HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-08, Page 26Page 2B—Crossroads—May 8, 1985 $ ® ... CKVR Barrie ® ... WIVB Buffalo Q .,. CBC Toronto ®... WDIV Detroit Global ,.. WKBW Buffalo Q ... WJBK Detroit Weekday Mornings 5:30 °Jimmy Swaggart 5:50 ®Ontario Report 6:00 °Frightenstein Oa/Seneca Tele- - college ®.()News ®Camera on Canada ®°News °News This Mornin ()NBA Basketball Playoffs (Thur) (The Way It Was (Fri. .. 'rue.) OSportsworld Inter- national (Mon) ®Memorial Cup Hockey Special (Wed 6:30 ()Sportsworld Inter- national (Fri) °Fishin' Hole (Tue) °Bodytalk ()Morning Exercise °Canada AM °It Figures 7:00 ()McGowan's World °CBLT Morning 0°20 Minute Work- ¢. out °Today Show" 0100 Huntley Street (Stewardship Drive) ((Good Morning America ()Size Small ()Powerboat Racing (Tue) 7:15 °Fitness Break 7:30 ()Curious George (What's New (Fri. only) ()Body Moves ®Toronto Rocks °FYI First Edition °Hercules ()Soccer News (Fri) ((Australian Rules Football (Mon) ((Rugby Union (Tue) 7:45 °Friendly Giant 8:00 ()Elegant Appetites 020 Minute Workout °Polka Dot Door (starts Tues.) ()Kidd Video 8:30 WPKA Karate (Thur) °Baseball Bunch ( Tue ) O°AIl In The Fami- ly ()Celebrity Micro- waves °Sesame Street OThe700 -Club' ®Rocket Robinhood 9:00 J Anything For Money. [TBA °Romper Room and Friends ((Good Morning Workout OEd Allen 0((®°)Phil Donahue ()Yes You Can Tue. ) ((Top Rank Boxing (Fri( ((Australian Rules Football (Mon) ((Top Rank Boxing 'Wed) v 30 ((Expo Baseball Montreal at Houston R'tTue; ((The New You QMr Dressup 0100 Huntley Street ()What's' Cooking [Muppet Show J(JLove Connection 10 00 ;Time• Machine Thurs Fri -The Facts of Lite ' Mon Wed. ()Curious George °Trivia Company ((Hour Magazine ((AM Buffalo ()Friendly Giant 0100 Huntley Street °The -New You n®®New $25,000 Pyramid °Sports Action of the '80's (Thur) 10:15 ()Fitness Break ()Friendly Giant i0-30 CpSale of the Century 013e My € est QMr. Dressup ()Good, Company °Fitness Break O®®Press Your Luck ()Celebrity Cooks ( starts Mon._) 1YJA1T Star Soccer !Thur) °Memorial Cup Hockey 'Special (R) ( Mon ) to:45 °Friendly Giant 1100 ®Citylife ()Pizzazz O°Polka Dot Door 01 Love Lucy [Sesafile Street °One Life To La ®Guess What (7)(-4?The Prue I, Rich' g Q. Wheel of Fortune ()Cherington °All Star Blitz 11:30.OScr-abble - QWhat Will They Think of Next °My Three Sons °OMI. Dressup °Ryan's Hope ®20 Minute Workout °Definition • °TSN Wrestling, (Fri) WTSN's Sportspage (Wed) Thurs., May 9 AFTERNOON 12:00 ()()®()°News OFlintstones °Beaver ()My Favorite Mar- tian ®Ryan's Hope °Midday °Shazam 12:25 °Agri -News 12:30°°° The Young and the Restless °Wheel of Fortune 00N ews ((®Loving (I)Every Second Counts ()Super Pay Cards °FYI Noon Edition ()Grand Prix Auto Racing 1:00 °You're Beautiful ((Soapbox 00°°OAil My Children °Don Harron Show Os °Days of Our Lives 1:30 ®City Lights O s the World Turns ()NBA Basketball Playoffs (R) 2:00 ()Let's Make A Deal °Parenting .. O°Midday 020 Minute Workout ()Dallas ()One Life to Live °(1)Another World 2:30 OO 04 Capitol °Do It For Yourself .°Rituals )((Micro Magic °Pitfall 3:00 °Laverne Shirley °Do It For Yourself ()The New You °Coronation Street °Fitness: Break O()Santa Barbara OO OO ()Guiding Light °°General Hospital 3:30 ()The Jeffersons °AIL In The Family QKids,World . ®Batman °Barney Miller 4:00 ((PKA Karate (IDC)Divorce Court °Hart To Hart ()Soapbox ((Love Boat ()Beverly Hillbillies OThe Young and The Restless OmVideo Hits "'Do It For Yourself ®Toronto Rocks QJeffersons 4:30 ©°Jeffersons OO 04 The People's Court OMASH °What's New ()Eight Is Enough 5:00 © 4QBenson °Sale of the Century ()Hogan's Heroes ((Video Hits O5 News °((The Price Is Right ()Three's Company ((Jefferson 5:30 ()OO 04 Taxi °Jeopardy .flQNews..__� .- °Three's Company OWKRP In Cin- cinnati ((Up To Par 1311 ' 8 EVENING 6:00 ((()0°®©O News ("Ci typulse °Ripley's Believe It or Not °Scan Newshour °FYI at 6:00 ®Sports World Inter- national. 6:30 0®News 7:00 ®Jeopardy ®Entertainment Tonight 60Wheel of For- tune ®MASH °Super Password "IDI Love Lucy 00"Qne Day At A Time "'This Week in On- tario ((Sportsdesk mr q )News 7:30 °Charles In Charge °Soccer News °The Littlest Hobo °Pizzazz 0 Three's Com - Pally °NHL Playoffs °MASH "'Family Feud ®Wheel of Fortune 7 QPM Detroit °Back Stage 8:00 pQ"'Magnum P.I. ())Cosby QStreethawk "'Movie "My Dear Father" 00 Playoffs ()Love Boat °Niagara Rep. Co. 8:30 ®()Family Ties 9:00 °Trivial Pursuit ®()()Simon and Simon ®®Cheers 1]QKate and Allie. °Top Rank Boxing °Wintario 9:30 °Profiles of Nature ®((Night Court- 10:00 (moHill Street Blues QQKnots Landing °x/20 ®Citypulse Tonight °Code Name : , Fox - fire io 10:30 °National 10:50 ()Journal 11:00 000National ESSCTV m® 4O()OfNews ®CTV National News 11:20 °Ontario Report 11:25 000News '11:30 ®Movie "Crossed Swords" °Tonight Snow 0004Taxi OSportsline "'Nightline °Newsfinal ©News - ®Sportsdesk 11:50 °National Update O ()Entertain- ment Tonight 10 12:00 ©Barney Miller ((Mery Griffin ((Movie "Murder In Peyton Place" °Movie "Zabriskie Point" 0004 Charlie's Angels °Benny Hill mSportsworld Inter- national 12:20 ()Movie "Two Fathers' Justice". let Q ... CKNX Winghhm m ... CFPL London ® CHCH Hamilton ® ... CKQO Kitchener TSN ppi... City,TV Toronto 12:30 °Late Night ®Love Boat °Movie "Task Force" °Movie "The Tall Stranger" °Dallas 1:00 ((Soccer News ©CThe Sant °Eye On Hollywood 1:30 ®Welcome Back Kot - ter (3)Late Night ((News 0MoVie "Encounter With the Unknown" 2:00 (1X4)Maude °Chico and the Man Nightwatch ®Medical Centre 2:30 (Top Rank Boxing 0(1)News °Movie "TBA" ((Highlights 3:00 ©°Eight Is Enough - ((Flipper 3:25 ®Movie "Beyond Belief" 4:00 00 04 Nightwatch 4:30 ()News ° 5:00 (1)Telling Secrets (I)TSN Wrestling 5:20 ((Here's Lucy 5:45 ((Abbott and Costello Fri., May 10 AFTERNOON 12:00 OOO ®OO ((News O°Fat Albert ' '°Beaver ®Ryan's Hope °Midday - °Flintstones 12:25 °Agri -News 12:30 °Wheel of Fortune OO ®The Young and the Restless Q()News ®°Loving Os Every Second Counts ()Super Pay Cards °FYI Noon Edition ((Top Rank Boxing 1:00 ®Your're Beautiful ()Soapbox 000)0AIl My Children °Don Harron Show ®°Days of Our Lives 1:30 OO 4Q()As the World Turns ®Citylights Z:00 • Q°Midday °Dallas °Let's Make A Deal °Parenting Movies on Channel 13 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT—"ZABRISKIE POINT". Stars Mark Frechette, Daria Helpin. The story of a young couple, he a college drop-out who is wanted for killing a policeman, and she, a hippie secretary, who face the establishment world where violence seems to be the only rational re- sponse. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT—"MISTRESS OF PARADISE". Stars Chad Everett, Genevieve Bujold. A beautiful Northern heiress marries a wordly Southern plantationowner and discovers a frightening secret that threatens 'to destroy their love and lives. FRIDAY, . 2:00 A.M.—"LITTLE MOON AND JUD Mc- Graw". Stars James Caan, Stefanie Powers. A young re- porter, researching a story on the old west, stumbles on to the secret of an oldforgotten ghost town. He becomes em- broiled in a tale of bitter vengeance. SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M.—"BUDDY, BUDDY". Walter Mat - thaw stars as a beleagured 'hit' man just trying to fill a contract on one last mobster before he retires to the South Seas. Jack Lemmon is his tenacious 'buddy', a hapless schnook in the next hotel room; a clumsy would-be suicide who just wants-tcget his wife back from the sex clinic doc- tor she went to live with. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT—"KELLY'S HEROES". Stars Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas. War -weary soldiers plan and execute the theft of 14,000 gold bars behind enemy lines during World War II. SATURDAY, 2:00 A.M.—"MEDUSA". Stars George Hamil- ton, Cameron Mitchell. A luxurious yacht is found aban- doned on the Aegean, Sea containing two lifeless bodies: . • This discovery triggers off a series of bizarre events. SUNDAY NOON—"TOM THUMB". Stars Russ Tamblyn, Peter Sellers. Live-action and animated version of the clas- sic Girnm Brothers fairy tale about the boy who, only five - and -one-half inches tall, saves the village treasury from 2 preposterous villains and facilitates a romance between the village piper and the Queen of the Forest. MONDAY, 9:00 P.M.—"PEYTON PLACE: THE NEXT GENERATION". Nine original cast members from the hit television series "Peyton Place" pick up where they left off. Peyton Place: The Next Generation, deals with the fate of Allison MacKenzie and the surprise appearance of her daughter, Megan. It will feature flashbacks from the orig- inal series while developing the new generation in one of TV's most famous communities. Dorothy. Malone.. (Con- stance' MacKenzie), Barbara Parkins (Betty Cord Har- rington), and Tim O'Connor (Elliot Carson) star. MONDAY MIDNIGHT—"SADDLE THE WIND". Stars Rob- ert Taylor, Julie London. Reformed gunslinger -turned - rancher faces a showdown with his trigger happy younger brother. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT—"HILLS OF ,HOME". Stars Ed- mund Gwenn, Donald Crisp. Doctor convinces Scottish father that son should situdy medicine to care for families in the Glen. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT --"THE 7T11 DAWN". Stars Wil - ham Holden, Susannah York. An American, owner of a huge plantation in Malaya,•goes into the jungle to meet the leader of a Communist group raiding the plantations, a „r r,)er hurich when they were both guerrilla fighters. The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change. 020 Minute Workout ®"',Another World "'One Life To Live 2:30 ®Micro Magic - ©®Capitol °Do It For Yourself ((Rituals ©Pitfall 3:00 0)Sportsworld Inter- national ono It For Yourself ()The New You ©Coronation Street ()Laverne.. Shirley ©Fitness Break 1()O4 °Guiding Light ®°General flospi.tal °()Santa Barbara 3:30 °Kids World ((Batman °Ali In The Family O0Charles In Charge 4:00 ®Soccer News °Do It For Yourself 00 QQ Divorce Court °The Young and the Restless ((Soapbox ((Love Boat °Beverly Hillbillies °Video Hits °Hart To Hart Jeffersons ()Toronto Rocks 4:30 80Jeffersons OO OO The People's ourt ASH (1)Eight Is Enough °Spirit Bay 5:00 OO ®Benson °Sale of the Century "'Video Hits OQ News ("Three's Company 000The Price Is Right °Hogan's Heroes ((Jefferson 5:30 ()©()Taxi °Jeopardy °()News °Three's Company OWKRP In CinCin- nati ("The Way It Was 8 EVENING 6:00 °Citypulse m°°0°00 News "'Silver Spoons (]Scan Newshour °FYI at 6'00 ((TSN Wrestling, .. 6:30 ©Jefferson °®News 7:00 ©Jeopardy ®MASH ((Entertainment Tonight °()Wheel of For- tune °°One Day At A Time °Super Password °The Facts of Life °Cagney .. Lacey 0004News' l°Sportsdesk 7:30 °Inside the PGA ®MASH ("Oceans Alive °Too Close For Comfort °Circus O°Three's Com- pany ()Pizzazz °Family Feud ©Wheel of Fortune OO QPM Detroit 8:00 QQDetective in the House °Hardcastle and McCormick (I)The Best of Times (°°Webster OOT. J. Hooker °Murder She Wrote °Movie "Girls! Girls! Girls!" °Cheers ("What. WillThey Think of Next.. ((Tennis Magazine ®This Is the USFL (Tom Jones °Snow Job °Benson O(1)Half Nelson s 8:30 9:00 OODalla °Evening at the Im prov °Knight Rider °World of Horse Racing 9:30 ((Down the Stretch °Just Married 10:00..National (Miami Vice Oml♦Falcon Crest °Scarecrow .. Mrs. King °Me and Mom sCitypulse Tonight °'PBA 10:20 WS°Journal 10:30 °NBA Basketball Playoffs 11:00 °FYI Final Edition 'V National News mm SONews aiNewafinal 11:20 °Ontario Report, °National Update 11:30 ()Sportsline e()®Entertain- ment Tonight ®()Taxi (1)Tonight Show "'Wood Rockin' To- night (Pt. 1) °Nightline ®Movie "Roustabout" 12:00 °World Vision °Dallas (/) Charlie's Angels °Rock Wars ()Movie "Little Miss Marker" °Movie"Violation of Sarah McDavid" °Movie "Aspen" (Pt. 1) ®Movie "Mistress of Paradise" ((Mery Griffin 12:30 ®Inside the PGA ()Love Boat °Good Rockin' Tonight (Pt. 2) 1:06 ()The Bounder °ABC Rocks °Movie "Flight To Tangier" OOThe Saint (Tennis Magazine 1:30 °Highlights °Friday Night Videos ((News °Welcome Back, Kotter ()This Is the USFL 1:45 ((Movie "Blue Hawaii'' 2:00 OO ()Maudeof °World Horse Racing °Dick Van Dyke °Chico and the Man ®Movie "Little Moon & Jud McGraw" ()Medical Centre 2:30 00 44 News °Perry Mason ®Down The Stretch 3:00 ((NBA Basketball Playoffs 0(31)Movies "TBA" ()Flipper °The Cisco Kid 3:30 °Sergeant Preston °In Search Of °Phil Silvers 3:40 ()Movie "Paradise Hawaiian Style" 4:00 Fantasy Island ()Movie "Desire Under the Elms" ©More Real People 4:30 OS News 5:00 °Telling Secrets °The Waltons 5:30 iOPKA Karate 5:40 °Here's Lucy MAyIS A't" *, .1f. 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We'll do a -complete check on your carburetor and electrical system as well as brakes, lubrication and an oil change if necessary. Call for an appoint- ment today! , SAVE ON. A SPRING TUNE -IJP NOW! Includes: • New Spark Plugs • Check wires & distributor cap • Check rotor & coil • Check compression • Set timing, adjust carburator & idle speeds. • Air filter & battery 4 CYL. 6 CYL. 8 CYL. 4995 5595 5995 We Service All Makes & Models =� CUSTOMER CHRYSLER CARE (zit- rog d(iuvt(l rn it OIL FILTER & LUBE up to 5L 10W30 oil NEW FILTER 15.95 We install - EXHAUST & SHOCKS - guaranteed for as long as you own your car. ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED for 3 months - 7000 km air Dave with confidence this spring' Listowel Chrysler 9'' 754 Main St E. Listowel 291-4350 OPEN Mon - Fri 8 a m - 5.30 p m. Thurs 011 9 p m 11f/ I® RmdserviltdY1 "WHERE SERVICE MEANS SAVING" ..............