HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-4-3, Page 3Your cart 41 4114.41, aeeud rs o eer , lend nerves '141.1TO bet:ohm. frightaully:,, prevalent of ..late years, and 'in all I et(Ises Whore the hdrt and' -nervesi Ike ill hid' t Mil o o AY a berg's, 'Heart filIa Nerv.9_ EMS' Will.' „ atreogtime aid invigorate ,Ithe setion, tone up the aervous system, •enrien the blood,an& then all your ' troubles, •which have become. the Cause of so much Tear and anxiety, will be a. thi,eg of the past. M. R. Kyle, Moose, Jaw, Sask., weites:—" About two Years ago I suf- • fered from palpitation of th,e /mart and shortness Of breath. My heart would skip beats, at times, end often • 1 would have to sit tip in bed to get my breath. My nerves got so unstrung I could not sleep, •wily for about two hears each eight. Having road so rauth tibOut your Milburn's Heart and ,Nerye pills I tried them and the have given 111.0 rvenclerful el.ipt, se much so .that I have used thorn ever since." Milburn 's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50cear box -at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Most ce the bacteria which gets into milk comes from •utensils, such as cans, pails, straincrs, coolers and sep- arators, which have not been properly cleaned. A dairy authority recom- mends the following method for clean- ing the utensils: First, rinse in luke- warm water as soon after use as pos- sible; second, wash in hot water con- taining washing powder, which will remove grease; third, rinse in ,clean, hot water and place in live steam fif- • teen seconds, drain and place right side up until steam evaporates. Where steam is not available sunning will give effective results. Drying should • not be done with a cloth, but by heat- ing the utensils in steam or an oven sufficiently to evaporate the moisture. Fourth, invert a clean protected place when dry. e Supervzsion of Stock Yards. Stock raisers who have not been in the habit of marketing stock for them- selves or in co-operation with others, need have no hesitation in submitting their animals for sale on the.public stock yards. Through the Dominion Live Stock and Live Stock Products Act, stock yards .are under govern- ment control, which sees to it that full justice is done to the sellers. The system, which has been in operaeion since 1917, has done much to inspire -confidence in production as well as in _marketing. It has not only promoted a feeling of confidence` but has meeult- ed in many stock raisers obtaining- • a knowledge of the business of mar- keting. Marketing at the public stock yards is so regulated as to prevent any form of extortion. Equal oppor- tunities are provided for all, both in purchase and sale, and disinterested and timely information as to the live etock market situation is constantly being issued from the yards. The facilities provided tend t� sofeguard against abnormal market conditions, by promoting intelligent distribution and the encouragement of more marketable types of live stock. Dur Ing the course of the year covered by the latest -annual report of the Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister. of Agri culture, approximately 865,000 cattle, 265,000 calves 800,000 hogs, 595,000 sheep, were sold at the various stock yardsin Canada under conditions supervised by officers of the Live A LiTTI g PIG pisEAsE. . ,very „heavy ,loss i experieneed, by minne.farmere each epeing through the loss ,of littic,pigs. • Not ameng the pigs that are hornt. and rearedeout the •green, gross where everything is, clean, but among these that are behen I during 'pc:bra:ley and Mach under I conditions thee are very favorable for the presence and development . of: Bacillus NecroYorts, The • little pig looks Ete though it had a dirty face. The sides of the. month and clinks' are discolored with adhering grime. Small pustules and ulcers are presenti in •the mouth about the lips. Small ptatoes in the Windermere Valley Statistics record the gl'owing Popu •larity.,„ efpetato, culture in the Prov- '- ince bf itih Columbia hi receet years. There is souad reason fee this, during tile nureilig Polioa, The germ and the„ belief 18 expreefred fleet the is present in filth, a MI probablypjfi C al- waYs Will be, so the first' thing o utirmicQtaosttliP:°(vle:tin'ecieoPIX.nsteslieestonao els to get the sows that have not far- "P great potato-produciag territery rent,e;1 07.anlaway the immediate ad- r,ivolling the conadien meeiwoos iri whose families are eores are present wherever the bac- teria have gained entrance—any piece on the body where the pig may' have •scratched itself ---frequently seen on knees sides of -forearm, base of ear; just a black, scurfy patch with pus beneath; may be very small or, even as large as a quarter dollar. The bacillus responsible for •the disease cannot penetrate a normal; unbroken skin, but finscis enteance in scratches usually made by the pigs when fight- ing. These abrasions may be ever so small, yet give entrance to the germ. Clean, • sterile conditions are, of course the best insurance of health. Not always possible to keep a pig pen like a hospital wardebut it is possible to have clean, comfortable, dry quar- ters somewhere about the premises in 1 them in tglii,iasnierdeg=.. tubreTerret:eivsetataeciegtiSeaatti e clean pens.i , showing 'dsease, eput In preparing a pen for the brood sow, •the walls and floor should be scraped clean and then given a wash- ing with hot weter in which a gener- ous quantity of lye has been dissolved. After scraping and washing, a lime Wash to which 3 or 4 per cent. of ereolin has been added should be ap: attention, potatoes will grow as well in British Columbia as in any other eountry. Whilst, in general, this tura hes not had the amount of at -ten - time it deserves devoted to it, there are many indications that it is in- creasing in ...popularity, and in sorne districts in particular a certain dis- tinction in. this regard is being plied. If the brood sow has been achieved posed to filth in which the germs are •There has been a consistent in - n A likely to be, she should be gdve Icrease ha the acreage devoted to po- washing with warm weter to- which tatoes hi British Columbia, whilst MI la small quantity of creolm or other little more than a decade the annual disinfectant has been added. A dry, value of the crop has doubled. In I clean yard is just as essential as a 191.0 the province's potato acreage I dry, clean pen. was 10,072, the average yield 150.03 With the progeny of the brood, sowibushels to -the acre, the total crop 1,- worth $25 to $50 at weaning time, it 631,211 bushels and itkavalue 1,148, - is surely worth while to have things 000. This does net represent the right and prevent an unnecessary loss yield usually achieved in the province, 8,101111.ra enet Thet Croupy CotJigh Ti 1130, Alarrtts the Mother It ,strilres terror to th�. mother'* heart to have hor baby wakeaup dim - g the night with a cronpy . in , Wliehthie hePPens there he time The Kingdom m Rent AsPnder, 1' Kings ,12: 1 Golden Text --Pride Goeth '1;tefcfr6 dc-:truc for delaY;•the'Ilirgt thing 'to .te ultices to the threat' and. Sunday School ANUL ' apply hot po upper part of the chest, alai ,theu haughty spirit before a fall.7—Prov. 16: • i' give a few doses "ef Or. Wood's Norway Pine Syrop as by doing this the mother will fincl that the child will receive prompt and permanent relief, and perbapn the life saved by taking this immediate pre- caution. e Mrs. Wesley Keel, Conestoga tante writes:—"My little girl had a very croupy cough which. kept her awalo at night. 1. had tried several things to Tolieve it, hut could get nothing until I got Dr. Woo'd's Norway Pine Syrup. After she had. takea a few doses I saw good effects so I kept right on with it and her cough soon, left her.'' Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup iee 35e. a bottle; 60c. for the large family size; put up only by The T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto, Ont. Cormaririarroie OF THE 8T0RY,—..rhe •111Oli, NV110; tRd • kingdom which seemed to have been so early days of Solomon. advised tl"goodl(l firmly eetabliehed by Saul. and David, words"; tile .Youngei mea who had fell apart after the death of Solomon. grown up with Re libitoani in the lux - 'the =media e. cause the disrupton ury and extravagance of So omou 3 was the heavy'brirden of taxation and later reign, advised harchiess and in - of forced labor laid upon the people solent threats of still heavier burdens. by Solomon, from which his own tribe Their fooliab counsel prevailed. 'of Judah seems to have been partially! V. 14. Scorpions. The ecorpion is exempt (see ells. 4: 7-19, '27, 28; 5: spider -like animal, sometimes as much 13-18; 9:15-23). as six inches hi length, with a stieg ia Not only did Solomon alienate the its tail which inflicts a very painful freedom -loving people of Israel by his wound. It is probably used here fig, heavy burdens, but he displeased the nratively, but there may ihave been prophets also by his folly in filling his a whip called by that name, the lash harem with foreign wives who "turn- of which was armed with sharp frag- ed away his heart after 'other gods,",,ments -of stone or metal. • and in building; altars and sanctum', • V. 15, Brovgitr about of the Lord, les for these false gods. The wiecloin (Rev. Ver.). This was what the pro, of his earlier and better years was phet had predieted as the punishment submerged in this later extravagance of SolarnOn's sins (ch. 11:9-13, 31) and folly, And se, the historian says, and the historian sees in it both the "The Lord was angry with Solomon folly of man'and the overruling pro - because his heart was turned away vidence' of God. from the Lord." This was the reason V. 16. To your tents, 0 lerael. This why the prophet Ahijah went to .Tero- was the war cry of Isreel alo in the beam a young man of E bre= and a time f De id and the tribe of Judah servant of Solomon who was in from which it sprang, must look out 'charge of the labor of Ephraim and for thereselvee Manasseh, and stirred "din up to me -1 Vs. 17 18 Adorant. or "Adonirate volt against the' king, ch. 11: 26-40.1 (eh. 4:6 end 5:14), had been chief !There was no doubt also the addition-' minister or Solomon in charge of the •• al reasen that the prophets, who were levy of forced labor, and so was bit - always champions of the rights and terly hated, The king was almost un - bushels tvarth $1,128,9(54; and in 1923 to 1,939,578 bushels worth $1,809,247. These went to the United Kingdom, United States, Bermuda, British Guiana, Britesh West Indies, Cube, Hawaii, Newfoundland, Philippines, St. Pierre and Miquelon. Cuba is the principal purchaser of Canadian' po- tatoes, followed by the United States. liberties of the people, were against believably foolish in the choice of so by doing a few hours' 1 D ig wor as between, the years 1910 and 1915 oppression by the rich and great. unpopular a messenger. Instead of some seasons the careless man will; the average was 204.36 bushel's. In m get by without losses, then again he 1915 there were 16,000 acres devoted roultry on the Villaie Lot. Ch. 1212. Aji the peopie, Ten tribes listening to him, they stoned him to 247.28 bus. pee acre, the total crop tien the Ex erimental Farms have mauled faithful to the son of Solomon. Vs. 19, 20, r rto the come/ego, • . will lose all. The man that looks after the breeding hygiene and sanitation to the potato gram the average was Through many years of mvestiga- followed Jeroboam, ancl Judah only re- death. The king fled to Jerusalem. of his pig breding operations gener- 3,956,000 bushels' and its value $1,- arrived at a system of housing and the - It seems however, that some part of A representative assembly was called, - P ally seves a large percentage of the 780,000. In 1923, according to the feeding laying hem to pecure what have stayed with Judah (see ch. 12: bOSTO was chosen king over the revolt- peop'le of Benjamin must also in the old democratic way. and Jerd- , young pigs twice every year.--L.I final crop estimate, British Columbia the officials believe to be maximum '211'. The old feud between Judah and ing tribes. which the young pigs mey be housed Stevenson. \Mt/0 aler$ Ewee require, additional care at lambing time. I' think it wise to watch every ewe closely to make sure she is coming along. all right. Very frequently, a little ailment will attack a ewe fellowing lambing 'such Canada by Canadian plant breeders.1 P Superiority of Canadian Varieties. The 'varieties of grain which have been carrying off most of the prizes at the International Seed' Grain and Hay Show at Chicago since the ineep- had 18,102 acres devoted to potatoes, returns. The pens in the Egg Laying the other tribes was .revived. It had A achieved an average yield of 116 bushels to the acre, and harvested a total crop of 2,099,800 bushels, worth FPI/CATION. Contest correspond closely in number commenced with the adherence of The essential quality in eve)y one of fowls to the -flocks of town and Judah to David, as against the son of who would be a leader of his peepte,-- village poultry keepers, who keep Saul who \vas chosen by the rest of supreme regard for their wolf are.", 1,1! CARRIED OFF ALL AVAILABLE 'PRIZES. good layers will produce a large nm- bitter and was strengthened in the fee cannon"; if a public elan regards $2,583,000, birds to supply their own tables. Ten' Israel to succeed liis fe.ther on the a king regards hie soldiers as "fodder - is inaking a particular name for itself If properly talien care e, a flock Judah and the other tribes after the game of polities; if the, motive of any A section of British Columbia a year.1 er conflict which arose between the eleetore as merely pawns in which ber of eggs in the course of °--i sulopression ef the rebellion of Ab- man in seeking an office is petty ana tion of that organization four years, It would bition, the love of the limelight, or ' in potato production is the Winder- this size should produce from 100 to1salorn, 2 Sam. chs. 20 .and 21. ago have .been largely originated in [mere Valley in the south-eastern part leo dozen eggs in the year, and few now have broken into open war but personal vanity—all such have de- •midwayb theordinary families use more than this for the intervention of a peacemaker stroyed the possibility of genuine ser - main line of the Canadian Pacific as caked udder, indigestion and in- Le the case o:C wheat, the -Canadian- quantity. Two hundred eggs per bird, in the person of the prophet Shema- eice, by their selfish outlook.' not impossible. . chem. The choice of Shechem, near from others were called "benefactors!' The people had assembled at She- those great ones who exacted tribute too much to expect, although this_ is 5. The Egg _Laying Contest hens are the border between the territories of But among his dieciplee he was to be Ephraim and Manasseh, one of the counted' "greatest" who rendered the ,flammation' of the bowels, vvhieh, if bred Marquis variety has been. a cone Railway and the CTONV'S Nest Branch of the same railway, and lying takenin due time, can be restored sistent winner of the Grand Sweep- , . tween the Rocky Mountains and the be - without causing a setback to the ewes stakes prize. At the last exhibition, Selkirk Mountains. Though of recent and lamb. Ailments that get two or held in Chicago in December, 1923, three days the sifart, are more difficult the first thirteen prizes, including the to overcome than if treated immecli- Grand Sweepstakes, were won by ately when first symptoms appear. Marquis. Out of the twenty-five It has been my experience that it prizes awarded in the hard red spring pays to keep the ewes near by where wheat class, twenty-one went to the they cap be gone over every morning Marquis variety, two to Kitchener and carefully examined. Ewes that lamb along about the first of May 'usually are turned to pasture. This is a- splendid place for them, but I like to get the fleck up at night and keep them near at hand. Then I can look them over and, in case of sudden change in the weather, they can be protected. It is very common for, ewes that have been well fed during, thq wlntr to have udder trouble at lambing time. Every flock -owner has his particular remedy for this trouble, bnt I have had excellent success with rubbing the udders twice daily' with vaeeline to which ia added one-fourth part spir- its camphor and the 'same amount of ammonia. '.''%" in Type Deacribeel. "inc bacon hog should be long :and ions Experimental Farms throughout which is a selection out of Marquis, bred sort produced at the Expeei- from five to ten tons er 1 r ' o • * • - p ha f-ae e. will c nsume, caie being taken not to sented their complaint and petition thousand ot ers, w . p and one to Ruby which is a cross-itutes in their crop competitions, vary are given all the scratch grains they, . rize winners have recorded produc- have much grain in the litter. at any, fc)r the lightening of their burdens, to 'their taelts by the thought of the need In the oat Plass, most of the win- tions of ten, eight, and seven tons time. Dry mash (a mixture, of bran,' consider, and in the meantime sought ing desire to minister ta these needs the king. He asked Tor three days to!ofthe people, and in the overwhelm-. mental Farm at Ottawa. ning samples were of the Victory and from their plots, being respectively shorts; cornmeal and groiend oats, advice of his ceunsellors. The older • in the spirit of Jesus. Banner varieties. These varieties twenty, sixteen and fourteen tons to with ten percent. beef scrap) is kept! e, while not of Canadian origin, have the acre. The quality is equal to any before the birds at all times, and fed, i 1-10 „ leers of the Canadian Seed Growers, many times proven. each day the birds are given a yery For. rne and Country been developed considerably by' mem- grown in the. province, as has been from a selfefeedhig hopper. At noon 1 Association in Canada. Twenty-eight EXPORTS ' STEADILY INCREASING. " small amount a wet mash.' This wet . . of British mash is made by, moistening some of out of a total of thirty-five prizes in The Windermere diStriet the dry mash with water. • Grit, oats were captured by' Canada, *Columbia be -ought itself into very dis- c- oyster -shell, and water are kept be - twenty -one of these going toegTowers tinct prominence in the growing . r fore the bird' at all times. Green in, the Province of Alberta. 'e first-class commercial potatoes recent- In'the two -rowed barley class,: the . food is also provided in the form of sweepstakes were won hy. Duckbill Ottawa 57. • This is a, very fine, two - rowed variety origineted by the Cen- tral Farm et Ottawa and which is giving a very good account of itself . in trials being conducted at the var- or 2,000 eggs in the year is rather iah, vs. 21-24. The Hurd day. 'See Jesus said in mocking irony, that and yet sparse development, the agri- housed in pens six feet wide by ten most important of the older cities. of most extensive human service. cultural achievement of this district feet long. . The windows., face the .Israele instead of Jerusalem, the cityl Jesu.s is our leader always, 'because is. marked and its, potatoes have south. Straw is used. for iteter in the of David, as the place of meetMg was lae studied the welfare of others,, and brought the valley particular renown. houses, and the scratch grains are fed the first symptom of revolt. Jeroboam,: gave himself to the bitterness of the The yields of Potatoes in -this dis- in this litter. Scratch grains consist( who had been a fugitive in Egypt, cross that he might bring men into trict from half -acre plots, as shown of cracked corn, whole wheat and came thither at their invitation. He ,fellowship with God. Our most illus - by the records of the Farmers' Insti. oats,about 1Ti birds was immediately recognized as leader5trious leaders and helpers of maakincl, of the forces of discontent and pre- 'like Paul, Luther, Livingstone, and a equal parts, The ' 1 t smooth, with a nicely arched back and Canada. a straight, trim and neat underline. 1 Length without smoothness and finish When the roads are bad, make the does not ,make a desirable hog, neither horse's load lighter. Do not allow the does smoothness and finish without boy to drive furiously and stop sud- length. The jowl and shoulder should denly. Take off the checkrein and be light arid smooth, showing no flab- blinders. biness in the former and no coarse- ness or openness in the latter. Heavy jowls generally go with thick, fat or &arse hogs. 'Heavy shoulders throw the side out of balance. The side should be fairly flat, carrying even with the shoulder and ham, of medium be grown successfully produces a very depth .dropping straight from the valuable class of. feed grain. The back. No round -ribbed hogs can get variety Arthur, also known as Ottawa in the select class. The rump should No. 18, is claimed ,ley the Dept. of round off even with the arch of the Agriculture at Ottawa to be highly For a number of years the growing of peas went out of favor on account of the prevalence of insect and dis- ease. Fortunately this crop is com- ing back into favor, and where it can Stock Branch. All of this stock, back and should ehow no surplus fat productive and early ripening., The valued approximately at $35,000,000 at the tail head. The ham should be grain is yellowish in color and of fairly full yet tapered nicely down to medium size. Mackay, otherwise the hock. The bone should be clean known as Ottawa No. 25, is also a and strong, and the body should show remarkably productive variety, ripen - no tendency 'to wrinkle. The belly ing later than Arthur. Solo, Golden should be trim and neat, and the Vine and Prussian Blue are varieties for cattle, $2,250,000 for calves, $14,- 300,000 for hogs, and $3,500,000 for sheep and lambs, besides passing under the supereision of the stock yards agent, was checked and record- ed as to the point of origin, sale and disposition. Do You Suffer From Head dies? Headaches seem to be habitual with many people and wake life misera.ble for the sufferer'in fact, a million noodles could not produce the suffer- ing and torture that those afficted un- dergo. There is only one way to get rid of the headaches, and that is to go right to the seat of the trouble. ' Burdock Blood Bitters will do this by removing 'the cause of the trouble through its cleansing, strengthening and tonic action on the whole system. Mr. E. Machne.uor, Moosehorn, -Mane writes: --441 had headaches every sedond day, and they were so had I would have to 'stay in bed all day long, in feat, from 6 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock. at night. I could hardly bear the suffering., but one day vehen I was in town 'I was advised. to AISO Burdock Blood Bitters, and it sure did relieve me of all ray headache'' e Burcloek Blood 'Bitters has been on the 'market for the past 45 years and Is meriefactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co,, Limited, Terme°, Out. whole body show that muscular tend- ency which denotes lean meat rather than fat."—Ontario Government Pam- phlet. • My Pennies. Sometimes when I run errands my Grandma gives me pennies; They rattle in my pocket ie a very jolly way. I always like to feel them, way down where they are hiding, The shining little pennies, who in the' dark must stay. . A little .song they're singing—a sort af cheerful jingle; I'm careful not to lose them, or even let them fall. You see because I earned them, they're not like other pennies -- More nice, and hind of diff'rent, and so I save them all, In setting out to cut down expenses, look out that you do not saw off the limbs that heat the fruit. also recommended by the Ottawa authorities. eta—. KO DIETS5iA Had to Stay PrEorno From orh v1.4 the kidneys begin to "act up" and fail to filter the blood through them, there passes into the system uric acid and other virulent poisons which will cause some of the severest and most deadly diseases known to mankind. On the first approach of kidney trouble, Doan's Kidney Pills should be used and serious trouble avoided. Mrs. J, E. Johnson, Brantford, Ont., writes:—''.1ely husband suffered some- thing awful with his kidneys and would have to stay home from work two or three timee a week. He triea ell kinds of things, but they only re- lieved him for a short while. He sew Doan 's Kidney Pills advertised and after a few doses he felt fine; after h.e had used leer boxes he was com- pletely relieved. That Was two years ago endehe has not suffered since." 13e our() and got "Doan's" when you ask for them. Price 50e, a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price ty. the T. Milburn Go., Limited, Toronto, Ont. winter game too, printing a special A Winter Picnic. full page, supplement in their S a tur- "Whatever were you expected to day issue, giving photos and the Is- ly by carrying off the chief prizes at wear?" It was a delightful page and widely ma.ngele, cabbage, cut clover, This was the first anxious query en read by old and new members and the. Provincial potato Show at Vic- alfalfa. Whatever green food is used or the minds of the guests invited to their friends as well' as sendents of toria. In this contest members of the, the birds are given all they will eat. join with the Eigin County Women's Canadian historic developments of The quarters are kept clean at an' Institutes in their Winter Picnic held ill nate, to say nothing of th•e Provincial carried off the provincial district' times. The Dept.Coi Agriculture at in the stormy month of February Superintendent and its governmental district Potato Growers' Association prize, the shield for the best commer- Ottawa issues a useful leulletin on Alma College, St. Thomas. It turned head, the Minister el Agriculture. Mal potatoes, and every available "Poultry Keeping in Town and Conn- out, that like all real live picnics, you One charming story tfas that of the try," which is available on request. wore whatever you chose besides a discovery by one Branch of a family sented by their own association. Their pleasant smile and the basket or box of new Canadians in dire distress, prize with the exception of a cup pre - achievements in provincial potato of country delectal3les you bore in • tory of the Institutes of Elgin,Coh circles in 1922 were equally out- standing. There should be a future for the growing of quantities of commercial potatoes in British Columbiasuch as has been built up in the Maritime Provinces. Canada's exports of poi. tatoes are voluminous and going to many countries. Potato ' exports in 1921 amounted to 1,971,537 bushels worth $1,565,340; in 1922 to 1,735,675 Success lies in the man and not in his materials. In the bottom of my hens' nests place a folded newspaper, allowing the edges to extend up the sides and ends a few inches. To clean the nest, 1 grasp the edges of the paper in both hands and lift the entire contents. I replace the paper and new nesting material and haVe a clean nest.—W. How many Canadians "know that Canada has a Tower of Babel? Britist Columbia has na ilea this Mtge rook formation near Lake -Louise efter; the famous structure of biblical history, For Elgin County Institutes met, through their first winter in the noun - with their mankind and the College I try. "They are eating off the window principal and staff, to have a good ledges," came the report from a time—and to study history. Their; friendly neighbor who had called, own history, too, that which they' "and I don't know haw they sleep, for themselves as rural homemakers had made in Elgin County, Ontario, and helped to make in the world at large, for the idea of a State Dept. of Home- making, set going in Wentworth County twenty-siven years ago, they found had now become an interna- tional thing. They were inspired by the work and progress of the nineteen Institutes working for home and com- munity betterment in the own county with the very practical maxims, "Be- gin with the fellow under your own hat if you want to improve the world," human touch, the neighborliness of it and "If you know a good thing, pass all. The mother was made an honor- - it on." ary member of the Branch, and when A further thrill was added to this some time later the collector Wag inspiration by the report that nearly going the rounds for the annual dona- three thousand Institutes, following tions to the County Hospital (another the Ontario methods, were now work- of the community interests of the In- iWngalefso,r vsiimthilahrunednrdesdsinmEairieglaiiiintscaontd... stitutes) she called on the new mem- ber. "Not for a donation, but just because I did not like to pass any land, Belgium, France, and even in remote New Zealand, with some in the member by," she explained cordially. United S.ta les; while they were all 1 "Oh, but we want to help," the over Canada, from the Atlantic to the mother cried, going to the cupboard and emptying the contents of a cup. \. Pa.lifateer.-.C°Eidtscit:Oses from the Depart - "This is all the cash 1 have, but the mentr al epresentative anInstitute was so good to us when we d the Pee - were starting, Whenever the Insti- tute is in on anything I want to be in it too. Here," and she handed over `Atwenty`nWec d cents.onsidered that the big- gest and most generous donation we short address of welcome he invited the homemakers to make thian all- gave r. ,It was like the widow's mite. to our Hospital," said the speak- dayse, and annual event, promising that That is the thing we are proud of, the, College. physical director would not what we gave them in material plana half day of gamee and recrea- things so much as that we helped theni non for the visitees in the gymnasium to get on their feet, and that then and swimming pool, while the College hall, domestic science rooms, and dh. they wanted like real Canadians to help otheras they could." the have scarcely any bedding. The father was working uutil winter closed in but now he can't get any, and there are two children." To hear was to act with this group of homemakers and in a short time food clothing, dishes, bedding, and fuel were unloaded with a prompt hospitality that even pioneer days could not beat at this farm house door, Sewing was secured for the mother, and later, work for the man too. But the very best thing about it was the vincial President, some stories of activities were told by the rBanches represented. The Principal of the College, Dr. Dobson, was so interested that in a would also„be at their service, A very pleasing feature was the uniting of city ad country on this occasion, also almost every woman's organization, as well OS some of the men's in St. Thomas being tepee- 8°Titie eld4Press entered. 'heartily into the in March for Decembea calves. They helped ,to geton theit, feet! The best' kind of iminigratiOn.? Work. Long life and. Prosperity to the Institutes, Cows. that 'freshen in fall or early Winter are best Milk producers. Breed' ;,.