HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-04-17, Page 35RESULTS you'll applaud with WANT ADS I5E0UP1TS Maybelline Nail Colour Maybelline Lipstick Faberge 600 ml. - Organic Shampoo or Conditioner 1.39 2.29 2.79 Alberto Mousse 150 gr. Hair Styling Foam 2.79 Soft Sense 400 ml. 2.69 Skin Lotion Gilette 300 ml. Shaving Foam 2.29 Jergen's 360 gr. Mild Soap 4bars ■9'9 Lowney's 175 gr. Tradition .9 9 Chocolates D TRIANGLE DISCOUNT PATEA'T MEO/C/A'ES • COSME/TCS • TOBACCOS Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - 'Sundays Noon to Si: Management NOTICE OF OPEN HOUSES The Draft Report of STAGE 2B of the Waste Management Master Plan for The Regional Municipality of Waterloo has now been completed. This Report outlines the details of the preferred waste management system for the Region. The main facilities recommended for the preferred system.are as follows: • Expand existing landfills in. Waterloo and Cambridge and develop a new landfill in the Township of Wilmot • Construct an Energy from Waste'r513ht , (incinerator) in the City of Kitchener • Maintain existing transfer stations in the Townships of Wilmot and Wellesley and construct transfer stations in the Townships of Woolwich and North Dumfries: Anyone interested in reviewing the results of STAGE 2B is invited to attend Open Houses between 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. as follows: Monday 22 April '85 Rink in the Park 99 Seagram Drive, Waterloo Tuesday 23 April '85 GRCA Headquarters 400 Clyde Road, Cambridge Wednesday 24 April '85 Elmira Public Library 65 Arthur Street South The Draft Stage 2B Report will be available for public viewing in Libraries and Municipal Offices throughout the Region. For further Inc. (51 9) nformation call: MacLaren Engineers 86.1920 (Mrs.) E. Stettner Regional Clerk 5-2, OPENWORK CARDIGAN: Fresh as a spring breeze . . . this chic little cardigan will take you through. the seasons with style. It's quick to knit in softly brushed Patons Promise yarn, in a delicate openwork pattern. The instructions are easy to follow and require only five to seven balls of yarn for ladies' size small, medium or Targe. Interested readers may receive an instruction pamphlet, free of charge, by sending a self-addressed,' stamped envelope to Crossroads, Box 390, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0; Ask for Openwork Cardigan No. 5-2. Requests will be filled im- mediately while our stock lasts. PLEASE WAIT FOR DOLLY DRESS -UP PATTERNS Our supply of 100 pamphlets for "Dolly Dress -up" was exhausted within the first ten days. Crossroads has requested an additional supply so recent requests -will be answered as soon as the ship- ment arrives. f High bla pressure health hazar In newspapers and magazines,' on radio and television, Canadians con- stantly are being exhorted to perform a death -defying act: "Have your blood pressure checked." As a result, a large per- centage of the enquiries received by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario ask why there is a drive to have everyone's blood pressure .checked, even , if one has no symptoms. The answer is that hyper- tension, or high blood pressure, is the single most important identifiable factor contributing to heart attack, stroke and kidney disease.. Sunrise 4 I • Milk Millbank .Medium Cheddar Millbank T - Colby Cheese Millbank Marble Cheese Millbank Mozzarella Cheese Millbank Fresh Curds DAIRY 2°o B.Skim JOIN THE BULK FOOD REVOLUTION 2.99 ib: 3.05. Ib. 2.79 Ib. 2.85 Ib. 2.79 Ib. 2.95 gaited or Unsalted Blan Peanuts Unsalted With Peanuts Mixed Nuts • Fresh Pitted Prunes Iranian Dates Chocolate Flavoured Chips Lowney s Oh Henry Bars FROZEN Frozen Concentrate Honeydew Individually Frozen Sole Fillets' 341 ml .99 Ib -2.99. Omstead Fancy Pack Size: 2 Ib. Wild Blueberries Omstead Fancy Green Beans 5lbs, 3.25 Chapman's 2'litre Ice Cream 1.99 BULK PRODUCTS (pre-packaged) Regular Everyday Low Prices Dare Ib..99 Ju Jubes ched Ib • tb Ib Ib 2.19 1.79 1.89 Ib .99 1.79 Robin Hood (New Pack Sire) 5 kg All Purpose Flour only 3.25] Redpath 2 kg Brown or 1.39 White Sugar Animal Crackers Peek Frean Fruit Cremes Ib Ib Ib 1.39 1.69 1.59 CLUB HOUSE SPICES Ground Black Pepper' Grnunti Cinnamon Ground Nutmeg Seasoned Salt Chili Powder 75 gr .69 75 gr .78 75 gr 1.22 140gr .63 75 gr .78 * NAME BRAND PRODUCTS AT NO NAME PRICES * 995 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel 291-4777 Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.` ' Thurs. & Fri, till 9 p.m. and is also a factor in half of the deaths due to heart disease. About two million Canadians have hyper- tension and many of them will risk premature death and disability unless their blood pressure is reduced. High blood pressure usually produces no sym- ptoms until it's too late and. in most cases, doctors don't know what causes it. Con- sequently everyone should have his or her blood pressure checked regularly. The test is simple, inex- pensive and painless. If you have hypertension, it can be controlled in most cases with drug and diet therapy. Thereis a tendency to think that high blood -pr-essur-e--onl-y---affl-ie-ts the elderly, but it can occur at any age. Physicians have detected hypertension in small children, teenagers and young children as well as middle-aged persons. Despite its,occurrence at all ages, hypertension remains neglected. At least half of the two million Canadians with high blood pressure don't know they have it. Of those who know they have it, only half are.. being treated adequately or at all. While the means of con- trolling high blood are readily available, the in- centive to seek out and continue treatment is, too often lacking in those who have it. It requires a lot of persistence and attention and many patients become discouraged, particularly when there is a feeling of well-being and no apparent symptoms. In the long run though, it's worth it. High blood pressure victims also ignore other factors which work with hypertension to increase the probability of heart attack or stroke, The Heart Foun- dation calls them risk fac- tors and they include im- proper diet, cigarette smoking, lack of exercise and obesity. Heredity also can play a role. Persons whose ,parents have high. blood pressure are more likely to have it themselves. -• The'. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario is conducting programs to make the pubic aware of the problem of high blood pressure and represen- tatives. say that ' if more people had their blood pressure checked regularly, there would be a marked increase-im-the--num-beer-"who _- live longer, healthier lives. The methods of treatment are available, but without 'a cooperative, knowledgeable public, these weapons against the disease known as the "silent killer" mean nothing. RETURN WITH US TO... h� . L1I3€RACE. A SHOCK OF WAVY HAIR, A BIG SMILE AND AN 'IMITATION LOUIS XIV CANDELABRA PROPELLED PIANIST WLADZIU VALENTINO LIBERACE TO RICHES AND .. STARDOM IN THE IB5O5. L I ERACE ATTRACTED ATTENTION PERFORMING LOCALLY OVER A LOS ANGELES TV STATION IN 1951. SHOW WENT NETWORK IN IS52 AND THE ' FOLLOWING YEAR HE STARRED IN A SYNDICATED 5HOW THAT PROVED TO BE A BIG HIT. THouC3H POPULAR WITH AUDIENCES LIBER ACE WAS OFTEN PUT DOWN HARD BY CRITICS. IN RESPONSE, 11 HE CAME UP WITH THE CL AGSIC QUOTE, "S CRIED ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK." '19831;r,'le News Service 4 l:rossroads--Apr. 17, 1985 --Page 15 Here's How By Gene Gary Q. On any home, I have galvanized eave troughs that have been painted. Every year after' the ice and snow have melted, the paint comes off in big flakes. Should the troughs ,be treated in some way before ' painting again? -Mr. C.C. A. There are several key steps required to prepare metal surfaces for painting in order to achieve long- lasting results. Rusted surfaces should be scraped and wire -brushed to remove loose or deteriorated coat- ings. Remove anyirt, grease, oil or other contaminants from the surface by using a solvent such as paint thinner or by scrubbing with a strong detergent and rinsing with fresh water. Lightly sand hard, glossy previous paint to assure maximum adhesion. M4ke sure the surface is dry and clean prior to coating appli- cation. A' primer should be used prior to the finish coat. Primers and topcoats designed for use on metal surfaces are available in either oil -base or water -base formulations. It is important that primers be selected based On the condition of the surface after the surface preparatn has been com- pleted. The condition of the sur- face will dictate the type of primer you will need to use. Check with your paint dealer for recommendations on heavily rusted metal com- pared with a surface that is in better condition. After allowing the primer to dry thoroughly, apply the appropriate finish coat in the color of your choice. Two recommended brands for paint and primer are Rust-Oleum and De-Rusto. Use only oil -base finish coats over oil -base primers and water -base finish coats over water -base primers. Q. Recently there have been several articles con- cerning land subsidence and, house foundation defects. One article recommended pulling up the carpets and looking for cracks in the con- crete slab foundation. How does one "pull up" the carpets? Are the tacked or glued to the slab?-N.A. A. The padding under the carpet is not gluedto the slab. You should be able to take up the carpet yourself, allowing you to inspect the slab. However, re-laying the carpet, probably is a job best left to the professional carpet layer, as it inust be stretched and tacked at the .perimeters. If you replace the carpet with new, be sure to use a good padding recom- mended for on -grade floors. Q. My concrete pond has a large crack and will not hold water. It is very shallow, but I would like to have water and plants in it. Can I repair --it-so-tt-will hold-waEer� J -W-- A. Any repair work will have to be done in warm, dry weather conditions. Be sure the concrete is dry and the cracks free of loose dust. For any sizable cracks you will need to use a concrete patching material. Several brands are on the market. One recommended brand is Red -E -Crete, which can be mixed with concrete glue for best results. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. ,Smaller cracks often can be treated with sealants rec- ommended for concrete pools. Force the sealant into the crack as far as possible and smooth it flush with the surrounding surface. Follow the manufacturer's direc- tions to the letter. If a primer is recom- mended in the cracks before sealing, use the type recom- mended for the sealant. Q. My question concerns stains on the white vinyl top of my automobile. There is a yellow -colored substance •h,$ • . ms to drop out of the sky. It lands on my car in a caked form. The majority of the substance can be removed easily with a fingernail. However, it leaves a yellow spot. • 1 have tiled any number of methods including a scour- ing pad, but thus far I've been , unsuccessful in removing the stains. Can you be of any assistance?-V.L. A. It may be impossible to remove this stain. You can try to solution of trisodium phosphate mixed with house- hold bleach, 1 cup of each to a gallon of warm water. Test this solution on a small area of the spotting to see how .it works. 11 this is ineffective, you can try a solution of oxalic acid, available at drug- stores. You can have the vinyl top refinished at an automobile paint shop if you are unable to remove the stains. But unless you can prevent future staining, your problem will not be solved. 1 OUR House NEW RETIREMENT HOME CONCEPT • Small family atmosphere • 4 private bedrooms • Meals, laundry etc. all included • House designed with wheelchairs in mind. • Park, bus, library etc. all at your doorstep KITCHENER 893-8562 "Cancer can be b 1 kno* it can: " Please give CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY ° WATCH FOR RED CHECK SALE TAGS until April 27th 30 inch RANGES 4790a Automatic WASHERS & DRYERS 89995 pair MICROWAVE OVENS 27900 Deluxe 1 7 cu. ft, REFRIGERATORS only 79995 Portable DRYERS ' at 26995 LISTEN TO CKNX RADIO FOR MORE INFORMATION Listowel - 291-4670 Hanover - 364-1011