HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-08, Page 33made and how much it is
A. Sorry, this is not a'
Hummel; it was designed by
the same company (Goebel) ,
but .: it was not designed by
Sister Maria • Innocentia
Hummel. ,
It was made between 1935
and 1942. A genuine Hummel
of that period would have the
mark shown in (8).
Q. 1 was , surprised to
discover that Fiesta Ware is
being collected and actually
shocked to see how high the
prices are. Could you pro-
vide some typically fair
prices for Fiesta Ware,
A. Fiesta Ware was made
by Homer Laughlin from.
1936 to 1973. Although it
hardly qualifies as "an
tique," it has become ex-
tremely ' popular with
collectors. Here are some
typical conservative prices:
Cups and saucers, $15 to
$25; Sugar and creamers, $20 .•
to $30; Plates $10 to $20;'
Platters, $15 to $25; Bowls,
$10 to $25; Syrup jugs, '$75 to
$150. 0 0 0
Send your questions about
antiques with a detailed
picture(s), self-addressed
envelope, and $2 per item to
James G. McCollam, P.O.
Box 720, Clifton Park, N.Y.
12065. All questions will be
answered but published
pictures cannot be returned.
Please contribute to
56 Sparks
Canada I (613) K 13) 234-6827
.Price does not include safety inspection
1981 CITATION 4 door, 6 cylinder,
automatic, air, silver
1980 CITATION 4 door, 4 cylinder,
automatic, white . • . • ... $1,900 $1,495
1980 CITA*ION 4 door, 41.cylinder,
automatic, blue $1,600 $1,495
1980 LINCOLN 4 door, 8. cyl., automatic,
air, silver $7,250 $6,995
1980 LTD 4 door, 8 cyl., automatic,
air, green '$3,450 $3,195
1980 CHEVETTE 4 door, 4 cyl., 4 speed,
green $2,250 $1,795
1979 DATSUN 2 door, 4 cyl.,
4 speed, green $1,950 $1,795
1979 PLYMOUTH TC -3 4 cyl.
automatic, silver . ...... • $1,950 $1,495
1978 LE BARON 4 door, 8 cyl.
automatic, cream ..... .$2,400$2,195
1978 HONDA CIVIC 2 door, 4 cyl.,
6 cylinder, .$1,850$1,495
automatic, blue $650 $395
1978 VW RABBIT 2 door, 4 cyl.,
4 speed, gold $1,850 $1,595
1977 PONTIAC 2 door, 8 cyl.,
automatic, tan $1,600 $1,195
1977 COUGAR XR-7 8 cylinder,
automatic silver $2,600 $2,195
1975 T -BIRD 2 door, 8 cyl.,
automatic, air, blue $1,950 $1,595
1981 BRONCO 4x4 6 cylinder,
4 speed, maroon...... • ... $5,500 $5,195
1981 F-150 8 cylinder, 4 speed,
to -tone, red & white $4,950 $4,495
1981 F-150 4x4 EXPLORER 8cyi.,
automatic, brown ...... $7,550 $7,295
1981 F-150 EXPLORER 6 cylinder,
automatic, black $5,850 $5,595
automatic, brown. . $4,950 $4,895
1979 CLUB WAGON 6 cyl., automatic
12 passenger, green $2,250 $1,995
1978 CHEV VAN 6 cylinder,
automatic, grey $3,450 $3,295
1978 F-100 6 cylinder;
3 speed, brown $3,250 $2,995
1978 F-100 8 cylinder,
3 speed, 101ueblue
$2,250 $1,795
1978 F-100 SUPER CAR 8 cylinder;'
automatic, blue $1.850 $1.,695
$2,950 $2,495
Where the lights burn
bright till 10 each night.
Saturday till 5 p.m.
Highway 23 North Listowel
By Gene Gary
Q. What can be done to get
moisture out of a sealed,
doublepane window glass?
Normally these are airtight,
but one has developed a
moistare condition.
I considered using a fine -
bit drill on the inside pane.
Does this seers to be logical
or is there a better way?
Thanks for your help.-
A. The combination of
tightly fitting storm sash and
inside windows that are not
weather stripped is a
common cause of this
problem. Damp house air
can leak around the edges of
the inside panes, causing
Very often, drilling three
or four very small holes in
the bottom rail of the outer
storm sash cures the
problem. In fact, many
prefab aluminum storm sash
are made with small sliding
louvers in the bottom rail to
provide ventilation when
needed. This might well be
worth an experiment on one
of the windows, the window
you are having trouble with.
- If it works, also try it on the
If the storm sash is framed
in wood, drill several 1/4 -inch
holes in the metal, not the
- glass. Should this treatment
fail, weather-stripping of the
windows may be necessary,
to prevent the moisture
problem. You also should try
to reduce the moisture con-
tent of the air in the interior
of the house.
Q. We live in an apartment
building where we have had
a problem with roaches
coming in through the drain
pipes in the kitchen sink. I
want to use something to
control these pests and '1
have heard that boric acid,
sprinkled under the kitchen
drawer spaces and in
crevices is a good solution.
Do .you have an opinion? -
Mrs. L.M.
How* 1.11 you do? Advertisement
Paul J. Rockel
INC) - The letter said:
"What if a cup of coffee
. coats $1,009 when retire;•
and a car costs'$500,000?"
It went on tosay:"Whaf's
the use of saving, or using
an RRSP; when we have no
idea what 'it will buy• when
we retire."
New money" •
All -Canadians, I hope, do
not have this defeatist atti-
tude about the way things
are going.. But is, there a
way of keeping pace' with
.the cost -of -living, or keep-
ing your values if "new
Money" is printed?
1 think there is!
There are many many
hints that the U.S. govern-
ment is experimenting with
the printing of "new
money", possibly *in rain -
how colours, to make 'it
harder to copy on photo -
Copy machines, or to coun-
terfeit on printing ma-
chines. There are also
many fears that if and
when this new currency
changes do to their, sav-
ings, the country's econ-
omy, etc.? ,
' But none of this bothers
I think I know theanswer
to all those problems. It
may bother me as to future
job security, opportunity
and the like, but not as far
as my investments are
concerned. • •
Stop and think. Ifa house
today is worthfour times
your annual salary it
means if you earn $20,000 a
year your house is probably
worth $80,000. If you earn
$25,000 a year, your house
will probably be worth ap-
proximately $100,000.
What' if we have hyper-
inflation i.n the next 15
comes into play (expected Sears, as in the past 15,
some time in the Nos) there when inflation tripled?
may be a restructuring so That means your house (or
that a "new dollar" might • anythiflg else owned)
be worth the equivalent of... would probably now be
an old. $5 hill, or $10 hill. • • worth three times as much.
And if the (1,S. changes That $100,000 house would
its money values, chances be worth $300,000.
are Canada will do the What if wehad de-flation,
same or a currency debasement?
People are already scared. if your house fell from
They'•re asking questions. $100,000 value to $50,000
What will these suggested • value, your wages would
also probably have fallen
from' $2,5,000 to $12,500.
Everything affected
It would still take four
times your annual salary to
buy that house. In effect;
things haven't changed. It
goes the same for anything
else you own, be they a part
of the industries of Canada
(and the world), or your car
and furniture.
Those who "lend" their
money to earn interest are
the ones who suffer if' we'
have inflation, because
their "value" does not ap-
preciate with inflation
(such as a house, etc.).
So I don't' worry. I've got
investment funds, and they
• own the basic industries of
Canada. They will increase
(or decrease).
I can sleep at nights no
matter what happens.
For a FREE table on
-what 24 investment funds
have done over the past 8
years, ask for "10,000
table" and write: Paul J.
Rockel, 153 Union St. E.,
Waterloo, Ont. N2J 1C4.
Paul J. Rockel is President of
Regal Capital Planners Ltd.
and the Independent Invest-
ment Fund Dealers Associa-
tion of Canada.
Due to the upcoming holidays
For Display Advertising
in the Crossroads will be
Wednesday, May 15, 1985
at 5:00 p.m.
Call to place your ad today
Listowel Banner - 291-1660
Wingham Advance Times - 357-2320
Mount Forest Confederate - 323-1550
Milverton Sun - 595-8921
A. A recent test of roach -
control methods conducted
by researchers at the
University of California gave
boric acid a 99.5 per cent
control rating compared to a
56 per cent control rating for
the commonly, used
pesticide, diazinoci:
Apparently, 'boric acid
dust adheres to the legs of
roaches when they walk
through it. Later, they ingest
the, powder while they are
preening themselves, and it
kills them.
One note of caution -
remember boric acid is a
poison and it should not be
applied in places accessible
to children and pets, nor
should it be used near food
preparation areas.
Q. What is the easiest way
to remove mirrored wall
tiles? What do we clean the
wall with once they are
down? -Mrs. A.D.
A. To begin with, we
strongly recommend that
you wear both heavy gloves
and eye goggles when at-
tempting to remove mir-
rored tiles.
Most mirrored tiles with
two-faced tape adhesive
backing, 6 inches square or
less, can be removed easily
by inserting a long, thin,
steel spatula beyond the tile
and, with a sliding action,
separating the tape from the
wall. Paint thinner will
dissolve the remaining ad-
If your tiles are larger
than 6 inches square, they
will be harder to remove and
can cause damage to the
wall when removed. The best
method is to use a towel -
wrapped hammer and break
each tile into pieces with one
or two strong taps. You then
can peel off the broken
pieces, watching carefully
for broken and jagged edges
to avoid getting cut.
Q. The paper across the
back of an old framed print
is brittle and torn..Is there a
way to replace- the paper
back? - U.N.Y.
A. Completely remove the
present paper back. Then cut
a piece of heavy brown
wrapping paper, slightly
larger than the frame and
moisten with water until
limp. Blot off any surplus
water. Apply a liquid glue to
the back of the picture frame
and lay the paper smoothly
across. In drying, the paper
will shrink and become very
tight fitting. Trim off excess
paper with a razor blade.
Q. My toilet tank has dirt
or grime in it, and the bowl
keeps getting a black ring. Is
there any way I can clean the
tank without the expense of a
plumber? - LaVerne 11.
A. Add about 1 cup of
household bleach and 1/2 cup
of liquid detergent • to the
water in the tank. Allow this
to remain at least 15 min-
utes, then scrub the inside of
the tank with a long -handled
brush. Flush to remove the
water from the tank and then
scrub the toilet bowl with a
good toilet bowl cleanser.
Your problem may be
caused by hard water, in
which case a water softening
unit would help.
Table popular
with collectors
By James G. McCollam
Member, Antique
Appraisers Association
of America
Q. This marble -top table
comes from :•.my'.family's.:
home in Attica, Ind. Please
tell me what you can about
its style, age and value.
A. This is midVictorian
made in the 1870 to 1880
period. These are very
popular with collectors and
would sell in the $375 to $425
Q. I am sending you a copy
Of .the mark (A) 'on the
bottom of my .' Hummel
Madonna. I would ap-
preciate it very much if you
would tell me when it was
Members of the Brantford
Flying Club are up in the air
these days about the sus-
pension of Dick Pearson's
pilot's licence.
You may have heard of
Dick. He's Canada's oldest
active pilot. He turned 91 this
He's an ainazing man.
Extremely active and in ex-
cellent physical" condition.
He's also a top-flight pilot.
Last year about this lime
he took me for a spin over his
hometown of Brantford. As
we looked down over the
Telephone City, he was
telling me that, although he's
logged over 1,000 hours since
he. got his licence back in
1937, he still gets a thrill
every time he goes up. "It's
like being on a magic car-
pet," he chuckled.
That evening the club" had
a party for him. It was his
90th birthday and he
received all sorts of honors.
But this year the roof fell
in on Dick. When he went for
a physical examination to
get his licence he ran into a
snag. Although his family
doctor had passed him with
flying colors, Transport
Canada said there had to be,
further tests. That's going to
take time. 'And meanwhile.
his licence is under
Andy Hamilton, Pearson's
longtime friend and flying
buddy, says it's unfair.
"They've beem trying to get
Dick for years," he said.
"They make his tests
tougher than the rest of us
get. Yet he's likely in better
shape than a lot of us. Not
only that, he's an inspriation
for the younger pilots. They
look up to him."
Pearson follows a regular
exercise program. We
watched him as he touched
his toes 200 times, which he
does daily. After that he did
200 `twists' and kneejerks.
When he finished he wasn't
even puffing.
The suspension comes at a
bad time. There's a meeting
of World Wats 1 pilots in
Ottawa late in May, and Dick
was scheduled to fly Tommy
Williams from Brantford to
Ottawa for the occasion. Wil-
liams is now 100 years old
and Canada's oldest living
World War 1 pilot. Dick
flying Tommy to the e'ent
Crossroads -May 8, 1985 -Page 9B
would be historic. But
because of Dick's licence
situation the whole idea is in
Meanwhile the 30,000
member Canadian Pilots As-
sociation is apparently
putting the pressure on
Transport Canada to reverse
the decision.
So the fight's not over yet.
Not by a long shot. You can
bank on it.
Frankincense fog, Tut
One of the tiatts of frank-
incense was in elnbalming.
Pellets of the fragrant sub-
stance were found in King
Tut's tomb.
2in Pads
remove corns
and callouses -
quickly a.
In the Shoppers Drug Mart Flyer in
to'day's paper, the Clairol Body Builder
Styling Brush will not be "available due
to manufacturer's shortage.
Shioppers Drug Mart regrets any in-
convenience this may have caused our
'�� 111II l9 ! ten'3 'flap
Zikahtan Oak
Trade-ins accepted on
item per Item basis only
All trsdelns are
donated to charity
Special sale items
are excluded.
Alterations are at ■
'tontine! charas during sale.
Your pant length Is free!
P gfe; 817949
p� Oe
Open Mondays 10 am. -6 pm. Tues. to fiat.. 990 am. -0s0 pm. Friday, 19 9
Your opportunity to have
your own business at home
Consider raising Chinchilla in your basement,
attic, garage, barn. Chinchilla with its incredible
soft fur are odor -free, gentle and easily cared
for. Rapidly increasing demand for quality Chin-
chilla fur far exceeds the available supply giving
you, as a rancher, unlimited opportunities for
the future. For free information on Chinchilla
raising in Canada write to:
Breeders of Canada
RR 2, Lynden, Ontario
MARBLE -TOP TABLE -- Very popular mid-Victor-
ian piece.
Join the ever growing number
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