thousands of bright, ambitious em- ployees know perfectly well that there. is something better in. them than they are using, but doubts and fears, the dread of uncertainty, the fear of ridi- cule if they should fail, hesitation to assume unaccustomed responsibility, to take the risk of starting out for themselves; pulling up stakes and tisk- ing everything on the chance of suc- ceeding—preventsthem from acting on ;their belief that there is something better in them. Sof.they hang on to their jobs,; hang on year in and,yeai' put, eveiiy year thinking that the next year they will surely ,,start out for themselves, but the years go on and before they realize it they are in the clutch cf a habit -which,day by day, grows stronger and stronger Until they find it practically impossible to break away. Just think this over, and see if it isn't true in your own case.' If you feel that there's something bigger and better in. yyou 'than .'you have been us- ing.; if you feel that you have not yet done the best thing possible to you, why don't you have a heart to heart talk with yourself and see what - is holding you back? Why don't; you find it?nom Don't wait -until it is too. late. Now is the time to find and firing out the larger man or woman ivithin that is clamoring , for expression,—O. S. Marden. WHERE THE BEST TEA - . GROWS • The tea plant flourishes beast on the well drained tide of a mountain • .in a country where there is plenty of mois- ture and a warm sun.: - Certain'parts:of Ceylon, India' and Java are ideal for the growing of. delicious tea, ;hence from these countries come the finest 'varieties. "SALADA"isa blend oe the choicest qualities grown, in these, the three most famous tea -growing coun- tries in the world. . LUNCH COUNTER CARS N ATONAL LUNCH COUNTER CARS ON NATIONAL Lunde counter cars which will care, careefor the needs at passengers grrs in the culonitst, first class and tourist ears of the main line trains, who do not desire to use the regular dining cars, have been placed'in service between Winnipeg, 1. g and Toronrto.•by the Canadian National Railways. The suggestion of the lunch counter tsars was made by Mr. Walter Pratt, General IWarirager 0f Dining, Sieeping aixl Parlor Car's and of iloteiri: The Cost of Touchiness, There :ore elupleyeets . who are al. way's doznplalning of theft .slow ad. v:ttrce. They can't See .why they do not get ahead as °there do, They would_Peobably be surprised,: to know that au unfortunate ;ditipoeitieu Is keeping them • back. 1 have known or• a number of 1ns'tences where eni- ltloyees beep either beee discharged or kept from promotion because of their tonehiness, or extreme s,ene'ltive- ness, their reecntrnent of any criticism: or faultfinding. Employees who .can't "stand • the gaff" don't stand a very goad chance of advancement, Those who fly into a rage or show offense at every little reflection on their work are never- like. ly to get very• far. As a matter of fact'' empIoyers• are afraid of a trait -trigger temper which goes off at the slightest `proviceation. They know that it doesn't go with a cool, level head, and. sound .judgment and these are the things they are Look- ing for. The lack o1' amiability has stood in the way of advancement of many an employee who has wondered why he, bas not gotten ahead .more rapidly. --•O. S. 'Marden: HOME TREATIVIEN SAFE AND EFFICIENT Ailing People Made' Strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do one thing, and do it well, They build up the blood, increasing the number of red corpuscles•.' As this is done the blocid,liecomtes a richer red and is able to carry more oxygen, the great sup- porter of human life. As the blood im- proves : in quality-- the tissues u- oaf the body are better •nourishred and the functions of the body are better per- formed. This is the reason Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pille have been so suc- cessful iu the, treatme+nt .of diseases due to poor, thin blood, and it is also the reason why they aro so successful in building up strength• after fevers and acute diseases. • Among those who have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with great advantage is Mrs. Helena B. Taylor, Hanover, Ont„ who . says: "Not long ago I was critically i11. The trouble started with anaemia- and a run-down system, and ended with pleurisy. I was confined to my bed for three months and three doctors were in 'atteuddnce at ,different times. M lifo. airea of, an Y„ was des P dlwas practically living on doctors' medicine, because I could not eat. My friends did not expect me to recover. During my girlhood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had brought inethrough a severe at- tack of anaemia, and my mother urged that I should try them again. The dotter could not understand why we wanted to- try these pills, but we de- cided to do so. After faking suis boxes a decided change was taking place. I was actually getting hungry and anxi- ous to live. After using twelve boxes a miracle was worked. I could walk and felt my strength coming back, and people on all sides were asking what was helping me, and we were, not slow in telling them it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,. With my health fully re- stored through the use of these pills I am a striking example of what this, wonderful medicine can da, and now I never see a pale or sickly -looking ' girl or woman that I do not feel like going up to herand asking why she does not take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." ,' You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail' at 50'' cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. is • He Wondered. 13111 Sparrow—"Great Scott, I'd like, to see the bird that eats those worms! Hearthside Hint, If you stir an open fire in a grate and bring fresh con's, to the front, it gives out a warmer glow. It' is the same way with the sun, says C. G• Abbot, in charge of the astrophysical laboratory of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. The so-called sun spots are pro- duced by,:a stirring of the sun's outer layer. :13y comparing measurement of solar radiation with photographs of the sun he bras found that there is an in- crease in heat radia•ted by the site on the mime day that sun spots lone, grate or are brought into view on the visible disk of the sun by rotation. When ordering goods ;by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order, Vacuum Street Cleaner. • Dustless 5trect weeping has been aocornplisILed rn s, Western city where a tank shaped machine coatis one hlindrerl blocks a day, 11 operates by gasolinie a1111 has 0 e man to drive it, ILevodving'br,00ms loosen the dirt,a vacuum 'inlet draws the refuse. into . t.lr In i' • conlains built the machine. • 1..1er e are `1,11.4 dairy historic,/ iii Canada,: The value of the prodest 1s placed at $11:1,024,017, Keep Min rd's;L,initnent in the t A' Roy ;;Fijls1 Remove the royal flush in dia- monds frOm a pack of cards and tuck them ander your belt at the r'e r, Give tete remaining cards. (do not suggest that the pack its not complete), to a spectator and ask him to shuffle them. Then hold them behind your back. Ask a spectators to mention which color he prefers, If he says "red" ask him which suit he pre- fers. If he says "diamonds" you are ready for the rest of the trick, Howover, If he says "black," you will have to say: "Then that leaves the red cards• for'tbe trick. Which of the red suits, hearts or diamonds, do you : prefer?" If he says "diamonds'' you are ready for the rest of the trick. If he says "hearts," you will say: "Then that leaves the diamonds for the trick." You will observe that the, spectator really has no choice—although if . the thing is done in a snappy manner he will not suspect .this. While you have been talking you have taken the royal flush. from under your belt a'nd put then on the top of the pack. Ask the spectator what hand, if he were playing poker, he would. most like to have, The answer in- variably will be "The royal flush, of course. As he speaks, hand him the five cards you had hidden with the comment: "Well, here it is!" (Cafe this out end paste it,with niter of the aeries, in scrapook.) Ivliss IVIilli'onbucks "But you are penniless." °holly Redcent "But if you marry me I'll havea hundred dollars at least. I have a bet of that amount you'll ,mar- ry me." Ask for fdiinard's and take ne other. The greatest known depth of the sea is said to be 32,088 It., about 40 miles north of one of the Philippine Islands. 'At this point the ocean bot- tom would be about eleven and a half miles lower than the top of Mount. Everest. In ourselves we suffer for the sins we. commit;' in our communities we suffer for the sins we permit. _- you not give up you cannot Iron for two weeks: the results' are The Vanishing White. `I'm afraid there will soon be no white people In Europe.' "You're joking—why?" "Because all those who haven't turned Red are decidedly blue." Spruces. Little green spruces Are counting on their fingers., On a million fingers Gemmed with early dew, Ali their fragrant uses, Blessed jay ` that lingers Summer : time, winter time, The whole year through. Breathe a million praises, Little green chat -eel -Shakeeyour spicy thankfulness Through the golden aid.? ` Eve -living phrases Echo in and o'er us, Telling us our blessedness, Urging us tc• prayer. -Abbie Fareeil Brown. s , Love does not always want to please, sometimes it wants to hurt. The enemies of life are pettiness, narrowness and selfishness. Reader .Takes Newer Form -of Iron—Feels eels Years a s aur; er "Six weelas ago I saw a special offer in the paper telling how thousands) of poo- plc grow old: in looks and energy long before they are reaily,old in years, be- cause, es examinations by physicians have shown, an -enormous' number of people do net have enough iron in their blood. I have been taking Nuxated be beaten. Beware of Imitations Unleee you see the nasus "Bayer' Cross" on package or on tablets yon are not getting tine genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre-. seribed by pl yslciaus over twenty• three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis !11i ett tnattsm Neuralgia Pain, Palo Accept "lhityer Tablets of Aspirin" only, Each unbroken package coo. tains proven directions,' Handy boxes of twelve tablets' cost few cents. Drug. gists also sell bottles ,of 24 and 1.00, Aspirin is thetrademark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of eloneaceticacitlester of Salicylicacld. Wbilo it is well knowo that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to- assist tile public/ against Imitations, the Tab• lets of Mayer „a btpaoy will be stamp. ,d \do, (heir g+`;+e ,,l trai2.e mark, the "Bayei, (>i'bali- simply astounding, The roses. have •come back in my lips and cheeks•, and I can consciously say that I feel ten years younger." -The above is atypical hypothetical. caseshowing the results that have been achieved by a great many people slewstarted no we t rted thise,atie,Pa ion ct or money back" offer ,on Nuxated' Iron. We will make you the same guarantee: If, after taking the two weeks' treat- ment of Niutated Iron, yoro do not feel and look years . younger, we will promptly refund your money. Callat once fora bottle •of Nuxated Iron at eery good drug store, How to Purify the Food "Fifteen to thirty drops of Ex- tract of Root, commonly called Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be taken In water with. meals and at bedtime, for indi- gestion, constipation and bad blood. Persistence In this treat. ment will• give permanent relief in nearly every case." Get the genu,ne at your druggist. UTb,! IviIna rd's oases 'lilfiamrno.tion; soothes. and. heals cats and bruises. The Dizzy Whirl. We commend to the natural philoso. phers this original view of a common phenomenon. It was found in the ex amination paper of a youthful scholar who was ambitious,ed. being adniitter to the upper glass in high school: "The earth` revolves on its own axis three hundred and Sixty -free times in twenty-four hours. This rapid motion through space causes its sides to per. spire; this moisture is called dew," Classified .Advertisements TAT OOLGROWERS—COTTS AND ' Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. �vl iNE- - w,. Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beatutif ti': WriteMurine Co.,Chicago,forEyeCareBook Heai.Skin Troubles W ° If you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, redness, toughness,; itching andburning, which disfig- ure your complexion and skin, Cuti- cure Soap and Ointment will' do much to help you. Always include the Cuticura Talcum .in your toilet preparations. Soap25e.'Ointment25and 50c. Talcum2Se. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:, 1: . aa,, i.i:aited. 344 St. Pani St., W.. Mc,,trese Cuticura Soap shaveswithout Pitt - EF REMY RAY CAME i Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's' Vegetable Compound Sydenham, Ont. —"I took your medicine before my baby was born, an *! it was a great help to me as I was very poorly until I had started to take it. Ik ust felt as ° though I was tired out all the time and would have weak, faint spells. MY nerves would bother me un- til I could get little rest, night or day. I was told•by a friend to take Lydia i'. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I only took a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully. I would -recommend it to any woman. I am doing what I can to recommend this good medicine. I will lend that little book you sent me to any one Ican help. 'iy'ou can with the great- est of pleasure use my nam.e•in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it will help others take it. "--Mrs. HARVEY MILLI GAN, Sydenham, Ont. It is remarkable how many cases have been reported similar to this one. Many women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened, run -clown condition, when it is.• essential to the another, ' ad Well as the child, that her strength be ltupt up. L dtii3; Pinlrbam's Vegetable Corn, pd oun is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is prepared ed from medicinal roots and herbs does not contain sine harmful drugs. If mayy be taken in Safety the, o s t'Mother. ,fie,. -.••x SSUlaINo.. .(,A.J4•,