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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-08, Page 31
a ... CKVR Barrie ® ... WIVB Buffalo Q ... CBC Toronto ® ... WDIV• Detroit Q ... Global Q ... WK,t3W B ffalo (]7 ... WJBK Derlplt Q ... CKNX Wingham • ... CF'PL London ... CHCH Hamilton ® ... CKCO Kitchener TSN ... City TV Toronto The following programs, listed • as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change. Sun., May 12 MORNING 5:45 O®With This. Ring 6:00 OrPattern of Liv- ing ()Canadian Cavalcade ®Ask A Silly Ques- tion University of the Air QFrightenstein ()Seneca Telecollege °Willy and Floyd 6:30 °This Is The Life °In View °National Film Board ()The Treehouse Club Cs Kidbits O®The World Tomorrow 7:00 ()Speedweek °Oceans Alive 8100 Huntley Street °Faith For Today expect a Miracle °Christopher, Closeup ®Open Roads ®Rocket Robinhood °Food For Life ()Circle Square 7:30 Cs Open Doors CQ ©Day of Discovery °Agri -News ()©Jim Swaggart °Father Meehan °Comfort My People ()TSN Wrestling 7:55 Ca Newsworthy 8:00 .°Day of Discovery 8Old Tyme Gospel °Sunday AM OCO It Is Written ©The Lone Ranger ®Korean ()Camera On Canada °Brother Ted's World 'of Gospel 8:30 °USFL Football (R) °Country Canada °Commander Tom Show QThe Cisco Kid °Hour of Power °®Mass for Shut - Ins ()Expect a Miracle ®Hello Japan 9:00 ()The World Tomor- Irovi'.>> °Jerry FaiWell °Day of Discovery ( )Italian Panorama ®The Little Rascals OOUrban Voices ()Movie "Never Let Go" 9:30 °Discover Your World ()Faith 20 )Movie "TBA" CO ®Focus Detroit ()Kidsworld Olt. Is Written °Audubon Wildlife 10:00 ®Chinese ®°People's Church ( 4CEssence °Festival Por- tuguese ()The Video Game QAudobon Wildlife o ZigZags 10:30 OQNews ((This Week With David Brinkley 8J. W. White ()NFB Presents O O 11:00 11:30 °Meeting Place °Rex Humbard OThe People's Church °SL #'eter's Lutheran Church Ser- vice °Coronation Street °Greek Paradise °Festival Italian() °At The Movies °World of Tomorrow ®Yes You Can AFTERNOON 12:00 ©®SportsMovies. ()Tournament of Champions Preview ®Movie "Tom Thumb" °Hymn Sing °IBspanovision °Sesame Street r. John Wesley White giSportsdesk (13Agronsky & Co. °Meeting Place 12:30 °Tournament of Champions Tennis °Herald of Truth o Sportsworld Inter- national Inquiry °News ®Meet the' Press 12:45 °Town and Country 1:00 0000Countr' Canada o World Alive ®Festival Portugese 1:30 °Dominion. Seniors International Golf °Hymn Sing °°Expo Baseball °Movie "A Gift For ° Heidi" °Wild Animals of the World 2:00 ()Movie`'c'The Adven- tures of Mark Twain" °Auits dbon Wildlife °Leisure Today °Festival Italiano ()Revival Hour 2:30 °New Faces °Youth In Motion ()Movie "Cry Panic" 3:00 °Lions Club Annual Convention Parade °Your Wealth ®Batman °Terry Winter ()Your Wealth 3:30 y Talent Time ews Froth Zoos °Sons .. Daughters '°Powerboat Racing 4:00 ()Australian Rules Football °Music of Man QOThis Business 'of Farming °Hee Haw °World Vision °The Twilight Zone ()Movie "The Fire - chasers" 4:30 °Amateur Naturalists °Question Period °Lost Kingdoms ()Smith and Smith 5:00 °Untamed World °Blue Grass Ex- press ()°©CBC News °The Chum 30 °Wild Kingdom °Special 5:30 ()Taxi ()News QPunky Brewster Movies on Channel 11 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT—"MURDER IN PEYTON PLACE". Stars Dorothy Malone, Ed Nelson. Stella Cher- nak, an exceptionally vindictive woman who blames the deaths of her mother, father and brother on Peyton Place, makes a desperate attempt to gain control of the small New England town in order to destroy it and its people. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT—"ASPEN". (Pt. 1-2) Sam Elliott, Perry King. In the glamorous ski resort, attorney Tom Keating 's investigation of a murder implicates one of ..America's wealthiest men and .leads Keating through.. a. wide spectrum of thrill seekers, power brokers, s'`wwingers and • drifters. SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M.—"LETTING GO". Stars John Rit- ter, Sharon Gless. Alex Schuster is coping with the greatest tragedy of his life: the death of his beloved wife. With a 10 - year -old son to care for, he knows he must remain strong, but getting back into the routine of his daily life is proving very hard for him. Kate Marshall is a very warm and lov- ing woman who teaches school and is in love with the per fect man. But her life crumbles when she, discovers him with another woman. Both Alex and Kate are encouraged to get professional help, and they join a group therapy that is aimed at helping people get over the hurt of losing some- one they love. SATURDAY, 1:00 A.M.—"ASPEN". (Final) Stars Sam El- liott, Perry King. SUNDAY, 9:00 P.M.—"MALICE IN WONDERLAND". Stars Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Alexander. Elizabeth Taylor por- trays Louella Parsons and Jane Alexander plays Hedda Hopper in the comedy -drama outlining the monumental feud which occurred between the two most powerful jour- nalists of the film indtistry's Golden Era. MONDAY,8:30 P.M.—"LOTTERY". Stars Ben Murphy, Marshall Colt, Here's a new version of The sting. In this in- stance, lottery winners who hide part of their good fortune from the tax people discover that the man who presented them with their winnings inevitably seems to be followed by a representative from the tax department. We'll see, first hand, what greed' can do. ()FYI Weekend Edi- tion ® The Winners °Wild World ® WKRP In Cincin- natti ®Australian Rules Football EVENING 6:00 ®Citypulse QQ°°Walt Disney O°O OC®News ()Global Newsweek °Scan Weekend 6:30 °Polka Time °SCTV °The Way It Is, °Fight Back ©®Weekend Magazine ©News 7:00 QOQmFraggle Rock /(I)Silver Spoons °Solid Gold OOOSixty Minutes o ORipley's Believe It or Not °Fall Guy °Sportsdesk 7:30 ()Memorial Cup Hockey Special C5 Pianky Brewster °O©°The Beachcombers 8:00 °Knight Rider OO CQ Murder She Wrote ®QQ°NHL Playoffs The World of Sur- vival ®The New Music °TBA °°World's Funniest Commercial `Goofs 9:00 OflMovie "A Death In .California" (Pt. 1) IOMovie "First Blood" ()Movie "Malice In Wonderland" ,J®Crazy Like A Fox °TBA 6 10:00 CQ ®Trapper John 10:30 °The New Music ()The Way It Was 11:00 ()Sportsweek Cp CO QO()WNews 000E)The Na- tional OCTV National News °Citypulse Tonight 11:15 °O°°Nation's Business 11.:20 °°News QNewsfinal • ®Ontario Report I>iFYI Weekend Edi- tion 11:30 ®The Best of Cher- ington ®Sports Final Edi- tion °Movie "The Secret Night Caller" CQToo Close For Comfort ®Peter Appleyard 11:40 )(Smith and Smith 11:50 °Night Gallery °Movie "The Tempest" 12:00 ®Dominion Seniors Invitational Golf (R) ®Battlestar Galac- tica ®Ironside C©Charlie's Angels ()The Golden Years Of Television °Mary Tyler Moore ()Dateline Ontario 12:10 °Entertainment This Week 12:30 ()Chico and the Man ©Movie."The Big Steal" 1:00 °Wonder Woman ©°°Movies "TBA" ®Movie "Where's Jack" °Medical Centre ()In Search Of 1:10 ©Movie "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders" 1:30 ®Bob Newhart °Reel To Real 2:00 °News °Nightwatch 0100 Huntley Street °Highlights ®Powerboat Racing 2:30 °Sportsweek 3:00 °Dick Tracy 3:20 ®Movie "Santee" 3:30 Cs News ()USFL Football (R) 4:00 QQNight Watch QThe Cisco Kid 4:30 °More Real People 5:15 ®Here's Lucy 5:40 ®Abbott and Costello 12:25 ()Agri -News 12:30 ®QThe Young and Restless °°News ®°Loving ®Every Second Counts ()Super Pay Cards ®FYI Noon Edition ®Wheel of Fortune 1:00 °Don Harron Show You're Beautiful °Soapbox Chil Q0drengelnpI>'IDAII My ©°Days of Our Lives 1:30 ®QWAs the World Turns ()City Lights QjSpeedweek 2:00 °TSN Wrestling ®'TBA °Midday °Let's Make A Deal °Dallas 020 Minute Workout °(1)Another World °One Life to Live 2:30 °°Capitol ()Do It For Yourself ®Micromagic ( )Rituals °Pitfall• 3:00 WFishin' Hold °Do It For Yourself ®Laverne and Shirley ()The New You ()Coronation Street °C)Santa Barbara OCQ ()Guiding Light O°General Hospital ()Fitness Break 3:30 QThe Facts Of Life °All In The Family °Too Close For Comfort ®Batman ()Kids World ®The Way It Was 4:00 °Dominion Seniors Invitational Golf °Hart To Hart (i) Divorce Court QThe Young and the Restless ( )Soapbox °Beverly Hillbillies °Do It For Yourself Q°Video Hits ()Toronto Rocks °Jefferson °Love Boat D °Jefferson '. 7j The People's Court °MASH Wight Is Enough ()Fabulous Festival °Hogan's Heroes ©CO Benson °Sale of the Century °Three's Company ()Video Hits Cs News °Jefferson ®O°The Price Is Right 5:30 O°News Cp CO °Taxi °Jeopardy °Three's Company °WKRP In Cincin- nati Mon., May 13 AFTERNOON 12:00 CO CO ®°°News °Beaver 4:30 °°The Lone F, • Ranger OFlintstones ()Ryan's Hope °Midday •o..=r.•.�---� ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • I'�' • t • • • • • • • • M !c T t1, tT'S S N CW.117 • • • • • • • • • • One I`r• •��� ByVonnieLee • • ++' ••••:1!• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Adam's story is not a pleasant one. An adorable 6 - year -old who loved baseball, Adam went shopping with his mother one warm July afternoon in 1981. While she busied herself looking for what she wanted, Adam became fascinated with what was on television and asked if he could stay in the TV display area. When she returned later to find him, Adam was gone. She would never see him alive again. The story of Adam Walsh is relived in many North American homes every year. What makes his different is the result of a lengthy frustrating battle by his parents to help other parents in the same situation. Last week, for the third time, Adam's story was telecast on the NBC network in the USA and Channel 11 here in Canada. Though one cannot always say that good can come from dramatizing a story like this, in case of the Atlanta murders and plans to make a TV movie of the McDonald's massacre in California, Adam's story has accomplished a lot of good. After showing of the film in 1983 and 1984, pictures were shown of missing children, with pleas'to the public to ,help find them. As a result, 40 children were returned to anxious parents. Again, following last week's showing of the production, pictures of missing children were shown, with hopes that some of them would also be found. When John and Reve Walsh (played in the movie by Daniel J. Travanti and JnBeth Williams) realized that their son had indeed been kidnapped, they tried everything, haunting a nearby police station, put- ting posters containing his picture everywhere, offering a reward and pleading on radio and television that the kidnapper return their son unharmed. In desperation, they turned to the FBI. They were told that since there had been no ransom note nor evidence that he had been taken over state lines, they could not "get involved". The Walshes were devastated. "The FBI will go after a stolen car but not a stolen child!" John shouted. Determined not to let their grief overcome them, John and Reve began to think of ways they could help other parents of missing children. They opened a centre !,through which they could try to help parents protect their youngsters and called it the Adam Walsh Child Resource Centre. Then John went to Washington to testify before a Senate subcommittee, stressing that there be a centralized system so the FBI could help when local police have exhausted all leads. He travelled night and day, appearing on television shows all over the U.S. and haunting the offices of House members. A year and a half passed, with nothing ac- complished. By this time,„the Walshes had another child, a daughter, Meghan, and another reason to keep fighting. ' Finally, after more lob- bying by John, the bill passed. The Missing Children Act was to become a law of the United States. A few months later, a four- year-old Florida boy was kidnapped. Thanks to John Walsh and the Missing Children Act, 50 FBI men were on the case within a short time and the boy was found alive. It was just one reward for the Walshes' hard work, 5:00 EVENING 6:00 ()01()0000 News OCitypulse °Webster . °Scan Newshour °FYI at 6:00 ()Baseball Bunch 6:30 ()Yes You Can °Family Ties ° SCNews 7:00 ()MASH ()Entertainment Tonight °Jeopardy °°Wheel of For- tune ()Murder She Wrote °One Day At A Time QMoniotor ..-.°Super Password °Sportsdesk QQNews 7:30 ()Rugby Union °Thrill Of A Life- time ®Movie "Two Soli- tudes" Wheel Of Fortune ()°Three's Com- pany ' W P'ierre Berton Show Revisited ()Venture ()Family Feud QC4 PM Magazine Detroit °Pizzazz 8:00 ®TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes ©°Scarecrow and Mrs. King o °Hardcastle and McCormick °Live It Up °°Generation On Hold °°'IBA °Jackie Gleason presents the Honey- mooners' Reunion 8 8:30 ()Expo Baseball: Montreal at Houston QQTBA ()Bizarre 9:04 01 JIJU00Kate and Allie O°Movie• "A Death In California" (Pt. 2) o Miss U.S.A. °Movie "Peyton Place: The Next Generation" 9:30 OO°QQ°Newh- art 10:00 CQ ®Cagney',and Lacey 088(1)National 11:00 0Citypulse Tonight 10:20 °8©°Journal OOO ®W()Q®ED °°News QNewsfinal °FYI Final Edition wen/OCTV National News 11:20 ®Ontario Report o National Update 11:30 ®°Entertain- ment Tonight ©Barney Miller ©Tonight Show OCO Taxi ()Sportsline °Nightline ®Movie "L 'Ange Et A La Femme" ()Sportsdesk 12:00 °Medical Centre °Dallas OO ®Charlie's Angels ()Mery Griffin ()Movie "The Dawn Patrol" ()Movie' "Our Town" °Movie "And Then There Were. None" ®Movie "Saddle The Wind" °Benny Hill ()The British Report 12:30 °Late Night °Love Boat 1:00 CQ ®The Saint ()Then Came Bron- son °Success Seminar ()Rugby Union 1:25 ®Movie "Peppers" 1:30 °Welcome Back, Kotter °Late Night 2:00 °Chico and the Man ()Highlights ()Flipper O®Mamie °Nightwatch ()Expo Baseball: Montreal at Houston (R) °News 2:30.CQCQNews °Movie "TBA" ()Flipper3:00 CQ CQ Eight Is Enough 3:15 ®Movie "A Pleasure Doing Business" 4:00 C7 ®Nightwatch 4:30 C5 News ' 5:00 ®Here's Lucy ° Telling Secrets°British Report 5:50 ®Abbot and Costello 8 J('rossroads•—May 8, 1985—Page 7B Movies on Channel 5 THURSDAY, 12:30 A.M.—"TASK FORCE". Starring Gary Cooper, Jane Wyatt, Wayne Morris. A well -made story of a Naval officer's career, tracing the aircraft carrier de- velopment. SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M.—"TRIBUTE". Jack Lemmon plays Scottie Templeton, a Broadway press agent who, in tte face of the news that he is seriously ill, wants only to mend the rift between himself and his son. Stars Robby Benson, Lee Remick, Colleen Dewhurst, John Marley, Kim Cattrall and Gale Garnett. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT -"THE FALCON'S BROTHER". Stars Tom Conway, George Sanders. The Falcon's brother carries on — a case of enemy agents intent on killing a South American diplomat. SUNDAY, 9:00 A.M.-"NEVER ,LET GO". Stars Richards' Todd, Peter Sellers. A cosmetic salesman decides to play detective when his car is stolen. SUNDAY, 2:00 P.M.—"THE ADVENTURES OF MARK TWAIN". Stars Fredric March, Alexis Smith, Donald Crisp. The life story of the great writer -humorist is well acted and; interesting. SUNDAY, 12:30 A.M.—"THE BIG STEAL". Stars Robert Mitchum, William Bendix, Jane Greer. An army officer recovers a missing payroll — and rounds up the gang who stole it after an exciting pursuit through Mexico. MONDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE DAWN PATROL". Stars Er- rol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, Dayvid Niven. This remake of the 1930 classic is a fine actioner of WW I flyers in France, with Rathbone as a stern officer forced to send up green recruits Flynn and Niven as pilot buddies. TUESDAY, 1:00 A.M.-"THE CORN .IS GREEN". Starring I Bette Davis, Nigel Bruce, Mildred Dunnock. Thoughtful acting in this story of a devoted middle-aged teacher Davis in a Welsh mining town, coming to terms with her prize pupil. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA". Stars Paul Muni, Gale Sondergaard, Joseph Schildkraut. A sincere biography of the famed 19th century French writer who rose to the cause of the wrongly accused Captain Dreyfus (Schildkraut) . } ISEIVilA9'AIilS. Portraits to celebrate warm family pride from Sears Portrait Studio 23 color portraits for only nclludes 95¢ deposit 1695' • • Photographic package includes two 8x10's, three 5x7's, fifteen wallet size and 3 portrait charms. No'appointment necessary. 95¢ for each additional subject. Poses our selection. Studios located in most larger Sears retail stores. Also available in addition to package: Black Background & Double Feature Portraits Instant Passport Photos Offer for portraits taken Mon: May 6 thru Sat. May 11 SEMIS you money's wlorth...and more Lloyd McLaughlin Bodyshop Manager AUTO REFINISHING 1 know this is a paint job that will keep looking GOOD!' That's because at Listowel Chrysler we take pride in our high quality workmanship. We will sandblast and repair rusted out areas with new meatal using proper welding techniques. All bare metal surfaces will be treated with a vinyl wash primer and primer surfacer. The vehicle will then be thoroughly sanded and sealed before an excellent finish of premium quality acrylic enamel is applied. Your car will be returned to you thoroughly renewed and spotlessly clean. LISTOWEL CHRYSLER Listowel 291-4350 754 Mairi St E INSURANCE APPRAISALS WELCOME. CHRYSLER a