HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-01, Page 25Clairol Nice 'n Easy Hair Colour Toni Home Perms Only Charlescraft Hair Curler Only Dry Idea 50 ml. Roll-on Deodorant Only Smiles 'n Chuckles 400 gr. Turtles Only Tiffany 450 to 600 gr. bags Only Candy 100's Sugar Twin Packets Listerine 750 mi. Mouthwash Only 3.59 3,59 6.99 1.89 4.99 1.69 II; I Only1 . 49 only2.99 For Mother's Day We Have a Large Selection of Perfumes, Colognes, Mother's Day Cards, Chocolates, Timex Watches and Cosmetics. TRIANGLE DISCOUNT PATf4'T MED/C/YfS • COSME 7CS • TOBACCOS Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays • Sundays Noon to Six H. GORDON (;R EEN Crossroads—May 1, 1985—Page 11 --1111111— COLLECTIBLE SETTEE Factory made around the turn of the century ATC BLAST OUT HONDA RidetheltoughCountry AN Honda ATC's are priced at Mad Mad Prices. Look at the Incredible Accessory Packages! SPECIAL Limited Time Promotion From Honda 84 ATC 200SE 200 cc, 5 spd. transmission Special $1399 Sale Price But pricer is not, all! Front and Rear Carrier piu§T'raiter witcIi'. Value d `Retail ' ' I 54995 Value -$233 NOW ONLY Installation Extra 84 ATC 200ME with electric start. Great work horse. Special Sale Price =15a9 But price is not all! Front and Wear carrier pito!' Trailer Hitch. 'Regular Retail ;4995 Value $233 NOW ONLY Installation Extra 84 ATC 125 ME with electric start, high and low range transmission. Special Sale Price 1249 But price is not all! Front and Rear Carrier plus Trailer Hitch. Regular Retail Value $188 NOW ONLY HONDA TifERE4soNYouR/DE. :3995 Installation Extra ALL NEW 1985 FL 350 HONDA ODDESSY It has arrived and what a machine it is! Test Drive One Today! -Fc'ur Wheeler-FL250 Oddessy Sale Price '1599 -Sportsman Challenger -ATC 200X .... Sale Price '1779 -For the kids we have ATC 70's for only ' 699 -Performance Plus -ATC 250RD Sale Price '1899 -Teenagers Delight -ATC 110 Sale Price 11099 -Big Red -ATC 200ESE Sale Price '1999 FREIGHT, PDI, TAX, LICENCE, EXTRA ROYAL CITY CYCLE HWY 7 GUELPH - IN THE GUELPH AUTO MALL TOLL FREE CALL GUELPH CALL: K -W AREA CALL 1-800-265-8301 822-7080 653-3861 SPECIAL .PURCHASE The Staff of Listowel Chrysler has lust retuned from Chrysler Headquarters In Windsor with a convoy of Dodge Trucks at SPECIAL PRI.E$I 4 0 Antique or Junque Settee less than 100 years By James G. McCollam Member, Antique Appraisers Association of America Q. According to my family, this settee is very old and quite valuable. Can you sup- ply the information we need as to origin, age`and value? A. This settee was factory - made in America some time around the turn of the cen- tury. Since it is less than 100 years old, it would be consid- ered a collectible, not an an- tique. The value would be in the$275 to $325 range. Q. You recently comment- ed in your column about Elvis Presley • collectibles.. You suggested that the inter- est in these items would sur- vive for a long time. Could you list some of the things that are considered col - The other day I met a farmer friend who is a big operator now in the egg busi- ness. Meaning that he isn't really a farmer at all any more, but the warden of a modern hen penetentiary — where ten to a hundred thou- sand birds (each in its own tiny cage) spend the rest of their days pooping out eggs as if they knew their lives de- pended on it. And when I twitted him about it, he readily admitted that this wasn't his idea of the good life either, even when the price of eggs was good, that putting a hen in solitary for the rest of her life, shutting her away from the green of the earth and the blue of the sky till the day of her execu- tion, wasn't his idea of pro- gress at all. That it was just one of those pagan things a man has to do today to stay in the rat race. "But to confine a hen for life in a cell so small she can't even manicure her own tail anymore!" I said, "and all because she happens to be the one creature in man's do- main who is always trying a little harder — well it just doesn't seem right, Joe, and I wonder that the Humane _Society doesn't put a stop to it!" But Joe thought it a wonder that the conservation people hadn't got after him. "Look at it this way," he said, "the conservationists have made governments spend' millions to save the Whopping Crane and the Trumpeter Swan.- You take our, own Macdonald College down in Ste. Anne's in Quebec and they're building lectible and their current prices? A. The only reservation on Elvis Presley collectibles is that those made while he still was alive are and will be more valuable than more re- cent souvenirs like those sold at Graceland. Belt (1956), $60; Buttons (pin back) 19503-1960s, $10 to $20; Calendar (1963), $20; Bolo tie clip (1956), $60;' Lobby cards (1950s -1960s), 11 inches by 14 inches, $15 to $25; Record: "A Date with Elvis", 1959, $40; Record: "Blue Suede Shoes" (1956), $25; Perfume (unopened in original box) 1957, $90. 0 0 0 Send your questions about antiques with picture(s), a detailed description,oself-ad- dressed envelope and $2 per item to James ,• G. Mc Collam, PO Box 720, Clifton Park, NY 12065. All ques- tions will be answered but published pictures cannot be returned. • Bodge Trucks LISTOWEL CHRYSLER SALES/SERVICE 754 Main St. Listowel, Ontario Telephone 291-4350 OPEN WEEKLY TILL 9 P.M. SAT. 5 P.M. LISf0WEL CHRYSLER SELLS FOR LESS SALES/SERVIC(� a special barn now to breed Peregrine Falcons so that bird too won't disappear. But there doesn't seem to be a soul anywhere who gives a damn about the disappear- ance of the most wonderful bird that ever scratched the surface off this earth, be- cause there's hardly any hens left anymore, you know. Only machines." Which to an oldtimer like me was so sad a speech I've been thinking of it ever since. Because those of us who are so old we can even remember a time when we were so backward and unen- lightened we had the quaint idea that money wasn't everything, recall that in those days the hens in our barnyards were very often not the kind that laid the most eggs. As often as not they were just a kind that the old man thought looked awful pretty when the sun bounced off their backs in the morning. Or a breed that used to come sailing up to the back door like a bunch of friendly puppies whenever mother called them. In those pi imitive days the hen was a personality, a very important part of our whole way of life. She even had a name, Biddy. Even the liter- ature of those times took her to heart. The very first story in the old Primer was that one about "The Little Red Hen', the wise old girl who found that kernel of wheat one day and in spite of the scorn of her friends, ended' up in the bakery business. And then there was that other hen of unspecified color who also taught the younger generation a moral by running all around the farm one day shouting that the sky was falling in after a cherry fell on her head. That last story wouldn't be a joke if it were in the Primer today though, be- cause now the sky is falling in on the hen. The hen has even played an important part in the shaping of ourlanguage. She was, first of all, asymbol for busy bossiness in the female world. The Ladies' Aid, for instance, were often referred to as 'a bunch of old hens' by their irreverent husbands, who, when friends wife re- turned from said Ladies' Aid meeting, might suffer the fate of being `henpecked'. When the money in the baking powder can on the clock shelf ran out, it was said that dollars were 'as scarce as hen's teeth'. When a man got too old to cut the mustard any more and it was even a chore for him to split the kindling, it was noted that he was puffing 'like a hen drawing rails'. And when yesteryear's hen decided that she had put enough eggs in the nest and it was time to hatch a few chicks, the change in her personality gave birth to other idioms. Because she was a rather fierce kind of old girl nQvr',' so fierce that the pup 'which used to send her squawking in full retreat might now find himself struck square amidships with a bundle of incredible courage and fury. So it was that when the women off the house got into a bad mood, her husband would often tell her that she was 'as miser- able as an old clucker'. By the way, do you re- member what your mother used to do to discourage a clucker from sitting on the nest? What she would do in the hope that it would destroy a hen's brooding in- stinct and induce her to go back to laying eggs again? Your mother would get a pail of cold water, grab the hen by the legs and plunge her two or three times head first into the pail. I don't really know whether this barbarous rite had the desired effect or not, but one thing sure the hen came out of the ordeal as the most insulted creature on the farm. Hence the term 'as mad as a wet hen'. I could go on with this, telling you how the hen has- contributed to the humour of the land too. There was for instance the complaint of the amorous hen who went to roost one night with a capon and complained next morn- ing to the rest of the girls that all he wanted to do was - to talk about was his opera- tion. And then there was the one of the two hens in full flight across .the barnyard with a rooster in hot pursuit; and one hen suggests to her sister that they might be running too fast. The bit of feather humour I remember best however wasn't a joke really, but a full page cartoon in Esquire magazine many years ago. Two big roosters are stand- ing knee deep in a yard full of hens and baby chicks, and one reportedly says to the other,"You know, some- times I wish I had it all to do 'overagain!" The way things arg going in the big bright and oh so progressive world of com- mercial poultry these days, I can't help but wonder if the big roosters in that business. aren't wishing that they had it to do over again too; if they wouldn't like to go back to the days before chicken factories and production professors, when the hens were still in the barnyard and you could still make an honest buck out of them. 10)(13 Wall Portrait plus package (frame not included) from Sears Portrait Studio 21 color.p!ortraits for only 19 95 includes 950 deposit Photographic package includes 1 - 10x13, 2 - 8x10, 3 - 5x7, 15 wallet size No appointment necessary. 95¢ for each additional 'subject. Poses our selection. Studios located in most larger Sears retail stores. Also Available In Addition To Package Black Background & Double Feature Portraits Instant Passport Photos Offer for portraits taken Mon. April 29 thru Sat. May 4 $ SEARS your money's worth...and more