HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-01, Page 31Crossroads TV Teleguide, May 1, 1985 Page 83 tele 3 --- CXVR Barrie 4D --" WJBK Detroit 5 ... CBC Toronto 5D -:- WDIV Detroit 6 ... Global 7 WKBW Buffalo 7D ... WJBK Detroit - 8 ... CKNX Wingham 10 ... CFPL London. 11 ... CHCH Hamilton 13 --- CKCO Kitchener 17 ... TSN 57 .., City TV Toronto Weekday Mornings 5:30 °Jimmy Swaggart ()Baseball: Blue Jays at California (R) (Fri.) • OUSFL Football: Houston at Portland (R) (Tue) 5:50 ®Ontario Report 6:00 OFrightenstein °(1)Seneca Telecollege (J07 News ()Camera on Canada ()05 News ()News This Morning ()Baseball: Toronto at Cali • - fornia (R) (Thur) 6:30 OBodytalk ()Morning Exercise ®Canada AM Gilt Figures 7:00 ()McGowan's•World °CELT Morning OE ®20 Minute Workout °Today Show 0100 Huntley Street (Stewardship Drive) (Good Morning America - °Size Small ()Australian Rules Football (Wed) 7:15 ()Fitness Break 7:30 °Curious George . °What's -New (Fri. only) ()Body Moves ®Toronto Rocks ()FYI First Edition °Hercules 7:45 ()friendly Giant 8:00 ()Elegant Appetites 020 Minute Workout °Polka Dot Door (starts Tues.) °Kidd Video ()Top Rank Boxing (Mon) 8:30 QAuslralian Rules Football (Wed) QSportspage (Tue) ((Baseball Bunch (Fri) (14)All In The -Family ()Celebrity Microwaves ()Sesame Street °The 700 Club ®Rocket Robinhood 9:00 ®f Entertainment Tonight °Heritage • ®Romper Room and Friends ()Good Morning Workout °Ed Allen 5000)()0Phih Dona- hue 0'84 Mighty Hampton Triathlon (Thur) ()Yes You Can (Fri. & Tue.) 9:30 ()Baseball Bunch (Tue) ()Kick Start (Fri) ()Action Sports of the '80's (Thur) ()The New You QMr. Dressup 0100 Huntley Street ()What's Cooking (Puppet Show 07 ®Love Connection 10:00 °Time Machine ((Curious George ()Trivia Company ®Hour Magazine QAM Buffalo - ()Friendly Giant i3 100 Huntley Street "()The New You QQ®New $25,000 Pyramid SAN Star Soccer (Thur) QFishin Hole (Fri & Wed) ()Baseball: Los Angeles at Chicago (R) (Tue) 10:15 ()Fitness Break ()Friendly Giant 10:30 OS Sale of the Century ()Be My Guest °Mr. Dressup °Good Company ()Fitness Break 07 ®®Press Your Luck °Celebrity Cooks (starts Mon.) ()Sportsworld International (Fri) ()The Way It Was (Mon) ()Rugby League (Wed) 10:45 ()Friendly Giant 11:00 eaCitylite ()Pizzazz ()()Polka Dot Door 01 Love Lucy ()Sesame Street • ®One Life To Live ®Guess What (starts Mon,), (M04 The Price Is Right °Wheel o1 Fortune ()Cherington (All Star Blitz ()Alan King Celebrity Ten- nis (R) (Mon) 11:30 °Scrabble °What Will. They Think 'of Next QMy Three Sons ()i QMr. Dressup ()Ryan's Hope , ®20 Minute Workout ()Definition (starts Mon) ()Soccer News (Fri) Thurs., May 2 AFTERNOON 12:00 °O7 OO 08News ®Flintstones ()Beaver °My Favorite. Martian • ()Ryan's Hope ()Midday ()Shazam ()Grand Prix Auto Racing • 12:25 ()Agri-News 12:30 (=The Young and the Restless ()Wheel of Fortune DONews Q®Loving °Every Second Counts ()Super Pay Cards ()FYI Noon Edition 1:00 ((Baseball: Toronto at Cali- fornia (R) • ®You're Beautiful ()Soapbox 00000AII My Children ()Don Harron Show °((Days of Our Lives 1:30 ®City Lights 07 i°()As the World Turns 2:00 °Let's Make A Deal °Parenting O()Midday ®20 Miott WQr1.Qut °Dallas , ()One Life to' Live O5 ()Another World 2:30 O04 Capitol QDo It For Yourself (11Rituals ()Micro Magic °Pitfall 3:00 ®Laverne & Shirley ()Do It For Yourself °The New. You °Coronation Street ()Fitness Break °®Santa Barbara OO°Guiding Light ®()General Hospital 3:30 ()The Jeffersons • °AII In The Family ()Kids World ®Batman ( )Barney Miller 4:00 ()Sports Page Q 40Anything For Money ®Hart To Hart ()Soapbox Love Boat ()Beverly Hillbillies o The Young and The Rest- less ()((Video Hits am It For Yourself ®Toronto Rocks °Jeffersons 4:30 0()Jeffersons i°((Divorce Court ()MASH ()What's New ()Eight Is Enough 0'84 Mighty Hamptons Triathlon 5:00 ()The British Report Q©The People's Court - • ()Sale of the Century ()Hogan's Heroes °Video Hits •OS News 000The Price Is Right °Three's Company (Jeffersons • 5:30 ()Taxi ()Jeopardy ()07 O°News ()Three's Company ()WKRP In Cincinnati EVENING 6:00 QQ()()News ®Citypulse ()Ripley's Believe It or Not °Scan Newshour ()FYI at 6:00 ()Sports World International 6:30 OO®°News 7:00 ®Jeopardy ()07 ®Entertainment Tonight • QOWheei, of Fortune ®MASH ()Family Feud . 01 Love Lucy Q()One Day At A Time , ()This Week in Ontario QSportsdesk 7:30 °Soccer News ()The Littlest Hobo Wintario Q()Three's Company OONHL Playoffs ®MASH °Family Feud °Wheel of Fortune 07 QPM Detroit ®Back Stage 8:00 07 ®Magnum P.1. °Cosby 6 6 all the listings with all the programs you want to watch. ®QQQ®QElection Coverage (Streethawk. 8:30 ®Family Ties 9:00 (Eye,To Eye 07 JSimon and Simon ()Cheers OC)Kate and Allie ®PKA Karate 9:30 ®Night Court 10:00 °Hill Street Blues QOKnots Landing (20/20 ()Citypulse. Tonight °Dick Clark Salutes Bobby Vinton 10:30 ()Baseball: Toronto at Cali- fornia DONational 10:50 ()°Joumal 11:00 (1()i National ®sCTV ()07 04 05 Q(News QCTV National News 11:20 ®0ntariolReport 11:25 °()News 11:30 -®Movie "Catch-22" OS Tonight Snow 70OTaxi 6 Sportsline QNightline O Newsfinal °News 11:50 °National Update ()((Entertainment Tonight 12:00 °Entertainment Tonight ()Barney Miller ()Mery Griffin ()Movie "The Deerslayer ()Movie "Chandler" Q®Benson o Benny Hill 12:20 °Movie "Holocaust 2000" 12:30 °Late Night Q®Charlie's Angels °Love Boat • °Movie "Voltaire" °Movie "Texas Lady" •()Dallas • 1:00 (Wye On 'Hollywood 1:30 °Welcome Back Kotter - 700The Saint 05 Late Night ()News QSportsworld International 2:00 °Chico and the Man ()Nightwatch ()Medical Centre • ®Movie "Overloads of the UFO 2:30 ()Soccer News t°((Maude ®Telling Secrets ()Highlights 3:00 O°Eight Is Enough ()Flipper 3:30 OS News .3:55 ®Movie "The Legend of Loch, Ness' 4:00 ()PKA Karate Qi°Nightwatch °Movie "TBA" 5:30 ()Baseball: Toronto -at Cali- • fomia (R) 5:45 ®Abbott and Costello Fri., May 3 AFTERNOON 12:00 (1O001)News O()Fat Albert ()Beaver ®Ryan's Hope ()Midday ®Flintstones 12:25 ()Agri -News 12:30 ()Wheel of Fortune 07 ®The Young and the The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change. Restless (;$News ®OLotving . . ©Every Second Counts ®Super Pay Cards ®'FYI Noon Edition 1:00 ®PKA Karate ®Your're Beautiful °Soapbox O00003AI1 My Chil- dren ()Don Harron Show °((Days of Our Lives 1:30 (300)As the World Turns ()Citylights 2:00 (10Midday • °Dallas OLet's Make A Deal ()Parenting 820 Minute Workout 0105() Another World °One Life To Live 2:30 ®Micro Magic Q®Capitol 000 It For Yourself ()Rituals °Pitfall ()Baseball: Toronto at Cali- fornia (R) 3:00 ()Do It For Yourself °The New You ()Coronation Street ®Laverne & Shirley °Fitness Break 07 i°OGuiding Light ()()General Hospital ()®Santa Barbara Q'JOSanta Barbara 3:30 ()Kids. World. ®Batman °AII In The Family at/Charles In Charge .4:00 ()Do It For Yourself QQAn k ping For, Money_. °The Yourlg and the Restless ()Soapbox ()Love Boat ()Beverly Hillbillies ())Video Hits ()Hart To Hart • OS Jeffersons ®Toronto Rocks 4:30 ()()Jeffersons =Divorce Court ()MASH ()Eight Is Enough ()Spirit Bay 5:00(DE)The People's Court °Sale of the Century °Video Hits • °News °Three's Company. ®m()The Price Is Right ()Hagan's Heroes ()Jeffersons 5:30 ()Taxi ()Jeopardy O°0ONews ()Three's Company ®WKRP In CinCinnati ()Major League Baseball: Montreal vs Atlanta EVENING 6:00 ®Citypulse 010000News °Silver Spoons ®Scan "Newshour ()FYIat6:00 6:30 ()Jeffersons OID®°News 7:00 °Jeoo'ardy ®MASH ()07 04 Entertainment Tonight O°Wheel of Fortune 000ne Day At A Time ()Family Feud o The Facts of Life OCagney & Lacey 7:30 ()MASH ® Oceans Alive °Too Close For Comfort ()Circus Q OThree's Company ()Pizzazz ()Family Feud °Wheel of Fortune 07 QPM Detroit 8:00 JQDetective in the House OHardcastle and McCor- mick ©Code Name: Foxfire ()((Webster °WT. J. Hooker °Murder She Wrote ®Movie "Melvin and Howard ()Cheers ()What Will They Think of Next? 8:30 ()Tennis Magazine °Tom Jones • ()Snow Job ()Mr. Belvedere ()Gimme A Break 9:00 ()Benson ()°Half Nelson • 000O8()Dallas °Evening at the Improv, ®Knight Rider ()World of Horse Racing 9:30 ()Down the Stretch 100ff the Rack , 10:00 ©Qm()National O°Miami Vice 0®1:I/Falcon Crest °Scarecrow & Mrs. King e.and Mom Citypulse Tonight ()Sportsdesk 10:20 °() ()Journal 10:30 ()Baseball: Toronto at Seattle 11:00 ()FYI Final Edition OCTV National News fl®°©()()°m Q()News °Newsfinal ()SCTV 11:20 ()Ontario»Report ''()National Update 11:30 °Sportsline • QQOEntertamment To night O°Taxi °Tonight Show °Good Rockin' Tonight (Pt 1) (Nightline ®Movie "Rock, Rock, Rock" 12:00 • °Benny Hill ((Dallas 0®Benson ()Rock Wars .°Movie 'Husbands" - ()Movie "first Affair" ()Movie "Treachery and Greed on the Planet of the Apes" ()Movie "Pink Panther ()Mery Griffin 12:30 0®Charlie's Angels °Love Boat . ()Good Rockin' Tonight (Pt. 2) °The Bounder 1:00 ere and My Girl • ()ABC Rocks 10