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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-01, Page 32
Page 94 -Crossroads TV Teleguide a Movie "It's Only Money" 1:20 (5)Movie They Came From Beyond Space" 1.30 I)JThe Saint °Highlights ®Friday Night Videos News Welcome Back. Kotter °inside the PGA 2"00 Expo Baseball: Montreal at Atlanta (R) °Dick Van Dyke ()Chico and the Man ®Movie "The Last Re- union - ()Medical Centre 2.30 ()®Movies "TBA" °Perry Mason 3 00 °°Flpper []Telling Secrets 3 t 0 ®Move "The Terrornau 3 30 °In Search Ot ' °Phil Silvers .4.00 ®Fantasy Island • o Movie "Chalk Garden" News 4:30 ®Sergeant Preston 4:45 ®Here's Lucy 5:00 JThe Cisco Kid ®The. Waltons ®Tennis Magazine 5 30 °More Real People ®World of Horse Racing ts" ,Sat, May 4 MORNING 6:00 ®Harrigan oGodsounds °Oceans Alive ®University of the Air • °(PSeneca Telecollege °A Better Way ()Down the Stretch -6:25 ()Newsworthy 6:30 °Circle Square ©Ask a Silly Question ®In View ()Agriculture USA °Edison Twins °Inside the PGA 7:00 If Toronto at Seattle (R) °Spread Your Wings ®McGowan's World ®Rocket Robinhood QKidsbits ()Zig Zag °Woody Woodpecker ()Secret Railroad - 0100 Huntley Street 7:30 07 ®Kidsworld ()Little Rascals °Willy and Floyd °Kangazoo.Club °Lynsky, and Co. °Circle Square 8:00 °Festival Italiano ()Sign of the Times °Size Small QSnorks ®Treehouse °Kids Inc. 0®Shirt Tales °Monty's Travelling Reptile Show °What's New 8:30 ((J04 Get Along Gang °Sport Billy ®Storytime °Counterpoint (]The Pink Panther & Sons °Jackson Five °Circle Square °Canadian Caribbean Show case °The World Tomorrow 9000 ()Fabulous Fesival °Waterville Gang °What's New °r Audubon Wildlife ()Mighty Orbots O05 The Smurfs °Let's Go o Greek Panorama 7004 Jim Henson's Muppet Babies j®Sound 01 Asia 9:30 70ODungeons and Dragons °Turbo Teen ,May 1, 1985 ®You' Can't Do That On TV ()Sport Billy °Me. Microchip °The Edison Twins ()Nugget 10:00 QTennis°Magazine PlAtlantida Magazine °Sesame Street °Harrigan °Going Great QC)Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show ®Dragon's Lair ®popsy Daisy ()Zig Zag 10:30 ()New Scooby Doo Mysteries . • Going Great ()Kid's World °Italian- Panorama SOOAlvin and the Chip- munks •°Forest Rangers O Curiorls George ®The Third Testament ®Inside the PGA 10:45 °Friendly Giant 11:00 °Harrigan 0100 Huntley Street ()Kidd Video ()Scary Scooby Funnies ()Edison Twins °Kids World istory Canada 40Storybreak ()Movie "Zombies on Broadway" ®Down the Stretch 11:30 QMr. T °The Littles f ®Pryor's Place ()Ready, Set, Grow °Real Fishing • °Inside Track °Big Top Talent ()Fabulous Festival ®Paul Bernard: Psychiatrist ()World of Horse Racing AFTERNOON 12:00 °ABC Weekend Special I®All Star Wrestling OAmerica's Top 10 07 I Sports °Sesame Street °This Week in Ontario ()What's New °The Camping Show ()Greek Paradise . o Maple Leat Wrestling OSporksdesk 12:30 °Baseball Bunch °Challenge °Western Gardener ()Tommy Hunter °Real Fishing o Ski West 05 TBA 1:00 50SportsfTBA °Front Page Challenge °Reach For the Top ®Blue Jay 'Banter °Star Trek . • ()Aging Is For Everyone °How to Make Money in Your Own Business °Special: Lions CIub,Auc- • tion Major League Baseball (TBA) 1:30 OKidsbeat ()King Gambit °Smith and Smith °Reach For the Top °Good Fishin' ORed Fisher ®The War Years 2:00 °This Week in Baseball °Reach For the Top °Sons and Daughters °AII Star Wrestling °Hockey Talk ' ()Story Theatre 2:30 °Jockey ()Wizard of Oz ®Superchargers OKidsbeat ` ()Smith and,Smith °Celebrity Tennis • IiLaurier's People 3:00 ()Sports °Pinocchio • ®j°O()Sportsweekend °20 Minute Workout ®Wrestling 3:30 °Wild World of Sports ()Care Bears ®Hot Cuts Magazine 4:00 °Toronto flocks OHe•Man --A ®Wide World of Sports ®Rugby League Special 4:30 ggiskentucky'Derby ()The Littles 5:00 The Chum 30 ()The Snorks 5:30 ()Taxi °Mr T o Powerboat Racing EVENING 6:00 '®07 ®®°0()® - News ® Citypulse ®r FVI Weekend Edition ®Scan Weekend °Reach For the Top ®TSN Wrestling 6:30 °How To Make Matey in Your Own Business OTBA ()This Week in Parliament ()News ()()Three's A Crowd OQNews 00.1P, °Everybody's Business ®The New Music " °The Dick Beddoes Show 7:00 ©Dance Fever • ®Entertainment This Week ODiftrent Strokes °Fame °Wayne and Shuster Inter national Series 00Murder She Wrote °W.W.F. Wrestling ()Bell's Spirit el Music Showcase °Sportsdesk 7:30 Expo Baseball: Montreal at Atlanta o Profiles of Nature °Urban Focus ®Just Kidding °Front Page Challenge I®SCTV SOSaturday Night Music Videos 8:00 ")Different Strokes OWT. J. Hooker °Movie "Continental Divide" =Charles Charles In Charge °One Day At A Time '()Rear View Mirror Olt Will Be Alright in the Night °Third Annual American Video Awards ()Ray St. Germain Country 8:30 OO°E/R °Hot Cuts . ()Double Trouble 9:00 ()Gimme A Break ®City Lights °°Love Boat 7004 °Airwoll ()Rear View Mirror 9:30 ®Under One Roof ®Twilight Zone 10:00 ®Citypulse Tonight Q®Cover Up '°Hunter . °Devil's Lake Concert ()TBA o Simon and Simon °The A -Team ®Kloset Komics °Baseball: Toronto at Seattle 10:30 ®Movie "Black Christmas" 11:00 0®0°°News OLottario 00()()National OCTV National News 11:05 °News 11:15 °()Provincial Affairs ONewstinal O News 11:20 FYI Weekend Edition °News ®Ontario Report 11:30 f OSaturday Night Live ©®Movie "TBA„ ®Movie "Death Wish" QTravellin' Music 11:35 ()Movie "Heart of the .Mat- ter 11:50 !()°Good Rockin' Tonight 12:00 °Entertainment This Week ®Movie "The Falcon Takes Over" °Movie "Urban ,Cowboy" 12:40 Kenny Everett Show 1:00 ®Fishin' Hole °Movie "Papar Moon" . OS New York Hot Tracks (Kung Fu 1:10 GfaMovie "The Three Avengers" 1:15 ()Highlights 1:30 ®Major League Baseball (R) 1:50 ()Movie "Forever My Love" 2:00 °Challenge °Dick Van Dyke 2:30 °Outer Limits 05 Movies "TBA" ()News 3:00 ®Movie "Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Junes" ®Movie "Legend of Alfred Packer" 3:20 ®Movie "Master Killer" 3:30 °Millionaire 4:00 °Movie "Country Music Holiday" 4:30 ®Rugby League 5:00 OThe Waltons 5:20 °Here's Lucy 5:30 ()News 5:40 ()Three Stooges 5:50 °Abbott and Costello Sun., May 5 MORNING • 5:45 70OWith This Ring "• 6:00 ()Powerboat Racing 07 04 Pattem of Living °Canadian Cavalcade OS Ask A Silly Ouestion °University of the Air OFrightenstein ®Seneca Telecollege °Willy and Floyd 6:30 °This Is The Life °In View National Film Board °The Treehouse Club QKidbits • 07 ®The World Tomorrow ()Baseball: Montreal at Atlanta 7:00 °Oceans Alive 0100 Huntley Street °Faith For Today =Expect a Miracle OS Christopher Closeup °Open Roads, ®Rocket Robinhood °Food For Life 6 6 Circle Square 7:30 ()Open Doors ®Day of Discovery °Agri -News °Jim Swaggart °Father Meehan °Comfort My People 7:55 05 Newsworthy 4 , 8:00 °Day of Discovery °Old Tyme Gospel °Sunday AM Q®It Is Written ()The Lone Ranger ®Korean °Camera On Canada °Brother Ted's World of Gospel °Country Canada 8:30 ()Movie "The Importance of Being Earnest" °Commander Tom Show 05 The Cisco Kid . °Hour of Power 07 ®Mass for Shut -Ins °Expect a Miracle ®Hello Japan 9:00 °The World Tomorrow °Jerry Falwell Day of Discovery ®Italian Panorama 05 The Little Rascals 6 8 ®()Urban Voices I°Baseball: Toronto at Seams (R) 9:30 °Discover Your World ()Faith 20 ,()Movie "TBA" (=Focus Detroit QKidsworld Olt Is Written ()Audubon Wildlife 10:00 °Chinese j°OPeople's Church 07 ®Essence ()Festival Portuguese °The Video Game °Audobon Wildlife ZigZags 10:30 ()Coronation Street O®News °This Week With David Brinkley OJ. W. White ()NFB Presents 11:00 ()Meeting Place ORex Humbard ()The People's Church 05 Agronsky & Co. ®St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church Service 11:30 ®Greek Paradise °Festival Italiano ()At The Movies 05 Meet The Press - ()World of Tomorrow ()Meeting Place AFTERNOON 12:00 70QSportsMovies ()Movie "Cahill, United States Marshall" °Movie "Anchors Away" ()Hymn Sing °Hispanovision °Polka Dot Door ©Dr. John Wesley White ()Sportsdesk 12:30 °Speekweek 0100Sportsweekend (San Marion Grand Prix) °' Inquiry , °News ®TBA 12:45 °Town and Country 1:00 °This is the USFL - o Blossom Festival Parada °Guy Lombardo: A Royal Canadian ®Festival Portugese ()Sports 1:30 ()This Business of Farming °Australian Rules Football 2:00 000()MAjor League Baseball: Atlanta vs Montreal ()Movie "Ride the -Pink Panther" ®Festival Italiano ()Revival' Hour 2:30 °New Faces ®They Went To Fight For Freedom 3:00 °Australian Rules Football ®Batman ()Terry Winter °Your, Wealth 3:30 Tiny Talent Time News From Zoos -®Untamed World 4:00 ®Question Period °Hee Haw' °Medical Marvels ®The Twilight Zone °Movie "The French Con- nection" 4:30 °Struggle Beneath the Sea ()Cityscapes ©°Hymn Sing ()This Business of Farming ®Blue Jay Baseball: Toron- to at Seattle . °Alan King Celebrity Ten- nis 5:00 °' Blue Grass Express 000CBC News °The Chum 30 o Wild Kingdom ()Special - 5:30 °ITaxi - ONews OPunky Brewster °FYI Weekend Edition °The Winners ,••••.--, °Wild World 10 6 EVENTING 6:00 ()Citypulse 11100()Walt Disney 00.X®(aNews °Global Newsweek 6:30 IOSCTV °The Way 11 Is °Fight Back Q@JWeekend Magazine ()News 7:00 000`(b'Fraggle Rock ®Silver Spoons ®Solid Gold Q®"6 Sixty Minutes °ORipley's Believe It or Not '7:30 °Sporksdesk left's Your Move ©funky Brewster 0 8 °°The Beachcombers 8:00 I°r 05 Knight Rider 70OMurder She Wrote ®Movie "The Neptune Fac- tor" 000 NHL Playoffs ()TBA °°Life's Most Ember -0 rassing Moments ®Top Rank Boxing 9:00 °Fame O°Movie "Lace II" CD®Crazy Like A Fox I)Movie "TBA" °Scarecrow & Mrs. King 10:00 °Cagney & Lacey ®Citypulse Tonight 0®Trapper John °W-5 10:30 The New Music °The Way It Was 11:00 ®Sportsdesk Q®QO0()News Q0()()The National OCTV National News 11:15 00O0Nations Business 11:20 OONews • • ONewsfinat °Ontario Report ()FYI Weekend () Edition, �' 11:30 Sports Final Edition's °Movie "Jeremiah Johnson" 0®Too Close For Comfort ®Peter Appleyard 11:40 ()Smith and Smith 11:50 °Night Gallery • °Movie "Fear Strikes Out" 12:00 °Australian Rules Football °Movie "Affairs of An- nabel" °The Best of Cherington OBattlestar Galactica ®Ironside - O®Charlie's Angels ®The Golden Years Of Television 10 Mary Tyler Moore 12:10 °Entertainment this Week 12:30 ()Chico and the Man 1:00 °Wonder Woman 07 ®()Movies "TBA" ®Movie "The Day of the Locusts''. °Medical Centre ®In Search Of 1:10 °Movie "Death Ray 2000" 1:30 ®Bob Newhart °Reel To Real °Australian Rules Football 2:00 .()News I Nightwatch 0100 Huntley Street 2:05 ()Highlights - 3:00 ()Rock 'n America °Sportsweek 3:40 ®Movie " Mandingo' 4:00 °Sportsweek O®Night Watch 05 Christopher Closeup 4:30 This Is the USFL, 5:00 Celebrity Tennis (R) 5:45 °Abbott and Costello 6 Mon., May 6 AFTERNOON 12:00 07 40 50OONews ()Beaver 0()The Lone Ranger ®Flintstones