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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-01, Page 33
®Ryan's Hope °Midday 12:25 ®Agri -News 1.2:30 °O4 The Young and Restless Q®News ®°Loving °Every Second Counts ®Super Pay Cards ()FYI Noon Edition ()Wheel of Fortune 1:00 ()Don Harron Show ®You're Beautiful °Soapbox Q°®()()AII My $ Children °Days of Our Lives 1:30 0O®As the World Turns ®City Lights 2:00 ®Powerboat Racing °FBA Q['Midday °Let's Make A Deal Wallas 020 Minute Workout °®Another World erne Life to Live 2:30 =Capitol °Do It For Yourself ®Micromagic ()Rituals °Pitfall °Baseball: Los Angeles at Chicago 3:00 ()Do It For Yourself ®Laverne and 'Shirley o The New Yau ®Coronation Street °°Santa Barbara Q7 O°Guiding Light O ®General Hospital °Fitness Break 3:30 °The Facts Of Life o AII In The Family ()Too Close For Comfort ®Batman ©Kids World 4:00 ()Hart To Hart Q7 ®Anything For Money ['The Young and the Rest- less ()Soapbox Beverly Hillbillies °Do It For Yourself Q()Video Hits • °Toronto Rocks °Jeflersons m °Love Boat . 4:30 ['()Jeffersons Q®Divorce Court °MASH • ))Eight Is Enough °Fabulous Festival 5:00 jiSpeekweek QHogan's Heroes Q7 4)The People's Court Male of the Century )Three's Company °Video Hits °News OJeff'ersans ®Q()The Price Is Right .5:30 Q7 ®['()News ()Taxi °Jeopardy jl Three's Company QWKRP In Cincinnati °This is the USFL EVENING 6:00 00000News ®Citypulse °Webster ()Scan Newshour o FYI at 6:00 o Baseball Bunch 6:30 yes You Can ()Family Ties 0JJ°News 7:00 °MASH ()°®Entertainment Tonight °Jeopardy .O['Wheel of Fortune o Murder She Wrote °a One Day At A Time OMoniotor ()Super Password ()Sportsdesk . 7:30 (I)Up To' Par W ive It Up ®MASH ®Wheel 01 Fortune 0(1)Three's Company °Pierre Berton Show Revisited °Venture °Family Feud Q®PM Magazine Detroit °Pizzazz 8:00 OOTV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes (=Scarecrow and Mrs. King 010Hardcastle and Mc Cormick 10110003Hangin' In ®Movie "The Paper Chase" °Bizarre °Rugby Union 8:30 ®Magnum P.I. 000[''Danger Bay 9:00 00000IQKete and Allie o °Movie "Lace II" (Pt. 2) ®Annual Academy of Country. Music Awards ®USFL Football: Houston at Portland 9:30 c1000113()Newhart QA.F.I. Salutes Gene Kelly 10:00 QQCagney and Lacey ()0()()National ®Citypulse Tonight 10:20 °O()()Journal 11:00 07 ®OO m°O®m O°News 'QNewstinal ()FYI Final Edition ®SCTV OCTV National News 1120 ®Ontario Report ()National Update 11:30 000Entertainment Tonight o Barney Miller °Tonight Show 7Q®Taxi Sportsline °Nightline ®Movie "Dead Man On the Run" 12:00 ((Medical Centre CI Dallas 07 ®Benson °Mery Griffin °Movie "Action In the North Atlantic" °Movie "Stand Up and Be Counted" °Movie "The Secret State" °Movie "Red River" °Benny Hill °Sportsdesk 12:30 QSportspage °Late Night Q7 ®Charlie's Angels °Love Boat 1:00 ()Then Came Bronson °Eye On Hollywood °Baseball: Los Angeles. at Chicago (R) 1:05 °Movie "Trouble Comes To Town" 1:30 ['Welcome Back, Kotter Q7 Q4 The Saint °Late'Night °News 2:00 °Chico and the Man ()Highlight's °Flipper 2:30 QNightwatch Q7 ®Maude °Telling Secrets ("Flipper 2:40 ®Movie "Returning Home 3:00 Q®Eight Is Enough .3:30 (1j)News • 4:00 °Movie "TBA" (=DQNightwatch )pup To Par 4:10 ®Here's Lucy 4:30 ()Rugby, Union 5:50 ®Abbot and Costello 6 Tues., May 7 AFTERNOON 12:00 (�7 (�4 °QQNews ®Ryan's Hope °Midday Q()Blackstar .®Beaver ()Flintstanes 12:25 °Agri -News 12:30 °Super Pay Cards []7 °The Young and Restless ®°Loving ®Every Second Counts OONews °FYI Noon Edition ()Wheel of Fortune 1:00 ()Up To Par ()The Don Harron Show ®YRu're Beautiful °Soapbox °°v()()AII My Children °['Days of Our Lives 1:30 J@JWAs the World Turns ®City Lights Rugby Union 2:00 OTBA °)(Midday °Dallas °Let's Make A Deal 12020 Minute Workout °®Another World o One Lite to Live 2:30 Q®Capitol °Pitfall ODo It For Yourself ()Rituals ®Micromagic ®USFL Football: Houston at Portland (R) 3:00 ®Laverne and Shirley ()Da It For Yourself °Fitness Break °The New You o Coronation Street °®General Hospital ) Santa Barbara 0O°The Guiding Light . 3:30 ®Batman °AII In The Family Jetfersons Barney -° Miller °Kids World 4:00 °Hart To,Hart Q®Anything For Money °Soapbox °Beverly Hillbillies ()Video Hits °Do It For Yourself °T.he Young And The Restless o Love Boat ))Toronto Rocks °Jeffersons 4:30 ®Toronto Rocks Q7 ®Divorce Court °The Edison Twins °MASH ()()Jeffersons ))Eight Is Enough 5:00 QHogan's Heroes ( Q4 The People's Court °Three's Company °Video Hits °Sale of the Century OJeffersons °News ®°()The Price Is Right 5:30 0O0()News °Jeopardy °Three's Company ))Taxi QWKRP In Cincinnati QSportspage 8 EVENING 6:00 OO°O°News ®Citypulse °Scan Newshour QT. J. Hooker ,. ()FYI at 6:00 QFishin' Hole . 6:30 Bobby Cox ,and the Blue Jays O O°QNews 7:00 ®MASH °Jeopardy m°®Entertainment Tonight O 6 Wheel of Fortune -000ne Day At A Time °Music, Music, Music! ()Facts 01 Life ()Super Password ®Sportsdesk 7:30 °Kick Start ®MASH ' °New Wilderness QWl'eel Of Fortune °Too Close For Comfort °Smith and Smith ()(OThree's Company o Three's A Crowd °Famil Feud C)®PM Magazine Detroit ['Pizzaz 8:00 °°The A Team °Three's A Crowd °The Lucie Arnaz Show °°O NHL Playoffs ®Movie "Phase IV" Highway To Heaven °Dick Clark Salutes Paul Williams ® South African Grand Prix Motorcycling 8:30 OFoul Ups, Bleeps and Blunders QQJeffersons 9:00 07 ®Movie "TBA" Riptide 6 °Who's The Boss ()Event: Trivial Pursuit ▪ Riptide °Mark Sosen's Salt Water Journal 9:30 ()The British Report ( 1['Hail To the Chief 10:00 ' QSt. Elsewhere °Citypulse Tonight ei Crazy Like A Fox (]5 Remington Steele o °Event: 99 Ways to Attract the Right Man 10:30 °NBA Basketball Playoffs 11:00 ['Q()()National ®SCTV OCTV National News ['°07 p4 j)ONews 11:20 ()Journal °Ontario Report 11:25 OONews °FYI Final Edition 11:30 ®Movie "Blue Collar" Sportsline ©Tonight Show Q7Q4Taxi °Nightline 11:55 ()0()Entertainment To- night 12:00 ((Medical ,Centre Q®Benson ®Movie "They Were Ex- pendable" °Mery Gritfin °Benny Hill °Newsfinal 12:25 ()Movie "The Incredible Sarah" °Movie "Carry On Up the' Jungle" ()National Update °Dallas 12:30 °Entertainment Tonight Jove Boat 7°OCharlie's Angels. °Barney Miller ['Late Night 1:00 ()Bobby Cox and the Blue Jays °Eye On Hollywood °Movie "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" • °Then Came Bronson 1:30 7Q®The Saint °News °ate Night °Welcome Back, Kotter ()Kick Start 1:55 °Movie "The Night Strangler" 2:00 ()South African Grand Prix Motorcycling ))Flipper °Chico and the Man 2:30 07 °Maude © e ling Secrets ))Flipper QNightwatchl1 3:00 ()Mark Sosen's Salt Water a Journal ['Highlights Q7 ®Eight Is Enough 10 6 Crossroads TV Teleguide, May 1, 1985 -Page 85 3:25 ®Movie "Pursuit" 3:30 The British Report ®News 4:00 ®Movies "TBA" QNightwatch 4:30 °NBA Basketball Playoffs (R), 5:00 ®Here's Lucy 5:50 ®Abbott and Cpstello Wed., May 8 AFTERNOON 12:00 O NQS °News Q()Waldo Kitty ()Beaver ()Flintstones ®Ryan's Hope ()Midday ®Powerboat Racing, 12:25 °Agri -News 12:30 Q®The Young and Restless Q()News °Wheel of Fortune. ))°Loving °Every Second Counts ))Super Pay Cards ' ['FYI Noon Edition ()Bobby Cox and the Blue Jays 1:00 ()Kick Start ))Soapbox )(You're Beautiful Q()O°®AII My Children °°Days of Our Lives OThe Don Harron -Show 1:30 °O7 Q4 As the World Turns )(City Lights ()Grand Prix Motorcycling 2:00 °TBA °Let's Make A Deal Q()Midday E320 Minute Workout °Dallas °One Lite to Live QOAnother World 2:30 Q7 Q4 Capitol ()Do It For Yourself °Rituals ®Micromagic °Pitfall ()Mark Sosen's Salt Water Journal 3:00 ()The. British Report ®Laverne and Shirley °The New You 99General Hospital ()Coronation Street °Do It For Yourself ()°Santa Barbaral °Fitness Break .()Q®The Guiding Light 3:30 ['Facts of Life °All In The Family °The Green Hornet Moo Close For Comfort °Kids World 4:00 ()NBA Basketball 'Playoffs (R) 151Love Boat Q7 ®Anything For Money ))Soapbox °The Young and the Restless °Hart To Hart ()['Video Hits °Beverly Hillbillies )%Toronto Rocks • f. Jeffersons ODo It For, Yourself 4:30 07 ®Divorce Court ()()Jeffersons °MASH °Going Great ))Eight Is Enough 5:00 Q®The People's Court OJelfersons °Sale of the Century QHogan's Heroes. °Video Hits Q®['The Price Is Right °Three's Company °News 5:30 ()Q®()News °Three's Company °Taxi Qrleopardy QWKRP In Cincinnati EVENING 6:00 _News (°Citypulse °,Star Trek °Scan Newshour • FYI at 6:00 6:30 jpAction Sports of the '80's O07 ®®News 7:00 ®MASH °°Wheel of Fortune j Jeopardy ® 7Q®Entertainment Tonight 1000ne Day At A Time °Square. Pegs °The Right Thing to Do ()Super Password ®Sportsdesk 7:30 ®All Star Soccer ()Blue Jays Baseball: Oakland at Toronto ®MASH °Three's A Crowd Q ['Three's Company °Charles In Charge °Don Cherry's Grapevine °Wheel Of Fortune )(Family Feud Q7 OPM Magazine Detroit ['Pizzazz 8:00 Q®Double Dare °Highway To Heaven IMO The Fifth Estate °Movie "The Reincarnate" ()Movie "Going For the Gold" TBA 8'30 7QQ4 E/R 9:00 °Facts of Life Q7 Q4 Movies "TBA 000 Remington Steele O°Dynasty 9:30 °Grand Prix Auto Racing °Sara 10:00 °St. Elsewhere °Hotel )%Citypulse Tonight, ()Q()['National °Knots Landing ()Just Jazz 10:20 013)©°Journal _ 10:30 -))Family Brown )Benson °NBA Basketball Playoffs 11:00 ()FYI Final Edition QNewsfinal I0 6 10 ['O®O()0m0- • News OCTV National News )%SCTV 11:20 ()Ontario Report ()National Update 11:30 08(0Entertainment Tonight OSportsline °Tonight Show []7 ®Taxi • °Nightline °Movie "Privilege" °Barney Miller . 12:00 ()Medical Centre Dallas Q7 Q4 Benson ()Movie "Passage ,To Mar seilles" °Movie "See r ()Movie "Day Caught Fire" ®Movie The Machine" °Mery Griffin °Benny Hill 12:30 °Late Night °Love Boat Q®Charlie's Angels 1:00 ()PKA Karate °Eye On Hollywood °Then Came Bronson 1:30 °Welcome Back, Kotter °News' °Late Night Q®The Saint 1:45 ®Movie "The Deputies" 2:00 ()Highlights 6 Chico and the _Man ()Flipper QNightwatch 2:30 °Action Sports.of the 80's No Evil" the Earth Time