HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-05-01, Page 8Page 8 -The Wingham Advance -Times, May 1, 1985 GARDNER—In loving memory of a dear another, Helen Gardner, who passed away one year ago. May 2, 1984. Do not stand at my grave and weep; ' I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn's rain. When . you awaken in the morning's hush; I am the wift uplifting rush. Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not die. —Remembered with love, her family. WHEELER—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Pearl Wheeler, Bel - grave, who passed away May 3, 1978. Wonderful memories woven in gold, Those are the memories we tenderly hold, Deep in our hearts her mem- ory is kept To love, to cherish and. never forget. —Ever remembered by her fancily. 4 Crossroads classifieds 357-2320 WARD—In loving memory of our dear mother Greta E. Ward, who passed away four years ago, April 30, 1981. So many things have hap- pened Munn, Since you were called away. So many things to share with you, Had you been left to stay. You never said goodbye to us Perhaps it's just as well. We never could have said goodbye To one we loved so well. If we could make onewish tonight, And know it would come true, We would telephone to heaven And ask to speak to you. —Sadly missed and always remembered with love by her family, Bill, Shirley, Doug, Ila . Rae, Papline, Mary Lou, Ronnie, sons-in- law, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. LAIDLAW—In loving mem- ory of a dear wife and mother Cecelia Laidlaw, who passed away April 30, 1984. April comes with sad regret, The month, the days, we will never forget. Time unfolds another year, Memories keep her ever near. Silent thoughts of times to- gether, ' Hold memories that will last forever. —Lovingly remembered by husband, Ivan and fam- ily, Kim, Janet and Don. Walton's 146th Consignment Sale Walton Sale Arena, 2 Miles West of Durham on No. 4 Highway on: Thurs. May 9, 12 noon COMPLETE GRADE DISPERSAL SELLING. The herd of Carl Anderson, Elmvale, Ont. FIRST STAGE TOWARDS LISTING. Offering 25 cows, 17 selling fresh, 12 yearling heifers ready to breed. Followed by our usual consignments of registered and 'grade fresh and close springing cows, first calf heifers, bred heifers, and calves. OPEN -FOR CONSIGNMENTS. Trucking arrangements available. DONALD E. WALTON Sale Manager & Auctioneer Phone 519-369-3804 AUCTION Take notice that an auction sale will be held on May 15/85 - 7:30 p.m. at the old Fairground Palace by Wallace Ballagh and Grant McDonald Auctioneers for the purpose of selling lands owned and oc- cupied by the Brussels Agricultural Society and located at the north limit of the Village of Brussels and lying to the west of Huron County Road No. 12 and comprising of lands in the Village of Brus- sels and Township of Morris. The said lands are said to contain a building known as the palace and a race track. A copy of the legal description may be obtained at the office of Crawford; Mill, Davies &'Elston, Brussels,, Ontario. Conditions of sale will be read at the com- mencement of the sale. Brussels Agricultural Society Per Keith Williamson, Pres. Rose Marie Bishop, Sec. Treas. AUCTION SALE Of machinery and household items- will be held for W-iIIiam McQuillin-Estate -. Lot 18, Con. 13, West Wawanosh, 2 corners east of Lucknow then 1 corner south on Sat. May '11 - 12:30 p.m. Ferguson 1952 tractor, good; Allis Chalmers 1954 tractor; WD tractor with loader; 2 wheel farm trailer has heavy duty tires; tractor p.t.o. mower; G.W. No. 6 thresher on steel; rubber tire wagon with rack; steel wheel seed drill; wagon. with wooden spoked 2 (4 ft.) and 2 (3 ft.) wheels; Massey Harris binder; fanning mill; disc; harrow; Int. 2 furrow tractor plow; JD manure spreader; New Holland baler; Massey Harris hay loader;' lit- ter carrier and track; team sleigh; 2 cutters; JD rubber tired utility dump cart; 36" lawn roller; 4 ton Jackal) jack as new; 4" vise; 12 ft. and 16 ft. log chains; 32 ft. aluminum ladder; steel culvert; rubber tire wheelbarrow; Craftsman 1/4 h.p. grinder with 2 ,emery stones; metal shed; lumber and posts; redwood 6', picnic table; charcoal barbecue; gas lantern and camp stove; Quebec heater; hamper; flight bag; beds, springs, mat- tress; cradle; child's wood cot; sideboard; Nkriting desk; trunks; cherry drop leaf table; metal table; 6 dining chairs; picture frames; miscellaneous items. - TERMS: Cash. Estate or auctioneer not responsible for acci- dents. Auctioneer: BRIAN RINTOUL Cards of Thanks I would like to. thank Dr. J. K. McGregor and the nurses on the second floor of the Wingham and District Hos- pital for all their excellent care while I was a patient there. Thank you also to all my relatives, friends and neighbors for the flowers, cards and treats sent to me. There are also two special people, Rose Marie and Marie from Brookhaven Nursing Home, who did something very special for me. Thank you from the bot- tom of my heart. • Betty Glousher I would like »to thank everybody who attended my shower at the Belgrave United Church for the lovely gifts and also to those who dropped off gifts. Cam and I love them all. ' I would also like to thank Cam's relatives and neighbors who organized it. Alice Nivins AUCTION SALE CONSIGNMENT Auction Sale of vehicles, concrete forms, household articles, miscellaneous items and auction sale of property and household items belonging to Brian and Donna Sanderson, will be held Saturday, May 11. Terms 10 per cent down day of sale, .balance in 30 days or less. Auctioneer Col. Cletus Dalton. See next week's Crossroads for full listing. AUCTION sale of real estate, store equipment, and mer- chandise for John and Marg Thompson at Thompson Store, Bluevale, on Satur- day, May 4 at 10 a.m. See this week's Crossroads for full listing. Auctioneer Col. Cle- tus Dalton, First Choice Auc- tion. ONTARIO'S largest farm machinery consignment. sale, Norwich, Ont., Friday, May 10, 10 a.m. (Sales con- ducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150- 175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consign- ments welcome. For more information call (519) 424- 9998 or (519) 424-9093. Pro- prietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons. - ALL Canada Classic Sheep Auction, Markham Fair- grounds, May 18, 12 noon. 175 head, Suffolk, Dorset, Co- lumbia, Hampshire,. N.C. Cheviot. Top quality ewes and rams. Details (416) 623- 5817. The family of the late Fred Sawyer wishes to sincerely thank relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful expressions of sympathy, donations and support dur- ing their recent loss. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon and the nursing staff of Wingham and District .Hospital, The McBurney Funeral Home, Rev. Robin Lyons and ladies of St. { John's - Anglican Church, Brussels, and to those who have helped, in any way. Your messages of sym- pathy and acts of kindness is gratefully appreciated and will always be remembered. Elizabeth Sawyer andiamily I would like to thank all my friends and relations who sent cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. Also all those who were so good to look after my husband with food while hvas staying at the residence. Mrs. Roberta Mason Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson extend thanks to all who sent cards for Valen- tine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter and birthday cards. We would like to express our appreciation to friends and neighbors for their cards, floral tributes, mem- orial donations and expres- sions of sympathy received during the loss of a dear sis- ter, sister-in-law and aunt. Your thoughtfulness and kindness will always be re- membered. Ed and Elaine Deichert, Rick and Pam, and Ken Thanks to all those who made ourCookie Day such a success. Wingham Brownies And Girl Guides Horticultural club members visit Toronto BRUSSELS — Ladies of the local horticultural club joined with member's from Blyth and Auburn last Wednesday for R day trip to Toronto to see the Garden Club of Toronto's flower show, held in the » new Metropolitan Convention. Centre. Prior to taking in the show, the group enjoyed a luncheon at a ,nearby restaurant. These who attende&reported the beautiful garden settings were filled with spring »and summer flowers, wild flowers 'and rhododendrons, as well as. .educational exhibits. We wish to' express our thanks to friends and rela- tives who brought gifts and visited us while, we were in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Ping and the OB staff of Wingham and District Hospital for the safe arrival of Kyle, and the excellent . care we received. Your thoughtfulnesswill not be forgotten. Kyle and Katherine Campbell JORDAN FREE Britain on March 22, 1946, recognized the independence of Transjordan. Business ' and Professional Directory Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists 'Harriston, Ontario. 338-2712 - Dr. L., A. Cowley. B Sc., DC Dr. Stewart Anderson, D.0 Chiropractor 197 Josephine St. Wingham. By Appointment 357-1224 West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1 RO 529-7961 • FARMS RESIDENTIAL AUTO AGENTS: Frank Foran Lyons & Mulhern Donald MacKay Kenneth B. MacLean John Nixon Donald R. Simpson Delmar Sproul RR 2, Lucknow 46 West St., Goderich RR 3, Ripley FIR 2, Paisley RR 5, Brussels RR 3, Goderich" RR 3, Auburn 528-3824 524-2664 395-5362 368-7537 887-9417 529-7567 529-7273 FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME, COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CONTACT THE AGENT IN YOUR AREA. DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley John Bryce Glen Coultes Gerald Kerr Gordon A. Stewart Donald McKenzie Lucknow RR 3, Paisley RR 5. Brussels P.O. Box 62, Blyth RR 2, Ripley 163 Elgin Ave W., Goderich 28-2214 353-5631 887-6124 523.9275 395-5235 524-7602 CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED PROMPTLY TO THE DIRECTOR IN YOUR AREA. 'UM ANNOUNCEMENTS Ken and Mildred Dickson, Belmore wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mary to Doug Leitch, son of Iceif and Jean Leitch, Wingham on Satur- day, May 25 in the Delmore Presbyterian Church at 7 o'clock in the evening. Alvin and Virene Thomp- son, RR 2, Kincardine wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Janice Ann to Ronald Keith, son of Della and Earl Quinn, RR 2, Kincardine and the late Keith - Johnston. The wedding will take place Sat- urday, May 11, 1985 at 6:30 pm. in Kincardine United Church. Open reception to follow in Kincardine Agri- cultural Pavilion, Connaught Park. Please accept this as your personal invitation. 1,8 Service is held for M. Coulter The funeral service for Murray C. Coulter of RR 3, Listowel, is being held in Listowel ,this afternoon - (Wednesday, May 1). Mr. Coulter, who' was 41 •y.ears of age, died in Listowel Memorial Hospital on April 28. Born in Listowel on Jan. 24, 1944, he was the son off ,Carl and Violet (Burnett) Coulter. Mr. Coulter,'a farmer, was a. fishing and hunting en- thusiast. He was a member of Wallace United Church in Wallacrille. He is survived by his parents; by his wife, Joyce (Hill); two daughters, Tammy (Mrs. Orris Flet- cher Jr.) of Listowel, and April, at home; three sisters, Mrs. James (Dorothy) Marks of Wingham, Mrs. Robert (Marilyn) Manto of Swift Current, Sask., and Mrs. Larry (Diane) Fergu- son of Elmira; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coulter of Listowel, and parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hill of Moorefiled, and a granddaughter, Shei ling. The funeral service, with Rev. ,Cecil Wittich of- ficiating, is being held at 2 p.m. at the Robert Trench Funeral Home, Listowel. Interment is in Bethesda Cemetery, Moorefield. The pallbearers are Clarence Logel, Danny Welsh, Brian Crapper, Del Gerber, ,Lyle - Ellison and. Glen Duncan. SAWMILL JOHN SHETLER LUMBER 0.R. NO. 2 LUCKNOW Yarn right 2nd corner North of Dungannon County Road No. 20 • 18' BALE THROWER RACKS Mode To Order 18°-20° WAGON SILLS Competitive Prices -Custom Sowing BEST RATES 10 518% 1 year GIC 11314% S year GIC ABC ANNUITIES LTD. S3 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-2773 (Collect) WI -720-5 PROCLAMATION FOR. POSTURE WEEK IN WINGHAM Recognizing that correct postural habits are an in- tegral part of maintaining good health and that faul- ty postural habits contribute to disease... Recognizing that there is a need in our com- munities for education concerning proper postural habits... Recognizing that municipal governments have. a .. role in this endeavour and further recognizing that doctors of chiropractic in our community perform a vital role in the prevention and treatment of posture related disorders... I, Mr. William Harris, Mayor of the Town of Wingham, declare May 1 through May 7 to be of- ficial POSTURE WEEK in Wingham. • During POSTURE WEEK, all citizens of Wingham' should contemplate on ,and correct their own postural habits in an attempt to maintain an op- - level of health. Mayor William Harris. Service Directo AUTO BODY THE NU -LOOK AUTO BODY A division of Tolton Motor Sales Ltd., Bluevale COMPLETE COLLISION, AUTO BODY REPAIRS AND., REFINISHING • Free Estimates ▪ Gravel Guard Application • Sand Blasting • 24 hr. Towing • Glass Installation • Side Mouldings • Re -Chrome Bumpers • Tape Striping Contact Bruce ,Campbell 357-3029 WINGHAM BODY SHOP 14 North St. F.: Wingham. Ont. NOG 2W0 Phone 357-1102 %Paint & Collision Centre •Radiator -Cores & Repairs - •24 Hr. Towing •Frame Straightening Sid Adams Owner 357-1171 Ron Beecroft Shop Foreman 357.2950 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy 'Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Sales 8 Service Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 WELDING SPIKE'S PORTABLE WELDING In shop repair work General Fabrication, Stabling, Truck 8- Wagonl4dcks Ornamental. Rai li ngs. •Free Estimates Spike Bakker RR 5, Lucknow Ph. 528-2520 PRINTING SERVICE WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING. • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3800 ELECTRICAL PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales Exhaust Fans and Controls WINGHAM 357-1583 Leon Russell. Appliance & Refrigeration- Service Warranty Service, for Hotpoint, Moffat, General Electric, Inglis, Whirlpool and Admiral Also available - Heat Pumps & Central Air Conditioning with Service for 3 well-known makes Phone Wingham 357.3773 GRA -MAR MECHANICAL' • Heating • Air Conditioning • Custom Sheet Metal Phone after 6 p.m. Mark Graham - 343-2445 or Brian Martyn 357-2292 HEATING & PLUMBING LeRoy Jackson --- Plumbing — Heating — Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 CONSTRUCTION ASKS BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Construction,,, Farm - Home - Commercial Bert 357-3053 JACK WALKER Construction Hwy. 4 South of Wingham 357--2481 • Houses - • FarrmBuildings • Renovations FREE ESTIMATES SALES Forever Yours Stationery " INVITATIONS * THANK YOU NOTES - • NAPKINS, MATCHES SOCIAL h ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wingham Advance -Times Office VIDEO SERVICES ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• ••••• • • • • • • • • WINGHAM UIDEO SERVICES Video Tape Recorders Movie Rentals JOHN SCHEDLER 160 Park Drive Phone 357.2233 Hours: Mon. to Fri. 12 Noon - '1 p.m. and 6:30 - 8 p.m. _ Sat. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. • • • • ••••••• Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors Appliance Sales & Service to all makes Refrigeration Service Open 6 days a week. . J7 Years Built by Quality 4 Service Wingham 357-2450 ■....._lllll . — me won ..rl _.__fir_ ■ .iaii M u MM./ - t � 0 �.P MOP' - t •,all NI sum V Tiles A. \In Fireplaces ,Brick, Blocks, .Stone �� IN MI MN MEI 10 Remington Dr. Licence -E No. 606943 a_ Wingham, ONT. in fa free est calf GORD HILL 357-2611 ( Ii,trlurt(l \<liltl111,1111', LISTOWEL 291-1251 GODERICH Partners: 524-2677 M. J. Hoyles, C.A. R. E.-Takalo, C.A. N. MacDonald Exel, C.A. Managers: L. M. Gagnon, C: A. R. H. Kaufman, C.A. THE ADVANCE -TIMES 357-2320 9