HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-04-17, Page 24$ Page 4—Crossroads—Apr. 17, 1985
For some reason, and I've
no idea what it is, this col-
umn is ' going to be about
girls' names. There are sev-
eral -.possible reasons, any -of -
which might be theright one.
First, it might be just an
unconscious reaction to the
worst cold spell I can re-
member. The names of girls,
exotic or • otherwise, seem to
help 'fight those Jan. -Feb.
,vbinler blues or blahs.
Secondly, I might simply
be getting senile. Who
knows? A couple of years
from now I might be turning
up at playgrounds with
nothing on but a raincoat.
And thirdly, the more I
thought about it, the more I
thought about it. I don't know
whether this happens to you,
but eyery so often I get some
silly old song in my head,
and I whistle and sing it, in-
audibly, of course, because I
don't want to be put away,
for perhaps fifteen hours.
It could be Colonel Bogey,
and I play it, with variations,
through my head all day. No
other tune interferes. Just a
few days ago, I got one into
my skull that must date back
to the Twenties, and it went
on all day, through conver-
• sation, eating, shaving. It
You can bring Rose, with the
turned -up nose,
But don't bring Lula.
You can bring Kate with. the
partial plate,
But don't bring Lula.
Some old-timers might re-
member it. I'm sure it goes
back to the days of vaude-
ville, or the gramophone, as
we used to call it. But I've no
idea where it came from,
' where I heard it, why I re-
membered the tune, or what
was wrong with Lula.
Anyway, I began to con-
template the names of girls,
and whence they derived. We
chose the name Kim for our flare-up of old-fashioned or
daughter, because we didn't foreign names. Then we
know whether she was going have a rash of Samanthas,
to be a daughter or another Marthas, Ingrids, Fleurs,
son, and the name fitted Leslies. The trouble is, with
either sex. There wasn't a our fondness Lnr picknaines,,
Kim on the horizon then. even these august names be -
Now you can find one on ,come Sam, Marty, Ingy and
every street corner. dingy, Flour and Les.
In my home form, I had Thank goodness there is a
two Kims, two Karens, and a ,- solid element of parents in
Carol, and until I knew which our society who stick with
was which, I'd ask'a question, the good Biblical and funda-
and start sounding like the mentally Anglo-Saxon tags:
Bill Smiley
Girls' names
old song, "K -k -k -Katie." Ruth, Mary, Rebecca, Mar-
Gik1s' names seem to go in garet, Elizabeth, Jennifer,
cycles. One year I had five Susan, Jane, Sophia, and
Debbies in one class. Hardly such.
ever _hear a Debbie anymore. Not for them the exotic and
Aside from the fads, when subtly suggestive stuff like
every third gal has the same Sylvia, Sonya, Roberta,
name, there seem to be some Giselle, Juanita. Those are
basic roots from which be- the sort of names that can
leaguered mothers and get a girl into trouble. How
fathers label their offspring. about Carlotta?Or Vivien?
(I've. known a Robin Bird Trouble, trouble.
and a Pete Moss, but those Personally, if I had six
were exceptions) . daughters, Lord forbid, I'd
Some girls- are named
after jewels, but there aren't
many Pearls, Rubies, Opals.
Sapphires and such around
these days. They're as old-
fashioned as,Elmer and Gor-
don for boys.
Strangely, I've never
heard a girl called Diamond;"
though I've met a few hard
enough to live up to such a
Girls are named after
some months, but not others.
We can label a girl May, ,
April or June, but you don't
hear too many Februaries or
Novembers floating around.
1 think Febbie would be
kinda cute for a short girl
born in that short month.
Then there is the practice
of naming . girls after flow-
ers. We have Iris and Ivy and
Pansy and Daisy and Mari-
• gold and Rose, and even, on
the occasional farout en-
counter, Tulip or Virginia (if
her last name happens to be
Creeper). But they, too, have
pretty well gone by the
board. I don't know why..A
girl is just as pretty as a
flower, and often smells even
Why don't we go back to
that and call girls Petunia,
Begonia, Phlox, Crocus,
Daffodil? Think of the sweet
little abbreviations they'd
acquire.. Pet, Beggi.e,
Flocky, Crokey and Daffy.
Once in a while there is a
try to get one into each cat-
egory, Emeralda for jewel-
lery. September for a month.
How does September Smiley
sound? .. Sweet -pea Smiley?
Ursula for an old-timer.
Once had a slight fling with a
girl by that name:. Mary for
the solid virtues and the
religious connotations. And
Diana, goddess of love, for
the dangerous group.,
If I suddenly and unex-
pectedly had a seventh, I'd
name her for one of the great
women in myth or literature.
Perhaps Circe, or Sordelia.
Everybody happy with
Thank goodness my
daughter has two boys, one
Nikov, after a character in a
Russian novel, the other
Balind,,a name she made up.
She'd drive us crazy if she
had a batch of girls. •
Of combine, tractor, farm machinery, feed, misc.
items, for:
Aubrey Woodham .& Sons
Lot S.H. 1'0, Con. 10, Maryborough Twp. locat-
ed first farm north of ,Moorefield on County Road
10 on
Sat: April- 27 - 12 Noon
' TRACTORS: MF .1085 diesel tractor, multi.
power, cab, tidal remotes, dual wheels 80 hp.;
MF 255 diesel tractor, remotes, :complete with
quick -tack MF industrial loader, 6' bucket &.fork;
MF 50,diesel tractor, multi -power, new rear tires.
COMBINE: MF 540 diesel engine combine, cab,
13' Flex header, auto. height control, 10' pickup,
4 row corn head.
MACHINERY: MF 36 S.P. 10' swather, pick up
reels, 4 cyl. motor; MF:880 semi -mount 5 furrow
plow, 16" bottoms, auto. reset; Toxowick 370
batch corn dryer„ propane 350 bu.; Brady 19'
wheel cultivator, fold up wings & levelling harrows;
-- -Kong-SKOP-TT- 3 0111 -cultivator ; fold -up wings, -
MF 14' wheel disc; MF 12 hay baler with MF bale
thrower; New Holland 512 power spreader; MF
33 seed drill 15 disc grain & fert.; MF 468 cord
planter 4 row; Gehl 100 mixmill with hyd.- auger;
Allied 36' 6" p.t.o• grain auger; 2 sections 16' 6"
auger; 2 gravity grain boxes 240 bu. on N.D.
wagons; 1 gravity grain box 125 bu, on wagon; 6
ton wagon with flat rack; G.W. 300 gal. trailer
.weed sprayerrPipe-.32'-htay elevater;_..MF 10'
pt.h, cultivator; MF 3 pt.h.,3 furrow plow, 12" bot-
toms; 6 section harrows & stretcher; straw shred-
der for combine; MF 3 baler for parts; MTD 5 h.p•
wood splitter, 24" opening, automatic on wheels.
FEED: Approx. 60 tonne of good mixed grain
60/40; approx. 50 tonne of shelled corn; approx.
4000 square bales of straw.
MISC.: 1973 Ford pick up truck (no motor); 1 972
Ford car, good motor, both for parts; Ski-doo
snow machine; Sno Jet snow machine; 16' stable
cement forms; portable cement mixer; crate hog
scale; 2 feed carts; steel hog feeders; 120 bags.
of Rodeo seed barley; ventilation bag air fan;
Ebersol electric hammermill (no motor); loading
chute; pickup truck racks; electric chick incu-
bator; plus wagon load of misc. items.
NOTE: This is a good line of power farm machin-
ery in good condition, so plan to attend.
SALE ORDER: Starting at 12 noon wagon load'&
misc. items, machinery at 2 p.m.
FARM IS RENTED. Lunch Booth available,
Owners'or Auctioneers not responsible for acci-
dents or loss of property sale day.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I,D. sale day.
Aubrey Woodham - 638-3002
BOB GILMORE - 2913489
DOUG GILMORE - 294-3421
Queen Mary II of England
died on Dec. 28, 1694, her
husband continuing to 'rule
alone as William III.
Q. Last year I purchased
100 common shares of a Ca-
nadian corporation which 1
am told• qualify for a, trans-
fer into an 1StP:'Would it be
advantageous for me to con-
sider making such a trans-
A. Yes. The ISIP, or In-
dexed Security Investment
Plan, provides tax exemp-
tion for the inflationary
portion of capital gains on
publicly -traded-_ common
shares of Canadian com-
panies. Should you incur a
loss, that loss may be de.
ducted against other income
in the year. For your con-
venience, all record-keeping
ins done by the plan adminis-
tr.ator. However, you should
keep in mind that money
borrowed to invest in an.
ISIP is not deductible. Also,
dividends and capital gains
on .your shares will npt be el-
igible for the $1,000 invest-
ment income deduction.
A heart attack is the death of a por-
tion of heart muscle that may result
in disability or death, depending on
how much -of the heart is damaged.
It occurs when an.ob'struction in one
of the coronary arteries prevents the
blood from supplying oxygen to the
heart muscle, Heart attack symp-
toms may include chest pair nausea
and shortness of breath. The risk of
heart attack can be reduced by treat-
ing high blood pressure, avoiding
cigarette smoking, observing a low
cholesterol diet and maintaining
normal body weight.
A Hea/thy Heart Is A Family Affair
/ /g J oc J.
Held for
at the location, 6 miles north of, Blyth on:
Tuesday, April 23 12:30 p.m.
130 h.p.• 1298 hrs., 20:8x38 tir i-eabi-at6-r.
AM.lFM radio & 8 track, power shift; Case; 9,70
Agri -King. 95 h.p., 3210 hrs., (DSS), cab, radio,
8 track, power shift; J.D. 11.20 diesel, 145
loader, 2463 hrs., 16.9x30 tires; Allis Chalmers
CA, power shift, adj.. wheels with 4 row scuffler
for beans or 2 row for corn.
COMBINE: 197.7 New Holland TR70 diesel,
1554 hrs., 28L26 tires, 13' grain header with
reel & cutter bar, 10' Renor pickup, 4 row wide
corn head, cab, radio, bin ext., 'straw chopper;
Case 960 'gas, spike tooth cylinder,. pickup
head,, cab, straw chopper, bean elevator. •
TRUCK: 1 973 Ford 750 Louisville, stake truck
50,630 mi., 16'/2' rack; hoist, tarp, loading
chute, 2 sed, axle, certified. •
EQUIPMENT: Int. 45 Vibrashank cult., 181/2'
with wings, harrow levellers; White 253 disc,
181/2' with wings, furrow levellers; Kongskilde 5
furrow semi -mounted plow, adj., 14" to 18", -
auto reset; spring trip coulters; Geo. White 1.50
gal. sprayer, 3 p.h., piston pump, 27' boom, 2
sets nozzles, (SS); diamond harrows with 6
sect, steel- pole; pony trail harrow, 181/2' with
wings; Crown stone picker, all hyd. driver; Rite
Way stone windrower, 12' hyd. driven; Noble 4
row scuffler, 3 p.h.; 2-5' ext. for Benn sprocket
hydrostatic swather, 12' header with pickup
reel, gas engine; grain aerator; Little Giant 38'
bale elevator p.t.o. driven; Westfield 38' 7" grain
auger on wheels, p.t.o. driven; 12' 4" grain
auger with new, 1/2 h.p. elec. motor; Renn 8'
.viiire - bean._.cyl. -&---concave for New
Holland 985 combine; New Holland No. 23
forage blower; Nicholson hay teddy; Mauer 4
row bean puller; Innis 670 bean windrower; J.D.
No. 27 flail stalk chopper, 6 row narrow; 2-10
ton wagons, 11 L15 tires with Turnco 225 bu.
gravity boxes; 7 ton wagon. with Turnco gravity
box; New Holland 518 manure spreader; 8'
cult.; 8' pull type disc.
MfSC:: Fiasky 1000 gal. lq, trtar�ur-e-spreaders;--
Husky liq. manure pump for 12' pit; Patz 14' to
16' silo unloader with controls; Gehl Mixall feed
grinder, p.t.o. driven,, long unloading auger with
bagger; 3 p.h. post hole auger; 500 gal. water
tank; racks for Ford 1/2 ton pickup; steel gates;
10 -cage (cage Iayer•unit); 4" auger with 1/2 h.p.
motor; 3 rolls barbed wire; scrap metal; heat
lamps; maple wood cut in blocks; pig feeders;
older farrowing crates; concrete silo slabs; steel
posts; many more items.
FEED, HAY & STRAW: Approx. 300 bales older
hay; approx. 1000 bales mixed grain straw; ap-
prox. 200 bales wheat straw; approx. 3000 bu.
mixed grain; qty. of high moisture corn in
Harvestor silo.
NOTE: A large assortment of misc. farm items to
be sold. Equipment is in excellent condition and
field ready. Attend early. * All equipment free of
liens or encumbrances. Farm sold. * Verbal an-
nouncements take precedence over written
Proprietors: Arlyn & Glen Montgomery
357-1279 - Selling due to health reasons
Bruce Rathwell
(519) 482-7181 or 482-3120
Tractors, truck, livestock, trailer, farm
machinery, appliances and furniture to be held at
Lot 41, Concession 3, East Wawanosh Town-
ship, 11/4 miles north of ¢lyth on Highway No. 4
and 1/4 mile west for
-Robert -E. -Marshall
Sat® April 20 at 10 a.m.
MOTORCYCLE: Kawasaki LTD 1000 run 25,000
km with saddle bags, windshield, etc.; Boa Ski
TRACTORS: Cockshutt 540 with Kelly manure
loader hydraulic bucket; Nuffield 465 diesel with
front weights 18.4i, x 30 chains. •
TRUCK AND TRAILER: 1977 Ford 150 pickup.,
V8, automatic, selling as is;, Smyth built fifth wheel
livestock trailer with tandem axle, roof and sliding
MACHINERY: 1700 Ib. cattle weigh, scale with
head gate, cattle squeeze; MF four furrow x 14 in.
mounted plow; IHC 14'/2 ft. vibra shank mounted
cultivator; 12 ft. chain harrow; Allis Chalmers 4
cylinder engine with clutch gear box and p.t.o.
shaft; 2 beater Dion forage box on Dion wagon;
Dion forage blower with 60" fan; McKee har-
vester with self unloading wagon; Allis Chalmers
66 p.t.o. trail combine; Danzer post hole digger;
JF 9 ft. front mount swather; New Idea 7 ft. trail
hay mower; Schultz plc). manure spreader with
single beater and 1000' x 20 tires; 2 good flat
racks on wagons; 2 gravity bins on wagons;
Cross 30 ft. hay and grain' elevator with electric
motor; Oliver No. 5 corn picker; Gehl 65 mixmill
with auger feeder; Massey 4 bar side rake; Little
Rhino 6 ft. blade; rd'und bale feeder; Webster air
compressor; Webster paint sprayer with regu-
lator; Webster paint sprayer with 3 gallon and
eight guns; 3 h.p. electric motor; MF 35 belt
pulley; acetylene torch; bolt pin; cedar posts;
scrap iron; 36 ft. aluminum ladder; garden tiller;
Lincoln welder; chain saw; 1000 bales of first cut
hay; 3 pt.h. round bale fork; new and used barb
wire; 50 'ft. -9 inch silo pipes and clamps; 6"
bench saw; cream separator; platform scales;
250 gallon stainless steel water trough.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: include 20 cu. ft. chest
freezer; Westinghouse fridge & stove; large
modern oak double pedestal dining table w/2 -
15" leaves and six caned back chairs; furniture;
tables; dishes; etc.; wagon load. of small items &
SALE ORDER: Household effects; small items,
machinery, truck, trailer, tractors. ,
-Owner: Robert' Marshall
Auctioneer: ,
w, w 482-7898.
Of Farm Machinery & Misc.,
Straw & Hay, & Sows For:
RR 1 , Bluevale, Lot 2 Con. 5 Turnberry Twp.,
11/4 miles north of Wroxeter on the Belmore Rd.,
then '/z mile west on Con. 5 on:
Saturday, April 27165
at, 12.30 p.m.
FARM III ACHINERY: 1971 Ford 5000 tractor
with selectamatic dual remotes; 1968 Ford 3000
tractor with power steering and MF loader; 1942
JD Model B tractor; JD 36 plate disc; 91/2' Triple K
-cultivator, '3 p:h: fertilizer spreacter;- wagon. with
flat rack; wagon with gravity bin; wagon with Gehl
forage box; 10' chain harrows; Oliver corn
planter;,, 5' plow packer; MF hay crimper; JD hay
mower; J'D side rake; Kingvise bale elevator with
1/2 h.p. motor; MH No. 60 combine p.t.o.; MH
combine (for parts); NH baler, Gehl hammerrnill
p.t.o.; Ebersol feed mixer; 18' x 5" grain auger
with 3/4 h. p. motor; .CQockshutt 503 10' swather; 3
p.h. •3 furrow International 36 trip beam plow; 3
p.h. 3 furrow overun 14" trip beam plow; Inter4ia-
tional 1 way disc; MH 15 run seed drill; JDR
manure spreader; Gehl hi thro short trough forage
blower; International, No. 16 forage harvester.
MISC.: Pile of scrap; heat lights; pig troughs; elec-
tric fencer; wheel barrow; grain aerator; steel
work bench, etc.-; 2 wheel trailer and welder.
STRAW & HAY: Quantity of straw and hay; quanti-
ty of cob corn'
SOWS: 17 sows cross York and Landrace; 1
Spot boar (purebred no papers)
TERMS: Cash or Cheque with I.D. day of sale.
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents
day 'of sale. Any announcements or corrections
given verbally day of sale
Propri,etor: ugh Jarvis
RR 1, Bluevale (519)335-3792
RR 3, Listowel (519) 291-2049
Of appliances, furniture, ride on lawn mower,,
tools & misc. items for .
Mrs. Freda Visser
Main St. ,"' Drayton. Plus additions from a Drayton
home Sale will be held in the Kurtzville'Com-
munity Centre located 3 miles north of Listbwel
on Hwy. 23, turn west at Gowanstown & go 4
miles on
Wed. Evening, April 24
at,6 p.m.
APPLIANCES: Moffat cont. clean over, 30" elec-
tric stove; Coldspot self defrost refrigerator both
harvest gold .&- good; Kelvinator 22 'cu. ft. chest
freezer; McClary Easy wringer washer; Frigidair
small older style refrigerator; Empire wringer .
washer; small electrical appliances.
FURNITURE: Small dining room ext. table with end
pull up leaves; 3 straight chairs & 2 arm chairs
(good) Deacon's bench with lift up seat; brown
spacever; double bed with head board & at-
tached night tables; 2 bedroom chairs; mag. table; .
'floor & table lamps; electric broom; steel bed &
mattress; mats; pictures frames; clothes ,
hamper; end table; arm chair; foot stool; oil paint-
ANTIQUES: Piano stool; back to wall cupboard
with 2 bottom doors, 2 drawers & 2 doors, 6
parses on top; 1 piece cupboard -with -2 -wooden -
doors; drop' leaf table; 5 leg wooden ext. table; 2
wash tables; 2 wash stands with towel bars; set of
5 bent back wooden chairs; captain's chair; odd
wooden chairs; 2 wooden rocking chairs; older
style chesterfield & chair (good); 2. wooden hall
trees; wooden. washing machine; .parlor ,tables;,.
oak buffet with top mirror; drop front bookcase '
desk; chest of drawers with top small mirror; foot
-warmer;- large --wooden. 2--deor--wardrobe;--ir.on....&.....-
brass bed; 2 dressers with mirrors; high head
wooden bed; fl°at top trunk; bridge lamp; small
tables; treadle sewing machine; old picture
frames; -3 copper boilers; apple peeler; sad irons;
square copper boiler; copper globe fire ext.
CLOCKS: Pegu mantel clock (working); New
Haven mantel clock with Westminster chimes
(working); 400 day clock.
LAMPS: Coal oil lamps; Aladdin lamp.
DISHES: Good selection of good & everyday
dishes, depression glass, Nippon pieces, oc-
cupied Japan; partial set of Royal Winton dinner-
ware; dresser set in sterling silver B initial; Beaver
jar, china jardiniere, brass jardiniere; crocks &
jugs; pets & pans; jars.
MISC.: Box of 1921 & up Nat. Geographic books
(not complete); post cards; pictures of schools,
churches, hospital of Berlin, Waterloo, Ont.
LAWN MOWER & MISC.: MTD 5 h;p. ride on lawn
mower; 5 h.p. roto tiller; self propelled gas lawn
mower; gas push lawn mower; kerosene 2 burner
spaceheater; electric heater; wooden picnic
table; garden & hand triols; plus, misc.
Owner or auctioneers not' responsible for acci-
dents or loss of property sale day.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day.
BOB GILMORE - 291-3489
DOUG GILMORE - 291.3421
Ammer eneasertims.
Of 98 acre farm, farm machinery, ,beef cattle,
speep, horse, feed & misc. items, for
Bill Steenhuis ..
(Bill's Country Meats)
Lot 16, Con. 7, Maryborough Twp. located 1
mile south of Moorefield on County Road 10 &
go east 3 miles on the 6th con. or 11/2 miles
west of Drayton & 3 miles south & 1/4 mile east
Fri. April 26 - 12 Noon
' PROPERTY: Consists of 98 acres, 12 acres of
mixed bush, approx. 30,acres plowed crop land,
54 acres seeded to trefoil pasture mixture. Mun.
open ditch at back of property. Buildings consist.
of • red, .brick,2 storey house with kitchen cup-.
boards, largliving room, den, laundry,, 4- pc.
bath, 5 bedrooms upstairs, a large house nicely
decorated. Heated with forced air comb. wood &
oil .furnace (nearly new), Bain .is. 5, years .qld,
L-shaped with 100' x 40' beef barn insulated-'&
ventilated, storage barn joined to 40' x 40' & drive
shed 96' x 40'; truss frame structure covered
with green colored steel. Sharp buildings close 'to
road. Beef barn has cement 4' walls to steel.'Drill-
ed well with new last fall sub-merg. pump.
Severenced off the 'farms Bill's Country Me.ats
Abattoir on 1 1/2 acres of southeast corner, water
is supplied from farm, agreement would be ar-
TERMS ON PROPERTY: Selling subject to rea-
sonable reserve bid, 10% of total price will be
paid cash or cheque sale day, balance in 60 days
or poss. of land only can be arranged for seeding.
A transferable 3 year mortgage if approved for
$103,000 dollars at 11'/2%. If interested about
mortgage or Inspection of property, please phone
Bill at 638-2727. Property will be offered for sale
at approx. 1:30 p.m.
CATTLE: 33 open beef heifers, Hereford cros.s-
ed, western calves last fall, good quality, wintered
well, 650-800 'lbs.; 2 open Holstein heifers ap-
prox. 600 lbs.; 2 Hereford springer heifers.
•SHEEP: 1.0 young ewes due to lamb sale time to
June; 14 ewes due to Iamb .Sept. - Oct.; 1 ram
(New Zealand); Ewes are Dorset & Dorset x Suf-
HORSE: Palomino mare, riding horse, broke well;
Western full size saddle. •
MACHINERY: MF 275 diesel tractor, double re-
motes, '1400 hours, 68 h.p.; MF quick -tach in-
dustrial loader on same tractor, can 19e sold separ-
ate; Fardson Major diesel tractor, good rubber,
50 h.p. (work horse); MF 4 furrow 3 pt.h. plow,
12" bottoms trip beam; New Holland 9' haybine;
New Holland 518 power. spreader with top
beater; New Holland 273 haybine baler with super
sweep pickup. Gyro 4' grass chopper; zero graz-
ing feeder rack on H.D. wagon; 2 farm wagons
with 16' flat racks; 36 plate double disc trail;; 3
pt.h.. 7' scraper blade; 7' single auger snow-
blower; 3 drum steel land roller; Kongskilde 91/2' 3
pt. h-cu(tivator, 2 wheel, wheel Take;' 22' pipe hay
elevator; 5 section harrows with stretcher; bale
stooker & stooker 'fork; 3, pt.h. fert. or grass seed
spreader p.t.o.; wagon with small flat rack; cedar
posts; Ford '3000 p.t.o. pulley; belt drive 10"
MISC.: Pony jogging cart; pony harness; ' 4 wheel
pony wagon; band saw with motor; root pulper;
Surge milker pails (3); Surge milker pump with
pipe for 20 cows: new steel pig feeder; water
trough; used lumber; 80 Ib. milk cans; plus wagon
load of misc.
FEED: Approx. 1000 bales of square hay bales;
approx, 1000 square straw bales.
NOTE: This sale consists of good well kept
machinery and cattle, plus an excellent farm. So .
plan to attend.
SALE ORDER: Starting with wagon load of misc. c)
at 12 noon. Property at 1:30 p.m. Machinery at 2
p.m., followed with feed & livestock.
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents
-or loss of property' sale day.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper 1.. D. -sale day.
Lunch booth available.
Bili Steenhuis - 638-2727
- Auctioneers: •
BOB GILMORE - 291-3489
DOUG GILMORE - 291-3421.