The Exeter Times, 1924-4-3, Page 1its F. IFTY•FIRST. YEAR No. 2556 EXETER, ONT.,. THURSDAY r 1)� +?,tf►IE 1111 11111IIIID1111111111111111111101111I!lIIIIL, • �,„A1t�l,lttldillilllliil II 111111111111NI11111111IIIIIIII��'IIIiiIllilf11111111111N�.:II, ) ..... f I i. iI att 611.07.771 COISPA NIMION Sa ®• GARMENTS - o. 4 ' its and re's-ses f,k S.ring w - Special al.ee for April' A Bargain in Men's Fine Shirts 5 dozen Men's,., extra Heavy weight fine light colored Shirts: Sizes 14 to 16,, a real bargain this month at $1.60 eaclx, A Bargain in'Soft Collars � ` the celebrat- ed 13 r to l ' s' Soft Collars, Sizes 20 dozen Men's and Boys' ed Del Park make, regularly 3-5c each, special April selling price 25e or 5^ for $1.00. A Bargain in Table Linen 1 web 'only: bleached all Linen Table Damask, 66" wide; very slight imperfections in weave, a .real bargain while it lasts at 51,355 a. yd, More New Wash. Dress Fabrics We have recently added many new lines to our Dress goods stock, New Voiles, Retries, 'Linens, Crepes, Knitted Silks, Fancy 'Materials for Jacquets and Skirts at very reasonable prices. . A Bargain in Tapestry'Rugs -- gf any - these tiy Rugs in the 3yds by' VVe'offer taxis month a large raiie of."Tapes 3:1/2 'yds and 3 them over. Spring Curtain Nets • , Our stock of Curtain meter/Ws is now complete. Prices on these lines; are much lower than last season, on a great many lines: We have an exceptionally large range to select from. A Special in Ladies' Vests 10 dozen Ladies' summer" Vests, sleeveless and, quarter sleeve styles clearing at 40c each. - CONGOLEUMS : RUGS Get our prices on Congoleum Rugs. We oan sav you money on "thein: Agents for Pictorial 13esview Patterne PHONE 32 ones PHONE 32 �� �t�Hlill�l�ilNI1111talllillillll111111111111111111111 �' INlillilllllill,IIIIIIIIIIIillllllilllillllllil!11111!IliililiHilliII1111111111NlN�iII� , , , MORNING, APRIL. 3rd., 1924 EXETER SCHOOL REPORT FOR MARCH. Room V. E Sr: IV., 1•ion,t,ut s, T .i]l din, 13a1_er 78, = Vera Mooney 75; Stellla Northetatt 75 Aannie. Sminions ' 75 ; Paps Irwin Ford o.- I .74, Lyle D ane'y 73, Geeta Bloomfield 71. Harry Jen.wirigs 71,. Catherine = Woods 67; Doris Salter 66, ..Wane,tt.i Nelsen 65, Muriel How'7ld 63, Harold Skinner 60, Sydney West 59; Edith Wal ter 57. Vera M." McDonnalcl =w- Jr. IV., Honours, Irene Biezlhig 80, Grace Chambers 78, Roy •13atte,nc 77, Baden Powell 75; ,lass;, Willie San e. d,ers 74, Alda McDonald 72, 'Milton Laing 70,• Gearge.na Nelson 69, 'y Tom. Kay 67, Wilma Kay 67, Clifford Uut- aliinson 66, 14ladelent Dearing 66, Stnx1 ley Walter 65, Jennie .Passmore 59, Kethle.en Reid 58, Alvin Pasamerc 55, Jini Taylor 55, Myrtle Beaver -. Number on roll 34. G, , S, • Howard, Principal. ROOM IV Sr. iII-Honors, Gaady9 :1Iuukin, ,85; Mary Wells, 81 Violet Gambrill, '77; Russel Collingweed 77'.• Pass-- Clarence, Loyle; 72{; WI1 xe S3allrwvil.l, 72; Dorothy Dinnei,' 70;, Clifford 1'amport, •70 Charlie Lodder, 6S; r Jean 'V. alpor, 67 'Harold.'McDonald, 67; Lillian Payne, 65.-,IJe1en Penlxale. 65 ; Roy Sanders, 61; Russel Snell; 61; Willie Llleitnbto n, 61 ;,,Geraldine, li te c Burke, 57; George AnUlzew, .51; lila. ' le Nee- = Snell, 42; Loretta Little, �42 1- e son ti\rls 1, 42. • e • . Ir, III -Honors, Raymond Pryde, �.2 Jet', 4 � int 83; Melville Simmons,ns, s0e Buchanan, 79 ; Madeline Stewart, 79 Jean Sheere, 77 Gladys r-lutchinson, „_,t 75 Pass= -Gerald Skinner, ;74;1-iazel Bloomfield, 73; Cecil Laing, 71; Gladys Smith, 7l Rosie Jennings 71; Margaret Martin, 70; Ilenie I`estle, 69; Lloyd Freckleton, 68 Ruth Col Lingwood, 66; Grace Christie, 61;•. Verne Brima,combe, 59; Lois Stat- ham, 49; Helen Vali:, 48; Claire magma maw NSW OPIIMM vamma rooms among tomme z r Makin Su i SAP PAILS AND SYRUP CANS SAP SPILES, SAP PANS Specialsonly ... for Fri. and Sat. t. 300 Sap Pails. Long and Short. . 24Ceach. Place Your Order Quick. BY USING • LQWE.BRCIS. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS and The" Pliant that goes Further. for Interior Exterior Uses. labastine. wall !finish, all colors, 70c. per pkg. • ., TMuresco wall finish, all ' colors, 70c. per pkg Chi Naxriel varnishstains for in- terior decorating. All colors in cans at 30, 55 t.00 & $1.85. See the 7Chi Namel self grainer. H®me Wants Paint Brushes 10, 25, PaA <•. 20, .• olnsonfs Wax 85c lb. tep Ladders, all sizes. Dustbane 35c. a tin. G'lass Washboards 75c. lu IRON PIPING VALVES AND FITTINGS. 4111a, Hardware Millinery • • SPECIAL SHOWING OF EASTER MILLINERY, FRIDAY AND SATUR- DAY, APRIL 4th, and 5th. TE LA- DIES OF EXETER` AND VICINITY 'ARE INVITED TO VISIT"_OUR MIL INERY PARLORS " AND SEE ,OUR FINE DISPLAY OF PRIiVIM'E'D AND UNTRIMMED HATS, AMONG THEM ARE PATTERN HATS OF CHARM- ING STYLE. CHILDREN'S HATS AT LOW PRICES. ellana GG'S Clothingiosp%ti l We do all kinds of Cleaning, Press - nig, Dyeing,„Repairing, Re -modeling, Turning of all kinds of Clothing. LAIDILS' WORK A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Gent's Shits to Order. A trial is solicited: '41,1 W. IFI GREGG Smith, 37. No. enrolled, 41, aver. atten. 37.-- Jean S. SIurre,y, teacher. ROOM IIT•o'clock Tuesday afternoon; interment in St. James', cemetery' Cia?l.cleboy e, Jr. III -Honors; Joseph Creech, 84; Grafton Cochrane," 53 Ruth '3kfOdEER FOR BRIDE -1O -P12 Balkwill, 83; Joseph Jackson, 81; On Monday'even.iiig a number of BOARD 01 EDUCATION ,ASpecial Meeting of sthe- 13oard of Relucaftion. was held: in the office of th•e secretary' on, Tuesday evening of this week, with u(1 the inenbers ln-es- e•nt except Mr. May, Oww•iug to the unavoidable, absence of 12r: ,Creech for the t'ixst ,half hour the vice-ehavrmari, Rev. ;Trump ei• took the chair, .for the, evening, The purpose of the meeting was to. receive the report lot" the Built ng and Grounds committee, which, comm ttee had been requested to loolc into the ouestion Of accommtodation, and pre- sent a plan or plains to remedy the condi don,. Mn- Iiuke, as chairman of the ranr' mittee, reported that the committee harp visited the School and, .found it running to full capacity, one ar two rooms being •overcnowd+ed, land one class .outside tire building, being In the public library. The committee sub mjited fou=r Or five di:Cferent plans, as prepared by Iifr, Fuke and Mr. Elston and theist were thoroughly examined mid thoroughly discussed. It was srnoved by R. N. Creech, sec- onded sec- onded by E. M. tD ugnalni,- and u naar - measly adopted that the plan for a two storey (with basement) extension to till'. leas,t of 'the north wing ,appro:t mate cost 55,000), be accepted, sub- mitted to the Department of Educa tau liar approval, and tlxe..nec,es,sa 'y pteluninary steps taken +.o• proceed With, the work. sit t Rowe, anal Per J E_sto�n and H. 'l ... adopted; that the Finance Committee meet tlhe Council fear the purpose of raising the mon eY necessary n ,ar the extension to bu_ldimg. l' i J. G. Stansbury and W. i-1, Dear- ing., and adopted, that the n,'cessairy repairs to thefence, be left in the hands of tate Building and Grounds committee with powea• 'to act. E. M. Dignan. --adjournment. E. Macr:aul, Secretary; 1'ICGILLIVR=1Y RESIDENT DEAD The death occurred on Sunday in McGillivray, Tp., of Joseph Hodgson, aged 67 years, Funeral services were conducted from the residence ofe his daughter, Mrs. Fred Neil. lot 13, concession ; 2, 11IcGillivray Tp., ,at 2 Wallace Seldon, 80; Harry Cole. 79; I-l:elen Stanbury, 79; Richard Tram- per, . 77; Mary Cann, 77 ; Kenneth Ward, 77; Dorothy` Cox, 76. Pass, Marguerite Bloomfield, r 4; 14Fargar- et Ellerington, 73;'Justin Isehilin, 70; Muriel. .Rye,•. 68; - Cl ikettfii, ;'Batten, 68; Wm: Nelson, 67; -Sack Redden,. 67; Hugh Wainer, 66; • Helen-Hey- wood, elen-Heywood, ,6;1. • Sr: II-Ilonors, Burton Donnelly; 87; Utah Clark,. -85; Ruby Stone, 84; Jean Penhale, 82; -Dorothy Davis, SO; Tstarion Davis, 78; Stella Little,. 76; Florence Cornish., 75;; Constance Jennings. 75; Edmund Wethey, 75. Pass, Helen'Salter, 71; AIIan~Fraser, 70 ; Wnx. Burke, 70; Edith Kestle, 68; Chester Cornish, 65. No. enrolled, 39, aver. atten. 32. H. M. Kinsman, teacher., Roam II, Sr. IIA. honors, Margueridte Cann 91 Marjorie Coniplin; 85. Lees.McDonald 85 Billy Chambers 83, Toni EJ1e3insgtant 79. Alfie11 n Ouancc 75; PaSs, ✓c due, Ward 72 Mervyn Sims 71, Jimmy Sanders 69, El- don I:adiing,65. Sr. 11.13., honors, Florence Stewart 58 Ruth' Eraser 85, Jaek Stanbury 83, Lucy Pomfret 82, Kenneth Hockey 81. Howard Kerslake 80, learn Ross 79, Dor othy. Luker 78, Veral,Kte.stle.77. 'Jr. I1., honors, Edith Clys'daile, 90, Ad- elirne"Stonle, 89, Teddy Batten 78; 'Pass, Mavis Spencer 72, Eileen Snei11. 71, Stan- ley Ward 69, Allen Nelson, 68, I3i1J,y � 1 Wa3ter;s 65; • • Si, I., honors„ 1-1610n ,Tramper 86, 'Et eta Simmons 85, Seldoli Buchanan, 84 Margaret Taman 79, Ray Hutchinson 78, , Helen Waiter 78, Ray Creech 77 Irene Mooney 75; Pass, May Ouance 65. Jr. I., Charlie Comeilin 70, Eileen; Cornish 69, Jatck Pryde; 65, "'yrnurte Smith 63.• No: enrolled 45, average 41.6. Nellie Medd, teacher. Room I. Class V., honors, Rowe, Dinney 95 Patsy Martin 93, Grace•Baker 92, ;May Sims 91, Clifford Heywood. 90, Hazel I Clark 88, Edith. Cann 87, Verdun Wells Harry Penhala and Fred, Bllerb-sgton, 86, Class IV. A., honors, Gordon Apple- ton 93, Harold Ross 92,;Giordons May 86 Warren Sanders 83, Charlie Cox 83, (-Tarry ,Beaver 79. T OR; Ctass IV. 13., tlnonars, Jeanette: Taman 88, Phyllis Bierling 88,. Elizabeth Foote 82, Vivian 'Elliott 82., North of Kalilei s bakeshop C1as.s III,, honors, Gladys Stone, 91, • Vera Donnielly 89, Jean Stanbury and Harold Jones 87, Betty Cam,pllim,. 53 Jessie Jrenniings 76. Claes Ii, ,A.,--Honoors, Bernice Dse,l- bridge 90, Charlie Snell 84, .:Raymond smith 83, Mary Vain Camps 79; Pas.,, Ivan Webber 62, Antenna Cox and Jack Kernick 60. • '^* Class II, 13-IIonvars, Mildred Quante 89, Marjorie l' crnick and Billy. Pen- haite 88, Lloyd Stanlake. 86; Pass, Har- ry Nestle 74, I.:loyd Guenthcr665. ,n., . 83 Class I,-kioin�ors, i2ab�est.a 1 Tu xi. t i. ti , Pass, Walter Davis 71, Cecil Silith 60. , Number enrolled 4,4; i,Xe,: r i ,altcnd- aare:e 39.3, -Olive M: Taylor; teacher,. BORN PREBBLE--At Dr. 13yndman's Hos- pital, ,on :March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, S. R. Prebble, of Ilderten, a daughter, MARRIED R;ATZ--T3AIST-At Crediton Evan- gelical parsonage, on Wednesday, April 2nd, by Rev; M. Y. Dreier, Clara Anita Heist, to Mr, Roy Er- vin Ratz, of Stephen. hen. PROUT-CASE--At• the Trivitt '`Memorial Church, on Wednesday, April 2nd,,by Bev. A. A. Trumper, Miss Gr'etta Marjorie :Case, daugh- ter of,,Mr; and Mrs. Adam Case, of the London 'Road, North, to Mr. Charles Alvin Prout, : soil of Mr. and Mrs John' Yrout, of C`sbbrne. DOUI3ii:iE PBAC'IVRE 011+`. WAIST On Friday morning last Mass i2ftie Treble had the misfortune to slip her, home and tall on the ice at re , on Huron St. In puttingout her hand to guard the fall her wrist Was frac- ' attired in two places. young ladies gathered at the home of Stiss Rose Lamport and tendered a miscellaneous shower to Miss- Ariel Beverley, bride elect. The young la- thes were assembled, in the home when Miss Beverley walked in, being comp£ete]y taken; by surprise. Fol- lowing games and ., amusements, a dainty Lunch was served, the bride to -be; cutting an' inxmaginary cake in which a number of dainty aid beau- tiful presents were stored. All of the gifts were exceptionally fine. The evening was a very jolly affair and will be long remembered by those present. GEO. BEAVERS CARRIES OF SEV- ERAL PRIZES S IN BIRD ROUSE COMPETITION The prizes in the' bird house com- petition conducted by the Exeter Horticultural Society, were awarded last week and Geo. Beavers carried off the majority of the prizes. Geo- rge- is evidently a handy man, with the tools as he entered several splen- did bird houses. The houses are on exhibition in the show window of 1F3_ E. Gardiner's furniture store and all are a credit to the, boys who-niade them. There is a great variety of shapes, no two being alike and they range from the, single bird house to the colony house. According to the rules of the,com- petition the. bird houses• an; class 8, will be ' distributed' throughout the school. grounds, while •the other =en tries`beeoxne the property of the' Hor •ticultural Society" and will be di:strib uted throughout the town. The so- ciety will do a splendid work if they can. interest the young.people and the citizens generally to protect the birds and encourage them to locate here. 'None of us can realize the in- estimable value' these birds are in destroying insects and protecting the trees and gardens. The prize win- ners in the competition were as fol- Iows: ., Class 1 Best Wren house made by scholar of Exeter Public School -- Charlie Corplin and Gerald Skinner equal., • Class 2 Best Blue -bird louse made by scholar. of Exeter H. S. or Rural Contiiiva,tion school. -George Beavers, r" Class 3 Best Martin house made by scholar 'of. Exeter High or Public school. -George Beavers. Class 4 Best Bird house made by anyone in Exeter or vinseity--Geo. Heavers. Class 5 Best birdhouse made by scholar in Fornxs 4 and 5, Exeter e 13d' le Ger- aldPublic school-Ciaa`en e y , G ald Skinner. , - Class 6 Best bird house made by scholar in Forms 1 and 2, Exeter High School -Marvin Howey, Reg. Bearers. Class 7 Best bird' house made by scholar tri Forms 3 and 4, Exeter i ea ere, Iligh School -Geo. 13 w • Class 8 Best collection bird bons- • ,s ---S ectal by' staff at Exeter High p andPublic,''iSchool-Geo. ,Beavers. Libby Clan Libby OF CANADA, Liniited, OF CFJATHAIVI INTENDS SOLICITING CITCTJI11BER 'PICKL.E';ACIlE'4;12 T2s AND AROUND E?�,EI'Ele' DISTRICT, FOR 7'I3E12'L 1'ICKLI< ` TEND PLACING IN EX- ETER:, STATION, WI-ITC,i-I FI�EY IN ETER, PROVIDING ENOUGH ACREAGE CAN 131 i02(,]URI+,D. IF YOU WANT A PROFITABLE MARKET FOR YOUR, PRO- DUCE IN YOUR HOi4IIE TOWN, TRY ONi2 OR, TWO ACI'ES. SOLICITORS WILL 'CALL ON YOU. l IBBY, VIcNEII. LIB]! Y J. G. Burgess, Acreage Sup"t.. 4 Phone Deliver; Service Grocery CLUB HOUSE QLIVES qt ....... ............... 40c AMMONIA POWDER 3 pkgs MOP HANDLES 11Q Bach 25e 25c BON AMI (Powder and Brick) each 15c FERRY AND RENNIE, SEEDS - 3 pkgs' 25c ONTARIO SPY APPLES 8 lbs. 25c RINSO f lac 2 for ILEN/SINE 3' pia:As 25c SCRUBBING BRUSHES 2 for .,. 15e CHORINA.TED'LIME 2 pkgs .,.. . ., 25c 5 STRING I3.R ODMS" each 79c LIQUID AMMONI4. 2 bottles 35c t s T R Z\ ICK SARDINES BRUNSWICK SW 4 tins :...,:..:... ..,25c. PEARLINE pckg 08c LUX ............... ] lc. pkg CLEANSER 3 pkgs EASTER CONFECTIONERY Don't fail to see our Special Display el Candy Novelties, 100 % better than anything we have had before, and we believe this line is making its first appearance outside the city limits. Easter Eggs from -12 for le to 2511 each. EASTER LILIES (Lozigit`lortun) good quality, but only a fair supply. Kindly let us have your order early. HARVEY ,RVEY :r� TWO ~STORES I.O.O.F. VISIT D.ENS:tT,Y, :Phe second.:deg_ree teain.of the -E' eter Oddfeilows,• together with the orchestra,• motored to Hensall last Friday evening anal exemplified the second degree, Following the degree work, a vote of thanks was tendered the visiting brethren and a number of short addresses were given, The Hensall lodge served refreshments, and. a very pleasant and profitable evening. was spent. Farmers and Dealers Get our prices for Blatchford's Calf Meal Thoroughly Steam Cooked. The best known Milks Substitute for Calv- es, and` at our prices, the best value in Calf Meals. Begin feeding now and get results. We supply both farmers and dealers. Exeter Creamery Co, Limited Exeter and `Winchelsea. Iffensall Spring Show. OF - Stallions, Harness Horses and Cattle Well be Held in Hensall- Misty nsall Mist Vision Jy+1.+.'T US HELP YOU ra, TO SEE BETTER OUR EXAMINATION OF YO PA EYES IS VALUABLE BECAUSE IT'S fIONEST AND ` SCIENTIFIC. SPECTACLES RECOMMENDED' ONLY WHEN NECESSARY; 1 FF OUR TEST IS- MADE WITH THE.. A, MOST MODERN INSTRUMENTS. SON- F� it 15 For particulars see large bills W. Consitt Keith McLean President Seeertary Genuine D. L. and W. m n �cx �.n1.® nal All Sizes owe S. Fitton; Registered Optometrist. HURON CENTRAL AG1ICULT67R= AL SOCIETY Spring ha" ' CL�`I'®1`, : Il� hti r e, . '�:ril r • Write Secretary for Catologue. President, Secretary, H. C .Cox, A. J. McMurray, Clinton Clinton INZV -":101101 THE IC EYE 13Y Reading Glasses Complete` $2.00 up Bifocal Glasses Complete lete $6.00 up Dr. John. War('. CHIROPRAC'COlt & 0PT014'117Ta3,ASl° Plxon.e 70 Main St, Exeter, Cep.y,.